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Hampsterdance Discussion Board


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Everything posted by Mushroom_king

  1. Dvorak. McDonalds or Burger King? Mickey D's all the way, man. Call me crazy. Wheat bread or white bread? Wheat bread. Better for you, tastes better, and less prone to being soaked by jelly! XD indoors or outdoors? Depends on the weather, yo. If it's cold and freezing and snowy, I'll go outside XD But I really like being inside during a thunderstorm. So, uh, indoors. Superhero or Supervillian? (I prefer the latter.) I have to go with superheros. Butter or cream cheese? Butter goes better on steamed veggies. So, I have to say butter. Salt or no salt? Salt! popsicles or freeze pops? I thought they were the same thing? Uh, Popsicles. Yes or No? No. Spoiler or color change? That's tough... spoiler. Plain font or italic font? plain mint or cinnamon? Cinnamon! To go with your cookies... White milk or chocolate milk? Chocolate! satin or velvet? Velvet. Chromeo or Daft Punk? Chad Vangaalen Plastic or Cardboard Boxes? (I prefer Cardboard because they make better forts.)
  2. Granted, but now you remember everything! I wish that Cheesy would pick a cheese for his siggy. There are too many cheeses for me to choose from. Ahaha. He does pick a cheese, but it is a cheese that is called "whatever horatio wants it to be." It is a new cheese. I wish that I didn't need to study. I'll see if I can find that cheese. Granted, but now you are a combination of Einstein, Plato and all the geniuses combined into one and you have no time for fun. I wish that I could be paid for riding my motorcycle. Granted, but you are paid in lead bricks which you must eat? I wish I could have the combined knowledge of all geniuses. xD Granted, but now your brain is so enormous, you can't lift up your head anymore. I wish i had hair that was as awesome as Cheeseman's. But, if I did, then the combined awesome of my hair, rainbow suspenders, recycled shoes, trench coat, novelty Halloween glasses, and newsboy cap would probably destroy everything.
  3. Aloysius stared out the window, completely silent for the majority of the trip to Taynio; he was lost in his thoughts, which typically involved Solrai. He didn't understand why he was so attracted to her; they had very little in common, aside from looks and species. She was a shy, antisocial woman who got angry very easily. Aloysius, on the other hand, was outgoing and rarely got upset. The thought of Lara popped into his head, and he tried to shake her image away-it was impossible. The ring on his finger he had worn for years felt like a handcuff, keeping him from a possible relationship with Solrai. Most wouldn't be hasty about throwing away the ring, given the way Lara treated Aloysius; she was abusive and nasty to him, and had been even worse to Arkcher. She disliked him enough that she sent him to boarding school so she wouldn't deal with him anymore. Despite that, Aloysius felt that he still loved her a little bit, just a little bit, and he felt that the feeling would never leave him. All of a sudden, his mind was shook awake by the sight of a large, rainbow-colored, almost flower-shaped cloud. It was the most beautiful thing he had seen in a long time; he gasped in wonder at it, and his mind became perplexed with it. What kind of people or creatures live here? Why is it floating? among other questions. "It's prettyful, isn't it?!" said Kat, who was sitting next to him. He was sandwiched in between her and MK; Kat had stolen several pillows from the other passengers and had encased herself into her passenger seat. MK, on the other hand, was quietly listening to the in-flight radio, occasionally complaining about how it was getting boring and repetitive. By the way, if you're wondering how Aloysius saw out the window from the middle seat, I'm just as confused as you are. A voice rang over the speakers: "We're almost there! Be sure to place your trays into the...I'm sure you all know. We'll be landing soon." ---------------------------------------- The group walked out of the plane and into the Taynio Airport, a place teeming with Invisionists. The others probably knew them; Aloysius knew none of them. He felt very awkward as he got many curious glances; this was a planet where you knew everyone. And no one knew Aloysius. It wasn't common for a tourist to find Invision, as it is in such a tucked-away cranny of the Galaxy that few ever find it. A shame, really. "What's this?!" said Aloysius. The others looked around. "There's a dog here. I don't believe they're allowed in airports are they?" The others said nothing. Aloysius got on his knees and started scratching the dog's head. She was a Labrador Retriever with a purple collar; Aloysius examined the name tag. "Dog Lover...yeah..." he flipped it over to the other side. He looked behind him at Arkcher. "Is there a reason why Elton John's face is carved onto the back of this tag?" "Because I LOOOOOVE him!!" said the dog. Aloysius gasped and the teenagers giggled at him. "Oops, did I scare you?" she asked, concerned. "Uh, no! Just surprised. I should be used to the talking things by now..." "I'm Dog Lover! Welcome to Taynio!" "I-I see!" "Hi, Dog Lover," said the others, one after another. "Hi, everyone!" she said back. "Come on, let's go out onto the actual place! This airport isn't very interesting at all." ----------------------------------------- Once out into the actual city...place..of Tanyio, Aloysius was delighted to see how the ground was rainbow, but normal, green grass grew here and there as well. A normal thing paired with an odd thing-quite good. He looked ahead and saw what must be the city of Taynio; it looked like a town one would find in a different time period, as there were no large buildings. It appeared there were no social classes in this town, as every house was a medium size house. "This seems like a peaceful town, where everyone is equal to each other." "That is indeed what it is!" said Cheesemaster. "Even though Taynio is considered the king of the island, he lives in the same small house like everyone else does. There's only one building bigger then all the other ones-that's the Church that he built." Aloysius looked and saw there was indeed a building that was only slightly bigger then all the other ones. "It's not much bigger then the other houses," said Aloysius. "Taynio doesn't really believe in a big, fancy church here. He just wanted a smaller one." "You don't sound all that excited." "What are you talking about? Of course I'm excited." "No, you're not." "Am too." "Fine, then. I believe you for now." "Yay!" ---THE REST OF THIS CHAPTER DOES NOT EXIST---
  4. Dvorak. McDonalds or Burger King? Mickey D's all the way, man. Call me crazy. Wheat bread or white bread? Wheat bread. Better for you, tastes better, and less prone to being soaked by jelly! XD indoors or outdoors? Depends on the weather, yo. If it's cold and freezing and snowy, I'll go outside XD But I really like being inside during a thunderstorm. So, uh, indoors. Superhero or Supervillian? (I prefer the latter.) I have to go with superheros. Butter or cream cheese? Butter goes better on steamed veggies. So, I have to say butter. Salt or no salt? Salt! popsicles or freeze pops? I thought they were the same thing? Uh, Popsicles. Yes or No?
  5. Granted, but all the signatures contain miles of adverts and you have to suffer through all those first. I wish that my cold, which is trying to return, would go somewhere else. granted, but it went from your head to all of you. not a head cold, but an all over cold. I wish that friendship truly was forever. Granted, but then all your friends would die early, thus making it not really forever after all, thus defeating the purpose of the wish. I wish Sega would realize that Sonic is not their only franchise.
  6. Dvorak. McDonalds or Burger King? Mickey D's all the way, man. Call me crazy. Wheat bread or white bread? Wheat bread. Better for you, tastes better, and less prone to being soaked by jelly! XD indoors or outdoors? Depends on the weather, yo. If it's cold and freezing and snowy, I'll go outside XD But I really like being inside during a thunderstorm. So, uh, indoors. Superhero or Supervillian? (I prefer the latter.)
  7. You can disable signatures if you like... ~Liz I was about to say that
  8. Ooops... corrected. Granted... but now you live in an ice cream community, with ice cream buildings, ice cream furniture and ice cream everything. I wish that hamsters would take over the world. Granted, but the world would only be large enough for one hamster to be on. I wish was done with chapter 4 on my AP Bio, and all of the answers were correct. Granted, but you will have to instruct the class on all the questions and show how you came to get the correct answers. I wish that I was already in Ft. Lauderdale instead of having to deadhead. Granted, but ft. L will be 1000 degrees celsius and you will fry. I wish I was finished reading Pride & Prejudice already!!! Granter, but then you'd have nothing to read anymore. I wish I had enough Wii Points to get Mario RPG on my virtual console.
  9. He is cute and sexy and beautiful and wonderful and amazing. ~Liz
  10. Listening to Grandma moan and complain about stuff no one cares about and/or stuff that happened 30 years ago.
  11. Watching old cartoon intros. Why? Because I feel like it.
  12. Contemplating how awesome my Trench Coat is. That, and reading.
  13. Mr. Pac-Man. I dunno. I always liked him better. Hats or Coats? Coats. I have too much hair to warrant wearing a hat most of the time. XD packing or unpacking? Packing, deffffz. Mercedes or BMW? Sorry I missed this... BMW (Mercedes doesn't make motorcycles.) Now... toaster or microwave? Microwave, because I'm a lazy college student. burgers or hot dogs? Ewww, both are pretty nasty, but I say Hot dogs. I'll actually eat 'em. Cartoons or Live-Action?
  14. Yeah, it's cooool. I like the yellow and teal. ~Liz I just love his expression in the purple one. XD Speaking of funny Lennon expressions, I was looking through the booklet of my Lennon Legends CD, and there's one where he's talking or something and got his finger pointed to his head like he's thinking, an there's another where he's looking at some money in his hand. I like them both. XD
  15. Mr. Pac-Man. I dunno. I always liked him better. Hats or Coats?
  16. Dog Lover, I gotta say something. In the John Lennon picture in your siggy. I love the purple one. XD
  17. Wasting money on a sketchbook for art class because the one I have isn't good enough.
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