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Hampsterdance Discussion Board


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Everything posted by Mushroom_king

  1. I say do what is right and report it... I'm kinda leaning more toward that. Cheesus is right. If you try and talk with her, she will only be mad at you. Indeed so...A'ight. I'll stop by and do so after I'm done posting here. Aren't I good law-abiding citizen? Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to put someone in the meat grinder. be right back.
  2. Granted, but then all dogs would be stupid and they would never be able to learn a trick. I wish I was super tan, all year round. granted, but the tanning gives you cancer. I wish that I didn't find it so hard to dislike people, even when I rightfully should. Granted, but then you would LOVE EVERYONE!! and not in the awesome way. I wish my friends were in my classes. granted, but if you were to talk, you'd get flayed. Or filleted. Take your pick. I wish fat was good for you in large quantities. Granted, but it was so good that you would rapidly lose weight. I wish Best Buy had the Canon Rebel SXi in stock. (rapidly losing weight would be good for me, probably...) granted, but they cost way to much money. And were all broken. I wish I was healthy, to put it simply. Granted, but then I would have to put you back in the box. Do you want to go back in the box?! I wish I had a Chainsaw. Why? That's no one's business.
  3. I was doing awesome things. See, I came into contact with so many non-awesome people at school today, I needed to recharge my awesomeness via constructing additional pylons and downloading awesomeness from the internet.
  4. I say do what is right and report it... I'm kinda leaning more toward that.
  5. Granted, but then all dogs would be stupid and they would never be able to learn a trick. I wish I was super tan, all year round. granted, but the tanning gives you cancer. I wish that I didn't find it so hard to dislike people, even when I rightfully should. Granted, but then you would LOVE EVERYONE!! and not in the awesome way. I wish my friends were in my classes.
  6. That's okay. For all we know you could be by Burlington, Vermont or down in New York City. Werdddddddd, although Burlington is not near the Hudson. According to Google, it would take over a day to walk from Burlington, Vermont to the Hudson River. And we all know the accuracy of google for walking times. Google knows everything. It's like a God. In fact, Google IS a God.
  7. Do my homework. I GOT HOMEWORK ON THE FIRST DAY. The good news is that it involves drawing, something I like.
  8. Granted, but it gets only one mile per gallon of gas and has square tyres, one door and no roof. I wish that we could have birthday cake for every meal. Granted, but the cake would contain two pounds of Bhut Jolokia Chili Peppers. I wish I had that Scion now, and it got 30miles per gallon, had round tires, four doors, and a roof. Granted, but the car is in Japan and you have to travel there to pick it up and pay for it to be transported back to the USA. I wish that I could be in shape to do a triathlon, without all the hard work. Granted, but you would have to pay 17,423 dollars to enter. I wish all of my AP Bio work was done...well. Granted, your AP Bio work is complete, but it is all wrong and your teacher now makes you do five times the work and stay after school four three hours every day for the rest of the school year. I wish I could print up all the money I need so I could enter that triathlon. Granted, but FedEx would find out and fire you. Then you would sit on your bottom for 219 days until McDonalds finally calls and offers you a job, which you must accept. SCCCRRRREEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAMMMMMMMMSSSSSSSS!!!!!!! That would be my worst nightmare!!!!!!!!! I wish my room was more organized. Granted, but in the organization, all miscellaneous stuff it thrown into the mega-hyper-shredder and your room is minimal in all aspects. You are now living life like a monk. I wish that TBFOF would do my exercising for me today. I would totally love a minimal room. Bed, small dresser, and my TV on the wall. But instead, I have big furniture and loads of junk. Granted, but for every 100 calories I burned, you would gain a pound. I wish I had that minimalist room. Granted, but you will be living in the Alps with no electricity, no running water and - Kat - jigging around your room on orange jello. I wish that I could have horses with lots of land. Granted, but the horses would become zombies and rebel against you. I wish my school's layout wasn't so poorly designed.
  9. WHAAAAAAAATTTTTTTT school tomorrow??????? Not already. I am going to get some milk and cookies. No f'real. It's like, what happened to September? I'll be going to school.
  10. Sleeping. It's kind of refreshing not getting up at 10 AM.
  11. Granted, but it is tofu bacon which tastes like cardboard. I wish I would be able to take pictures from The Golden Gate Bridge and post them here later. Granted, but the Astronomy Domine would steal them and offer them as a sacrifice to the Great Muffin. I wish I had the guts to report one of my online friends for stealing art. Also, Canadian Bacon is not bacon and has no Canadians in it. I didn't know Canadians were inside Bacon. When I was in Quebec, I was told it was Canadian Bacon, but it was pure fat. Our study concludes that Canadians = Pure Fat. Another mystery solved. NEXT TIME: We unravel the secrets of Eskimo Pie! It's not pie and contains no eskimos!
  12. Keeping back on the topic, I've got a problem I guess would fit here. On an art site I go to, one of my friends has been taking paintings and claiming she made them. One of the paintings is a picture from Vladimir Kush, one of my favorite artists, so I recognized it right away and realized she had stolen it. I WANT to report her since she's been stealing pictures, but she's my friend and she's been upset about getting flames. I'm not entirely sure about what to do. I'm leaning more toward doing what's right and reporting the pictures as stolen. What do you guys think?
  13. Granted, but it is tofu bacon which tastes like cardboard. I wish I would be able to take pictures from The Golden Gate Bridge and post them here later. Granted, but the Astronomy Domine would steal them and offer them as a sacrifice to the Great Muffin. I wish I had the guts to report one of my online friends for stealing art. Also, Canadian Bacon is not bacon and has no Canadians in it.
  14. I was wishing I was in an airplane. I was also sleeping.
  15. Aloysius gasped and said nothing for a moment, when suddenly, he snapped back and said, "What kind of preposterous accusation are you making?!" "I was spying on you today!" "Th-That's not..." "You were like...sitting at this table with her, and holding hands, and you were all nervous and stuff." "W-Why were you spying on me?!" "I was bored, curious, and boredly curious. So I decided to take a peek." "That's-!" Kat butted in and said, "Aloysius, how long is this dumb counseling-type thing gonna go on for?! This place is getting boring. The lack of Jell-O is saddening me more and more." "I-" "You need to tell Solrai that you can't do this forever, and that you need to leave soon." said MK. "I can't do that! She needs me more then ever now. The way I acted today probably upset her." he sighed and looked off into space. "She must hate me now." Everyone was silent, and then gathered to comfort him. "We'll help you out. We'll come with you tomorrow!" "O-OK," said Aloysius, anxious. As promised, the group followed Aloysius to Solrai's room in the temple the next day. Aloysius knocked on the door and called out her name. She didn't answer. He called her name once again and knocked. "Sooooolraaaaai. Open the door sometime before I'm too old to play video games!" said PMM. "Maybe she went out somewhere?" suggested Kat. "No," said Aloysius, "She's not a very social person. She prefers to stay inside. What she does all day, I have no idea." PMM heaved and pushed down the door. Solrai was standing there, staring at the floor, her expression a mix of sadness, fear, and anger. "Solrai...?" said Aloysius quietly. He smiled and clasped his hands. She breathed in a soft way, but just heavy enough you could hear it. She walked over to Aloysius and said nothing. Cheesemaster thought for a moment, and whispered to his companions, "We should give them their alone time." "BUT-" said PMM, but he was interrupted. Aloysius heard the door click behind him. There was a very long silence between them, with Solrai looking at the floor, and Aloysius looking at her. The anger and fear in her expression melted away, the sadness taking over her mood. Her soft, blond hair, the exact same shade of yellow as Aloysius's own, fell over her melancholic eyes-eyes that were the same sky-blue shade as Aloysius's. He walked over, put one hand on her shoulder, and used the other to brush the hair out of her eyes. She gasped lightly, and looked up at him. She stared at him for a few moments and then plunged her head onto his chest, clutching his shirt, and he put his arms around her. The two stood there, simply feeling each other breathe, for many minutes. Solrai loosened her grip on his shirt and instead clutched his arms. She made a small whimpering sound, but still said nothing. Aloysius thought for a long time as he felt her breathe, and then said her name, softly. "Solrai." She didn't move her head, but her eyes looked up at him. She responded in an almost-whisper voice. "Yes?" Aloysius thought again. She asked him again, slightly louder, but still very quiet: "What is it?" "S-Solrai." "Yes?" she repeated. "Aloysius, we don't have all day!" said an angry voice from the other side of the door. Aloysius ignored it. "What is it, Aloysius?" she asked him once again. She showed no signs of getting impatient. "I love you." She gasped, and pulled his body closer to her own. She said nothing as Aloysius let go of her body and pulled himself away from her. "But I..." Solrai's eyes went from upset to sorrowful. "Yes?" "I....need to get going. I have a lot of this planet to see." his eyes began to water and he sniffled, but he refused to cry. "I...promise that I'll come back here when I'm done seeing everything." "I'll be so lonely without you, Aloysius." "Eh?" he asked. It sounded more like "Ah?" She looked into his eyes and caressed his face. "I love you, too." Aloysius gasped, but smiled at her. He nodded. "Aloysius!!" said a not-so-angry-but-still-impatient voice from the door. "I must go," he said quickly. "Aloysius!" She grabbed his arm as he was about to leave. He turned and looked at her. She caressed his face again and closed her eyes, but then withdrew her arm. "I...wish you good luck on your adventures." "Thank you." "Promise you will come back for me." "I promise." He opened the door, and left to face a bunch of impatient teenagers and one short person. Solrai sat down in her chair, and looked out the window. She then looked at the wall. She gasped and her mind suddenly showed the picture of a short, chubby brunette woman...Arkcher's mother, who she had seen at Arkcher's wedding a few years earlier. If she was Arkcher's mother, and Aloysius was Arkcher's father... Solrai felt very sick all of a sudden. ----------------------------------------- And now for something completely different! "What the heck were you doing in there?" asked the group in unison. "Um..." "Oh, you won't tell us. I see how it is." said MK. Cheesemaster was the only one who wasn't totally pissed. "Well, uh, let's go. Where do you think you want to go next, Aloysius?" "I heard there's a floating town here. I'd like to visit that." "That'd be Taynio. It's named after one of our Invisionists!" "But isn't also the Hamster word for 'Change'?" said Nerd Arkcher. "Yea. Coincidentally, a few Invisionist names were also Hamster words. Maybe that had to do with Stewart choosing them." "I still have no idea who this Stewart person is." "Well, dad..." "yes?" "We don't know much about him, either." Aloysius was surprised. "All we really know is that he arrived in our rooms uninvited and kidnapped us and took us here, to this place, which compared to Earth doesn't suck." said PMM. Kat continued. "After taking us here, he stayed for a little while and then left. He hasn't been heard from since." "Are you doing anything to find him?" "HamsterWeb, the nerdy one of the three leader hamster-types, is currently doing all he can to find him," explained Kat. "I see." said Aloysius. "I'm not sure why, but I feel that finding him is an utmost responsibility." The group was silent as they boarded the plane heading to Taynio. [HAY DOG LOVER. You debut next chapter. Do you remember all your lines?]
  16. Granted, every time it sees a fox with two tails hovering about, or large floating golden rings, or black-and-red clones of itself, it will see EVERYTHING as perfectly normal and be unentertaining. I wish my keychains would stop breaking. Granted, but then your vihjoe games and Computer would start breaking ALL THE TIME. I wish I didn't have to do those stupid digging games in Okami.
  17. Granted, but the MK wouldn't stand for me; rather, it would stand for Metaknight, and then he would pwn you with his sword. I wish I wasn't the only person on Earth who knew about Chad Vangaalen.
  18. Contemplating how awesome I am. I also took a walk.
  19. Granted, but then you would spell everything wrong...oops, too late. I wish there were more people as awesome as me. Granted, but everyone then everyone who was as awesome as you looked exactly like you, and no one would ever be able to find the original MK, you. I wish Amber would stop with her 'tude, yo. Granted, but then five other people you know would get the same attitude. I wish I wasn't broke, but I think I already wished it.
  20. On the short side. Brown hair with various streaks of who knows what. Green Eyes. On the thin side. Wow, a lot of people online think I'm Brunette. o_o I have blond hair. But I do get streaks of color a lot, like Pink and Blue. So you got that part right. Yay!
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