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Hampsterdance Discussion Board


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Everything posted by Mushroom_king

  1. What kind of dog is he, and what do you feed him? Pft. Don't be so sure. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I don't know. I don't know. I don't feed the dogs. Really helpful. Ever have a Five-year-old swear at you? If I didn't Have a story on here that was rather popular, I would just quit the boards. I'm sick of the way some of you people treat me. Just about 5 seconds ago, I was laughing Insanly that I almost died, and now I'm just upset. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Okay, just wondering. But can you tell me what kind of dog he is? And um. I was not trying to be rude there. I was merely saying not to be so sure that you're the only person who has problems with little kids being brats and telling lies. And no, I've never met a five-year-old with the capability to swear, little-little kids around the places I've lived in have never been too much of a problem. And please. The only people who treat you with disrespect around here are TBFOF and (I'm sorry to say, I really apologize) me. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I would accept your apoligy, but your sarcsm in The Toto's rants Topic made me feel really upset.
  2. Since you ordered it from Horatio, you might wanna reorder it from me and cancel your order from Horatio. And you might wanna wait for the H$ system to be recomplete. Then I will reopen this shop. I didn't think I was permitted to complete any sales yet. Permission granted, if she wants to buy. Thank you. *waits for Mushroom_king to reappear* *reapears* Now that that's done, what must I do now? Your car is ready. I just need you to sign on the dotted line to pick it up. *hands Mushroom_king the paper, while the hammies drive her car around to the front* Would you like me to sign as Willy Wonka, Caitlin, Bob Geldof, The Teacher, JapanCat Vera Boomtang Gilmour Pitchblack, Victor Van Dort, I_Love_David_Gilmour, I_Luv_Zip_Toad, The Biggest Fan of Pin Floyd, 8phantom10,Usul-is-cute, The Crazy Lady, AC/DC, or Mushroom_king? Mushroom_king please. *hands Mushroom_king a pen* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> *Signs* *Takes car* *Puts it through the meat grinder* *Uses Powers to fix it, But instead of being a Volkswagon beetle, i have combined Europe's Smart Cars and a Beetle to make the SmartBeetle* * Puts the little guns and engines from Mario Party 5 To mae it even cooler* *Dances*
  3. I got angry because Megawolf sounded lie she was being rude. Maybe she should of used the Smily instead of .
  4. I do not now his species. When i was Little, My mom always said That he was a Dog from The Arctic. He likes to go outside. A Couple Months ago, Some Maggots ate into his neck and he nearly died. I looked at him as we were taing him to the vet and I was Just. Wow. You could-I hope you are sitting down- The inside of his neck. All the parts and stuff. in fact, It's not just Donti who has Health Problems. Domino and Libby, they do not have any Problems (Minus the fact that Libby has no claws in her front paws), But Thomas is Overweight. She* is 5 I believe. Callie is Horrible. She is Incredibly Overweight, and here is the worst part: She is Epiletic. For those of you who don't pay attention in Health, That is when They have Seizures. Not only this, But if she has a Seizure and isn't tooen to a Vet soon enough, her heart would stop and she would die. There was this one night where it was Horrible. She had 3 Seizures that night. She was Shaking Uncontrolibly and was Foaming at the mouth more than Cleaner in a Backyard Pool. It was everywhere. It was Horrible. TBFOF, Making fun of my dog dying is the meanest, Most Hateful thing anybody has ever done or said to me in my Entire life.
  5. Hi Mr Commander. I want Evil Lessons. *Wonders... Is it OK to bring the topic bac to life?*
  6. 1. Why did this Topic die when it is so great? 2. Why did i just Read the whole topic bacwards? 3. Did I leave the meat Grinder on? 4. Why is Topazia Human? 5. Why is there no breafast Food in the kitchen? 6. Why is Paper Mario so Addictive? 7. Why is it sunday? 8. What am I wearing? 9. Does woody Woodpecker exist? 10. Why does TGHL have a Barbie in his back pocket? 11. Why am I wearing Guitar-pic Earrings? 12. How did the Rupee get into Toto's nose? 13. Why is there 13 books in the Series of Unfortunate events? 14. hyway asway igpay atinlay nventediay? 15. Why do I eat Coloring books? 16. Why is the meaning of life the Hokey-Pokey? 17. Why did Simon Says Get invented? 18. Am I asing to many Questions? 19. Y dus Chtspek xsst? 20. Why Do I favor The Teacher over all the Other Gerald Scarfe Animations?
  7. The Teacher Plushie. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> <{POST_SNAPBACK}> 5.00H$ Ooh Er this a creepy plushie I'd recomend you not sleep with it. The Mother Poster. 2.00H$ a poster of everyone's Favorite over-protective (and kinda Creepy looking) Mother! Pin Floyd:The Wall 25yh Aniversiry Edition. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> 19.00H$. This DVD is a new version of the old one! It has new and improved Graphics and sound, a free poster That is super creepy looking, and speciel Features! Rated R, Starring Bob Geldof. The prosecuter Music Box. 50.00H$. This scary music box Plays "Hey you" and has a Dancing Prosecuter on top. The Grim Sheena Lord plushie. 2.00H$. this evil Plushie has Sheena with phoinex wings!
  8. *changes SHW into a griffin* *Hands over hORATIO COUCH* Xmas Tree. 60.00H$ This beutiful Fake Pine tree will be the star of the Holiday home. It has tons of Beitiful lights and Christmas Ornaments of every kind on it. Buy it today, and we'll throw in 5 stocings for free! Festive Menorah. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> 60.00H$ This beutiul Menorah Is just what you need for Chanakah! it has just enough Candle holders on it, and a large area at the Bottom for wax drippings! Buy Today and get 8 candles! Fesitve Kwanza Flag. 60.00H$ This Cute and very small Kwanza Flag Goes perfect on the tabletop!
  9. Since you ordered it from Horatio, you might wanna reorder it from me and cancel your order from Horatio. And you might wanna wait for the H$ system to be recomplete. Then I will reopen this shop. I didn't think I was permitted to complete any sales yet. Permission granted, if she wants to buy. Thank you. *waits for Mushroom_king to reappear* *reapears* Now that that's done, what must I do now? Your car is ready. I just need you to sign on the dotted line to pick it up. *hands Mushroom_king the paper, while the hammies drive her car around to the front* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Would you like me to sign as Willy Wonka, Caitlin, Bob Geldof, The Teacher, JapanCat Vera Boomtang Gilmour Pitchblack, Victor Van Dort, I_Love_David_Gilmour, I_Luv_Zip_Toad, The Biggest Fan of Pin Floyd, 8phantom10,Usul-is-cute, The Crazy Lady, AC/DC, or Mushroom_king?
  10. *wonders if our HampsterDance Greeters are hanging out at Walmart* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Where's the walls they're supposed to sell at Walmart, anyways? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Perhaps if we bought Multiple The Wall 25th Anniversiry Edition DVDs, and made those into a giant wall, Then yes, They have walls.
  11. I will make sure you are! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> That's Good. *Checks Horatio's name off the list of "People to put i the meat grinder" List* Hmmm.... Only TBFOF is still on here...
  12. What kind of dog is he, and what do you feed him? Pft. Don't be so sure. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I don't know. I don't know. I don't feed the dogs. Really helpful. Ever have a Five-year-old swear at you? If I didn't Have a story on here that was rather popular, I would just quit the boards. I'm sick of the way some of you people treat me. Just about 5 seconds ago, I was laughing Insanly that I almost died, and now I'm just upset.
  13. [The story is Corpse Bride, The Wall, Neopets, and sometjing else from Woodywoodepeckerland. And yes, I made Hamsterfireball a Pyro.]
  14. Is that so. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Today I almost started to cry. I thought Donti had stopped Breathing But his lungs were just slow. I know he's going to die soon.
  15. ooooh Am I on There? Because if not... FACE THE WRATH OF THE TEACHER!
  16. O_o I was throwing stuff at my Corpse Bride poster today... I was angry at it because I've never seen the Nightmare Before Christmas. Everyone at school thinks I look lie Victor Van Dort. Whenever they Call me Victor, I give them a Strange look and say "[WillyWonkaWillywonka] Ha Ha! Your really Weird.[/WillyWonkaWillyWonka]". We're Reading Charlie and the Chocalate factory in reading right now, and I told The kid nex to me that, and the girl across from me said I sounded just like Willy Wonka. Everyone thinks I'm Tim Burton Or something. It's creepy.
  17. Reeeeeeeeeeal Helpful. 1. My brother, who yells at my Mom just about every night now. 2. My Dad, Who lost his job and may lose his house. 3. The fact that Nearly everyone at school has something bad to say about me. 4. It breaks my heart to hear you both are sad. I hope both father's work things out. As for the fact that people at your school are not nice, please try this, believe me it will work. When someone asks you how things are going... never let them see you sweat. By this I mean, say "Great, thanks for asking" with a smile on your face. Please never let those mean people control how you feel. Do not give them the power to make you depressed. There was this one ####### at school this one time... Him- Guess what? Your Ugly. Me- Guess what? Your a ### #### ####er.
  18. Oh, And my Lungs are covered in Tar because Everybody smokes in Both France and Belgium, and when I went there, I breathed a lot of smoke, and my Brother nearly passed out. It wasn't pretty, and I'll bet even now It's still all over my lungs. Another thing is that My 18-year-old Dog Donti may Die before the new year. And I don't think youv'e had people at school call you names because of the way you act, or have a 5th Grader Blame you for something you didn't do.
  19. Reeeeeeeeeeal Helpful. 1. My brother, who yells at my Mom just about every night now. 2. My Dad, Who lost his job and may lose his house. 3. The fact that Nearly everyone at school has something bad to say about me. 4.
  20. [i'd also like to point out some vital typos you've made there.] Archer pulled and pulled-But it wouldn't come off. Finnally Arkcher Pulled it off but it went FLYING through the air- and started To roll on the ground. "Nw u hav 2brn it... Nw u hav 2 brn it..." chanted Monkeylicious. "It touched the ground!" whgispered someone. Finaly It landed at the feet of the last person they wanted it to- Hamsterfireball. "Ooooh... Shiny!" he said. Suddenly The ring was lit on Fire. "ooopsy." He said and threw it somewhere. It landed on Kat. "OMG!!!!!!" screamed Kat as her dress lit on fire. She fell to the ground and Rolled around. "OMG, OMG!!! I'm gonna get that Idiot...." She finnaly stood up but since she had been rolling around, her corset dress had loosened- It fell right off! "I don't want to see that. It's bad enough I have to sleep with Mushroom_king.." Setstuna Quickly came over to help get the dress back on. The ring then rolled under Hoops's Skirt. It was shorter [Not much] Than a dress and it rolled under His Mother's dress. Arkcher made a grab for it, making his mother's eyes go wide with fright. [Kat. Theres a part in the story where Vannila Star Hamster, Dog Lover, and Monkeylicious chant that... And they make fun of Arkcher... It's not nice. D:]
  21. [*attempts not to laugh* >_____>;;;] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [-pwns- >(] [The other day, three of these female nemesis' of mine were like. flirty beyond beleif. It was scary. I ran away screaming. Just do something unattractive, they might leave me alone. n_n (Taking off my shirt would blind everyone! >) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [Not in front of me!] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [*watches Arkcher take off his shirt* *dies*]
  22. [*attempts not to laugh* >_____>;;;] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [-pwns- >(] [The other day, three of these female nemesis' of mine were like. flirty beyond beleif. It was scary. I ran away screaming. Just do something unattractive, they might leave me alone. n_n (Taking off my shirt would blind everyone! >) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [Not in front of me!]
  23. "let's try this again." Archer took Mushroom_king's Paw and took a few steps toward the table Toto was sitting at. "With this Claymore i will make you strong," said Arkcher as he put ba Long Claymore into the stand where the candles were. "With these Mushroom candles, I will show you the Happiness of the light." They both took a Mushroom shaped candle and lit them. "And I promise that I will keep your sanity Intact your Brain Mushroom-Free and when you fly There will be someone to guide you!" Toto turned to MK. "Do you take this Man to be your Wife?" "Yes. I Mean I do." She turned to Arkcher. "Do you take this Woman to be your Wife?" "Yus. I mean I do!" "FINE! That's good. Now for the ring." "And With this Ring I ask in all the Name of Invision that you will be Mine." said Archer Placing the Phoinex Fire Ring on her Finger. "Fine. You may kiss the bride." Archer closed his eyes and leaned towards Mushroom_king and put his arms around her, and kissed her full on the lips. "Ew," whispered Mushroom_king's pet Waddle doo Waddeler. "Tell me about it." said Waddeley. That felt rather odd. thought Archer as he took his face away from Mushroom_king. "Better! Now take the ring off of her Hand. The wedding is tomarow." Arckcher took her hand to get the ring off- But it didn't move!
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