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Hampsterdance Discussion Board


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Everything posted by Mushroom_king

  1. I really want to see Cars. I also wanna see The new Pirates Of The Caribein(sp)when it comes out.
  2. Garfield is one of my favorite cartoons. I am sure I would love the movie. *wonders how the movie theatre Mega Wolf attends stays in business* They charge a fortune at the concession stand! That's why I didn't understand. I never go to the concession stand! My step mom makes us sneak stuff in. My mom does the same thing. The only things we buy are soda and Popcorn.
  3. Oh... oops... I should probably get on to that. XD Hurry! The Gerald Scarfe animations sre coming to get me! *hides* :ninja:
  4. I am sorry to hear this. Allergies are such a pain. Yeah, especially soy allergies. I get all red and whatnot. Oh, how unpleasant! > How dare she be allergic to things! Exactly what I was thinking!!!!!! I saw we throw her in the mines and put her to work for her insolence! You probably wouldn't want to do that... isn't she in your mafia???? What if she creates a mine mutiny? She's the only one in there. ._.;; It would be a pretty small mutiny. MegaWolf is the only one in your mafia????????? What happened to me? (with the question mark?) No, she's the only one in the mines. Ohhhhhh, would you be needing any help tossing her down there? LOL That reminds me: I was reading comics about a Stick Figure named Bob, and in one comic, he got thrown into a dumpster and he found a Lite Brite.
  5. Is the H$ system up yet? All The kirbies and Gerald Scarfe Animations I hired for Me are getting mad.
  6. Movie: The Wall Actors: Bob Geldof (That's the only one I remember) Rating: R for Gore, Language, Violence, Sexual Content Summary: Based on Pink Floyd's Album of the same name, the film follows the life of Rock Star Pink(Geldof), who has had a hard life. His father died in a war when he was young, suffered from a bullying teacher, among other things, and eventually builds a Psychological Wall between himself and the Outside world, sitting in a hotel room Watching war movies. He then gets a Shot-Injection thing which makes him very Hitler-ish, but after having the events of his life judged, his 'Wall' is torn down. Rating:
  7. I've never had one, but I like tomatos, and I like sammiches, so clearly, I would like tomato sammiches. Sometimes I toast the bread and sometimes I don't. Sometimes I add some swiss cheese. Sometimes I skip the bread altogether and just take a bite out of the tomato like it is fruit! But always, a great big beefsteak tomato sandwich is best with mayonnaise!!! I love tomatos. x_x I eat them like fruit all the time. I suppose I shouldn't say this bad word, but I love putting salt on them! I do, too! It's so tasty! XD So glad to hear that! For many people, salt is a bad word. LOL Have you ever tried salt on watermelon? Really tasty!!!!!! Nope. I'll have to try it. o.o Have you ever had soy sause on pinnapple? That's really good, too. No, but I will have to try that! *runs into my cage kitchen and pulls out some pineapple and some soy sauce* When you first hear about it, it sounds really weird, but when taste it, it's really good, as long as you don't get too much soy sause. Actually it didn't sound weird at all. There is a really delicious Chinese dish that has pineapple and a soy type sauce. Oh. Well, everybody else I tell about it thinks it sounds wierd. ._.;; But seriously, you should try it. n_n Today I did and it tastes phenomenal!!!!!!!!! I would never have thought of this one! Thanks!!! Yaaaaay! You're welcome! And Guitar Hero Alex came home, too! Grab everything you need while Alex is in a happy mood!!! He's upstairs right now. >.>;; But I'm gonna play Zoo Tycoon. I put all the angry people in a cage with a moat so they can't escape, and I'm wondering if they're still mad. LOL! I did that once on Roller Coaster Tycoon. I made this maze thing that led to a Roller Coaster and trapped people in it, and then I made it so there was no exit. XD
  8. I've been getting pretty tan, even though I use sunscreen. I HATE tans.
  9. Not yet... give them time. Even the Beatles were unknown for a while! Pink Floyd was to. Actually every band basiclly went through a time like that.
  10. No kidding. e_e It could all be a cunning plan of course, to make us more interested in the Revo at E3. Plus, look what stupid-copycat Sony did... AGAIN. Stole Nintendo's idea of a tilt sensor control and rammed it in their "new" same-as-the-PS2 style controller. Yup. This is more reason for me to not like PS2. ... boss. I already got over what a stupid name Wii is, cuz at first, I thought Gamecube was a terrible name. but it turned out to be very. uh. good. boss. This makes the... what, fifth controller idea that Playstation stole from Nintendo? I loathe them beyond beleif. Speaking of which... boss... The Wii's controller is to be called a Wiimote. i thought it was hilarious. Upon telling this to my brother, and telling him about the signature texts of gaming message boards (Wii are sick of you/Wii will rock you/Wii are better) he replied. "Ugh, This is getting Wii-diculous." AND OH MY GAWSH. Did'joo see the SSBB videooooooo theres a video about Super Smash Brother Brawl for teh Wii. Go search for it or something, its the coolest video in the universe. YOU GET TO PLAY AS META-KNIGHT. How cool is that. And, according to the japanese-english translators, there will be a "very robust 1-player mode" ... boss. *logs off to go search for Video, Cause i want to see if Toad is in it* If he's not, I not Gettin' it. J/K.
  11. I'll be in the Mafia, since my Army died. Not like i could make it come back, half the people that were in it don't come here anymore. X_x
  12. I figured Mushroom_king was out buying up all the new David Gilmour CDs. It's takin' her pretty long. ._. It takes a while to buy them all. It also takes a while to Put people in the meat grinder. You've returned! n_n *tackle-glomp* *throw3s Johnny depp, who is now Canadian, at Kat* MY REIGN OF TERROR CONTINUES!!!! *catches Jhonny Depp, waits until MK turns around, then throws him back at her* >.> *Throws Johnny Cash at Kat*
  13. Please have your parents contact me through a post or use my email and I will explain the safety of this website. Please ask your parents to take a look at this website and if they want to make a post through you and give me their contact email address, I will answer any questions they might have. I try very hard to make sure you all have a very safe, secure place to post and I appreciate the opportunity to communicate with anyone's parents. Hopefully you will return and see this post. Horatio This is what I hate. When parents think every sinle person on the Internet is a 50-year old pervert who's going to try and steal children. Sure, they exsist, But there not everywhere.
  14. Would you please white it out or block it. You are still recognizable, and very, very pretty!!!!!!!!!! Hmm okay. And thanks You are the only on here who kinda knows what I look like ♥ Lee You look like my freind Brittany, only your taller. Is that a good thing? ♥ Lee Yes.
  15. OMG. There's been this rumour going around that Pink Floyd's "The Wall" was going to Broadway, and all the 'Fans' at school have been all over it. It's not true. How do i know? A wonderful source called Guitar World- It interveiwed Roger Waters, and he told them someone had asked him to make a Broadway version of the Film, but he was going to think about it. It would be cool if it did go to broadway, though. :ninja:
  16. mmmm fourteen and still can't spell "dance" (dasnce) She seemed to be very Immature with her Cheering and Caps. At least she was enthusiastic...I mean, "inthoosiastik" Yea I know. And the part about saying she was the first fan was the dumbest thing, in my opinion.
  17. Go TBFOF! Go Microsoft Wireless Battery Life Level! *watches as the Energizer Bunny charges across the screen after TBFOF* I wish I had a few bunnies. I keep getting a pop up that my battery is critically low. I suggest throwing that Microsoft product into the garbage and get a REAL computer! My teacher had a Mac Laptop and she was shutting it and for absolutely no reason the whole top part snapped off. I've worn out CD players from Listening to them to much. X_X
  18. Correction. Pin floyd would be the Eagle who eats everything. Britney spears would be the Fertilizer. Musical Food Chain. O_o No. Yes. Or maybe, on the musical food Pyrimid, Pink Floyd would be the Meat group.
  19. Correction, There were 2 songs. And you hope I don't be like Pink Floyd and mae 30minute songs.
  20. Correction. Pin floyd would be the Eagle who eats everything. Britney spears would be the Fertilizer. Musical Food Chain.
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