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Hampsterdance Discussion Board


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Everything posted by Mushroom_king

  1. go ahead an unpin this, i don't think I'll ever finish this.
  2. Mr. Roboto-Styx YMCA-Village People AVGN 4Kids One Piece Rap-YouTube somehow all at the same time.
  3. So Dawn finished The Monster Book and went peacefully to sleep. And that night, the night before her Birthday, the night before all truth would come, her dream was very, very different. She saw a...woman, who looked much like herself. But she was taller, and looked older, with a more developed body, thick lips and dark eye makeup. Her dress was pitch black, with white ruffles, and a long, black coat. In her hand was a menacing staff; a black orb with two skeleton hands protruding from it, and coming from the bottom of the orb was a long blade with a swirling black vein of energy. And from her back were two enormous demon wings. She stood on a giant cliff, with the familiar monsters below the cliff moaning and roaring. But opposite her was a grass-covered cliff, where stood another Dawn. This Dawn, too, was older, but Her dress was Golden, with a Golden cape and enormous Angel's wings on her back. In her hand was another staff; It was two sticks of wood intertwined together, and one stick ended in a swirl, whilst the other ended and created three long spikes. In between was an orb of energy. Below the cliff there were Natural-Looking animals: bears, eagles, lions, and others. The two Dawns stepped forward and raised their staffs, and then... "Dawn. Dawn..." Dawn awoke from her dream. It was still dark out. She tried to go back to sleep, but she couldn't. She check the time. It was 11:50; only 10 minutes until Midnight. She got up and got dressed, and walked around to see if she could get sleepy. It was failing. She suddenly got a strong sense of thirst. She didn't want to risk waking any of the others up; if they woke up and found her drinking their blood, she'd be grounded for months! But ever since drinking Mushroom_king's blood, she'd craved the blood of humans over deer blood. She ignored it. But the urge got stronger and stronger. She'd never had such a craving for blood before. It was similar to when you or me needs a drink of water, but you ignore it because you have something to do. But soon it became uncontrollable. You or I have never had such a craving for water, unless you did not drink water for a couple days, and if you didn't drink for a couple days you'd probably die. She went outside to see if she could find some deer. But soon she found herself in a dark, unfamiliar area. The deafening silence was slowly but surely getting replaced by the moans of beasts. But for some reason, Dawn wasn't scared; she'd dreamed the dream of this day for so long she soon expected it. "Welcome...Dawn." said a creeping voice. And before her stood a gigantic, bony monster, with broken chains clanking on the ground, attacked to it's thin wrists. It had enormous claws soaked in Blood, it's eyes had been clawed out long ago, and it had enormous, razor-sharp teeth, also soaked in blood. Beside it was a monster that Dawn recognized as a Chimera-a lion with a Dragon's tail and a Goat's head coming out of it's back. But it was bigger than the Chimeras she had read about, and it had an eagle perched on it, and giant golden wings. The Chimera spoke, too; but it's voice was grand, deep, and heroic. "Welcome, Dawn." Dawn bowed to them both. The Chimera spoke again. "This is The Bloody Reaper. I am The Golden Chimera." "I am here for my test of Heart, I believe?" "That is true. You seem to have gotten our messages." Dawn nodded. "Well, we will put you through the Test of Heart. But I must warn you beforehand..." "I'm fine." "Alright, then. But don't say I didn't warn you, Dawn Rabbitt." ------------------------------- Dawn found herself in what she believed to be the first challenge of The Test of Heart. Dawn had guessed that the Tests would involve her sacrificing things for her friends. She was exactly right. She found herself, Vanilla Star Hamster, MK, and PMM on a sinking boat. There was only one life raft for them, and such a raft only fit 3 people. It was a small raft; no room to fit the 3 girls and PMM. Who was she going to sacrifice to escape? "Dawn, Help!!" yelled Vanilla. MK screamed and PMM was freaking out. "I can't die! I have yet to see Final Fantasy 9,001, Super Smash Sisters, Super Mario Time Travel..." Dawn didn't know what to do. She looked frantically at the one life raft available. One person would have to die to save the other three. But who? BUT WHO?! Dawn sighed. She knew what to do. "You three get on. I..." "Dawn?" A tear slid down her cheek. "I'm sorry. I simply can't come with you." "But Dawn..." "I love all three of you." The other three stared at her and began to cry as they boarded the raft, and floated away as Dawn sank and drowned in the ship. Dawn fell into another coma and began to dream. This sacrifice had her in the "Good" area right now. Only 3 challenges left.
  4. Oh no you don't, they'll all come back to me once they realise that THE QUEEN HAS RETURNED! I just plain rule. so do i. Not as much as me. I am TAWX. I'm so awesome, I'm the Mayor Of Awesometown. In fact, I'm also the Mayor or Radville, too. I'm so awesome, people have gone deaf from the sound of my awesome. (but depends if awesometude = rulitude.) I'm so awesome that I need therapy to help me relieve some of my awesometude. I suppose it depends whether it's literal ruling or "pwning" ruling. In which case they're entirely different ball games. I'm so awesome, not only do I have to go through therapy because of it, but everyone around me needs therapy. People over in Africa have needed therapy because of my awesome. Aliens have needed therapy because of my awesome! I'm so awesome, my awesome is bottled and sold and can be turned into miracle cures, or bombs stronger then the Nitrogen Bomb. I'm so awesome, that my awesome revives dead people. My awesome is what set off the Schroedinger's Cat paradox, not that stupid geiger counter. My awesome is also known under the name of The Theory of Relativity.
  5. Oh no you don't, they'll all come back to me once they realise that THE QUEEN HAS RETURNED! I just plain rule. so do i. Not as much as me. I am TAWX. I'm so awesome, I'm the Mayor Of Awesometown. In fact, I'm also the Mayor or Radville, too. I'm so awesome, people have gone deaf from the sound of my awesome. (but depends if awesometude = rulitude.)
  6. Oh no you don't, they'll all come back to me once they realise that THE QUEEN HAS RETURNED! I just plain rule. so do i.
  7. I found an icon online that I wanted to post here. I didn't eated it like I usually do though. I DON'T KNOW HOW TO DOWNLOAD PIKSHURES ON MAH MAC D:
  8. I'm sorry, but all said worship...things...were taken by my minions. They are worshipping The Great Muffin and his homies Smitus and Pwnamus Maximus, Pwnamus Maximus's lame little brother Failamus Taximus, Cheesus (not the user), and The Great Muffin's lady friends Otaco and Ramensas. So sorry. There's other Gods too, but they're not worth mentioning.
  9. Why is it that everyone I hire are the users who NEVER come on here?
  11. How to find bad pictures 1.Go to deviantART. 2. Search "newest" in "Anime/Manga" or "Photography" or "Fanart". 3. Have fun.
  12. Uh, and an update menu: Stuff we have: Breakfast-served all day. igpay atinlay reakfastbay:70.00H$ histay reakfastbay siay ademay ithway hetay inestfay aconbay. Holiday Breakfast: 70.00H$ The best thing to eat after your presents. It comes with Pancakes, Eggs, and other IHOP-style foods! We can get you any type of Breakfast food you wish. Main Course Platinum Moon award: 100.00H$ This Delicious Mashed potato meal is Very Shiny, and only made with the best Potatos! Gold Star award:100.00H$ This Star-shaped Bowl of Organic Annie's Macaroni and Cheese is Healthy and makes a Great snack or Dinner meal. Hoop's Story: 300.00H$ This Kid's Meal is a small versian of any other Planet horatio Main Course! You can also get the Hoop's Story that has a cheese Burger (or Hamburger or Chicken)and Fries(or apples). Comes with a Picture Book. Pesky Pelican Award: 200.05H$ This Meal has a side of Popcorn Shrimp and Yup-You guessed it-Pelican!!! Black Bat award:60.00H$ This meal comes in either A Vegatarien salad or a Delicious Roasted Black Bat. You Typo'd: 80.00H$ Oh No! You typo'd! This Yummy meal has Fresh Fish with Jell-o. Burning BuisnessMan:50.00H$ EARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This Super-spicy Chicken is one Of Mushroom_king's Favorites, and comes with Red Button cap Cookies. Eat at your Own risk! Blue Note Award: 50.00H$ This wonderful meal is not only nutrious, it is very good for strep throat and such. You'll be able to sing again after eating this Blue-Cheese Pizza with Pickles on the side. Spotted Gelert:50.00H$ Just the thing after a long day. This dinner has delicious eggs and goes great with your favourite drink. Brighton and Twila:100.00H$ A meal in two parts! The Brighton peice is a sun-shaped pizza for food. The Twila side is a salad-died all-blue! Glowurm Spaghetti: 50.00H$ This Spaghetti is 100% wurm-free and is made with a speciel kind of Glowing spaghetti. Webdings Soup: 40.00H$ This soup is really good and has Webding-shaped pasta floating around in it. Mmmm... Merry Christmas from HD: 100.00H$ The biggest thing ever offered from Planet Horatio! All the food you want for 100.00H$. Beverages Jig:80.00H$ Who knows what it'll taste like? This Drink is sure to wake you up! NOT FOR SALE TO PERSONS UNDER 21. Red Rose award:60.00H$ This Drink is the best thing you have ever had! It is a Beutiful Mixture of Strawberries, Chocolate, Tomatoes, and raspberrries-much better than it sounds! NOT FOR SALE TO PERSONS UNDER 21. Electric Fetus: 80.00H$ This purple drink will get you dancing! NOT FOR SALE TO MINORS. THAT INCLUDES YOU, HORATIO. YOU ARE ONLY THREE. Bronze smiley award:80.00H$ Good enough for a trophy Shelf! This blend of Vanilla and Blueberry will give you a smile. NOT FOR SALE TO PERSONS UNDER 21. Brighton and Twila:160.00H$ a Martini in two parts! Our Brighton beverage is orange and Watermelon floavoured-all the essence of Summer. The Twila Drink is Grape and Blueberry with just a hint of olive. Please note, these are only availible at the respective times! NO-NO FOR MINORS. Milkyway:50.00H$ This blend of Milk Chocolate, White chocolate, Cookie dough, and warm Milk is sure to doom your diet. PERSONS UNDER 21 NOT ALLOWED TO ORDER MILKYWAY DRINK. LovelyLaura: 50.00H$ It's lovely and tastes really good! This beverage has a combo of grapes, birthday cake, coconut, and Vodka flavours. NO. NOT FOR MINORS. SHUT. UP. Coal Square award:80.00H$ You've been bad...so you get this! a Wonderful Blackberry taste with Coconut is sure to make you continue your not Horatio-freindly ways. NOT FOR SALE TO PERSONS UNDER 21. Eagle eye award: 80.00H$ This Bevarage has it's eye on you. A blend of Coca-Cola and Various Candy flavours dyed peach-colured. Comes with a fake eagle feather inside it, just like a little umbrella! Piper at the Gates of Dawn: 80.00H$ Mushroom_king's favourite thing to down in her Pink Floyd Shot glass. The wonderful taste of White belgian Chocolate and raspberry is trippier than Jefferson Airplane. NOT FOR SALE TO PERSONS UNDER 21. The Grand illusion:80.00H$ It's just a Grand Illusion...but it doesn't hurt to take a sip, does it? NT 4 PPL NDR 21. Brighton and Twila's Tea and Coffee:30.000H$ For Minors who can't get the Martini. Brighton's Orange-dyed Orange-Flavoured Java is topped with Whipped cream and covered in Shredded Strawberries. Twila's Tea is a Lovely cup of Green tea with a slight blueberry taste to it. Yellow Submarine Drink: 80.00H$ Goes with our Meal, as well! Lemon and Strawberry will leave you wishing you had a Yellow Submarine to party on. NOT FOR PEOPLES UNDER 21. Mullay-pop:80.00H$ try our Mullay-pop Drink! Perfect for energizing yourself at noon, this energizing cocktail of Grape, Raspberry, and Pina Colada that is Dyed a beautiful purple and has very small amounts of Alcohol in it. You can also order the drink as a soda. NO MULLAY-POP DRINK FOR MINORS. SO HA. Milkyway Milkshake:30.00H$ Not totally 21 yet? This is for you. Our Delicous milkshake comes in any flavour of Ice cream, hand-mixed with your Favourite candy mixed in. And ask for the Chocolate Mousse on top! Glowwurm Milkshake: 30.00H$ This great Milkshake is made from Glowing milk! Wingdings: 50.00H$ This beverage is a great combo of Chocolate and Vanilla, and it has cake-flavoured Wingdings floatng around in it! NOT FOR SALE TO MINORS[/wingdings] Eggnog: 30.00H$ Yum! A Holiday classic. Availible with Alcohol or without. YOU KNOW THE DRILL. Caution: 100,000H$ Made of Chuck Norris Roundhouse kicks and Beer, you have to be a total bad*** like Chuck Norris to drink this, or you will die. But HD is pretty awesome, so any member here can drink it. WARNING: YOU MUST REALLY BE ABLE TO HANDLE A CHUCK NORRIS ROUNDHOUSE KICK TO DRINK THIS. IF YOU ARE UP FOR IT, YOU NEED ID TO SHOW YOU ARE OVER 21. WEWILL ALSO PROVIDE NURSES IN CASE YOU EXPLODE. Earthbound: 50.00H$ If Ness and his friends wern't underage, this would be their favorite. The taste of Apple, Raspberry, Orange, and Lemon will soothe your soul. Availible in a non-alcholic version. Falcon Punch: 10,000H$ Fruit Punch made with REAL Falcon Punches! NOTICE: YOU MUST BE ABLE TO HANDLE A FALCON PUNCH TO DRINK. Non-alcoholic. Henshin Sequence: 600H$ Based on the infamous transformations of Anime! A multitude of Fruit Flavors. NOT FOR MINORS, DANGIT. -Don't Drink and drive. Or else I'll GET you. Second Course/appetizers Cloudy Aisha:30.00H$ A wonderful appetizer. These Cupcakes are Vanilla-Flavored and have a cloud design on it. White Uni:30.00H$ A sweet Second course! This healthy salad has delicous veggies with your choice of dressing. ORRRRRR you can get skinless chicken fingers! Silver Heart award: 30.00H$ A One of a kind appetizer that will make you want even more! The silver heart award is an order of Silver-dyed Heart-shaped Cheeseburgers. The Cheese House of Horrors: 50.00H$ Cheese here and Cheese there! cheesy nachoes!:50.00H$ these nachoes are wonderful, and the cheese used depends on cheesemasters cheese o' da week or so! Yellow Submarine: 50.00H$ We all live in a yellow submarine! This second Course is a delicious salad with submarine-shaped cheese and strawberries on the side. $H00.04:azzip cipot sdrawkcab ?erom yas I deen-SDRAWKCAB si azziP sihT AHNULD SWATZANAYGEH TAWPEEK SAWNDWEECH: FEWTEY HAWMPSTA DAWLAHS THEES SAWNWEECH IS SUPA-GOOD. YEW MAST BUY EET. NAW. EWH ALS. HAW. HAW. Chtspek tpik Sndwch: 20.00H$ Ths sndwch is rly gud. It is mde wth th fnst orgnc ingrdnts. Dessert Mullay-pop:100.07H$ Our Famous dessert is a Minature cake in your choice of either White or Chocolate that is made from the finest ingredients availible, and has a purple lollipop in the center. Neon Comet Birthday Cake:100.00H$ The Best Birthday Cake avilable!!!! Custom Cakes:500.00H$ These custom cakes are made just for YOUR party!! If it's your birthday, we will make the cake in the likness of you and with your favourite flavours. Not you birthday? We'll make a cake for Christmas, Halloween, Hannukah, Kwaanza, Craigmas, Festivus, Talk like a pirate day, and any other holiday! dreamail 500.00H$ 600.00H$ w/ customization This delicious treat is a pre-made or custom message built in edible gold and dipped in Guacamole. Our pre-made messages are Birthdays, any Holiday, Halloween, Easter, 4th Of July, Anniversary, and New Year's, etc. Customization is an extra 100 H$, but you can put whatever you wish on the dreamail. Hamster Menu (everyone welcome to but this stuff!) Drinks ----------- Fruity Bubbling Water 30.00H$ This water has the flavor of whatever fruit you pick, and it is bubbling for your amuzement. For any age. Water 10.00H$ An EveryDay drink! Carrot Juice 30.00H$ This Juice is 100% Carrot Juice. Sure to make your Hamster stomach to feel very Healthy. Fruity Floats 40.00H$ Pick out any Fruit Soda, and any Ice Cream flavor, and we will make you a fruit Float. Plus we will add fruits of your choice. Smoothies 30.00H$ You pick what you want in it! Deluxe Swirl 30.00H$ This is a float with caramel, strawberriers, blueberriers, rassberriers, bannanas, and apples. Passion Fruit 20.00H$ This smoothie sure makes you feel like an Hawian Hamster! Treats ------------ Veggie Galore 30.00H$ This is a wonderful mix of vegtables to sure make you fill at home! Carrot Slims 25.00H$ This baked Carrots are a great delight to your stomach. Apple Bits 20.00H$ This tiny bits of apples are sweet and a great treat for any age! Strawberry Jam 25.00H$ This Bowl of fresh picked and washed strawberries are a great part of your Diet! Carrots 20.00H$ These are Farm picked carrots, and they make any hamster delighted! Meals ------------- Sunflowers Galore 25.00H$ This bowl of sunflowers comes with corn, carrot sticks, and your choice of fruit. Hammie Mix 28.00H$ This bowl includes dried corn, sunflower seeds, seedless grapes, yogurt melts, apples, and somes fresh picked carrots. Fruit Tooth 28.00H$ This comes with blueberriers, bannanas, apples, grapes, cherriers, plums, peaches, and a tiny slice of watermelon. Gormet Loot 30.00H$ This comes with the finest corn, best sunflower seeds around, yogort melts, apple bits, and a hamster sized veggie bugger. La' Bug 10.00H$ This has your choice of fresh bugs. Soups ------------ La'Carrot 30.00H$ This yummy soup has carrot bits and is sure to make you want more. Cream of fruit 30.00H$ This is a thick fruit juice, with fruit bits in it. Hay Soup 20.00H$ This soup has tiny bits of hay in every scoop! Desserts -------------- Carrot Slims Cake 30.00H$ This is a Vanilla cake, with baked carrots (( the hamster treat also know as Carrot Slims)) as toppings. Carrot Cake 30.00H$ This yummy Cake is made of carrot bread and has farm picked carrots as toppings. Apple Sundae 30.00H$ This is Two scoops of your flavor of ice cream and it has caramel, whipped cream, Apple bits, and to top it all off a Nice fat juicy Cherry! Oat Cookies 25.00H$ This are fresh baked cookies with oats in them to full-fill your hammy diet! Hammy Birthday Cake 50.00H$ This is a Whole bithday cake, with your choice of toppings. Appetizers ------------------- Zesty Nachos 30.00H$ These are hot nachos to sure make you want to order water! BreadSticks 25.00H$ Your yummy bread all in a stick! Cinnamon Sticks 30.00H$ Yummy bread topped with Cinnamon!
  13. James walked out of the library, only to be stopped by his brother. Jakob folded his arms and looked down on James. "What's that?" He pointed his head to The Monster Book. James grabbed it, realizing what was coming. "I-it's-it's a book I was going to read." He avoided the fact that it was for Dawn. That would be a bad idea; a very bad idea. And if Jakob learned that the book was in his Library, he'd throw a tantrum, and possibly burn it. James was a man who believed in morality, but he also believed in Free speech, and to have this book burned, especially if it was, as he thought, the last copy in existence, it would be a horrible shame if it was destroyed. "I see. Just a book for yourself to read?" James nodded, and began to walk off. The two were heading their separate pathways when Jakob turned around and said "Why are you headed for Dawn's room?" James sweat a tiny bit. "She's sick. Don't you know?" Jakob let off a loud "Hmph!" and turned around, his cape flowing behind him. ------------------------------ "Here, Dawn. Here's the book." Dawn took the book from his hands and examined the cover. He sat on her bed. "I felt a strange aura coming from it, so I want you to be careful. I...I didn't look at it myself." "Thanks, James." she coughed, and opened it up to the first page. "Eh? The author's last name is Rabbitt like ours." "Oh? No wonder it was in our possession, then." "In my dream, they talked about some dates years and years ago. Maybe the previous owners of the Dead Alliance wrote this book." James agreed quietly. "I'll leave you alone. Come along, Sterling. Dawn, be sure to get lots of rest." "I will. I want to read for a while." The door quietly clicked shut and Dawn dove into the book. The Monster Book was not a Monster Field Guide, a Horrifying Novel, or a book of Unholy Magic; it was all these things and more. Not only were there Unholy spells, but there were Animal Spells, and Dark Spells, which made Dawn grin, as she used Dark Magic. The Horrifying Novel aspect was not a fictional novel, but rather, a Horrifying Diary. And Dawn was right; the Book was written by the previous owner of the Dead Alliance, and as she learned later on, by the previous owner of The Freebird Alliance. Dawn had never read something like this before. There were accounts of Unholy Rituals and Cults, Bloody Monsters tearing into humans, Vampires, Werewolves, and other deadly creatures that Dawn loved. But the real shock was The Field Guide. The pictures were exactly the same as her drawings, as were the names and descriptions! She slammed the book shut and place it in the drawer in her nightstand. This was incredibly frightening, and far too strange to be a mere coincidence. It was clear to her; The previous leaders of The Two Alliances were her relatives. She was a direct descendent of both. ----------------------------------- "Julia, do you notice things getting stranger around here?" Jakob and Julia were having tea in the Dining Room. Julia said nothing; she simply nodded. "The spirits of the household have been acting up a lot more often than usual. They're usually very calm, but lately they've been mischievous. The others have acted quite odd, as well. Sterling's pets have been appearing more often. Dawn's dehydrated no matter how much she drinks, James has been acting secretive, Richard's holed himself in his room, and you..." The spirit possessing Julia had been appearing more often, too. Julia had gotten better at controlling it, but lately it was uncontrollable, and there wasn't exactly anyone to cure her. "There's something odd in the October breeze, dear. Something very bad. I fear for the worst." "I do too, Jakob. I...I do too." [Just so you know, the whole idea of The Dead Alliance is actually the creation of my friend Ice Climber, whom Julia, Dawn, and Sterling are based off of. The Monster Book was the name of the sketchbook that she used to draw dragons and pass notes in (it eventually became an A.D. Journal), and stuff. Though the part where she learns the monsters in the book are the ones she drew, I got that from a dream I had once.]
  14. I got a new book last week and three new ones over the weekend 'cause I'm going on vacation soon. I ought to use that excuse to get some DS games.
  15. She actually made the comment. SNL took her comment and then put it into their show. Oi. *headdesk* It's still not as bad as Mike Huckabee thinking that the Canadian Prime Minister lives in an Igloo.
  16. Alright, finished reading two books lately. I shall review them here. Title: I Am a Strange Loop Author: Douglas Hofstadner Genre: Nonfiction/Science/Neurology/Philosiphy Summary-The author begins by asking us the most difficult question in the history of history: What am I? He describes the "I" as being "The Self", as most would put it. Thus begins a bizarre and thought-provoking epic quest to try and discover, What am I? Douglas presents The Strange Loop. The Strange Loop is an analogy he uses to describe The Self. He uses more metaphors then you or your grandmother can handle to help describe The Strange Loop and The Self, and the reader might just begin to think of his or her own answers to the question, What Am I? Rating: :D :D Comments: This is the greatest book ever written Title: The Emotion Machine Author: Marvin Minsky Genre: Nonfiction/Science/Neurology Summary-The author delves into the Brain and The Emotions that pretty much control our lives. He claims that to understand The Self, you must first understand Emotions, Resourcefulness, and most importantly, Common Sense. With lively diagrams and examples, the author presents a very easy-to-understand book that most anyone can enjoy, except really stupid people. Rating: :D :D They're both pretty good, but I'll have to bust your kneecaps if you don't read the first one.
  17. "Dawn! Dawn!!! Wait!!" Cheesemaster was chasing Dawn throughout the town. She had clutched her hat and had it over her face, and eventually stopped under the shade of a roof. Cheesemaster caught up to her, caught his breath, and asked her what was wrong. She rubbed her face slowly. "The sun is bad for me," she said weakly. "I need a umbrella or something..." He was silent for many moments as Dawn shut her eyes. She opened them in surprise when she saw that he was using his coat as a makeshift parasol for her. "Come on. Let's go back to your house. You'll need to rest." "T-Thank you..." she stammered. She got flushed in the face as Cheesemaster walked her through the town and a couple people looked on. They were on the front porch of the Rabbitt Manor and about to go in when Cheesemaster was thrust away from Dawn and turned around and found himself an inch from Cheese Woman's face. "Whaaaaat was thaaaaaaat?!" she said, loudly. "What was what?" He said, confused. His glasses were slipping due to the constant shaking, as was his cap. "What was <i>that</i> back in the town? You were being all....close...with Dawn...you were protecting her from the sun, weren't you?" "Well yeah." She looked angry for a moment. "That...that..." she put her hands by her face and swooned. "That is soooooooo sweeeeeet!!!" Cheesemaster sighed dramatically. Dawn's eyes glittered and she grinned, and she and Cheese Woman started talking and giggling in such a way that I'd rather not bore the reader with the details of their conversation. However, Cheesemaster was having difficulty believing Dawn to be a vampire, due to her nature and bubbly personality, and he would have forgotten it if she had not nearly died in the sunlight moments ago. "Well, I'll see you two later." said Dawn. She still had a tired look in her eyes. "I need to rest, get some shade..." and with that she headed on into her mansion. When the door clicked shut, Cheese Woman turned and looked at Cheesemaster, and then hugged him. Not in the obsessive way she usually hugged him. She didn't glomp him, or strangle him, or smother him like she usually did....she just hugged him. It was strange and almost unnerving. She wasn't usually so....calm. "You're such a gentleman." He blushed and rubbed his head, and the pair started to walk into the town. "I don't see why this is such a big deal. I was just being nice to her. I'd turn my jacket into an umbrella for any of my friends." "Oh, Cheesie..." she stopped all of a sudden and buried her head in his chest. She looked up at him. "That's one of the biggest reasons why I like you so much." Cheesemaster looked at her with an expression that was a mixture of awkwardness, shock, and embarrassment. She gasped, and she stood straight up again, but her arms were still around him. "I'm sorry. That was really awkward." Cheesemaster looked around, and saw that there were actually several people about in the town, and a few were staring at them. "Uhhhhhhh....let's just...go home....now." stuttered Cheesemaster. He lurched himself from out of her grip, and ran home as fast as he possibly could. ------------------------------------ James and Sterling Rabbitt were sitting at Dawn's bedside, monitoring her condition. "Dawn, I hope you haven't gotten a cold. Your birthday is tomorrow. It'd be horrible if you were sick for it." Dawn's eyes grew very wide. "T-Tomorrow?!" The contents of her dreams came flooding back to her, and she gasped, followed by a heavy cough. "T-Tomorrow?!" she said again. "What's wrong, Dawn? Are you worried about being older?" asked Sterling. "No, No! I...I...I had this dream...and in the dream, it says something about "That Day" and they say my name a lot, and...Dead Alliance..." James looked at Sterling. Sterling looked at James. They didn't know what to make of it, but Dawn got up all of a sudden. "No, No, Dawn, lay back down. You need rest." "No, I need to go into the library room!" "Why?!" "The dream talks about a book, too. I need to find it..." "Tell me the name and I'll find it for you." She fell back on the bed. "It's called The Monster Book." James gasped for a moment. He turned his head swiftly. "I...have heard that name before...Dawn, you realize that such a book is likely to be unholy literature?" She nodded. "Alright, then.." he sighed. "I don't know if such a book would be in our library. Sterling, stay with your sister. I'll also get some cold medicine." I don't have a cold, though Dawn. ------------------------------------ James walked into the Manor's giant Library. It was an enormous room in more ways then one; the ceiling was incredibly high, and the room was spacious. The room was lit by nothing more than two small, rectangular windows near the ceiling on two sides of the room. Two shafts of light shined from these two windows, and the dust of the library danced in the glow. "Where to look?" James thought aloud. He scanned the M's, as the books were sorted by title rather then Author. He hadn't searched long when he saw a beige tome in there with "The Monster Book" written clearly on the spine. He took it out. The book was about to burst at the seams. The cover said "The Monster Book" in sharp and frightening calligraphy, and Scratch marks were all over it, particularly one huge on on the front. He didn't know if it was a drawing or an actual claw mark. The book had an evil aura to it that sent shivers up and down James's spine. His mind began making up fascinating stories as to the book's origins. Perhaps the book was once in plentiful numbers but all of them were burned but this copy. He glanced at the book and realized that either the book was never published, or all published copies were destroyed. This was clearly the original copy of the book that possibly belonged to the book's author before he was hanged or burned at the stake for writing such a book. The book filled him with an overwhelming sense of curiosity. He wanted to read it, but feared for his own salvation if he did read it. What were the contents of the book? Was it a field guide? A horrifying novel? A book of Unholy magic? He didn't know. The cover of the book offered no possible clue to it's contents, for the author's name was been singed and clawed away. He put the book under his arm and carefully walked out of the room. [hooray for awkward moments!]
  18. oh geez i messed up my brackets. I AM A SAD PANDA
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