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Everything posted by Mushroom_king

  1. Arkcher has objectionable animations? o_o <{POST_SNAPBACK}> ! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> The gasp. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> MK says it's because of SSMB! (Acursed video games! They will be the downfall of us all! That is why I never play them!) We should have an intervention! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> He was also high On sugar! Far to much Partying at the bananarama last night.
  2. Please have your parents contact me through a post or use my email and I will explain the safety of this website. Please ask your parents to take a look at this website and if they want to make a post through you and give me their contact email address, I will answer any questions they might have. I try very hard to make sure you all have a very safe, secure place to post and I appreciate the opportunity to communicate with anyone's parents. Hopefully you will return and see this post. Horatio You do it well. Thank you. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> She is right, you are a wonderful mod. This place wouldn't be the same if you weren't here. It probably wouldn't be near as fun. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> That's Right! I wouldn't have someone to torture! But Then again, there is Hoops.
  3. As soon as They got home... *Mushroom_king changed into her P.J.s, which was a Zebra Print Dress with a Fuzzy Pink Jacket. She took off her Sea-green and Pink PlayBoy Slippers and put them next to the bed, and soon she was tucked under the covers. Arkcher put on an Oversized T-shirt and some Banana Boxer shorts [No Joke. I saw them at AE] and climbed into the bed with Mushroom_king. Mushroom_king had given her old Bunk Bed with the Penguin Sheets and The Fruits Basket Comforter into a Napping area, and she took her Spongebob bed into this room, which was Arkcher's room. "Mommy!" yelled Waddeler. MK got up. "I have to Go see what they want." Arkcher Tried to sleep but couldn't. "Mommy Tell me a Bedtime story!" MK went over to the Book shelf with the "Three Minute Tales" Book she had bought years ago. All the stories were about Cats. Waddeler Loved cats, and His one eye lit up. Mushroom_king told the story until They were both asleep, then went downstairs to check On Mogleshroom, Broomy, Jakob, Anna, Usul, Krinaha and Tarla. After a Few Minutes, she was back upstairs in bed. "Good Night Arkcher." She said. "Good Night." She nodded Off to sleep and mumbled something about Meat Grinders. Arkcher couldn't sleep at all though.
  4. *Takes a Million CD's and grooves to them* * Gets high on Sugar* *Blindly swings a Meat Cleaver around* *Accidently Kills someone* *eats more sugar* *Dances to "Astronamy Domine"* *Sings along* *Doodles* *Eats more suger* *Relizes I left the Meat Grinder on* *Hurrys to turn it off* *Hoops has been shoved ion it already* *Cries* *Tries to get a Mini Tiger* *can't* *Puts on a peg leg and eyepatch* *Arr!* *Plays Neopets* *Invites Trent to party* *Hugs him* *Gets high on Suger* *gets out Pokemon* *Challenges Someone* *Takes Gift Wrap from Wal Mart and smacks Mega wolf with it* *gets high on Sugar* *Takes Meat Cleaver and Challenges Kat to a Claymore Vs. Meat Clever Duel* *drinks Dr.pepper* *Watches South Park* *Plays Video games* *Eats some Chill Pills* *Burps* *Chtspeks* *Calms down* A few hours later... What happened?
  5. To rule the world and make yourself unimaginably rich. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> And KILL the good guys.
  6. One Horatio over God, invisible with micicles and deletion for all? Interesting. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I pledge alleigence(I cant spell) To the Hampster of the United Boards of Invision. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> and to the randomness, for which it jigs <{POST_SNAPBACK}> One Horatio over God with Micicles and Skwerls for all. No mention of Mushrooms or wolves here. What a shame.
  7. [so am I, now please continue my role play!] There back delivery door opened. Walking in backwards with three large boxes on his hand truck, the FedEx guy removed the boxes, scanned the tags and then looked for someone to sign. "Can somebody get that?" Setsuna asked. "I've got to make a few orders." White Kirby walked over and signed them for Setstuna. "What did we get?" Setsuna asked as she fliped the burgers. *Horatio watched as the boxes were opened revealing new uniforms for everyone. Except, these were not uniforms to wear while working, these were team uniforms for the competition* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> "The competition!" said Setsuna, slapping her forehead. Worrying about MB had made her forget about the Culinary Acrobatics Competition. Combing her brain for the date of the CAC, Setsuna realized that they would be gone for it during Master Burger's opening! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> White Kirby wagon Star, who was in the Corner listening to her ipod, Noticed the new Uniforms. "Spiffy!" she said. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Ally quietly asked White Kirby,"the costumes are great, but can we really go. What do you think Setsuna will do?" Ally was starting to worry. The competition would be great but MB. Ally washed away the worries at the sound of a costumer walking in though. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> "I have no Idea," said White Kirby as she listened to "1985" on her ipod.
  8. Sure. *dives into the jello, gets 10s across the board, steals cookies and ice cream, and shares them with mondrobi* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I is sure Mondrobi will like his Cookies and Ice cream!
  9. *wonders why you both would like seeing me sad* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> *Takes Smilys from Horaio's post* *Thinks I should be more resourcful with them besides the Meat Grinder* *Throws them at Horatio* XD
  10. I have been trying to write it up and have been having some trouble. Please give me until Sunday. Thanks. Yes sir. IT BE SHUNDAY. Do you still need some more time? A teeny bit. Hopefully by this evening. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Wait, it's not something bad, is it? You don't have cancer or anything? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> How can a List of out names say that he has Cancer? Oh. And you Forgot Mondrobi.
  11. Dear Climber4145, Two questions please... .....1. Why do you think I am dumb? .....2. Why do you hate me? Thank you for your reply. Horatio <{POST_SNAPBACK}> 1. Probably because he/she believed my Sarcsam about laziness or because He/she thinks you dont get on enough 2. Possibly because you had to edit His/her siggy.
  12. The reason I left was not my choice... the power went out. It is still out at my cage, but I am at the San Francisco Bread Company using their wireless. Hopefully the power will be on later. Is this one of those places where you just stand outside and you get free internet because the huge corporations have forgotten to password protect the wireless connection? No, no, no! This is a great place to go and have coffee, etc and use the wi-fi they provide. It is not like Starbucks where you have to run over to T-mobile and purchase a card and pay for service. At San Francisco Bread Company, the wireless is free to customers. I will go here over Starbucks any day, just because they are not trying to make money on me anyway they can. Hamsters just do not have that big a bank account! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Theres this Bookstore In my town called Barnes and Nobles. They let you bring in your laptop and use it in there Cafe'. And there's a Place called Saint Louis Bread Company (Which was Horribly Renamed Panerea Bread >_o) And you can do the same. They are pretty cool places.
  13. One Horatio over God, invisible with micicles and deletion for all? Interesting. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I pledge alleigence(I cant spell) To the Hampster of the United Boards of Invision.
  14. Nobody knows why the pickle likes Emily the Strange. That is because She doesn't like to eat bugs. Anyway, the pickle murdered the cucumber. The cucumber's name was Harry Cubby McBubbbub. He decided to ride his unicyle to the Big Evil Supermart. He bought a money bag. However, the money was Moneylovers wife, And ate pie. But poisoned pie. So, Moneylover died, Then died again. After the continuous dying, he stopped eating the penguins. He disliked innards, Like a lot. But that's okay as he was addicted to the smell of the dancing leprechaun on excess cow poo. When he finished sniffing the poo, He drank Cherry-Coke, and then he died.they buried him in Cow poo.So everyone else slept in the cow poo again. So this ended When we all said bye to cow poo... again. Then TBFOF became the richest boy with two noses and five tongues. and he died. The bugs came, ate his arm, and regurgitated them. TBFOF then revived! now he's puke. MW stepped in some cow poo. So she barfed. And TBFOF lived no more, ever.The poor kid needs a bath Or a shower. No, a coffin. Hygeine is good. That's why I'm taking a shower in some poo. So i smelled like moldy gorgonzola. More poo. ... yup. And then we ran to the boobah home base! The crowds went "TAKE A SHOWER!" Then you went to a store with a bathroom and many watermelons. Mushroomking spazzed out when she saw a vampire pickel that danced and sang like a very rabid squirrel named skwerlhugger will. The squirrel then danced like pickles in the rain wearing cowboy boots with a fedora. Then the beast started to dance on people's heads Then got keelingyoudead'ed. With a million the people said. So they ouched and fell down. Suddenly, a giant cheesemonster squished them with cow poo And a Hippo. That had much diamond bracelets with unwanted body hair. The hippo's name was Larry King. but it ate my computer's harddrive while doing a headstand on a Hoops' awesome head. Now she has feeling very, very cow poo-like. oopsie poopsie toes. And also very in cowboy boots and a hat that greatly resembled A big pineapple with fluffernutter ears and puppydog eyes and arachnid limbs. then it fell In Cow poo. Then it died. The fecomaniacal zombie had some pie. A cow pie. And then MW barked up the cherry micicle tree till cow poo fell on her ZEEKY BOOGY DOOG! and the hydrogen bomb blew up. Raining giant cupcakes that resembled big orange slippery potatoes. alas, they were slimey, smelly slugs And cow poo that just died. due to a/an lack of some orange flavored jello with double cheese And some pants in its face. then an explosion of pure Phazon which mutated into a marshmellow of sticky, yummy explosions Of much doom. which caused economic skyrockets in the purple pulsating sky of planet SR388. which has thirty-one hunter-class Metroids And they stunk like moldy brie. But its okay Because Emily the elephant earred octopus isn't a Metroid. And it sucked Horatio's brain out. However, Meta-Ridley swoops like a rock Onto Kraid who decides to sing. Everyone went deaf and danced a silly little jig of fatal doom in a runaway ambulance that was on teh highway heading towards Luigi's half-way existing mansion and Mario's house. when all-of-a-sudden Bowser came and ate Mario's very favorite rabid rabbit pie and Cow poo. Causing the ambulance's red siren to make blatting noises. while blood was turned into Soda. That tasted like EXPLOSIONS OF DOOM. this caused economic backfire across the marshmellow jellied cherries and the moon made of cheese. rotten, smelly cheese that has been in outer space for ten minutes. Then the monkey ate a bananana that was poisned. And then he started running in your general direction. So I headed away, over there into a tube, out of danger hidden underneath a steaming heap of roasted sunflower seeds that someone farted into outer space. by sunflower seeds, Then they exploded. The TARDIS landed That killed everyone. Then the aliens Of the family-Slitheen all died miserable slow, agonizing and very horrible deaths. So we vanquished an entire bowl of cow poo. I then materialised into our digestive systems.And he exploded. Beware the were-rabbit who just might be your next small chicken pie, with mashed potatoes and purple gravy. So do not consider eating the cinesra with toast and pickled marzipan. Rather eat pickled, pickled marzipan? Yum... Marzipan is delectable. Unlike Horatio's sunflower, which is very purple and chunky with edinayc flavoured, whipped cream covered strawberry flavored clams. In other news, someone tried them with Metroid Sprinkles. They were yummy. So they had a close encounter with some poo. Chocolate marshmallow poo. covered with almonds, pecans, walnuts, peanuts, blueberrys, ants and explosive mushrooms of ancient roman origin. We then put sonic, shadow, knuckles in small plastic bags covered in faux aligator skin. Then TBFOF sang Speed of Sound with a bottle filled with delicious yummy cheese wiz. When he finished designing birthday cakes he exploded over then he sold the excellent cakes to Israeli spies to explode them. The Israeli spies with extreme yumminess of great doom causing small hats in the shape of a sword which prods people to spontaneously combust, to lead a band in pressure points. After cleaning ELE's hairy underarms, she scratched her bum causing temproal destruction and itchless bum syndrome. Toilets flew into Horatio, injuring his only pickle. Pickle was buried in Hot Topic. Robot Bob Barker was then shot In Limetid too by Dr.Watson's hat. Emily the strange and Ruby Gloom
  15. Where?! *spins around to look behind her* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> *Bashes upside the head with Room Service*
  16. A few questions to see whether you are evil enough; 1) If faced with a choice between a giant laser and a electromagnetic pulse emmitting satellite which would you choose? 2) In close combat would you prefer to have a sword, a gun or a haddock? 3) What is your favourite way of disposing of secret agents? 4) What trap would you pick to guard your inner sanctum; Pirhana pit, poison gas chamber, knockout gas chamber or an automatic sentry disguised as a tiki torch? 5) What describes you best? A Megalomaniac, ex-spy or reclusive billionaire? 6) Do you like my hat? I can't resist. I have to answer the questions. 1. Yes. 2. Sword. It states for use in close combat, where a gun would not be as effective. And if you're really good with the sword, you can parry to bullets anyway. Fish and smelly and I dun wanna touch them. 3. Any way that is direct and doesn't leave them time to make a cunning plan and escape. I would also not tell them my evil plan, no matter how sure I am that they are trapped, not leave the room, and not carry on without being ABSOLUTELY sure that they're really dead. 4. Must it be a Tiki torch? What about something else, like a rock? Please note that this would also be a decoy, because if they take out the sentry, I will be on the other side of the hidden door. Waiting. 5. Yes. 6. That depends. How much plumage does it have? 'Cause if it doesn't have enough plumage, then what's the point? Hmmm... I think everyone is going to need some evil basics classes from what I can see. Ok, the tests are now disbanded. All those who wish to continue their evil education return on... the... when did I say... 2nd of January! Anyone who turns up drunk will be banned from all evil related classes, even lowly minion ones and be dispelled to the goody-too-shoes sidekick school across teh street! *goes to window and peeks from behind the curtains to see Horatio leering out of the window with a pair of binoculars* Oh! Oh! Can I be your evil Teacher's Aide? Of course my good lady! YOu can assist me in my practical demonstrations using this creature I caught in my flat in Hong Kong. *rolls Horatio out* I hope that teaches you not to raid my flat and plant anthropods in it! *sees Horatio roll into a ball, spring up and scurry into his waiting jet* Bye-bye! You saw yourself? Do you have like, RPG-vision or something? XD You never let me get away with anything! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Especially not Claymore theft... *sees Horatio get pwned by Kat wielding the gold plated (not solid gold, wouldn't cut) claymore* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Who stole teh Claymore?! Or rather, one of the claymores. {i]The[/i] Claymore never leaves my side. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I didn't do it. Honest. The Meat Grinder is NOT On. I'm Telling the truth. I DID NOT put it in the meat grinder! I swear! That Grinding sound? Oh! It looks like...Uh... Hoops fell into The Meat grinder! Yes! It is NOT Your Claymore in my Meat grinder! Honest!
  17. Puck is one cool meat loaf. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Meat Loaf... *Suddeny starts thinking about Meat Grinders and Laughs Maniaclly* Dont worry... I wont put your cats in the meat grinder <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Good, 'cause if you did, I would cry. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> i've left the meat Grinder in My Siggy. That means Horatio can't post in mah siggy ('less it's somthing he has teh edit) Otherwise he would be grinded. And heron is a Fluffy hammy! But Mah Cat Libby is Fluffier.
  18. I will place one on order, and will collect it after the H$ system is up and running. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Okay. The Grim Hamster Lord Sheena Plushie (x1)
  19. I don't really know why i like him... I just Looked at him one day and i felt weak at the knees and got a Weird feeling in my Stomach. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I thought that was when you saw me. o_O; <{POST_SNAPBACK}> No. Just when i kissed you at our wedding.
  20. Puck is one cool meat loaf. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Meat Loaf... *Suddeny starts thinking about Meat Grinders and Laughs Maniaclly* Dont worry... I wont put your cats in the meat grinder
  21. have a cigar: Pink Floyd <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I'm Wearing my "Wish you were here Shirt" right now. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I'm wearing my Pink Floyd pig shirt currently. My dad got it for me from Wal-Mart. =) 10 points to the person that knows why one of their shirts would have a pig on it. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Because... There was this Inflate Pig They had on the Animals Tour...and it blew away or something.I dunno. My Mom said it was on of there Album Covers, and I remember seeing a Pig on the Animals Cover, Floating above the Factory. I used to know why It was a Pig... But I forgot. And on eof the songs was called Pigs. I read about why it was a pig In Inside out. But I havn't read that Book in a couple of months. I got my shirt from Target. I also have a DSOTM Hoodie and Shirt and a Division Bell Shirt <{POST_SNAPBACK}> 10 points to MK, The Biggest Fan of Pink Floyd. Hoo-Rah. And I'm listening to "Small Town" by My Epiphany. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> SCORE! And I didn't even think I was right. I like that song 'cuz it has a Good Message- You don't need to have a Closet with the latest trends or tons of Makeup to be Beutiful. Andy your a star- The Killers
  22. What..... no picture???????? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> *Mouth is full of potato chips* DUH! I alreayd put her in the Meat Grinder... I Mean the Meat grinder
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