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Hampsterdance Discussion Board


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Everything posted by Mushroom_king

  1. "Ive always wante dto meet him" said MK. "I hoped he like dthe cards we gave him." "Hello" said Jack as he got up to see Horatio;'s freinds. "what an odd group" he said, straing at 2 dogs, some humans, 3 cats, a ton of Hampsters and hammies, some wolves and humans. Jack shook his head. " we came to take you v=back to Invision." said Horatio. Jacks eyes got WIDE." Really?" he had only BVisited the planet once. "yea" "might as well" said MK. "Im getting bored of this boring planet" "yes" 'lets go home" "its not boring ish Borking!" Layter As Horatio and Hampster were in the cockpit, Mk was pacib=ng around. "we have traveled 400 light-years but no sign of Planet Zeebo!" "Dont worry" said Arkcher. "look.... Its some titchy planet, and something blue is on it." They saw ikt was Planet X, and TGHL was on it. "OMG" screamed Kat. Kat got out a spaceship suit or ehatever and went out torescue TGHL. "Help!" he yelled. " i cant breth!" Kat grabbed him by the wing and quickly got him back to te ship. "Oxygen tanks" said TB. The oxygen tanks lowered and TGHL was given beautiful, fresh Oxygen. "aw..... Aw..... good..... " he sudenly woke up and the Tanks were sent back up. "what Happened?" asked TBFOF. "I tried to fly on my own to zeebo to see you guys. but aliens stole my spacesuit on X and cLobbered me and left me to diiiieeeee." "Ohhhhhh." said Hampster, who was over next to TGHL making ure he was ok. All of a sudden everyone flipped upside down. "ahhhhh!" screamed TGHL. "stupid Camera! " said MK as she ran over to the camera and fixed it. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> MK sadly could not fix up the Camera. so, they ll resorted to whatching "I love the eighteeeees" to pass time. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> As soon as Arkcher had fixed the camera, They got a message from Hamtsreking. "Its Urgent!" he said. Everyone gathered. "The Fusion came and he was pretending to be Coca cola bear and he turned the Hami stone Dark and when he came after-" The Reception broke. "someone fix it!" said Hoops. Arkcher couldent fix it, Amazngly. So MK fixed it. After 2 hours, she still hadent fixed it. " This **** Reception device!" Everyone gasped, as MK was not known to swear. Finnaly it fixed. "that, All the Hami warriors turned EVIL!" "Le gasp!" said Arkcher. "WE will be destroyed!" said HK. "Don't Worry" said TGHL. "I know what can save us" "The Firefox side!"
  2. Send it to me. I will make it work and put it in your folder for you. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> There is a LOT of art, so be prepared....
  3. I have a scanner. That is not the problem. My file is too big.
  4. Keep going! MW is it OK if I make a story after fineshing a few I am already writing a tad like this? Is that OK? Please?
  5. Its Scary to imagine her as a Moderater. Sry, But thre is no wbste URLs, Lnks, or thngs lyke tht. Thanx, Preppygirl. That is J-just SCARY.....
  6. I pray and spend time talking to my friends <{POST_SNAPBACK}> My freinds dont really care about me. I only have one freind who IS a freind. I dont know what to pray for. My 'Sincere' freinds here? My Bible's Text Is to small, and I have one Meytroid game, And I dont know where it is. Im gonna play SSBM after I get off. That sometimes works.
  7. Cant you at least help me out?! Please, I need Sympathy!
  8. Well, this topic is full of people being nice to you. Why don't you try some of the suggestions? (Not the pills, since you don't seem to be crazy about that.) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I already tried them all (except pills) none work. The only thing that can cause me to not be depressd is my little sister and Im only with her once evry 2 weeks. and even that doesnt work.
  9. I'm assuming you mean Mega Wolf. Oh, and, I have to start saying that. Awesome. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Its copyrighted, so no.
  10. Its not working! It wont let me save it as a PNG or anything or make it sized right or anything!
  11. No, It is Charlie and the Choclate factory and/or the Mushroom army.
  12. This is where I am going to post my GOOD Artwork. Yes you read tat correct GOOD artwork! I simply need to find out how I scan them on to my compy.
  13. Everyone must play it. If I ever control the world, mandatory DS, N64 and Gamecube playing will be made compulsary and one Zelda game must be played each day! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> YAY!!!!!!!!!! *grabs a Keaton mask and Ocarina of Time* N64 gaming is now scrapped, going on the revolution and playing old games is now mandatory. Sony is banned. As is Microsoft. The XBox 360 is stupid. It is not spherical for a start. *throws a Neo neo award at TGHL* Whoo. Xbox is stoopid. Nintendo is better than Microsoft. Sony is OK. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You = teh cool <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yay! *does a jig*
  14. Let me begin by saying, welcome back! I have been waiting for you. Your name change will be accomplished. Please clarify one thing, would you prefer Vannila or the correct spelling of Vanilla? (Just in case you did not realize you made a spelling error.) Eeeee. Sowwy. Vanila! I need freinds. Vanilla is how I will spell it for you. One n, two l's. It might take HampsterKing a few days, but I will let you know when it has been accomplished. Remember... the name will be case sensitive so you will need to capitalize the V in Vanilla, the S in Star and the H in Hampster. Vanilla Star Hampster? coool.
  15. Everyone must play it. If I ever control the world, mandatory DS, N64 and Gamecube playing will be made compulsary and one Zelda game must be played each day! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> YAY!!!!!!!!!! *grabs a Keaton mask and Ocarina of Time* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> N64 gaming is now scrapped, going on the revolution and playing old games is now mandatory. Sony is banned. As is Microsoft. The XBox 360 is stupid. It is not spherical for a start. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> *fights the power and plays DDR on her PS2* > <{POST_SNAPBACK}> *tries to perssuade Kat into turning to the Ninty side by showing her the spiffiness of Mario DDR* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Mario DDR? o.o *instantly interested* It would also aid your cause to have Donkey Conga over there... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Oh yes, Mario DDR is one of the latest games to be revealed at E3. We have them both, Donkey Konga 1 and 2. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> *severly tempted*...*looks at her DDR game that has awsome songs such as Look to the Sky, My Generation, Rhythem and Police, and Candy* ... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Mario DDR will still have all the good songs, plus the Mario songs and of course the characters will be from Mario. Imagine dancing as Wario. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Is toad in thuis game? *hopes* if not, My intrest for it willl be no more.
  16. LENNON! He he! You ARE Jhon Lennons long-Lost brother. Nick lennon! oooh spiff.
  17. Everyone must play it. If I ever control the world, mandatory DS, N64 and Gamecube playing will be made compulsary and one Zelda game must be played each day! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> YAY!!!!!!!!!! *grabs a Keaton mask and Ocarina of Time* N64 gaming is now scrapped, going on the revolution and playing old games is now mandatory. Sony is banned. As is Microsoft. The XBox 360 is stupid. It is not spherical for a start. *throws a Neo neo award at TGHL* Whoo. Xbox is stoopid. Nintendo is better than Microsoft. Sony is OK.
  18. Mushroom_king


    We must now state the Case of Preppygirl for Violating Copyright laws! *Deletes Horatios case* Preppygirl! STEP IN!
  19. Mushroom_king


    Yarr! Me, The Mushroom loving weird very confused 14 spectral Willy wonka Cat! Meeeeeeee
  20. I had another weird Dream Just after I saw Charlie and the Choclate Factory. I dreamed I was willy wonka, and some of yous were the kids who got tivkets and The Oompa loompas were hampsters. whoa.....\ Toto and Hoops- OMTGHL! (Oh my The Grim Hamster Lord!)
  21. "Ive always wante dto meet him" said MK. "I hoped he like dthe cards we gave him." "Hello" said Jack as he got up to see Horatio;'s freinds. "what an odd group" he said, straing at 2 dogs, some humans, 3 cats, a ton of Hampsters and hammies, some wolves and humans. Jack shook his head. " we came to take you v=back to Invision." said Horatio. Jacks eyes got WIDE." Really?" he had only BVisited the planet once. "yea" "might as well" said MK. "Im getting bored of this boring planet" "yes" 'lets go home" "its not boring ish Borking!" Layter As Horatio and Hampster were in the cockpit, Mk was pacib=ng around. "we have traveled 400 light-years but no sign of Planet Zeebo!" "Dont worry" said Arkcher. "look.... Its some titchy planet, and something blue is on it." They saw ikt was Planet X, and TGHL was on it. "OMG" screamed Kat. Kat got out a spaceship suit or ehatever and went out torescue TGHL. "Help!" he yelled. " i cant breth!" Kat grabbed him by the wing and quickly got him back to te ship. "Oxygen tanks" said TB. The oxygen tanks lowered and TGHL was given beautiful, fresh Oxygen. "aw..... Aw..... good..... " he sudenly woke up and the Tanks were sent back up. "what Happened?" asked TBFOF. "I tried to fly on my own to zeebo to see you guys. but aliens stole my spacesuit on X and cLobbered me and left me to diiiieeeee." "Ohhhhhh." said Hampster, who was over next to TGHL making ure he was ok. All of a sudden everyone flipped upside down. "ahhhhh!" screamed TGHL. "stupid Camera! " said MK as she ran over to the camera and fixed it. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> MK sadly could not fix up the Camera. so, they ll resorted to whatching "I love the eighteeeees" to pass time.
  22. creature appeared! It was completely menacing, it had an evil presence surrounding it. It's batlike wings were of a dark purple shade, but the rest of it's body and its face was completely covered in a dark cloak, with a symbol on it that appeared to have been made by blood. (more suspense, but I'll help you imagine this creature with an illustration, but not a very good one I might add) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> METAKNIGHT TALL METKNIGHT!!!!!! *glomps*
  23. Lets Tick things offa My Deprression Causers list. Random Poeple are Being randomly mean to me in random topics, I feel as if Im not good enough for my mom and a million others things Id Rather not post. Pills? PILLS?! Im 14! why would I take.... PILLS?!!!!!!!??????? Ugggg. Illl make some random art.
  24. WAHHHHH!!! quick let my run out and get my tissues. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> HI!!!! I has been wanting to meet you!!! *Checks Myownmind off of list* only Sheena and Otter to go!
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