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Hampsterdance Discussion Board


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Everything posted by Mushroom_king

  1. I appreciate this though, But not i have about five avatars. I probably wont use this, for the following reasons: Im not a hamster xD Im a werewolf/elf-archer I already made myself an avatar I already made a different avatar for myself Im making another one for myself And maybe for some other reason. Good art though! -will give you an award later. Must go now- Your an elf?
  2. And all the Nickelodean and Cartoon Network shows have been replaced all the good shows with like horrible drawn toon. I have resorted to watch HGTV all the time now. Oh, and Food Network. But however, I disagree with you on the music. Gwen Stefani makes good music, and so do The Killers and MCR. All old rock sounds the same to me. Gets boring after a while. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I agree with Kat...even though I did look for Shoe Pimp the other day. They're pretty cool. I don't get why all these little 10 year olds are getting into "MCR". I mean, all they sing about is killing themselves or killing somebody else. (Which...I don't really have a problem with, because I'll never think about killing myself. But 10 year olds don't think about it, and they just do it.) I found My Chemical Romance in 2002. They were okay at first. Now their new album is horrible, and these girl fans always talk about how "hawt" they are. Same with other modern rock bands. I actually prefer heavy metal and death metal over anything. Practically no one's heard of As I Lay Dying, so it's all good. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> A lot of stuff I listen to, Like pink Floyd and the Rolling stones, Are bands people know. My Favorite bands list is short because Most of my CD's are various Artists ones. Im not Sure anyones heard of the Shins, Wilco, The Flaming Lips or Candy Coburn. I used to like Frankie smith, A VERY old aretsist from a long time ago but the Cd i have has 3 good songs on it. bleh. Pop and Rap are Icky. e_e I resort to listening to Classic Rock and Dance and Tecnho. Id rather listen to pop than Country or Polka. or Dirge. Dirge is terrible.
  3. Im Missouri. Would be new york, But I dont llive there no more.
  4. Y'know, I was at some Play area when My Mom was working out once. There was this Little kid, prolly 3 yearsold. He couldent speak, and was very crude. He prolly said some Swearing to, I just couldent understand him.
  5. I keeled Over laughing at that. Have a Ultimate Pizza Stacker award.
  6. Wow! You're a great artist! Really? Thanks! I was nervous because after I saw my post the picture seemed to look worse to me than I did when I sent the post...then again, I guess I always get that feeling when submiting something Your art is always awesome. As is yours! Not always. Some of my art I find to be pretty bad. On that we disagree! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> If you look at my "fake advertisements" or whatever topic, look at the "big log" one. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> What is that Called? The Topic.
  7. eh Laptop got Fixed Yesterday (we will celebrate when I get back home=D) And my Mom has a.......... *Runs to House, goes to mom's Roome Picks up something, Holds it in air with big glow around it* A Digital Camera! *Puts it down* *Holds it back up* As seen in Episode 45!
  8. Ahem: I am and Upright standing, Catlike Creture. It is called a Brownie. (Please Pick up a Copy of Dragon Rider.) One side of My fur Is Rainbow, the Other is black. I amd wearing a Red T-shirt with Toad on it that says "Toadally" in Groovy letters. I am also wearing blue Jeans. I have a rainbow.black Tail. I amd wearing High Top patchwork Converse and a woll hat with weird symbols. I amd wearing a Black ASweatband with a Poisan Mushrooms that says Game Over and a Black Sweatband that has a Piranaha Plant on it that says- A Red ring on my middle Claw/Finger (Either hand, I dont care) Some Earrings on Long thin chains made out of Black Guitar picks with Pink stars on them and a Necklace with a Pink star on it that says Forever. Oh, My Cklaws/Nails are Brown and Sparkely, My Lips are Beige, and I have Green Eye Shadow.
  9. What Happaned To Shadow? and Rouge! Poor Rouge, she is my favorite Tails is my second favorite thoiugh
  10. Yarr. I mean Lennon! Or NNick. Or Frosty. Not Nicole.
  11. Thanks. Sadly, no one seems to care about my hammie to come to this topic. It is not your or your hammie, the problem is that this brings up painful memories of their own pets who have passed. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> And people one vacations or not coming to the Pets forum. I care about you hammie, MK. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Not to Turn this into a Funny Situation......
  12. JHonny Depp 100.75H$ Its Jhonny depp. NO DELIVARY. Dixie Plushie<{POST_SNAPBACK}> 4.00H$ A VCute Dixie Plushie, Plus Plushie Guitar! Hampton Plushie<{POST_SNAPBACK}> 4.00H$ A PLushie of Hampton. Comes with Plushie Bass guitar!
  13. Hoops, You are the Greatast Freind Anyojne could Havce, Online or off. <My one true freind in life- Katie- Is a Mushroom_king poser. She likes Everything I lie, Hates Everything I hate- Even thinks she has a Mushroom controlling her brain because I do. She is the Dumbest blonde in the History of History. Paige is From Texas. She is Preetty Nice. Michael is A jesusfreak, and Is like an "Offline Topazia", Except he is a Guy and African American. Haley is a Hippie, But she is Really Cool. Elena Despises me. Evin is an Idiot. Griffin is prettty cool too. But thats it. 5 freinds. Talk about lame. Oh, and Hampster. But she lives inside my head now.
  14. When I feel sad for no reason, I listen to music, read old posts (Sometimes they're really hilarious!), or read my Bible. I feel really good after doing these things. I hope this helped a little. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I cant loook at old topics. If I do, I end up posting, and then TBFOF Ticks. Which ends up depressing me even more.
  15. Ah yes- My Grandama DID call me ugly. My Mom did call me..... You know.
  16. *gives MK the biggest hug in existance* I wish I could comfort you better, but a hug is the best I can give. Remember that we love you here. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Thankehs. Have a White Uni award.
  17. I had another dumb dream last night. I cant remember it though.
  18. 1. Im not a Boy. 2. NO. You arent me. Unless you are Mondrobi in duisguise. e_e.
  19. *Does a Jig* I wil be Judgeth next time!
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