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Hampsterdance Discussion Board


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Everything posted by Mushroom_king

  1. Because you want to stick around in case i give you all my moneys. I used to go there, I have almost 800K. And i cant decide who to give it to so I can delete my account(s). o_O It could be YOU! I doubt it cuz we cant exchange usernames. Ssssssooooooo tough luck. o_o <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Mememememememememememememememememem!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My Questions: Why is Arkcher a dork; why is Moneylover asking Questions about his Boxers; Who is the idit hoo invted chatspek The never to be solved Question: Why does Toto pick her nose?
  2. Horatio, please send all these avvies to HK. It would be appreciate, I would like to use the one with me in it in my first post.
  3. more avvies This the Luigiboo piccy. This is for Jesusfreak.... or Topazia....
  4. Mushroom_king


    Making Pirate FedEx commercials. *hears YARRrrrrrrr in the background* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I Must give ye a Clouduh Aish' Award! It be me Wors' Booty!
  5. Mushroom Army: ( its in white text. Bwa.) In the Mushroom army, you geta shroom gun. you run a round, shroom people, they get Musdhrooms in their brains. But you cant shroom people in the Mushroom army. (see siggy)
  6. Anna, I would absalootly Like to be your freind. Maybe Ill even let you in the Mushroom army. Awew, what da heck. Ill just add ya in. *updates siggy*
  7. One day ( very soon also) I shall be that last one.
  8. Heya! Muh names Japancat pithcbalck, and Dont live i on of those( mine is full of idoits) and I am the King of all Mushrooms! Please note I am a girl not a boy. Pleasy read my stories. They are great!!!!
  9. Here I am to Rock you like a Hurricaene!!!!! ( that songs cuul.)
  10. As everybody changed into Hamis, The Evil Zeebo aleins came into the Spaceship. MK shroomed every last one of them and TGHL Stole their Sanitys. " This Isnt working" said Hoops. " I have the Answer" said Sammy the Hamster. " what" yelled evrybody " Just eat these things. Trust me." said Sammy. MK pulled out her weopen of Mass Destruction- Evil Pikmin warriors. After the Zeebo fight, The zeebobiens Retreated. " attention" said Horatio. " we are noe landing on earth" " Prepare for your Arrival." said Hampster. As everyone was packing up, Horatio and Hampster were still steering the ship to ground. " Warning! Warning! Please get in the 3000 Safty crash seats. We are going to land in 5," " Horatio! We have a Problem!" Screamed Hampster. Sorry that segment was so short.
  11. I have been looking for the goodness in you. *gives TGHL 10 dolars for absalootly no reoson*
  12. Did I make this before you came? I don't remember. Would you like to be added? It only got like 3 votes on it anyway... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Use your Common sense! Did Moneylover change his name while I was here, Smart one? Ha. Ha. Sense. Cents. Moneylover. get it? Ha. Ha. Okay that was bad sorry.
  13. Mushroom_king


    Arrr, me booty wi' los o' Mushrooms!!! *shoots a shrooms gun randomly*
  14. Super Katie!!!!!! I have never known you but I have been Dying to mm=eet you!!!!! You came back on my Birth daY. I am obbesssed with this face:
  15. That is not true. Of course we care about yours. *gives Mushroom_king a giant hammie bear huggle* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yes. (I dont read through all of these, So you arent the only one I ignored in this topic. ) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr................ *shrooms Arkcher * You now have 5TGhY67 taban Controlling your Brain.
  16. So when everyone got on the plane, They went and ran around. At 2:00 in the Morning, everyone heard something from downstairs. It was coming from MKs room. They went ion their and MK was playing her Bass guitar toPitchblackEclipse s New Album. She was already on 9, Shaylns Bayln. She was also screaming sound effects from Super Mario 64 DS. " MK! BE QUIET!!!! WE IS TRYING TO SLEEP!" screamed Hoops. The next morning, Horatio said they were near planet Zeebo. However, unlike the day before, it was less boring. MK had found a Lugiboo Haunting the castle and shrooomed it. it was MKs new best freind. Hoops was screaming. " IM your best freind! Not that LUGIBOO!" she screamed. " Its my seconed best freind. after you." Hampster was helping out Horatio fly the plane. "attention" said Hampster./ Everyone stopped what they were doing. " we are being to hostage by Evil aleins. Please Transform into a Hami Warrior and be ready to fight"
  17. Yay!!! Since My First story, The Invision War, was such a Sucess, I have made a Series.This one is called STUPID EARTHILINGS!!!! Theres a weird joke i it. Its The Person at Celebration City Confused. That part is Hilarious. (I think.) "Horatio!!!! Hurry wit the Big plane! It has to hoard all of us and our Junk.' Mk Shouted to Horatio. Coca Cola bear was Supplying all the Drinks. " MK, do I need to bring Muh Gamecube and N64?" asked Arkcher. "No, I'm Packing my own. But bring your Own DS. I'm Bringing mine. We can PictoChat." MK responded. Everyone supplied something. Finally, Horatio fineshed the Plane. It had the size of 100 Jet liners and the Spiffiness of Invision's Planes. Everyone crawled in. " awsome" said TGHL. " Its sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cool" said Puppy Dog. " Tv, Internet Comnnection, Sattilite, Drink Holders- All the Comforts of Home." said Pink Angel. " Its just like Arkchers Mansion. Everyones got there own room decorated speciel." said Hoops. Hampsterking Announced: " I would like to thank Mushroom King, for Planning, Horatio, For Building, and Moneylover, for Support and Paying For this Airplane supplied for our Vacation to earth." Everyone was around MK, TB, TGHL,Hippydippy, and Hoops who were the only Invisionists that had Visited earth and asking them Annoying Questions. Everyone got in to the Plane and into there rooms. "lets go" said Horatio.
  18. Thats the one which means I made you go Lol isn't it? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yesh. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Does your siggie have to be so long? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yesh. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Any reason why, when most of it is just odd words building up in a pyramid style? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Those aRe my Nivknames and Catch Phrases.
  19. Hey, I see you and the others, but where in Bananaland am I? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Your the Hammy on deh ground. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I'm not a hamster! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> than exactly where did this qoute come from?
  20. These avvies are really cartoons really...
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