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Everything posted by Mushroom_king

  1. Cheese Woman turned around and looked at him, his hand still on her shoulder. "Cheesie-kun...?" "I'll go talk it out with him. Do you want to come with me?" She smiled and giggled. "Of course I would!" She took her parasol and adjusted it so it was covering Cheesemaster as well, and the two walked into town. He felt embarrassed by the fact that everyone in the town always looked at them as thought they were a couple, when they were in fact not. "I wonder where Arkcher is, anyway?" wondered Cheese Woman. Cheesemaster said nothing, just looking around for Arkcher and MK. "There they are," he said happily, but his happiness melted away when he saw they were in front of a record shop, and Arkcher had just bought her some CD's. Cheesemaster became upset, knowing he wouldn't be able to get the CD's for her for Valentine's Day. Arkcher was deliberately trying to make sure he wasn't able to send her a gift. "What's wrong, Cheesie?" "He bought her the records I planned to buy for her!" Cheese Woman got angry and Cheesemaster has to grab her arm to keep her from running up to him. "What are you going to get her for Valentine's Day now?" Cheesemaster thought for a moment, and then he smiled. "I have an idea." "Oh, what is it, Cheesie?" "I'l tell you, and only you. You musn't tell anyone else." And with that he whispered in her ear his idea, and she gasped happily. "Oh, that's going to be fun! She'll really like it!" "I hope so," he murmured. "I'm going to go talk to them." "But Arkcher might still be angry at you." "I don't care." She sighed and looked at him with her large, sparkling eyes. He looked back at her, and for a few seconds, simply stared at her. He'd never realized just how pretty Cheese Woman really was; and she looked exceptionally beautiful in this new dress of hers. She looked sweet, and innocent; which she was. She cocked her head, and asked, "What's wrong, Cheesie?" He shook his head. "Nothing. Nothing at all." "Why were you looking at me like that?" He gulped, and tugged at his collar. "It's just, uh..." "Come on, spit it out!" He looked at her, and smiled. He was incredibly nervous, but managed to get it out again: "I don't think I ever told you just how pretty you are." He braced for the smack in the face he'd come to expect from women he complimented, but it never came. She looked at him again with her large eyes, smiling. Her eyes looked as they they were full of tears. "T-Thank you so much, Cheesie," she said softly. She hugged him, and was about to leave, but then she turned around, went up to him again, and kissed him on the cheek. "Good-bye, Cheesie-kun! Good luck!" "Bye," he whispered, rubbing his face. He turned around and ran as fast as he could towards the record shop, looked around, and saw Arkcher and MK walking inside of a large shopping mall that was situated in the town. ---------------------------- "Arkky, why did you buy me all these CD's?" "I wanted to get you something while we were here," he said. He felt extremely proud of himself; he'd gathered just the information he required from Cheesemaster and had bought CD's for MK so Cheesemaster wouldn't be able to get any for her. Arkcher was the type who oftentimes jumped to conclusions, or got angry about things that didn't matter; like Cheesemaster giving presents to his wife. Cheesemaster was only showing he was her friend and cared about her, but Arkcher interpreted his kindness as trying to "take" her from him. But no matter. The two were locked arm-in-arm now, and she was happy, though she was suspicious that he had bought her early gifts. Cheesemaster ran inside and closely followed the couple and waited for an opportunity to talk to Arkcher. His chance came too soon. "Hey, Arkky?" she asked. He looked at her. "Yes?" She pointed towards a shop that sold clothes, incense, books, and other things. "I'm going to go in there." "Alright. Take all the time you need." She let go of his arm and ran off into the store. Arkcher sat down on a bench, and Cheesemaster walked over to him. "What the...Cheesemaster, what are you doing here?" He asked, snobbishly. "What's wrong with you? You're acting like you're better than me or something." "No, I'm not. I'm just wondering what you want." Cheesemaster sighed. "What's big idea? You buy all the CD's for Mushroom_king, which is what I get her every year? That was deliberate, wasn't it?" "Of course it is!" Cheesemaster got even more angry. "Why do you care so much whether or not I get a gift for Mushroom?" "Don't YOU call her that!" Snapped Arkcher. "That's MY nickname for her. And besides, why would you send such expensive gifts to her, specifically? What sorts of things do you get for your other female friends?" "I usually get clothes for Cheese Woman, and for Kat, I sometimes invite her over and teach her claymore techniques as a gift. For Hoops, I might get her a video game, though it's always a used on-" "Exactly!" "What do you mean, exactly?" "Clothes can be cheap. Used games are cheap. Kat doesn't pay for those lessons. But CD's are expensive, and that's a brand-new CD shop, not a used one." "But I-" "All I'm saying is that you're getting her better gifts than the others. Not so fair, is it?" "That's ridiculous! You're basing a claim off something as stupid as this?" "I think what I'm trying to say is: Stop trying to take my girl!" "A-Arkcher, What did you just call me?!" Arkcher looked and saw MK standing by him. Both him and Cheesemaster blushed and tried to pass it off as though they weren't just fighting over her a few seconds ago, much like they had in the field earlier.
  2. Cheese Woman's story It was the first day of February; the cold and snow in The Port of Cheese had already melted away, and it felt like it was already Spring. Cheesemaster, Arkcher, MK, and PMM were in a field just outside of the town; MK was playing with PMM and Sterling, whom Dawn had entrusted the care of while she did some business in town, while Arkcher and Cheesemaster sat on a bench. Arkcher's jacket lay on the bench; he was wearing a white, tucked-in dress shirt underneath, a brown leather belt, and a black tie. Cheesemaster wasn't wearing his sweater or coat; he was wearing a white dress shirt (which was <i>not</i> tucked in) with the sleeves rolled up, brown suspenders, and brown shorts. A soft breeze blew both of their hair in the wind, and they were both watching MK. Arkcher put his hand on his chin and tilted his head, still looking at her. Cheesemaster glanced over at him. "What are you doing?" Arkcher gave a mumbled "Huh?" and looked at him. "Oh, nothing." "Nah, you were staring at Mushroom_king." "So were you," Arkcher huffed. Cheesemaster gasped and tried to say something; but all that came out was a single "I-" and he looked at the ground. Arkcher looked over at Cheesemaster and laughed. "Hey, it's no problem. You were probably just staring off into space." Cheesemaster laughed nervously. "O-Of course, that's exactly what I was doing!" "Yea," mumbled Arkcher. He tilted his head, closed his eyes, and folded his arms. "What's wrong?" "Oh...nothing. Just wondering what to get Mushroom for Valentine's Day." "Mushroom?" said Cheesemaster, gasping. "That's my new pet name for her." "O-Oh," he stammered. Cheesemaster felt incredibly awkward at that moment, as he had secretly referred to her as "Mushroom" for a few months now. "And what about you?" "Ah?" "Are you going to get Cheese Woman anything?" Cheesemaster swiftly turned away from him. "Of course I will. I get all my female friends presents." Arkcher was taken aback. "Even Mushroom?" Cheesemaster looked at him, afraid. "Well, yes. She's a female friend of mine." "So is that the gift that's been coming in for the past couple years?" "Probably!" Arkcher put his hands on the bench and looked at the sky. Then he looked at Cheesemaster, with a look of anger in his eye. "You know, Cheesemaster, most guys don't get their best friend's wife all those CD's that you always give her. Especially when said guy works as a paperboy and earns on average about ten dollars a day." Cheesemaster got an incredibly fearful look in his eye. He said nothing for a moment, but then cleared his throat, and said, "Well, she's a very close friend of mine. She's very important to me; perhaps as much to me as she is to yo-" "Nothing matters more to me than her!" he said, near-yelling. He backed away and apologized. But the anger stayed in his eyes. "Don't try saying she matters to as much as she does to me. That's impossible for you. She's not your wife." "I'm not trying to say she is!" said Cheesemaster, angrily. He was starting to get defensive. "Your actions prove otherwise!" "What are you trying to say?!" "I'm trying to say that you're-" "What's wrong over here, boys?" said MK. She was standing over them. The two of them looked up and acted as though they hadn't been fighting a few seconds ago. "H-Hi, Mushroom!" they both said in unison. Arkcher gave Cheesemaster a dirty look, and Cheesemaster realized what he'd said. "Mushroom?" she said, and she laughed. "Cheesie...did Arkcher tell you my nickname? It's OK if you use it." "But Mushroom-" stammered Arkcher, but MK shushed him. The two boys got up and were about to go back into town when another familiar female voice came to them. It was Cheese Woman. "Cheesie-Kun!" Arkcher gave a smug look to his friend, and took MK, and said "Alright, then. We'll go back into town. Meet us later?" Cheesemaster said nothing. He repeatedly forgave Arkcher in his mind, but with each forgiveness it got harder. But he had no time to think. He looked at Cheese Woman and gasped. The giant, ruffly Victorian ball gown she normally wore had been replaced by a knee-length, pink dress with just as many ruffles, and laces up the front, and lacy pink sleeves decorated with ribbons.. A pink ribbon was tied around her waist, and a large ribbon was just underneath her collarbone. She wore white stockings and pink high heels (decorated with a big bow on the toes), and she was wearing a big, pink ribbon in her hair, plus some pink flowers. In her hand was the familiar ruffly, pink parasol she commonly had. Cheesemaster gulped, and his glasses fell down his nose in complete shock. There's actually something under that dress, he thought. "Cheesie-kun, what's wrong?" "What are you wearing? "Oh, Cheesie...it's a style popular in Japan! It's called Lolita!" "Lolita...?" "Do you not know what lolita i-" "Doesn't that have something to do with pedophilia?" He said, blushing. She sighed. "No, No, No! It's a style! It's nice out, so wore this. Plus, I saw it in a magazine I was reading." Cheesemaster adjusted his glasses, and found his couldn't take his eyes off her. She was <i>beautiful</i>. She put her hands on his shoulders and her head on his chest, her parasol covering them both. He had no choice but to wrap his arms around her. "What was going on earlier with Arkcher-kun?" "Oh-nothing. Just a small misunderstanding." "Please, Cheesie, explain?" He sighed, but he went on anyway. "On Valentine's Day, I send presents to all my female friends." "Like me!" she said, happily. "Indeed. Well, he got angry because he thinks it's wrong I send gifts to MK." "There's nothing wrong with it! That boy is so...so...PARANOID!!" And with that, she backed away from him. "I'm going to give that stuck-up inventor a piece of my mind!!" "Please, Cheese Woman, no need to do that!" "There is every need to do this!" Cheesemaster grabbed he shoulder, and she stopped. "Cheesie?" "Please, don't. It'll do nothing but make the situation even worse. I don't want to ruin my friendship with him or Mushroom." [Cheesemaster rules.]
  3. Horatio fell into a strange, grayscale world; he looked down, and even his body was in shades of black and white; he looked around and saw he was in Outer Space. He looked around some more and saw a gigantic, white wall, with a river flowing through it. Rocks floated around, and what he recognized as a Star, a giant ball of fire, was behind it; but he felt cold. And, upon becoming more aware of his surroundings, he realized he was floating; how he was breathing in space, he didn't know, but it was a dream. He decided that he wouldn't be seeing anything if he didn't move. Upon trying a few things, he learned he could "swim" through the space. He made his way over by the wall, and grabbed found himself at the bottom. The hole that the river had made had closed up, and when he tried climbing, the walls only got higher. It was surreal; more surreal than anything he'd ever seen. Had Mushroom_king, a shy, strange girl, really dreamt this? He expected music, not silence. This was far too odd. Where there any living things here? Horatio opened his mouth to speak, but no words came out: he simply mouthed "Is there Anybody Out There?" He looked around and saw no one. He tried screaming it, but no noise came. Was he completely alone in the universe? Or, perhaps, were there others, also screaming silently, but to no avail like he was? Was this what MK was dreaming, but she was in Horatio's position? And if so, why was she dreaming this? What was going inside her that he needed to know about? Horatio suddenly felt like he was being strangled. He tried to break free of the grip, but he was unable to do anything; and, just as suddenly, he felt heavy and began to fall. He found himself sweating just next to the potted plant on the other side of the bed. MK had woken up. "What an awful nightmare," she muttered, rubbing her eye. She stood and left the room, perhaps to get a glass of water. Horatio looked outside and realized he only had time for one more stop before head had to head back home. He decided to visit his friend, Dog Lover. --------------------------- Horatio pressed the button on the Teleport belt and made his way for the floating town of Taynio, where Dog Lover lived. This time, he made sure he teleported directly to Dog Lover's bedroom, so he would only have to climb into her bed and jump into her dream. And with yet another WHOOOOOOOOOOSH he was off at the speed of light towards Taynio... Horatio landed with a thump in a dog bed, and next to him was the dog, smiling, as if she was having a very happy dream. So, Horatio decided to see exactly what she was dreaming about. He leaped in. ------------------------------- Horatio found himself at a concert. Many people were screaming and cheering, and Horatio struggled to not get crushed. He eventually found a high spot where he could look, and stared over at the stage: there, he saw Elton John, his piano, and...Dog Lover! She was on stage with him! What a surprise. Horatio slapped himself. He should have known this would happen. But he patiently stayed to see what would happen. Turns out, the concert was over, and Elton was thanking his best friend, Dog Lover, for all the love and support. And then the dream ended. That was quick, thought Horatio, slightly disappointed. But no matter. Time to go home. He pressed the button on his belt and WHOOOOOOOOOSHED all the way back home. --------------------------------- The next morning, Horatio woke up after his nighttime adventure, and was glad to be back in his normal size. He, Hamsterweb, Hamsterking, and Cheesemaster were having breakfast just before Cheesemaster had to go back home. "I had the strangest dream last night," explained Cheesemaster. "You were there, Horatio. You came out of nowhere. I had a big Ninja army and was fighting an army of pirates. I thought you got crushed, but you vanished." "That's weird," was all Horatio had to say. "I dreamed that I was visiting other people's dreams." Because, Horatio had taken to thinking, that whole experience may have been nothing but a dream. [the next story is Cheese Woman's story, and will be Valentine's themed.]
  4. Why is it that when I'm in love, none of my friends are, but then when I'm not in love anymore, ALL MY FRIENDS ARE?! I'm not kidding. When I liked Trent, none of my friends were dating. Ever since I got over him, all my friends have been dating! Insanity!
  5. My awesome cures everything.
  6. SOMEONE SUBMIT THAT PICTURE TO ROFLRAZZI NOW KTHANXBAI [Roflrazzi being a blog where they post celebrity macros.]
  7. Horatio landed in the foyer of The Mansion. Unfortunately, he had not thought ahead, and had not programmed the device to take him directly into Arkcher and MK's bedroom; as a result, he was now forced to walk the entire way. Fortunately, the distance was not a long one. All he needed to do was walk up the stairs, take a left, and go to the very last room down the corridor. But climbing up steps is easier said then done when you've somehow shrunk down. Horatio wasn't quite sure why his dream-self was a normal-sized hamster. He probably wouldn't ever know. But no matter. He began his journey up the steps of the foyer. ------------------------ After a grueling climb, Horatio stopped for a breather, but then reminded himself that if he dilly-dallied too long, everyone would be up and he wouldn't get to see their dreams. So he got up and hurried over to the door...he stopped, and looked up. The knob was over two feet above him, maybe more. There was no way he was going to... Suddenly, the door cracked open. Horatio jumped to hide, and saw it was simply Aloysius. But he didn't sleep in this hallway...did he? "Oh, hello, little hamster," he said, bending down and looking at him. "Are you a ghost? You're quite transparent." He doesn't recognize me? thought Horatio, and then he remembered he was not wearing his jacket or goggles; he was a naked hamster. "Alright, do you want through? I'll let you in if you promise not to tell my son I stayed up late reading." Horatio smiled and nodded, since he didn't want to waste energy speaking. He made a mental note to see Aloysius and visit his dream later. "Alright, little friend. Here you go." Aloysius opened the door just a crack, and left it open for Horatio so he could get out later. As he scampered through the dark corridor Horatio wondered why he was nude now, since he was wearing his clothes in his dream and Cheesemaster's dream. Who knows; but he found himself at another obstacle when he realized he would have to get into Arkcher's room. But the heavens had smiled upon Horatio, for the door was open just enough for Horatio to push it open a tiny bit. ------------------------- Horatio looked in and saw Arkcher and Mushroom_king sleeping. They were both facing away from each other, and in between them was PMM. Horatio was surprised to see Arkcher and PMM, as Arkcher's hair wasn't styled like it usually was, PMM's regular blocker spectacles were not on, and neither wore their jackets or ties. Horatio ran over and grabbed ahold of a blanket and climbed up, until he found himself just by Arkcher. He climbed onto the pillow and made his best leap into the dream. -------------------------- Horatio found himself in a state of Limbo, with no one but him, and Arkcher, who was playing his DS. He looked like he was extremely involved in his game. Horatio walked over and tapped on his shoulder. No response. "Arkcher," said Horatio. "Mmm?" "Uh...is this your dream?" "I guess so. Kind of a dumb dream, though. I do stuff like this every day." "So does Paper Mario master, I expected him to dream this kind of thing." "yea, me too." Horatio looked around. "Not very exciting." "It is for me," mumbled Arkcher. Horatio sighed. This wasn't going anywhere. "Well, I'll see you in real life," and he leapt into PMM's dream next. ---------------------------- PMM's dream was not quite as simple and boring as he imagined it. PMM was doing his daly life, everything he normally did, but he was tall! Horatio looked up at PMM. "gee, you're tall! What happened?" "What do you mean, what happened?" "How'd you get so tall?" "I've been tall as long as I've been gaming!" "R-Really? I swear I...remember you being short." "That's preposterous," said Aloysius, who was in the dream. "I may have only known him a few months and I knew that." "Yea! He's my sanity. He's always been like that." said MK. "I saw pictures of him from before we met him," said Arkcher, "He was tall even as a kid." "See? Proof I'm tall and always been tall!" Horatio looked around and decided this was far too strange; he took a leap for it, and landed in between MK and PMM. In a cold sweat, he looked under the covers to make sure PMM really was still short. He was. He breathed a sigh of relief and decided to jump into MK's dream.
  8. I want to go see Benjamin Button. I loved the original story. My mom wants to go see Seven Pounds, the new Will Smith movie. It looks pretty good.
  9. The day after the festivities, everyone was going to be sleeping in, or having a hangover, or both; except for a certain Rabbit-Girl in Hamsterdam, and two cheese-people. The latter both got up just before the sun rose and went out by the ocean. "It's a new year, Cheesie-kun," said Cheese Woman. "When the sun comes up, let's make a wish for a good year!" "Alright," he said. They stood silently, and when they saw the first speck of light on the horizon, they clapped their hands, and then clasped them together. A few seconds later, they opened their eyes and looked at each other. "Happy New Year, Cheesie..." "You too, Cheese Woman." He looked around. "Hey, what do you want to do today anyway?" ----------------------- Meanwhile, on Mt. Jazzeh, MK and Arkcher were trying to sleep in; they'd stayed up a long time last night and needed rest, but PMM wanted them to get up. Why, I have no idea. "Please, Paper Mario Master," Arkcher groaned. "I'm trying to sleep." "Oh, fine. I'll get up and see what he wants," said MK. She climbed out of bed and stretched. "What is it?" "I'm BORED," said PMM. "Then play Tetris or something," she said. "That usually works for me." "I've been trying that for the past hour. But then I got what normally happens to me: stupid, stupid I-shaped block! I got fed up!" "Well, you have over a million games-" "I have every game. Except the cruddy ones." "Gee, then how could you be bored?!" "Look who's talking. You complain that nothing on you MP3 is something you wanna listen to, but you have as many songs on there as I do video games." "I guess you're right. So...what do you want me to do?" "Would you play 2-Player with me?" "Would I ever!" "Alriight! You pick first game!" -------------------------- MK and PMM walked into PMM's room. He had installed an "Alternate Universe ®" portal that had recently been invented, and was becoming popular around the universe. It was a storage made specifically for collectors that places large collections of objects in an "Alternate Universe" that wasn't huge, but expanded in size as your collections got bigger. This was where PMM stored his games, but he usually kept 5 or 6 games in his room, in case he was really "into" a game and needed to have in nearby. He had the games sorted in many different ways. One of these ways was whether they supported multiple players or not. He and MK glanced through and grabbed a handful each. "What have you got?" asked MK. "All 3 Smash Brothers, uh...Guitar Hero...uhh...Soul Caliber...Mario Kart! All of them, even. And you?" "I have Pokemon Stadium, Halo which I'm bad at, and some obscure stuff..." "Alright, let's play!" --------------------------- PMM hooked up two controllers to the console, and hooked up the console to the TV. He had long ago gotten help from Arkcher and had built a system that played all of his games, that way he could stop having to switch them so much. He fondly called this creation the PSWii60. "I call first player!" shouted PMM. "Alright, then," said MK. The two of them played for quite a long time; it was also the first time in a long time that they had played without getting angry with each other. Eventually, Arkcher woke up and told them that their breakfast was getting cold. So, they turned off the console and decided to give it a break. MK picked up her sanity and placed him on his shoulders. Looking at them you'd think they were parent and child; and the two hugged and wished the other a happy new year. ----------------------------- HORATIO'S STORY "Goodnight, King! Goodnight Hamsterweb!" shouted Horatio as he climbed into his bed. He snuggled underneath the covers, and swiftly drifted off to sleep. And, like most sleepers do, he began to dream. Horatio didn't have flying dreams like most people, mainly because he was flying in his airplane for a good majority of the time. No. Rather, he dreamed that he had all the sunflower seeds in the world. As a hamster, he loved sunflower seeds. He dreamed he was in a field full of the flowers, and their seeds pouring from the flowers. But all of a sudden, in his dream, he fell into a hole, and fell out of his dream! He rubbed his head and looked up, and nearly screamed when he saw himself. Horatio is normally a "giant hamster", but now he was the size of a normal one! "Gee...Is that really me?" he whispered. He was about to jump back into his dream-cloud when he saw another dream-cloud elsewhere: he ran and looked and realized it was Cheesemaster's. Cheesemaster had been traveling and was taking a break at the Castle before he had to leave tomorrow. Horatio got nearer to the bed and tried to climb up; he was finding it difficult due to his size. He eventually gave up and climbed up the nightstand instead. Sitting there was Cheesemaster's cap and his glasses; Horatio walked carefully as not to break the latter. He walked to the edge of the nightstand and saw Cheesemaster, looking very peaceful. He jumped over onto the bed, lifted himself onto Cheesemaster's pillow, and jumped into the dream-cloud. ----------------------- Horatio fell into an unfamiliar, unrecognizable area. He looked around and saw a bunch of people in black suits...Ninjas! Of course! But oddly enough, there was Cheesemaster, in his normal clothes. Horatio wondered why he didn't have a matching black bodysuit, but his thoughts were interrupted when Cheesemaster called his name. "Horatio, what are you doing here?" "Oh-Hi-!" "I didn't dream you, did I?" "uh...I don't recall how I got here. I must have taken a wrong turn in my drea-" "WATCH OUT!!!" yelled Cheesemaster as a league of pirates ran toward tiny Horatio. He ran as fast as he could to dodge and fell out of the cloud, landing back in the safety of the cap sitting on the nightstand. He looked over at Cheesemaster, who no longer looked peaceful, but now looked like he was having a nightmare. "Ugh...die, die!..." He mumbled as he began to toss and turn. Horatio felt a little sorry for him, and decided it was best to go back to his own dream. But he then got curious; what was everyone else dreaming about? He very carefully made his way down the nightstand and scampered towards the computer room, where he found an exhausted Hamsterweb slumped over a gigantic computer. Energy drink and soda cans, and coffee cups too were strewn all over the floor. He'd stayed up as long as he possibly could looking for Stewart. And Horatio saw the dream cloud above his head. Horatio shivered and backed away. He had always been afraid of Hamsterweb, entirely due to his severe-SEVERE-case of arachnophobia, fear of spiders. He hated being around Hamsterweb in his normal size; he couldn't bear to imagine going up to him like this. He slowly backed away some more and scampered as fast as he could away, towards Hamsterking's room. The King slept in a gigantic bed, with fluffy pillows and big, soft comforters. Above his head was a a giant portrait of the King. There were two nightstands on either side, plus a rack for his robe and crown. The king was extremely old, but the only sign as such were deep wrinkles beneath his eyes, and those were from partying too much. Horatio ran over and grabbed a hold of the robe, careful not to knock it down, until he was able to jump into the King's dream; unfortunately, just as he was about to jump in, the cloud was gone, and he realized that Hamsterking was waking up! He scrambled to hide, and hid underneath the robe. When he was gone, Horatio ran towards the hangar where his airplane was; until he realized it was far too big! This was bad...only one choice. But he'd have to be brave. --------------------- Horatio shivered as he walked in Hamsterweb's room. He knew that there ought to be a teleportation device somewhere around here; He'd have to pay should he break it, though...but no matter. He finally found it. This particular device, you attached to yourself and it took you anywhere. This was extremely advanced technology; Teleportation was already advanced as it was, but it normally require big, clunky teleporters located where you wanted to go. This device was meant as a bracelet for a human or human-sized creature. As a result, it made a good belt for him. He fit it onto himself, and was surprised to see it was very light. He pressed the button and decided he would go to Arkcher's Mansion on Mt. Jazzeh. FWOOOOOOOOOOSH went the teleport bracebelt, and Horatio was now traveling at the speed of light towards Mt. Jazzeh...
  10. 16 here. Gonna be celebrating nerd-style on Animal Crossing. That' sounds like a great way to bring in the New Year!!! Happy New Year Mushroom_King!!! The creepy town mayor Tortimer gave me a party popper! I also took some pictures with the camera feature.
  11. Just as the group went looking for Kat, Woodstock approached them. sHe looked out of breath. "Guys, have you seen Glowurm? I've been looking for him everywhere." "No, we haven't, but we'll be glad to help you." Woodstock smiled. "Thanks." sHe looked over at Aloysius. "Hey, Aloysius, Solrai said to meet her at Midnight outside." A big, goofy grin broke out across his face. "D-Did she really?!" he stuttered. He started to blush and was sweating like crazy. "Oh, I still get nervous thinking about her." Woodstock grinned. "Don't worry, I was like that with Glow for a while. It's gets even better as your relationship goes on." Aloysius laughed and nodded in agreement, despite the fact that such hadn't been true for his marriage. "Say, do you want a drink, Woodstock?" "Would I ever!" "Alright, then. Let's get some drinks and then we'll look for Glowurm." "We need to hurry. It's already 11:40." "Oh My God! Is it really?!" said Cheesemaster. "Time truly flies." "Indeed, it does," murmured Aloysius. -------------------------- "Glow? Glow?!" shouted Woodstock. He doubted anyone could hear him over the noise, let alone Glowurm. Before he knew it, Horatio's voice came over the speakers. If you're wondering why there's speakers in the castle, I'm just as confused as you are. "Alright everyone, there's Ten Minutes left! Come get your streamers and noise makers from me!" Everyone screamed and cheered as they went over to get colored streamers and a noise maker from Horatio. He had just enough for everyone. "Save these for Midnight!" he reminded everyone. Woodstock looked up at the big clock that had been set up. Eight minutes, and no sign on Glowurm. But he tried to perk up and got himself two sets of streamers and two noise makers, so he could give some to Glow when he did find him. Seven Minutes.... The other five had finally found Kat, and were discussing their resolutions. "I want to play more video games!" said PMM, as the counter ticked to six minutes. "It's the only one I won't break!" "Party Poppers!" shouted Horatio as the clock ticked Five Minutes. Everyone scrambled to get one. "I want to make sure I get my temper under control," said Cheesemaster. "I don't need anymore brawls with Jakob Rabbitt. In fact, I resolve to set things straight with him. The clock ticked four minutes. PMM busily tapped at his DS; he was playing Animal Crossing, which meant he was having double the New Year's fun. The clock ticked three minutes. "I want to improve my relationship with all of you guys," said Arkcher. He put his arm around MK. "Especially you, Mushroom." She giggled and blushed. The others looked at them funny. The clock ticked two minutes. "Hey, you two!" said MK, looking down at Sean and Julian. "Don't play with your streamers and noise makers until it's time! That'll make it more special. And be more careful; I learned the hard way that those streamers give you bad papercuts." ONE MINUTE... "Glowurm!!!! GLOWURM!!!!" said Woodstock. He was screaming now as tears went down his face. One minute left and no sight of him. The clock started ticking the last fifty seconds. "Go outside everyone!" Everyone was nearly crushed in the crowed to get out. It was pitch-black out, except for another giant clock ticking away. Woodstock went to the front of the crowd. Ten seconds... 5 4 3 2 1 HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!! Woodstock's eyes went wide with wonder as he saw a giant pirate ship throw sparks and color into the sky. Everyone blew their noise makers, popped the party poppers, ad unfurled their streamers and sang. But Woodstock started to choke up when he saw the undeniable crest of the Glowing Pirates! Glowurm's crew of pirates! And then, their leader himself stepped onto shore and took Woodstock into his arms. "Happy New Year, my sweetest one," and before sHe could say anything Glow had taken heR and was kissed heR. "I-I looked all over for you!" Woostock stuttered. "I'm sorry. I wanted to make it a surprise. Do you like it?" "Yes...yes, I do!" Glowurm leaned in towards heR face again and shut his eyes. "I love you." Woodstock shut heR eyes as well. "I love you, too," and they kissed again. -------------------------- Aloysius, Arkcher, MK, Cheesemaster, Cheese Woman, PMM, and Kat were also celebrating; Kat was getting drunk like she normally did, PMM was playing AC (but trying not to deter himself from the actual party), MK and Arkcher were hugging and wrapping each other in streamers, Cheese Woman was trying to steal a kiss from Cheesemaster, and Aloysius had strayed from the group looking for Solrai. He had about given up when he was, like Woodstock, swooped into her arms. "Happy New year," she said, and the two of them, kissed also. ~HAPPY NEW YEAR~ [This isn't the last chapter of Glow's story yet; you'll see some New Year's Day action, too.] [The next two stories will probably be Horatio's story for January and Cheese Woman's as a Valentine's Day story.]
  12. 16 here. Gonna be celebrating nerd-style on Animal Crossing.
  13. I forgot to mention: Tale of Desperaux stayed VERY true to the book. that made me happy. And the movie gained +5 awesome pylons thus.
  14. HAY EVERYPEOPLE'S! IT'S A DOUBLE MOVIE REVIEW SOUPRA SPESHUL!!!!111111111 Alright. So the day before yesterday, I saw Bedtime Stories, and today I saw Tale of Desperaux. So I'll review them here: Title-Bedtime Stories Rating-PG Genre: Comedy (Live action) Story: Alright, so some guy name Skeeter (played by Adam Sandler) has been working as a janitor at his father's hotel for years and his life has, well, pretty much s*****. To make things worse, his hippie sister tells him he has to babysit her two kids for a week. But things go awry when, mysteriously, the things that the children add in the stories seem to happen in real life. Skeeter decides to use this to his advantage, and finally gets a shot at becoming the manager of the hotel. Things go bad, though, when the new hotel to be built that he will own is going to be built over the school his niece and nephew attend. Now he must race against time to save the school. Rating: :) :) 1/2 Comments: Entertaining and funny at parts, it's not so bad. Title-Tale of Desperaux Rating-G Genre: Adventure...ish...? (Animated) Story: Based on the novel about a tiny mouse called Desperaux who is considered a freak by his kin, a rat also considered a freak by his kin, a sad princess, a servant who wants to be the princess, and soup. The kingdom of Door (or something) is famous everywhere for it's soup; until one day, when the royal fambly is eating some soups, a rat falls into the Queen's soup. She has a heart attack and dies. What a way to go. So, the now-depressed King outlaws soup and rats. Ever since then, there's been no light, no rain, and everyone is sad. Meanwhile, Desperaux is being taught to be a mouse and fails; he is told he needs to be afraid but he is brave. During a brave outing, he reads a fairy tale and becomes drawn into the story, and eventually talks to the princess herself. Because of this, he is banished to the dungeon where the rats live. What happens? You need to see it to find out, fool! Rating: :) :) Comments: Excellent. That is all.
  15. YOU BETTER The very nice thing is that when I saw the store "Electric Fetus" and immediately you popped into my mind, I smiled. This happened because of you. Just like when I was in Woodbridge Mall, Jesusfreak came to mind. Good feelings that make my heart smile. I thought you would think of MW seeing the Electric Fetus.
  16. The rest of the group laughed as Glowurm worked his way over to the bar area and tried to wake Kat; she slowly blinked her eyes open and looked around, before throwing her head back down and starting to sleep. Glowurm sighed and starting getting drinks for everyone; only Aloysius wanted any alcohol. He mixed up a Wingdings Drink for Aloysius, and made a Glowing Milkshake for himself. The whole group had a pretty good time, to make a long story short. --------------------------- The next day was New Year's Eve; everyone who planned to attend was busy getting prepared. This include our five main characters (six if you included Aloysius); New Year's wasn't exactly a favorite time of year for them (no free candy!), but getting to have a party with friends is always good. And of course, they had New Year's resolutions to make and break. Eventually, around sunset, the partygoers boarded their boats or planes and started to head for Hamsterking's Castle, since the party was held there. It was dark out as crowds of people went through the huge doors of the castle. Aloysius, Arkcher, MK, and PMM were about to go in when Aloysius was stopped by a strange woman. She had a short, blue bob, and a skintight blue jumpsuit. She had a headset on, and looked official. Perhaps she was a security guard. "Sir, who are you?" "Oh! My name is Aloysius Ahrroww." She pushed the side of her headset. A "screen" of information was projected in front of her eyes. She read through it, and then pressed her headset again. The information vanished. "You may come in." He walked on, and shivered. "Who was that?" "GAURD101," explained Arkcher. "A security guard for the King." "I see," he said. "She seemed awful stern...but then again, I guess a guard should be like that." "She was designed that way." Aloysius turned and looked at him. "Excuse me?" "She's an android. She was specifically designed to protect Hamsterking, because he couldn't find anyone suitable for the job." "Exactly," said PMM. "The name stands for Gaurd Automatic Undefined Royal Droid." "Undefined?" "I think that's supposed to reference how complex her code is," thought MK. "Hey, there's Cheesemaster and Cheese Woman." The four ran over to them and said Hello. "Hi, everyone," said Cheesemaster. "Happy New Year." "Happy New Year to you, as well," said Aloysius. "Have you made any resolutions yet?" He shrugged. "Not really..." Cheese Woman giggled and locked Cheesemaster in a choking hug lock. "I want to make sure Cheesie-Kun falls for me!!" "Not....gonna....happen...." Cheesemaster muttered. Aloysius scratched his head. "-Kun?" "Cheesie never told you?" she said. "Told me what?" He looked around at Arkcher and MK, then Cheesemaster and Cheese Woman (who had released Cheesemaster from the death lock). "Aloysius-sama...I can't believe you've never been confused by it." "By what?" "Why would he carry around a Japanese Katana?" "Maybe he is Japanese? That's what I assumed. Are you Japanese as well?" She sighed. "Oh...you did know, then." "Of course!" said Aloysius. "Why would anyone wield a Japanese weapon or even use Japanese honorifics if they weren't even from there?" "Maybe if they were a weeaboo?" suggested PMM. Aloysius ignored him. "In fact, you never have told me much of your childhoods." Cheesemaster suddenly go a look of shock and horror on his face. "Heh...nah, maybe some other time, it's a complicated story..." "Then give us the tl;dr version." "I was born in Japan, I lived there for some time and grew up in England until I came here." "Oh, interesting!" said Aloysius. He looked over at Cheese Woman. "And you?" "The opposite," she explained. He mouthed "Oh," and then looked around. "What are we eating at this party?" "Catering by Planet Horatio and Fried Dragon Palace," said MK. "Kat ought to be around her somewhere."
  17. Haha that's pretty awesome. XD But....what about people with milk allergies? Cheesus isn't the only God, you know. There's The Great Muffin, Ramensas, Monoculous, Gavel, Thomas, Bobelina, Otaco, Clasu, Smitus, and Pwnamus Maximus! And more, too! *wonders if they flying spaghetti monster fits in here somewhere* He and The Great Muffin are h0m33z
  18. Nuuuuuu! I actually do look in here a lot more often than I post. Just half the time I don't have anything substantial to say, or I'm too tired to think of anything intelligent to post. same here.
  19. She was entertaining! Wasn't her mother and/or father a well-known actress? One she wouldn't name? Now that you mention it, yea, she did!
  20. Mushroom_king... you always come to my rescue. Did you like the picture I took specifically for you? wat? -checks- Oh, The Electric Fetus? Heh...I love that place, I go there whenever I'm in Minnesota. XD
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