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Everything posted by Mushroom_king

  1. [This is my new INVISION story. duh.] [i Decided to change the Title and make a New story because I didn't really like the old name, or the plot of the old one.] [The new plot of this INVISION Story is rather odd really. It's the story of a Planet called INVISION Where People escape "The thin Ice of Modern Life" and live Happily, But then everything goes wrong. Two people who live on the Moon Kensi- Preppygirl368 and Takari A.B. Fusion- decide that it's time to Weed out the Invisionists and take over INVISION.] [ For some really, Really weird reason, I based an awful lot of this story of Pink Floyd The Wall, Hence the Title. Fusion is bent on squeezing us with Worms, taking over minds, and making us his evil slaves.] [The story mostly revolves around Arkcher, Mushroom_king, Hoops(whose royalty is threatened by Fusion), and Horatio. We're the only people he doesn't want as slaves, so he builds a Giant wall and puts us inside. He plans on Murdering Horatio and Hoops, though.] [Another part of the plot is based on a dream I had last night. in the dream, I married Arkcher. O_o I know, weird, but it makes a cool Mini-plot.] [ive talked enough. Ill start the story in my next post.] [PS. The charecters in the story are all Non-Humans, Mushroom_queen, My pets, Kep, Mullaypop, TBFOF,TBFOH, and all people wth Custom avatars. Oh, and Taynio. Just make sure my story gets bumped so I don't forget or anything.]
  2. Thank you for saying such nice things. I am really sorry about Jimmy. Hopefully you will get another hammie. *runs off to take a pic of Hercules* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> LAZY!!!!LAZY!!!!LAZY!!!!
  3. Aww, I've got fanart! Thanks a lot you guys! *hugs* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Your like my Favorite artist in the whole wide world. O_o
  4. Kat is in me? o.o Kewl. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I alreday drew it. Your winking, you have a belyt with a claymore oin it and large white Faerie wings,. Your playing Double neck Guitar and hampster is in the Corner playing keyboard and looking at you. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Spiffy! ^o^ <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I recently Redrew teh ENTIRE Picture. Ill post it right away when my mom Givesa me the Digital Camera, The New one is much Better. I removed Hampster and replaced with "Kat" Written in Fuzzy Letters. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> *wants to see it really bad* :3 <{POST_SNAPBACK}> No. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> But...but...;_;! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Not till You finesh your art for Jack. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I did! Remember the lions? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> WHAT"S THE PASSWORD!? Just kidding.
  5. You're brilliant, MW. o_o <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I is intellimagent. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> ad when she gets back, tell her from me her siggy is wayyyyyy too long! i know mine in somewhat long, but with all t th the these these t these th these thi these thin these thing these things these thing these thin these thi these th these t these thes the th t it gets really annoying! i understand why DWLS got started! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR SHUSH!!!!!! IR ELSE THE CORPSE BRIDE WILL COME GET YOU!!!!!!!!!!! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yes. Thats right. GO TO YOUR ROOM. BE QUIET. Or else.
  6. Hi MK. Welcome back. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> been Procastinating.....
  7. TBFOF, what'd I ever do to you. I made you an Avatar, and, Not to mention, made you LEAD.MALE. SINGER. I put you in my stories, promised to draw a picture of you, etc. etc. etc.
  8. You're brilliant, MW. o_o <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I is intellimagent. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> ad when she gets back, tell her from me her siggy is wayyyyyy too long! i know mine in somewhat long, but with all t th the these these t these th these thi these thin these thing these things these thing these thin these thi these th these t these thes the th t it gets really annoying! i understand why DWLS got started! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR SHUSH!!!!!! IR ELSE THE CORPSE BRIDE WILL COME GET YOU!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. And if it does? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> *wonders if Arkcher has seen this yet* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Seen what? o_o <{POST_SNAPBACK}> The Evil Corpse Minions ofMine!
  10. Your the Greatest, ]No one's said that about me before.... You guys rock.
  11. And if it does? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> *wonders if Arkcher has seen this yet*
  12. Setsuna grinned and got to work on the order. She was not unfamilliar with the odd window-casheir lingo, but she rarely used it because most if it sounded icky and unappatizing. The finished the meal and tossed it expertly to JJ at the window. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> White Kirby smiled at JJ and Setstuna. Suddenly the Phone rang. "Is this Fride Dragon Palace?" "yes, May I take your order?" White Listened. "Im off to deliver! she said, doing flips and cartwheels over to the wagon star.
  13. HOORAY! *parties* Lucky duck. We were supposed to get one for Mom Day. You should take pictures of mushrooms or something. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> When I do, I will take pictures of all 38 or 39 pictures and The Figures In my rooms. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Okay. *nods* I read your siggy. Very long and good. I always freak out if mine gets any typos... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> 1. Well than. Finnaly, Someone whos not Complaining about my Signeture! 2. There is a HUGE Mushroom Growing in my Backyard. Ill take a picturee of that to. =D <{POST_SNAPBACK}> 1) Yeah. I think you should make the text smaller though. 2) Cooooool. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> 1. Blechgorlblehthrowsgooniegirlatyou. 2. Coooooooooool. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Ummm? if that was a joke about me i don't get it..... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I threw you at hoops. Jhonny Depp is in Trouble. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Johnny Depp?! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Jhonny Depp: STOP! I dont wanna waych Barny No more! Val Hawyn: Noi. e_e Meh: Hahahahahahahah! No acting for you! >
  14. You DO have friends here. TBFOF is one person expressing his point of view. Please do not let TBFOF have control over how you feel. I think you are terrific and would like very much to be your friend. I like you exactly as you are. The Thing that made me sad is that Im the Only person he seems to hate.
  15. HOORAY! *parties* Lucky duck. We were supposed to get one for Mom Day. You should take pictures of mushrooms or something. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> When I do, I will take pictures of all 38 or 39 pictures and The Figures In my rooms. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Okay. *nods* I read your siggy. Very long and good. I always freak out if mine gets any typos... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> 1. Well than. Finnaly, Someone whos not Complaining about my Signeture! 2. There is a HUGE Mushroom Growing in my Backyard. Ill take a picturee of that to. =D <{POST_SNAPBACK}> 1) Yeah. I think you should make the text smaller though. 2) Cooooool. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> 1. Blechgorlblehthrowsgooniegirlatyou. 2. Coooooooooool. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Ummm? if that was a joke about me i don't get it..... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I threw you at hoops. Jhonny Depp is in Trouble.
  16. Kirby Hung up. "Nope, someone wanted Master Burger." she Shuddered. "and theve already began Construction!"
  17. "Hello, Is this Master Burger?" said the person on the other line. "No, T-t-t-t-tis is F-ff-f-f-f-ried D-d-d-d-ragoin p-p-p-p-alace-e-e-. D-d-d-d-o you need s-s-s-s-s-somethingg-g-g-g-g-?" "Oh, Sorry. Wrong Number." said the Person. Kirby looked Outside. Outside, Construction on Master Burger had already begun.
  18. SSJ6Gohan/Jesse, Thanks for the Suggestions. When I tell my Mom I can't be perfect, she screams, "Oh G** D*** it Caitlin, Don't give me that **** Excuse" So, Not only does she think That I should be perfect, she thinks it's easy to be perfect. There's no such thing as a perfect person.
  19. Kat is in me? o.o Kewl. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I alreday drew it. Your winking, you have a belyt with a claymore oin it and large white Faerie wings,. Your playing Double neck Guitar and hampster is in the Corner playing keyboard and looking at you. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Spiffy! ^o^ <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I recently Redrew teh ENTIRE Picture. Ill post it right away when my mom Givesa me the Digital Camera, The New one is much Better. I removed Hampster and replaced with "Kat" Written in Fuzzy Letters. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> *wants to see it really bad* :3 <{POST_SNAPBACK}> No. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> But...but...;_;! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Not till You finesh your art for Jack.
  20. OMG! Do your parents beat you too? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> No, Unless being yelled at every Gosh **** Moment bof your life counts. My parents ALWAYS expect me to be PERFECT. *Go faster! You are so slow at Speed Skating Caitlin!" "Why do you wear that Hat, Caitlin? Its Ugly!" "You need to bebetter than a B+ IN mATH!" "Stop G** **** Playing Video games and Pick up the ******* Clothes, Cailtin!" "Why are You Wearing Jeans G** **** it?" Caitlin!......Caitlin!......Caitlin!......Caitlin!......Caitlin!.....Caitlin!...... All of you make this place a safe haven for me. Except TBFOF. Who seems to Dislike me. Not to mention, My Mom Overworks me. Always expecting me to do this, Do that. My Dad used to beat me with a Belt. My Mom once Thretened to beat me, Just because I let Donti Out. Its one of the Worst Lives you can imagine. With School oming up, I can only feel itll get worse. Yo9u see, I have 5 Freinds, all which have never accepted me for Who I am, Except Katie and Meghan. I have been Labeled. Called a Freak Every 2 Seconds. My life is a Deep Inescaplable Hole of Depression. Im not Typing anymore. Tears are welling up in my eyes. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Oh My Gosh you are such a baby. All you ever do here is complain. You want all the attention. Your the only one that matters, your the only one with problems, I'm sorry, I forgot about that. You think you have it bad, I dare you to live in my life for one whole week, you wouldn't last two days. People have never accepted me for who I am. Ever, I'm still put down, by my "friends". I am the slave of this house, I wash the clothes, do the dishes, clean the house, cook, clean the toilets, water plants, take care of the pool, mow the grass, need I say more. We had a huge party today, and I honestly sat down only 30 minutes of the whole 8 hours of the party. Everyone else was having fun while I had to sit inside and help. Even my mom took a break and I still had to do ****. Oh wait, yes, I got to play 4 serves of badmitton. WooBoy. Any more complaints, sweety? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Oh. Wow. I Thought I had freinds here.
  21. [black jeans with a bright red polo shirt. There is a golden dragon stiched on the left corner of the chest. They also have a red and black hat with a the same golden dragon on it.] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [You.... You... You STALKER! Thats like, My Choice of Clothes! *Is frightend Kat has been Rummaging thru my clothes* Oh.... While you were stalking around at my house, Did you happan to find..... MY DRAWINGS FOLDER?! *Holds it up with great glory* Hee hee!]
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