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Everything posted by Mushroom_king

  1. o: you have mac? I thought I told Arkcher I had a Mac... D: I dont remember any of that. Surely you remember me telling you I had iTunes? I remember telling you that, too.
  2. That sounds awesome. The weather here is bipolar. It was cold this morning and snowing, then it got really warm, it's sunny now but cold again.
  3. o: you have mac? On my laptop I have Appleworks, but I do not believe it is a default program. Besides it does not want to upload art. To respond to your question, I will have an answer for you in a little bit. My plan is to call Apple and ask directly from the source. Now that you remind me, I also have Corel, which is an art program, but that is not a default. Wait... I was just thinking... do you have Comic Life on your computer? Go to the finder and search for Comic Life. This may show up only for things in your iPhoto, but I bet you could drag the image into iPhoto and then manipulate it. That's what I think I am going to do. I'll let you know if it works. I thought I told Arkcher I had a Mac...
  4. <b>Chapter 40: Stray cat in the park -OR- A young, lonely boy -OR- The Blood Queen</b> After getting the aforementioned Ice Cream, Kat stood complaining to the Ice Cream man, which delayed MK and Dawn's getting of the ice cream, and Cheesemaster and Cheese Woman walked off to sit at a table. "Cheesie-kun," began Cheese Woman, "Aren't you going to eat some? It might melt." "I promised I'd share with Rick," he said, his voice low and stern, yet it wasn't threatening. She said nothing and looked down at the table. They were both silent for several moments, both assuming that Kat was still complaining about her ice cream, when the two of them heard a soft mew. The both opened their eyes and looked over on both sides of the tables, both of them giving muffled a "Huh?", and then looking the other way. Cheese Woman looked under the table and emerged with a small calico cat. "It's a kitty!" she said excitedly, petting it, and she giggled. Cheesemaster smiled at her, and reached out to pet it as well. Their two hands were about to touch when they heard someone gasp. They looked up and saw Kat, who was looking at the cat with a strange look of both disgust, surprise, and God knows what else. "Kat? What's wrong?" Kat's eyes became obscured under the rim of her Fedora, and Cheesemaster noticed for the first time she was not wearing her Viking helmet. Her tone suddenly became intensely serious. "Cheese Woman, have you ever played Animal Crossing and wondered why a walking, talking bird would keep a caged bird in her house?" Cheese Woman looked at her. "I...No, I haven't?" "Don't you think it's kind of strange to be petting a cat whilst you are also talking to one?" "I..." "I don't know...It's really awkward for me to see you petting that cat. It's so different from me. I'm sure it's weird for you to see me eat cheese, because the cheese eat is different from you." Dawn then butted in and added: "Kat, there's a significant difference between eating and petting. If Cheese Woman was Chinese, you might be on even ground." Kat then smiled finally, and looked at the cat. "It's alright. I'm not mad or anything. I just had a moment there," and she sat down next to Cheesemaster. The cat then jumped out of Cheese Woman's arms. "No! Neko-Chan!" She saw the cat run over to a small boy, who they recognized as C.C. Edna. He grabbed the cat, looked up at them, and took a single step back. He then started running. "Hey! Edna, come back!" Yelled Cheese Woman as she got up. "Cheese Woman, don't. He-He doesn't like to be around people," Explained Richard. "I've seen him before. My daddy says he'd be the bane of the town if Cheesemaster wasn't here, but I don't believe him one bit." The group was about to go back to their daily lives, when they noticed their ice cream was all gone. When they looked, they saw that Edna had stolen it. "Some of my leftover food from the picnic! It's gone as well!" Cheesemaster was the first to get up, and he shouted, "I'm going to go after him!" "No, Cheesie-kun! Please don't. It's not a big deal." "I'm not going to punish him or anything," muttered Cheesemaster, but he knew that none of them could have heard him. ------------------------------ <i>C.C. Edna, from the planet Skizzenbuch, the planet of Drawings. He's...he's an orphan. And a very stereotypical looking on at that,</i> Thought Cheesemaster as he chased after Edna. <i>Everyone refers to him as Edna. He's known as the outcast of Invision. No one knows a whole lot about him, not even Horatio. Some have said he's an incredibly talented PSI user. He's probably homeless...or living in an abandoned building.</i> Turns out the later of these assumptions was correct; Edna led Cheesemaster to a smaller part of town that was mostly older, decrepit buildings. Edna ran into one, with peeling plaster on the outside, boarded up windows, and a roof that could cave at any moment. Cheesemaster stopped to catch his breath, and then walked inside. The first room was mostly cold, grey stone; a few shopping carts stood off to one side. He gasped when he heard running steps in the next room, which he guessed was Edna. He clutched his Katana, still strapped to his side, and cautiously walked into the next room. The room was almost entirely empty; there were a few tattered papers on the floor, a ladder pattern drawn on the floor leading about halfway up the wall, and a few other things here and there. It was a very spooky place. Cheesemaster gasped again when he heard a soft, timid voice say, "P-Please don't hurt me, I'm sorry I'm such a thief." He looked around and saw Edna, followed by the cat, come out from behind a wall. "Do you live here?" Cheesemaster asked. "No," answered Edna, still scared. "It's too scary at night. Even with the kitty with me." Cheesemaster walked over to Edna, and he whimpered and braced himself for an oncoming blow, but it never came. He opened one eye and saw Cheesemaster scratching the cat under it's chin. "This cat gives me an idea for a new technique," he wondered aloud, "That I could use with my Katana." "Y-You're not going to punish me?" Cheesemaster looked at him with caring eyes. "Of course I won't. You're Edna, aren't you? The PSI using drawing." Edna nodded. He whimpered again, and then clung to Cheesemaster's arm; he only looked at Edna with a look of wonder and confusion as the young boy burst into tears. "Stop crying," Cheesemaster said demandingly, as he held Edna's chin. "You don't have a thing to cry for. If you cry because you have nowhere to live, then come live with me." Edna was surprised at this sudden offer of kindness. "But how are you going to support me, as well? You're always busy." "It'll be fine. You just promise to not steal anymore. Come on, let's go back and see my friends," he said, as he picked up Edna (who was holding the cat), and walked back to the park. ------------------------ "Oh, Cheesie-kun, it's about time you got here. I was starting to worry about you." "I'm alright. I brought back Edna." Edna was clinging tightly to the back of Cheesemaster's neck in fright. He looked back at the boy and whispered, "It'll be OK. They're nice people." Edna nodded and whimpered. Cheesemaster took him down off his shoulders and sat him down in between himself and Richard. "Hi, Edna," said Richard quietly. "Oh, H-Hi...w-what's your name?" "My name's Richard, and most people call me Rick." "Alright, Rick. It's nice to meet you." The two smiled at each other, though you could still see the sadness in both of their eyes. They both came from completely different worlds (both literally and figuratively), but they both had the same problems. It was then that the older members of the Rabbitt family came back over. As you can well imagine, he was not too happy about Richard hanging around not only Cheesemaster but Edna as well. He ran over and picked Richard up, only to hear Richard shouting, "Let me down! Let me down!!" "Who invited the orphan?" Jakob said, mockingly, as he glared at Edna. "Was it not enough that my son was being subjected to the newsie as well?" "Jakob..." muttered James, putting his face into his hand. "You truly do worry too much." "Edna's not a bad kid! And neither is Cheesemaster!" said Richard, upset. His voice was no longer the faint whisper it had been most of the day. "Let me down! I was having fun!" "Jakob, put him down," ordered Julia, glaring up at her husband. "Don't YOU order me around, woman," he snapped, and then he looked over at Dawn and Sterling. "Come on, we're going home." "No!" shouted Richard, who began to whimper. "I don't want to go home! I finally made some friends!" And with that he began to cry. "Stop crying!!!" Jakob demanded, but it was then that James took Richard from his arms and scowled at his brother. "You can go home. If Rick wants to stay, you'll let him. Sterling, too, and Dawn." Jakob glared at James, and sighed. "Fine then. Fine! You can let him stay around bad influences." "Bad influence-?" said Cheesemaster, angry. "I wouldn't go so far to call it bad, Jakob," said James. "Look what's happened to Sterling in recent months. She's been better then ever." "Hmph," Grunted Jakob, turning away. "Come on, Julia. We're going home." "Oh.." was all she said, as she followed him. James set Richard back down on the bench. "I'll have to go have another talk with him," he murmured, running after him. Richard sniffled, and then began to cry. "I'm sorry, Edna! I'm sorry, Everyone!" Cheesemaster reached over and grabbed him, and held him. "It's alright. It's not your fault." All of a sudden, the group turned when they heard someone screaming; a scream they recognized as Julia's. Everyone got up and ran as fast as they could to wear they heard it; but what they found was no gruesome murder or anything else, but rather, a young girl who appeared about the same age as Dawn had both Jakob and James all over her. None of them had ever seen Jakob behave this way before; in fact, they hadn't even seen James act that way, and he was a lot less conservative then Jakob was. But they'd never expect either of the brothers to be climbing over an underage girl. "Dana-" started Dawn, until the girl glared at her. "I told you not to call me DANA," She snapped. "Call me <i>Blood Queen</i>." The girl was the same height as Dawn, with a short blond bob, and a heart-shaped face with narrow, mischievous eyes and a small mouth. She wore a revealing purple tee and baggy jeans; a the same golden heart-shaped pin that decorated MK's lapel, Dawn's hat, Vanilla's belt, and PMM's coat also decorated a belt loop. A black, demonic-looking tail finished off the look. "What are you doing, Da-Blood Queen?" demanded Dawn. She cringed at saying the nickname. She snickered. "I wanted to see the results of two finely-dressed, respectable gentlemen being seduced by a young girl." Cheesemaster and Edna both groaned. "Using your powers irresponsibly is a horrible thing, D-Blood Queen." "You don't see me doing that with my PSI." Dana snickered again, though she said nothing. Dana/Blood Queen was a childhood friend of MK's; she had gone to the same school of magic and PSI back in Dreamtopia; she had attended because she wanted to master Blood Magic, since she had been obsessed with the stuff. Many thought she was a vampire, but it turned out she was not; rather, she was a creature called a Succubus, a creature that had the power to control people, usually men. And she used this power to it's fullest extent. As she was now. This behavior did not go over well with Julia. "Young lady, that is my husband and his brother you have there! Stop that at once!" "Why don't you stay soft-spoken, lady?" Said Blood Queen, disgruntled. She reluctantly gave up her control of the two brothers. James looked around, confused, while Jakob yelled and leapt off of Blood Queen. "Why in the world as I doing that to someone such as yourself?!" She snickered again, and the three Rabbitts ran off, with Jakob and Julia looking back at her occasionally, scowling.
  5. Hey Horatio, is there an art program default on a Mac laptop? I wanna do the meme too.
  6. [This is an extension onto the las chapter.] Sterling swiftly followed suite, getting help in order to get on the swings. Sterling and Kat were both happy, laughing and smiling, but Richard simply sat there, still moving slowly back and forth. "What's wrong, Rick?" Asked Cheesemaster. "You seemed really happy when I first saw you at the Manor a few months back." Richard sighed and said, in a quiet voice, "I've been really scared ever since that murder happened at my house. Mommy doesn't pay attention to me very much. Daddy's always busy. Dawn and Sterling are nice to me, but I don't see them very much." "Mmm," said Cheesemaster, thinking. "Well, I could spend some time with you, if you'd like, like I do with Sterling." Richard looked at him and faintly smiled. "I'd like that, but like I said and as you probably know my daddy doesn't like you." "Well, Dawn could take you into the town and then we could spend time together. Though I am busy a lot..." Richard looked over at Dawn. "I'd do that for you, Rick. You should have asked me to take you out, and I would. And I will." Richard smiled, just a little bigger this time. "You will, Dawn?" "Of course I will," she said. The moment was then ruined when the group heard the faint sound of a familiar jingle, and Kat leapt out of her swing and ran away at the speed of light, screaming "ICE CREAM MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN!!!!!!!!!" The rest of the group giggled, and then Richard burst out laughing. "That kitty, she is so funny! Let's go follow her!" "Alright," said Dawn, and everyone ran towards Kat. The Ice Cream man stood by the road next to the park. Kat was already scanning the side, and was ordering by the time the others got there. "Hmm...I think I'll have this," she said, and she pointed to a licensed character. Kat turned around and saw the others coming. "Hold on, Ice Cream guy who probably has a sketchy past! My friends are coming over here, too." The Ice Cream man looked at the group strangely: two cheese-people who appeared to have stepped out of time capsule, a Catgirl, two finely-dressed young children, and then there were MK and Dawn, who were plain-looking at best. "I'll have Vanilla, with cookies," said MK. "Strawberry!" answered Dawn. "Me too," said Cheese Woman, "I'll have Strawberry too. With sprinkles! And a cherry!" "I'll just have chocolate," said Cheesemaster. He looked down at the kids. "What do you kids want?" "I'll share with Dawn," said Sterling. "Could I share with you, Mr. Cheesemaster?" asked Richard. "Of course you can!" Exclaimed Cheesemaster. "I don't want a whole lot anyway." The Ice Cream Man got the group their ice cream. When Kat got hers, she frowned. "This looks nothing like the character!" she yelled. She popped out the bubblegum eyes, chewed them, and then spit it out. "The flavor already went out," she explained.
  7. D: ALRIGHT FINE ILL DO IT NOW ITS YOUR TURN I think I died at the "Fight to the death" bit... Wait, Lexx is a fox with tails and stuff? o__o
  8. I can't decide which one is stupider, though. Mainly because YouTube people have even worse spelling.
  9. OH PICKLES. I did the wrong codes. I'm used to dA's codes.
  10. Yea, but if you go to YouTube and/or dA you have <i>millions</i> of people who are also just as if not more entertaining then Preppygirl. XD
  11. Kat got up and left the swingset, since they were all taken and Cheese Woman said they couldn't play until they ate. Cheese Woman took out a big, pink blanket and spread it on the soft grass. All the snow had already melted, and it was hard to believe that it had been so cold just a month or two ago. She then took the basket and gave the other two their sammiches and tea. Kat looked at her tea oddly, and Cheesemaster gladly drank it. He drank it because tea was good for your health, and your reflexes too. Kat had never drank it before. "Uh...I'm used to drinking Energy drinks, and soda, and alcohol. Which is probably why I'm so spastic all the time." "Uh, Kat, why exactly did you crash through my ceiling earlier?" Kat took a drank of her tea. She barely gulped it down, and started speaking. "Well, you see, I was at the Mall, and trying to teach Setsuna how to sit in the corner of a circular room. I foolishly let her try it on her own while I went to do something else. You must never, ever try to sit in the corner of a circular room without a professional present. NEVER try it at home." "Um...OK..." "Alright, I'll keep that in mind...." Kat took her sandwich and gulped it down, much to Cheese Woman's dismay. "Kat, that isn't very ladylike to do that." But Kat had already jumped up and was on her way to go play. Cheesemaster followed her to make sure she didn't hurt herself, much to Cheese Woman's sadness. Cheesemaster found Kat staring at an abstract sculpture that had been placed in the park. She looked at it, and looked at it, and looked at it. She turned her head and looked at it sideways. She got on her head and looked at it upside down. She stared and stared at it. Cheese Woman was examining the scene from afar. At first happiness erupted in her, for she thought that perhaps Kat was finally beginning to enjoy the fine arts. But that happiness vanished when she heard Kat yell, "HOW DO YOU PLAY ON THIS?!" And she stormed off and got on a swing. Cheese Woman sighed heavily as Cheesemaster walked back over to her. "Oh, Cheesie-Kun! You came back!" He sat down across from her, but kept one eye on Kat. Cheese Woman sighed again. "And there I thought she was appreciating the fine arts...." Cheesemaster giggled. "Oh, you..." He sighed as he looked over at her. "I knew she'd say something really weird like that. I've come to expect it with her, though it's still unexpected, you know what I mean?" She nodded and drank some more of her homemade tea. "You never told me how the food turned out." "Oh, it's very nice. I like it." "Thanks. I was out of cake mix so I wasn't able to make any. Plus I think the sugar would have a negative effect on Kat. I mean, she's already going through some kind of psychotic episode." "That isn't very nice," snapped Cheesemaster. Cheese Woman was about to respond when Cheesemaster saw Dawn, Sterling, and the rest of their family; this would be the first time he would get to meet Richard Rabbitt, assuming that Jakob wouldn't keep him from doing so. He'd only seen Richard the one time at the Rabbitt Manor when he was playing with Julia. "Look, there's Dawn and her family!" He said, and she looked and saw them. She automatically got up and went to see them. Cheesemaster was confused as to why James and Jakob were wearing coats, but he decided not to wonder. He, too, got up to see them, staying close to Cheese Woman as not to be hurt by Jakob. "Hi, Mr. Cheesemaster!" shouted Sterling. "Were you and Ms. Cheese Woman having a picnic?" "Us and Kat, too," he said. "I like your new dress, Cheese Woman," said Dawn, though he face did look a little disgusted. It was quite a contrast, a pink dress and a black dress. Cheesemaster looked over at Richard. He was still wearing his Black shorts, white shirt, and black suspenders; in fact, Cheesemaster marveled that they were both wearing kind of the same clothing. Just different colors, plus Cheesemaster had a hat. And glasses. "He's shy," explained Julia, "And doesn't talk a whole lot." "Especially not to people he doesn't know very well," growled Jakob, who was even more protective of Richard then he was Sterling, probably because Richard was his son. James glared at Jakob, silently telling him to lighten up. "What brought you all out her today, anyhow?" asked Cheese Woman. "I brought Sterling and Rick to play. Julia, James, and Jakob came for 'a stroll', or something among those lines...." "That sounds like fun. Could we join you, Dawn?" "I don't think so," said Jakob, gripping his cane even harder and glaring at Cheesemaster. "Shouldn't you be on the corner selling your papers or something? Don't tell me you lost your job." "I did not lose my job," said Cheesemaster defensively. "I sold a ton of papers this morning, because the cover story was on Hamsterking's birthday and the New Year's party. So a lot of people bought it. And I am now off for the day. But tomorrow I get back on my norma schedule of selling all da..." "NO ONE CARES, NEWSIE!!!" "Jakob, please, not in front of children," said Julia. "Especially ones that are not our own." Jakob stood up straight and adjusted his hat. He gave Cheesmeaster one last glare before Julia and James called him to come with them, leaving Cheesemaster with Cheese Woman, Dawn, Richard, and Sterling. -------------------------- "Let me tell you now. Sterling, Richard, listen: planets are always banana-shaped. Sterling laughed, and Richard tried to constrain himself. Cheesemaster giggled and asked her, "Then how come Invision seems to be round when you look at it from our only habitable moon, Hue?" Cheesemaster was of course talking about one of Invision's two moons, Hue. Few Invisionists had been to Hue, and a few of them even lived there. The other moon, Error, was not habitable one bit. Kat cleared her throat. "DUH. Everyone's looking at the planet the wrong way. Whenever they look at it, it's always in a position where it seems as though it's round. But it's actually Banana-shaped. Don't let anyone fool you!!" "Have you been to the moon?" asked Sterling. "OF COURSE I HAVE," shouted Kat. "Unless I just imagined it, which is very possible." Sterling giggled again. Richard said nothing. "What's wrong, Rick?" asked Cheese Woman, getting on her knees to see if he was alright. "You haven't said a thing." "Oh," he said. "My daddy was angry because Mommy let me spend time with you today," he said. "I feel like I'm going to be in trouble when I get home." Cheesemaster giggled, and got down on his knees next to Cheese Woman, and ruffled Richard's blond hair. "Don't worry about that. Jakob's the only one who really cares. The others will defend you if he tries to punish you for something like this." A tiny smile appeared on Richard's face. "My daddy says you're a bad person. But you don't seem like it." "Why the fork would your dad say that?" Kat wondered; she tried to keep her language clean for the kids. "Cheesemaster has no bad side. Unless you manage to make him really mad. Which your dad has done. Quite a few times, actually." Richard became sad again as he climbed onto a swing and sadly began to push himself back and forth. "I think my daddy is really mean to a lot of people. Especially people who don't have a lot of money. And sometimes he's mean to people who just have an OK amount of money." "It's really very sad. All that money went to his head. At least no one else in your family has become like that." "But let's not talk about that anymore! Let's play!!" Shouted Kat, as she, too, climbed onto a swing and started swinging.
  12. You took my movie recommendation? Sweeeeet. Sorry that she's gotten those repelling qualities. Bet you anything that if I saw Trent again I'd find stuff about him I hate, too. XD I think he goes to a different school though because I haven't seen him, though I could care less.
  13. Meanwhile, back at the Port of Cheese, Cheese Woman was trying to comfort Cheesemaster. "Cheesie, don't let what Arkcher does get to you so easily. He's just...um...going through a phase...I guess?" Cheesemaster sighed and threw himself down onto an armchair. "I don't get it. He's my best friend, and he's going to treat me like this?" The awkward conversation came to a sudden halt when something came crashing through the roof: It was none other than Kat and Setsuna; Kat looked the same as always, but with no Viking helmet and no coat. Cheesemaster got up and looked up at his wrecked ceiling, then down at Kat. "You know, maybe I should just stop fixing that," he whispered. He looked up at the damage again, then down at Kat. "You know, Kat, there's something called a door that most people use to go in and out of buildings. Kat got up in shock. "Are you for cereal?! I'd heard about doors, but I thought they were nothing more than Legend! And a band!" Cheesemaster sighed and said nothing, and turned around to get on his computer. As he was typing away, Kat slowly rose up behind him and whispered, "What's wrong with you, Mr. Failface EmoPants?" "What the ####...?" muttered Cheesemaster as he briefly stopped typing, then went back to it. That made Kat angry. And when Kat was angry, she pretended to be The Hulk, and as a result she was now threatening to smash up his furniture. "I'll smash up your precious, precious katanas! The shurikens, too!" In the background, he could hear Cheese Woman trying to calm her down. Eventually, Cheesemaster couldn't handle it anymore, and he spun around, and shouted "SHUT UP!!!!" The two girls did shut up, and they looked at him. "If I take you two to the park, will you stop fighting?" "Oh, that'd be wonderful! Could we have a picnic?" said an ecstatic Cheese Woman. "Sure, but you'd better prepare it quick...or at least at a medium speed." Cheese Woman said nothing as she sped off to Cheesemaster's kitchen to prepare it. She then came out a few seconds later, looking worried. "Cheesie-kun, you've got no strawberry jam! Or tea! Or strawberries at all! Or Cake mix!" "Then you'll have to prepare it at your house!" "Alright! It's right next door. Be right back!" She ran out, and Kat and Cheesemaster were silent, until Kat said: "Wait, why are we drinking tea at a picnic?" ------------------------ After Cheese Woman made a picnic lunch of Sandwiches, Tea, and scones (can't forget the scones!), the three headed off for the park. Once they reached it, Kat looked over at the playground. Several happy children were on HER swings, which made her angry again, but not quite as angry as what she saw lining the box where the swings were located. Kat split off from the group and ran over to the edge of the compound where the swings were. She took out a magnifying glass, probably managing to burn a few ants in the process, and examined the shavings lining the bottom of the compound. She took a handful of the black strips, and let then threw them back down. "What is THIS?!?!" she yelled, probably angering some parents there. "Is this shredded tire? What happened to the wood chips of my youth?! There's no injury potential in this stuff!!" "Kat, I think that's why they did away with the wood chips in the first place..." Cheese Woman said. The other two had walked over to see what Kat was going on about. "Next you'll be telling me that the old metal slide that gave me so many Third-Degree burns as a kitten has...OH MY GOD!!" And she looked over and saw that the old Metal Slide was now made of some unknown material that was not giving any of the children burns! "I still have spots where there's no fur from those burns! It reminds me of my glorious, glorious childhood! Though my childhood was not quite as glorious as Cans of Peas, It was still glorious!! Because of those burns, I never have to get a tattoo. Other kids should get that chance!" "Calm down, Kat! Let's have our picnic!" "Fine. But I'll be having a word with the staff later on."
  14. MK looked at Arkcher, who was blushing the deepest shade of red. Cheesemaster looked proud of himself. The awkward moment was ended when Kat fell from the sky. She lifted up her head, looked around, and said, "What an awful nightmare. I dreamed the Boohnahs were chasing me and they put me in an egg and tried to eat me. Man, where'd Setsuna go..?" She looked around and saw Setsuna behind her. "Did you wake me up?" Setsuna nodded. "Go sit in the corner, then!" "But Kat..." "GO!!!!" Setsuna reluctantly went to the corner as Kat started to talk to the other 3, but she was interrupted when Setsuna said, "Kat..." "WHAT?" "The room is circular." "That's stopping you?!" "Well, yes." Kat groaned. "Come on, I'll teach you how to sit in the corner." The other three just glared at Kat with looks of confusion on their faces. MK looked at Arkcher. "Don't think that interruption keeps you from explaining yourself!" "Well...I...Uhm..." "Out with it, already! What happened over here?" He pointed to Cheesemaster. "He's trying to make you like him more than me!!" "Whatever do you mean?" "He's trying to take you from me!!" "That's preposterous!" said MK and Cheesemaster in unison. "Arkcher, is this why you bought me those CD's, so Cheesmaster couldn't get them for me?" "Yes!" said Cheesemaster. "Well, it's too late now. I'm sorry, Cheesemaster..." Arkcher felt horrible. He was finally realizing what an awful thing he'd done, and to his best friend especially. But he still felt his cause was just. He refused to apologize for this reason. "Come on, Arkcher. We're going home," she said, speaking to him as though she were a parent who had just hurt his brother. That was exactly how it felt. --------------------------- When the couple got back to the Mansion, MK had originally planned to talk to Aloysius about what Arkcher had done, but found that they would be unable to; he was far too busy. "Aloysius," said MK, "Arkcher needs to tell you something." He was sitting in a chair in the Study, and turned around to look at her. "I...I can't right now. I'm...busy..." "Busy doing what?!" "It's almost Valentine's Day. I'm going to spend time with Solrai. Don't you two have plans as well?" MK heaved, but said nothing. Arkcher gave a sigh of relief, and walked off to the Bedroom so he could rest. "Arkcher, don't think you'll be avoiding this!" she yelled to him. Aloysius then stood up, and began to leave. "I'm going to the tea room. Do you wish to join me?" MK decided that would be a good time to discuss Arkcher, though Aloysius may only be interested in discussing Solrai; but she decided to accompany him anyhow. The Tea Room of Arkcher's Mansion was long and had two equally long tables in it, with two cabinets on both sides of the room with plates and cups in it. Aloysius prepared the two of them two hot cups of tea, and Aloysius started talking about Solrai, of course. "I think I may meet her in Hamsterdam on Valentine's Day, so we can go around town, I don't yet know what we'll do then, and I might take her to Planet Horatio, but I'd rather take her somewhere...well, nicer." "Then cook her something yourself," MK suggested. "What?! Did you tell me to cook her?" "Cook her something!" "Oh! S-Sorry!" "Aloysius...have you been drinking?" "Uh...y-yes?" MK sighed. "I'm...going to look for Arkcher. You should probably go to bed soon." ---------------------------- MK left the Tea Room, and at the exact moment she did, Arkcher had left the bedroom to go look for her. MK started by going into the hallway of the 2nd floor, which she was on now. Arkcher started by leaving the corridor where the bedrooms were, and started to look around also on the 2nd floor, but the areas where they were both looking were not connected by any hallways. Arkcher looked through the Wardrobe room, the Parlor, the Anteroom, and the smaller balcony (overlooking the yard-there was also a bigger one, as you might know), but no sign of her. He moved back to the Foyer and started looking on the 1st Floor. MK looked through PMM's room, the two bathrooms on that floor, The Observatory, The "Astral Hall" leading to the Observatory, The Sitting Room, and The Guest Room, but no sign of him. She moved to the 1st Floor. Unfortunately, the two did not see each other; for when Arkcher was looking for her in the Billiards Room, she was looking for him in the Dining Room. This continued until MK had given up and went back to the Sitting Room to lay down, as she needed a break before she moved on to the Basement and 3rd Floor. Arkcher continued looking on the 2nd Floor. When Arkcher opened the door to the Sitting Room, MK didn't notice-or care. She had ordered a glass of water from one of the Household servants and assumed that was who it was. Arkcher walked over by the table, and was about to turn around and see her, but he tripped and fell, on God knows what, and ended up falling on top of her. He gasped and was struggling to get off her when the aforementioned Household servant showed up. He walked over and saw them both, looked confused for a moment, and whispered, "Uhm...is this a bad time?" "Oh, No! No, of course not!" stammered Arkcher as he leapt off of her. He sighed, and MK took her glass, and the servant left. She looked up at him, and frowned. "I was going to talk to your father about today, but he was too drunk, and too lovestruck about Solrai to really listen."
  15. 16 here. Gonna be celebrating nerd-style on Animal Crossing. That' sounds like a great way to bring in the New Year!!! Happy New Year Mushroom_King!!! The creepy town mayor Tortimer gave me a party popper! I also took some pictures with the camera feature. How did the pictures come out? I am getting a camera for Christmas. We have been looking and I am not sure what I want, so this Christmas present is taking a long time to arrive. Guess I better make a decision soon. It's not a real camera...it's built into the game. If you have an SD card in your Wii, which I conveniently do, you can take ingame pics and save them. And then go doodle on them on the Photo Channel. I knew that. It was just that you got me to thinking about my Christmas present when we talked about the camera. It is great being able to manipulate images, isn't it? I "PhotoChannelShopped" One picture. In the game you can build snowmen, and if you build them perfectly you get a present. So I built a perfect snowman, and I took a picture, and I went to the Photo Channel and Copied the picture of the snowman and placed about 6 more around my character. It looks real, too. XD
  16. 16 here. Gonna be celebrating nerd-style on Animal Crossing. That' sounds like a great way to bring in the New Year!!! Happy New Year Mushroom_King!!! The creepy town mayor Tortimer gave me a party popper! I also took some pictures with the camera feature. How did the pictures come out? I am getting a camera for Christmas. We have been looking and I am not sure what I want, so this Christmas present is taking a long time to arrive. Guess I better make a decision soon. It's not a real camera...it's built into the game. If you have an SD card in your Wii, which I conveniently do, you can take ingame pics and save them. And then go doodle on them on the Photo Channel.
  17. Holy Iceland. This isn't half-bad. I'll reuse it for the next "Christmas Story", then.
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