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Hampsterdance Discussion Board


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Everything posted by Mushroom_king

  1. I like the One Mega wolf Drew. Cheesie needs to fdraw a Mushroom related one. I like his though.
  2. Bunnie rabbot. Wasn't she in te Old Sonic the Hedgehog Comics?
  3. I Sometimes cry to relieive depression. But Only When I am REALLY Depressed. LIke last Night. Whenever I cry, I do one of 2 things: Go up to my bed, Hug something, And sob, or bury my head and tears in my arms and Think: I wish Horatio was here. I wish Arkcher was here. I wish Hoops was here. I wish Anna was here. I wish lea was here. I wish Nick was here. I wish Mullaypop was here. I wish Skwerlhugger will was here. I wish cheesmaster was here. I wish Dark hamster was here. I wish TGHL was here. I wish anyone, Anything, was here. ~Red and Swollan From Crying~ My name is Caitlin, And my Heads scarred from Lieing My eyes are Red and swollan from Crying I Must be Ugly, like my grandmother said, Or else My Pillow wouldant be wet, when I Lay down in bed memories Float inside my Mind Memories of days when I had Happy inside People always say I dont have a heart At least that is true, It was Torn far apart Every day Im yelled at Because of My special Keychain stash Ever had Your MOTHER call you White Trash? The Legs under mny Jeans are Scarred From the beatings I can prove that with the Blood on my seiling I must be stupid, I must be dumb Like Everyone says, I must have an IQ of one I wasted my Summer with a Black Emo-Ridden Soul The last days of my life have taken their toll They say I have Autism for no reason at all Because of Who I am made my band fall Why cant I go? Why not escape from this fate? Why cant I go back to a dReam-Smothered place?\ My mom yells at me and wants me to be perfect And one day the Lieing will someday Unsurface Someone please help me, Just help me Please I cant stand these, peop[le, its me they always tease My name is Caitlin And my heads scarred from lieing My eyes are still red and Swollan from crying
  4. I would like the Lyrics to "speed of Sound".
  5. White Kirby wagon Star walked In. "OMG! Sorry Im late peopel!" She tripped, and everyone looked at her. She Went over yo a mirror, Getting ready for Hungery Custemers who live across the City, smoothing her Kirby-sized Uniform. She ran over and grabbed some marteil Arts weapons, then got her wagon star. She Cleaned it, then started to Do Karate skills and said: "Hey Ya'll, Im White Kirby wagon Star, Your Waaaay to happy Delevary person!" She did more karate Skills, then went over to her Wagon star. She watched the Other Employees, waiting for someone with a delivary. The Phone Rang. White Grabbed the Phone. "Yea? Um. Ok. Sure. Uh huh. " she Hung up. "Hey, I need- Whats Going on, Naoyo? Why do have a weird.... Look on Your face?" Knowing it was most likly a bad idea to Interupt, she overheard that Naoyo's Clocks were whacked. Mine were to! Thought White. Or maybe I just Over slept. My clocks are well prone to not Work!
  6. The Legend of Invision part 3: Anceint Invision ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chapter One: the Charecters It was ancient Invision. a set of Anceint warriors, From Modern times, had made it thru. They all had superpowers except TBFOF, and were either in the shape of animals or Magick Cretures. There was a Mushroom_king, who was a brownie. A mushroom loving creture. The furry catlike creture could shapeshift, and had elemantal powers. Arkcher was an elf, and Was also a Werewolf. He had Incredible skills with the Bow. There was Hoops, a Scarlie, The last one to roam Invision, Queen of Ahshirt Desert. She had Fire and Love Powers, and was a rather good dancer. Horatio a=was a Hamster, who had a plane and Great Macheinery skills. There was Otter, who coold swim faster than thes speed of Sound. There was Cheesmaster and Top banna. They Had incredible takeover skills, and could turn the 1ot1hers Invisible. Mega wolf was a winged wolf, Great on land, sea and sky. Dark Angel was a Faerie, Angel, Demon and Alein in one creture, with powers of all four. Skwerlhugger will was a Human, but had powers over all animals. Toto was a Human with Dog'ds ears and ttail, and had The greatest Sword, Gun and knife skills on the planet, some say the Uncheverse(Note: Thats Not a typo.) Funky Monkey was a Monkey, and was able to Run quickly. Kat was a Faerie kat, with great love (and Skill) for Chucks, Claymores, Laser Chucks, Laser Claymores, etc. Pink Angel was The angel of an Emo Usul, Coloured Pink. Vannila Star Hampster was a Hamster also, who coukd Conjure up chocalate, and could also had skills in Shapeshiffting. Hamsterfire ball was a Hamster on fire, and TBFOF had no powers of his own. yet. The Group was sitting at a small Campfire at Midnight. Mushroom_king haf set up some tents made uf leves, but Horatio Fixed them up to be Perfect. After eating some Mushrooms and a small peice of Cheesemaster, who could also regenartate his parts, They all went to sleep, with Dark angel Keeping watch.
  7. Luigiboo did a victory dance, and Ivy decided it was the perfect time for extra butter popcorn. The others tryed to start a conversation while waiting for the delectable treat. "So Horatio, what do you do for a living?" asked Griffin. "Oh I fly planes for FedEx and moderate on a wonderful board about a music group made up of hamsters." The group gave him an odd look except for Hi Jump who jumped off the couch yelling, "I'm supa hamster!!!" He fell with a loud thud. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Just then a Bkack kimono wearing toadette walked into the room and said, " come with me or I shall keelyoudead with my magic." and they followed her. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> She took them to Walmart and force fed them veggie burgers covered in melted vanilla ice cream and soup cans. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Then the wallmart thimng feel down an dthey were in a huge swirly portal of colour. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> And the rabid gorilla from Horatio's unbirthday dragged them into a dimension where everyone walked upside down. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> But then that thing fell down and they were ihn a secret labratory. Inside the lab, there were soooo many macienes Griffin strated to Hum "welcome to the maciene" By Pink Floyd. "Shaddap or else" said Toadie. Griffin Shadduped. Over in the corner was a s,all cats bed. Laying in the cats bed was a cat that looked like a bRatz cat but different head. she wre a Fashionable Coat that was small and shiny. "Scarlet Vixin," said Toadie. " report these prisoneres to the Dungeon now." SCatrlet Vixin responded. " Yes Master Toadie" Just then a Girl Toad with a green hat and cute brown hair and pigtails stepped in front of Scarlet Vixin. " plese dnt Mother!!!" said the Toad girl who was probably around 15 years old. " Nicky!!! I told you not to Interfere." " But I dont want any more innocent peope, trapped in the dungeon!!!!" said Nicky. " After what happened to Chris OI dont want any one else trapped in there!" " very well" sighed Toadie. " I will give you to the Creture downstairs." " No plese dont!" screamed Nicky as Toadie captured them all. "slaves!" she yelled an d an odd assortment of Creatures appered: a Shy guy..... a Cat standing on 2 legs with big ears... A creture that was a coimbo of a boo, cat, and Chain chomp.... Toadie used her Magic to send them all to the creture downstairs, witch was an Aisha that had a snake body from her hiops dwn and snakes for hair. " Plese no!!!!!" screamedNicky, as her B/F Chris held her close " we doomed" said Horatio. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> And then the Creture went up to them scarily and said " Hi Im Medasiha wats your name" <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Hoops woke up and shook her head. What an odd dream, she thought. "I need to stop eating cartons of chocolate ice cream before bed," she said as she rolled over and fell back to sleep. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Back in Dreamtopia..... The gang then saw Chomp guy, an Aisha named Nesina, and others grab the creture. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> "Dont worry" said Chomp Guy. "She wont hurt you" said Nesina. "Please tel us whats Goling on!" asked Nicole. "Hullo Hullo Hullo, Wots this?" Said a Voice. Th Biggest fan of Fuzzy alked n. "I hear that my servant Toadie had Disobeyed me again" he said. 'what do you mean?!" asked Nick the toad. " She was SUPPOSED to welcome you all with a warm grreeting" He said. "Younwere EXPECTING us?!" asked Scarlet Vixen. "Im not pregnant!" said Tiboff, disgusted. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> (I should get back in this..) TBFOF took the group, joined by Hoops into a swirly wall. They watched him walk through before following. They were in a small room completely covered in Fuzzy posters. The den of the exceedingly rare TBFOF. "What about the monster?" asked Hoops. "Well, I'm lost in this story, so I decided to lead you somewhere and make a new journey," answered TBFOF. "Makes sense," said Nicole. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Then Jhonny depp appered. *What are you freaks doinghere?"
  8. Who would kidnap TBFOF? And for what reason? I walked on my wolf? Am I asking a lot of questions? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> 1. You'll never guess 2.You'll never find out 3.No, you rode on it 4. YES ~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Get the Warriors!" Yelled the king MK. "You dont need to!" MK and hoops turned around. "I amnthe Mighty Warrior Toto!" "I have come to save your son! Mushroom_king bounced up and down. "You will?! If you do, You can live here! You'll have all the gold in the world! Go everywhere on a wolf! I'll even let you marry TBFOF!" Hoops gasped."Mushroom_king!" "well, Only if you want." "I dont want ythat stuff" scoweled Toto. "I want all the Preps in the inchevese Killed." "We'll try! For know, You, TGHL, hoops, and Mega wolf will find TBFOF!"
  9. Arkcher Scratched his head. "Eh?" TGHL spoke. " The Firfox! One of my Minions when I worked for Apple Butter!" "Whos apple Butter" "Fusins real name" No one spoke. "FireFox turned good many years before I did. Apple butter may of caught him though" "Aand How do we Turn to your Pal FirFox's Side, Destroty te Dark Hami stone, and Beat The Fusion AKA Apple Butter?" asked Hoops. "Easier said than done. The Transmission device tells me that Firefox has been caught by Apple Butter. we wioll have to do all the Hami stuff first" said TGHL. As soon as The group Got to Invision, HK ran to them. "Chaos!" "Madness!" he screamed. "Calm down. What happaned?" askd Mega wolf. " The Fusion trapped the real Hami Stone back in ancienyt Invision. You who were here back then- transfer to your old souls. Those who werent, you may chjange the course of Time because of this." " I may know an Easier way" said TGHL. "what" asked HK. "The Other side of Invision. if the Strongest of us go to the otehr side, we can get the stone, because the oter side is judst like Anceint Invision." said Arkcher. They all walked into HK's castle, and went to his Power room. " only the strongest gain strength thru this Generater" said The Biggest Fan of Hado, HK's servant. MK walked thru. Pass. TBFOF walked Thru. pass. Mega wolf. pass. Otter. Pass. Others went thru and passed, But many did not. "OK' said Horatio." we will now ascend to ancient Invision!"
  10. I had another stupid Dream last night. X_x I dreamed that I was in my backyard when all of a sudden some Ear plugs with my little pony on them attacked me. I ran and they stopped trying to kill me. then I went to Fried Dragon palace and Ordered some Rice, But Instead I got a pacage with a Picture of Jhonny depp, A series of Unfortunet Event =s part 3, a rice ball, a batman Halloween costume, chocalate smilys, and a fried Horatio. Wen I got home, I flung The Fried Hoiratio at a poster and he was Unfried. I chased him to the concert place here. Then I was at the mall and the guys from Nintendo power sared Hugging me. Whic is weird. So i walked Into Hot Topic and a pichu with a Freddy Kruger mask on was attacking people, so I left quickly. The next thing i knew TBFOF had attacke my room. he was in there, so I attacked him. I Cant remember the res. X_x
  11. I am not quite sure what you are saying. Your email will not permit you to send something? Or is there another problem? Is the file too big? Are you trying to send them all at once? Please explain to me what the problem is if you want me to help you. Its saying that I cant send them, that my email set up t not let me send art. Can you ask your father for his help? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Sure.... When hre wakes up.
  12. I am not quite sure what you are saying. Your email will not permit you to send something? Or is there another problem? Is the file too big? Are you trying to send them all at once? Please explain to me what the problem is if you want me to help you. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Its saying that I cant send them, that my email set up t not let me send art.
  13. I pray and spend time talking to my friends <{POST_SNAPBACK}> My freinds dont really care about me. I only have one freind who IS a freind. I dont know what to pray for. My 'Sincere' freinds here? My Bible's Text Is to small, and I have one Meytroid game, And I dont know where it is. Im gonna play SSBM after I get off. That sometimes works. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I'm your friend, and I care about you a lot. Pray for everyone. Enemies, friends, ask to help get you out of depression. (Apologies that this is not in a religion topic.) Your print is too small? If you really want to read it, get a magnifying glass or ask your parents for one with bigger print. SSBM is a good way to feel better. 'Specially if you win. I think posting is good. Telling us your feelings may help you feel better. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! I no depressed now. I found ways to cure me Depresssion. 1. Read topics By Preppy girl (Very Hilarious.) 2. Play SSBM, Billy Hatcher, Super mario 64, Kirby Air Ride, etc. (I always win at SSBM. n_n) 4. Go on HD Sprees. 5. Listen to Neopets Band tunes. (very fun.) You should buy Kirbby Air Ride. That game is awsome.
  14. Send it to me. I will make it work and put it in your folder for you. My Email dun let me.>_<
  15. Name: White Kirby Wagon Star Age: 15 Position: Deliver-er PD: a White Krby who rides a Wagon star (Please pick up a Copy of Kirby air ride for Nintendo Gamecube) and dElivers Chinese food to people. She has a Cat's tail and ears, wears a wool cap with weird Symbols on it, 2 sweatbands, and not much else. White Kirby Wagon Star used to Run a Chinese place by same name, but she quit to find a better job. Weopans: Suck up powers, Ru over peopel, good at Marteil arts. Backround: She ran away at age 5 and has been living in an apartment. she earns a living at Fried Dragon Inn, and does Speedy Delivary for Custamers. She has been working at Fried Dragon Inn for 3 years, and wishes to become part Time Delivaruy girl and a Bass guitarist. Remember- since my laptop is Broken you may feel free to RP ms. White When Im Not here.
  16. Nobody knows why the pickle likes Emily the Strange. That is because She doesn't like to eat bugs. Anyway, the pickle murdered the cucumber. The cucumber's name was Harry Cubby McBubbbub. He decided to ride his unicyle to the Big Evil Supermart, and he bought... a money bag,was Moneylovers wife... and ate pie. But poisoned pie. So, Moneylover died. Then died again. After the continuous... dying, he stopped... eating the penguins. He disliked innards, like a lot. But that's okay, as he was addicted to the smell of the leprechaun dancing on excess cow poo. When he finished sniffing the poo, he drank Cherry-Coke.and then he died. They buried him in cow poo. So everyone else slept in the cow poo again. So this ended when we all said bye to cow poo... again. Then TBFOF became the richest boy...
  17. Luigiboo did a victory dance, and Ivy decided it was the perfect time for extra butter popcorn. The others tryed to start a conversation while waiting for the delectable treat. "So Horatio, what do you do for a living?" asked Griffin. "Oh I fly planes for FedEx and moderate on a wonderful board about a music group made up of hamsters." The group gave him an odd look except for Hi Jump who jumped off the couch yelling, "I'm supa hamster!!!" He fell with a loud thud. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Just then a Bkack kimono wearing toadette walked into the room and said, " come with me or I shall keelyoudead with my magic." and they followed her. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> She took them to Walmart and force fed them veggie burgers covered in melted vanilla ice cream and soup cans. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Then the wallmart thimng feel down an dthey were in a huge swirly portal of colour. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> And the rabid gorilla from Horatio's unbirthday dragged them into a dimension where everyone walked upside down. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> But then that thing fell down and they were ihn a secret labratory. Inside the lab, there were soooo many macienes Griffin strated to Hum "welcome to the maciene" By Pink Floyd. "Shaddap or else" said Toadie. Griffin Shadduped. Over in the corner was a s,all cats bed. Laying in the cats bed was a cat that looked like a bRatz cat but different head. she wre a Fashionable Coat that was small and shiny. "Scarlet Vixin," said Toadie. " report these prisoneres to the Dungeon now." SCatrlet Vixin responded. " Yes Master Toadie" Just then a Girl Toad with a green hat and cute brown hair and pigtails stepped in front of Scarlet Vixin. " plese dnt Mother!!!" said the Toad girl who was probably around 15 years old. " Nicky!!! I told you not to Interfere." " But I dont want any more innocent peope, trapped in the dungeon!!!!" said Nicky. " After what happened to Chris OI dont want any one else trapped in there!" " very well" sighed Toadie. " I will give you to the Creture downstairs." " No plese dont!" screamed Nicky as Toadie captured them all. "slaves!" she yelled an d an odd assortment of Creatures appered: a Shy guy..... a Cat standing on 2 legs with big ears... A creture that was a coimbo of a boo, cat, and Chain chomp.... Toadie used her Magic to send them all to the creture downstairs, witch was an Aisha that had a snake body from her hiops dwn and snakes for hair. " Plese no!!!!!" screamedNicky, as her B/F Chris held her close " we doomed" said Horatio. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> And then the Creture went up to them scarily and said " Hi Im Medasiha wats your name" <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Hoops woke up and shook her head. What an odd dream, she thought. "I need to stop eating cartons of chocolate ice cream before bed," she said as she rolled over and fell back to sleep. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Back in Dreamtopia..... The gang then saw Chomp guy, an Aisha named Nesina, and others grab the creture. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> "Dont worry" said Chomp Guy. "She wont hurt you" said Nesina. "Please tel us whats Goling on!" asked Nicole. "Hullo Hullo Hullo, Wots this?" Said a Voice. Th Biggest fan of Fuzzy alked n. "I hear that my servant Toadie had Disobeyed me again" he said. 'what do you mean?!" asked Nick the toad. " She was SUPPOSED to welcome you all with a warm grreeting" He said. "Younwere EXPECTING us?!" asked Scarlet Vixen. "Im not pregnant!" said Tiboff, disgusted.
  18. afyter School Princess Hoops walked Home on her Wolf. When she walked in, she relized something terrible had happaned..... " mY Son has been kidnapped!" cried MK. "My beutiful son Nick!" She started Sobbing. Hoops ran up to her. "YThe Gaurds say that Nick was tooken by someone!" said MK. Hoops was starteled. "He was Kidnapped?!"
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