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Hampsterdance Discussion Board


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Everything posted by Mushroom_king

  1. *reads the sugar content on the micicle wrapper* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I ate 500 boxes of Sugar. Im all HYyewerfdsfsznojvnodzv fkdxvper. SUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGGGGGGGGGGGGEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. OMl. It was SO Freakish. X_x\ I dreamed about us. I was on a website when suddenly something shrp stabbed me in the back of my head. I looked and Kat was behind me, And I was like, "KAT! what in the world are you doing here" So she didnt say anything. Someone Pulled the thing out of my head. It was Horatio. The thing in my head was a Claymore. The next thing I knew, Lennon boy here (TBFOF) and hoops were dragging me by the paws. Outside, EVERYONE was there. It was like.... fourth of Decemberween. Everyone was lighting off Fireworks. Even the Sanity accounts, Mushroom_queen, and my pet Waddle doos, boohbahs and Broomhatta were there. all my Webfreinds were there. It was so.... odd. Even the Smilys were there and that party lasted all night. X_X Then all the people who never come on left, and the poeple who always come like Horatio and hoops were stil there. Then me and TBFOF (Wheres hoops?) went to Mcdonalds, Stole the neopets toys and thensued them for making people fat. And all the other fast fod places. Then therewere only 2 fast food places in every state. w00t! then we went around the aorld in Horatios plane and kelyoudeaded The Child abusers, Sexuel harassers, and did good things for the world. Then we went back home, invited the people who never come on, and Par-tayed again. The end. I woke up satisfied.
  3. Yay, I'm a princess! Awesome!!! I loved all of it 'cept the killing of TGHL's twin. Eww. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I'm a brother of a princess, so thats makes me a prince, right?? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> yes. And im the King!
  4. * is sry* I have to ask a question and I am not trying to be mean or anything like that... is it really so hard to write out the word sorry? I do not understand why people like using chatspeak when it makes me think that someone is not smart enough to be able to spell the word correctly. So, please do not be offended, I am trying to understand why people use it. Thank you for an honest reply. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Horatio asking a question as to why someone uses chatspeak? Different, but sounds good to me. And MK, I thought it was Arkcher or Kat for a moment, too. Cuz like. Yeah. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yea. the post was very... Un-Horatioish.
  5. I should have such power! Sorry, only HampsterKing has the power to do those kind of things. Well Horatio, could you give me moderator training? Only HampsterKing can authorize any one as moderators. I have zero authority here! Please post for six months consistently as this is the first requirement. You do not have to post a million posts per day, just get on everyday. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Horatio, I wanna be a mod, but its not my fault I cant get on. After my laptop ish fixed, can i start racing towards being a mod?
  6. As Hoops walked to school on a Wolf (speciel peopel need speciel transport!) At SSchool, she went to her freinds- Fuzzy Jr, Trisha her secret daughter, Top_bannana and Kat. Other then those guys, some kids stayed away fro her. Supposedly, If they got near her, her "Fanciness" would rub off. However, her freinds defended her. It was writing class. All the best writers were there: Skwerlhugger will, Lexxscrapem (the teacher) and all the greatest writers. Hoops was respected well and good in this class. All of a sudden, the gang of Bullys came towards her. "Hey Fancy Girl" said Mushroom_queen. Hoops didnt crouch thjhough. she was ready to fight him. Hoops stood srtrong. It get all cool.
  7. Yay, I'm a princess! Awesome!!! I loved all of it 'cept the killing of TGHL's twin. Eww. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> But they upsetted T=the prince!
  8. "ugg" said Princess Hoops, as once again her Servents Arkcher, Mullaypop, and Sheena bowed down to her and started asking her what she wanted. " I want a Coke" Said Princess Hoops. " and some Chocalate." "Yes your magesty" said the servents, anfd 1o seconds later, some fine french Chocalate and Coke. "I wish my Mom would let me out more often" said Hoops, as she looked out the window of her castle. Same as always- Kat was making Claymores for the next war and TGHL, who was Fobiddin to enter the city tried his new plan to steal the King Mushroom_king sanity. MK walkewd in, Followed by her Sanity I_luv_Zip_toad. " Could you get the gaurds to get TGHL out of here? OIm getting proposed to Zip Toad Today" "Will I still have to look like Zip?" asked the sanity. She showed Hoops the preetty Mushroom Diemened ring. "Mother," said Hoops sternly. " Where is mt Brother TBFOF, he should be here. " Before MK could responed, a Richn looking Boy witha John Lennon when he was young Haircut stormed in. " They have Upsetted the Prince!" Screamed TBFOF. "Execute them!" He pointed to One of his servents, The hamster. Mk's Royal Sqire, Horatio, Rang out the r=trumpets. " Bring the Prisener forward!" Lea was brought forward in Chains. She was trembeling. " i didnt do it!" screamed Lea. "TGHL's Twin made me!" " Knowing this had to be true, she told ther pet Waddle dees and her boohbah to get TGHL's twin. "Bring the prisoner Forward!" TGHL's twin stepped forward. "SO!" Shoutred MK, stomping her Mushroom Scepter t the ground. "I-I-I-I wwwwasss Bbbeing mmmean ttto Tttthhhhe Hhhhammmster!!" "HE HAS UPSETTED THE PRINCE!" scremaed Horatio. "EXECUTE HIM!" Aaand then a sequence follws that is blloody and stuff. " And now for the Royal marrige of Miles L. Toad to Mushroom_king" Ya dee da dee da dee da. The nexyt day...... Princess hoops obnce again got ready fot school via her servents. Stay tuned!
  9. More products! Fuzzy 100 page Notebook <{POST_SNAPBACK}> 6H$ a cute notebook with a picture of Fuzzy on it. Hado Plushie<{POST_SNAPBACK}> [<{POST_SNAPBACK}> 5H$ Comes with a Plushie keyboard! Mushroom_king plushie 10H$ a Limeted edition Mushroom_king plushie. comes with a pluhie accesory set, which includes Plushie mushrooms, Shroom gun, Bass guitar and card autographed by Mushroom_king. Invision code red Poster and plushie set<{POST_SNAPBACK}> 50H$ Includes Invision Code red Posters, Kat Double neckguitar plusie, TBFOIF vocals Plushie, Topazia Acoustic guitar./vocaks plushie, and more. a
  10. "Ive always wante dto meet him" said MK. "I hoped he like dthe cards we gave him." "Hello" said Jack as he got up to see Horatio;'s freinds. "what an odd group" he said, straing at 2 dogs, some humans, 3 cats, a ton of Hampsters and hammies, some wolves and humans. Jack shook his head. " we came to take you v=back to Invision." said Horatio. Jacks eyes got WIDE." Really?" he had only BVisited the planet once. "yea" "might as well" said MK. "Im getting bored of this boring planet" "yes" 'lets go home" "its not boring ish Borking!" Layter As Horatio and Hampster were in the cockpit, Mk was pacib=ng around. "we have traveled 400 light-years but no sign of Planet Zeebo!" "Dont worry" said Arkcher. "look.... Its some titchy planet, and something blue is on it." They saw ikt was Planet X, and TGHL was on it. "OMG" screamed Kat. Kat got out a spaceship suit or ehatever and went out torescue TGHL. "Help!" he yelled. " i cant breth!" Kat grabbed him by the wing and quickly got him back to te ship. "Oxygen tanks" said TB. The oxygen tanks lowered and TGHL was given beautiful, fresh Oxygen. "aw..... Aw..... good..... " he sudenly woke up and the Tanks were sent back up. "what Happened?" asked TBFOF. "I tried to fly on my own to zeebo to see you guys. but aliens stole my spacesuit on X and cLobbered me and left me to diiiieeeee." "Ohhhhhh." said Hampster, who was over next to TGHL making ure he was ok. All of a sudden everyone flipped upside down. "ahhhhh!" screamed TGHL. "stupid Camera! " said MK as she ran over to the camera and fixed it.
  11. I have one with bald spots. Answer these questions please: 1. What kind of bedding do you use? 2. How old is your hammie? 3. Have you changed anything recently, bedding, sleep stuff, food, anything at all? 1 Crittercare (Superior odor control if that counts for anything) 2 One year 3 Nope. But we did leave him at our house with a family friend watching him while we were on vacation. But she checked back with us every day telling us that he was doing great. 1. Crittercare... what is this? Is it white? It is not the Carefresh Ultra Bedding that is white is it? This is really, really important. 2. A youngster. Good. 3. When did you go and was his bald spot there when you returned? 4. How often do you get him out of his cage and play with him? I have one hammie you has a bald spot. I had been trying to figure out what I did wrong or what was different. She is much older, so this could be her problem, but the rest of her hair is full and beautiful. Her bald spot is on her hip. Previously I had two hammies who lost all their fur because of Carefresh Ultra (the white bedding). It is bleached to make it white and therefore deadly to hammies. Some have an immediate reaction and some take much longer. I threw that in the garbage so fast a lightning bolt would look slow. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> A hamster who owns a hamster? Oh well, im a cat who owns 3 cats.
  12. A mushroomamma? Sure, a mamma mushroom! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> SHUSH! No one needs to know that Zip toad is my secret wife and that my secret child is toad.....who is configured to be part of every species thathas ever gone to this board!!!!! *Thinks..... Part toad, Hmster,bannana,Human,cat,Kacheek,penguin, Fireball,plushie,Phhoinex, and Waddle doo, and dog*
  13. So many things I want (and wonder deeply about-the TB items). So little money to buy things with. I'm broke... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> *gives hoops 100 dollars*
  14. Hmmmmm...... I wnat a Mushroomamma! I made something bannan related, but i need to rememebr what it is. its in my sigg. _php_?Logd_pkiup_ahana_Bannana_Bannana 4721975437548574832_/Pkup_logd Doesnt mean anything horatio
  15. Mua hahahahahahahah! I just amd ethe red market, a place forall the unneeded things you need. ( THAT makes no sense.) To pay you must give me Mushrooms. or other forms of Cash. All prices include shipping and handeling. all major Credit cards accepted. All forms of money accepted. Sorry, no deleviry on Sheena plushies. Oh yea- <{POST_SNAPBACK}> means delivary. 2 iof them means FREE delivary! Portobellow Mushrooms 3 for 1 H$ A delicous side for any type of food! Mushmeanie safe mushrooms! Extra shiny sharp claymores <{POST_SNAPBACK}> 2000000000000000H$ (HUGE Discount for Kat) Extra shiny! Very sharp and powerful! Great for wars! Sunflower seedds 1 pak for 5 H$ Salty! Burger, french fries, and hoops's story meal 10 H$ And extremly delicous choice1 Never fried! Huge Strawberry shortcake doll<{POST_SNAPBACK}><{POST_SNAPBACK}> 100 H$ Great for halloween! Bottle of Sanity 9 H$ a bottle with one fresh sanity from who lknows where. Official Hoops Plushie<{POST_SNAPBACK}> 4 H$ an Adorable Hoops Plushie! You will want to sleep with it every night.\ Official Top_bannana Plushie<{POST_SNAPBACK}> 4 H$ Dont mistake it for a real bannnana! put it face down in your fridge and tel yuor litle brother, and watch the fun! Bag of Sugar 10 for 4 H$ The sugeryist sugar! Official Imagination stick 2 H$ Runs on Imagination! new and Improved, andwill not drain your Imagination! Imagination not included. Official Toto Plushie 4 H$ Comes with a Plushie knife. Dont sleep with this at night! Official Top_bannana Action Figure<{POST_SNAPBACK}> <{POST_SNAPBACK}> 7 H$ Ok.......? a TB action Figure? weird people. BHistroy of Invision 9 H$ Al the history you will need for school. Speciel back to school discounts! Official TGHL Poster 10 H$ a Poster of TGHL drawn by everyones favourite artist Cheetaspot. it is signed by both VCheetaspot and TGHL! Plushie 1 H$ a cute plushie of the smily. TBFOF Plushie 4 H$ a fun plushie of TBFOF. Mushroom red Button cap cookies 4 H$ for 10 Delicous red coolkies. filled woith sugar! Sheena Plushie 600 H$ a Retired Limeted Edition plushie. Get one while you can! Only 30 left! Comes with 2 free bottles of Sanity! (No delivery.) Roxie and the Rocksters- Roxie Poster<{POST_SNAPBACK}> 5 H$ a poster of Roxie aND THE Rockstars Electric Guitarist. Horatio couch<{POST_SNAPBACK}> 100H$ a cute couch that has Horatio- related designs on it. There is more on the way, youll see. Great products!
  16. Thank you freinds..... I only remember.... the pain......
  17. Gee, maybe if I were capable of staying on the same account long enough, I could make it there (someday). <{POST_SNAPBACK}> *Jumps in air* Soon I shall be on that list! But only when my Laptop is beter.
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