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Hampsterdance Discussion Board


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Everything posted by Mushroom_king

  1. Granted, but then you would spell everything wrong...oops, too late. I wish there were more people as awesome as me.
  2. ...Playing Video Games...running around the house for no reason...
  3. Whaddaya mean this topic isn't pinned anymore? I was gonna put all my complaining here!
  4. Brushing my teeth for about the 6th time today. I ate a pretzel before that.
  5. Congratulations! I wish I got B's in Science. I like Science but the Class is boooring. <___< I might take Biology next year though. I'm not allowed to take it this year because I have to take SCIENCE INTRODUCTION!!! first. Anyway, Congratulations again.
  6. I'll write some 'Happy' news stories, though I don't know where to get any happy news stories. I've only seen one or two happy news stories in my life.
  8. Herro der! {(: You should consider reading my Invision story over in the Stories place here. It's awesome!
  9. Playing Strong Bad's cool game for attractive people. I only beat it because I cheated.
  10. CHEESIE!!! <3 <3 <3 I was worried! ...and stuff. YOU MUST TALK TO MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! P.S. Blue sweaters
  11. Granted, but then I would steal it before you got to eat it! >D I wish I was allowed to wear hats at school.
  12. well, I already know what Cheeseman, MW, and Arkky look like. I don't think I could make very good guesses for everyone else.
  13. I was at the Gas Station getting some Gum, and before that, I was eating, and before that, i was at the bookstore. Yay!
  14. The group was silent, with Aloysius in deep thought and Jakob, who was being restrained by Dawn and MK, was filled with Rage. Suddenly, the group stopped what they were doing when an unusually loud crack of thunder was heard. The rain fell even harder now. Jakob adjusted his hat and breathed a heavy sigh, but said nothing. Aloysius spoke up, breaking the long silence. "We can't just stand around fighting if we're going to face tomorrow with our lives." "Julia and Richard are, once again, all alone. Both of them are completely helpless. And there's a killer in the house. What are we going to do?!" said James, who sounded as though he was losing it. "I don't think there's anything we can do," said Cheesemaster. "The doors in this generic room are locked." "Are you kidding me?!" shouted MK. "The doors in this mansion are never, ever locked. This is that killer's doing. He's going after Julia and Richard!!" cried Jakob, who, like his brother, was losing control. "Calm down!!" shouted Cheesemaster. "Can't we just bash down the doors?!" "Of course not!!" shouted Jakob, while at the same time, James shouted "Of course!" "I'd go with what James said. He's not mean." said Paper mario Master. Cheesemaster ignored him and thought for a moment. "Somehow, I feel that everyone is going to be fine." "WHAT?!" screamed Jakob. "Are you insane?! We're all going to die with that kind of attitude!!" Cheesemaster smirked. "You're going to get yourself killed with your attitude. You've come close to death multiple times today." Jakob said nothing, but he was clearly angry. He had been outsmarted, once again. Cheesemaster flipped his hair. "I say we're going to be alright. The killer has no intention to kill any of us." Jakob was about to say something, but then he stopped. "So you think your intuition is correct?" Cheesemaster nodded. "Smart-aleck...My family has better intuition then you'll ever have!!" James hit Jakob in the back of the head. "Shut up." Jakob swiftly turned around. "Not even my brother can talk to me like that!!!" James smirked. Jakob was speechless. "If we are indeed to make it through this predicament..." said James, looking at the rest of the group, "Then our guests will be forced to stay the night with us. And seeing as the doors are locked, we'll have to sleep in here." Jakob glared at him. "While there's no doubt that those imbeciles will have no problem sleeping on a couch or floor, I myself will NOT do anything of the sort." James slapped him. "Deal with it." Jakob rubbed his face. "FINE!" he shouted. A crack of thunder sounded at that moment, and another blackout ensued. Unknown footsteps were heard, and Jakob whispered, "Those are the steps I heard in the sitting room earlier!!" and he shouted, "Who are you?!" The steps stopped. A smooth, but vicious voice came from the darkness. "Who I am isn't important right now. The real question is...Have you learned your lesson, Jakob Rabbitt?" "How do you know my name?!" "Let's say you know me under a different name..." "How?!" "You all do. You all know me...under a different name..." "Who are you?!" repeated Jakob. "I said, that isn't important. I asked: have you learned your lesson, Jakob Rabbitt?" "If I said yes, will you leave us with our lives?!" "I promise I will not kill any of you. It is impossible for me to try. I hope this was a life lesson for you." "GET OUT!!!" And with that, the strange voice left, and the lights came back on. "Holy snap!" said Paper mario Master. "That was weird!" Jakob stared off into space. "I...it must have been me that made that person come here and scare us all. I didn't even ask if he killed Alice...it's no matter now. I guess you can all leave now. I need to sort my thoughts." "Looks like the doors are unlocked," said Aloysius, trying one of them. "Come on. Let's go." "I'm sorry for causing so much trouble!" said Dawn, crying. Aloysius patted her head. "It isn't your fault, my dear girl. I hope to see you again." ------------------------------------- Three days after the Rabbitt Manor incident, Arkcher, Aloysius, MK, Arkcher, and Cheesemaster were back in Hamsterdam at Planet Horatio, telling Kat, Glowurm, and Horatio about their adventure. "I'll bet you were shocked! SHOCKED!" shouted Kat. "Heck yes we were!" said PMM. "It sounded dangerous...and awesome!" said Kat. "Next time, bring me!" "Ok, then!" said Arkcher. Kat has joined your party! She has a claymore! She can also jig! In battle, she can use her claymore, or use Jell-O to imprison enemies!! "NO!!" said Glowurm. "Now I have to do everything here! Why do we have only two employees, anyway?" "Where are we going to go next?" asked Kat when the group left Planet Horatio. "Well," said MK, "We could go to the desert, the Mushroom Islands, Taynio and Mt. Lexx, The forest, or Outside the Wall. We could also go to Leguan and Adstar. But this is Aloysius's world tour. He decides where we have to go." "A desert sounds very interesting," said Aloysius, "But I'd like to visit the painter in the jungle as well." ----------------------------------- The group eventually decided to go visit the desert to the North, The Ahshirt Desert. That was where Hoops lived, and she had the honor of the local species naming the desert after her. As soon as the group landed, they all nearly fainted at the heat, even though it was expected. "My God, it's dreadful out here," muttered Aloysius, rolling up the sleeves of his shirt. "We'll need to find some water and shade!" Cheesemaster removed his sweater, revealing a white dress shirt underneath. "I have some. I came prepared! HA!!!" Arkcher unbuttoned his blazer and swung it over his shoulder. "Let's go find some of our friends." After a rather long and grueling walk, the group stumbled upon a large city in the middle of the desert. This city, which apparently doesn't have a name, was inhabited almost solely by Scarlies, Catgirls who specialize in Fire and Sand magic. Hoops was a Scarlie, too, so the residents named their previously unnamed desert after her. Anyway, Arkcher pointed to a building at the edge of town, farther away from the others, and was much bigger than the other houses. "That's Hoop's house. She'll take care of us." "Oh, Hi!" said a voice. It was a Scarlie who lived in the town; she was dressed in a beige blouse, red best, and black skirt. (Most Scarlies are female) "What are you guys doing here?" she said. Aloysius stepped forward. "We're here on a vacation. We were going to see Hoops." "Are you?!" said the Scarlie. "Oh, well, I guess you already know where to go? Then I'll let you be on your way!" "You're so nice, Miss. Thank you!" "And you're cute!" she said. Aloysius blushed and looked surprised. He still wasn't used to these women being all over him. "My name is Nova! I'll see you later, sweetie!!" "O-Oh, um...OK!" stammered Aloysius, and he nervously made his way to Hoop's house. The others giggled behind their hands and followed him. ---------------------------------- "Hi, guys! Did you follow me all the way here?" asked Hoops. "That's awesome! I've been looking for tough foes to Game against!" Cheesemaster laughed nervously and said, "Oh, uh, we didn't come here to play video games with you, you see, we're here to see..." As the conversation went on, Aloysius looked out the window, completely lost in his thoughts. It appeared he was staring off into space, but in reality, he was staring at someone. Outside the window, just a few feet away from Hoop's house, was a young woman with lengthy, yellow hair, and a dress that was unfitting for the weather, and the outfit was decorated with a giant sun on the front with a floor-length skirt underneath that had a flame/out space pattern. In her golden hair was a tiara. She had caught Aloysius's eye and he was unable to take his eyes off of her. The conversation in the background continued: "Well, you didn't need to ASK if you could stay here with me. I'm your friend! Of course you can!" "Oh, good. Well, could we get some drinks? We're thirsty..." Aloysius payed no mind to them, his entire brain focused on this strange woman outside. "And...hey, Aloysius, what are you looking at?" Aloysius snapped to reality and looked at Arkcher, who was standing over him. "What are you looking at?" he repeated. "O-Oh...nothing...there's a woman outside who caught my eye." Arkcher looked out for himself. "Oh, That's Solrai! She's a Sun elf, like you. That could be why." "She's very pretty..." whispered Aloysius. "What?" "Nothing. I didn't say anything..." "A'right! The rest of us are rested! Do you want to go explore the town or something?" "That sounds wonderful...." Said Aloysius dreamily. He sighed heavily. --------------------------------------- After leaving Hoop's house, The group once again had to decide what to do next. Kat raised her arm and put her hand in a fist. "I want to...I don't know what I want to do!" "Well, we could go explore some temples or something out in the desert. That might be cool." said MK. "That sounds kinda cool..." said Arkcher, who seemed tired already from the heat. Aloysius continued to be lost in his own mind, and Cheesemaster was silent, occasionally glancing at Aloysius, suspicious. Finally, Cheesemaster stretched his arms and said, "Old ruins sounds like fun! Let's go!" Aloysius folded his arms and looked at the sky, and sighed. He was choking up at the thought of the strange woman he had seen. He shook his head and shoved her off to the side. It was time to have fun with his son and his friends. -------------------------------------- After getting help from the town's tourist department and reaching one of the desert's many ancient Scarlie temples, the group started to explore. "The ruins are cooler then the desert outside," said Arkcher. "It's a good break!" Despite his enthusiasm, the group was silent for several hours into their adventure. The temple was eerily quiet, aside from the occasional rodent or insect scampering around. The entire place was eerily peaceful and silent. The entire group gasped loudly and the silence was interrupted when they heard a woman's scream from down a hallway. "What was that?!" gasped Cheesemaster. "Someone is in trouble!" said Kat, taking out her claymore. The group looked around the room they were in to see where the scream had come from. The room wasn't all that big, and there were three doorways, as well as some staircases. A slightly quieter scream erupted from one of the doorways, and Aloysius rushed in without any thought. "DAD!! Be careful!!" shouted Arkcher, and he rushed in as well, with MK, Kat, and Cheesemaster following. The next room of the temple was a rather boring room. The group found themselves on a raised platform, with a stone floor below. Large, crumbling statues of Scarlies adorned the walls along with paintings. "It came from here! I'm sure of it!" said Aloysius. He looked up and saw that the ceiling was either non-existent or extremely high. He jumped down to the lower area and continued to look up, when suddenly, another piercing scream came from above, and a few minutes later, Aloysius found a woman in his arms...the same woman he had been watching earlier! She was breathing heavily and looked scared. Aloysius looked at her, and stroked her hair out of her eyes. "Are...are you...alright?" She sighed heavily and looked at him with tired eyes. "I...I'm fine. I may have a bruise or two here or there, though." "If I hadn't caught you, you'd have more then a few bruises. But what are you doing here?" "I live here!" she said, tired. "I was in my room when a tile gave out and I fell!" She looked over at the others on the upper platform. "Oh, it's you all...what brings you here?" Arkcher jumped down to the lower platform. "We were exploring. Are you okay?" "I...oh, no! I may have broke something..." A sad look fell on Aloysius's face. "Oh...I'm so sorry!" "It's not your fault. You don't need to be sorry." "What did you break?!" asked Aloysius. He sounded concerned. "I think I may have broke part of my leg. Could someone get a doctor from the town?" "We'll go!" said Kat. "Aloysius, you stay here!" Aloysius swallowed and nodded. "I will. I'll take care of her." He sat her down on the floor and sat next to her. He looked at her dreamily, and said, "So...my name is Aloysius. Aloysius Ahrroww. You're Solrai, aren't you?" "yes...I'm assuming the kids told you?" "Yes." There was a long silence between them, with Aloysius staring at her, and she stared off into space. Suddenly, as if things couldn't get worse, a large crack was heard, and the temple began to shake. Aloysius wrapped his arms around Solrai and grabbed her, and stood up. Several rocks fell in front of him, and he moved away just as a large rock fell down, and medium-and small-sized rocks kept falling. A large boulder fell in front of the room's entrance, trapping Solrai and Aloysius, and the two of them became extremely frightened. "We're trapped, Aloysius!" she said, and she began to cry. "We're trapped here!!" She put her head on his shoulder and began to sob, and he wrapped his arms around her. "It's OK. We'll be fine." Solrai gasped suddenly and lifted her head up and looked at him. "What am I doing?! I barely know you and I am already using your shoulder to cry on..." "It's fine. It is. I don't mind." he said quickly. "Hmm?" he said, quietly. "W-what's wrong?" "N-nothing." I feel so strange... thought Aloysius, My heart is beating so fast, and I feel so good inside... "Aloysius, you seem very troubled." said Solrai, looking at him. "I'm fine. I really am. But since the others will be delayed, we need to put a cast on you." Solrai gasped and put her hand to her chest. "You want to put a cast on my leg??" Aloysius looked at her...she WAS wearing a dress. "I didn't say I would. I said we need to. It wouldn't be proper for me to do it myself." "Well, what do you have to wrap it up with?" Aloysius thought for a moment, and looked around. Then he spotted something. "It looks like there's fabric on these statues," he said. "It's probably not very sanitary, however..." "I'll use it, anyhow," said Solrai. Aloysius sighed a heavy sigh. "But wouldn't it be disrespectful to remove them from the statues?" "Don't worry about it," said Solrai. Aloysius seemed unsure, but he had the uncontrollable urge to protect her, so he obliged. He removed the fabrics from the statues and handed them to Solrai. "Um..." she said, and she looked at the ground. "I have no idea how to wrap a cast! Do you?" Aloysius smiled and giggled nervously. "I do, in fact. I have several degrees in medicine and doctoring." He showed an example using her arm, and then told her to do it herself. She blushed and said, "Oh, Aloysius...I don't think I could remember..." "Are you asking me to do it for you?!" Solrai looked at the ground and said nothing. "I..take that...as a yes?!" Solrai swung her head around. "Y-Yes," she said. Aloysius gasped and blushed. "S-Solrai, I told you, it wouldn't be proper for me to do that! But I shall do it anyway...I...I have this sense of duty that I must protect you." "Aloysius, if you don't want to do it, then I won't force you too." Aloysius put his hand on her shoulder. "Do whatever you want. I don't care as long as you're OK, my dear girl." A surprised look fell on Aloysius as soon as he realized what he had just said. Solrai said nothing, she simply nodded. A short while later, after wrapping her leg in the stolen fabric, the two wondered what time it was, for they both felt extremely tired. Aloysius stretched his arms and said, "It's probably best that we both go to sleep." Solrai giggled nervously. "I'm stuck for the night in a dark temple with a man I barely know, and I have a broken leg! I couldn't be in a worse situation." "You could be," said Aloysius. "You could be stuck in a dark temple, with a broken leg, with a man who would actually be inclined to hurt you." He sighed heavily and said, "I would never hurt you, Solrai. Good night." -------------------------------------------- Cheesemaster, MK, Kat, Arkcher, and the village doctor were at the entrance to the room where Aloysius and Solrai were trapped, and were distraught upon finding that they couldn't open the door. "Argh!!" muttered Kat, who despite her efforts was unable to cut the door open with her claymore. "This is bad!!" Arkcher leaned against the wall with a desperate look on his face. "Dad...I hope you're OK..." The doctor, a female scarlie by the name of Pepper, suddenly interrupted. "As far as I know, there's only one other entrance into that room. It'll take a walk around this entire temple to get there, though. There's all kinds of puzzles you gotta solve to open the secret door." "Then let's get moving!" said MK. "I'm pretty good at most puzzles." "This way, then." said Pepper. She lead the group down some stairs into a basement area. She opened up a door and the room they walked into had several staircases with symbols on the sides, and several switches. "I assume that switches match certain staircases, and we press the switches and those stairs move?" "That's right," said Pepper. "Sounds simple enough," said MK. "For now it is. Later on things get more confusing." "What do you mean, Pepper?" "You'll see." "What's that supposed to mean?" Pepper said nothing. "Speak, throwaway generic character!!" said Paper Mario Master. "What's the point of these stairs anyway?! How is it gonna help us get to Aloysius and Solrai??" Pepper sighed. "You are really impatient!" she huffed. "Well, if you want, we could use some magic or something on the door and see if it knocks down." "That sounds like a plan!" said MK. The group backtracked to the door and examined it. "The door is made of stone, and stone is weak against Wood..." muttered Arkcher, studying it. "MK, don't you know some Wood magic or something?" "Just one, but it's Wood/Earth dual-type. I'm much more skilled with Sound. Well, stand back." MK concentrated for a moment. She shut her eyes and raised her arm in the air, the air around her started to brim with power, and her hair fluttered around. She spun around, stood for a moment, opened her eyes, and struck the ground as she yelled. "CALL....OF...THE EARTHBOUND!" as her hand reached the ground, a wave shot out in the form of a quake with a few plants and bones, and swiftly moved towards the door. Plants as well as strange monsters enveloped the door, causing little cracks in it. The door was smashed to pieces, but the aforementioned rock was still in the way. "OH MY GOD A GIANT ROCK!!" said Kat. "So that rock was blocking the path! We can't even see over it!!" "This is horrible!" said Pepper. Mk shook her head. "Ooh. That's a powerful spell. I don't think I can use it again to crack that boulder." "Don't worry about it," said Cheesemaster. "I'm sure your mind isn't used to using magic that isn't in your element." "Thanks, Cheesie. You're really nice." They grinned at each other and then looked at the stone. "I use Fire and Sand like most other Scarlies," said Pepper. "Solrai is capable of Magic, but she only knows Support Magic, so she can't break this rock, and I don't think Aloysius uses Magic, does he?" "Not that I know." said Arkcher. "What about you two?" she asked, looking at Kat and Cheesemaster. Cheesemaster shook his head. "No, I can't use any magic. I wish I could, though. It looks like fun to use." "Nope," said Kat. "And before you ask me, Nope, I spent all my brainpower on inventions." said Arkcher. "Ooh, ooh! Pick me!" said Paper Mario Master eagerly. "I know Technology magic!" "Do you want to try?" asked Pepper. "Sure," said PMM. "My magic comes from Video games!" PMM closed his eyes and outctretched his arms. It was the first time anyone had seen him in a dramatic pose. His bowl haircut fluttered around for a moment as he leaned his head back, concentrating. Then he snapped forward, put one leg in front of another (you'd think he was trying to do a dance or something ), clasped his hands, and outstretched them, then opened one into a palm. "Dot Stream!! I call upon you!" and with that, a series of black dots came out of nowhere, whooshed past him, and hit the boulder, causing sparks. The damage was minimal, so Pepper stepped in and shouted, "CRITICAL SANDSTORM!!" The rest of the group ducked as a sandstorm brewed in the tiny room. The boulder had chipped a bit, enough to look into the room, and it might be possible to move it. Pepper was about to mention how they could move the rock now, but they heard some whispers coming from the other room. "Aloysius, did you hear someone yelling from the other room? Do you think it's them?" "Perhaps...oh, it seems some of the boulder has chipped away. Maybe we can see in there?" "It's Aloysius and Solrai!" said MK. "DAD!!" yelled Arkcher. He leaned down and looked over the boulder. "Dad!! Are you and Solrai alright??" Aloysius leaned down and looked at Arkcher. "We're fine in here. Do you think you can push this rock out of the way yet?" "Perhaps. Let's try it." Arkcher stepped back and Aloysius started pushing the rock forward. It moved a little bit, but not much. He stopped for a breather, and then started pushing the stone again. It moved a little bit out of the way, and the process repeated until the entire group was reunited. Aloysius was tired and sweaty. "Aloysius...are you OK?" said Solrai, who was still in the other room with her broken leg. "Solrai!!" said Pepper. She rushed in and started to treat Solrai's leg right away. "Dad, I'm glad to see you're fine!!" "You too, son." The two hugged, and Kat screamed, "GROUP HUUUUG!!!" and she joined in. Cheesemaster and MK followed. PMM refused to join. Aloysius then backed away. "I must go see Solrai." "Dad..?" "I...don't know. I need to see her, I need to be there to see that she's alright." "Dad..." "Are you upset?" "No, no. You're just acting strange. That's all." "Oh." said Aloysius, upset. "Go, I don't mind. You go see Solrai." "Thank you, son. I'm glad you understand." Arkcher grinned as Aloysius ran off and went to see Solrai. "Looks like our adventure didn't go as planned," said Kat disappointed. "I wanted to hear if the legendary Loituma was here." The group was silent. "Whaaaaat?" "You guys never heard of the Legendary Loituma?" "What's a Loituma?" "Probably Illegal." "Well, in any case..." said Arkcher, "I...need to talk to my dad." "Why?" said Cheesemaster. "Are you mad because he's spending so much time with Solrai all of a sudden?" "Of course not!" "You liar," said Kat. "You're kind of jealous." "No, No. It's not that." PMM piped up. "Am I the only smart one here?" MK picked him up and put him on her shoulder. "What do you mean?" "I mean, am I the only one who realizes that Aloysius is in lo-" "I'm back!" said Aloysius, who was carrying Solrai. "It turns out her injury wasn't all that severe. I'm relieved at that news...I was so worried..." "Oh, that's wonderful! We were worried, too. If that's true, then why are you carrying her?" --------------------------------------------- "Well, dad, are you gonna come back to the town with us?" "Not yet. I'm going to escort Solrai back up to her room," said Aloysius. He let her down and helped her stand up. "You're totally not implying anything. Bye, dad! Hurry up, okay?" "I will." said Aloysius, and as soon as the others left, he looked at Solrai. "Could you show me the way to your room?" Solrai nodded and began walking slowly, with Aloysius walking right next to her. After walking up about 3 flights of stairs, Solrai clasped her hands and looked at Aloysius. "Why did you decided to come with me up to my room?" Aloysius smiled. "I wanted to make sure you were alright, and make sure none of the floor would fall away beneath you again." "I see," she said quietly. She looked at the ground and continued to walk, slightly faster this time. After a while, the pair found themselves very high up in the temple, and Solrai opened up a tall, skinny door. "This is my room," she said. Aloysius walked inside; there was a circular rug with a sun pattern on it, a large bed, a vanity, and a dresser, all in perfect contrast with the walls of the temple. There was one small window over on the Eastern side of the room, with some tiny curtains on it. Solrai walked over and opened the window, allowing a cool breeze in. She was silent for a moment, before swiftly turning around, and she quickly said, "You-You can stay a little longer if you like." Aloysius smiled softly and nodded. "If you want me to." He walked over and sat in a small chair that was next to her bed, while Solrai sat in front of her vanity, looking at herself in the mirror. They were silent for a moment, before Solrai looked at him and said, "I must repay you for being so kind to me." Aloysius giggled and said, "There's no need for that. My time with you is payment enough." Solrai gasped a slight bit and asked, "Well, what is that supposed to mean?" Aloysius looked out the window. "You're a very attractive woman." With that, she walked over and smacked him. "Is that the only reason you were willing to help me?!" "Of course not!" Solrai backed away from him and yelled, "I knew I couldn't ever trust a man ever again!!" Aloysius, upset, grabbed her shoulders. "Stay away from me!!" "Solrai, listen to me!" "What?!" Aloysius gazed into her eyes. "You musn't get so worked up about this. I didn't know who you were when caught you. I would have caught you even if you weren't so attractive." Solrai sniffled and began to cry. "I'm so sorry for lashing out at you! You should be the one getting mad at me..." "I'll never do that!" "...Because I'm being so awfully rude to you, and you were so kind to me, and you're willing to spend some time with me, and..." Her crying fit was interrupted by a stronger, but still soft wind coming through the window. As it blew onto her face, she shut her eyes, and opened them, and then looked up to see Aloysius, still grabbing her shoulders, looking down into her eyes. They were both very silent as Aloysius backed away from her and slowly put his hands behind his back. He looked away from her and tried to say something, but he couldn't seem to find any words to say to her. He suddenly smiled and looked at her. "I'm sorry." Solrai wiped her eyes and sniffled a little bit. "No, I'm sorry. I flew off the handle at you. I should be thanking you. Not only did you save my life, but you complimented me, something I rarely get." "I couldn't imagine why. You're very beautiful." "I don't believe that. There are much prettier women on Invision: The models at Hamster Chic, Commander Nightshade, Cheese Woman, Julia Rabbitt, they are all so much prettier then me." She looked at the floor. "You are the first man who has ever complimented me like that." Aloysius smiled and laughed to himself. "You seem very shy and self-loathing. Why?" Solrai clasped her hands and walked over to him. "I...don't know." Aloysius took a single step closer to her. "I could help you. We could spend some more time together. I could be like your counselor." Solrai looked up into his eyes. They were a lovely sky-blue color just like her own. Solrai sighed and looked away from him. "You're doing so much for me. There's no way I could repay you." "You don't need to repay me for anything." "Yes, but I feel the need to." "You musn't worry about it. As long as I can spend time with you and see you happy, I'll be alright." "T-Thank you. You care so much about me, don't you?" "Indeed, I do." The two shared a silent moment, and then Aloysius said, "I'm sure my son is waiting for me. I'll see you later, I hope." "W-Wait..." Aloysius turned around and looked at her. She ran over to him and hugged him. "Thank you, for all you've done for me." Aloysius simply stood there, feeling her breathe, completely lost in a fantasy, until he snapped back to reality. "You're welcome, Solrai. I will see you again, I promise." And with that, he left. After he did, Solrai looked at the floor and put her hand over her heart. "My heart is thumping so hard...Why is that?" Aloysius's face turned a deep red. He grinned and looked at the ground. "I...I felt like it. I after all, I helped her out while we were trapped, plus....Uh.." "You don't have a real reason, do you?" asked PMM. Aloysius said nothing. "Can't we just get going?" asked Solrai. Aloysius looked at her and smiled. PMM whispered to himself, "I was right, as always!" --------------------------------------- "Dad! What took you so long?" shouted Arkcher as his dad came into Hoop's house. "Oh, nothing. I ended up staying a little longer with Solrai." Aloysius blushed and scratched his head. "I-I think she's very beautiful. I enjoyed her company, and I plan to see her again tomorrow." "Huh?!" said Arkcher, surprised. "Why?" "She has such awful self-esteem, that I thought visiting her often would help her think higher of herself." "Of course!" said Cheesemaster. "You're always thinking of other people! I admire that!" "You do a good job of it yourself, my boy." "This...these...texts...are...words...stories..." said Kat. "Are you sure, Aloysius?" said MK. "I mean, we have a lot of Invision to see as of yet." "I know. But I...I..." He paused for a moment. "I feel the urge to help her. I feel it's my duty to help her out with this." "That's very sweet of you..." said Kat. It was the first time Aloysius had seen her say something serious the entire time he had known her. "Indeed," said MK, "That's very sweet of you." "It's nothing. I'm simply doing her a favor." said Aloysius. He smiled at them, but inside he was very nervous and confused; Solrai made him feel very happy and excited, something that he had not felt in years, and the sense he got, the sense of duty, was something very new to him. He planned to figure out why he was feeling this way once he saw Solrai again. ---------------------------------- "Solrai! Solrai, it's me, Aloysius. I came to see you again!" Aloysius was knocking on the door of Solrai's room a the top of the Scarlie temple the very next day. He was finally greeted by her; she was smiling, but her eyes were full of sadness. "I've been waiting for you. Thank you for coming." "I kept my promise," said Aloysius, grinning. Aloysius walked into the room and noticed that she had set out a small table in the center of the room, which had a sun pattern like the carpet did. There were two chairs on opposite sides of the table, and on top of the table were a few books and a sun-themed tea set." "Are we having tea today?" said Aloysius, delighted. "You did think of everything." Solrai looked at the ground and smiled. "I wasn't sure if you would like it. But you seem to be very glad. I'm happy I made it for today." Aloysius giggled softly and sat down in one of the chairs. Solrai sat down in a chair across from him and looked down. She seemed very shy. "Is something wrong?" asked Aloysius, leaning forward slightly. Solrai snapped her head up. "I...I'm very nervous." "There's no need to be." "I...I've never been treated this well by any man before...truly, so many have told me I'm pretty, but it was merely a way of getting my trust, and they never meant it...you see, I've been used so many times before, I ended up never trusting a man again...I hardly trusted Stewart when he came to take me here. It's why I live here in the Desert; it's mostly women here. I feel much more comfortable around them..." There was a long silence, and then Solrai looked at him, her eyes full of sorrow. "I'm so sorry, telling you all that. It's very embarrassing, I- Aloysius shushed her, leaned over, and put his hand on her shoulder. "It's perfectly fine. You musn't be so hard on yourself." "But I...I must be boring you with my boring stories...I have nothing interesting to tell you." "You aren't! You aren't." Solrai's hair completely obstructed her face as she looked at the ground in shame. She started to cry a little bit. "I'm so sorry!" "Please, Solrai, don't apologize to me. It makes me feel more upset then I need to be." He got up and walked over to her, and he wrapped his arms around her. "Solrai...please don't worry about how I feel. All that matters to me, is how you feel." Solrai looked at him. "You're so sweet, Aloysius...you care so much about me...no one has ever cared so much for me like you do." "No one? No one at all?" he said. "Funny, I find you to be a very interesting woman. I'd feel that people would flock for you." "D-Do you-?" "Your sole con is that you're shy and self-loathing. I...i believe more people would like you if you made a few personality adjustments." Solrai sniffled. "I'm sorry, Aloysius...I'm just so shy, and..." She paused, and then said, "Aloysius..you're so close to me." "I...I am?" "We're sharing a seat now." Aloysius looked and saw she was right; he had pushed her slightly over and was now next to her in the same seat." Aloysius was shocked and slightly embarrassed at this, but Solrai went on. "You have your arms around me and you're rocking me back and forth!" Aloysius yelped and jumped out of the seat. He was breathing heavily, and he sighed. "Aloysius..." He snapped his head up and looked at her. "Y-yes?" "You seem...to be attracted to me." "What are you talking about?!" "It's just...Nothing." Aloysius clasped his hands and looked at the ground. "I must admit, seeing you for the first time, I couldn't take my eyes off of you." "Eh?" "I...I felt so good in a way I hadn't felt in years." "Aloysius..." "Truly, though, I don't think it meant much." "Aloysius, could it be that you...possibly..." "Yes?" "...That you possible...Have a crush on me?" Aloysius was taken aback by her question. He had no idea how to respond to it; his internal mind and heart was yelling both YES and NO at him, and he had no idea what to say to it. Just as he was about to answer "Yes", a face appeared-it was the face of Lara, Lara Ahrroww...His wife. A woman whom, no matter how horribly she had treated him and Arkcher, he cared deeply for. Solrai, however... "Solrai-I-" "Are you trying to tell me Yes?" "Yes-No-I-" "I wouldn't mind either way." "I-I-I-I've only known you for hardly even three days, Solrai! You're already asking me this?" "Aloysius...please, just answer me." His mind continued to switch between yes and no. Whenever he flashed to YES, Lara's image seared into his mind, but when his brain flashed to NO, He knew it wasn't the truth. "Solrai..." "What is it?" He sighed and looked at the ground. "Yes. The answer is yes." (Again, there was a part I ended up removing entirely at that part due to the suggestive nature of it. It makes me think that I may not be able to put in Serafina is So Cute at all as a character; at least, not in the version I post here on HD.) ---------------------------------------- Aloysius's heart was about jump out of his chest, awaiting Solrai's response to his answer. She had been silent for at a few minutes, looking at the ground, when she suddenly looked up at him. "What was that? I don't think I heard you." Aloysius breathed a sigh of relief. "Nothing. Nothing important, at least," he lied, and he smiled nervously at her. "Alright. Just...please forget I ever asked you that question. I'm sure it wasn't at all needed in our conversation." Aloysius nodded. "I agree. It's not important." He was now mixed between being happy and being sad; he was happy she had not heard him, but also upset about it-but, he thought, there would be another chance to tell her, once he was more comfortable about it, and once he was sure of everything. Right now he was too mixed to make up his mind. Solrai gasped and said quickly, "Oh, Aloysius, look! You should be going to see your son now. I'm sure he's waiting for you." Aloysius breathed another sigh of relief that he was finally getting out of this awkward situation. "Ah, I see. Well, I hate to leave you, but I must. I'll see you again tomorrow?" Solrai nodded and clasped her hands. "Yes. I hope so, at least." "Well...I'll be seeing you, then!" He said, and he smiled happily at her, and shut the door. Solrai looked at the floor and sighed dreamily. She looked out the window and said, "I lied, Aloysius. I did indeed hear you answer my question." She sighed again and whispered something to herself. ----------------------------------- "DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD. Where were you?!" "You said you'd only be gone for half an hour..." "Does counseling really take that long?!" Aloysius sighed heavily. "I'm sorry I took so long." "Did something happen?" Aloysius said nothing for a moment. He wasn't sure if he should tell the kids about what had happened between him and Solrai-he decided against it. "We didn't pay very good attention to the time, that's all. I'll be meeting her againt tomorrow, as well." Paper mario Master suddenly spoke up. "What the Heck, man? You're taking up all our screen time! Or...page time. Anyway..." Aloysius leaned down to talk to PMM. "What is it?" PMM said nothing. He had his suspicions, but he needed to confirm them first. "It's nothin'." said PMM. Aloysius was surprised by his sudden non-sarcasm. Aloysius realized that he was not telling everything he knew. But he ignored it for now. That was a bad mistake. ------------------------------------- The next day, Aloysius was, once again, at Solrai's house. What did you expect? Solrai waved at him and greeted him. "It's wonderful to see you again!" "It's wonderful to see you again, as well, Solrai." Aloysius saw she had the table set up again. There wasn't anything on it, though. "Well, Solrai, what do you want to do today? Anything you want to talk to me about today?" "What do you mean?" "I volunteered to counsel you. You can talk to me about anything that might be troubling you." "I see. I remember now. Well, let's sit down." Solrai sat down in a seat across from Aloysius, like they had the day before. "What do you want to talk about today, Solrai?" "Well, is there anything you would like explained?" "You told me a day or two ago that you could never trust a man ever again. Did something happen to you?" Solrai thought for a moment before answering him. "It's nothing specific, really. I think I said something about it yesterday, or the day before. I've simply been used so many times before that I ended up spending all my time with women." "But you seem to be a loner. I doubt anyone comes here very often." "That's true. It's usually just people exploring...and even they don't come very often." "Then I guess it's refreshing for me to be coming here every day." "Indeed, it is." She paused for a moment. "You know, normally I wouldn't let anyone come visit me every day. For some reason...I trust you." Aloysius smiled softly. "That's good." Solrai sighed and said, a bit sadly, "I've simply lost my ability to trust people nowadays. You're the first person I've been able to fully trust in some time. I...I've simply never been treated this well by anyone ever before." Aloysius smiled. "That's odd-I've been treating everyone I meet like this for my entire life." "Oh, that's very sweet of you...always being nice to people. You're a good man, Aloysius; you truly are." She was quiet as she placed her hand on top of Aloysius's and smiled at him. "T-Thank you," he stuttered. He began to sweat and looked around swiftly. "It's...I-It's kind of hot in here..." "Oh?" "I-" The two of them looked into each other's eyes and were silent for a very long time. "I knew it!" whispered Paper Mario Master. He was just outside the window, spying on both of them. If you're wondering how he got all the way up there, I'm as confused as you. Aloysius choked for a moment and stammered, "Did you hear something?" He was sweating even harder now. It was clear he was nervous. Solrai took her hands off of Aloysius's (causing him to stop sweating) and looked around. "I don't think I did..." "J-Just me, then." PMM murmured to himself, "I've never seen Aloysius act this way before... "Well, Aloysius, It's been half an hour. You ought to be leaving." "Y-yes. I...I should." "Why are you so nervous?" she asked. Aloysius began to sweat again and tugged at his collar. "I..." "This isn't because of how I touched your hands, is it?" "N-No. Certainly not." "You're acting very suspicious. Well, I'll see you tomorrow." "As will I..." said Aloysius. Just as he was about to leave, he looked at her once more and said, "Thank...Thanks for trusting me." As the door closed, PMM somehow found himself back on the ground. "Suspicions confirmed!" and he ran back to Hoop's house. --------------------------------------- "Hi, dad. Nice to see you back here on time today." "Hi, Arkcher. How was your day so far?" "Pretty good. The weather wasn't that hot so we took a walk around town." PMM had already arrived there at the house and was looking at Aloysius suspiciously. Hoops then spoke up. "After that, we came home and cooled off with some video games!" Aloysius looked around and noticed Serafina was not there. What a shame. He's an interesting character. "Dad, is there a reason why you're sweating so hard? It's really not that hot out today." Cheesemaster looked at him, and examined him. "You're shaky, too. And you're blushing. What happened between you and Solrai?" "I-" "I get it now!" said PMM. "You're in love with Solrai!!"
  15. Mushroom_king


    Poasting? It's not a typo. He tends to talk like that a lot.
  16. I know. I went to a sweet 16 and someone gave the birthday girl a life-size cutout of him. ~Liz o_______________________________________________________________________o....... ................. I know. Crazy! (Although I wouldn't say no to a cutout of John Lennon...<3 ) ~Liz I wouldn't want a cutout of Joey, Syd, Keith, Jeff, or any other of my over 9,000 husbands...not even the ones like Joey that I think are hot. o_o I like pictures better. More portable. Pictures are good too.. ~Liz Plus you can make them into stickers or something. Ummm....sure, stickers, if you like. LOL I have John lennon buttons on my backpack. ~Liz F'real?! I have a Lennon button on one of my jackets. i also have a keychain of him. I also have an Elton button!
  17. There's a lot of photographers here who could definitely help out. Perhaps I could lend my writing talents to it? I don't really know what I'd write, though. I don't see movies often enough to write reviews, nor do I watch the news. Perhaps I could get a job writing music or video game reviews? I dunno. it sounds like a cool project.
  18. And to think you have been doing it wrong all this time. I know! It's insane! Do you think you will be able to change? I hope so!
  19. And to think you have been doing it wrong all this time. I know! It's insane!
  20. I know. I went to a sweet 16 and someone gave the birthday girl a life-size cutout of him. ~Liz o_______________________________________________________________________o....... ................. I know. Crazy! (Although I wouldn't say no to a cutout of John Lennon...<3 ) ~Liz I wouldn't want a cutout of Joey, Syd, Keith, Jeff, or any other of my over 9,000 husbands...not even the ones like Joey that I think are hot. o_o I like pictures better. More portable. Pictures are good too.. ~Liz Plus you can make them into stickers or something.
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