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Hampsterdance Discussion Board


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Everything posted by Mushroom_king

  1. [My mental state is also getting worse. It makes me write better.] [ What is happening with you, Mushroom_king? ] [While we were in Europe, my brother was constantly fighting with my mom. Ever since my brother moved out I had been feeling a lot more sane because I didn't listen to them fight anymore, and then I had to listen to them fight even more, even worse whilst on vacation. =/] [and my friends are still all idiots.]
  2. And hopefully having a fabulous time!!! Hurry back home, you are missed!!! Berlin was awesome =D BUT MY MOM APPARENTLY DOESN'T WANT TO GO BACK THERE D= -emo tear-
  3. So I watched all the cruddy In-Flight movies both on the way there and back to Europe. On the way, I watched WALL-E, which was as good as everyone said it was. On the way back, I originally wanted to watch The Dark Knight, but since a new month had started they had a new selection of movies, so I watched Meet The Robinsons, which was EXCELLENT.
  4. No! No Christmas! It's almost Festivus! It's almost Decemberween! And best of all...it's almost CRAIGMAS!!!! Yes, Yes! That week between Christmas and New Year's!
  6. hay Leguan, im in ur country, bein a tourist.
  7. [My mental state is also getting worse. It makes me write better.]
  8. I'm actually a Dr. Pepper/Chocolate Milk type, but when I'm on vacation like I am now, I drink Coke. It is goooood. Oh, and Pepsi is gross.
  9. The group plus Schimmislick went out to the dining area (and stage area) just as the next act was beginning. A wrinkled old man wearing a suit was standing on the stage, and next to him was a girl puppet that had pale blond braids, a pink dress with a tear in the corner, large eyes, and a giant windmill on her head. "Everyone, please welcome my good friend, Cutie Puppet!" The audience clapped, but was cut short when the puppet screamed, "Get your hand out of my dress, pervert!" She had a thick Dutch accent; that possibly explained why she had a windmill on her head. The man gasped and whispered, "Oh, I'm sorry." Cutie Puppet sighed and folded her arms. "Who are all these people?!" "This are our friends, Cutie Puppet. Say hello." "No way." Aloysius was watching the show when he smelled smoke. He rapidly looked to his left and saw a teenage boy with a messy mop of hair, a hoodie, jeans, and a cigarette in his hand. "Um-" "Hm?" The boy looked at Aloysius. He had an I-Don't-care look on his face, and eyes shaped like the letter T. (Like this emote T_T) He took a drag on his cigarette and glared at Aloysius. "I-I don't think you're-" "You're not allowed to smoke here." "Yes. That's correct." He took another drag and blew the smoke near Aloysius. "I really don't care." "Oh, I-" "My name's Roger. What's a fancy-dressed stranger like you doing here?" The Ventriloquist and Cutie Puppet continued to argue: "Come on, Cutie Puppet, why won't you say Hi to the nice audience?" "Because they're really not such a nice audience. If they were, they'd pay you a lot more so you can get some ventriloquist lessons!" "I didn't raise you to be that kind of puppet, young lady." "What do you mean, 'Young lady'? I'm not going to grow up. I'm gonna stay like this forever. You, old man, are not." Aloysius was uncomfortable around this strange boy. He clearly didn't seem to like authority. Roger leaned in and looked at him real close. "I've never seen you around before. Who are you?" "I'm Aloysius Ahrroww." "Never heard of him." "O-Oh," he stuttered. This was a first. "I'm an inventor." "Do we really need more of them here?" "I don't have any plans to Live here," said Aloysius, "I'm merely visiting my son, Ar-" "Arkcher?" "Yes." "I knew right when I saw you. He's your spitting image." He sighed and took another drag on his cigarette. There was a long silence as the two watched the Ventriloquist's psychotic breakdown. "Thanks for saying Hello to the audience, Cutie." "I only did it so you would shut up." "Oh, that's not very nice. You're really not a very nice puppet." "This guy's been a lot less boring ever since his puppet became possessed." "P-Possessed?!" "It used to be a normal puppet, and it was boring. Every act was the same. Then one day, some angry spirit possessed it. Every act is different now, so it's worth it to come. I guess it's made The Man happier, too. I've been so busy coming here to see the Insane Puppet and I've been spending less time supporting the Spray-Paint industry." "Graffiti?" "Yyyyyep." Roger expected a speech on how vandalism was wrong. That's what he got from most adults. "That's fine." Roger was shocked. His cigarette fell out of his mouth and fell on the floor, and his quickly picked it up and threw it away. "W-what?!" "Some graffiti is really cool-looking, I think." Roger stared at him in shock, sighed a happy sigh, and then lit another cigarette. "That's a first. I declare you awesome. Don't screw it up." ------------------------------ Hamsterking was in his castle the same day Roger met Aloysius wondering what the Invisionists had in mind for his birthday tomorrow. His main two Subjects were two hamsters by the names of Hamsterweb and Horatio. While Hamsterking was 100 years old (101 tomorrow), Hamsterweb was over 40 years old and Horatio was just 10. They were special hamsters known usually as "Giant Hamsters" as they were the size of Human children and typically had human lifespans. Hamsterking never told anyone how he was so old yet so healthy. Maybe he was immortal. Maybe he was born that way. Maybe it's Maybelline. Whatever it was, it was really powerful. Hamsterking didn't exactly show any signs of dying. Hamsterweb was a freakish Half-Hamster and Half-Spider experiment; back on the Communistic Hamster Planet (dear God, did I really just say that?), he was paraded around as a freak, and no one ever saw his insanely good computer skills. Horatio, on the other hand, was a pilot and music fan. He also liked sunflower seeds. He was the only one who really ever interacted with the Invisionists; Hamsterweb was always busy, and Hamsterking was usually busy and only had interacted with his subjects when he was announcing something, or during a holiday, or his birthday. So he was going to see the Invisionists tomorrow, and they would come to his castle and celebrate. "You two know I usually have the Invisionists come to my castle to celebrate, but I'm thinking of something different. I think I'll go visit them in Hamsterdam this time. I never really go out and explore my planet very much. I always just stay here, sometimes going out into the grassy area, or look out at the ocean." Horatio smiled. "I think that's a grand idea!" Hamsterweb merely nodded. "Then it's settled. I'll make it a surprise." [lol, Horatio said "Grand Idea: lol]
  10. I'm sorry, but I hate Twilight with a bloody passion. must...not...rant...
  11. I want a white lab coat. I do, however, have a black trench coat. That's pretty sweet.
  12. I'm Just a Bill-Schoolhouse Rock. They desperately need to do an SNL skit of Bill Clinton singing this.
  13. That's good. That's good. Because to my knowledge, there are no drawing Nazis. There are, however, Grammar Nazis. And man are they vicious!
  14. There's Two of Hamsterweb?! What happened to Hamsterking?! YOU KILLED HIM DIDN'T YOU?? WHY YOU NO-GOOD...NO, YOU GO AWAY, GUY IN WHITE COAT!!! I actually HAVE a white coat... so I guess I'm responsible! Oh, well excuuuuuuse me. GO AWAY, LADY IN WHITE COAT!!!
  15. Hamsterking lied silently in his bed. He was as excited as a young child, for today was his birthday. Such excitement was typical of the other Invisionists on their birthdays, for most of them were in their teens; some were younger, some were older, but few were over the age of 35. Hamsterking, however, was acting abnormal for his age; for Hamsterking had, long ago, used magic to make himself live longer and healthier. How old is he, you ask? As of this day, he was 101 years old. --------------------------------- Meanwhile, the day before, elsewhere on Invision, our main characters were at Planet Horatio having Lunch. It was only 5:45 and It was dark because of Daylight Savings Time, and added to the mood...for Schimmislick, a young man who worked as a singer (and something else, as you will find). The group was discussing what to do for Hamsterking's birthday, with Horatio helping them. "Perhaps we should re-decorate his castle," suggested Kat. "We can make it Plaid and build it from my couch cushions!" Cheesemaster coughed and said, "Um, well. Even though Hamsterking is a pretty tiny hamster, I think he'd prefer a Bigger castle." "What do you mean?" "Kat, your couch cushions don't make a very big castle." "It's a big enough castle for me." "How?" "I use pillows, too." "Well, it still wouldn't be fit for Hamsterking. Remember...he's the coolest politician ever." said Arkcher. Horatio sighed and said, "I remember when we first came here. Me, Hamsterking, Hamsterweb, and Stewart." "Stewart..." sighed Cheesemaster ominously. He said nothing afterwards. "Stewart never spoke much. He mainly just stayed in his room on our ship and talked to himself, or wrote stuff down, or looked at old photographs. We were never allowed in there. I always wondered about the man." The others were about to continue the conversation, but the lights dimmed and Glowurm's signature Australian accent yet still classy-sounding voice. "Attention all guests of Planet Horatio...please give your best attentiveness to our very own Schimmislick, the first one in tonight's line of performers. Actually, there's only 3!" And while Glowurm continued to ramble on about nothing, a very...well, slick-looking young man stepped onto the stage. He was clad in white leather, and managed to not look like an idiot, and had white hair with a blue stripe down the part. He had a choker with a tiny Buddha on it, and had plain blue shoes that said POW!! on them. That was his catch phrase you see. He grabbed the Mic off the stand and began to sing and dance to God knows what. ---------------------------------- After the show, Schimmi went backstage as the next act prepared to show up. Our heroes (plus Aloysius and Horatio) went back to see if he could help them with Hamsterking's birthday. Aloysius saw Schimmi on a blue couch backstage. In fact, most of the things in the room were Blue; the walls and floor were white, but the rug was sky-blue, the desk was wooden with blue knobs, and, what struck Aloysius as odd, there were blue paintings of Buddha in the room. Hardy what you expect from a leather-clad singer. There was also a Linux poster; also odd. The group sat on the other couches. Schimmi was typing away at a slick, silver laptop that also had the POW!! emblem. He glanced up at his visitors, grinned, and shut the laptop. He placed it on a glass-top coffeetable that had a large book on Buddhism, which was on top of a book on Computers. "Hi, guys. You must be the Aloysius I keep hearing about." His voice was unusually suave-sounding. "Uh, yes. We came because tomorrow is the birthday of Hamsterking. I will be meeting his highness tomorrow. It will be a fantastic honor!" Schimmi smiled. "I'm sure it will be. Well, you want me to help with the celebration? What do you think I can do?" PMM and Horatio made a suggestion: "You could sing the traditional birthday song for him." Horatio continued speaking. "You have such a nice voice, I'm sure Hamsterking will be delighted." "I guess I could do that. In fact, everyone ought to make best use of their talents to make Hamsterking's birthday the best one ever." "But that's what we did laaaast year, for his birthday, 'cause he was a century old last year." moaned PMM. "Let's do something fun and new this year. How about a surprise party?" "I have an idea," Arkcher finally spoke up. "Me and Cheesemaster made this one up. Hamsterking is always busy, so why don't we do his work for a day?" PMM thought for a moment and grinned sadistically. "Too bad for you, Paper Mario master. You don't get to be king for a day." "Guess I'll stick to Final Fantasy..." "That sounds like a fantastic idea!" said Horatio. "I know for a fact that Hamsterking is a busy man....hamster." "Well, that's that. Hey, the next act is about to start, and I'm in the middle of something important." "What are you doing?" wondered Aloysius. "Well...the whole singer thing...you could say it's a cover-up. I'm really a hacker." "WHAAAAAAAT???" "Didn't I tell you, dad? He's Schimmislick, the slickest Hacker in all of Hamsterdam! POW!!!" Schimmislick looked at him, confused. "Huh, real creative."
  16. There's Two of Hamsterweb?! What happened to Hamsterking?! YOU KILLED HIM DIDN'T YOU?? WHY YOU NO-GOOD...NO, YOU GO AWAY, GUY IN WHITE COAT!!!
  17. I want my own political party. I already have my own religion, so the only choice is to make a Political Party. What to call it...what to call it...
  18. Well, that's true. How time passes. Now this board already exists more than six years. Who remembers the board before this one? For the people who don't know it: the software was not compatible and all accounts/posts from the former board were lost when there was the update to this one. Leguan. Leguan. I just read your member title and signature. You're really He-Man?! o_o
  19. Looks like something you see after taking too much LSD... or if you were at a rave...
  20. Looks like something you see after taking too much LSD...
  21. The next challenge saw Dawn on an island with MK, Arkcher, and PMM. Before her was a large portal. "What's that?" asked Dawn, looking at it ominously. "Don't you remember?" said Arkcher. "We came all this way so you could turn into a regular girl, and no longer be a vampire." But I like being a vampire... the real Dawn thought. The one in the dream, however, smiled and said, "Oh Yeah! I forgot." "But wait, where's Sterling?" Dawn looked around and finally found Sterling. She was right in front of The Portal, and was about to go in it." "Sterling!" shrieked MK, "You can't go in there! That's for Dawn!" "But I want to be normal, too," she whispered. She was melancholic. "I don't want to have all these spirits following me around. I want to be a normal little girl." "Sterling..." "Go on, Sterling. You deserve it more than I do. People have already accepted me for who I am, but there's not many who have done the same for you." "But...Dawn, you suffer so much more," said MK. "You have the cravings. You can't go out in the sun. You can't go swimming. You can't got eat Chinese or Italian food with us." "It's alright, guys. Go on Sterling." Sterling walked slowly into the portal. ----------------------------------- Dawn woke up in limbo once again. Another point towards Goodness. 2 down and 2 to go. She didn't understand the situations though...they'd never happen to her in real life! But onto the semi-final challenge.... ------------------------------------ Dawn found herself with Jakob Rabbitt in the Forum Forest. It was the dead of night. Why they were there, she didn't know; all she knew was that they were in grave danger, running from God knows what. And they would have gotten away with it, too; not because of meddling kids, but because of the thing that frequently brings Heroes to an end: A dead end. Jakob and Dawn fund themselves at Outside The Wall, but it was a wall and not a hill. Which I guess would make it Outside The Hill or something. Dawn turned around and saw various monsters, but not the kinds of The Dead Alliances; truly vicious monsters. The monsters hissed and growled at her and Jakob. She knew she would have to sacrifice herself or Jakob. Much like the first challenge. Seems like most "challenges" involve sacrificing loved ones. But in this case, the choice of Jakob was not a good one; perhaps they meant to use James or something, because Dawn remembered all the horrible things Jakob had done to her, and her friends. She pushed him towards the monsters and saw them tear him limb-to-limb. In seconds, all that was left of him were tatters of his fancy clothes and his hat. And with that Dawn fell to the ground and cried. ------------------------------------ Unfortunately (depending on how you look at it), that, in case you didn't guess, was a point towards The Dead Alliance. The next challenge was the final one. ------------------------------------ Dawn found herself in an outfit she had not worn in years; a Black dress with many ruffles on it, tall black ruffled lace-up boots, and in her hand was a tall Glaive. Around her was Chaos. It had been ages since Dawn had last used Magic in a battle, but here, in this dream, she was being forced to use it again. Before her was an enemy who contained great power. A woman with such gleaming light around her she seemed like she was holding the Sun itself in her grip. She must have been a Light Mage. Dawn, a Darkness Mage, was in a jam; should she attack, she'd kill an innocent person. But if she did nothing, she'd die. What to do? Preferring not to die, she raised her glaive and said something, two words she thought she'd never hear herself say: "FINAL...." and she brought her glaive to the ground, causing a large black orb to form and gather around he glaive's tip. It had become enormous until she swung the glaive to the side and hit the orb towards the woman. "Twilight!!" Dawn woke up and remembered nothing that happened afterwards. She was still in The woods the Rabbitt Manor, with the Golden Chimera and The Bloody Ripper still before her. Dawn got up and rubbed her eyes. No time had passed, had it? She had no idea. "Dawn..." She looked at The Golden Chimera, and wondered if The Bloody Ripper could speak. "Dawn...something is odd about your results." "What? What happened?" "Two challenges proved positive towards The Freebird Alliance, but two proved Positive for the Dead Alliance. It is equal results." Dawn stood up and brushed the dust and leaves off her dress. "So? What happens?" The Golden Chimera whispered with The Bloody Ripper for several moments. "We have no choice but to give you control of both." "Do I...Do I really have that kind of power to take control of two Alliances that have that much power?" "You performed The Final Twilight with the Force Glaive, did you not?" "That was just a dream-a hallucination." "How do you know that dreams and hallucinations do not really happen?" "Oh! That reminds me!" exclaimed Dawn. "Did any of the challenges really happen, or will they happen, or are they just fake?" "Who knows? I hope you never have to go through the 1st and 3rd ones, though." The Chimera and The Ripper walked closer to Dawn. The Chimera handed her a Small Wand with Golden Wings, and The Ripper handed her A tiny Wand with a Scythe on top." "You'll have to transform to take control of The Alliances. Do you want to try now?" Dawn could barely control her excitement. "Take the wand I gave you, and say, "Free Bird Alliance, Transforming Power." Dawn took the pen, held it up in the air, and said the phrase in the most epic way she could. After the obligatory 1-minute-and-a-half Transforming sequence, which would be difficult to put into book words, She was wearing The Gold-and-Yellow outfit that one of the Dawns was wearing in her dream last night. In her hand was the staff, as well. The Bloody Ripper finally spoke. It had the voice you would expect it to have; deep, growling, and sinister. "Now try mine. Say "Dead Alliance, Transforming Power." Dawn grabbed the wand. Another transforming sequence followed, and of course hse had the darker outfit from the dream, and the sinister staff. She Put the wands in her pocket and went back to normal. "You can find information on how to use your powers in The Monster Book. There ought to be a section called The D.A. Book, and one called The F.A. Book. You needn't take out someone's eyes. Until we meet again, Master." Dawn glanced at her pens, and suddenly felt tired. She struggled to walk home. ------------------------------------ The next morning, Dawn wondered if the night's events really happened, but she didn't care-it was her Birthday! All her friends had come from around Invision to come to her party. She couldn't wait to show them her pets. [next is Hamsterking's Story. It is a Birthday Theme story.]
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