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Everything posted by Mushroom_king

  1. As 'Lennon (adult) stared at his Long lost Relitive, Mushroom_king darted her eyes around and said, "So you twqo are related?" " I guiess" Said TBFOF. " But Im a Hampster person, not a beatle" 'lennon then told them, " wanna come to my apartment" "Oh! We would love to, but i was leading them somewhere." said Horatio. Mk gave him a look. As Horatio led them all over to an Unfamiler house in New york, Lennon told them about how his band got al unpopular. " Pink Floyd" he said. " Nuiff said." "Oh really" said Toto. "You dont say." horatio led them into the house. On the living rom couch was a young guy, not to faT, light brown hair in a Fedex Uniform. "invisionis" said 'Atio. "Lennon" "this is my freind Jack.'
  2. Luigiboo did a victory dance, and Ivy decided it was the perfect time for extra butter popcorn. The others tryed to start a conversation while waiting for the delectable treat. "So Horatio, what do you do for a living?" asked Griffin. "Oh I fly planes for FedEx and moderate on a wonderful board about a music group made up of hamsters." The group gave him an odd look except for Hi Jump who jumped off the couch yelling, "I'm supa hamster!!!" He fell with a loud thud. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Just then a Bkack kimono wearing toadette walked into the room and said, " come with me or I shall keelyoudead with my magic." and they followed her. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> She took them to Walmart and force fed them veggie burgers covered in melted vanilla ice cream and soup cans. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Then the wallmart thimng feel down an dthey were in a huge swirly portal of colour. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> And the rabid gorilla from Horatio's unbirthday dragged them into a dimension where everyone walked upside down. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> But then that thing fell down and they were ihn a secret labratory. Inside the lab, there were soooo many macienes Griffin strated to Hum "welcome to the maciene" By Pink Floyd. "Shaddap or else" said Toadie. Griffin Shadduped. Over in the corner was a s,all cats bed. Laying in the cats bed was a cat that looked like a bRatz cat but different head. she wre a Fashionable Coat that was small and shiny. "Scarlet Vixin," said Toadie. " report these prisoneres to the Dungeon now." SCatrlet Vixin responded. " Yes Master Toadie" Just then a Girl Toad with a green hat and cute brown hair and pigtails stepped in front of Scarlet Vixin. " plese dnt Mother!!!" said the Toad girl who was probably around 15 years old. " Nicky!!! I told you not to Interfere." " But I dont want any more innocent peope, trapped in the dungeon!!!!" said Nicky. " After what happened to Chris OI dont want any one else trapped in there!" " very well" sighed Toadie. " I will give you to the Creture downstairs." " No plese dont!" screamed Nicky as Toadie captured them all. "slaves!" she yelled an d an odd assortment of Creatures appered: a Shy guy..... a Cat standing on 2 legs with big ears... A creture that was a coimbo of a boo, cat, and Chain chomp.... Toadie used her Magic to send them all to the creture downstairs, witch was an Aisha that had a snake body from her hiops dwn and snakes for hair. " Plese no!!!!!" screamedNicky, as her B/F Chris held her close " we doomed" said Horatio. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> And then the Creture went up to them scarily and said " Hi Im Medasiha wats your name" <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Hoops woke up and shook her head. What an odd dream, she thought. "I need to stop eating cartons of chocolate ice cream before bed," she said as she rolled over and fell back to sleep. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Back in Dreamtopia..... The gang then saw Chomp guy, an Aisha named Nesina, and others grab the creture.
  3. I want a cookie. I did it! You sure did! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> The wild Tanget Strikes again! Youll find out in muh next Giza story. *gives Mushroom_king some button mushroom cap cookies* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> *looks* *finds out the Cookies are ppoisend mushrooms* *slaps Horatio for Foolishly Buying Cooklies from TGHL**unpOISENS THE COOKIES* *eats* And what were you saying?
  4. *Rememebrs Horatio saving me from Rabid Phoenixes* ~Top 5~ 1. HORATIO 2. God 3. Kirby 4. Jhon Lennon 5. Rouge
  5. Mushroom_king


    Welcome 'bolard, Skwerllegs th' Pirate! We be sailin fer th' Port o' cheese t' find th' Cheesie, Steel th' stach' of Weebil, Kidnap th' Topazia an' be stealin' th' city o' cheese! Yarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! We be Leavin' NOW! fer th' Port o' cheese! Ahem. WE B' HAVIN' A STOWAWAY! CHUCK 'IM OVERBOARD! *Crew chucks Mushroom overboard* Horatio's helicopter appears and rescues Mushroom_king before she lands in the water. Next he blows TGHL's boat to smitherines. That will teach you for throwing someone overboard!!! *watches as the sharks circle TGHL in the water, throws in some chum all around TGHL* *uses remote control to rewind time* *pauses time* *blows up helicopter and feeds Horatio to the sharks and boils Mushroom King in a stew* Check out the stories forum. I am part of your crew. And I am here to make sure you do not harm my mushroom loving pirate friend! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> *Hugs Horatio* ~Top 5 Favourite peopel!~ 1. HORATIO 2. God 3. Hoops 4. David Gilmour 5. Kirby
  6. Mushroom_king


    Yarr! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yarr! Ther' ya b' Kat! Now quickly! We must attack the Port of Cheese and steal the statue of Weebl! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Set sails for the Port of Cheese! Avast! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> YA HARR! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> *swings from a rope onto the port and attacks* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> *starts firing edams out of the cannon* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> *pillages and plunders the port, then hoppes back onto the ship* Yarr! We be havin' all the cheese, capt'n! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Well done Firs' Mate kat, now we can set sale with a newer, fresher and bigger amount of cheese and we have the mysterious statue of Weebl and Bob! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> An' we be havin' Cheesie as a Stow! ( I wish.)
  7. Alllllllllllllllll Riiiiiiiiiiiggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhttttttttttttttttttt!!! I am a sooooo happy! I made the number one position! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> They arnt oin order. ~Top 5 favorite people!~ 1. David Gilmour 2. HORATIO 3. kirby 4. Rouge 5. John Lennon
  8. Create some avatars! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Here. A poorly drawn plane. Woohoo! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yeah!!! I like that, but I do not see me in the pic. Where is the blonde hammie head that should be in the window??????? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> w00t! Its the new and improbved Horatio avvie. the old one was really bad looking.
  9. <font color='#008080'>I added you ralph....~ </font> I signed myself in! Wonderful!!! Thank you for doing that. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I updated names that were changed And addeed Hoops and Hampster!
  10. My favorite celebritys and peopel HORATIO Hoops John Lennon David Gilmour TBFOF Fuzzy Dixie Hampton Hado Adam Candy Coburn Rouge Tails Kirby The guy ewho created Video games The smilys and oh yeA AND :ninja: Arkcher My pet Waddle doos Scarlet Vixin Don pianta oarla Lynryd "Wild Tanget" Boomtang Toadie Nicole Nick (A different Nick) HiJumpHampster Luigi Luigiboo Ivy Medaisha Fern Nesina Kittyboo Chomp Guy
  11. Hey guees what your the Electric Guitarist in our band
  12. <font color='#008080'>I added you ralph....~ </font> <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I signed myself in!
  13. I want a cookie. I did it! You sure did! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> The wild Tanget Strikes again! Youll find out in muh next Giza story.
  14. Mushroom_king


    Welcome 'bolard, Skwerllegs th' Pirate! We be sailin fer th' Port o' cheese t' find th' Cheesie, Steel th' stach' of Weebil, Kidnap th' Topazia an' be stealin' th' city o' cheese! Yarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! We be Leavin' NOW! fer th' Port o' cheese! Ahem. WE B' HAVIN' A STOWAWAY! CHUCK 'IM OVERBOARD! *Crew chucks Mushroom overboard* Horatio's helicopter appears and rescues Mushroom_king before she lands in the water. Next he blows TGHL's boat to smitherines. That will teach you for throwing someone overboard!!! *watches as the sharks circle TGHL in the water, throws in some chum all around TGHL* *uses remote control to rewind time* *pauses time* *blows up helicopter and feeds Horatio to the sharks and boils Mushroom King in a stew* Check out the stories forum. I am part of your crew.
  15. however, 'atio ish right. specily b for be. I mean, give me a break. Whats so hard about typing an xtra e?!
  16. Okay. Since, I promised. This is false, but I'm letting it rip just for you. Okay? ------------------------------------------------------------ Pow! Slap! Crunch! As my father lays into, I wonder why he's so mad. [this is Tad speaking, as I always use him as my punching bag. Gosh, I really beat up my characters!!] Then I remember that I got home a minute late. Dad is a perfectionist. I feel the bones in my arm snap like twing, and I flinch in pure reflex. Dad sees what he's done and tries to apologize. "No, Dad. Just... I gotta lie down..." My woozy remark doesn't fool him for a second. Dad went to med school, but he's a lawyer. Strange profession for a masked criminal. He makes me sit down and tells Mom to get some ice. She obeys, knowing what's going on, but she could never overpower him. "Tad, you can't lie down. Your arm won't heal right." This statement causes my fried brain to snap, and I stand up, forgetting about the broken arm for the moment. "D*****, Scott, it wouldn't have to heal right if you would just leave me the H*** alone! Can't you see I'm just a kid? I'm not perfect! I'm not one of those F****** TV kids who can read minds and fly and lift trucks and tap dance or play flute! I'm just a kid! A regular, normal kid! Can't you see that? Ow!" Dad just punched me and threw me against the wall. I wait a few moments before getting up, because if I delay, or not get up at all, he leaves me alone sooner. "Don't you cuss at me, boy! You better watch yourself!" He pulls me close, adn the rotting stench of dinner and booze wafts into my nostrils. I try not to grimace at the all-too-familiar smell. "D*** straight, you ain't that good. I can't believe you would dare talk back to me like that. You know the rules. If your sister hadn't died a couple months ago, I'd have whooped your a** in a heartbeat. I'm almost about to. Push my buttons anymore, and you will see a side of me you have never seen before! I brought you into this world, I can sure as H*** take you out." I freeze at this threat. He never breaks a promise, but I can't help but come back at him. I wrench away from him, reeling from the throbbing pain in my arm, and glare. "You shut up, Commie! I don't give a rat's behind about what you do to me, because I know the law! I can turn you in for aggravated child abuse, aggravated assault, and attempted murder if I wanted to, and the only reason I haven't is because you're my father! You want me to be perfect? Fine! Here's a perfect comeback for everything you do to me!" I flip him off and start to walk away. Dad grabs my shirt, and a low growl emits from my throat. I'm becoming the same monster he thrteatens me wiht, and he knows it. Doesn't stop him, though. Pow! Smack! Bam! Thud! Crunch! My left hand breaks, and I'm left handed. I try desperately to stay out of the cold fury I've been in before. Dad knows what I can do when I'm really angry, and he knows I could kill him if I really wanted to. He's so drunk that he doesn't care, though. "I told you to watch yourself! When did you get so cocky, Tad Owen?! I didn't raise you like this! Ouch! Why you..." I had slugged him, a hard right to the jaw that sent both of us reeling, as that's the arm he broke. "You raised me just like this! Violence, hatred and abuse is how you raised me, so why are you so surprised? Uh.. No, don't... Don't... Stop! Please... Dad... come on, wake up... D-DAA--ARGH!" Dad's really laying into me now. I feel some of my ribs break, and I fall to my knees. He doesn't stop, though. I start to lose conciousness, and realize that if I do faint, I might not wake up again. Sweet release... I wonder if that would make him stop hitting Mom and me all the time... ------------------------------Tad loses consciousness.--------------------------------- There. Impromptu, letting it rip, pure violence that was still tapered down because I can't see how Horatio would post this. Tad doesn't die, as he's only twelve in this passage, and he proposes to his girlfriend at their high school graduation, so it does have a happy ending. I also tapered it because I am almost unable to think of such abuse, even though I have experienced some in the past. (Not this kind, a different type of abuse. Not tellin' you!) I know people IRL who have been through this, and I read the Dave Pelzer books, and I have the most morbid and gory imagination you can think of in a sixteen year old girl, but I can't think of how to put it in here as something that would get posted. I doubt much of this piece will get through at all. Now you have seen a portion of what I can talk about. I could go more, but Horatio won't let me. That is awsome! Have a Cloudy aisha award!
  17. Ok Prepare to be sad and have yer Eyes swwell with tears Cuz This poem is TRUE! ~Caitlin~ MY Name is Caitlin and I am but 2 I would love to say Hello to you But I cannot Cuz I have no strength to speak Sometimes I feel that Im small and meek Here comes my daddy! In his hand is a belt You have no Idea how that must of felt I did nothing wrong! I Am telling the truth! Sometimes I felt that i wasnt that Cute He beats with that whip, Killes me to shreds My Mommy is gone she cannot Protect me like she said I start to sob He Beats me again Oh why God Oh WHY? Plese make it end My name is Caitlin and I am but 2 Has anything like this Ever happened to you? And now the poor person who had to go thru aLL that suffering was ;_; ;_; ;_; Me.
  18. Mushroom_king

    I'm evil.

    Im an old Rock luva! I can play "Money" on my Bass guitar! *sings*
  19. Jeez, EVERYones doing that. I mostly made that poll to see how many people would really vote, And to see if each 'no' would get at least one vote. And now everyones saying im crazy. Im not the crazy one! Im the only one thats NOT crazy! You're all Insane!! You're all Insane!! You're all Insane!! You're all Insane!! You're all Insane!! You're all Insane!! You're all Insane!! You're all Insane!! You're all Insane!! You're all Insane!! You're all Insane!! You're all Insane!! You're all Insane!! You're all Insane!! You're all Insane!! You're all Insane!! You're all Insane!! You're all Insane!! You're all Insane!! You're all Insane!! You're all Insane!! You're all Insane!! You're all Insane!! You're all Insane!! You're all Insane!! You're all Insane!! You're all Insane!! You're all Insane!! You're all Insane!! You're all Insane!! You're all Insane!! You're all Insane!! You're all Insane!! You're all Insane!! You're all Insane!! You're all Insane!! You're all Insane!! You're all Insane!! You're all Insane!! You're all Insane!! You're all Insane!! You're all Insane!! You're all Insane!! You're all Insane!! You're all Insane!! You're all Insane!! You're all Insane!! You're all Insane!! You're all Insane!! You're all Insane!! You're all Insane!! You're all Insane!! You're all Insane!! You're all Insane!! You're all Insane!! You're all Insane!! You're all Insane!! Y'all are wakk. -jumps up and down- Wah hoo wha hee ha ho ho ho Wah hoo wha hee ha ho ho ho Wah hoo wha hee ha ho ho ho <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I know. IOm crazier than you.
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