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Hampsterdance Discussion Board


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Everything posted by Mushroom_king

  1. 'ello. Mah Name is Japancat Vera Boomtang Gilmout Van dort pitchblack And I rule the Universe. I am not in a Straightjacket. Speed of sound By Coldplay From X&Y How long before I get in? Before it starts, before I begin? How long before you decide? Before I know what it feels like? Where To, where do I go? If you never try, then you'll never know How long do I have to climb, Up on the side of this mountain of mine? Look up, I look up at night, Planets are moving at the speed of light Climb up, up in the trees,every chance that you get, is a chance you seize, How long am I gonna stand, with my head stuck under the sand? I'll start before I can stop, before I see things the right way up All that noise, and all that sound, All those places I got found And birds go flying at the speed of sound, to show you how it all began Birds came flying from the underground, if you could see it then you'd understand? Ideas that you'll never find, All the inventors could never design The buildings that you put up, Japan and China all lit up The sign that I couldn't read, or a light that I couldn't see, some things you have to believe, but others are puzzles, puzzling me All that noise, and all that sound, All those places I got found And birds go flying at the speed of sound, to show you how it all began Birds came flying from the underground, if you could see it then you'd understand, ah when you see it then you'll understand? All those signs, I knew what they meant. Some things you can invent. Some get made, and some get sent, Ooh? Birds go flying at the speed of sound, to show you how it all began Birds came flying from the underground, if you could see it then you'd understand, ah, when you see it then you'll understand? *Bows*
  2. I don't really know why i like him... I just Looked at him one day and i felt weak at the knees and got a Weird feeling in my Stomach.
  3. You can Have a Cloudy Aisha Award!
  4. *Hears a cricket chirping with a lack of laughter..Ehh, That didn't come out right.* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> *Laughs Maniaclly*
  5. *suddenly, The sound of Squeking and a Meat Grinder running is echoing throgh the Galexy... and all is Quiet...*
  6. *Brings topic Back to life* MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! i shall no put yuou in the meat grinder!
  8. You have just earned yourself the pentuple cheesey award! And I agree, vaporeon is the best. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> My favorite was Umbreon and Vaporeon.
  9. I have Update dThe Wall One. I like the older on ebetter...
  10. More Questions 1. Why doe sit seem like I being watched? 2. Do Apples and Oranges make good freinds? 3. Why am i asking Pointless Questions? 4. Why are there so many Beatles songs? 5. Can YOU Tell me all the pink Floyd albums without Cheating? 6. Why Is it 9:38? 7. Why is this Topic is Hado? 8. Why do Preps Chatspeak? 9. Why was that Not a Pointless Question? 10. Why do Purple Pikmin have Hair? 11. Why do Red Pikmin have Noses? 12. Why do Blue Pikmin have Mouths? 13. Why do Yellow Pikmin have ears? 14.Why aren't there any Green Or black Pikmin? 15.Why are White pikmin Short? 16. Why are Purple Pikmin Fat? 17. Why do White Pikmin have red Eyes? 18. What Provokes me to buy a Meat Grinder? 19. Am I insane? 20. What's your name?
  11. 1. because "thought-provoking wierdo" was taken 2. that's what you get for robbing smurfs 3. because it would be silly if he was an aardvark. 4. "the internet for dummies" 5. so I don't have to set the table on fire if the power goes out. 6. seek the mirror, and reflect upon the truths therein. 7. color is such a primitive concept. 8. ask not why the coloring book tastes, but why the phone book does not. 9. because you are called, and answer not. 10. many are called, few truly answer. 11. I really don't think this is the place to discuss such matters. 12. seek the answer within yourself 13. 14. repressed triskadecaphobia 15. they are the female of the species 16. because they are boys. 17. because it grants little for what it demands. 18. Error: (A)bort ®etry (F)ail? 19. momentary insanity 20. because if you didn't, they'd fall off. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> ;_; But i wanted Arkcher's Answers, Cause I'm mad cause mah account on Neopets Got susupended and I need his Oddness to cheerme up. 1. O_o 2. I don't Rob No Smurfs! *Looks Around* No! ;_; 3. I want him to be a Schoolchild so i can put him in The Meat Grinder and Get away with it. 4.Nope. Underwear. 5. Then what are Falshlights for? 6. *Looks* Blonde, Black, and Hot Pink. 7. Who? 8. Phone Books make me Gag. 9. But Who is it? 10. Okay. 11. But I want to know! ;_; 12. I already checked. I can't find it. ;_; 13. 14. buh-HUH? 15. they are? 16. They are? 17. No, My mom Took it away cause we never used it. 18. 19. I am Insane! 20. Why am i wearing brown Nail Polish?
  12. Is AW:DS good? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yes, the statement A&W Soda is a Dumb Soda is a good one. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I meant Advance Wars: Dual Strike. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I wouldn't know. What is the middle name of my left foot? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> chunky? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> No, Data.
  13. I got suspended last night for a Really Dumb reason. O_o
  14. How come These Questions have not been answered?
  15. Would you rather they be purple? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Nope. Green. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I'd prefer them to be red. Like they are. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Cool...buses are red where you live? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I've seen them. I visited Some Relitives In Coventry Last Year and I rode one! They are prettyCool. But I didn't get to see the Castle... oh well
  16. It happens in ALL topics. With of course the exception of the debate topics (usually) Bright, Neon Orange. Power is GOOD. And yew know it. -goes off to PowerMart to purchase more Powers- n_n If Sheena or the TGHL stole yer sanity, then yes. Otherwise, yes. See above. Who? Whoa whoa, Who said anything about these conceptional mathimatical thingystuff being easy?! In 3 days. Water doesnt necessarily have a color, but the dirt is grown, therefore the mud is as well considering the water can't change its color. (It has absorb light to make things darker, examples being Clouds, Egg cartons, Clothing, ect.) Its a stick. One of my friends ate it. Well, He died, so I assume so. O_o; Nope. We need more question-asking peoples. Yes. It is someones name. You are Topazia, Patchwork, Rocky, Joanna, Bill Gates AND one or more of Harry Potter's relatives. all in one person. Lucky you. (With of course a hint of Donald Trump to explain any aggressive feeling you may get.) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Who Needs Bill gates when you can be Bob Geldof?!
  17. Such as in pin the tail on the donkey? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You're enjoying doing this aren't you, Horatio? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Why would you say that? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I dunno...maybe the happiness you put into the posts...You enjoy torturing don't you? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> *is soooooooo shocked* *falls over on back with all four feet in air and mouth wide open* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> *notices Horatio Has fallen into the Meat Grinder* *Turns It on* MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHABWAHAHAHAHAH!!!!
  18. Such as in pin the tail on the donkey? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> NO. Pin the Brick on The Wall. >_o Maybe we'll play that at my Birthday Party.
  19. Do you have those little jackets with the wrap-around arms? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> My school does!
  20. what pets do you have? i have a green scorchio, a blue jubjub, a green flotsam, and a blue shoyru. No Neopet names please. Thank you. Horatio <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I have a yellow aisha, a Blue Usul, a Blue Eyrie, and a Green Wocky who I am Going to buy a Shadow Paitbrush for.
  21. nope..............spongebob! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I saw these Boxers at target once With Pink Floyd Logos on them
  22. You can give me your 800K points! My pets would be most happy to eat something other than soup. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> If your pets just eat soup Play games and get more NP Plus if you go to shop of Offers you can get 50-100 NP if you catch a Slorg... And I want it for my Shadow Paintbrush Fund
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