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Everything posted by Mushroom_king

  1. That's excellent!!!! You just earned yourself The Double Gold Star Award!!! w00t! Now, just for Cheeseman to actually get over here and find it. You could always post this picture in his topic. *cough, cough* wat
  2. And don't forget, she had met TONS of celebs on the red carpet.
  3. You forgot really, really rich little girl who is the daughter of a superstar. Do I have that correct? And don't forget her uncle is Lance Armstrong. lol How dumb of me... I had forgotten this, the most important aspect. Was it a four story house she lived in? You totally missed it... a four-story mansion! And her -ahem- sisters nearly died of spider bites that she conveniently had forgotten the names of. She also conveniently kept forgot the ages of said sisters. And her grandpa (or something) worked for NASA and said that Mars would be as big as the Moon on some date in April.
  4. Haha that's pretty awesome. XD But....what about people with milk allergies? Cheesus isn't the only God, you know. There's The Great Muffin, Ramensas, Monoculous, Gavel, Thomas, Bobelina, Otaco, Clasu, Smitus, and Pwnamus Maximus! And more, too!
  5. Glowurm began to hyperventilate, and then began to hallucinate; he felt as though he was having an out-of body experience, and perhaps he was. Dr. Choc softly put his hands on on Glow's back and shouted to him: "GLOW!!! Listen to me" Glow looked up and him as best as he could. "Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth." Glowurm quickly and reluctantly followed his advice. He took in the stale apartment air through his nose and slowly exhaled it through his mouth. He repeated this, and he slowly, but surely, stopped panicking. He sat up, and Choc once again put his hand on his back. Glowurm sighed. "Choc, what can I do? I'm losing it!" "No you're not. All you need to do is look towards your friends. They're always there for you. That's what the problem is. No one is comfortable talking to a therapist, a complete stranger. You only want to talk to people you know. You trust those people. You trust them with everything." Glowurm sniffled again, but finally, a sincere smile broke across his face. "You're right. I'm going to head over to Planet Horatio right now." Choc laughed. "That's the spirit! But can I come?" "Sure, why not?" said Glowurm. For now, he still liked him. ------------------------- Glow and Choc walked slowly towards Planet Horatio, Choc's hand on Glowurm's back. "Choc, you're the only Doctor I've met who knew what he was talking about." Choc laughed and smiled. "That's what I try to do with all my patients. I want to befriend them before I can cure them. After all, you're not just going to divulge your greatest secrets to some stranger. But you would to a friend." "That's exactly right." "So, Glow...are we friends?" Glow looked up at him, and smiled. "Of course we are, Choc." Choc started to choke up, and he picked up Glowurm and carried him the rest of the way. "I'll do everything in my power to help you, Glowurm." --------------------------- When they got there, they saw Arkcher, MK, Hoops, and Hoops's friends. They were all sitting at a booth, talking. They hadn't yet ordered anything. When the Doctor and Glow got over there, they all said hi. "Evening, Glowurm," said Aloysius. "Who's your friend here?" "This is Dr. Flippinchocsnappywaffin. We just call him Dr. Choc." "Salutations!" said the Doctor. Aloysius stood up to shake hands. The contrast was incredible; you had Aloysius, a tall, thin blond man with long hair, and you had an overweight short-haired doctor. "It's very nice to meet you!" said Aloysius. "I, too, research Medicine. Everyone knows me as an inventor though." "Really?" Arkcher spoke up. "That's my father, if you couldn't already tell; the inventor Dr. Aloysius Ahrroww." "A-Ahrroww?! Ahh! Ugh...how foolish of me, I NEVER noticed the connection before...." Aloysius giggled. Glowurm's eyes went wide with fear. Aloysius glanced over at him. "Oh, what are you so upset about, my dearest worm?" "Eh...he's my therapist...I guess. He's everyone's doctor, though." "Just one doctor for everyone?" "We don't get sick a whole lot...plus, there's others. There's a couple in the Eskimo and Scarlie villages, and I'm pretty sure there's one living in the Mansion." "Ah. And you have me, as well." "Come on! Who wants something to eat or drink? I'll get it for you...I'm the only one who can..." He glared over at a drunken Kat slumped over on the counter.
  6. That's excellent!!!! You just earned yourself The Double Gold Star Award!!! w00t! Now, just for Cheeseman to actually get over here and find it.
  7. the hilarious thing is, over on the site I got this from, a bunch of people were offended by this icon.
  8. MEANWHILE.... A tall, overweight Black man wearing a Doctor's headband, and coat stood sitting in his chair, reviewing his notes from the last meeting he'd had with Glowurm. Let me tell you about my old therapist, Mr. Beal... He sighed as he read what Glowurm had explained to him last week. He had talked to him about a certain man who Glowurm only described as "Mr. Beal", who he had disliked intensely. Why? According to Glowurm, the man hadn't been worried about him one bit; he merely smiled and grinned "Like a madman" during the sessions. "Least you could do is fake concern. Or maybe it's the fact you're doing this to me in a hospital. I can't stand it. My voice echoes, even though the room is tiny. Everything's so pristine. I wanted to hide under your stupid wooden out-of-place Ikea desk. I hate it. Or perhaps it's simply the fact my mum took me? I mean, as much as I love her, I can't take being in the same car as her right now. Every time she phones it's always with a complaint. Always. I always get a lecture. Always. I've always done something wrong. Always. I'm always wrong. Always. And the worst part? She always phones. Always. It's gotten to the point where I hate the phone so much because of it that answering it for OTHER people is getting difficult. Feels like THEY all want to shout at me too. That session had been the lengthiest one Dr. Choc had gone through with Glowurm. He had gotten a very long essay now, about how much he hated his previous therapist and that was why he hated seeing Dr. Choc. And perhaps, that was why he had been absent today. Dr. Choc had always been an optimist, like Horatio. Always happy. Never upset. But Glowurm, his situation, was worrying him greatly. He put down his notes and decided to try and find him. Of course he tried the phone first. No answer. This caused greater worry. He first checked Planet Horatio. He was saddened to see that Glowurm's shift was over, and rather, the girl known as Kat was working. He ran over to her and asked if she'd seen Glowurm. "No, I just took over for him. He headed home...uh, you alright?" Dr. Choc was bent over and breathing heavily. He was out of shape and it wasn't hard to tell. "Nothing. Uh...I ran all the way here..." "You want somethin' to pick you up?" "Oh, goodness no. No alcohol for me." Kat rolled her eyes and scoffed. "Square." "Uh, see you later!" he said, huffing as he ran out. ------------------------- Dr. Choc eventually found his way to Glowurm's apartment house, after asking around town. He had ran the whole time and was now completely out of breath; he felt like he was dying. He needed to work out. But he managed to knock on the door of Glowurm's apartment. A few seconds later, a strung-out Glowing worm greeted him. He simply glared at him and whispered, "What do you want?" "I...I...Uh..." He coughed. "I became deeply worried about your condition as I was reading notes from our last session. May I come in?" "Why not..." murmured Glowurm as he allowed the Doctor inside. Glowurm was about to pull up a chair for Choc, but after a second thought he refused. If he sat on the futon and Choc sat on the chair, it'd be too much like their sessions. So he simply told Choc to sit at the opposite end of the futon. That way, they'd be on equal sides. That was something Glow hated about his sessions; he felt that lying on the couch made him lower than the therapist. Here they were talking as equals. Glow huffed and asked him, "What are you so worried about?" "Your state of mind, Glowurm. Your mental state if you will." "This isn't a session, DOCTOR." He said, angry. "Please, just listen to me!" said Choc desperately. "I was worried sick when you didn't show up today!" "I didn't want to go," said Glow bluntly. "I hate you shrinks." "Please, Glow. Please don't base your opinion of me on your previous therapist. I really do care about you and I am truly, truly worried about you." Liar, thought Glow. He opened his mouth to say it, but decided against it. "Please. Talk to me." said Choc desperately. He sounded as though this was his only choice left and that it was doomed to fail. Glow sighed. He looked down at the ground and spoke. "My mum sent me to see my old therapist. I loved her so much, and she had to do that to me. I couldn't stand to be in the same room as her. She always phoned during the sessions. Complaining. Lecturing. I never heard the end of anything. And when I asked for a different therapist, the questions never stopped." Choc listened intently. He copied this all down to memory so he could record it later. "I once talked to my dad over dinner, and-and-I threatened to...well, off myself." Choc's eyes grew wide. "You mean...?" "Don't worry. I'd never do that in a million years, I swear. I just wanted him to shut up." "And what did he say?" "Nothing. He was drunk and didn't notice." Choc said nothing. Ne only nodded and said, "Go on..." Glow said nothing for a moment. His voice began to shake and Choc realized he was crying. "I'm so afraid of breaking down. Losing it. Falling apart. Everything." He buried his face in his tiny hands and sniffled. "I'd rather DIE than tell anyone this stuff!" He lifted his head out of his face and looked at Choc. He passed over his large, caring eyes, but rather, noticed the stethoscope around his neck, and the headgear, and finally, noticed a bottle of pills in his breast pocket. He began to breath heavily. "This is why I HATE therapists, and I HATE Mr. Beal, and I HATE you!!!" "Please, Glow. Sit down, and calm-" "I CAN'T!!" He screamed. "I DON'T WANT THIS HAPPENING TO ME!!!" "Glow-!" Glow fell on the floor and began to hyperventilate. At first Choc thought he might be having a seizure, but he dismissed that assumption within a minute when he realized he was having a Panic Attack. He began to panic as well when he remember that he had diagnosed the boy 5 years ago, when he came to Invision, with pharmacophobia, the fear of medicine, doctors, and other medical things. He remembered how he had found this out, when he was giving diagnoses to every Invisionist: "Glowurm...gender is Male. Species is Worm. Home country is Australia, on the Planet Earth. Any phobias?" The Worm glared at Choc. He looked confused, until he noticed that Glowurm was staring at some syringes on a tray. "Oh, sweetie, are you afraid of needles?" Glowurm whimpered and backed away. "I'm afraid of Doctors," he whispered. Choc looked at him for a moment. "Fear of anything medical," he muttered, writing the Phobia on his sheet. He'd completely forgotten it. Of course! Why, why did he have to forget such a crucial detail?!
  9. Arkcher leaned over to MK while on the plane. "Hey, Mushroom..." MK looked at him and smiled. "Yes, Arkky?" He laughed. "Oh, I forgot. I just wanted to hear you call me that name again." She giggled and put her head on his shoulder. The two of them, along with Aloysius and PMM, were on their way to Hamsterdam for the New Year's par-tay. In the past few days, the two had developed the habit of making little nicknames for each other. MK had been calling him Arkky, and he'd been calling her Mushroom. It wasn't in a particularly romantic way, though; MK was mainly just "making a name that slid off the tongue easier", was the way she put it. And Arkcher felt awkward calling her MK. PMM didn't believe them when they said this; much like he had with Aloysius and Solrai, he believed the two to be really in love and not just close friends who happened to be in a forced marriage. He'd been right about Aloysius, so he fancied himself being right about this, as well. He glared at them both and huffed. Before they knew it, they had arrived in Hamsterdam. The first thing they did was seek out the hotel they had reserved. They went up into the room. It was very nice; it had three big beds and a couch that folded out. "Cool! Free Internet!" said Arkcher. "Very nice, a built-in kitchen!" said Aloysius. "Awesome, a TV with plugs for games!" said PMM. MK glared at The Author. "What about me?" The group decided to head over to Planet Horatio and see who else had arrived. But first, they went to Fried Dragon Palace because Arkcher wanted Rice instead of Planet Horatio's food. When they went there, they saw big solar panels on the roof and a picture of Al Gore in the window. The name was no longer Fried Dragon Palace, but instead there was a paper banner that read "Al Gore's Chinese Restaurant". It was very sloppy. Arkcher huffed. "I'm not eating a place with that guy, or any politician for that matter, on it." "No! Come baaaaaaaack!" cried Kat. "We have nothing to do with him except his picture in the window and we sometimes play his speeches on the speakers!" They continued walking. "BUT WE HAVE SNOW PEAS!!!!" ---------------------------- The group eventually found themselves at Planet Horatio. The regular crowd was there, along with Cheesemaster, Cheese Woman, Dawn Rabbitt, and Hoops. Next to Hoops was a Moose on a Unicycle, a Monkey, and a Human girl with a lollipop. "Dad, here are some friends I want to introduce to you," he said, pointing at Hoops and her friends. Aloysius gave a glance at the Moose on the Unicycle, but then ignored it. He thought to himself that he should be used to this by now. "Dad, you already know Hoops. The girl is Mullaypop." "Hi," she said. She had a voice dripping with sugary sweetness. "That's Funky Monkey, and Moosey. You should tell who's who by their names." The Moose and Monkey both said hello. "Guys, this is my father, Aloysius Ahrrroww." "The British inventor!" said Moosey. "Why....yes, that's precisely it," said Aloysius. "All four of us are from Florida." "What's a Moose doing in Florida?" wondered Aloysius. "A zoo, where else? But it did indeed stink...Funky Monkey was there too, until Mullay broke us out because she went there all the time and we became friends with her. And Hoops, too." "Me and Hoops went to school together," said Mullaypop. "Hoops had to do a lot to disguise herself." "I'll bet..." mumbled Aloysius.
  10. wurm smiled at Kat. "I will miss you at the New Year's party, though..." said Kat, with a hint of sadness in her voice. Glowurm got a big grin on his face, but his eyes were a mixture of sentiment and sadness. "Don't worry, Kat...I'll...I'll be there..." and he rubbed her head. The two of them looked deep into each other's eyes, until Glowurm put his elbows on the counter and muttered, "I don't know what or who to do right now..." Kat blushed and laughed. "Woodstock, maybe!" "Speaking of...I wonder where he is? He stills lives in Taynio, and...Uh...Well, New Year's will be our Five-Month Anniversary." "Oh really?! That's awesome. Maybe you should take him with you when you go pirating." Glowurm laughed. "Eh, maybe." "Speaking of, who all is coming to the New Year party, anyway? From what I know, only the people who sent a letter back to the establishment were the ones coming. The deadline was yesterday." "Hold on, I got the list somewhere." Glowurm started rummaging around in some more things behind the counter. "Ahhh...Here it is." Glowurm pulled the list out. "Hmmm....You, Me, Schimmislick, Arkcher, MK, Cheesemaster, Cheese Woman, Vanilla Star Hamster, Dawn Rabbitt, Hoops Ahshirt, Moosey, Funky Monkey, MullayPop, Hamsterking, Horatio, GAURD101, Roger That, Leguan, The Teen Silver Eye Fox, Graf Von & Cutie Puppet, Kep, Kaei, Aloysius Ahrroww, Serafina Is So Cute!, Wannabe Film Maker, Wildcat OH ARE YOU BORED YET?!" Glowurm looked from behind his paper and saw a sleeping Kat. Drool poured out of her mouth. He heaved and threw the paper back into the drawer. ---------------------------- After his shift was over, Glowurm managed to wake up Kat and she got onto her shift. Glowurm really wasn't sure what to do right now; he was at home, with nothing to do. He sighed, and decided to write. He grabbed a pen and just let the words flow from him: "Slipping downward, spiralling out of control I've lost track of my senses. I feel almost nothing I hear no sounds and I see only black From the depths of my mind I cry out for help I shake and I scream, but there's no response I'm alone in this world, sliding down to die" He glared down at his writing. It was dark, just like the haiku he'd written. He continued to write. "I begin to move faster towards the end goal I know my journey's fleeting, I feel it in my heart There's nothing left for me, my emotions flow out I'm sliding, rushing, spinning, and never stopping The depth of my agony seems to stretch on forever I wish it would finish, and yet there's still more" He leaned back in his chair, shut his eyes, and sighed again. Maybe he should go see his therapist. He got back up and finished the poem: "But then there's a light slicing into my brain And as I slip faster, I hear some kids shouting I can feel water splashing against my skin I can smell chlorine like in a large pool I start to scream, I don't know what this means And then I burst free. Water slides are so much fun." He smiled. That was the perfect ending. But it wasn't really a poem. It had structure, but...it just wasn't a poem to him. But he liked it, Dark as it was. But he stashed it in his Treasure Box, a chest that resembled buried treasure. He put the page in the chest and locked it. His therapist would never find it.
  11. I think I might make this the plot for Horatio's story in Tales of Invision...'cause I like the idea.
  12. I should so totally finish this. But instead, I'm going to somehow fit it into Tales of Invision.
  13. Glowurm's story Just one week after Christmas, JUST ONE WEEK, and everyone was in a frenzy again. What? For New Year's, of course. You know what that meant? It meant that Glowurm would be stuck making drinks like it's no tomorrow. But it wouldn't be that bad. Only a few Invisionists ever went to New Year's; a lot didn't attend the party because of the amount of alcohol, and none of the children were even allowed in. This would be the first year that MK, Hoops, and their friends (Dawn and Vanilla, as you know, but also three of Hoop's friends). Another Invisionist who would be attending this year was a Tiger named Wildcat. Glowurm stood behind the counter at Planet Horatio, washing the glasses, moping. When it wasn't a Holiday, this place had barely any business. Mostly just people like Kat or Roger who came here all the time. Glow wondered about Kat's cover-up for her Mafia. Fried Dragon Palace. Was everyone eating there? Was it even any good? Kat had been using robots (Robot Ninjas to be exact) to staff the place so her Mafia members could do their other jobs. But were they getting any business? Glowurm wondered if Fried Dragon Palace was doing even worse than Planet Horatio. But why was Glowurm caring so much about the place, you ask? Ever since Mushroom_king had moved to Mt. Jazzeh, she'd allowed Glowurm to be the manager. She still owned it, but Glowurm managed it. He'd tried a lot of things to get people to come there. They'd all failed. But the regular crowd, coming in every day, still managed to bring in money. Glowurm sighed. He'd finished cleaning the glasses. He rummaged around in some drawers until he found some paper and a pen. He decided to write some poetry. First he'd write a Haiku. But what about? He looked around the place. His eye caught an Invisionist by the name of Hamster Fireball. He was a "Giant Hamster" who had orange fur. He was also a pyro; he constantly had flames around his body. They didn't hurt him though. Everyone just made sure to NOT invite him when they were shooting off fireworks. "Fire," said Glowurm. "I'll write about fire." "i saw fire once it engulfs and burns all things death comes too slowly" Glowurm looked at the paper he had written on. He sighed a heavy sigh, crumbled up his poem, and threw it away. Too dark, he thought. Too dark. He leaned his head back and looked at the clock. He should be at the Doctor's Office now, talking to his Therapist, Dr. Choc. (Short for Dr. Flippinchocsnappywaffin), but he had decided not to go. He hated going there. And he'd grown to dislike Dr. Choc, too. Suddenly, a voice broke his train of thought. "You look kind of down, Glow." It was Kat. "Oh, Hi, Kat." "I came here to take over for you like I usually do. Don't you have to see your therapist?" Glowurm sweated nervously. "Yea, but I don't want to go anymore." "I could cover for you." Glowurm imagined Kat dressed as him going to see the therapist. "No, don't do that. Here, want a Jig?" "Would I ever!" "Suit yourself!" said Glowurm. He turned around and mixed up the flavors of Jell-O and Root Beer into a red drink. He topped it off with 10 paper umbrellas. "Thanks, Glow," she purred as she took the martini glass and downed the whole thing. Except the umbrellas. They don't taste that great. She sighed happily and then purred. "Can I have some Hot Chocolate, too?" "What do you want in it?" "a Peppermint stick and no more than 3 1/2 marshmallows." "Comin' up..." He got out a warm glass of milk and poured some cocoa in it, mixed it, and put in the peppermint and marshmallows. "There you go, Kat." "Are you excited about New Year's?" "I'd like to take the day off. Do some plundering and pirate music like I did back in The Day." "All the piratey things?" "Yea..." "Well, I can take over for you if you want." "Will you really do that? But you had plans." "Yea, I know. But I'll help you out." [hope Glow doesn't mind me using his haiku.]
  14. Arkcher, MK, Aloysius, and PMM were staying in a hotel in Hamsterdam. It was about 7 in the morning when PMM shook MK awake, who shook Arkcher awake, who shook Aloysius awake. "Dad!! Wake up! It's Christmas!!!" "It is?! Well Merry Christmas then! What are we doing first?" "We have to go to Planet Horatio. Everyone is opening presents during breakfast there!" "Alright, then. You did bring the gifts, didn't you?" "Of course! I would never forget." ----------------------------- When they got to Planet Horatio, the entire place was bursting with cheer. Schimmislick was on stage singing Holiday music, Who Are You was making Trees and Snow appear with her magic, and decorations were everywhere. And CampSoup was lighting a Menorah, and then teaching the younger children how to play a dreidel. And Kat and Glowurm were incredibly busy giving Eggnog and pancakes to everyone. Jesusfreak, Topazia, and Taynio were reading from a Bible. Everyone else was talking with their friends. "Come on, there's Dawn and Vanilla," said MK. "Let's sit there." Arkcher looked around. "Where's Cheesemaster?" "Over there," giggled PMM. Cheese Woman was wearing a special Christmas dress, with green, white, and red ruffles. She was standing underneath the doorway were there was mistletoe, and was trying to coax Cheesemaster to go over there. But he knew what she was up to, and went over to his friends instead. "Hi, guys. Merry Christmas!" said Cheesemaster. The group (except Aloysius) looked at him funny, and then laughed. "What's so funny?" "Nothing..." Aloysius looked at them with a look of confusion, but went along with it anyhow, and they sat down. "Hi, Dawn. Vanilla." "Hi, MK!" said the two girls. Dawn reached into her coat pocket and pulled out some Christmas Crackers. "Come on. I grab this end, you grab that end, we pull it and things come out!" "Sounds dirty, but OK." MK grabbed one end of the Cracker and pulled as hard as she could. A paper crown came out, along with a slip of paper, and a plastic bag. Arkcher was about to grab the crown, but another hand already got it-Kat's hand. She put the crown on her head, even though she had ten other paper crowns already, and a santa hat. "You guys want Breakfast?" said Kat, and then she hiccuped. The eggnog was starting to get to her. "Uh, yes! And some eggnog, please. But no alcohol please..." "You got it!!" stammered Kat and she staggered off. "Doesn't she ever get a hangover?" "I think her body is used to it by now." A few minutes later, a round of eggnog and Pancakes (with Christmas sprinkles) were around the table. After eating, they heard Horatio's voice over the intercom. "Alright, everyone! Time for presents!!" Everyone cheered, though the group noticed Arkcher clapped a little yes. "What's wrong?" "Why's everyone so excited about presents? I think we should be celebrating the..." Arkcher went on about family and friends and other good things, while PMM looked up at MK and rolled his eyes. Arkcher spoke knowing no one would really agree with him. The others all had different beliefs than he did. But that isn't relevant. CampSoup nervously appeared on Stage. "I can't believe it! I've been chosen to hand the gifts out!" He grabbed the first gift. It was small. "Mushroom_king and Paper mario Master!" PMM climbed onto MK's shoulders and held his arms up, and CampSoup threw the gift and he barely caught it. He rapidly tore the paper off, and in it was a video game. The name hasn't been disclosed and has been forgotten under all of PMM's games. And out fell a gift card to a music store-for MK. "Those are from meee!" said Vanilla gleefully. "Thanks, Vanilla!" "And next is...to Arkcher!" Arkcher turned around and a cylinder-shaped package fell by his feet. He opened it and it was a can of peas. He looked at it for a long time and then shouted, "THIS IS JUST WHAT I ALWAYS WANTED!!!!" He thumped his fist as if to say "Yes". CampSoup continued to throw gifts out into the crowd. The entire time, Aloysius was getting sadder wondering if Solrai was there. "And finally, the last gift....to Aloysius!" Aloysius perked up his head as a gift landed on the table in front of him. From Solrai? He opened it up and it was a coupon for a free haircut at the hair salon. Aloysius just stared blankly at it. "From me," huffed PMM. "Thanks, but I won't be using this anytime soon." "That's all, I think...wait, there's one more! It's also for Aloysius." He perked his head up again. A small box went flying across the room and he caught it just in time. He looked at it for a moment and opened it. Inside the box was a slip of paper. He took it out and unfolded it. "Behind you." He gasped and looked in the booth behind him. There was Solrai, sitting by herself. "Solrai!!!" he got up and sat down next to her. "But wait, how come there's no presents from Kat?" asked Cheesemaster, who had about a hundred presents from Cheese Woman. Suddenly, the doors swung open and Kat had a bunch of presents. "I did my last-minute shopping!!!" Everyone groaned. This happened EVERY year.
  15. Aloysius was walking away to see what Arkcher wanted when he stopped, turned around, and looked at Serafina. "You want to come with me?" Serafina giggled and jumped into the air. "I'd love to!" Serafina ran toward him and the two held hands the whole way. "Hi, Dad! There's a lot of people you gotta meet!" said Arkcher. He looked down at Serafina. "Oh, Hi, Serafina." he muttered. As I had stated earlier on, he didn't like Serafina because of his perverted personality. But he decided that if he just kept Serafina away from any hot women, he'd be OK. Unless Serafina regarded Kat and MK as being sexy, which in that case he was screwed. But he didn't think Serafina would have the hots for MK. She was very plain looking, with her plain face and chin-length hair. Kat was alright, but she was a cat. Aloyisius picked Serafina up and held him. "Who was it you wanted me to meet?" "Well, before we meet anyone, you wanna eat some pre-Christmas dinner dinner?" "I'd love to," he said. "I assume it's at Planet Horatio?" "How'd you know. But there's also a new Breakfast place in town that TheBreakfastMonkey started, and of course there's Fried Dragon palace, but Fried Dragon palace isn't an appetizing name." "I considered naming it 'Al Gore's Chinese Restaurant,'" said Kat. Just for the holidays, Planet Horatio had put outdoor seating. It had just snowed, but only about an inch, maybe an inch and a half. It as good Christmas weather. Oh, and there were some of those outdoor heaters, so you weren't as cold. The group sat down at a Table, except Kat, who put a Santa hat on one of the horns of her Viking helmet and said she'd be serving them. The group had decided to order, and was about to pay when they heard an unfamiliar female's voice. "Aloysius Apollo Ahrroww, aged 47, an Appolian elf, married to Lara Lie Ahrroww, aged 53, father of Derringer Richard Ahrrow, aged 21, Sharona Nacki Ahrroww aged 19, Mint Corina Ahrroww aged 17, and Arkcher Apollo Ahrroww aged 16." Aloysius turned around to see a tall, thin girl with Silver Fox's ears and tail, short blue hair, a tight silver shirt with a blur star, suspenders, baggy pants, goggles, and black gloves. Near her feet was a Golden Fox. Aloysius looked at her and asked, "How did you know all that?" She laughed quietly, reached into her pocket, and pulled out a brown leather object. "Stole your wallet" and with that, she started bounding away, with the Golden Fox at her heels. "G-Give that back, Thief!!" said Aloysius, getting up and preparing to run after her. "DAD," said Arkcher sternly. "That girl just stole my wallet! You expect me to just sit here?" "She'll return it. It's happened to me before." Aloysius turned around and huffed. "Who does she think she is?" "That'd be The Teen Silver Eye Fox, a silver-furred blue-haired acrobatic thieving expert. And that fox with her was The Golden-Eye Fox, her partner." "How did she manage to take my wallet?! It's been in my pants pocket this whole time." "Beats me, but she'll probably get bored and you'll somehow get it ba....how the #### did your wallet get in my breast pocket?" [Whoever finds the James Bond, Tokyo Mew Mew, and The Knack references gets a cookie. But you must find all three. And an extra one if you can find the reference in Derringer's name.]
  16. I want Nintendopoly. And Internet memeopoloy. (only one of which exists)
  17. I saw a green cloud. See, it was a viking cloud. And shaped like Cloud Strife.
  18. And with that, I was kidnapped by cookies and joined the pastry cult
  20. As stated, Horatio managed to get Arkcher's family and CampSoup out of their snowy prison. After a brief celebration, they all went on the next plane to Hamsterdam. Tomorrow was the 23rd, the eve of Christmas Eve. CampSoup was already upset because they had had to celebrate the first day of Chanukah at the Mansion, but the Ahrrowws managed to make it special for him. That was all that mattered. "Don't forget the presents!" Arkcher yelled to his father. "And no peeking!" "Alright, I won't!" he said joyfully. --------------------------- When the group had landed in Hamsterdam, they called Kat and Cheesemaster right away. The two of them were incredibly overjoyed that their friends were finally safe and freed. "Did you bring Sean and Julian along?" asked Cheesemaster. "We sure did," said MK. The two boys had been stuck at the Mansion with no exciting adventures for several months, and MK always brought them to the Holiday celebration. They were eager to see Horatio Claus, as well as be able to play with some other children their age-in fact, they got this chance just now when they saw a boy and girl (plus Serafina) who were drastically different in appearance. The girl was happy and waving, but the boy was somber and depressed, and shivering. The girl's name was Shopper. The boy's name was C.C. Edna. Sean and Julian let go of Arkcher and MK's hands and ran over to see their friends. The four talked for a little bit before the twins grabbed the arms of the other two and dragged them over to Aloysius. Aloysius kneeled down, just a few inches above the snow-covered ground, so he could look eye-to eye with the children. Sean put his hand on his shoulder and said, "Edna! Shopper! This is my daddy's daddy. His name is Aloysius." Shopper giggled. She wore a pink shirt, a fluffy pink coat, and a pink skirt. Her blond hair was pulled back into a ponytail and she had big, sparkling eyes. She gave Aloysius a hug, but then gasped. "Mister, you're all warm!" Aloysius laughed. "I know! I don't have to wear a coat!" "I'm jealous." Aloysius sighed and looked over at the somber boy next to her. He was wearing a wrinkled, oversized blue striped shirt, tattered brown pants, a worn cap, and some worn-out suspenders hanging by his sides. This was C.C. Edna. He had the most awful look of sorrow in his eyes and face, that even all the Christmas spirit around him couldn't bring Aloysius up after looking at him. Just one glance into those eyes made him feel that same sadness and grief. "Edna?" He slowly lifted his head up and looked At Aloysius. From under his cap he could see brown, curly hair. He said nothing. "What's wrong?" Aloysius tried to put a hand on his shoulder, but he pulled away and looked at the ground again. He heard Arkcher's voice from behind him. "Dad! It looks like a lot of people are here for the party a few days early. Come on!" "Not now," he muttered as loud as he could without potentially frightening the child. He was shivering and looking at the ground. "Edna, please tell me what's wrong." Edna grabbed his shoulders and shivered some more. If Aloysius had a coat he would have let the boy wear it. Aloysius got so caught up in trying to interact with him that he didn't notice Serafina. "He doesn't talk." Aloysius snapped his head and looked at Serafina. His shorts had been replaced by a pair of long pants. He noticed he had even more bruises from getting beat up by pretty women. "Oh?" "Yea, I've tried a hundred times before." Aloysius turned to look but saw Edna had run off. What was going on? "What do you know about him?" "Not much...ask someone else!"
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