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Everything posted by Mushroom_king

  1. "Dear Hamsterking, As you may very well know there has been a disaster at Mount Jazzeh. I urgently request that you send help as soon as possible if you are not already doing so now. Sincrely, NeoDudette" Horatio and Hamsterking didn't get the message; they didn't get it because they were already taking action. Horatio had climbed in his airplane and they were using giant snowmobiles and hundreds of hamsters using snow shovels to dig the family out of their house. "I wonder what that is?" wondered Aloysius. The family had settled down in the Dining Room for some soup and hot chocolate-there is nothing better on cold days. "I hope that's someone helping to dig us out," moaned PMM. "It's only been a day but it seems like eternity." "I feel the same," mumbled CampSoup. "I really hope we make it in time for the Holiday par-tay." "Don't worry, we will. Just remain optimistic." said Aloysius cheerfully. He then ate his soup, neatly as usual. If you haven't already comprehended the vast amount of snow that had engulfed the Mansion, I will explain it to you. The Mansion that Arkcher owned is huge. Aside from the Mansion itself there is the Guesthouse, the Courtyard, and a Tennis Court. This entire estate (no one is quite sure where Arkcher got the money to build the house, though some believe that the Kat Mafia helped out.) spans...quite a few square feet. It is big. Horatio had gotten roughly 7 snow-mobiles to help get snow out of the way. Over 50 normal-sized hamsters were shoveling away (not much progress there...) and over 23 "Giant" species of Hamsters were using snow shovels to shovel through the snow. And it still took them several hours to dig them out. Horatio was no scientific genius but he could tell there was probably over a half a mile of snow covering the house. He knew it would take a very long time, but not so long they would miss the Christmas par-tay. So he worried about nothing. --------------------------- Cheesemaster, on the other hand, was worried about something; namely, Kat. He and Cheese Woman had gone to Hamsterdam to start their last-minute Christmas shopping at the Hamster Mall, and of course Kat was causing a ruckus. Right now she was in the Mall's coin fountain with a snorkel, an inner tube, water wings, and flippers. "Kat, what are you doing?!" "I'm scuba diving!" "Well, you better get out of there. They're already mad that you freed every pet in the pet store, stole the DDR machine at the Arcade, tuned every TV in Electronics to "Ferris Bueller's Day Off", and when you dressed up like the Easter Bunny, walked up to Santa, and told him that this town wasn't big enough for both of you. We came here to get Presents, Kat, not to mess around! Besides, don't cats hate water?" "Cats hate water. Kats love water." Cheesemaster sighed. "Would you watch my bags?" "Did you buy my presents already?" "No." "Awwww. But I got yours! I got you a-" "You're not supposed to TELL me!!!" "Oh, yeah...I almost forgot." Cheesemaster groaned again, but didn't say anything; he simply walked off. [This is the THIRD time I re-wrote this.]
  2. Not a fan of Naruto, but I think it's cool anyhow.
  3. Are there any Elton John books you have not read? And I see you now have an iPod with 472 Elton John songs... whoaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa is that a lot of songs by one person!!!!!!! EJ books? I'm sure there are. Just can't think of any off the top of my head...LOL Yes...I'm not sure what the last time I updated that number was. It may have changed...but my iPod is upstairs. He is pretty prolific! ~Liz But do you have every Elton song on there? 'Cause I'm working on getting every Pink Floyd song on mine...I have every Fleet Foxes song except English Houses. I also have every l33tstr33t boys song, not difficult since they only have four songs. XD Not quite every song...there's a few albums I only have on vinyl (and I do have an lp > mp3 converter but it's so time consuming that it just sits in my closet. ) And there are bootlegs & b-sides that I don't have. ~Liz i want an lp > mp3 converter...
  4. [> Mwahahahahah] "The problem that quite literally struck us," mumbled PMM. Mastermind ignored him. "Did you have any ideas as to what you think I could do for you?" "I-I-Uh, I was thinking that perhaps you could send a telepathic message to someone in Hamsterdam or the Port of Cheese or anywhere." Mastermind shut her eyes and thought for a moment. "Anyone can receive a telepathic message, but another psychic would get the message much clearer, and due to the dire nature of this situation, we will need to send my message to another psychic." "Another psychic? Are there more psychics living here?" "Yes," said MK. "There's a young orphaned boy named C.C. Edna, a young girl named Shopper, a princess called NeoDudette, and that's it I think." "I think NeoDudette is the best choice," said Mastermind. "A young child such as Edna and Shopper are not only inexperienced psychics, but they might panic if they receive such a message I intend to make." "Alright, then. Are you going to send the message?" "As experienced of a psychic I am," said Mastermind, "I cannot send a telepathic message loudly and clearly like this. I need a good place where my mind can be clear." "How about the astronomy room?" suggested Arkcher. "That's the room that we use to look at the sky on clear nights. And attached to it is a little place we call the Astrology Corridor; it's brimming with magic power. I don't know about Psychic power, but-" "PSI and Magic are two very different things. But I digress, as I also know a small bit about magic; but of course I am not as good with Magic as I am with PSI. I shall try out your astrology hall." "Corridor, Mastermind, Corridor..." mumbled PMM. -------------------------- Mastermind walked into the Astrology Corridor. The walls were a light blue with gold trim, and the marble floors were the same blue with enormous gold stars and regular intervals. On the ceilings there was a painting of each Zodiac sign, and a star was in front of each. Each star had five tall candlesticks rising from each point. Even a non-magic user could feel the enormous energy flowing in the area. Mastermind looked up at them to find the sign which Saturn was affiliated with, which was Aquarius. She finally situated herself on the star in front of it, and the five candlesticks somehow lit by themselves with purple flames. Mastermind reached into her pocket and pulled out a medium-sized purple orb with the Saturn symbol on it. She set it on the floor an got down on her knees. She clasped her hands together, and held her fingers out (BAD ANALOGY TIME!!!! The same way you do when you're doing shadow puppets and you make a bird.), and the orb began to glow and set itself in between her fingers. She shut her eyes, and it seemed she was praying. In reality she was sending the meditating, preparing for sending the message. Suddenly, she opened her eyes, and drew her hands away from each other as the orb floated and glowed by itself. She then began the message as she stared at it: NeoDudette, this is Mastermind. I am sure you have heard of the horrid disaster that has happened on the mountain. I urgently request that you send help to free them from the snow prison that they have been engulfed in. The situation is dire. Please help!! And she then took the orb, got up, and breathed a heavy sigh. The candlesticks burned out, and she walked back over to the others. -------------------------- Meanwhile, on the manmade islands of Adstar... A tall, curvy young woman was standing in her home, which was the largest of the homes on Adstar. She wore a form-fitting, striped lavender dress and had long black hair and big eyes. In her black hair was a silver headband. This was NeoDudette, a princess from the planet Neolina, a planet of people who freely travel through space and time at will. From what she had heard, when she came to Invision it had caused quite a stir back home and everyone assumed that she had gotten lost in an undiscovered dimension. She wondered if they still thought that, but she had no time to think, as her mind suddenly picked up a telepathic message from a voice she had not heard in some time: Mastermind, a woman she did not know very well but she knew she had the same powers of space and time that she did, and that she was the spirit of the planet Saturn from the Milky Way galaxy. NeoDudette had heard of that Galaxy in a book, and she had read that in Magic it was the planet of, what else, the elements Space and Time. She'd personally never been there, as from what she had learned the only habitable planet thus far was a place called Earth. From what she had learned they were over a thousand years behind other planets in technology, but she was shocked to learn that they had not even discovered any other planets besides their own that had life. NeoDudette found this incredibly shocking, and she had heard people whisper that they could only send a person to their own moon, and that the humans there thought they were higher and mightier then the wild creatures of their world. What was probably the second-worst thing she had heard about this place called Earth, was that not only did the humans there think they were better then the wild animals, but there were some humans who thought they were better then other humans just because other humans were a different color or gender or came from a different part of the world or because of their religion and sexuality. She refused to believe this when she first heard it. And what of the worst thing she had heard? The worst thing she ever heard was that there were Humans who thought that the Earth was a thing given to them to destroy. This appalled her! Planets were not things. Every planet in the whole Universe had a soul inside of it, and when you destroyed that planet you destroyed that soul too. If you killed a planet, you were a murderer. A soul of a planet...that was what Mastermind was. And what shattered NeoDudette's thought was when she asked Mastermind if all the awful rumors about Earth were true. Mastermind said that the spirit of Earth ("Her name is Gaia. She's a very nice woman." was the way she had put it) had gotten deathly ill over the past several decades as the people of Earth continued to destroy her. Some of the Humans learned to take care of the Earth but those people were either frowned upon, or had no idea what they were doing. But enough of that-it's not even relevant to this story. NeoDudette was lost in thought when Mastermind was communicating with her. Hearing her voice for the first time in so long had sent her on the spiel of thought as written above, but she still manage to get all the information. She quickly thought over the situation, and decided that using technology was the way to go. She used her computer (it really was quite a sight, seeing such a traditional-looking princess typing away), and made sure the message got to Hamsterking and Horatio.
  5. As The Rabbitts and The Masters were worrying about their friends living up on the Mountain, the aforementioned friends were also worrying about what they would do. "None of the phones work, said CampSoup as he thundered down the stairs. "Me and Lucius already tried calling for help." Arkcher was typing frantically at the computer. "I can't get an internet connection. We're trapped here." "Oh, No..." whispered MK. She was sitting in the corner with PMM and Aloysiys trying to comfort her. "D-Don't worry," stammered CampSoup. "I-I'll help us get through this. The first thing we need to do is see exactly how much snow is out there. If we work together we might be able to do something." MK spoke up. "I think we have a snow shovel in the storage room." "Alright. Let's go get it, and see what we can do." ----------------------------- MK and CampSoup walked from the Parlor where they had been situated at first to the BallRoom, and then to the storage room (The storage room was attached to the ballroom if you didn't assume so already). It was mostly crates and extra chairs, along with a mirror, a mop and bucket, and the room was dimly lit by a single lightbulb. But no snow shovel in sight. "I-I think it might be in the cellar," said a frightened MK. She prayed that they hadn't thrown it out. They had a long walk all the way down to the Basement floor. The cellar was dark, cramped, and musty, with many shelves full of old junk, and tons of dust everywhere. This was where one of the Mordreds, Tortune, slept. But that didn't matter. Sitting on a shelf was a giant snow shovel, made of plastic. CampSoup grabbed it off the shelf, and blew the dust off it. "Let's see what we can do. Get a heavy coat." ---------------------------- CampSoup went to the Foyer of the Mansion, the shovel in one hand, and carefully opened the door. Instantly a flood of snow fell in. Arkcher would not be pleased, but he decided to ignore it for now as he would take care of it later. The thought arose as to where he would put the snow he shoveled. He thought putting it behind him, but of course that would trap him. He was frightened that perhaps he would shovel too much and the snow would cave in and suffocate him. But then he remember everything he had been taught about what to do in these situations and decided to get to work. He shoveled away some snow just enough to create a small area, and decided to work his way up. But he would need a sort of platform if he wanted to do that. He would either have to go back inside, or maybe even build a tunnel. Such a thought tickled his imagination. A snow tunnel-that really would be great, he thought. He eventually decided to go back inside, to get a platform. Arkcher, as he thought, was furious about the snow in the Foyer, but Aloysius was busy evaluating the state of the problem. "The entire roof is covered in snow, which means the snow is at least that high. CampSoup, you're going to be digging a long-" "Of course! I'll start digging from the Roof!" "So this mess you made is going to go to waste?!" "Son, it'll melt..." "And leave a big stain!" CampSoup didn't hear the rest of the conversation as he was running as fast as he could up to the Roof. CampSoup's mind turned back to the morning. He'd still be stuck in the Telephone Room if there hadn't been a small patch on the balcony (which you had to walk through to get downstairs) that had only a minmal amount of snow do to a patch where it was shaded by a bit of the roof. So he could dig through that snow with his hands and feet and get downstairs. Not a problem. Another thought then came into his mind: Where are those giant novelty lighters when you need them? ------------------------ Eventually, CampSoup trudged up to the roof. It really was covered in snow, and of course more snow fell into the mansion when he opened the door to the roof. But he was determined to get help. He knew of a woman who lived on Mt. Jazzeh who could definitely help them; her, and Mega Wolf, who you may remember from very early on in the story. The two of them would be of a big help in making sure they would arrive in Hamsterdam for Christmas and Chanukah next week. CampSoup tried to remember the date. Today was December 18th. Chanukah started on the 22nd, and of course Christmas was the 25th. They would have to be there at least by the 21st...that was only three days away! He'd have to shovel quickly. He shoveled piles of snow bigger then what he could handle at first, until he decided it was smarter to start small and work his way up. Hours passed as he tried digging his way through the snow. It was incredibly tiring, and despite trying to not give up hope, he ended up doing so after digging for what seemed like an eternity, but in reality it had been about five hours. He was about to go back home, but he realized something. "I'm lost," he whispered. "I'm LOST!!" he screamed. He sat down in the snow and was about to cry until he heard someone's footsteps. He looked and in a path he had not dig through was a tall woman with a short, purple bob haircut that ended in curls. Her face was stoic, and her entire body was framed by a long, violet coat with pure white fur trim. Her shirt and pants were also violet, and around her neck was a purple gem. Next to her eyes were tiny symbols that looked like a lowercase h, but it wasn't-it was the symbol for the planet Saturn. It was Mastermind, the woman he had been looking for. "Mastermind!! I've been looking for you," said CampSoup s he got on his knees and kneeled. "I know. I sensed your hopelessness and came to see what was wrong; but really, there is no need to kneel like that." Her voice, like her face, was stoic and unemotional. "I'm sorry." "What was it you needed?" "As you know, next week are the Holidays and I, along with the family in the Mansion, have to go to celebrate." "As do I." "But as you can see, we're trapped by the snow. Is there any way possible that you could help us?" Mastermind thought for a moment. The woman was a very powerful psychic, and CampSoup thought perhaps she could telepathically send an SOS to their friends in another city. "I might be able to do something. Here. I'll help you back to the Mansion." -------------------------------- The group plus Mastermind sat down at the table in The Dining Room to see what Masterind could do for them. But not without first introducing her to Aloysius. "Dad, this is Mastermind," said Arkcher. "With a name like that I'd assume that she's incredibly intelligent?" "Not in the way I am, but yes. She's an extremely powerful psychic." "Oh, I see." "And remember earlier when MK said that Earth people don't know the importance of the planets in their Solar System?" "Yes?" "Well...how to put this, how to put this..." CampSoup spoke up: "Each planet in your solar system has a spirit living inside it. And Mastermind is the spirit of the Planet Saturn. It's soul, if you will." A few months ago Aloysius would have been shocked, but he'd gotten used to these odd things by now. He simply nodded. "But why is only one living here? Why not bring all of them?" "That," said Mastermind, "Is a very complicated and lengthy story. And it is not something to be worried about right now. Right now we are concerned with what we will do about the problem that has struck you."
  6. As the four were about to go back inside, Aloysius went up to Campsoup and put his hand on his shoulder. "Campsoup, please, I can't stand to leave you out in the cold to fend for yourself. You never know what could happen in the mountains. Like Mushroom_king said, It'd be terrible to find your dead body or what's left of it out in the cold." CampSoup was about to reject the offer when the strangest shock went up and down his spine. A voice said, Go on, accept his offer. and nothing more. CampSoup was in a state of shock as he got this internal message, and then shook his head, smiled, and nodded at Aloysius. "Alright. I think I'll stay, if just for tonight. But where will I sleep?" "Well, we'll decide that for ourselves when we get inside!" ------------------------------- CampSoup decided he would stay for the night and got the choice of sleeping in either the Sitting Room on the couch, or in the Telephone Room, also on the couch. "If you stay in the Telephone Room," explained Arkcher, "You'll have to deal with the possibility of random phone calls in the middle of the night. Not only that, but one of the Mordred siblings, Lucius, lives in the telephone room. He's kinda grouchy, a no-nonsense kind of guy, Listens to Jazz, and wears a lot of bottle-green clothing. He works by answering the phones for us." "I'd like to have some company, even if he is kind of grumpy. I love having someone to talk to." "But you could talk to me," whined Aloysius. "Oh, I know! But you know, it's not every day I get to talk to a Mordred!" "But my father is a universal celebrity, or at least according to Wannabe Film Maker her is." "Uh..." CampSoup grabbed his head and blushed. "Well-I get plenty of chances to talk with you, Aloysius. And they are all great honors!" CampSoup expected Aloysius to get angry with him, but he simply smiled and said, "I understand." The two of them laughed, but Arkcher was less than thrilled. "And, CampSoup, how do you plan to repay me for being sooooo very kind and allowing you to lodge ay my house?" CampSoup stopped laughing, turned toward him, and gasped, "Payment?" Aloysius also gasped, and then got serious. "Arkcher Apollo Ahrroww, You don't pay a friend to spend the night! You two are friends, right?" Arkcher stuttered, "Well-I-We-" "NO WORRIES!!!" said a joy-filled CampSoup. "I cook a MEAN bowl of your choice of soup! THAT will be my payment!!" Arkcher and Aloysius both were surprised and taken aback by his sudden joy, but they accepted his offer anyhow. "And, if your computer breaks down, I'll be sure to fix it! Valid next time it breaks, be it a decade from now! But if I die then the offer's void." Aloysius giggled and said, "Alright, then. Well, my son ought to show you your way to the Telephone room-IF he is nice enough to-and later on we'll be eating dinner and then go to bed. Could you fix us some of your soup for that?" "I definitely can!! I could even make it for Breakfast if you want." "Oh, Uh, that's oh-so-kind of you but we won't need that! But thanks anyway!" "Are you sure? Tell me if you change your mind." "Alright, I will." -------------------------------- "Oh My Goodness! This really IS the greatest bowl of soup I have ever had!" Aloysius had just been given his bowl of soup that CampSoup had made for him and everyone else. It was nice and warm with chicken flavor, and for everyone except MK, carrots were in the mix as well. And it was delicious. Aloysius wanted to slurp the whole thing down, but of course such a thing is not good ettiquette. So Aloysius was forced to painfully sit and eat his soup in a proper manner, but he made it a little better by savoring every spoonful. After everyone finished their share and CampSoup fixed up a whole round of seconds, they decided it was a good time to go to bed. And it seemed like the night would be normal. And for the most part, it was. -------------------------------- "My Goodness," muttered Cheesemaster as he pulled the lapels of his new coat nearer together in an attempt to get warmer. "We've never had this kind of weather here at The Port of Cheese," he muttered into his new scarf and he grabbed today's batch of newspapers, with his hands that had new gloves on them. He was right-The Port of Cheese, being an oceanside town, normally just got cooler weather in Winter. It never snowed, until this year. Cheese Woman had bought Cheesemaster a black trench coat, a brown scarf, and brown gloves to help keep him warm. Despite the bitter cold, he still managed to get out every day and stand on the corner of the square and sell papers. He nearly dropped them in shock at the headline. "GIANT AVALANCHE TRAPS ARKCHER, FAMILY, AND CAMPSOUP1988 AT MOUNT JAZZEH-ALL TELEPHONE LINES AND INTERNET CONNECTION LOST-RESCUE TEAMS SEEING IF THEY CAN GET HELP TO THEM" He opened his mouth to say something, but he couldn't make anything out. My Best friend! Arkcher!! MUSHROOM!!! he thought desperately. Arkcher, Mushroom_king, CampSoup, Aloysius, Paper Mario Master, GameChamp, Rudolph (CampSoup's sanity), Sean, Julian, and all the Mordreds were trapped inside the Mansion with no contact to the outside world! This was just plain awful, and Cheesemaster nearly fainted at the thought that he would have to tell people this awful, awful news. But he picked up the stack, payed for them, and walked out to his street corner. His footprints he had made from standing there yesterday had vanished under a brand-new blanket of snow. He walked over, shivering, and marveled at the fact he could see his breath. He normally only saw this sort of weather when he was visiting Hamsterdam for the Holidays, or when he visited Arkcher and MK any time of the year. He normally sat his papers on the sidewalk, but because of the snow he had to hold them, which after a while became very tiring, especially on days where few people were buying them. He hated those sorts of days-the papers became useless the next day, so he couldn't resell them. And, seeing as this was his only occupation, it meant less money for him. And selling papers didn't rake in a whole lot of cash, either. Like every other day, the first person to come up to him was Cheese Woman, who had also taken measures to be warmer. She, too, had gloves (but hers were black) and a pink scarf. You couldn't tell by looking, but her enormous, ruffly dress was made of warmer material than usual. She gave him a tight hug, but the smile melted away from her face when she read the headline. "Oh My God! This is awful. I hope they weren't hurt..." "Hope they weren't hurt, I hope that some help arrives before they starve to death." "Don't talk like that! That boy has to feed not only himself but his wife, his father, his two adopted sons, and God knows how many servants. How many Mordreds live there, anyhow?" Cheesemaster sighed but didn't answer. "I wish there was something I could do...Arkcher's my best friend, after all. I'd say I could pray for him, but you know very well-" "CHEESEMASTER!!!" yelled a voice that he recognized as Dawn's. He looked, and unusually, none of the adults were with her today. Only Sterling. Dawn was wearing a longer dress, but you couldn't tell because she also had a longer coat. Sterling, too, had a longer dress and a coat that was far too big on her. Dawn reached into her coat pocket, pulled out .500H$, and bought a paper for herself and Sterling. She gasped at the bad news on the cover, and again panicked about them starving or freezing, but then brought up another point: "And Christmas is next week!! If they're still trapped by then..."
  7. Are there any Elton John books you have not read? And I see you now have an iPod with 472 Elton John songs... whoaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa is that a lot of songs by one person!!!!!!! EJ books? I'm sure there are. Just can't think of any off the top of my head...LOL Yes...I'm not sure what the last time I updated that number was. It may have changed...but my iPod is upstairs. He is pretty prolific! ~Liz But do you have every Elton song on there? 'Cause I'm working on getting every Pink Floyd song on mine...I have every Fleet Foxes song except English Houses. I also have every l33tstr33t boys song, not difficult since they only have four songs. XD
  8. y so srs? 'itunes problems' doesnt tell us much. Assuredly thats not my specialty, but provide as much detail as you can and I'll see if I can help you out. well, it had to do with me downloading songs that wouldn't go to my iPod. But after searching through the paradoxically unhelpful help files, I found that my songs I had downloaded were being streamed from the internet, so for some odd unexplained reason that means they won't go to my iPod.
  9. This one stupid girl I didn't like her at all. So I burned her. Yay! I feel dark today.
  10. it might have to do with the fact that the advice given had nothing to do with my situation
  11. [since when was Lexxyman reading this? awesome...] [Hey, does anyone remember, but didn't CampSoup say a year or two ago that he celebrated Chanukah?] "Campsoup1988?" said a confused Aloysius Ahrroww. "Well, where did you manage to get a name like that?" "Well, I was born in 1988 at Camp Soup. That's a camp where you learn to make soup. So i guess I'm soup!" "Disturbing...well, Merry Christmas, anyhow." Campsoup's ear twitched. His cat ear; He was a cat-boy with beige fur and brown stripes, and his eyes grew wide. He nervously adjusted his orange-yellow scarf, and fingered through his bright green hair. Aloysius wasn't sure what to say. Had he offended him? "Oh, I see! Do you not celebrate Christmas?!" Campsoup grabbed his head and laughed. "Well, if you didn't already notice, well, no." "Oh, I see. Are you Jewish, then?" "Yes! Yes. That's the one!" "Oh well, then; Happy Chanukah." PMM groaned and threw his head back as he groaned for an incredibly long time. The holidays were just two weeks away. All he wanted was video games, as always. As for Campsoup... Campsoup1988 was a character who arrived out of nowhere when you were hanging out somewhere. And when you were there, you would see him a lot one day, and he wouldn't be there tomorrow. That was because CampSoup1988 was a traveller-he came from a planet called Lyvecher, a planet where people were named after the year and place they were born, and had no permanent homes but rather would travel and take up temporary residence in the place they were traveling too. As a result, Lyvechians were very well-travelled people, but were seen as odd on most other planets, since most planets the residents had permanent homes, such as the one you and I live on. That's pretty much the gist of it. He liked to play the acoustic guitar and use a laptop. In fact, as the group introduced the traveller to Aloysius-they decided that since CampSoup was currently residing at Mt. Jazzeh it was the perfect opportunity for Aloysius to meet him-Campsoup had one of those Laptop slings on his chest as he typed away at his laptop. His guitar was strapped to his bag and slung around his waist was a bag stuffed with stuff. He wasn't wearing a coat but he didn't seem cold; Aloysius assumed it was his fur, but it wasn't the thickest fur ever. Maybe he just enjoyed the cold. Very similar to me, thought Aloysius. Aloysius was an Apollonian elf, an elf of the Sun, and Apollonian elves are always warm. Some people complemented Aloysius on his warmth when they hugged him, but since the only people who really hugged him were Solrai (also an Apollonian elf) and Arkcher (half-Apollonian, plus he was used to it), no one really noticed. Arkcher himself, as I said, was only half Apollonian. He unfortunately had not inherited the quality of not requiring a coat; doesn't matter, though. The school he had gone to back home in Montreal, the uniforms they issued that Arkcher still wore were very warm since Canada is quite a cold place. Mushroom_king and PMM were both well-adjusted to nearly any kind of weather, but that didn't stop them both from wearing heavier coats that were matching shades of green. As for Kat and Cheesemaster, our other two main characters, we'll get to them later as they were not present when Aloysius met CampSoup. Kat was back at hamsterdam probably getting drunk and Cheesemaster was back at the Port of Cheese probably selling papers. So that's our main characters, and their new Winter outfits. But they didn't have time to worry about outfits. Everyone on Invision was worrying about the Holidays and what to get their friends. Especially Horatio-or, as he was known around this time, Horatio Claus. He was busy getting pictures with C.C. Edna, Shopper, Serafina, and the other younger children of Invision at the shopping malls and buying presents for everyone and spreading good cheer. He made sure that everyone was happy, including residents such as XMyOwnMindX and Topazia, who were normally...well, not so cheerful. When it came to holiday spirit, Horatio was Number One. The Invisionists agreed that Horatio made their Invision lives a hundred times better, and that Christmas (and Chanukah) were even more fun with him around. "It was wonderful to meet you, Campsoup! It's fine if I call you that, right?" "Of course. Everyone calls me that." "How long will you be staying here at Mt. Jazzeh? You know, you can stay at my son's mansion if you want to." CampSoup gulped and looked at Arkcher to see if he had any doubt in his eyes. He seemed uncaring. You never could tell how Arkcher felt unless he talked. So CampSoup simply said, "Oh, don't worry. I'm fine! i really am!" PMM laughed, but MK spoke. "You'll be saying that when we pick your frozen dead body out of the snow." "Hey, I'm fine. I've travelled all my life. I know what I'm doing." "Travelled all your life? Whatever do you mean?" CampSoup cleared his throat. "You don't know about Lyvecher?" "Lyvewhat?" CampSoup sighed and rubbed his brow. Arkcher was blushing and messing with his tie nervously. MK and PMM were laughing. "Daad. Your earthiness is showing." "My what?" MK was trying hard to not bust out laughing. "No wonder the kids back at home in Dreamtopia think Earth People are dumb. Do they not teach you about other planets?" "Well of course not," said PMM. "They don't know about those other planets." "Oh, silly! They know about their own Solar System. They don't quite see the importance in those planets, though." "Because they don't use Magic quite as much as we did at home!" Aloysius was sweating even harder now as CampSoup desperately explained to him about Lyvecher. "...Yes, their technology....remember the field trip we had? Their technology was incredibly far behind ours." "I never saw Cars that huge before." "Remember all the smoke coming out of the cars?" "And all the stares we got because they thought we were dressed funny." "It wasn't so bad when we went to Europe, but it went downhill when we went to those developing countries." "I've never heard of such a thing as a "developing country" happening on any other planet." "Except Earth." "....And that is why I am a traveller," said CampSoup in a single breath and MK and PMM continued laughing amongst themselves as Arkcher got onto them. "Stop insulting my planet, you...um...Planet-ists! Is that what you would call them? Whatever....your planet is NOT high and mighty just because of your technology and clean environment!!" Aloysius scratched his head and tapped Arkcher on the shoulder. He stopped arguing with MK long enough to listen to his father. "Yea, Dad?" "Do you have any books on the other planets and such of the universe? I was curious when I came here, but now I absolutely must learn more!!" "It's alright, dad! I have an encyclopedia in the Study. It's an "electronic book", a technology introduced to me when I came here. It's updated whenever there's new information. But it's an expensive technology. They only use it for encyclopedias and dictionaries." He turned and grimaced at MK. "See? Not all this alien stuff is so high-tech. You still got ways to go." [i happen to really like this chapter.]
  12. do you guys handle iTunes problems?
  13. Putting off my putting off. Multitasking. Looking up funny stuff.
  14. "Hello, Pizza Palace Down The Street? Can I get the guy who took my order last time?" Kat chortled on the phone as Cheesemaster was gasping over how huge Arkcher's Mansion was as Arkcher, MK, and PMM prepared for bed. "Yea. I'd like some pepperoniiiiiiiii, some M-Rooms, and C-A-N-A-D-I-A-N-space-B-A-C-O-N....hey, do I get to keep the box?" "Yes." "Phew," she said, breathing a sigh of relief. "Alright, Ma'am. Will that be all?" She snickered and said, "We'll see about that." "Alright. Your pizza will be there within 30 minutes." "Remember, we never had this conversation," Kat whispered, and she hung up. "Thanks for inviting us over, Arkcher, but where are we gonna sleep?" asked Cheesemaster. "DUH." said Kat. "We're NOT sleeping. I ordered enough pizza and MK and PMM are sure to have enough soda and energy drinks to keep us up all night." "Sounds like a plan!" "I'm wondering what Dad is doing. Maybe inviting Solrai was a bad idea....PMM, I don't know whether to think you're right or not." "I'm always right," he muttered. "Man, I wish I'd purchased a Zeppelin instead of a pizza. Or....GASP!! A Pizza Zeppelin!" "Or maybe a Led Zeppelin..." said MK. "Well, Arkcher, where can we have our awesomely epic Sleepover?" asked PMM. Arkcher thought for a moment and said, "Well, there's our bedroom, there's the ballroom, which I'm not sure why I have one of those, or the Parlor, or the anteroom, which I'm also not sure why I have, or the Billiards Room." "I say Arkcher and MK's bedroom." said Kat. "Me too," said Cheesemaster. And the rest agreed. ----------------------------- So I guess the whole group just forgot about Aloysius and Solrai; perhaps they assumed that it would be best to not go see what they were doing, as you know how that normally goes. But when MK and Kat went to the Kitchen to get some Munchies and Energy drinks out of the fridge, they were all out! "KHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN!!!!!" screamed Kat. "Looks like we'll have to go to the department store, which is conveniently located in this convenient Eskimo village near the mansion." "You go tell those other 3 people that I went to get them," said Kat. ------------------------------ Kat went to the Department store in the Eskimo Town and learned that the energy drinks were on the very top floor. She took her cooler, which had "Human Head" written on the side for unknown reasons, and climbed into the elevator. In the elevator were 2 other people she didn't know. They didn't look like Eskimos to her, but she said nothing. Instead, she put her other hand in her pocket and ignored the eskimos looking at her cooler. She discovered in her pocket a sandwich from Hamsterking's party. She started eating it and as she chewed it, she asked the eskimo next to her, "Wanna see wha in muh mouf?" When they said nothing, she glared at them and muttered, "You're one of THEM!!!" and moved as far away from them as possible. Later on on the trip, she opened her cooler a tiny crack and whispered inside, "Are you okay in there?" And, after doing a million other things, she finally got to her stop and picked up her energy drinks, and somehow made her way back to The Mansion. -------------------------------- And they all lived awesomely ever after. OR DO THEY?! [EPIC STAR TREK REFERENCE GO]
  15. Aloysius said nothing, but rather, he winked at her and giggled. Solrai gasped, but was stopped when Glowurm came over with a menu. "Hey, guys! It's Cannibalism night! Aren't you excited?!" Aloysius started choking on the piece of cake he was eating, and barely struggled to say, "E-excuse me?!" "I said, it's Cannibalism night! Here's a menu." Aloysius opened it up and glanced at it with fright. "Well, what do you guys want?" "I'll have what i always get," said Arkcher. "I'll have the Jake Steak!" said PMM. "I'll have the Brownie Brownie," said MK. "The Chinese Chicken Special, please!" said Kat. "And I'll have a Grilled Cheese," said Cheesemaster. "Alright. That'll be out in just a few moments." Glowurm walked away and Aloysius was still suffering from severe shock. "You...you're not going to...?" "Shush, you'll see." said Arkcher. The food arrived a few moments later, as said, and as the plates were layed in front of the person who had ordered it, each one got a disgusted look on their face. After Glowurm left, each person looked at their food, until Cheesemaster broke the silence and said, "I'm not eating this." "I will," said MK, exchanging her Brownie Brownie for his Grilled Cheese. Cheesemaster then traded his Brownie for the Jake Steak, and PMM traded his brownie for the Chinese Chicken. And all was well; Aloysius breathed a sigh of relief, and then said, "Kids, me and Solrai...well, we're going to go ahead and leave. Is that fine with you?" Arkcher swallowed and said, "Uh...sure, but where are you going to go?" Aloysius looked over at Solrai. "Where do you want to go, Solrai? The town is completely empty by now." Arkcher took another bite and said, "Go on home. The household servants will be there." "Oh, son, you want me to take Solrai-" "Dad, it's fine! It really is. She can stay in the guesthouse and have breakfast in the morning, and she can then take the next flight home. Is that fine?" Aloysius was unsure, but he got up, took Solrai's hand, and said, "Well, that's perfectly fine. How are we going to get a flight home, though?" "Horatio's nice enough of a guy to fly you home. Just say you need a designated flyer, 'kay?" "Alright! I'll see you at home, Arkcher. Oh, and one more thing." Aloysius walked over to Arkcher and hugged him. "I love you more then any woman in the world." "I love you, too, Dad." After Aloysius left, Arkcher turned and saw that Cheesemaster was staring off into space; he seemed sad. "Is something wrong?" "Oh...it's nothing." -------------------------- "Oh My God, is this your son's Mansion?! I heard it was huge, but..." "Yes...yes. It is quite nice." She sighed as she wrapped her arms around him. "Where is the guesthouse, Aloysius?" "The Guesthouse?! Oh, no. Don't talk nonsense. I'll not allow you to sleep by yourself, all alone, in a little house out in the cold! It's quite frightening out there, I'm sure!" "Aloysius...I can handle it." "I still won't let you stay all alone out there." Solrai sighed and took Aloysius's hand as the two simply stood in the Foyer of the mansion. "So...where will I sleep, then? Where do you sleep, anyhow?" Aloysius suddenly broke into a sweat. "I-I sleep in the Guest Room," he stammered. She pulled her face closer to his and whispered, "Is The bed big enough for both of us?" "Solrai?!" he yelped, breaking from her grip. "If I'm not sleeping in the guesthouse, then where?" "You sleep in the bed in the Guest Room. I'll sleep on the floor. That's what a good gentleman does!" Solrai giggled and sighed. "Are you sure?" "I'm perfectly sure!" --------------------------- The two made their way up to the Guest Room of The Mansion, which was an extension of The Sitting Room. The Guest Room was a small room with a vanity, a nightstand, a bed, and a framed painting of Aloysius painted just for him on the wall. The wallpaper reminded Aloysius of a parlor, with it's stripes and pink color. Aloysius decided he would change into his sleeping clothes in the Guest Room while Solrai changed in the Sitting Room. Solrai insisted it was fine if they changed in the same room, but Aloysius insisted that such a thing was not right to do, as they were not married. So Aloysius changed into an outfit that looked like his everyday pants and shirt, but it was oversized and he slept in it. Solrai wore an orange slip under her normal dress, and Aloysius gasped when he saw her and she climbed into the bed. Aloysius took one of the blankets and curled up onto the floor. "Good Night, Solrai. I...I love you." "I love you, too, Aloysius. If you change your mind, just come up here!" "I doubt I will," he muttered. ---------------------------- To make a long story short, they both ended up doing naughty things. --------------------------- "I wonder what, and why, my dad decided to go home early with Solrai?" "I'm not gonna lie, Arkcher. This will probably make you mad, but I'm pretty sure he came here to do naughty things."
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