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Hampsterdance Discussion Board


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Everything posted by Mushroom_king

  1. *sits down and passes around chocolate milk and puffy Cheetos* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> *reads the Wizardolegy book I got for Christmas*
  2. The Judge Action Figure 50.00H$ This action Figure Has movable legs and unlike other action figures His arms arnt movable because poor worm doesnt have any. Horatio Hand-stiched Plushie. 70.00H$. Awwww with those big button eyes and the soft cotten-filled fabric making it feel older than it is You HAVE to take this home with you. P.S. I am updating the prices. Plus we need more employees. So when can we start shopping? I would like to purchase the Horatio couch and some Horatio Plushies. You can Start shopping now! How many Plushies will that be? King of the Chipmunks Plushie set. 50.00H$ This cute plushie has a Button in its hand when you press ot it makes sound! Comes with a Plushie Menorah. Oooooooh I want that! I think you should get one! Does he have enough cash to order it? Let's see. Number of posts times ten... Actually, we haven't decided the cash per post yet... What are you waiting for????? Um... I don't know. Maybe some ideas... *goes back to printing money* Wait, I was digging around, MK is right, but money distribution hasn't started yet, Horatio! Someone has to stockpile the printed money for the day dustribution begins. I couldn't think of a better person... moi. *goes back to printing money* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> STOP THAT HAMSTER! Printing additional monies could lead to hyper-inflation and we don't want a repeat of Nazi foothold gaining in here! *mob of crack Kat-trained ninjas burst in to destroy the money* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> and then the Nazis would get King of the Chipmunks.
  3. The Judge Action Figure 50.00H$ This action Figure Has movable legs and unlike other action figures His arms arnt movable because poor worm doesnt have any. Horatio Hand-stiched Plushie. 70.00H$. Awwww with those big button eyes and the soft cotten-filled fabric making it feel older than it is You HAVE to take this home with you. P.S. I am updating the prices. Plus we need more employees. So when can we start shopping? I would like to purchase the Horatio couch and some Horatio Plushies. You can Start shopping now! How many Plushies will that be? King of the Chipmunks Plushie set. 50.00H$ This cute plushie has a Button in its hand when you press ot it makes sound! Comes with a Plushie Menorah. Oooooooh I want that! I think you should get one! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Does he have enough cash to order it? Let's see. Number of posts times ten...
  4. A few questions to see whether you are evil enough; 1) If faced with a choice between a giant laser and a electromagnetic pulse emmitting satellite which would you choose? 2) In close combat would you prefer to have a sword, a gun or a haddock? 3) What is your favourite way of disposing of secret agents? 4) What trap would you pick to guard your inner sanctum; Pirhana pit, poison gas chamber, knockout gas chamber or an automatic sentry disguised as a tiki torch? 5) What describes you best? A Megalomaniac, ex-spy or reclusive billionaire? 6) Do you like my hat? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Is it okay for me to answer the Questions? 1. Both. 2. a Gun or a sword, Depends on whether I'm Time-traveling or not. 3. Putting them in the Meat Grinder. 4. Pirahana Pit, if i'm in Video-game land, Poisen gas chamber otherwise. 5. Megalomaniac. 6. Yes. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Processing... Processing... Total evility; 6/10. Reccommendation; Enroll in the booster evil classes first and learn some more of the basics <{POST_SNAPBACK}> *Sits in corner while Reading 'How to be a Villain" as I wait for Classes to begin*
  5. Ok how about we settle this. your depressed, im depressed. end of convo <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Goody! *Walks out of room* *walks back into room with cuts all over me and ahir all messed up* TB: What happened?! MK: Let's just say that Mr. Teacher isn't to happy about no longer being allowed to put you through the meat grinder.
  6. *wonders when Cheetaspot will come and post more art*
  7. Mushroom_king's Siggy. 10000H$. This long siggy is perfect for bashing people upside the head with! Limeted quanity. Top_Banana Couch. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> 500000H$. This Couch is Just like the Horatio couch but it has top_banana! Mega wolf Rug. 40.00H$. This fuzzy rug looks just like Mega wolf!
  8. The Judge Action Figure 50.00H$ This action Figure Has movable legs and unlike other action figures His arms arnt movable because poor worm doesnt have any. Horatio Hand-stiched Plushie. 70.00H$. Awwww with those big button eyes and the soft cotten-filled fabric making it feel older than it is You HAVE to take this home with you. P.S. I am updating the prices. Plus we need more employees. So when can we start shopping? I would like to purchase the Horatio couch and some Horatio Plushies. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You can Start shopping now! How many Plushies will that be? King of the Chipmunks Plushie set. 50.00H$ This cute plushie has a Button in its hand when you press ot it makes sound! Comes with a Plushie Menorah.
  9. I thought you were coming down to help me. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> *Puts on Sone Guy's Jeans and a Polo Shirt, Restyles hair to look like John Lennon's and jumps into the mail chute* H: Thank you TBFOF! Me: Lazy Hamster Can't even see through my bad disguise. *Takes off disguise* *Puts Horatio in the Meat grinder* *Suddenly Relises I left my Christmas and Hanukah Cookies in the Meat Grinder*
  10. Do you name all your hamsters with a name beginning with H to make them easy to remember or do you just love H? All his animals begin with the letter of what they are. Like the squirrels he feeds start with "S"..etc. Perfect!!! Thank you so much! *hands TBFOF some homemade chunky chocolate chip cookies and a bowl of homemade vanilla ice cream* *steals using mad ninja skillz* >_> *pulls cord to trap door, as - Kat - falls through the trap door into a giant bowl of jello, grabs the cookies and ice cream and returns them to TBFOF* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> *pulls cord to second trap door and as Horatio and TBFOF fall into the undelievered mail to Santa bin, steals the cookies and ice cream and shares them with Kat* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> *Gives some Christmas Cookies to TGHL for His hilarious Comments in the Toto's Rants Topic*
  11. A few questions to see whether you are evil enough; 1) If faced with a choice between a giant laser and a electromagnetic pulse emmitting satellite which would you choose? 2) In close combat would you prefer to have a sword, a gun or a haddock? 3) What is your favourite way of disposing of secret agents? 4) What trap would you pick to guard your inner sanctum; Pirhana pit, poison gas chamber, knockout gas chamber or an automatic sentry disguised as a tiki torch? 5) What describes you best? A Megalomaniac, ex-spy or reclusive billionaire? 6) Do you like my hat? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Is it okay for me to answer the Questions? 1. Both. 2. a Gun or a sword, Depends on whether I'm Time-traveling or not. 3. Putting them in the Meat Grinder. 4. Pirahana Pit, if i'm in Video-game land, Poisen gas chamber otherwise. 5. Megalomaniac. 6. Yes.
  12. Why has no one answered my Questions?
  13. Oh Yes, It's so true. I'm madly in love with you. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Unless your *secretly* Trent or David Gilmour, I'm already married.
  14. My Mom always tells me that when Guys are mean to you, it means they like you. Which i'm smart enough not to belive.
  15. what r u going to be? i still dont know yet....and btw, im pretty sure i have been a dog b4, so dont all u lame people suggest i should be a dog... randomly, im listening to the radio and "sister golden hair" by America is on..i saw a concert by them, but i didnt really watch it much....i mostly talked to converse all star, and two of my other friends...all of our families were there...it was an outdoor concert, and the price was $30/carload....pretty good, for a concert...it was on Sept. 1, so school was about to start in a few days... well, i dont hate school like some people, but i do enjoy vacation...now the song's over...im listening to the "john tesh radio show: music and intelligence for ur life" ... anyone listen to it? i think its on multiplee stations across the country..., ill go post somehere else now...but im still open for suggestions for a costume! ive already been a home depot person, (because my dad works there), a cookie, statue of liberty, m&m (i think...), a penguin, a clown when i was like 3 or 4, a bride around the same age...well, obviosly not both the same year...tigger when i was like 6....and i cant remember any more....bye!!! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Go as Zelda. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> results so far: not xmas tree zelda <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You could be... A CARDBOARD BOX! That's cool, huh? I'm being either Homestar or John Linnell. So hard to choose. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> ummmm... updated results: not xmas tree zelda cardboard box <{POST_SNAPBACK}> (I Know this is old. I don't care.) I went as Kat. No one knew who I was. It was Kind of cool though; My Mom she got 2 peices of wood and nailed them together for a Claymore. Then I wroe dumb things like "ME LOVE DDR!" and stuff. >_o Next year I may go as Victor Van Dort or The Teacher. What I wear for Halloween next year depends on if I'll get a Date for the Halloween dance next year. Yes= The Teacher, No=Victor Van Dort.
  16. Updating Prices. remember 10H$ is equal to 1 American dollar so don't be outranged by The Prices.
  17. The Judge Action Figure 50.00H$ This action Figure Has movable legs and unlike other action figures His arms arnt movable because poor worm doesnt have any. Horatio Hand-stiched Plushie. 70.00H$. Awwww with those big button eyes and the soft cotten-filled fabric making it feel older than it is You HAVE to take this home with you. P.S. I am updating the prices. Plus we need more employees.
  18. I have been praying (well... not much) that Trent will notice me. A month ago, I was trying to get past his Dumb Buddies and He looked over and saw me and moved out of the way. and Yesterday I yelled at Cooper and called him a Mumbeler and He said that My Granny was here to pic me up and Trent started yelling "YEA!!! GRANNYS HERE!" or something. Cooper was the only thing in English.
  19. Reeeeeeeeeeal Helpful. 1. My brother, who yells at my Mom just about every night now. 2. My Dad, Who lost his job and may lose his house. 3. The fact that Nearly everyone at school has something bad to say about me. 4. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> About no.3. Oh yeah cos I'm mrs popularity. people faint when they see me and wherever i walk, the ground turns to gold. EH Not!!! There is a group of boys who I fight with everyday and one of them are starting to turn to phsical attack. 1. Your bro is probably being bullied ya know.ask him whats wrong. 2. atleast your dad will still be there to love you. I will no longer have a grandad and my dad is anry enough. he may become physical as well. and about the tar, I have to walk down the high street to school everyday, where i have to walk past a bunnch of goths that smoke and one of my friends smoke, so their smoke travels to me. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> 1.My Brother is Mr. Popular, Because he is a prep. 2. Well, at least your dad Doesn't have a One year old Baby To take care of. 3. Don't think they were born a couple centurys ago. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> 1. he might be being bullied 2. no he just has three daughters and three sons to look after 3. no but they have been smokin for 7 years now <{POST_SNAPBACK}> 1. Not like I even care 2. Oh, He's also Drunk and has Brain Damage. Plus He is very Depressed right now because he lost his job and my Steomom divorced him. 3. I was saying that If they were Goth, they would be At least a Hundred years old. And I know a Guy who has been Smoking and drining for who knows how long and he Smoes in the Restrooms at My Local Sating Rink. And you can smell/breath it from across the rink.
  20. What kind of dog is he, and what do you feed him? Pft. Don't be so sure. I don't know. I don't know. I don't feed the dogs. Really helpful. Ever have a Five-year-old swear at you? If I didn't Have a story on here that was rather popular, I would just quit the boards. I'm sick of the way some of you people treat me. Just about 5 seconds ago, I was laughing Insanly that I almost died, and now I'm just upset. Okay, just wondering. But can you tell me what kind of dog he is? And um. I was not trying to be rude there. I was merely saying not to be so sure that you're the only person who has problems with little kids being brats and telling lies. And no, I've never met a five-year-old with the capability to swear, little-little kids around the places I've lived in have never been too much of a problem. And please. The only people who treat you with disrespect around here are TBFOF and (I'm sorry to say, I really apologize) me. I would accept your apoligy, but your sarcsm in The Toto's rants Topic made me feel really upset. I get out of line constantly. Crud. I think I might've done something rude again. And I think I know why TBFOF and I get... y'know. Rude like that. You kind of complain on an everyday basis, so um. Maybe we'd both be a little nicer if you complained a little less. I know your life may seem horrible, but you really need to look at the positive side of life a little bit more. Most of her complaints are probably not true also. *hands TBFOF a pair of Mushroom_king's shoes* Maybe if you took a walk in her shoes you might view things a bit differently. I know you are a really nice person, would you please show your compassionate side for a bit. Please? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I don't want TBFOF's smelly feet in My Converse.
  21. Reeeeeeeeeeal Helpful. 1. My brother, who yells at my Mom just about every night now. 2. My Dad, Who lost his job and may lose his house. 3. The fact that Nearly everyone at school has something bad to say about me. 4. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> About no.3. Oh yeah cos I'm mrs popularity. people faint when they see me and wherever i walk, the ground turns to gold. EH Not!!! There is a group of boys who I fight with everyday and one of them are starting to turn to phsical attack. 1. Your bro is probably being bullied ya know.ask him whats wrong. 2. atleast your dad will still be there to love you. I will no longer have a grandad and my dad is anry enough. he may become physical as well. and about the tar, I have to walk down the high street to school everyday, where i have to walk past a bunnch of goths that smoke and one of my friends smoke, so their smoke travels to me. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> 1.My Brother is Mr. Popular, Because he is a prep. 2. Well, at least your dad Doesn't have a One year old Baby To take care of. 3. Don't think they were born a couple centurys ago.
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