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Everything posted by Mushroom_king

  1. Yea so I started a Garage Band. Ish is called Pitch Black Eclipse. Nice name Eh? So I decided to post our songs (more like my songs. I wrote them) in this topic. I won't post them all at once, though. They're not All done. X_X Westie55 Mushroom_kings already seen the Wall Preppygirl was a Have-it-all Just aa freind to you and me wife was an Attorny He was gonna be so Famous He was never gonna be the same and he was gonna shake his ### on the top of Horatio's Plane But suddenly he became mean When he turned Thirteen Look at our Internet lives nothing has been alright Pink Floyd, Mushroom_king Long before the wedding there was Hoops_Ahshirt and Honey and still we have no Money We've got our real lives and real school but here we can be Uncool Cause he's Still Pretty occupied Changing his Name to Westie, Westie, Westie, Westie55 woohoo (westie55) woohoo We've heared all the Classics We know all there songs The Beatles, Pink Floyd, The Cars and Queen And even The Moody Blues We all knew how to have fun not burning in the Summer sun and we'll all remember by a ton That Kat Da Cat was #1 Wheres the Sanities we used to steal and where has hidden Everybody's Zeal What happened to Jell-o, Cheeseys (On the new posts there was) Pink floyd, Mushroom_king Long before the Wedding t there was Hoops_Ahshirt and honey and still we have no money We've got out real lives and real school but here we can be Uncool Cause he's still preoccupied Changing his name to westie, Westie, Westie55 woohoo We hate Time just stop the call When did Toto's text get so small? and when did Will not come at all? Just Make it stop Stop! And bring back Pink Floyd, Mushroom_king Long before the wedding there was Hoops_Ahshirt and Honey and still we have no Money We got our real lives, and real school, but here we can be Uncool Cause he's still preoccupied changing his name to westie55 Pink Floyd, Mushroom_king Long before the wedding there was Hoops_Ahshirt and H0oney and still we have no Money We got our real lives and real school But here we can be Uncool Cause he;'s still preoccupied Changing his name to Westie, Westie, Westie55. Welcome to the Morgue Say it's not so Watching the graves eerily glow Watching the bodies lifted up into the ground watching the gravediggers not making a sound watching the drunkards crash at midnight watching the cars go out of sight No one sees what the dead see Not a living soul on this Earth I watch my breath go cold Eerie ringing bells strike the time 12:00 It's Morning again As I hear the drunkards going insane (BOOM) They find the body all smashed up by cars I watch them lift the body from the expensive car And I watch And I wait The bell strikes 1 It's Morning again I follow the body Limping Body with the blood streaming out I follow, but I can't be seen from the black clothes I follow into the morgue Welcome to the morgue As The ###### bodies are stuffed into black coffins Black as the morning the clock strikes 2 It's Morning again They're Mourning again I watch them take the body into the grave which is indoors in the Morgue Welcome To The Morgue "Run away, child, go home and sleep" they say as the bright light reveals me I let them out first and pretend to follow But go back in The clock strikes 3 It's Morning again They're mourning again And I whisper in the Corpse's ear "It's morning again They're mourning again This is the Morgue Welcome to the Morgue" Come on in Welcome to the Morgue And I go outside and my breath freezes over as I pass the store and The Restaurant and the Bar Where more Drunkards will be greeted by me In the Morgue Welcome to the Morgue The clock strikes 4 It's Morning again The Families of Drunkards Mourning again I pass the Hotels and the Bakery and School and The burned down homes and The Asylum and Finally I reach the other Morgue While the screams of Insanity Ring in my head I stop and look at the Morgue Come, my friend, into the home of the Corpses Welcome to the Morgue. .... That's all i'll post for now. If anyone cares, I'm still woring on EmoTherepy and Rubik's cube of a world. :ninja: Complete list of songs I've written: 1. Black Heart of the Rainbow 2.How could it hurt (when it looks so good?) 3. Domino 4. Wild Blue Yonder*** 5. Missing Melody 6. Remember that day 7. I love to see you** 8.Rubiks cube of a world** 9. Electric Fetus 10.Westie55 11. Pink floyd is not Electronica 12. Welcome to the Morgue 13.Nintendo64 14. Game Boy* 15. Speed of Dark, speed of silence** 16. Death Factory** 17. Sex is not a Dirty word ** 18. Dreamworks and Whispers 19. EmoTherapy** *Tgis is an Instrumental. Don't ask for me to post it. **Not fineshed ***I've already written this, but I'm rewriting it.
  2. mmmm fourteen and still can't spell "dance" (dasnce) She seemed to be very Immature with her Cheering and Caps.
  3. *eats some potato Chips* Hello, Captain Obvious. How do you know you were the first fan?
  4. My compy won't let me send it. I'll have to send it to Vash and she can send it to you.
  5. I poem by me. It's the same one I posted a while back, but the words are different. My name is Caitlin and I am just 2 and i would love to say Hello to you but now I cannot, I have no strength to speak The pain that I'm feeling makes me feel small and meek Daddy is drunk, just like mommy said and I waitfor my punishment on this feared bed Daddy comes in, Tells me how horrid he felt by something i didn't do as he pulls out a belt He beats me he slaps me I feel like I'm dead Mommy can't protect me Like she promised she said I start to cry and he beats me again Oh God Oh WHY? Please make it end! My name is Caitlin and I am just 2 has anything like this ever happened to you?
  6. Top 5 favorite bands: Pink Floyd Queen Johnny Cash The Beatles Hawthorne Heights
  7. Glad to hear you have no intention of buying make-up! Unfortunately, people are influenced by the media, adverts and what they think will help them get ahead, be beautiful and be successful. The methods by which young girls are going about this is all wrong. Very few girls have the body to show so much skin, and the magazines make it appear that everyone wants to see this display. Revealing so much skin is not attractive. OMG. I was watching VH1 and they were talking about... Bad things people have done at Red Carpet parties, and they told about one guy who took off all his clothes at a Golden lobes party (or something) and theres always tons of Women who wear Reaviling dresses at these parties. And by what Cheesemaster said...I agree, When i was little, I played with Stuffed Animals, not Barbies, and I liked to play with Paint, not my Mother's Lipstick. My mom hardly wears any makeup- she just puts on some Nail polish and blush and she's ready to go. No eyeshadow. No foundation. Not Lipstick. Just Normal-looking, and I think that's beutiful. I also like perfume. Especcily Vanilla.
  8. You are wrong here. Pretty much every popular brand of Makeup-Sugar, Lancome, Chanel, etc.- don't test on animals. And Acne isn't permanent- if you take good care of your skin, then you can treat your acne. I've done it. You know, I can't stand girls who throw a tantrum if they get a Cold sore or something. I'm prone to Cold sores, and I only get sensitive about them when I'm around Trent.
  9. When was your birthday???????? Did you put it in the calendar here? Would you like me to bake you a special birthday cake? Hamster baked birthday cakes are the best. I am glad you will be here with us for a while. Wal-mart cakes are pretty sweet. I get one every year for my Birthday as my Birthday cake (or a cookie cake-Mmmmm...).
  10. No! You have plenty of time to enter! Speaking of Photography, We got our Yearbooks on Monday. Trent's picture is so different from him now, Cuz he got a haircut right before Picture day.
  11. Would you please white it out or block it. You are still recognizable, and very, very pretty!!!!!!!!!! Hmm okay. And thanks You are the only on here who kinda knows what I look like ♥ Lee You look like my freind Brittany, only your taller.
  12. Me Birthday ish Coming. Yay! n_n I won't be here teh celebrate...stoopid Internet ish broken.
  13. Horatio Peeps!!!!!! What a stellar idea!!!!!! On The Jig art, you forgot to show - Kat - jigging! I just had a Splendid Idea... Cheesemaster peeps. Outstanding!!!!!! Vash Peeps! Kat peeps!
  14. AAAAH! AAH! I CAN'T READ YOUR POST! To many spelling errors and Chatspeak. I am sorry, but I cannot respond to your Language.
  15. I don't. I wasn't here.
  16. As a matter of fact, that is exactly where I watched the previous shows. I think I have that basic Cable Cheesemaster has. I've never really known. I remember my Mom getting rid of it in September 2004, So I don't really remember. Either that, or We don't have anything and it's my Grandma who has Basic cable.
  17. Well, i have nothing to say on the matter, considering I havn't seen it AND I don't even have the channel. Do you have cable? Dump the sports channels and get SciFi! I have nothing. My mom got rid of cable 2 years ago. I am sorry to hear this. You are missing some great programs, Nova, Discovery, The History Channel and The SciFi Channel. I watch all my shows-Freinds, Seinfeild, Everybody loves raymopnd, NOVA, South Park- at my Grandma's house. I really like Nova. w00t for Sitccoms and Scientific Television! *dances* But I've never watched the SciFi channel. And I watched The History Channel the Other day. They were talking about that Autobahn in Germany.
  18. I do wear makeup, but I'm not obssesd with it. I don't wear it just to be pretty. I just wear it because I feel like it. And I don't wear very much. Usually just some eyeshadow and some blush and Mascara. I usually don't use Lip stick or any of that. (It always looks corny on me. X_X) but I have some freinds who are really pretty and don't wear makeup. And another thing, off topic- I hate it when i see little girls buying toy makeup in the toy area of T.J. Maxx or somewhere. That's not exactly the best thing to give to a kid. >_<
  19. Hee. And PETA's got Pamela Anderson as one of their main spokes people. I think she fits under the "ignorant, selfish, money hungry, only care about looking pretty and getting rich" category. I hate her. A lot. I hate those people who only want to get rich and look pretty (that is if slathering your face in makeup in order to cover up your wrinkles and stuff is pretty. I get cold sores and acne all the time, and you don't see me covering that up do you?).
  20. You know my dog Donti? The Old one who's dying a very slow and painful death? My mom is thinking about putting him to sleep, because she hates to see him weak and stuff like he is now. But he's been very Frisky and acting youthful lately, so she's holding it off.
  21. I hate people who wear real fur. I agree with you 100%. Honestly, I really hate it when people think that animals are nothing but slaves to entertain or something.
  22. The only meat I eat is Chicken, and my family usually buys Organic Food. Like theres this Nutrition Shakre I like and it's Organic, and we Never buy Kraft Macaroni. We usually Buy Annie's or some other Organic Macaroni. And you know, organic foods taste a lot better than Non-organic food. And Off-topic, I think the world should stop being obsessd with Getting rich and being pretty.
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