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Everything posted by Mushroom_king

  1. [Yay, violence!] Dawn lifted her head from the paper and looked at Cheesemaster. Tears streamed down her pale face. He had never seen her this upset. "Cheesie...how could you?!" "Dawn-" "I don't like it when people talk about my family behind my back!! Even if it was Jakob!!" "Dawn-!" "How'd you feel if I did that to you!" "Dawn, you know that isn't-" She continued sobbing. "You should have asked me before putting this in the paper! I wouldn't have cared about this getting printed if you had asked first!!" "How do you know it was my choice to print it?!" "You helped them get information! You should have asked me first before allowing them to print this!!" "Dawn, I'm sorry!" She wiped her eyes with her sleeves. "That isn't good enough!!" She ran off, but once she was a few feet away, she stopped, rolled up her paper, and threw it at Cheesemaster. "NEWSIE!!!!" she screamed, and she ran off. "Dawn..." Cheesemaster grumbled for a moment before bursting into tears as well. He ran off in the opposite direction, only to be stopped by none other then Cheese Woman. "Cheesie, it's so nice to-what's wrong?!" "I...the newspaper printed something about Dawn's family without her permission and she's upset. I...I feel...I feel like so horrible." He started crying again and Cheese Woman hugged him. "There, there. It'll be alright." she said, comforting him. "Dawn and her family must hate me even more than they already do...Oh, what does little Sterling think of me? She must think of me as a complete jerk. And I don't even want to know what Jakob thinks of me. Now he has a real reason to hate me." "Cheesie...it'll all be alright. Just don't worry so much about it." He wiped his eyes. "I guess you're right. The most I can do is go and apologize to her family. But I'm scared." "I'll go with you." "Would you really do that, Cheese Woman?" She nodded. Her eyes were full of compassion, and her smile was sincere. "Yes. Let's go." ----------------------------------- Cheesemaster was sweating up a storm when he knocked on the door of the Rabbitt Manor. "Oh, geez...I'm too nervous." Cheese Woman handed him a handkerchief and he wiped it over his face. He then took off his glasses and wiped down the bridge, as they kept slipping. "I don't know if I can do this." "You have to, Cheesie." she said sincerely. The door opened. He expected Jakob yelling at him, but it was James. He looked surprised, and then said, "Oh. It's you." Cheesemaster groaned. Hopefully James didn't hate him now, too. "I-I came to apologize." "To who? Julia and Dawn?" "No, to everyone. For what was in the paper." "It's not your fault." He looked up. "Eh?" "You have no control over what's printed in the paper." Cheesemaster breathed a sigh of relief. "You really think so?" "Yes. But..." "But what?" "I think it'd be suicide to come in here. Jakob is furious." Cheesemaster gulped. Just as he had thought. "James, who is at the door?" came the Prosecutor's voice. "Oh No!!" stammered Cheesemaster. His eyes grew wide with fear as Jakob's face appeared in the doorway. "What are you doing here?!" he shouted. He lunged for Cheesemaster's collar, but Cheese Woman wrapped her arms around him and pulled him away. "Stop!!" she cried, "Don't hurt him!!" "Jakob, it's not the boy's fault that the newspaper printed that about Julia," James said, restraining his brother from attacking Cheesemaster. "What are you even doing on my property, Boy?! I have reason to file a restraining order on you!!" "For what reason?!" shouted Cheesemaster, lunging out to attack him only to be grabbed by Cheese Woman. "Cheesie, this won't be solved by you two going at each other!!" He ignored her. "Can't you realize this ISN'T MY FAULT?!" "SHUT UP, NEWSIE!!!" "STOP CALLING ME THAT!!!!" "WHY DON'T YOU MAKE ME, YOU ENORMOUS BLOCK OF MOLD?!" "ARE YOU CALLING ME FAT?!" "I SURE AM!!" Cheesemaster roared and broke from Cheese Woman's grasp and tumbled onto Jakob, freeing him from Jame's grasp. Both their hats fell on the ground and the fight was on. James and Cheese Woman could only look on in horror, trying to get the two of them to stop. "You called me a Newsie and a block of mold, AND you called me Fat!!! I'M NOT FAT!!!" Jakob threw a punch that Cheesemaster dodged. "You deserve it for having allowed such a story about my wife to go through!!!" "I DID NOTHING THAT HAD TO DO WITH THAT STORY!!" Jakob continued throwing punches as the two exchanged vulgarities, until Jakob suddenly threw a punch that managed to hit Cheesemaster in...the eye. The force of the punch managed to break the lens of his glasses. His face suddenly went from one of boiling rage to one of blank confusion. The shards of glass tumbled out onto Jakob's chest. Cheesemaster loosened his grip on Jakob's coat. His mouth and eyes twitched. "Oh, no..." whispered Cheese Woman and James in unison. The look of rage finally returned to Cheesemaster's face. He clutched Jakob's throat and held it an inch from his own face. "AND ON TOP OF IT ALL, YOU BROKE MY GLASSES?!" A look of incredible fear was in Jakob's face. His eyes had grown wide. He had stupidly forgotten how angry the boy got when you broke his glasses, and once you had done so, you would have to be submitted to- "YOU'RE ASKING TO BE SUBMITTED TO MY BLIND RAGE!!!!" "Please, Cheesie!! Please, don't!!" He ignored her and withdrew his katana, and was about to strike Jakob, but she managed to lunge out and grab him before he did so. "Cheesie!!" she stammered. "Please, calm down!!!" Jakob picked up his hat, brushed dust off his clothes, and muttered a muffled "Hmph." James breathed a sigh of relief. "I'm so glad no one was injured." Jakob grunted a few times, and scowled at Cheesemaster. "This is, what, the 3rd time he's tried to kill me?!" "You tried to kill him, too!!" cried James. "Hmph. It was in self-defense." "So was I!!" said Cheesemaster. "It wasn't even my fault that they printed that story in the paper, yet you are blaming me!! You have problems, my good sir!" [lol @ Cheesemaster saying "Good sir".] [also lol at Cheesemaster owning Jakob for like the 3rd time. XD]
  2. <b>I went on a reading rampage for an hour and a half. I then played StarTropics. I then watched One Piece.</b> The physics in the room began to shift horribly. Sterling's laughter soon faded to moans. She grabbed her chest and fell to the ground. "Mr. Cheesemaster..." she looked up at him. "They're-They're talking to me again." "Who are?!" Sterling groaned and rolled over on the floor. The room, in a flash, was back to normal. "Sterling!!" "My...sister...Jul...Julia..." "What about Julia?!" "Julia...they...told me...please...go check on her..." "STERLING!!!" She rolled over again. "I'm ok. Just go check on my sister. Her...room is just...at the end of the corridor." ---------------------------------- Cheesemaster ran as quickly as he possibly could down the halls of the Rabbitt Manor, past the paintings of past Rabbitts, past the bleak, grey walls, until he reached the end of the corridor. He stopped to catch his breath, and then he flung open the enormous doors. He looked inside and saw Julia on the ground, with Jakob kneeling over her. Julia was twitching. She looked...she looked almost possessed. "Julia! JULIA!!! SPEAK TO ME!!!" Cheesemaster was shocked, as he had never seen Jakob display any emotion aside from anger, hate, shame, and jealousy. He had never been able to picture the man as being concerned for anyone else. "Jul...what are you doing here, Newsie?!" Cheesemaster lightly gasped, and explained, "Sterling told me to come here." "Well, go back to her!! I can deal with this on my own!!" Cheesemaster gasped again, but said nothing. "I told you to get out!!" "She's possessed," came a flat, unknown voice. It belonged to Dawn. She stepped into the room. Her eyes were obscured by her bangs, and she was frowning. "Excuse me?!" said Jakob. "Did you say Julia is possessed?!" Dawn nodded. Jakob got up. He slammed his cane on the floor, and glared at Dawn. "And would you care to explain how you know this, girl?" Dawn spoke slowly. "I can't explain it. I just know it." She rose her head. "Jakob...have you never noticed it before now?" Jakob gasped. "Noticed...noticed what?" "The way the spirits residing in this house have been possessing Julia as long as I can remember." "What kind of nonsense are you spouting, woman?!" "The way she flips between being outgoing to being cold and faraway." "I thought she suffered from, say, Multiple Personalities." mumbled Cheesemaster. He eyes grew wide and she pointed accusingly at him. "That...is the result of being a mere decoy for spirits!" "Isn't this part supposed to be my story?" mumbled Cheesemaster, turning around. "I'm outta here!" ------------------------------------ Three days had passed since the incident over at The Rabbitt Manor. Cheesemaster hadn't spoken with Dawn nor Sterling since then, and life had gone back to normal. It had been a long day, and Cheesemaster was using the money he had gathered throughout the day to buy a new stack of newspapers for the next day. He glanced at the headlines. Famous musician and Judge Toto goes out for a cup of coffee! shouted the headline. Boring. It'd been like that for a while now. He sighed. "I'll feel like an idiot shouting that tomorrow," he groaned, and then he sighed. Suddenly, a light went on. An idea had struck him. "I've got it! I've got a much better headline then this...and it's not even made-up, either, like I usually do!" And, without second thought of the consequences, Cheesemaster put his money away and sprinted towards the newspaper printing peoples. ------------------------------------ "Extra, extra! Read all about it! Miss Julia Rabbitt haunted and possessed by spirits of The Rabbitt Manor! And in unrelated news, Toto went out for a cup of coffee!" People crowded around Cheesemaster, trying to get their own copy of this new and interesting headline. There hadn't been such a sensational story ever since the news of TheBreakfastMonkey's arrival had been printed. Cheesemaster was proud of himself. Way to go, Cheesemaster-sama!</i> He thought to himself. <i>You really are a genius! Way to be in the right place at the right time to get a great new story! The newspapers had sold out within the span of an hour. Cheesemaster walked happily to go buy more papers, humming to himself, when he bumped into Dawn. Her eyes were red-rimmed as though she'd been crying. "Dawn?" She sniffled. Cheesemaster glanced and saw she was reading the paper; specifically, the article on her older sister. She wiped her eyes and murmured, "Cheesie..." "Oh, n...OH, NO!!! WHAT HAVE I DONE?!?!" [oh noes!] [i love how Cheesemaster refers to himself as "Great Cheesemaster" when he's thinking.] [What I don't like is how I portrayed him here. He seems really arrogant when he's not. D=]
  3. The next day, after having sold all but one newspaper, Cheesemaster decided to visit the Rabbitt manor to play with Sterling. He walked up the well-kept steps of the mansion and knocked on the door. He was greeted by Jakob Rabbitt's cold stare. "What is it?" "It's the Paper Boy. You got .500 H$?" "No. Please leave." "I'm sure .500H$ is as common as oxygen for you." "What are you trying to say?!" "I'm saying you have a lot of money on hand. I mean, there's a lawyer as well as a prosecutor in the household. That must bring in a lot of money." Jakob scowled at him again. "I told you to leave. Please don't make me use force." "I came to play with Sterling." Jakob growled, but reluctantly let him inside anyway. ---------------------------------- The Rabbitt manor had not changed one bit since Cheesemaster had last been there; it was still quiet and grey. He noticed something, however; in the room, there was a piano that had previously not been there before, and the tables were now covered in flowers. It was an improvement, but the house was still very sad to him. Cheesemaster walked into the dining room. The fireplace was lit, as the cold months were starting; he noticed a large Coat-Of-Arms over the fireplace. There was a long, diagonal tube that had a thorny vine spiraling around it. Above the line was a Rabbit, a Peach, and a stylized J; Below it was a dragon. "That's our Family crest!" said a voice from behind him; it was Dawn. Cheesemaster gasped and she laughed. "Sterling is waiting for you in her room." "About that..." said Jakob, "I'm not sure you're such a good influence on her." "What are you talking about?!" said Cheesemaster and Dawn simultaniously. "He's been a great influence on her! She hasn't been this happy since the day she was born!" "I don't want Sterling to be around the likes of you!!" he said, glaring at Cheesemaster. "What's wrong with me?!" "Oh for God's sake!!" yelled Jakob. "You're made of MOLD!!!" "DON'T CALL ME A MOLD!!" "Not only are you a mold, but you're a Newsie!!! You stand on the corner and shout the headlines and beg people for money!! It's awful, it really is!" The lights suddenly flickered. "Stop making fun of him," said a voice. It was Sterling. "Sterling..." "Mr. Cheesemaster...are you going to come play with me today?" "I-Of course I am, Sterling. I came just to play with you." "Sterling!!" said Jakob, "Are you sure you want to be around someone like that?!" "There's nothing wrong with him, Jakob." "S-Sterling..." "Come on, Mr. Cheesemaster." ------------------------------------ When they got up to Sterling's room, Cheesemaster noticed a Plushie of himself on the shelf-a doll that was sold at the Red Market. It really was a cute doll, with it's stitchy mouth and button eyes and lack of a nose. He noticed something wrong, though; the dolls sold at The Red Market still had his Blue Sweater. This doll had the brown blazer and his cap. "Julia made me a coat and hat for my Cheesemaster Dolly!" "That's cute! Do you play with it?" Cheesemaster was a bit scared. He hoped that Sterling didn't play with the toy in the same way she played with her favorite stuffed rabbit, and by play I mean cut off its head. "Oh, no. I don't play with my Cheesemaster dolly. Jakob doesn't let me. I begged him for months to buy it for me, and Dawn had to use her allowance to buy it for me." "That was nice of her." "Yep! I feel a lot better these days. I owe it to you." Her smile faded away. "No one ever plays with me very much. I usually play by myself, or with Dawn. No one comes to visit us. People were always scared by me. But you weren't! You played with me and you were nice to me! It made me so happy." Cheesemaster simply smiled. He couldn't really find any words. "Well, let's get started. You can put your coat and hat up." "No, I'll keep them on. I'm cold." "Alright. That's fine." The two sat down and Sterling reached into her toybox. She still had her disturbing toys, but she had also acquired some more, ahem, sane toys. She'd acquired some more plushies, and of course more rabbits. "Let's Play, Mister Cheesemaster!" She laughed and the Physics began to warp. Cheesemaster gasped and became extremely frightened.
  4. I wrote a story You'll appear in it soon
  5. My favorite Scottish Banana! Ye hath returned!
  6. The day after defeating the cookies, The Kat Mafia was celebrating their victory with Jigs and food from Planet Horatio, but the party was interrupted by....The Spy!! The whole group gasped. "We've been found out!" screamed Kat. "You set me up!" shouted MK. "You set me up! Paper Mario Master, tell 'em they set you up." "You're all under arrest for killing my box of cookies. Come with me." said The Spy. --------------------------------------- The group was being questioned at the Hamsterdam Polic Headquarters. Horatio was trying to appeal to The Spy, trying to get her to realize that the Kat Mafia did nothing wrong. It wasn't working as well as he wanted it to. "Please, The Spy, just let them go. They're just having fun." But The Spy was indifferent. Her stance was not changing. Cheesemaster smirked at the others. "I have an idea." He whipped off his Blue Sweater, put on a newsboy cap, got on the ground, and started talking in a barely understandable English accent. "Please, won't you let us go, Tha Spy?" He looked at her with big, sad eyes. She peered from underneath her sunglasses and sighed. "Well, you've convinced me. I'll let you kids go under one condition." Kat gasped. "Not community service!" The thought of such a thing made The Grim Hamster Lord cringe and shiver. He wouldn't be able to stand it. "No, no. I realize that degenerates such as yourselves can't stand such a thing. Rather, I will have to have you buy me boxes of Cookies for the next year. The group groaned, but hey. It was better than Community Service. "It was also better than this horrible ending!" muttered PMM. -FOOTAGE MISSING- Cheesemaster's story Cheesemaster hopped on his priceless Bicycle and made his way towards Planet Horatio, where he was meeting his friends that day, to show them something. He couldn't wait. Yea, right, priceless. The thing was completely worthless, but that was what made it awesome. The metal parts of it were painted yellow with a cheese pattern. It was a big prank his friends had played. Or, more realistically, PMM had. The bike had a rack for holding, say, a box of flowers, a basket and horn in front, a flag on the back, and no bike is complete without the worthless baseball card in the spokes. "Here we are," said Cheesemaster. He wondered what the rest of the group would think. Would they like it? What new and uncreative insult would PMM throw at him this time? He heaved, adjusted his glasses, chained his bike to the bike rack, and walked in. Not like anyone would steal his bike. The other Invisionists who were there glanced up at him, but didn't seem to care much. He walked over to a booth, where Aloysius, Arkcher, MK, and PMM were seated and Kat was standing up, taking orders. They turned and looked at him. "So, uh...What do you guys think of my new outfit?" They glanced him up, down, and up again. The familiar Blue Sweater they had all grown to know and make fun of was still there, but it was being overshadowed but a Brown Blazer, a Brown newsboy cap, brown knee-length shorts, brown knee-length socks, and black dress shoes. The other four blinked. "Um...Ok...?" said Arkcher. "It's the lovechild of Angus Young and Robert Plant!" sighed MK. (is that appropriate?) "This is perfect timing on my part. I was just about to go and get a newspaper to go with my breakfast." said Aloysius cheerfully. "'Allo, sihr! I'd loike sam moh Chocolate please!" mocked PMM. "Um...Thanks?" "Why the balls are you wearing that, anyhow?" "Well, you see, It appears I lost a bet with a certain Cheese Woman, and um...now I'm actually selling Newspapers on the corner back at the Port of Cheese. She told me I had to wear this." "I'm sorry." said PMM. "Aren't you going to join us?" "As much as I'd love to, I really do have to get back home. I have stuff to be doing." "Gee, that's rough." said Kat finally. "I had plans to steal your hat or something." "That's great. Look, I have to get going. Come visit me sometime, 'kay?" -------------------------------------------- Back in the Port of Cheese, Cheese Woman was all over Cheesemaster. "Ohhhhh, you are just tooooooo cuuuuuuuuuute in that outfit! I'm soooo glad I picked it out for you! Everyone will love you!!" Cheesemaster muffled something, but you couldn't make out what he said as he was busy being smothered by Cheese Woman's unnecessarily ruffly dress. She finally heaved and let go of him. "But You're busy so I'll let you go. But before I leave..." She tossed him .100 H$ (50 cents American money.), and grabbed a paper from him. She looked at him sympathetically and hugged him. "Have a good day, Cheesie." He looked at the money and put it in his pocket. She'd never acted so...calm before. But no matter. He had things to do. Before he knew it, hordes of people walked by. Some of them would buy a paper from him, some didn't, but all of a sudden... "Cheesie! Is that you? Nice outfit!" He turned to see Dawn, laughing and waving. Next to her was Sterling, her rabbit in hand. She was smiling for a change. Behind them was Jakob Rabbitt, who didn't look happy at all, and James, who was smiling at him. Dawn bounced on her toes and begged James for some money to buy a paper. James reached in his pocket and was about to hand over some money to her, but Jakob slapped his hand. He scowled and said something, but Cheesemaster couldn't hear what it was. James snapped back at him, shoved him, and handed Dawn the money. Dawn and Sterling ran over to him. "Hi, Cheesie!" "Hi, Dawn. Hi, Sterling! How are you today?" "I'm good, Mr. Cheesemaster. How are you? I see you're selling Papers now. Jakob doesn't seem to like it..." "I saw," he said, handing a paper to Dawn. "Hey, Cheesie?" "Yea?" "You wanna hang out sometime?" "Maybe. I'm really busy, but I think I can." "Ok! I'll see you later!" "Could you come over to play sometime?" asked Sterling. Cheesemaster grinned at her. "I hope so." "Bye, Cheesie!" When she got back over to the adults, Jakob scowled at her. "I don't see why you choose to hang out with someone like that." "There's nothing wrong with him!" said Dawn, upset. "You mean, aside from his being made of Mold?" "Don't call him that!" "Why not? It's true. Cheese is nothing but a mold." "Shut up!" "Hmph," he muttered. James scolded him, as always, and they moved on.
  7. I can't see or hear you, so I wouldn't know. But I am wondering why your mother would say this. Is she joking? TO BE PERFECTLY HONEST I DON'T KNOW but i'm sure she was joking
  8. Beardo's mom says I look like Oliver. My mom says I sound like Oliver. You know, the orphan?
  10. GRRRRRRRR... he needs a frontal lobotomy. Did some say Frontal Lobotomy?! I do those! -grabs knife-
  11. I'm sorry to hear this, what happened? They're both acting cooler/more mature then they actually are, get angry about stupid things, date extremely stupid people, complain about stupid things, no longer funny, aaaand they've both completely forgotten all the awesome stuff we did in Middle School.
  12. It's official: Ghost and Turtle are NOT fun to hang out with anymore. Ninja, Beardo, Ice Climber, Vanilla, and JR are cooler then ever, though.
  14. Kat. Kat. I put the Mafia in mah storee. But Now I need more mafia stuff to put in there.
  15. The group sat calmly as the Kangaroo escaped. "I dubbed him 'The Get-Away Kangaroo'," said Kat. "Anyway, I have another plan. You know those Chips Ahoy commercials that are on TV with the singing cookies? They're really annoying and I don't want to eat the cookies so much as maul them. I've got connections to somebody that has a car with a sun roof and a Gatling gun. We're gonna need somebody to place a tracking device on the cookies' vehicle, somebody to drive the car while I man the gun, somebody to watch the target's course on a laptop in a hidden location and give is a signal when the cookies are somewhere secluded and I can take them down, and somebody to keep watch for the person on the laptop in case the fuzz figures us out. Any volunteers?" "I have a Magic Bus we could use," suggested Kat. "I call dibs on Da Gunner's Seat," said Cheesemaster, who suddenly appeared. "I like Shootin' da Cookies." "No, I'll be tha one bustin' the Caps. I'll set you up in Sniper Position should we need reinforcements. And MK, I already got da Transportation. A bus isn't Ninja enough. We wouldn't be able to sneak up on them." "I'd like to volunteer, but I glow, which might be a problem..." said Glowurm. Kat decided to spin around in her spinny chair of doom. "And also, yeah, we've got some collections to take care of. Namely the Geiko cavemen and all those stories on my computer that I haven't done anything with in years that are paying us to keep me from deleting them. Grim and Cheesey, get on that. I've got some business to take care of with this here counter corner that keeps stabbing me and hitting me in the elbow..." "So we have to get rid of both Cookies and Cavemen?" "Why not just get da Cookies and Cavemen to join Da Mafia?" "They're way to annoying/whiny to join the Mafia." Arkcher raised his hand. "I have an extremely good idea, boss!" The rest were silent. "Yeeess, Arkcher?" He took out a piece of paper and started drawing on it. "Here is an idea for getting rid of enemies. We draw some stick figures with AK-47's and fax them to our enemies. Da Stick Figures will know what to do." "But, uh, we don't have a Fax Machine." The plan was interrupted by Grim. "Uh, Boss, there's some people wanting Chinese food out there. Better go serve them." "Oh Noes! Dispatch the robots!" Grim did so and the plan continued. "Now! Arkcher, you get to Faxin'! The rest of us will get around to gettin' rid of dose Cookies!" "Yay!" ---------------------------------- That night, Kat, Cheesemaster, Arkcher, and MK readied their AK-47's and drove an incredibly small car over to the Cookie's hideout. Which was on Invision for some reason. "Alright," whispered Kat, "I've got my swordchucks and my Nunchuck gun, and my claymore. MK has her magic powers, and Cheesie has his sniper. Ready?" Kat aimed her Nunchuck gun at the window of the Cookie's hideout. Suddenly, the windows of the extremely small car (ESC) broke, and the cookies were inside the car! A war ensued! Kat was shocked! SHOCKED!!!!!! "Take this!" said a Cookie as he stuffed Cheesemaster's sniper full of Gummy Bears. "Hah! you activated its special ability! GUMMY CANNON!!!!! When loaded with gummy bears, it turns into an unstoppable force, casting ominous feelings of total domination over its targets as it totally annihilates the adversary!" "Oh No!" "TAKE THIS!" shouted MK as she unleashed a duel Sound-Technology spell with her sanity. "SOUND VOYAGE!!" "I WILL DESTROY THEM ALL WITH MY SPATULA!!" said Arkcher. "And mah special Archery skills! I call it..Arkchery!" "That's real creative," muttered Cheesemaster. And in the end the cookies got pwned. That was one mission that the Kat Mafia succeeded in. But they still had to get rid of the Cavemen and clear their record with The Spy!
  16. "What the balls is THIS mess?" thought MK as she gazed at the Pagoda that stood where Kat's house once did. Where Kat's headquarters (her house) had once stood was now an Asian Cuisine place called Fried Dragon Palace. "Well, I might as well go in and see what happened." She walked through the sliding doors and into the establishment. Standing at the counter was...Kat! "Kat! What happ-" "Shhhh. Come on in heeeeere." Kat grabbed MK's wrist and dragged her to the KatCave, a hidden underground chamber where Kat usually pretended to be a superhero with her sanity, Setsuna. She also held her secret meetings there. "What's going on? Why is this an Asian food place now?" "I'll explain later. During the meeting." "Alright, I believe you." said MK. ------------------------------- Kat and MK finally arrived at the meeting area. As they walked through the doors, A Fedora appeared over Kat's head. Sitting at the table was Hoops, Top_Banana, The Grim Hamster Lord, Toto, Arkcher, Glowurm, and Mega Wolf. They all had Fedoras on. Kat sat down and so did MK. "Boss!" said Grim. "We gotta start gettin' protection money for Da Kat Mafia!" Kat adjusted her Fedora, put her hands together in a formal fashion, and cleared her throat. "Welcome, everyone, to the 4Tst meeting of da Kat Mafia!" "Now, I sent you all a 30-Gig attachment about why this place is a Chinese Food Place now." "Thirty Gigs?!" said MK and Arkcher in unison. "No wonder our computer exploded into a firey ball visible from Space!!" "As the attachment said, The Spy found us out and she's on to us now! So I disguised us and now we have to serve Chinese food as well as do Mafia stuff." The group groaned. "Will we get payed?!" asked Toto impatiently. "Maybe." All of a sudden, the door opened. The group gasped, but then sighed in relief when they saw it was just the Australian Fox, Vixen. She wore a plaid skirt and black blouse, and had a large ribbon in her brown hair. "Oh, it's just you. What do you want?" "Uh, well, I just wanted to join your Mafia. I heard that I get free candy." "Oh, yes! Yea, you do get Free Candy. Let's just show you this kick-awesome intro video we made." "Uh, Kat..." said Toto. "Oh, yeah. We sold da intro video for protection money. And for Fedoras." After initiating Vixen into the mafia, Kat looked at her and said, "Where's the Five Dollars?" "Five Dollars? For what?" "The candy." "I thought it was free!" "No, it's not. Didn't you read the useless legal crap that no one reads?" "No!" Suddenly, the conversation ended when a Fedora materialized over Vixen's head. "Uh, anyway. On to business. MK, did your Fedora ever show up?" "Sure did, Boss." "I thought it might. I had a little talk with the elves that work in the fedora department. Isn't that right, Arkcher?" Arkcher nodded and whimpered. "Anyway! Back to business. Our Last Pancake Lunch was so successful, we raised enough money to pay for our next Pancake Lunch! "BREAKFAAAAAAST!" said Arkcher. "And now, Grim, please tell us Da Mafia News." Grim cleared his throat. "Da Mafia News; Da Triads have been encroachin' on our territroy. Da boss has organised a hit 'n run on da triad leader. I and anudder member will drive a Range Rover on top of a multi-storey car park and shoot da leader with a poison dart supplied by our contact in Venezuala. Dey will be expecting da South American conclave drug squad dropping off a batch of class A, but we will drive up and shoot da leader, before legging it. In addition we will be getting a bonus if we take him out and start a gang war between da Conclave thugs and da Triads. Apparently its good buissness for da armaments trade he does. Any volunteers?" "Assemble the Australian Mammals, Vixen!" said Kat. Vixen pulled out a big crate. "I got a big crate of Mammals right here! I brought it in case you might need it!" "Remember, we need to be secretive! The Spy is on to us, as I explained!" There was several mumblings among members about this matter, until Kat spoke up. "Now, in order to raise more funds so we ca extend the Pancake lunch into a Pancake and Waffles lunch, I'm making a contest: Whoever can design me the siffyest Fedora, WINS!!" "Uh...How will that raise funds?" "I dunno. Buying from art stores. Stealing. Stuff like that." "Speaking of which, Boss..." said Glow, "I think we should get Da Teen Silver Eye Fox into our Mafia. She's a real good thief and assassin. So she'd be awesome in it, too!" "Alright! Who wants to go seek out Da Teen Silver Eye Fox ad get her to join da Kat Mafia?" "Me!" said a voice. The group turned to see a White Hamster with large, green eyes, a White Trench Coat adorned with hearts, and white antennae. It was Hamster Lover. "Hamster Lover! I thought you were only available for a limited time! Plus, I still have to get you your award!" All of a sudden, a beam of Heavenly Light appeared and an Award descended down upon Hamster Lover. "Oooh, Special Effects." Arkcher interrupted the effects. "Hey, Boss! Since I'm in Da Mafia, can I go to the Women's Lingerie Department and tell the world I'm in Da Mafia?" "You could do that, but as I've said at least 3 times already, The Spy is onto us!" "Alright. I'll say it in an Arnold Swartzenegger voice when I do it. "You should do it in a Darth Vader voice," suggested Glowurm. Suddenly, a feral Kangaroo broke out of Vixen's Box of Mammals.
  17. "Well, it's about time! I would have visited this a long time ago if I knew about all the other crazy adventures I was going to have here!" said Aloysius as he ran towards the door. He knocked on the door, and was surprised when he heard several shouts from inside. "...no, please, don't do that! It's very fragile..." "But I have to have this for my news story!..." "No, please, stop it!..." "It appears we've come at a bad time," murmured Aloysius. Suddenly, the door flew open. A young man with a black sweater and a video camera in hand tumbled to the ground. A large Cheetah stood in the doorway. "I told you, please be more careful around my art!" and with that the door shut. Aloysius got on his knees over the person on the ground. "Say, are you alright? What happened?" The stranger opened his eyes and groaned. He looked at Aloysius for a moment, and within moments he was on his feet with his camera rolling. "Oh, Boy, it's someone I've never met before! That doesn't happen very often here! Tell us your name!" Aloysius was shocked, but he managed to get his name out. "You mean, the famous inventor?!" He took his camera down from his face and stared in awe at Aloysius. He then glomped him. "Aaaaaahhhh! This is soooooo much better then filming Cheetaspot's techniques! It's a universal Celebrity! I've only gotten to film celebrities who are know on a few planets, but you, my friend, are known EVERYWHERE!!!!" "I'm flattered," said Aloysius, "But who are you?!" "I didn't tell you my name?! That's awful! I usually say it first. I'm usually not this excited." He posed with his video camera. "My name is..." After his time on Invision, Aloysius expected something unusual for the name. "....Sean!!" Aloysius fell on the ground. He did NOT expect that. "But everyone just calls me "Wannabe Film Maker". I like that name better. It's very unusual!" That's more like it, thought Aloysius. "So, uh, WannabeFilmMaker...you like videotaping people?" "I sure do. I'm enrolled in an online art school. I wanted to videotape some of Cheetaspot's techniques because I really like her stuff!" "I came out here to see it. But I appear to have come at a bad time." "Oh, meeting her is hard. She's always busy. Plus she's probably angry or something at me." He turned and saw the rest of the group, who were angry at their lack of page time. "Oh, hi guys. Sorry, I didn't notice you. But anyhow!" He picked his camera back up and posed with it over his eye. "I want to interview you, Aloysius Apollo Ahrroww!" Aloysius nervously tugged at his collar. "Well, uh, you see, I'm-I'm very lenient on interviews. I'm always afraid I'll say something I'll regret. Um, is that thing rolling?!" "It sure is!" "Eh?!" he said, surprised. "Alright, cut it out!" said PMM, wearing a pair of shades. "That's enough!" He lurched into the camera and stopped the filming. "Awwww." said Wannabe Film Maker, disappointed. "Well, um...it looks like I won't be meeting Cheetaspot yet. But I have met you, and you're an interesting young man." WBFM blushed. "Am I now?! I never thought of myself as interesting. I have, however, filmed and interviewed several VERY interesting people here on Invision. They get posted on The Network!" "What's that?" "A cooler version of television." said MK. "Invisionists make stuff, it gets posted there. But it's not like normal TV. You can choose what you watch, so it's more like the internet." explained Kat. "Plus, the most awesome shows from all over the Universe air on it. Even the ones that got cancelled years ago!" "...And my stuff that I tape shows up there sometimes!" said WannabeFilmeMaker. Aloysius sighed. "Well...I guess I can just head home." "Leaving already?" said WBFM. "Oh....I guess I'll see you later, then. I hope you're ready next time!" ------------------------------------ After dropping Kat and Cheesemaster off at their respective homes, the other four headed back to Mount Jazzeh. "I didn't meet everyone on Invision, did I?" "Certainly not," said PMM. "Just a couple of 'em." "Well, hopefully, someday, I will know them all." And with that, their plane landed back on Mount Jazzeh, and the foursome headed for home. -END OF STORY ONE- [Wannabefilmmaker's debut. I probably got his personality wrong. Anyway, this is the end of the first story. I'll be starting Character Stories next. First up is Kat's story, and then Cheesemaster's Story.]
  18. ~Liz That was one of my brother's friend's catchphrases. AND NO ONE EVER POSTS IN MAH TAWPEEK SRSLY LIKE, EXCEPT ME AND HORATIO
  19. He is cute and sexy and beautiful and wonderful and amazing. ~Liz Who is that? ~Liz That's M. Bison. From Street Fighter. I'm still clueless... ~Liz Street Fighter. Video Game. Very popular among hardcore gamenerds. M. Bison. Character. Name is parody of Mike Tyson. That picture is from the Street Fighter cartoon. Ask anyone about it and they will mention the scene where M. Bison says "YES! YES!", ask them if they remember anything else from the cartoon and you'll be there for a while...
  20. [using my mom's new MACINTOSH LAPTOP COMPUTER!!!! Man this thing pwns Windows anyday.] The group woke up from a daze and found themselves on the edge of a large forest, which had an enormous, gray mountain behind it. "Whoa, what happened?" muttered PMM. "I feel like my head was just hit with a Writer's Block!" "Whatever it was, we're now stranded," said Aloysius, Behind them was the ocean. Some islands stood faintly in the distance, but they had no way of traversing the water. Cheesemaster pointed to the forest. "Maybe we could ask for some help. I know a nice lady named Kep who lives in the woods. She's sure to help us out." "And then I'll be able to go meet that wonderful artist who lives in the jungle!" said Aloysius. The group walked bravely into the woods, looking for Kep. ------------------------------------ "She ought to be around here somewhere," said Cheesemaster, looking around. "We'd better hurry up. It's getting dark." said Mushroom_king, who was walking next to Arkcher. "The forest is really scary at night." "You have nothing to worry about," said Aloysius. "Your friends will protect you, won't they?" He looked at the others. "My DS battery died!" said PMM. "Exiting the forest is super simple, all you do is follow these path turns..." sang Cheesemaster. "My hair is a mess..." whined Arkcher. "Aunt Ruthie, Aunt Ruthie! There's a floppy disk taped to my forehead!" said Kat. "Um, maybe not..." murmured Aloysius sighing miserably. His son sure had some strange friends. He didn't really mind, though; back at the boarding school he had attended, Arkcher had only two real friends, and they were both outcast by the rest of their peers. He recalled what rare conversations he had with his son, about how the other boys were put off by his intelligence. It seemed Arkcher still had strange, outcast friends. "Hey, Aloysius! Wake up!!" said PMM, slapping Aloysius out of thought. Aloysius re-focused his attention and gasped when he saw an incredibly beautiful woman standing right in front of him. She was tall and thin, with long, brown hair that had twigs woven into it. She wore a brown dress that had leaves and geometric shapes on it, as well as a slit showing one of her legs. Her outfit had a plunging neckline, and adorning her chest was a tattoo. Aloysius recognized the symbol as being the symbol for the Wood Element. She had a soft expression and kind eyes. Truly, she was incredible. "A-are you Kep?!" he stuttered, completely dumbfounded. He was extremely glad Solrai was not with him, for she would be beating him senseless by now. She nodded and said, "Yes, I am. You seem awful tense." Her voice was music to his ears-soft, not too deep, not too high, and calming. "Oh, I-It's nothing. I was just thinking about..." "The children here already explained everything to me." "FOR THE LAST TIME, LADY!!" screamed PMM, "I'M NOT A LITTLE KID AND I'M NOT SHORT! I'M CONCENTRATED AWESOMENESS!!!" Kep went on, ignoring him. "You're Arkcher's father, the great inventor. It's an honor to meet you." Aloysius nodded and stood up straight. "It's an honor to meet you, too." "You need a way to traverse across the ocean, do you? You want to go to the Mushroom Islands and meet Cheetaspot, and then return to Mount Jazzeh. Is that correct?" "That is correct." Kep sighed. "I want to help you, but I'm not able to. I can, however, lead you through the woods to Outside the Wall. I'm sure one of the people there can help you." PMM gasped, and Gamechamp, Liquid Ninja, and Setsuna (Arkcher, Cheesemaster, and Kat's sanities, respectively) all popped out, and the four shouted "WHAAAAAAAAAAAT?!?!" "There's really no other way for you to find any way to get to the mainland." "W-what's wrong? Is something wrong?!" PMM clutched his shirt collar and screamed, "Outside The Wall is home to the Phoenixonian Army! They're evil geniuses! They plan to rule the world! And worst of all, they steal Sanities! Like me!" "Here on Invision, stealing one's sanity is likened to stealing one's soul." explained Kep. "Oh my!" Cheesemaster spoke up. "Kep! Kep! I have an idea!" "Hm? What is it?" "I think we could somehow take some sanities and exchange them with the Phoenxian army for transportation AND for Sanity Insurance!" "But how are we going to do that? Besides, You'd only need to trade for transportation. I have some sanity protection gear you can have." "Why didn't you say so, BabeHoney?!" said PMM. "I have it because people frequently come here wishing to visit the Phoenixonian army. Well, it's usually Hamsterkig coming by here, because the leader of the Phoenixonian army works for the king. "Why would an evil genius work for the King?" "I wish I knew," said Kep. Images of the Phoenixonian army started to generate in Aloysius's mind. Were they Bird-People? Could they manipulate fire? Or perhaps, can they manipulate the power of birds? Why were they the Phoenixonian army? "Well, we ought to rest before heading out to the Mountain," said Cheesemaster. "It really isn't that hard of a climb, but we should still rest because it's dangerous." And they did. --------------------------------------------- The next morning, Kep had prepared the group a Vegetarian breakfast of...salad. Well, it's plenty abundant in the woods. The sun streaked through gaps in the trees as the group groggily woke and ate their breakfast (which they didn't exactly enjoy). Kep helped the sanities with their Sanity Protection Gear and led them through the enormous forest, until they found themselves on a gray hill. It was the beginning of Outside the Wall. "I'll see you all soon. Take care." said Kep. Aloysius stared at her as she left, and when she decided she was far enough away, he stuttered, "She's very lovely, isn't she?" The climb up Outside the Wall, as Cheesemaster had said, was not difficult; it wasn't a steep mountain. However, there was an air of eerieness that unnerved each of them, even PMM. Then again, he was nervous about being kidnapped. After walking for several hours, the group happened upon several houses. There was one extremely large one, Three medium-sized ones, and many small ones. "The big one is the base of operations. The three medium ones are the homes for the three leaders. The small ones are for the army's soldiers." explained MK. She knew a lot about Invision's topography, it seemed. "I'll handle this, OK?" said Kat, being serious for once. "I'm pretty good friends with Grim." "Who is Grim?" "The Grim Hamster Lord. The second-in-command of the army." "I see." Kat knocked on the door. "It's me, Kat!" The door creaked open. A narrow eye appeared. A deep, sinister, and slightly sarcastic voice (that had a slightly thick British accent) said, "Don?" "Yea, it's me. Kat." "Ok, Boss. Who's with you?" "The one with the suit, the one married to the one with the suit, the father of the one with the suit, and the one made of Cheese." "Oh, I see now. Come on in!" The door opened wider now, and Kat walked in. Aloysius looked nervously at the others, and followed her. The last three went in last. They all followed Kat down a large hallway. There were no paintings, which struck Aloysius as odd. One would think that a Army headquarters would have paintings of past generals and other important figures. There was no time to ponder this matter, however, as the group now found themselves in a large, cozy study area. There were many bookshelves filled with thick, leather bound books, some of which were in languages. An unusually large number of them were in Russian. There was an enormous fireplace with several large weapons on top. Front and center on the fireplace mantel was a large gun labeled "Sanity Stealer 5.9" that seemed very treasured and important. There was a red rug and may armchairs, and for some odd reason, there were gigantic perches, as if for a large bird. There were two of those. In the middle of the perches and armchairs was a glass-top coffee table that was enormous and covered with several books on politics, as well as newspapers. "Go ahead and sit down," said Kat. "The hosts will be here any minute." The other teens did so without hesitating, and Aloysius sat down, shakily. H wasn't sure what to expect. Did the Phoenixonian leaders have pet Phoenixes, and that was why they had giant perches? A normal human would tell himself, "No, of course not. Phoenixes do not exist." but Aloysius was an elf, and therefore was in no place to be saying that a creature did not exist. A rush of wind was heard down the hall and Aloysius turned. Just settling on the perches were two large birds, one red and one a light blue. Sitting in the sole leather Chair was a penguin. "What is going on here?!" shouted Aloysius. One did not normally see a Penguin sitting in an armchair, except in Children's books, but here was one sitting in front of him right now. The penguin spoke. It was clearly a woman, and she had a very thick British accent. "Who might you be?" "I-I'm Aloysius Ahrroww. I'm an inventor. Who are you?!" She lifted her wings up and shut her eyes. She looked rather graceful. "I am Sheena, leader of the Phoenixonian army!" "Yes. And who are they?" He pointed to the bird. The blue one spoke. Aloysius recognized his voice as the one Kat spoke with. "The Grim Hamster Lord. I'm Sheena's left-wing man." The red one spoke. Unlike Sheena and Grim, he had a Russian accent. Aloysius decided that that was the reason there were so many Russian books in the house. "I am Redwing The Phoenix. Apprentice of The Grim Hamster Lord." "And you three lead the Phoenixonian army?" "Yes. Back on Earth, we aspired to rule the world. We still want to rule the world, and plan to do it via stealing sanities!" Grim experimented this by raising his wings and throwing an energy beam at MK. No effect. "You put on those Sanity Protection Devices again, have you?" "YOU'LL NEVER HAVE ME!!!!" screamed PMM. --------------------------------- The Grim Hamster Lord heaved and put his wings down. "I guess I have no chance of taking your sanities." "Why are you here, anyhow?" asked Redwing. "Well," explained Kat, "Aloysius wants to go to The Mushroom Isles to go see Cheetaspot, and then he, Arkcher, and MK need to go home. As do me and Cheesie. So we were wondering if you could lend us a plane?" Grim and Redwing looked at Sheena. She thought for a moment. "We will let you borrow one of our planes for the low, low price of one Sanity." The group looked at each other. It had not crossed their minds that she would want a Sanity as payment. "Don't tell me you don't have any, now. You have four with you right now." "We can't give those to you! We need 'em!" said Cheesemaster. "Hold on," interrupted PMM. "I have something better." Sheena glared at the sanity. "And what is that?" "Back in Hamsterdam, at the Town Hall, there's a vast storage unit of spare sanities!" Redwing's eyes went wide open. Grim was suspicious. "How do we know you aren't trying to fool us?" "I saw the room with my own eyes!" Grim raised an eyebrow. "Eh? How?" "A rocket fell down a few days ago and three space travelers came out. Horatio had to get them sanities, and he got them from the spare sanity room!" Arkcher and MK were trying hard not to laugh. The Spare Sanity room did not exist; there was only a box of spare sanities at Town Hall. "Alright, them." said Sheena. "It's a deal. Now, how do we get into this room?" "I'll explain it to you." As he made an elaborate story about a fictional Spare Sanity Room, Grim and Redwing showed the rest of the group the way to the Airplanes. "Here is the plane you will borrow. I will be back within the next 24 hours to retrieve it." "Oh my God!!" exclaimed Aloysius when he saw the plane. It was a mint-condition 1940's airplane. "This...this is INCREDIBLE!!!" "You like it, I see." Aloysius nodded. "I really get to ride in this?!" "Yes." Aloysius gasped. "How is it in such good condition?!" "The Phoenixonians are a very sophisticated army. We take good care of all equipment and vehicles. We're just cool like that." Aloysius had a look of joy on his face, but said nothing. "Go on, climb in. I'll go retrieve your friend." "Don't try anything sneaky, Grim!!" scolded MK. "Don't try and kidnap him! He'll annoy you to no end!" "You tell me as if I didn't already know!!" ---------------------------------------- "So, uh...who the heck is gonna pilot this dang thing?" The group looked around after piling into the plane. None of them had any real flight knowledge. "I played Pilotwings!" exclaimed PMM. "And Microsoft Flight Simulator!" "Oh please, those won't help!" "Are you sure? Let me try, let me try!" The group reluctantly agreed to let him pilot the plane. "Don't wreck it, now," said Aloysius. "This thing is beautiful. And that Phoenix will throw a fit if you wreck it. I'm sure he's extremely proud of the army." "Oh, he and Sheena, they both are. They both take real good care of everything, as Grim already said." explained Cheesemaster. "You really do know a lot about this planet's residents, don't you?" said Aloysius. "That I do. I spent a lot of time researching when I first came here." The group was suddenly lurched off to the side. "Watch it!!" shouted Arkcher. "I'm way too awesome to die!!" "Sorry! I almost hit something!" said PMM sarcastically. He as enjoying himself. "There might be some slight turbulence up ahead!" he laughed, and he purposely swung the craft left and right. He looked out the window. "There's the Mushroom Isles!" "But there's nowhere to land except Hamsterdam." "Then let's do it!!" PMM lurched downward and prepared to land. ------------------------------- After landing, the group tumbled out of the plane, dazed. "Ugh..." muttered Kat. "I think I need to upchuck." Aloysius grabbed his head and laughed. "Ah, the plane is still in fine condition." "Look, we're gonna need someone like Horatio to take us back home. He's an excellent pilot." After a great deal of walking, the group stumbled upon the edge of the Mushroom jungle. Taynio floated above them, and the city was far off in the distance. "Well, let's go!" said MK. "I used to live here so I know where Cheetaspot is." MK and PMM lead the group into the thick, humid jungle. Arkcher took off his blazer and rolled up his sleeves, while Cheesemaster removed his sweater, and Kat took off her Trench Coat. As they walked, Arkcher playfully shoved MK and said, "Do you remember how we first met out here?" MK giggled as she remembered it. It was five years ago, when they had first come to Invision. MK had only lived there for about 3 months. "I'm going to fall!" MK said, frightened. She had climbed a large tree in the Mushroom Jungle and, like they do in most stories, a branch beneath her had broken. She had caught hold of the tree's wide trunk, but she was now slipping. She lost her grip and tumbled down, landing on something warm. She opened her eyes to see...a person! A person was beneath her. She gasped and quickly sat up. The strange person lifted his head, shook his hair, and looked up at her. MK gasped again, and realizing she had fallen on someone who was not of the same gender, she quickly got up. The stranger followed suite. He was wearing a white dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up, a black tie, gray slacks, and he had a black blazer in his hand. He took a compact mirror out of his breast pocket and examined himself. "Oh, NO!" he shouted. "What's wrong?!" said MK. "My hair! It's RUINED!!" MK raised an eyebrow. "Your...hair?" She looked and noticed he had beautiful, blond hair that was longer then any girl's hair she had ever seen. She thought he must be an elf, and her suspicions were confirmed when she saw his ears. But no matter. He was clearly upset. "Mah hair! MAH HAAAAAAIIIIIRRRR!" "I-I'm sorry! I-I know!" "What?" "There's a big waterfall by my house. You can wash your hair there." "I can?" "Yea!" He smiled at her. "That's awesome." The two then exchanged names and went off towards aforementioned waterfall." "I still don't understand why I had to wash my hair in the waterfall." "For fanservice, of course." said Cheesemaster. Arkcher scowled at him and was about to say something, but was interrupted by MK announcing, "We're here! Cheetaspot's studio." [did I portray Kat's personality realistically?]
  21. I BELIEVE I CAN FLY I BELIEVE I CAN TOUCH THA SKYYYY .________________________________________________.
  22. Actually, I don't think I feel like going to Homecoming. I have more important things to do. Like Procrastinate. Plus, that person who takes care of me says I can only go if my friends are, and only, what, two of them are going. XD
  23. He is cute and sexy and beautiful and wonderful and amazing. ~Liz Who is that? ~Liz That's M. Bison. From Street Fighter.
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