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Hampsterdance Discussion Board


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Everything posted by Mushroom_king

  1. Ok, time for a remark: 2) Excellent answer and tactic, lure the EMbassys into thinking its just a government juggle of positions and power and you came out on top. 5/5 3) Brilliant, enough said. 5/5 <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I've only made two World Domination plans. They both involve getting help from my Freinds here, so i'll have to think up some more.
  2. Well, for one thing, I won't tick anyone off. I'll use the easier ways, like bribery, or some other form of trickery. Anyways, not unheard of, but lesser known ones that are easy to take over with weak countries and rulers. Ah, alas, the evil doers part would not help. I'll have to befriend celebrities who I loathe so and after years of work get them on my side. I'm fairly sure there's plenty of Japanese people who would help me. Ya know, with their technology and some love power greatly. And the economically backwards would be solved by huge plans to make military pleasurable for people(i.e. decent salary, home provided, food provided, etc.). And the rest of the world will be taken over slowly, no doubt. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I'm ahead of you on Money, because I've got Johnny Depp Clones to help me out.
  3. Good idea. *tells admin to sort it out* So, where to start? Most Massive plots revolve around the stereotypical world domination plot, however there are various other types or genre open to the evil genius. Can anyone tell me a few examples? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> World Destruction? Not like i would want to Destroy the World. That wouldn't be any good.
  6. ANother case of the effects of hamster denial! Horatio has forgotten his usual tasks and has not swooped down on this typo! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Horatio is a Lazy Hamster. I Know! We'll put him in the Meat Grinder and allow Toratio the Hip hammie to take over!
  7. *steals Blueprints while Lexxyman isn't looking, Imprints them into Brain, then Gives them back*
  8. *locks away in a carboard box* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> *Sends back to Mother*
  9. We however do not have mythical creatures as henchmen/women. We do have someone with the name of Medua. Japanese, kills he victims by... lowering them into a snake pit. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> ;_; But I have Millions of Mythical Creatures In my Armys!
  10. Welcome to Evil Henchmen Section 1. In our line of work (Evil-ness) we must always have a henchman to do your dirty work. However, he/she MUST have a unique feature. So for example Oddjob and his strength and hat, Stamper (from Tommorow never dies) has a high pain thresh hold, and most famously, Jaws and his teeth. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> *Checks* I have shroom Guns (Lots of them), a Meat Grinder, and A lot if Random Minions. Lots of them and lots of Stuffed Animals...
  11. Lets start off in evil bases. Well. Your evil base needs to be the center of your operations. This where you mastermind your evil plots. This where you track the movements of your agents and of governments. It is obviously advisable to make your base with a large communicational capacity. I will produce a checklist for the communications center, but in the mean time, let us talk about other things your base must have. Always, Always have a large nuclear missile stock. You also need to build your base on a location where it is possible to launch air, ground, sea and space attacks without a major country sticking it's nose in when you do. This is why islands are always popular. So, build a space shuttle lauch area, an airbase, a naval base and a training ground for your evil armies. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Oh it also have some Entertainment Things... It has a roller-Rink and an arcade and a Bowling ally and other stuff.
  12. Let us talk about what else your evil base must have. A centre of operations is a good move, include a world map, a holo-communicator, an early missile warning system, a very, very large missile fire button. Then you should have Kitchen. A good quality kitchen. Full of good qualiyt food. You must also include a nice Dining room and lesuire facilities. then you need somwhere to dispose of enemy agents, preferably a nice gruesome death like Pirhanas, sharks, mincer etc. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I have a Base on Easter Island. I dispose of Foes in the Meat Grinder. I also have a giant red Button of Doom that turns it on when you least expect it. My Kitchen is not Very Good, but it is Big and has lots of Food.
  13. ...Goes off to purchase the Canary Islands... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> don't try easter Islands. I've already got my base there.
  14. A few questions to see whether you are evil enough; 1) If faced with a choice between a giant laser and a electromagnetic pulse emmitting satellite which would you choose? 2) In close combat would you prefer to have a sword, a gun or a haddock? 3) What is your favourite way of disposing of secret agents? 4) What trap would you pick to guard your inner sanctum; Pirhana pit, poison gas chamber, knockout gas chamber or an automatic sentry disguised as a tiki torch? 5) What describes you best? A Megalomaniac, ex-spy or reclusive billionaire? 6) Do you like my hat? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I can't resist. I have to answer the questions. 1. Yes. 2. Sword. It states for use in close combat, where a gun would not be as effective. And if you're really good with the sword, you can parry to bullets anyway. Fish and smelly and I dun wanna touch them. 3. Any way that is direct and doesn't leave them time to make a cunning plan and escape. I would also not tell them my evil plan, no matter how sure I am that they are trapped, not leave the room, and not carry on without being ABSOLUTELY sure that they're really dead. 4. Must it be a Tiki torch? What about something else, like a rock? Please note that this would also be a decoy, because if they take out the sentry, I will be on the other side of the hidden door. Waiting. 5. Yes. 6. That depends. How much plumage does it have? 'Cause if it doesn't have enough plumage, then what's the point? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Hmmm... I think everyone is going to need some evil basics classes from what I can see. Ok, the tests are now disbanded. All those who wish to continue their evil education return on... the... when did I say... 2nd of January! Anyone who turns up drunk will be banned from all evil related classes, even lowly minion ones and be dispelled to the goody-too-shoes sidekick school across teh street! *goes to window and peeks from behind the curtains to see Horatio leering out of the window with a pair of binoculars* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Mr. Commander, Is it OK to bring the Good Masterclass Topic back to life so we can Invade it and put the Students in the meat Grinder?
  15. I have this one song from Hello Kitty Roller Rescue Stuck in my head. I was playing that all day. >_o
  16. [so am I, now please continue my role play!] There back delivery door opened. Walking in backwards with three large boxes on his hand truck, the FedEx guy removed the boxes, scanned the tags and then looked for someone to sign. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> "Can somebody get that?" Setsuna asked. "I've got to make a few orders." <{POST_SNAPBACK}> White Kirby walked over and signed them for Setstuna.
  17. Arkcher slowly Put his Hand over to his mouth. "I just Ruined everything..." He said in his Idiotic Victor Van Dort Voice. " well you sure did!" yelled His Mother. He looked over at MK, Who was giving his Motehr The I'm-going-to-put-you-in-the-meat-grinder-look.
  18. have a cigar: Pink Floyd <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I'm Wearing my "Wish you were here Shirt" right now.
  19. So the Orders so far are... Swerlhugger Will Horatio Couch (x1) King of the Chipmunks KOTC Plushie set (x1) Mega wolf Sheena Plushie(x1) Horatio Horatio Hand-Stiched Plushie (x3) Horatio Couch (x1) Burning Buisnessman Wallpaper. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> 900.00H$. This Spiffy Wallpaper has The Burning Buisnessman from Wish You Were Here on it! It's Very Cool! *ITEM OF THE WEEK* The Grim Hamster Lord Limeted Edition Plushie. 1000.00H$ This Limeted Edition Plushie Was hand-stiched and made of Finest Qaulity. It comes with a Collecter's Card! 3rd in a series. Invision Code Red CD. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> 60.00H$. This CD has all of your favorite Songs on it.
  20. *Pushes Big Red Button of Doom and watches the money printing machine Smash in the Meat Grinder* ALL POWERFUL MEAT GRINDER.
  21. *gets out a Hoverboard and Steals Typo award* *Suddenly wonders where my Xmas Cookies went* * Looks at The Teacher, Who looks Innocent* *Looks at my Precious Cookies all smushed by the meat Grinder* *Takes it out on The Wife and puts her in the Meat Grinder*
  22. The Judge Action Figure 50.00H$ This action Figure Has movable legs and unlike other action figures His arms arnt movable because poor worm doesnt have any. Horatio Hand-stiched Plushie. 70.00H$. Awwww with those big button eyes and the soft cotten-filled fabric making it feel older than it is You HAVE to take this home with you. P.S. I am updating the prices. Plus we need more employees. So when can we start shopping? I would like to purchase the Horatio couch and some Horatio Plushies. You can Start shopping now! How many Plushies will that be? King of the Chipmunks Plushie set. 50.00H$ This cute plushie has a Button in its hand when you press ot it makes sound! Comes with a Plushie Menorah. Oooooooh I want that! I think you should get one! Does he have enough cash to order it? Let's see. Number of posts times ten... Actually, we haven't decided the cash per post yet... What are you waiting for????? Um... I don't know. Maybe some ideas... *goes back to printing money* Wait, I was digging around, MK is right, but money distribution hasn't started yet, Horatio! Someone has to stockpile the printed money for the day dustribution begins. I couldn't think of a better person... moi. *goes back to printing money* STOP THAT HAMSTER! Printing additional monies could lead to hyper-inflation and we don't want a repeat of Nazi foothold gaining in here! *mob of crack Kat-trained ninjas burst in to destroy the money* *money was FedExed to Fort Knox* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> *Takes the cash out of Fort knox, Bribes Trent to go out with me, then puts Fort Knox into the Meat Grinder*
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