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Hampsterdance Discussion Board


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Everything posted by Mushroom_king

  1. Cool. I'm Wearing My "Cats" T-shirt Right now. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> As in the musical? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yes. I saw it a few years back. And VSH-Vannila Star Hamster- gave me the Movie on VHS. Anyway. "Looks at piggy bank, which has about six dollars in it* I've got a long way to go 'till I can Buy The Pink Floyd: The Wall Movie...
  2. ["Gawthics?"O_o And How am I supposed to know. Cause. I just liked the Dress in the Catalog. They called it the Gothic Gown, and they said that the dress was based on midevil Gothic-ness.Which reminds me. When we were in Belgium, we saw this Emo dood with a skirt. I told my Mom and she thought he might be scottish.] "I'm Sitting down. What's it look like i'm doing?" MK rolled her eyes. Good Goth, What was she going to expect, Me and Arkcher Making out or something. That's Idiotic. save it for Christmas when Mullaypop hangs Mistletoe in every possible place. She Thought. Hoo boy. "You know you can't be in here. You might break something.like my prized guitar that John Lennon-" " Jimi Hendix," said MK. "Whatever. I don't even know who that is.[ Spot the corny joke] Anyway, our guests should be arriving soon, so-" "Hello!" said a Voice that had a slight accent to it. Arkcher's Mother Screamed and nearly fell on top of MK's Mother. After she had the stength to get back up, Cheesemaster said, "I'm Cheesemaster. I'm really Self-Consious about having my clothes taken off." They shook hands, and Arkcher's Mother scoweled at the Cheese Wiz on her hand.
  3. Arkcher. Are you saying that I'd like a purple gawthic dress? Maybe a purple dress. Or a prettiful dress with neon colors. And jeans. But not a dress a gawth would wear. Do gawths wear dresses? I'll ask when I see one. Maybe we can just go to the medieval times so I can even ask a real one. [side note: That's all sarcasm. Don't take is seriously.] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> {I have this Catalog subscription. They have this Midevil Gothic gown. I liked it, so I put it in the story. Actully, A lot of the Formal wear in the story comes from the catalog- Kat's, Hoops, Me all have dresses from teh catalog.]
  4. Since you ordered it from Horatio, you might wanna reorder it from me and cancel your order from Horatio. And you might wanna wait for the H$ system to be recomplete. Then I will reopen this shop. I didn't think I was permitted to complete any sales yet. Permission granted, if she wants to buy. Thank you. *waits for Mushroom_king to reappear* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> *reapears* Now that that's done, what must I do now?
  5. I'm 5% "Gothic"..... ...-thinks of the kids at school- -in a high-pitched voice- I am goth. All the emo guys that wear the really tight girl pants at my school are now trying to have only the legs be tight, but the waist be saggy like all the ganstas. It's really funny looking. I have no kids at my school that go by "emo". So...it'd be pretty funny to see. But I make fun of people like them on the internet. So it's all rad. ...Yes? The good news is Mushroom_king doesn't seem depressed anymore! How are you doing Mushroom_king? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Bad, And it's all TBFOF's fault!
  6. I'm 5% "Gothic"..... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> ...-thinks of the kids at school- -in a high-pitched voice- I am goth. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> All the emo guys that wear the really tight girl pants at my school are now trying to have only the legs be tight, but the waist be saggy like all the ganstas. It's really funny looking. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I have no kids at my school that go by "emo". So...it'd be pretty funny to see. But I make fun of people like them on the internet. So it's all rad. <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
  7. I've decided to Post Daily Happenings here, Just like Cheesy and his Club. TODAY. boring, Because I'm at my dad's house.
  8. that was poisoned. And then he started running in your general direction. So I headed away, over there, into a tube, out of danger. hidden underneath a steaming heap of roasted sunflower seeds that someone farted into outer space, by sunflower seeds, Then they exploded. The TARDIS landed That killed everyone. Then the aliens Of the family-Slitheen all died miserable slow, agonizing and very horrible deaths. So we vanquished an entire bowl of cow poo. I then materialised into our digestive systems. And he exploded. Beware the were-rabbit who just might be your next small chicken pie, with mashed potatoes and purple gravy. So do not consider eating the cinesra with toast and pickled marzipan. Rather eat pickled, pickled marzipan? Yum... Marzipan is delectable. Unlike Horatio's sunflower, which is very purple and chunky with edinayc flavoured, whipped cream covered strawberry flavored clams In other news, someone tried them with Metroid Sprinkles. They were yummy. so they had a close encounter with some poo. Chocolate marshmallow poo. covered with almonds, pecans, walnuts, peanuts, blueberrys, ants and explosive mushrooms of ancient roman origin. We then put sonic, shadow, knuckles in small plastic bags covered in faux aligator skin. Then TBFOF sang... Speed of Sound.
  9. *devours Candy Cane in about two seconds* Hmmmmmmmm, delicious! *says hello to Garfield* Garfeild- Move it. Where's The lasagna? The lasagna is in the oven with the pizza. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Garfeild- HEY! Odie put a blindfold on mah head! Help Meh! *Puts Horatio in oven by mistake*
  10. *NOW Tries to Imagine some Black-Haired Bloke with a Judge's wig on who's wearing a Tool T-shirt and Jeans with a knife getting ready to Fry Duff*
  11. *devours Candy Cane in about two seconds* Hmmmmmmmm, delicious! *says hello to Garfield* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Garfeild- Move it. Where's The lasagna?
  12. Mushroom_king picked up the Fallen Music stand. " I am soooo sorry i Almost Broke those Pianos." She said, as she picked up a DDR pad she had almost slipped on. "The room Needs to be bigger anyway." said Arkcher. MK sat down neext to Arkcher. "Nice Dress." He said. "Toto Might like it." There was a silence, and MK spoke up. "Are you nervous 'bout Tommarow?" Arkcher Thought and looked at the ceiling. "I never Really thought about it. I guess now I can't avoid listening to your Pink Floyd Records." MK laugghed a really strange laugh. they both Sighed, and there wass silence until a booming female voice came form the Doorway. "WHAT ARE YOU TWO DOING!" Screamed ARkcher's Mother. Arkcher Rolled His eyes. She's going to complain about me being in here. Or maybe she'll get mad at me because she's a Victorian and I'm alone with Mushroom_king. His Mother complained about Both things. >_o
  13. that is a cool lichen/shroomy thing! Thanks! I kind of liked it myself! understandable. Did you click on it to make it BIG??? It really looks cool then! I took about 20 pics of this lichen. of course i did, why wouldn't I? but 20 pictures? can anybody say overkill? As you know, hamsters do not have the best eyesight. Soooooooo, now that I have joined the digital age, I can take a zillion pics, put them on the computer and pick the two or three or five, I like best and discard the rest. I want to take some and play with the color, sort of Andy Warhol like. oh, playing with color is fun. so is playing with fire. I will let you play with the fire. My tender little paws don't want to get burnt! By the way... wait until the Jill in your sig sees the million pics I took of moldy Jack! *Iamgines Melted cheesemaster after playing with the fire* And Horatio- Why Didn't I know this Topic Exsisited?! I was looking for "Poll what click are you in" Topic and found this....You deserve an award! have a Jellyfish Jam award and a Wall. ( Wall Is my newest award. It's for Uber Spiffiness. I named ita after the Greatest CD ever made. ;D) Thank you so much for my Jellyfish Jam Award and a Wall. I really appreciate the thought. Your topic was made back some time (look at the first post) and you had had some computer problems an weren't here. Now that you know it is here, I am very pleased you like it. Do you like the pic I put in the first post? *Imagins Horatio with a giant Wall Award, How He'll get it in his Trophy Cabinet, How he's Going to deal with with Evil Teachers, Mothers, Judges, Wives, and worms living inside it,(You haf to get the CD to know what I mean.) and How He's Going to get by Toto without being Arrested for Arcitecturee withoutr a license?* The Giant Wall Award is already in my cabinet. We just built a new cabinet around it. As for Toto, we put her in charge of watching Hilary Duff for a week and this distracted her. And I have the CD. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Good Goth, Horatio Listens to Pink Floyd
  14. *Grabs Horatio's Neck with a candy cane * CHRISTMAS IS COMING!! LOLGarfeildparody
  15. I was reading the thing about saying world domination in the middle of a quiz in your siggy- Have you done that yet? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Some Dork in Advisory Foiled Everything and sent me to the Funny Farm.
  16. that is a cool lichen/shroomy thing! Thanks! I kind of liked it myself! understandable. Did you click on it to make it BIG??? It really looks cool then! I took about 20 pics of this lichen. of course i did, why wouldn't I? but 20 pictures? can anybody say overkill? As you know, hamsters do not have the best eyesight. Soooooooo, now that I have joined the digital age, I can take a zillion pics, put them on the computer and pick the two or three or five, I like best and discard the rest. I want to take some and play with the color, sort of Andy Warhol like. oh, playing with color is fun. so is playing with fire. I will let you play with the fire. My tender little paws don't want to get burnt! By the way... wait until the Jill in your sig sees the million pics I took of moldy Jack! *Iamgines Melted cheesemaster after playing with the fire* And Horatio- Why Didn't I know this Topic Exsisited?! I was looking for "Poll what click are you in" Topic and found this....You deserve an award! have a Jellyfish Jam award and a Wall. ( Wall Is my newest award. It's for Uber Spiffiness. I named ita after the Greatest CD ever made. ;D) Thank you so much for my Jellyfish Jam Award and a Wall. I really appreciate the thought. Your topic was made back some time (look at the first post) and you had had some computer problems an weren't here. Now that you know it is here, I am very pleased you like it. Do you like the pic I put in the first post? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> *Imagins Horatio with a giant Wall Award, How He'll get it in his Trophy Cabinet, How he's Going to deal with with Evil Teachers, Mothers, Judges, Wives, and worms living inside it,(You haf to get the CD to know what I mean.) and How He's Going to get by Toto without being Arrested for Arcitecturee withoutr a license?*
  17. I just played it. It's hard, but it's fun.
  18. You actually have just as much patience. You direct your patience in a different direction... your studies. Not that CheetaSpot does not do well in her studies, but you two are on different planes. (Not different airplanes either! ) The only thing I have patience for is my trumpet, and as for my studies, let's just say I only just keep them up. Would you care to tell me your grades? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Sure, why not? Social Studies=A Concert Band=A P.E.=B Language Arts/Reading(english)[counts for 2 grades]=A Honors Algebra=A Science=C+ Okay, so I need to learn to keep up with my science notebook. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> straight As for me except penmanship ( and gym ( i would probably have gotten an A in gym if it wasnt for our gym teacher doing basketball for like 5 weeks! i hate basketball! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I (Might) Join the Basketball team. Next year. Cause. We play basketball all teh time in PE.
  19. [That's Right. *watches Every wowan in the Uncheverse attac Archer* Archer: Get offa meh!e_e Me: Hey he's MY husband!!!!!!] It was a beutiful spring day in Invision square. Kat had just woken up and had gone through her daily routine: Wake up, eat Meow Mix,Sharpen Claymores, and warm up with somne DDR. Kat went outside. "Ahhhh. How wonderful. The sun is shining, the grass is wet, Bannabirds are Chirping. How..... Peaceful." Suddenly, Kat started to practice her Double-Neck Guitar. The Grim Hamster lord lived only a block from Kat, and didn't cope to well with this. "KEEP THAT DOWN YOU SWINE I'M TRYING TO FIND A WAY TO KIDNAP PATCHWORK!" <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [-continues fleeing- e_e -hides behind Kat- Save meh!] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [Kat: Don't worry I'll save you!!!! *ties Arkcher to a tree with Corset top* ] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [Thats like. the scariest thing ever.] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [What are ya hiding behind me for, anyways? Like I would be able to do anything that actually kept you safe. x_x] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [Hey, you're the raving mad cat with a claymore that pwns things. >_>; Pwn MK!] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [Arkchers in a Tuxedo... Ha Ha.....] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [MK in a Dress... Ha Ha......] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [bananas in Pajamas! I used to hate that show, it gave me nightmares.] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [i understand why. o_o] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [You know what else gives me nightmares? Booh-bahs. I had one where I was walking down this hall filled with those egg things the pop out of, then they tackled me and traped me in one of the eggs so they could eat me. ;_;] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [booh-bahs are scary. o_o] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [Where is teh MK? *pokes all the dark corners in search of her* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [Dark Corner: CEASE TEH POKEAGE D:] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [You guys stop being Funny.Or you will be put in time-out.] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [but...but...;_;!] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [You say this Too much. wasn't it enough when Scientests relized that "Oh my!" were the only woprds in Horatio's Vocabulary?! BTW. I was Kat for Halloween. O-O] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [i say it whenever I feel like pouting. Really? What did you look like?] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [Cat ears wooden sword Bent faerie wings. Sorry. My "," symbol isn't working.] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [spiff! n_n If it isn't working, then HOW DID YOU MAKE IT RIGHT THERE?! ARE you LYING to me?! ;_; *sobs*] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [if I Pressit REALLY Hard it makes the Symbol.]
  20. White Kirby Streched her arms. Then the phone rang. "Hello?" said White kirby.
  21. Mushroom_king


    I prefer Winter. I don't talk to my parents about this place. The last time I did my brother screamed at me. It wasn't pretty. Oh YEA?! Well....welll.... I'm the "Over sugaered Mushroom obssesd Pink Floyd loving Going to the Funny Farm Brownie"!
  22. *wants a cookie* *smacks forehead* Oh thats a great way to meet someone! Hi my name is Japancat Vera Boomtang Glilmour Pitchblack. I am a spectral Brownie who is obsessed with Pink Floyd and is going to take over the world but I had an Orhodonist Appointment. And I have to get out of the Funny Farm. Just to let you know I am a girl. ;D *NOW I want a cookie before I throw Victor Van Dort at someone*
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