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Hampsterdance Discussion Board


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Everything posted by Mushroom_king

  1. Sweetly Awesome! By Rocket Man, do you mean the "Rocket Man - Number Ones" compilation that was released last year, or just the song Rocket Man? Enjoy them. I have over 35 albums of his on my iPod... I'll wait for you to catch up! ~Liz the album. I can't catch up on Elton right now. I gotta do that with Pink Floyd before I do anything. I want to get Animals as my next album. OK. Doesn't it have an awesome cover? As for the catching up....well, I'll cut you some slack. ~Liz I still have to ask my brother if there's a place where I can get perfectly legit[/u] songs for my iPod.
  2. Sweetly Awesome! By Rocket Man, do you mean the "Rocket Man - Number Ones" compilation that was released last year, or just the song Rocket Man? Enjoy them. I have over 35 albums of his on my iPod... I'll wait for you to catch up! ~Liz the album. I can't catch up on Elton right now. I gotta do that with Pink Floyd before I do anything. I want to get Animals as my next album.
  3. I LOVE YOU! For me it's "Gimme Gimme Gimme" (still ABBA) My mom has friends over to play cards and the requested music was ABBA Gold.... ~Liz yea, my mom told me a story at dinner about how my Uncle used to sing that song back in the day. so i listened to it on mah iPod.
  4. Because they're superficial high school girls? As a general rule, I've noticed that nicer guys tend to have fewer girlfriends, but the girlfriends they do get tend to be much better than the ones the jerks get. It's a matter of quality vs. quantity. Most of the nice guys I know only get pity dates, with the exception of Corbin. I haven't known him long enough to know his relationship status.
  5. These are the Elton John albums I have on my new iPod: -Goodbye Yellow Brick Road -Captain Fantastic -Love Songs -ROCKET MAAAN
  6. Why do girls at my school (and everywhere else) seem to only date jerks? My friends Beardo, Ninja, and Corbin are some of the nicest guys I know, but never have girlfriends. No. The girls are all over the hot, but rude and incredibly disrespectful guy. (I always think said hot guy is hideous, but that's just me.) Sometimes I really hate the other members of my gender.
  7. Oooh, Ooh! So is mine! I feel your pain!
  8. All my friends who supported McCain were pretty cool today. They were mad that Obama won, but they accepted it. Except this jerk who sits behind me in History. I counted: 7 instances of saying that he hopes Obama dies 5 instances of him saying how much he hates Obama and 12 of him saying Obama's a terrorist. People can have opinions, and at first I didn't care that he was voicing his opinion, but after a while it got very, very annoying. All the kids in the class, even the ones who also supported McCain, as well as the teacher, told him to shut up. I don't know. It just got on my nerves. On a lighter note, Jon Stewart has the same kind of Laptop as me! =D
  9. Dawn's story It has been 666 years since that day... 666, the number of The Beast. On that very day, both Alliances will rise up and seek their new leader... 666 years ago, The Dead Alliance was formed and sought Heaven, H---, and The Universe as well... 66 years ago, The Grey Evidence was formed and discovered, and The Freebird Alliance, the very opposite of The Dead Alliance, was formed...both alliances fought and sought destruction of The Other... But on this day, when the very Dawn rises, Both Alliances will come together under their new leader... With Wings spread, the New Commander's heart will be judged by it's deeds and one of the two alliances shall be given to them, and they will be charged with the task of fulfilling that Alliance's desires and destroying the other... No matter how it turned out, The Bloody Ripper will rise up, and it's awesome powers given to the Commander...and the Commander will be given the privilege of doing whatever they wish with those powers... Only Fate itself knows how this Day will come to pass and how The new Commander shall use their incredible powers... How shall this all turn out to be? It is all written in... The Monster Book! Dare To Dawn... Dare to Dawn. Dawn... Dawn... Dawn awoke from her nightmare. She had been having the same nightmare for the past month. At first she shrugged it off, but if video games had taught her anything, it was that recurring nightmares always meant something and demanded seriousness. The Dark, Threatening voice in the dream was always accompanied by images that seemed incredibly familiar: Monsters and Dragons. Much to her family's delight, Dawn was a talented artist. Much to their dismay, she seemed only intent on drawing monsters, faeries, and dragons. These same monsters were in the nightmares. Dawn half-smiled as she flipped through her sketchbook. Were these monsters she invented actually real? And if the nightmare was real, would she be controlling all these monsters? She giggled at the though. It made her excited. But she was still scared. "I'd love to be able to control and play with my cute little dragons!" The door suddenly cracked open. It was none other than Jakob Rabbitt. "Dawn, are you babbling about your silly Monsters again?" "Go away, Jakob!!" "Hmph," he said, and stuck his nose in the air. "I'd prefer you drew, say, real things." "Shut up! Dragons are real!" He laughed at her. "You really think so?!" Dawn gritted her teeth. "Vampires? Yes. Werewolves? Sure! Elves? Yep." "But there's a dragon on Invision right now! Have you never met Kyo?" She was referring to Kyo & Kun. Kyo was a large Dragon, and Kun was a plushie that was Kyo's best friend. The two were originally one person, but were split apart by magic powers. Jakob's mouth twitched. He'd been outsmarted. again. ----------------------------- Dawn had left her house and was walking into town. She was happy, but still slightly frightened by her strange dream. 'This Day'? When was that? Her birthday was coming up in a few days-she was scared that 'This day' referred to her Birthday. If it did, then it was only fitting. Her birthday was on Halloween, after all. Her Train of Thought as stopped suddenly when she heard the voice of her friend, Cheesemaster. He was standing on the street corner selling papers, as always. "Hi, Dawn!" "Oh, Hi, Cheesemaster." "You seem kind of down, Dawn. Is something wrong?" "Can we talk about it somewhere else?" "Oh," he said, sadly. "Uh, sure." --------------------------------- Dawn led Cheesemaster to the cemetery in town. They were mostly silent, until Dawn tried to strike up conversation. "Aren't the Fall colors pretty?" Cheesemaster looked around. "Yeah, I guess." The noise from the Port of Cheese slowly got quieter as the pair got nearer to the cemetery. "Is there a reason why it has to be all the way out at this scary place?" "I just think it would be fitting." "well, we're here. What did you want to tell me?" Dawn was silent for many moments. Her dress and hair blew in the wind, and then she looked up at Cheesemaster. "It's this dream I keep having," she explained to him. She told him the contents of her dream. Cheesemaster thought for a moment. "Huh...that's really weird. What exactly do you see in the dreams?" She blinked. "Huh?" "What do you see?" She thought for a moment. "Sometimes I see the monsters I draw. That's what I've been seeing for the whole month. But last night I only saw a Coffin with Blood seeping out of it. The entire thing is shaking, like someone is in there. The lid opens up, but I don't see who comes out of it. And somehow I feel it's mine." Cheesemaster said nothing. He didn't know what to say to that. There was a long silence. Orange, yellow, and red leaves fluttered in the wind, circling around the two. The silence seemed deafening, and it seemed it would swallow both of them. It was broad light out, but it was scarier then anything the two had experienced in their lives. Cheesemaster finally spoke up. "Dawn, why did you bring me here?" Her head snapped up, and she finally gave him a worried smile. "Oh. I just feel better talking here." Cheesemaster said nothing. He glanced over her, thinking for a reason why she'd be more comfortable here, and then he noticed her lack of a shadow." Dawn rubbed her hand over a tombstone. "I guess I feel more comfortable around dead people. After all..." she looked at him with sad, empty eyes. "I'm technically dead, too." Cheesemaster smiled at her. "O-Of course. I-I guess I know how you feel." "Whatever do you mean?" He opened his mouth to speak, but was stopped when Dawn slinked over to him. "I'm thirsty," she said, in a voice that sent chills up his spine. She walked over, and leaned over him. She clutched his throat with one hand and moved his head to one side. "Ow," he muttered. He wasn't scared; you'll find out why. He watched her fangs come out. Nothing else had changed but she instantly seemed much more frightening. She bit into his neck...nothing? "Um..." she mumbled, taking her mouth off of him. She examined him, and bit into a different section of his neck. Nothing. "Uh, Dawn?" "Hold on." She repeated the process. Again-nothing. "Cheesie, You've-" "I've got no blood." He pushed her off him. "I was about to say that." "Oh...So that's why you said you know how I feel." "Yeah. technically, I'm not really alive...You know what they say. I really am a-" 'MOLD!!!" shouted a voice. The two turned around suddenly and saw a steaming Jakob Rabbitt. "What was that, Dawn?! Were you just...?" The two of them jumped over the fence and walked over to Jakob. "Jakob, please don't act so upset, I-" He turned and looked at Cheesemaster. "What were you doing all the way out here with Dawn?!" "W-What?" "You're all the way out here, where there is not a soul around, with Dawn." Cheesemaster scowled at him. "What are you implying?!" Jakob folded his arms and looked at him menacingly. "You know what I'm implying." "You're out of your mind!" He turned to look at Dawn. "Do you think I was giving him a hickey or something?" "Maybe. After all, Common Sense implies that he's got no blood. Besides, you don't feed of people, I thought." Dawn scowled. "Well, that didn't cross my mind." "And you..." he clutched Cheesemaster by his collar. "If I ever see you around Dawn again, Newsie..." "HEY!!!" came another voice. This one was Cheese Woman. "LET GO OF MY CHEESIE!!!" Jakob threw him on the ground and turned to look at her. "Well if it isn't the block of mold's equally moldy girlfriend." "She's not my girlfriend.." muttered Cheesemaster, as he got back on his feet. Cheese Woman ran up to Jakob. Even though he was a foot taller than her, she tried to put up a fight. Jakob crossed his arms and looked down at her, standing still, as she jumped around yelling at him. Finally, he sighed and closed his eyes, and extended one of his arms, and pushed her down on her head. "Calm down, Moldy Girl." "DON'T EVER CALL ME OR CHEESIE A MOLD!" "Speaking of..." he turned and saw he and Dawn had run off. "Aren't you his girlfriend?" he smirked. "You'd better be seeing to it that he's not cheating on you with Dawn." She gasped and ran off. "Hmph," muttered Jakob. "That Dawn is an odd girl."
  10. You look a LOT like this girl who sits with me at lunch. I don't remember her name. But she has the same hair length, color, and style, same kinda facial structure and wears glasses too.
  11. The question is: If you were able to vote, would you vote for said person? maybe. I really don't know much about either candidate.
  12. So I went to said rally because I had a lack of better things to do. It was really awesome. Lots of good spirits and positivity around.
  13. How fantastic you got an iPod with 50 dollars on the iTunes! That is phenomenal!!!!! Sorry you forgot about the Hampster Christmas album. Yea, there's like 11 songs I really want on meh Ipod that I don't have on CD.
  14. Thar's an Obama rally tonight in my town. I'm thinking of going.
  15. OH CANADA. D: I got my iPod today and a 50$ iTunes card, spent the whole thing, and forgot about the Hampster Christmas album. I AM SAD PANDA!
  16. record like vinyl? If you check out Best Buy's website, new Elton product being promoted: Red Piano. They're releasing CD, DVD, and LP! And a few people I know from the EJ forum showed up on the DVD (they were at one of the Red Piano shows that was taped for the DVD) I'll have to get it soon... Maybe Christmas. ~Liz Record like CD.
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