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Everything posted by Mushroom_king

  1. this is my cat, libby. these are my dogs, William Wallace and Kumatora. I have another cat but we have no pics of her on the laptop.
  2. I don't paint my nails or wear makeup anymore. Especially not after I cut my hair. Because with my hair as short as it is now, if I wore makeup..eh, you can imagine the rest.
  3. going through my Bookmarks, reading blogs, playing flash games, and other awesome things.
  5. Solrai giggled and blushed at what Aloysius had said. "Even though it's been over five or six months since we met, I still blush every time you tell me that." "Tell you what?" He asked, laughing. "Tell me that you love me." He sighed happily as he took his hand and put it on her shoulder. He'd been around Solrai so much that he had near forgotten his wife. It felt fine, but he knew it wasn't right to feel that way. But it didn't matter to him; he loved her. "Aloysius, you're not still thinking of...that, are you?" He opened his eyes and looked up at her. "What do you mean, That?" "You know. Earlier you wanted to have-" "Oh, yes! That! Well, it crosses me mind now." "But what if your son finds us? We were lucky he was tired and went right to bed last time!" Aloysius sighed happily. "Solrai, my son hasn't been able to find a way into this room for five years. Who's to say that he'll find it today?" ----------------------------- "I wonder what my dad is doing..." Said Arkcher, back at Planet Horatio. PMM had finally decided to come and join the fun, and he let out a resounding laugh. "Once again, Arkcher! He probably used that House Tour thing to disguise his true motive: To go DO NAUGHTY THINGS!!!!" "Shut up!!!" Shouted Arkcher. "Not in front of Edna, now." Said Cheesemaster. He looked at the boy, who was starting to fall asleep in his lap. "Oh, look...he's tired." "You mean you're gonna Leave already?!" Said PMM in disgust. "People suck once they take care of kids!" Cheesemaster sighed and stood up, holding Edna in his arms. "I guess I'll be heading home. I'll see you three later, alright?" "Bye, Cheesie. Thanks for the CD." Said MK. She got up and went over to him, leaned in real close, and gave him a big hug. Arkcher just sat there being jealous. "I'll see you later. And thanks again." Cheesemaster stood there, blushing, and smiled. "Uh, You too." Cheesemaster walked through the restaurant, and finally got outside. The cold and quiet was a welcome relief from the heat and noise inside. He sighed heavily, his visible breath floating away. He was on his way to the airport when he was stopped on the bridge over a canal. A hand touched his shoulder, and he became afraid, thinking it might be a sanity stealer; but when he turned around, he was pulled into the arms of a young woman in a ruffly dress and found her mouth pressed against his. It was Cheese Woman. She pulled away from him and for a long time, they simply looked at each other, until Cheese Woman squeezed him so tightly with her arms that he felt he could suffocate. After he was freed from her death hug, he looked at Edna, and was surprised to find him still asleep. "C-Cheese Woman...what are you doing here? I was on my way home." She looked at the ground. "I got jealous because you got Mushroom_king a gift, but not me!" Cheesemaster gasped for a moment. "D-Did you forget?" She said, her eyes beginning to well up. "No, No! Nothing like that! Don't cry. Please." "Alright," she said, wiping her tears. He stood up straight and sighed heavily. "I didn't forget. It's at home, that's all. If you come with me, you can have it." She suddenly became very excited. "Oh, how great! Fantastic! Let's go, then." ------------------------------ After the flight back to The Port of Cheese, both of the teens were surprised to see that the town had gone from Spring weather to snow in the span of a day. "Come on," Said Cheesemaster, running towards his house, with Cheese Woman following him. After getting to his house, Cheesemaster first put Edna into his own bed; he decided he would sleep on the couch until they could get a bed for Edna. Then he sat Cheese Woman down on on an armchair and got a fire going. He then went into the closet of his bedroom, and got out a pink box, and went back into the living room. "There you go," He said, sitting down in a chair next to her. "Go ahead and open it." She did, very quickly, and found herself another Lolita-style dress, with shoes and stockings and hair accessories and everything. She was so excited. "Oh, Cheesie-kun..." "Seeing the way you dressed the other day, I thought maybe you wanted more outfits like that. So I got you some." "But Cheesie-kun-" "You don't have to call me that." She looked at him, confused. "You...You don't have to say -kun." "Cheesie...?" "I don't call you Cheese Woman-chan, because I think we're close enough to not have to." She gasped and her eyes sparkled. "Oh, Cheesie-Ku....Cheesie?!" He nodded. "Even if we're not...you know, lovers. I think we're very close. Closer than best friends, but not as close as two people dating. Do you understand what I'm saying?" "I...I do...and Thank you!!! Thank you so much!!! Next time the weather is good I will wear this!!!" -------------------------- Four days had passed since Valentine's Day, and all those days had been cold; Cheese Woman was upset by the fact that she might not be able to wear her new outfit anytime soon. That is, until one day, On the 19th, the sun came out, and it was nice and warm out. All the snow melted within an hour, and Cheese Woman was so ecstatic to show Cheesemaster her dress. She slipped into it, and the stockings, and the high heels, and put on the hair clips, and ran towards the street corner where he always was. Joining him was C.C. Edna, who was shining shoes. "Cheesie! Edna-kun! Look!" She shouted, and the two turned to look. The dress she had gotten was Red, White, and Pink, with lots of bows and ruffles. Her stocking were light pink with tiny hearts on them, her hair clips were hearts, and her shoes were pink high heels. Edna smiled a big smile, and Cheesemaster gasped. "Miss Cheese Woman, you look so pretty in that!" He said, sitting on one of the steps where people sat when they got their shoes shined. "I-I have to say, I agree with what he just said." Cheese Woman giggled and blushed. "Thanks so much! It fits so well!" And if you're wondering what happened with Aloysius and Solrai, I'm just as confused as you. ------------------------- CC Edna's story Cheesemaster stood out in the snow, in front of his house, on the street corner of The Port of Cheese, selling papers as always. But something was odd. He'd hired CC Edna to shine shoes in order to bring in extra income, and he'd been doing a good job at it as well. But today he wasn't here; he found this odd. Edna had told Cheesemaster he would be a minute, but he didn't expect him to be this late. And too many people were complaining about "The Shoe-Shine kid" not being there, and he knew he would have to find out where he was. Cheesemaster turned around and look up on his roof, and called out "Edna! Edna!! Where are you?!" He kept looking around, when he though he heard a faint noise coming from the roof. He wasn't able to climb up, but he kept calling for the boy. "Edna!! EDNA!!" "I'm in here!" Came the faint voice again. Cheesemaster looked up onto the roof again, and he heard a faint popping sound. He looked higher, and saw a soot-covered Edna coming out of the chimney. "E-Edna?! What are you doing in the chimney?!" He walked over to the edge of the roof. A few people glanced over as they walked by. "I was a chimney sweep back at home. It was the only job I knew I could do. And when I was getting my coat on, I saw how messy your fireplace was, so I cleaned it! I was only going to clean the part you see at first. But then I saw the rest of it was even messier, so I cleaned it. I'm so sorry I didn't warn you." "It's fine. If you're going to jump down, then let me catch you." "No! No! Your clothes will get dirty! That was why no one ever caught me at home!" Cheesemaster laughed. "Do I look like some aristocratic boy who throws a fit if his clothes get a stain on them? Besides, my coat is black! No one will notice! And I can just brush it away from my face if it gets there. Now come on, you need to get cleaned up." Cheesemaster was surprised when Edna jumped down with no hesitation; most children would be afraid of getting hurt, even if someone was down promising to catch them. Like Edna had said, he did get a small amount of soot on his coat and hands, but he didn't care. He set Edna down on the ground, and brushed a little soot off his face. "Now, I want you to go inside, wash up, then come outside and be ready to work, alright? I'll shine shoes while I wait." "Alright!" said Edna, happily. "Be quick about it, alright?" Edna nodded, and Cheesemaster stood there for a few moments, before a man came up and asked for a shoe-shine. He left his stack of papers over next to him, and went about it (after a brief explanation about how, exactly, one shines shoes without shoe-shiner). As he was shining the man's shoes, another man came up and asked if he could buy a paper. Without looking up, he muffled a 'Yes,' and then the man said, "I'd like to have a shoe-shine as well." "Alright, sit down there and I'll get to you next..." said Cheesemaster breathlessly as he was just about to wrap up this shoe-shine. "You can go ahead and read that paper. Just remember to pay me." The man said nothing and sat in the chair next to him. Cheesemaster couldn't see his face or upper torso from the newspaper, but he looked like he was well-off. Eventually, he found himself at the stranger's feet, cleaning grime off his shoes. And the stranger decided to try and strike a conversation with Cheesemaster. "Says here that rich prosecutor Jakob Rabbitt went off back to his home planet temporarily because he was called for a court case. I wonder how that turned out?" Cheesemaster smiled. "I hope it turned out alright. That man, he's a perfectionist-he's only had one loss in his entire career, and it was to his brother, a defense attorney. His brother also has a one-loss record, which he lost to Jakob." "How do you know so much about him?" "I'm friends with some of his family." "Oh." The Man paused, and flipped the page of his paper. "Are you friends with him, though?" "Oh, no. God knows how many times I've tried, but he hates me for some reason. I can't see why...I've always forgiven him though. Even though he makes fun of me, and he broke my glasses once...I always forgive him." He paused for a moment. "But I do hate it when he makes fun of me, or my friends. Or when he acts like he's so much better than me because he's got more money than me. Or when he tries to keep me from seeing his family." "Sounds like he's not a very good person." "I don't know," said Cheesemaster. "He is really mean...plus his hat is kind of tacky." "IT IS NOT!!!!!" Came a resounding yell, and the stranger's paper came swiftly down onto his lap, and it revealed that the stranger was none other than Jakob Rabbitt himself. Cheesemaster looked at the ground and sighed, and then looked up at him. "What are you doing here?" Jakob adjusted his hat, and grinned. "I knew I'd be in the papers. I wanted the article on me." Cheesemaster gritted his teeth. "You're incredibly vain, aren't you." The two of them stood up, and Jakob, towering over Cheesemaster, tried to seem threatening, but it wasn't working. A fight was stirring up in both of their minds, but before either could say a word, Edna came out of the house. "Cheesemaster, I'm all-Oh, M-Mr. R-Rabbitt!" He said, shivering and cowering in fear. While Edna was not afraid of jumping off of rooftops, he was afraid of finely-dressed men (and, to a lesser-extent, women), especially when they were much, much, taller than him. Jakob walked over and towered over the small boy, causing him to whimper. "Well, if it isn't the little orphan chimney sweep! Why're you so clean, chimney sweep? You ought to be covered in soot like you always are! What were you doing in the newsie's house, anyhow? Stealing, I assume?" "That's ENOUGH," said Cheesemaster, going over and grabbing Edna. "He's not an orphan anymore! I adopted him!" Jakob leaned his head back, and let out a loud, "HA!" and then brought his head back forward. "How's a newsie such as yourself going to take care of a chimney sweep? I wouldn't think you make very much money from selling papers! How do you plan to take care of him, too?!" "What do you think the shoe-shine stand is for?" Cheesemaster said, angry. "Edna usually shines shoes while I sell papers. But he was cleaning himself off-" "No doubt from the soot from the chimney, ah?" "Shut up!" He shouted, as Edna continued to cower in his hands. "You've scared him half to death! Scaring a little kid...you ought to be ashamed of yourself. It was people like you that made his life back home miserable." "And what's that supposed to mean?" "What do you think it means?! A little orphan boy, who was tortured relentlessly by wealthy people, such as yourself. They hated him because he didn't have money. It's not his fault if he was poor!" "Well at least I work hard and got a lot of money! It takes a lot of smarts to go to court! I don't see someone like YOU being able to solve a court case anytime soon!" "What, are you saying I'm some kind of idiot?!" "Jakob, what are you getting into now?" Jakob turned around and saw an angry James. Dawn was there, too; she didn't have her normal umbrella that protected her from the sunlight, because of the dark, cloudy sky." "Always bothering him...and now you bother Edna, too. I didn't see you as the type who intentionally tried to scare little kids." "What do you mean, intentionally? I didn't intentionally try anything," He snapped. "What you said to him seemed like you were trying to make fun of him, at the very least," Muttered Cheesemaster, trying to comfort Edna. James sighed and put his face into his hand. "Always teasing orphans...you did this back on Cullough, too." "James-" "Enough. You ought to head home, now. Go on." James and Dawn watched Jakob running home, not even glancing back. James breathed in the cold air, turned, and looked at Edna, who looked a little better. "Say, Edna, would you mind? My shoes are dirty and I'd like a cleaning." "Oh, that's great!" "And I think my house's chimney could use a good sweep, as well." Edna nodded, with a large smile on his face. "I'll do it! I'll do it! I'm great at it!" James sat down in the chair, reading a paper, as Edna shined his shoes. "So your brother really did win another court case?" Asked Cheesemaster. "That's correct," Said James. "He was called back to Cullough to work on a case. I haven't heard any details whatsoever, so I really don't know anything. Even this article doesn't say much." "James, does Jakob really discriminate against people with less money than him?" "Oh, God, Yes," Said James, his eyes becoming wide. "Back home, he hated anyone poor. He scoffed at them whenever we passed an orphanage or homeless shelter. Edna looked up at James and began to speak. "All these nicely-dressed men and their wives would laugh at me back home on Skizzenbuch," He said, a look of sadness on his face. "Jakob reminded me of them, with his hat and cane and his nice coat and nice vest and cape and everything else. You remind me of them, too, but you're nice." James smiled. "I try to be. Whenever my brother made fun of a poor person, I forced him to apologize. If he didn't, I apologized myself. I always defended poor people in court, too." Edna sighed. "He accused me of breaking into Mr. Cheesemaster's house and stealing!!" He said, angry, and he scrubbed on James's shoe a little harder than normal, but stopped when he realized what he was doing. "I am not a thief! Mr. Cheesemaster is taking good care of me! He puts me before himself!" Dawn giggled. "Yes, he always does that. He's so selfless." Cheesemaster put his hand to his face and blushed. "Why do you guys always make a big deal out of it? I do that without even thinking."
  7. [There is some mild secks content up ahead, though nothing major happens. Just warning everyone.] "...So, Uh, Cheesemaster...why's Edna with you?" "I decided to adopt him." MK and Arkcher stared at him in disbelief. "Whaaaaaaaat?!" They shouted, dumbfounded. "Why?!" "I...I-I felt sorry for him, all alone like that...I couldn't let that happen to him. I couldn't let him live on the street." Arkcher nodded. "I see. But are you even sure you can take care of him?" "I already brought that issue up," Said Edna, trying to raise himself a little higher up. "But he says he's alright." "I make just enough for me to get by selling newspapers. If I do something else, or work more often, I can support him too." "That's cool. What do you think you will do?" "I don't know. Maybe Shine shoes." "I know!" Said Edna, looking up at him. Cheesemaster giggled in a joyful way and asked, "What is it?" "I could help you! I'll also sell papers! I'll also shine shoes!" Cheesemaster looked at him with happy eyes. "That'd be so nice. But I can..." "No! I insist!" Cheesemaster giggled again. "Alright, alright. You can help me. But it'd be kind of pointless to have two kids selling papers in one spot..." "Why not stand in a different section of town?" Arkcher suggested. "That isn't safe," Said Cheesemaster. "Maybe Edna should shine people's shoes while I sell papers. Then we'll have two sources of income, and people can get two things done." Edna buried his head in Cheesemaster's chest and hugged him, and Cheesemaster was about to say something to him when Aloysius and Solrai both came up to Arkcher. "Son!" He said, planning on sitting down, but then realizing he had no room, decided to keep standing up. "Hi, Dad. What is it?" "I was wondering, if, uh...I could take Solrai back to the mansion, again? She wants me to show her the entire mansion." Arkcher thought for a moment, and then nodded. "Eh, sounds good enough. Me and MK will probably be home, probably around 12 or 1 in the morning...alright? I'll see you later, then?" Aloysius was more than thrilled. "Thank you so much. I'll see you later." He began to leave, but then he turned around again, and said, "Have fun, OK?" "You too, Dad." ------------------------- It had only taken about the span of an hour in order for Aloysius and Solrai to arrive at the Mansion. Aloysius gave her his own coat to protect her from the bitter cold, nearly getting frostbitten himself. "My son says that one of his household servants used magic to make it so a sort of bubble surrounds this part of the Mansion and the Courtyard to make it match the weather elsewhere," He explained. The two walked in, and the weather changed to Just-Before-Spring, with a few patches of snow here and there. Aloysius took his coat off of her, and the two walked up the hill to the edge of the Wrought-Iron gate. In the yard was a small house, where Arkcher went to build inventions. There was a well, which had no water in it but rather served as an alternate entrance should the need ever arise that they could not use the gates. After opening the enormous gate, the two walked up the steps to the two front doors and walked into the foyer. Aloysius laughed nervously and said, "I guess this could begin the tour. This is the Foyer...the front room." Solrai giggled with him. "I know. I only guessed as much." "I think we should start with those bedrooms first, shall we?" He said. He pointed up the flight of stairs; in front of them was another doorway, and up stairs there was a similar doorway with a door leading to the bedroom hallway on the left. They both walked in, and Aloysius showed her the rooms of the Bedroom hallway. This continued for the next two hours, showing her every room in the mansion, and ending on the roof. Two enormous chimneys were on top of the mansion, and Aloysius and Solrai had lit a fire up there as well. It was a little warm, and while around the fire, Aloysius started to tell Solrai about something Arkcher had told him. "Do you remember that room I showed you, with the two boards nailed to the door?" Solrai nodded. "Yes, I remember you tried to pry them off with no avail." "Indeed. My son says that when he had the Mansion built, he found that room sealed up. He never was able to pry it off, no matter who he hired to do it. He has no idea what is in the room." "What did the architects say?" "They said they had never built a room there. How curious! And he says he's been too afraid to go by it alone; it gives off such a strange aura. He says he's still glad they didn't build any bedrooms on that floor that he has to sleep in." "But what about you, Aloysius?" She said, standing up and walking around. "You sleep in the Guest Room. It's on the same floor. Does it scare you?" "I think maybe the Architects were trying to scare him," He said laughing. "But I do wonder how you get in there..." He sighed for a moment and closed his eyes, but opened them in shock when he heard her yelling his name, and he scream slowly got fainter, as if she was falling. "Solrai?!" He shouted, looking around but not seeing her. "Solrai!!! Solrai!!!" He ran, carefully, to all edges of the roof and looked down. He didn't see her, and her bright clothing would be easy to see compared to the dullish green grass. He became incredibly worried, and looked up at the two chimneys. He looked in the first one, but it had no way of getting up on top. The second one, for whatever reason, had a ladder on the side; he assumed it had been from cleaning. He climbed up, starting to panic, and called her name down, but accidentally fell himself. It wasn't long until he found himself laying on a golden-yellow carpet. He got up and looked around. Where the #### am I? He thought to himself; and then he looked over at the door. Two slabs of wood nailed to it. He was in that secret room! "Oh, Aloysius..." Said a voice, and Aloysius was ecstatic to see Solrai standing up on a slightly raised area of the room, and he ran over to her and hugged her. "I was so worried...that you....you had...you had fallen to your death!!" "Oh, Aloysius, don't say such awful things! I saw this ladder and climbed up, and fell inside! I found it so odd that we found this room just as we were talking about it." The two looked around and saw that there was a long, low-lying wooden table, and several shelves in the room. There was also a fireplace and a couch. It was a very bright room, with gold tones in color and red as well. It was very beautiful. "But how are we going to get out of here?" Said Solrai as she went over and sat on the couch. Aloysius followed her and sat next to her, and sat rather closely to her as well. "Oh, Aloysius, why are you doing that?" She asked. He gasped lightly and inched a little away from her. "Oh, it was simply instinctive to me lately. I apologize." "Oh, please don't apologize for things you needn't be sorry for. It reminds me to much of myself." He laughed, and he looked at her with a loving expression. "How do you suppose we get out of here, anyway?" She gasped and covered her hand with her mouth. "I hadn't thought of that until now," she said, worried. "I-I don't see any possible way out!!" Aloysius said nothing, he simply closed his eyes and kept smiling. This angered her. "How can you stay so calm?!" He sighed and leaned up, and grabbed her chin, lightly as not to feel forceful. "We just discovered the room that my son hasn't been able to find for over five years. We should celebrate." She tried to say something, but only stuttering came out as she slowly threw herself into his arms. "Oh, I'm so sorry! I shouldn't be so worried after discovering something like this!" He shushed her, and whispered, "No, No. There you go back to apologizing for everything. You musn't do that." "I'm sorry for always being sorry," she whispered, and she began to cry. "Please don't cry." "I can't help it, Aloysius..." She said, and she looked up at him. He looked at her with his heartfelt eyes and smiled a little bit. He reached into his breast pocket, and took a handkerchief, and wiped away her tears with it. She simply looked at him with disbelief, trying her best not to cry because he wouldn't want her to, but it made her heart skip a beat when he had wiped them away. He had already folded it up and put it back in his pocket, and the two simply stared at each other. Aloysius shut his eyes and leaned down, and he kissed her, which somehow surprised her; but she closed her eyes as well and went with it. He became so caught up, that he ended up falling over, and she gasped as he fell on top of her. He lifted his face off of hers, and smiled down at her. "Well," He said, trying to sound suave, "This is awfully awkward." They both laughed and she sighed. "I still remember when you took here here a few months ago." Aloysius blushed. "I-I...Yes, I remember that, too." A smile broke across his face, and while Solrai giggled at him, she suddenly got serious. "I know what you're thinking, Aloysius." "No you don't." "Yes, I do. You're lucky I didn't get pregnant that time. I wouldn't want to risk it again." Aloysius sighed and put his head on her chest, causing her to blush, but she laughed, and he looked up at her. "Oh, Aloysius, do you know why I didn't get pregnant that time?" Aloysius tried to contain his laughter. "I don't know. Does it have something to do with how you were a virgin?" "No, silly," She said. "It's because I've been taking birth control for the longest time now." Aloysius frowned. "Eh, a little more than I wanted to know," He said, laughing. She laughed out loud at him. "You say that to me, after what we've done?" He threw his head back into her chest. "Yes, I did say it, didn't I?" "Aloysius, you act so silly sometimes," She said. "Such as now." "I'm not being silly, I'm being in love," He said matter-of-factly. "There's a difference!"
  9. I feel like my brain is on cruise control and not going anywhere in particular. Just wandering aimlessly. Very scary. HORATIO, YOU HEATHEN, WHY DID YOU NOT PRESS YOUR CAPS LOCK BUTTON?!
  11. Once upon a time, Mushroom_king and her very awesome friend known as Cheesemaster, and his incredibly awesome hair (which is cooler than Arkcher's), were playing vihjoe games one time. They were playing Brawl. Except it was SUPER SPECIAL AWESOME BRAWL, so Jeff and Geno were playable characters. Mii, too. So MK was Jeff, and that other person was Geno, and then they got into a fight over which game was better, Mario RPG or EarthBound, and then they probably made peace. Which probably involved listening to John Lennon. And a Peace pipe. Can't make peace without a peace pipe. Anyway, then they went to a Weird Al concert and lived happily ever after. The End.
  12. Probably sleep. Or download music. Assuming my laptop is willing to cooperate with me this time.
  14. Your restaurant has no food nor employees, plus I am cooler than you, plus Chuck Norris is cooler than both of us.
  15. The worst part is that when it warmed up, it melted some of the snow and ice and now that will re-freeze and make driving treacherous. We had ice storms two years in a row here. the first year it was so bad, the tree in my driveway was being weighed down by ice and we had to park at the school. A lot of my friends lost power. I didn't have internets connection. I only lost power for one day, I was playing Mario Party and my TV turned off suddenly and I found out the power was out, so me, my brother, and his friends who were over went into the attic and played Game Boy. But it was pretty awesome because we missed school obviously.
  16. O RLY! Yea...DEFINITELY legal downloads...yea...
  17. B-O-R-I-N-G-G-G-G-G. HOW TO MAKE NAIL PAINTING FUN: Make nail polish out of poison, like the lady in Holes. Or blood. Get the blood yourself. *gets sick at the thought of getting the blood myself* *faints* My friend used to have blood nail polish. She didn't tell me where she got it, thought I presume she got it from herself.
  18. Four days after the last chapter, Valentine's Day came. Arkcher, MK, PMM, and Aloysius were already in Hamsterdam, as were Cheesemaster, Cheese Woman, Kat, and Edna. Cheesemaster had finished his gift for MK, and was excited to give it to her. Cheese Woman was clinging tightly to Cheesemaster, and had her own plans to try and make him fall for her that night. And her handbag was stuffed with cards for everyone. It was still cold in Hamsterdam, so they were all in Winter clothes-Cheesemaster had bought a new coat and pants for Edna. "Well, here we are. The same place we always party: Planet Horatio." "Yea, aren't there any other places to go." "Maybe you guys should go to Fried Dragon Palace/Al Gore's Chinese Restaurant," said Kat. She had stayed in the Port of Cheese for three more days and was no coming back home to Hamsterdam. The four of them went inside. "This is the first time I've come here," said Edna, who was riding on Cheesemaster's shoulders. "You eat here, right?" "Yea. But sometimes people perform, too. I think tonight it's Schimmislick singing, Who Are You doing magic tricks, Graf Von's ventriloquist act, and Roger might play Piano. I don't know, though." "Sounds fun!" said Edna, excited. The four of them walk in, and Glowurm was the first to greet Kat. "KAT! WHILE YOU WERE ON VACATION, I HAD TO WORK EVERY SHIFT!! WHEN I'M DONE WITH YOU YOU'RE GONNA..." He screamed, leaning into her face. But then he looked at Edna, and profusely began to apologize. "Oh, I'm sorry! I didn't know you had a child with you. I shouldn't yell in front of kids." "It's alright. I'm OK." said Edna as they started walking in. Glowurm stopped Kat for a moment. "I'm so cereal about that me being mad, you could eat me for breakfast." -------------------------------- Cheesemaster went inside and saw MK with Arkcher over in a corner. He looked at the ground, with the present in his hands. A small, thin, square shaped object with pink wrapping paper with a white bow. He would have to wait until Arkcher left her alone, but if he saw him, he'd never leave her. "What's wrong, Cheesemaster? You look really deep in thought. Are we going to sit down yet?" Cheesemaster snapped out of his thoughts. "Oh, nothing. I need to give this to Mushroom, but Arkcher might get angry if I just go over there. I'll need to make sure he gets up from their table if I want to..." "There's your chance! They're both getting up." "Oh!!!" He exclaimed, and he began to run, but he had to wait until they were out of eyesight. Once they were, he ran over to the table and place the present on the table on MK's side, and hurried away to see Cheese Woman. Arkcher was the first to notice that the package was there. He looked at it, calmly, knowing whatever it was, was more than likely not as good as what he had for her. "Oh, I wonder who this is from?" she said, as she slipped the bow off. Cheesemaster watched from a distance, while pretending to listen to Cheese Woman. She slowly took off the paper and what was under was a jewel case with a generic label. It was a burned CD. "Oh, someone burned a CD for me," she said, excitedly. "I wonder what songs they put onto it?" She said as she flipped it over. "Hey, look at all these pointless references!" 01. You're My Best Friend-Queen 02. Bein' Friends-Catherine Warwick 03. I'm not in Love-10cc 04. The Boys Are Too Refind-The Hush Sounds 05. Never Tear Us Apart-INXS 06. The Dynamo Of Volition-Jason Mraz 07. Hey Is That a Ninja Up There-Minus The Bear 08. Earthbound-Rodney Crowell 09. Geno-Dexys Midnight Runners 10. Never Gonna Give You Up-Rick Astley "What the-" Said Arkcher, angry. "The Boys Are Too Refined"? Is that supposed to talk about me?!" MK laughed. "Oh, nothing. I'm sure whoever made this for me was kidding." She looked back at the track list. "With song titles like 'Geno' and 'Hey Is That a Ninja Up There, there's really only one person who could have made this for me." "Hi, MK!" shouted Cheesemaster, and he and Edna ran over to her. "Do you like my CD? I made it especially for you." "I love it!" She said, ecstatic. "You had songs that describe how you feel and songs to help me know who sent it." Arkcher got up and glared at him. "Was track Four supposed to reference me?!" "Mmmmmmaybe." Arkcher banged his fist on the table, and MK gave him a look that told him to calm down. "But Arkcher, the first track is for you. The second one was for Mushroom because she's my close friend, but not my best one, and because she likes EarthBound." Arkcher suddenly calmed down a bit. "Look on the track list closely," He said, pointing. "There's an asterisk by Tracks 1 and 4. At the bottom it says the ones marked are for Arkcher." "Oh, I see it now," said MK. Arkcher looked for himself and calmed down a lot more. "So you're not mad that I was being paranoid?" "Nah, I was over it a long time ago," He said, smiling. "I was never angry about it." Arkcher started to choke up. "Seriously?" "I'm so cereal, you could eat me for breakfast, though I ask you don't." "Hey, don't steal my phrase!" said Glowurm, who snuck up behind Cheesemaster. He was clinging to Woodstock. "Oh, Hey, Lola." said MK to Woodstock. sHe groaned and said, "Well, it's better than all the "Three Days of Peace and Music" jokes I usually get. Or the ones asking me if I'm friends with a beagle." Glowurm then spoke as Cheesemaster and Edna sat down. "What do you guys want to eat? Drink?" Cheesemaster took Edna and placed him on his lap so he could reach the table. "I think we should get a kid's meal for Edna," He suggested. "Alright, one Hoops's Story. What else?" "I think I'll have the Blue Note Award," said MK. "I'll share with her," said Arkcher. "But can I have a Glowing Milkshake? No alcohol please." "I'll just have a soda," said MK. "Could I have a glass of water?" Said Cheesemaster. "Alright, I'll get those for you as soon as possible." Arkcher looked around after Glowurm and Woodstock left. "I wonder where dad is?" --------------------------- Like he had been at Hamsterking's birthday party, Aloysius was outside the restaurant, at the same private table, with Solrai. It was cold, but he had given his coat to Solrai anyhow. "Aloysius, you look so cold. You really should take your coat back, or at least, let's go inside." "N-No," he said, shivering. "I-I'm fine..." "No, you're not. Come on, let's go inside, please?" "If you insist." The two of them got up and locked arms as they both walked inside. As they walked in, they ran into Roger, who still had a cigarette in his mouth. "Hey, old man," he said. "I see you got yourself a girlfriend." "Uh, yes! I...guess that'd be one way to put it." Roger took a drag on his cigarette and blew the smoke in the other direction, making a long, thin cloud. "That's real nice. Wish my kind of lady would walk up to me one day." It was then that the Magician, Who Are You? Who Am I?, walked up behind him. Roger turned his head and looked at her. And he smiled, for the second time in the period that Aloysius had known him. "Hey, Magical Trevor," He said sarcastically. "I was just talkin' about how I hoped my kind of chick would walk up to me. Never thought it'd be a street performer with a thing for DIY." He blew some smoke in her face. She brushed it away and an even bigger smile broke across her face. She took her hands and put them on his shoulders, and he leaned his head back by hers. "At least it wasn't Cutie Puppet." He put the cigarette back in his mouth. "Yea, I guess so." He looked over at where Aloysius had been. He was gone, as was Solrai. "Awww, the fine-dressed inventor and his little girlfriend are gone." Turns out that the Fine-dressed inventor, and his girlfriend, were sitting in a far corner of the room, on the exact opposite end that Arkcher was. They had both ordered hot tea and Aloysius was planning on taking her somewhere...but he didn't know where. There weren't a whole lot of places to go in Hamsterdam. If it wasn't so cold, it would have been a good night to perhaps go explore the town and maybe go by one of the canals that are apparently there. "Solrai, do you maybe want to go to one of the canals? It may be cold, but there's no clouds. We can go look at the stars." "I'd rather look at them from the warm observatory of your mansion." Aloysius said nothing for a few moments. "Could...could you give me a tour of the mansion, perhaps?" She said softly. Aloysius choked a little but eventually swallowed his drink. "Of course, given my son allows it. I'm still amazed at how fast air travel is here." "Yes, it's really advanced, isn't it?" Laughed Solrai. "I may want to research it sometime," He said, as they both got up. "Now, to find my son," Said Aloysius, looking around.
  20. o: you have mac? I thought I told Arkcher I had a Mac... D: I dont remember any of that. Surely you remember me telling you I had iTunes? I remember telling you that, too. mm, yes. you ever get that working again? I wasn't having any real problems with it, I was just mad that some songs weren't going to my iPod. I made the said songs into videos instead.
  21. Louis Armstrong sings Super Mario World-brentalfloss. And so does my mom, Lifeseagle. No, f'reals. She also likes Daft Punk.
  22. The Blood Queen stood in front of the others, her arms folded and her entire body in a pose that screamed "Yea, Whatever." "Where's Arkcher?" she asked, looking around. "He was here a while ago." "He already went back home," said Cheesemaster, "He got to thinking I was trying to take his wife away from him." She laughed. "Really?! What a dummy. I don't think you could steal anything." Some of the others giggled, but Cheesemaster was still pretty serious. "I think I might go home," he said. "I wanted to practice a new technique I came up with." "Can I come?" begged C.C. Edna, tugging at Cheesemaster's shorts. "Please? Please?" "Of course you can," he sighed. The sun was starting to dip beneath the horizon, and the others would probably start heading home. And they did. Cheesemaster propped Edna up onto his shoulders and head towards his house, and Edna grabbed the cat and held it in his arms. "Are you ready? You're going to live with me from now on!" "I think the question is if you're ready," said Edna. "You're going to have to take care of a whole other person. You're adopting me, after all. It will be hard, won't it?" "It will, but I'm not gonna let that get to me," he said. "Cheesemaster, why did you adopt me?" He stopped walking and thought for a moment. "Because I don't like seeing orphans all alone like that," he said quietly. "Oh." "Is that all?" he said, looking up at Edna. Edna shook his head, and they both laughed. Cheesemaster walked in through the door and let Edna down off of his shoulders, who in turn was about to let the cat down, but Cheesemaster stopped him. "Hold on. It's probably got fleas and I don't want those all over my house." He walked away into another room, as the cat struggled to get out of Edna's grip. "Here," he said as he walked back in, holding a small bottle. "This, I use on Kat usually." He walked over and much to it's dismay, he sprayed the cat with it. "That ought to get rid of them. If it works for Kat, it should work now." Edna let the cat go and it ran off. "Come on, let's go outside," said Cheesemaster, opening the door, only to have the cat run outside as soon as he did. "No! Kitty!" Shouted Edna, as the cat made it's way to a corner of the fenced-in yard. "Oh, good. He didn't run away." Cheesemaster walked over to a bench and took his Katana off of his hips, and took the blade out of the holder. Edna shivered. "What are you going to do with that?" "Stand back," he said, with an extreme sense of seriousness in his tone. "I don't want you hurt." Edna backed away as far as he could. Cheesemaster took a very deep breath, and then leapt into the air. Edna nearly yelled at him to be careful, but he didn't; he probably knew what he was doing. Cheesemaster took his sword in one hand, and held it horizontally in his hand, and then slowly rose it. He then began to yell: "DENSETSU NO..." He then began to fall to the ground at rapid speed. "...NEKO!!!!" With that, he struck the ground and a cloud of smoke enveloped him. Edna became worried, until he saw him arise from the dust cloud, his katana stuck into the earth. "What was that?!" "Legendary cat," he explained. "Your cat inspired me to make it." ---------------------------- The two went back on inside and decided to make something for them to eat. "Go ahead and look around in my kitchen, Edna. Tell me what you want." Edna swiftly ran over to the cabinets and looked through them. "Could I have some soup?" "SOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUP?!" came a voice; again, it was Kat. She came through that hole , which was still in the ceiling. "I HEARD SOMETHING ABOUT SOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUP!!!!" Edna giggled and Cheesemaster sighed as he took the can of soup from Edna's hands. "Alright, alright. Kat can stay for dinner." "What's Edna doing here? Isn't he supposed to be a hobo somewhere? Wait, Hobos are only adults, and wear knit caps. Edna's an orphan. Big difference!" Edna would have usually been offended by the comment, but he was so happy that he rubbed it off; Kat was just someone who said things like that. That, and he'd just been adopted; so he was being very forgiving to her. "What kind of soup?" She asked. "I have no idea," he said, as he started preparing it. "LEMEH SEE," she yelled, and looked at the can. "OK, I'm fine with that." "Good," He said. -------------------------- After the soup was finished, Cheesemaster gave some to Kat and to Edna, but none for himself. "Aren't you going to eat any?" asked Edna. "I will later. I have to make a gift for Mushroom." And with that, he sat down at his computer (also in the kitchen for some odd reason), and grabbed some discs and began to work. "What are you doing for a present?" asked Kat, after a long silence. "It's a surprise," He said. "I have to finished it tonight if I want to be able to mail it to her in time. After all, isn't Valentine's Day next week?" "Not even next week. It's only about four days away." Said Kat. "Then I'd better hurry..." Cheesemaster sighed, breathlessly. ---------------------------- Meanwhile, up on Mt. Jazzeh, Arkcher was planning on creating a gift even better than anything Cheesemaster could ever give to MK. He thought for a long time, wondering what she might want. I already bought her the CD's she wanted, he thought, And she's already uploaded them onto her MP3. Then it hit him like an oncoming frisbee. A card so she can buy songs online! He ran as fast as he could to the wardrobe room, put on a heavy coat, and headed for the Eskimo village, and bought a card worth 1,000H$ (100 American Dollars) of song downloads, and ran all the way back home. This will also keep her from pirating music, he thought. Arkcher disliked illegal things, and as a result was never too happy about how she often pirated music. His only goal was that he made it so MK liked him better than Cheesemaster; because if she liked him better, it wouldn't matter if he resurrected Joey Ramone, Syd Barrett, and Keith Moon and got them to date her, and then make a band and play for her...well, if he did that, she'd probably enjoy it, but tell him anyway that he was trying too hard. But no matter; he had to stop thinking about it so much. He'd give her the card as a present, and probably take her to Planet Horatio to eat and pay for everything! Well...maybe. But the holiday was only four days away. So he'd have to make sure he had everything for her ready. Aloysius was also going to Hamsterdam, and said he would take Solrai out to eat as well, but he wasn't sure if he'd eat at Planet Horatio, since he felt it wasn't formal enough. As you know, Arkcher had recommended his father cooking his own meal for Solrai, but Aloysius said he had other plans. Of course, he hadn't told Arkcher what his plans were, so he was left to wonder about it. [i hope my Japanese was OK.]
  23. Go to YouTube and search "Beverly Hills Chihuahua Reaction". Much lolz ensue.
  24. B-O-R-I-N-G-G-G-G-G. HOW TO MAKE NAIL PAINTING FUN: Make nail polish out of poison, like the lady in Holes. Or blood. Get the blood yourself.
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