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Hampsterdance Discussion Board


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Everything posted by Mushroom_king

  1. Kat is in me? o.o Kewl. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I alreday drew it. Your winking, you have a belyt with a claymore oin it and large white Faerie wings,. Your playing Double neck Guitar and hampster is in the Corner playing keyboard and looking at you. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Spiffy! ^o^ <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I recently Redrew teh ENTIRE Picture. Ill post it right away when my mom Givesa me the Digital Camera, The New one is much Better. I removed Hampster and replaced with "Kat" Written in Fuzzy Letters. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> *wants to see it really bad* :3 <{POST_SNAPBACK}> No.
  2. OMG! Do your parents beat you too? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> No, Unless being yelled at every Gosh **** Moment bof your life counts. My parents ALWAYS expect me to be PERFECT. *Go faster! You are so slow at Speed Skating Caitlin!" "Why do you wear that Hat, Caitlin? Its Ugly!" "You need to bebetter than a B+ IN mATH!" "Stop G** **** Playing Video games and Pick up the ******* Clothes, Cailtin!" "Why are You Wearing Jeans G** **** it?" Caitlin!......Caitlin!......Caitlin!......Caitlin!......Caitlin!.....Caitlin!...... All of you make this place a safe haven for me. Except TBFOF. Who seems to Dislike me. Not to mention, My Mom Overworks me. Always expecting me to do this, Do that. My Dad used to beat me with a Belt. My Mom once Thretened to beat me, Just because I let Donti Out. Its one of the Worst Lives you can imagine. With School oming up, I can only feel itll get worse. Yo9u see, I have 5 Freinds, all which have never accepted me for Who I am, Except Katie and Meghan. I have been Labeled. Called a Freak Every 2 Seconds. My life is a Deep Inescaplable Hole of Depression. Im not Typing anymore. Tears are welling up in my eyes. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I saw this lady on Dr. Phil once like that, always wanting her children to be perfect, the lady even picked out the perfect bride for her son and he is only 14 years old! Turns out it was because her parents never caed about her. As for the freak part there are MUCH more orse things to be, TRUST ME. Do't listen to them I think you're wonderful, you're really funny, i love your siggy! pretty long, but its so funny. And i can tell you're a really great person too. the reason why they call you a freak is because you're not a robot like they are. YOU choose who YOU want to be, don't ever be live evryone else. I'm sure evryone else here thinks you're awesome too! Stay the way you are, its beautiful. -Laura <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Tell that to Toto.
  3. I Like them, but havent read very many =D
  4. Here is some art that was stuck on y laptop when it broke. >
  5. The Next Morning,The group woke up. Mushroom_king was a Brownie and had lots of Experience with The forests they were in, so she went out to lead the rest. "Look!" said Arckcher. "loook at that!" He was pointing to a samll, worn out stone temple. "WOW" said Kat.
  6. I'll be back to the PTMY's later. My head hurts. Anyways, maybe MW should continue the story. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Maybe. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> *Bump*
  7. Setsuna, having just completed an order, jumped towards the shelves behind her grill, kicked off of them and preformed a back flip over her grill, still keeping the tray with a burger and fries perfectly balanced, and landed on the counter, crouching between the two cash registers. The people in line cheered loudly as she handed the tray to the customer. Noticing her co-workers just walking in, she smiled warmly and said, "Good morning!" <{POST_SNAPBACK}> "Hi, Now, like Ihh said, where does me staaaaart?" <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Remembering that there were a few new imployees out front, Setsuna hurried back out just in time to hear Sandy ask his question. Setsuna grabbed a frozen french fry from the nearby freezer that was very sharp on one end and threw it. It landed with a "thump" sticking into the counter in front of one of the registers. "Right there." said Setsuna. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Sandy jumped on the tables over to the counter. "Wow, there sure are alot of buttons here, but don't worry, I'll figure them out eventually, hopefully. I have also taken one of the paper menus and studied it very well. Go ahead, ask me the price of any item on the menu." <{POST_SNAPBACK}> "Naw, I beleive you." said Setsuna. "Back there is the freezer and the staff room. Our hamster, Horatio, lives back there. You can go there on break and train if you want." The staff room not only held a few comfortable couches and Horatio's cage, but a wide variety of excersize equipment, including wieghts, punchingbags, and a large, matted area to practice flips and such in. Setsuna had also had two DDR machines installed. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> "I guess we should ignore the time thing for now, shouldn't we? But I found this flyer. Read it aloud, won't you Setsuna?", inquired Naoyo. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Setsuna took the flyer gently and read: "MASTER BURGER GRAND OPENING! COME ON JUNE 14 TO SAMPLE THE BEST BURGERS IN THE COUNTRY! FREE DRINKS PROVIDED!" Setsuna glowered at the paper.BEst burgers in the country? Who did these people think they were. She continued to read. "STARTS AT 7:00 PMAND LOCATED ON THE CORNER OF SCARBROUGH AND HAVEN!" Setsuna blinked and started at Naoyo. "But that's..." <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Sandy was in the back room playing DDR when he heard Setsuna read the flyer. He darted out the back room and over to Setsuna. "Well it looks like we're just gunna have to do something better. Anyone hear have any musical talent?" shouted Sandy. The restaurant was silent. "Well how about a Martial Arts show to atract all of their customers. And you know, if we all save up our money before that date, we could get a large sign built on Route 354A. I would give up my salary, how about you guys? And maybe even get a side job. I wouldn't like to see this restaurant fail." <{POST_SNAPBACK}> "I don't wanna see The Fried Dragon Palace Fall, Either!" said White Kirby. White Kirby had been Incvredibly Surprised at this Flyer. "Who says they have the best Burgers Ever?"
  8. [Hey. *points to a post I made a little while ago* Your characer is fine, except she needs to be human.] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> NO! I Cant stand Humans. e_e <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [but it really doen'st make sence to have a Kirby running around working at a fast food place. Please, please be human? Your name could be Kirby! You could have a power like Kirby's!] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [Ok. Ok. Her name is Still White Kirby Wagon Star. She is Human, Looks like me, and ALWAYS has a White Kirby Plushie Dangeing from her Shoulers. She has all the Kirby powers, Like Sucking up.She USED to be a Kirby, But Changed 'cause Everyone gave her weird looks. O_o]
  9. Setsuna, having just completed an order, jumped towards the shelves behind her grill, kicked off of them and preformed a back flip over her grill, still keeping the tray with a burger and fries perfectly balanced, and landed on the counter, crouching between the two cash registers. The people in line cheered loudly as she handed the tray to the customer. Noticing her co-workers just walking in, she smiled warmly and said, "Good morning!" <{POST_SNAPBACK}> "Hi, Now, like Ihh said, where does me staaaaart?" <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Remembering that there were a few new imployees out front, Setsuna hurried back out just in time to hear Sandy ask his question. Setsuna grabbed a frozen french fry from the nearby freezer that was very sharp on one end and threw it. It landed with a "thump" sticking into the counter in front of one of the registers. "Right there." said Setsuna. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Sandy jumped on the tables over to the counter. "Wow, there sure are alot of buttons here, but don't worry, I'll figure them out eventually, hopefully. I have also taken one of the paper menus and studied it very well. Go ahead, ask me the price of any item on the menu." "Naw, I beleive you." said Setsuna. "Back there is the freezer and the staff room. Our hamster, Horatio, lives back there. You can go there on break and train if you want." The staff room not only held a few comfortable couches and Horatio's cage, but a wide variety of excersize equipment, including wieghts, punchingbags, and a large, matted area to practice flips and such in. Setsuna had also had two DDR machines installed. "I guess we should ignore the time thing for now, shouldn't we? But I found this flyer. Read it aloud, won't you Setsuna?", inquired Naoyo. White Was wondering what the Flyer was all about. She nstopped and waited for Setsuna to read aloud the Flyer. =She already read it= =Both posts were in the queue at the same time, so she was unaware the flyer had been read= <{POST_SNAPBACK}> =Thank you =D NOTE: Hampster was Grounded from the Compy for a few Months, so I will RP her charecter 'till she isnt Grounded no mores.
  10. I keeled Over laughing at that. Have a Ultimate Pizza Stacker award. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> w00t a big pizza award. =D <{POST_SNAPBACK}> EAT IT FOOL. And f you dont gain 3 Pounds by eatingit, You get another one! =D Herre are more ads from Gizagear Inc.!
  11. Its more like, Silence IMmortal. o_O;;.............. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Exunckly. O-O Me want a Moogle! ;_;
  12. Kat is in me? o.o Kewl. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I alreday drew it. Your winking, you have a belyt with a claymore oin it and large white Faerie wings,. Your playing Double neck Guitar and hampster is in the Corner playing keyboard and looking at you. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Spiffy! ^o^ <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I recently Redrew teh ENTIRE Picture. Ill post it right away when my mom Givesa me the Digital Camera, The New one is much Better. I removed Hampster and replaced with "Kat" Written in Fuzzy Letters.
  13. I'm reminded of the YuGiOh theme right now. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Really? Im thinking of Sonic the HedgeHog....
  14. HOORAY! *parties* Lucky duck. We were supposed to get one for Mom Day. You should take pictures of mushrooms or something. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> When I do, I will take pictures of all 38 or 39 pictures and The Figures In my rooms. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Okay. *nods* I read your siggy. Very long and good. I always freak out if mine gets any typos... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> 1. Well than. Finnaly, Someone whos not Complaining about my Signeture! 2. There is a HUGE Mushroom Growing in my Backyard. Ill take a picturee of that to. =D <{POST_SNAPBACK}> 1) Yeah. I think you should make the text smaller though. 2) Cooooool. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> 1. Blechgorlblehthrowsgooniegirlatyou. 2. Coooooooooool.
  15. Get your pic for the next competition!!! *wants to see the mushroom* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yar. Its HUGE. As Big as my Paw. I will prolly add some Color to it 'cos its a White Mushroom.
  16. OMG! Do your parents beat you too? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> No, Unless being yelled at every Gosh **** Moment bof your life counts. My parents ALWAYS expect me to be PERFECT. *Go faster! You are so slow at Speed Skating Caitlin!" "Why do you wear that Hat, Caitlin? Its Ugly!" "You need to bebetter than a B+ IN mATH!" "Stop G** **** Playing Video games and Pick up the ******* Clothes, Cailtin!" "Why are You Wearing Jeans G** **** it?" Caitlin!......Caitlin!......Caitlin!......Caitlin!......Caitlin!.....Caitlin!...... All of you make this place a safe haven for me. Except TBFOF. Who seems to Dislike me. Not to mention, My Mom Overworks me. Always expecting me to do this, Do that. My Dad used to beat me with a Belt. My Mom once Thretened to beat me, Just because I let Donti Out. Its one of the Worst Lives you can imagine. With School oming up, I can only feel itll get worse. Yo9u see, I have 5 Freinds, all which have never accepted me for Who I am, Except Katie and Meghan. I have been Labeled. Called a Freak Every 2 Seconds. My life is a Deep Inescaplable Hole of Depression. Im not Typing anymore. Tears are welling up in my eyes.
  17. Setsuna, having just completed an order, jumped towards the shelves behind her grill, kicked off of them and preformed a back flip over her grill, still keeping the tray with a burger and fries perfectly balanced, and landed on the counter, crouching between the two cash registers. The people in line cheered loudly as she handed the tray to the customer. Noticing her co-workers just walking in, she smiled warmly and said, "Good morning!" <{POST_SNAPBACK}> "Hi, Now, like Ihh said, where does me staaaaart?" <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Remembering that there were a few new imployees out front, Setsuna hurried back out just in time to hear Sandy ask his question. Setsuna grabbed a frozen french fry from the nearby freezer that was very sharp on one end and threw it. It landed with a "thump" sticking into the counter in front of one of the registers. "Right there." said Setsuna. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Sandy jumped on the tables over to the counter. "Wow, there sure are alot of buttons here, but don't worry, I'll figure them out eventually, hopefully. I have also taken one of the paper menus and studied it very well. Go ahead, ask me the price of any item on the menu." <{POST_SNAPBACK}> "Naw, I beleive you." said Setsuna. "Back there is the freezer and the staff room. Our hamster, Horatio, lives back there. You can go there on break and train if you want." The staff room not only held a few comfortable couches and Horatio's cage, but a wide variety of excersize equipment, including wieghts, punchingbags, and a large, matted area to practice flips and such in. Setsuna had also had two DDR machines installed. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> "I guess we should ignore the time thing for now, shouldn't we? But I found this flyer. Read it aloud, won't you Setsuna?", inquired Naoyo. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Setsuna took the flyer gently and read: "MASTER BURGER GRAND OPENING! COME ON JUNE 14 TO SAMPLE THE BEST BURGERS IN THE COUNTRY! FREE DRINKS PROVIDED!" Setsuna glowered at the paper.BEst burgers in the country? Who did these people think they were. She continued to read. "STARTS AT 7:00 PMAND LOCATED ON THE CORNER OF SCARBROUGH AND HAVEN!" Setsuna blinked and started at Naoyo. "But that's..." <{POST_SNAPBACK}> White Kirby Gasped. "oh my gosh!"
  18. Is the Contest Over? I was vgonna take a picture of the HUGE Mushroom in my Front yard.
  19. Setsuna, having just completed an order, jumped towards the shelves behind her grill, kicked off of them and preformed a back flip over her grill, still keeping the tray with a burger and fries perfectly balanced, and landed on the counter, crouching between the two cash registers. The people in line cheered loudly as she handed the tray to the customer. Noticing her co-workers just walking in, she smiled warmly and said, "Good morning!" <{POST_SNAPBACK}> "Hi, Now, like Ihh said, where does me staaaaart?" <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Remembering that there were a few new imployees out front, Setsuna hurried back out just in time to hear Sandy ask his question. Setsuna grabbed a frozen french fry from the nearby freezer that was very sharp on one end and threw it. It landed with a "thump" sticking into the counter in front of one of the registers. "Right there." said Setsuna. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Sandy jumped on the tables over to the counter. "Wow, there sure are alot of buttons here, but don't worry, I'll figure them out eventually, hopefully. I have also taken one of the paper menus and studied it very well. Go ahead, ask me the price of any item on the menu." <{POST_SNAPBACK}> "Naw, I beleive you." said Setsuna. "Back there is the freezer and the staff room. Our hamster, Horatio, lives back there. You can go there on break and train if you want." The staff room not only held a few comfortable couches and Horatio's cage, but a wide variety of excersize equipment, including wieghts, punchingbags, and a large, matted area to practice flips and such in. Setsuna had also had two DDR machines installed. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> "I guess we should ignore the time thing for now, shouldn't we? But I found this flyer. Read it aloud, won't you Setsuna?", inquired Naoyo. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> White Was wondering what the Flyer was all about. She nstopped and waited for Setsuna to read aloud the Flyer.
  20. Who would kidnap TBFOF? And for what reason? I walked on my wolf? Am I asking a lot of questions? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> 1. You'll never guess 2.You'll never find out 3.No, you rode on it 4. YES ~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Get the Warriors!" Yelled the king MK. "You dont need to!" MK and hoops turned around. "I amnthe Mighty Warrior Toto!" "I have come to save your son! Mushroom_king bounced up and down. "You will?! If you do, You can live here! You'll have all the gold in the world! Go everywhere on a wolf! I'll even let you marry TBFOF!" Hoops gasped."Mushroom_king!" "well, Only if you want." "I dont want ythat stuff" scoweled Toto. "I want all the Preps in the inchevese Killed." "We'll try! For know, You, TGHL, hoops, and Mega wolf will find TBFOF!" <{POST_SNAPBACK}> ...am I being ridden on? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yes. Wolves are cool. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> No. Wolves are endangered, and you are not allowed to hurt an animal in such a way. Mega Wolf is like...60 pounds. You're hurting her. -takes MW's harness off and shouts, "RUN FREE! RUN FREE!"- <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Youve Ruined My Story! BLEH! *Takes a Away a Life* You only have 4 lives left! >_<
  21. Me and my Aunt Terri were at the movie rental place, and because of how they have the cover, she thought it was called "The Slaw". ...*looks at MK* See! It's FUNNY! YOU CAN BE HAPPY NOW! *glomp* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Thanks. Me want 50 points! >_< <{POST_SNAPBACK}> *awards MK 100 points* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> *Does a Jig* you may have an Extra Life for making me Happy!
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