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Hampsterdance Discussion Board


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Everything posted by Mushroom_king

  1. There are no levels of sin, otherwise "gossip" wouldn't be in the same list as "murder". A sin is a sin, and being gay is not an "exceptionaly bad" sin or a "special" sin. Sin is not comparable...you can't say "I might be sinful, but at least I'm not as sinful as THAT guy!" God probably doesn't care how you compare to other people when it comes to sin, because there's always room for improvement and God loves everyone just the same. You know, maybe gay people's psycological problems can prove to be an obsticale, but if they want to accept Christ, why should their psycology prevent them from being a true Christian? Also, gay people are, for the most part, NOT deliberately sinning by their state of being. Homosexual ACTS are deliberate, but not the state of being gay (unless they chose to be that way, although that seems impossible). I've always grown up being gay. I have no idea how it got that way, except that it probably has to do with my dad. (figures...) I've never wanted to be gay. But it's a psycological thing that seems too deep for me to grasp for the time being. What you're saying is on the borderline for being offensive. You act like gay people are below straight people in God's eyes. But everyone is always on the same level. When you see a gay person, you have know idea whether he/she likes being gay or not. Do not make assumptions about them, please. *~*The Grand Illusion*~* *Hugs Jesse so hard he pops* Oops, I think I killed him. O.o Anyway. I don't believe Gays are below Straight people in God's Eyes, and it angers me when people say offensive things about gays because I have many real-life freinds who are Gay. *~*The Psycedelic Luau*~*
  2. *~*The Grand Illusion*~* Platinum Moon award: 100.00H$ This Delicious Mashed potato meal is Very Shiny, and only made with the best Potatos! Gold Star award:100.00H$ This Star-shaped Bowl of Organic Annie's Macaroni and Cheese is Healthy and makes a Great snack or Dinner meal. Hoop's Story: 300.00H$ This Children's Meal has either a small bowl Of Gold Star Award Macaroni or a Platinum Moon award with a side of Either Fries or Apples! Comes with a Cool Toy and a Picture Book. Pesky Pelican Award: 200.05H$ This Meal has a side of Popcorn Shrimp and Yup-You guessed it-Pelican!!! Neon Comet Birthday Cake:10,000.00H$ The Best Birthday Cake avilable!!!! Red Rose award:60.00H$ This Drink is the best thing you have ever had! It is a Beutiful Mixture of Strawberries, Chocolate, Tomatoes, and raspberrries-much better than it sounds! NOT FOR SALE TO PERSONS UNDER 21. Black Bat award:60.00H$ This meal comes in either A Vegatarien salad or a Delicious Roasted Black Bat. You Typo'd: 80.00H$ Oh No! You typo'd! This Yummy meal has Fresh Fish with Jell-o. Burning BuisnessMan:50.00H$ EARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!HOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This Super-spicy Chicken is one Of Mushroom_king's Favorites, and comes with Red Button Cookies. Eat at your Own risk! Jig:80.00H$ Who knows what it'll taste like? This Drink is sure to wake you up! NOT FOR SALE TO PERSONS UNDER 21. Milkyway:50.00H$ Yum! This Meal has Some Mushrooms of only the Finest Quality, some Red Button Cookies, and Either Milk or Our Milkyway Drink! PERSONS UNDER 21 NOT ALLOWED TO ORDER MILKYWAY DRINK. The Cheese House of Horrors: 50.00H$ Cheese here and Cheese there! Electric Fetus: 80.00H$ This purple drink will get you dancing! NOT FOR SALE TO MINORS. THAT INCLUDES YOU, HORATIO. YOU ARE ONLY THREE. Blue Note Award: 50.00H$ This wonderful meal is not only nutrious, it is very good for strep throat and such. You'll be able to sing again after eating this Blue-Cheese Pizza with Pickles on the side. Bronze smiley award:80.00H$ Good enough for a trophy Shelf! This blend of Vanilla and Blueberry will give you a smile. NOT FOR SALE TO PERSONS UNDER 21. Yellow Submarine: 50.00H$ We all live in a yellow submarine! This meal is a delicious salad with submarine-shaped cheese and strawberries on the side. And try our Yellow Submarine drink! YELLOW SUBMARINE DRINK NOT FOR SALE TO PERSONS UNDER 21. Coal Square award:80.00H$ You've been bad...so you get this! a Wonderful Blackberry taste with Coconut is sure to make you continue your not Horatio-freindly ways. NOT FOR SALE TO PERSONS UNDER 21. Piper at the Gates of Dawn: 80.00H$ Mushroom_king's favourite thing to down in her Pink Floyd Shot glass. The wonderful taste of White belgian Chocolate and Parmesan is sure to make this the greatest night ever. NOT FOR SALE TO PERSONS UNDER 21. Cloudy Aisha:30.00H$ A wonderful appetizer. These Cupcakes are Vanilla-Flavored and have a cloud design on it. The Grand illusion:80.00H$ It's just a Grand Illusion...but it doesn't hurt to take a sip, does it? NOT FOR SALE TO PERSONS UNDER 21. Spotted Gelert:50.00H$ Just the thing after a long day. This dinner has delicious eggs and goes great with your favourite drink. White Uni:30.00H$ A sweet Second course! This healthy salad has delicous veggies with your choice of dressing. ORRRRRR you cand get skinless chicken fingers! Mullay-pop:1000.07H$ Our dessert is a Minature cake in your choice of either White or Chocolate that is made from the finest ingredients availible. And try our Mullay-pop Drink! Perfect for energizing yourself at noon, this energizing cocktail of Grape, Raspberry, and Pina Colada that is Dyed a beautiful purple and has very small amounts of Alcohol in it. NO MULLAY-POP DRINK FOR MINORS.
  3. *~*The Grand Illusion*~* *Makes Paz stilts made of grease covered guys Wood* *~*The Psycedelic Luau*~*
  4. That's alright, you'll have a boyfriend eventually. You know you've got something goin' for ya if SOMEONE likes ya. So are you really sure you don't like him like that, or is there a chance that you two might be great together? Well, that's rough. I used to like this guy who was just a friend. And to him that's all I'll ever be. I'm cool with that now. But yeah, pretty much my friends had to blab their big mouths off and ask questions like, "Do you like Jeanette?". I mean, HONESTLY how OBVIOUS could they get? So I think if he didn't get the hint (as most guys don't) someone actually went and TOLD him. He was pretty mad at me for no reason for the next few months, but I THINK he's finally over it. If not, he'll grow up and get over it eventually. But I think Trent will cool off after a while, or you'll move on to another guy. *~*The Grand Illusion*~* I think Trent may like me, though. I walk past him every day after school, and he would get all wuiet and look at the ground when I came around, even if Ice Climber wasn't with me. And when he would talk to me he would look at the ground and kick at pebbles, and he would always compliment me on something when he wasn't with his freinds. Only one of his Freinds, Sunshine Boy, knows I like him. I think Woody Woodpecker may know, Because I talk about him a lot. Yea...All my freinds have nicknames. *~*The Psycedelic Luau*~* Oh, then it's all good if he likes you. I love the nicknames! *~*The Grand Illusion*~* Binh's is such the coolest one, but it uses his last name. ;_; *~*The Psycedelic Luau*~*
  5. *~*The Grand Illusion*~* Thanks. You deserve a White Uni Ribbon for this, that is great. I get sad and Depressed a lot, sometimes I just don't know why. *~*The Psycedelic Luau*~* Thanks. I have a few borderline personalities, and I think that's why I sometimes get randomly depressed. It's just that I know most of them. In fact, most of my moods have a totally different personality to them. Anyways, thanks! Just as long as you don't have to feed them all. That could get pretty expensive. Hehe. At least they're all in one body. That would hurt, feeding them all. Or if they all wanted to jog 10 miles per day and they didn't count what the other personality did. LOL *~*The Grand Illusion*~* There are seven sides to my personality. O.o *~*The Psycedelic Luau*~*
  6. *~*The Grand Illusion*~* I had a dream once that I married Arkcher. *~*The Psycedelic Luau*~*
  7. *~*The Grand Illusion*~* OMG. I hate it whenm people act like that towards the enviroment. What really makes me angry is when people say that animals don't have Souls or emotions. If they don't have souls or emotions, then what is My dog Callie doing when she looks inside Donti's doghouse, looking for her lifelong freind, when he had already died in my arms? (Sorry i didn't make a topic. I would of posted last time, but I was at an Internet cafe and we had to go just as I was going to make the topic.) If they don't have souls or emotions, Then why does my cat Libby sleep on my pillow every night? Don't say she likes it there. She sleeps on my couch pillow when my sheets are being cleaned. Libby can sense when i'm sad, to, because she comes to me when I'm crying, and she can sense if i'm having Nightmares, because i'll wake up and she'll be licking my face. *~*The Psycedelic Luau*~* Animals have souls, feelings and are wonderful friends. They can sense when something is wrong and know we love them. I think you are right. If animals don't have souls, then why are they so diverse in personality? I believe we will see all our furry friends in heaven. *~*The Grand Illusion*~* Meh to. And another thing- Animals will respond to erfume or music or something. Libby especilly likes The Beatles, because if I play them in my CD player, she'll walk in and sit under my table where you can hear it best. She also likes Pink Floyd's Wish you were here. And libby respons diffrently to my perfume-I think she is allergic to Hypnose, because she sneezes when I pet her while I'm wearing it. She likes Chanel No. 5 the best. *~*The Psycedelic Luau*~* Musk is a scent that originally came from animals. I am sure animals respond differently to different smells. As for music, I believe animals respond to the sounds they hear. *~*The Grand Illusion*~* Libby responds differently to smells and Music. She even reacts to Video games. She usually likes watching Video games with lots of movement, like Pikmin. Chanel No. 5 doesn't have Musk in it, Truth be told I don't think any of them do. I know she likes Chanel No. 5 a lot though because she sometimes licks my hand when I'm wearing it. Domino, my mom's cat, is a very outdoorsy cat and likes outdoorsy smells. I don't have ny like that, but she likes my Apple Dazzle body spray. As for music... Libby doesn't like very fast music, she likes slower stuff. *~*The Psycedelic Luau*~*
  8. WOW!!! That's a lot of songs. *~*The Grand illusion*~* It'd be a lot longer if I put all the video game songs i've put lyrics on. :/ *~*The Psycedelic Luau*~* You are great at writing lyrics. I cannot imagine how many you have written. *~*The Grand Illusion*~* I've written lyrics for Spingebob and Kirby music, which is a lot... *~*The Psycedelic Luau*~*
  9. WOW!!! That's a lot of songs. *~*The Grand illusion*~* It'd be a lot longer if I put all the video game songs i've put lyrics on. :/ *~*The Psycedelic Luau*~*
  10. LOL This is fantastic! *hands Mushroom_king The Platinum Moon Award* *~*The Grand Illusion*~* Ooh! *Dances* *Runs off to put award in meat grinder award cabinet *~*The Psycedelic Luau*~*
  11. That's alright, you'll have a boyfriend eventually. You know you've got something goin' for ya if SOMEONE likes ya. So are you really sure you don't like him like that, or is there a chance that you two might be great together? Well, that's rough. I used to like this guy who was just a friend. And to him that's all I'll ever be. I'm cool with that now. But yeah, pretty much my friends had to blab their big mouths off and ask questions like, "Do you like Jeanette?". I mean, HONESTLY how OBVIOUS could they get? So I think if he didn't get the hint (as most guys don't) someone actually went and TOLD him. He was pretty mad at me for no reason for the next few months, but I THINK he's finally over it. If not, he'll grow up and get over it eventually. But I think Trent will cool off after a while, or you'll move on to another guy. *~*The Grand Illusion*~* I think Trent may like me, though. I walk past him every day after school, and he would get all wuiet and look at the ground when I came around, even if Ice Climber wasn't with me. And when he would talk to me he would look at the ground and kick at pebbles, and he would always compliment me on something when he wasn't with his freinds. Only one of his Freinds, Sunshine Boy, knows I like him. I think Woody Woodpecker may know, Because I talk about him a lot. Yea...All my freinds have nicknames. *~*The Psycedelic Luau*~*
  12. *~*The Grand Illusion*~* OMG. I hate it whenm people act like that towards the enviroment. What really makes me angry is when people say that animals don't have Souls or emotions. If they don't have souls or emotions, then what is My dog Callie doing when she looks inside Donti's doghouse, looking for her lifelong freind, when he had already died in my arms? (Sorry i didn't make a topic. I would of posted last time, but I was at an Internet cafe and we had to go just as I was going to make the topic.) If they don't have souls or emotions, Then why does my cat Libby sleep on my pillow every night? Don't say she likes it there. She sleeps on my couch pillow when my sheets are being cleaned. Libby can sense when i'm sad, to, because she comes to me when I'm crying, and she can sense if i'm having Nightmares, because i'll wake up and she'll be licking my face. *~*The Psycedelic Luau*~* Animals have souls, feelings and are wonderful friends. They can sense when something is wrong and know we love them. I think you are right. If animals don't have souls, then why are they so diverse in personality? I believe we will see all our furry friends in heaven. *~*The Grand Illusion*~* Meh to. And another thing- Animals will respond to erfume or music or something. Libby especilly likes The Beatles, because if I play them in my CD player, she'll walk in and sit under my table where you can hear it best. She also likes Pink Floyd's Wish you were here. And libby respons diffrently to my perfume-I think she is allergic to Hypnose, because she sneezes when I pet her while I'm wearing it. She likes Chanel No. 5 the best. *~*The Psycedelic Luau*~*
  13. *~*The Grand Illusion*~* 1. Black Heart of the Rainbow 2.How could it hurt (when it looks so good?) 3. Domino 4. Wild Blue Yonder*** 5. Missing Melody 6. Remember that day 7. No-name Love song** 8.Rubiks cube of a world 9. Electric Fetus 10. An Eon of Neon 11. Across The Dreamscape 12. Welcome to the Morgue 13.Nintendo64 14. Game Boy* 15. Speed of Dark, speed of silence 16. Death Factory 17. Sex is not a Dirty word ** 18. Dreamworks and Whispers 19. Get Into the Groove 20.Where is the Good in Good-Bye? 21. Eeveealation 22. The Boomtang Beat (Black Hole Boogie)* 23. Northern Lights 24. September 25. At the edge of Infinity 26.One Day in May 27. I am baby (i am Baby) 28. Milk Money 29. The Same Five songs 30. Stop Sign 31. Studies In Scarlet 32. Silver eye-liner 33. The Cremation of Creation 34. Die in my arms 35. Emotherapy *~*The Psycedelic Luau*~*
  14. *~*The Grand Illusion*~* I was in a tornado once. Help! I can't Stop Doing This. This is fun. *~*The Psycedelic Luau*~*
  15. *~*The Grand Illusion*~* Thanks. You deserve a White Uni Ribbon for this, that is great. I get sad and Depressed a lot, sometimes I just don't know why. *~*The Psycedelic Luau*~*
  16. *~*The Grand Illusion*~* Yay! *Does the Meat Grinder dance*~* Meat Grinders are cool, Mushrooms are red. When My alarm rings, Arkcher won't get out of bed. *~*The Psycedelic Luau*~*
  17. *~*The Grand Illusion*~* The Canadians That needn't be destroyed are Trent, Joel, Arkcher, and Glowurm. *~*The Psycedelic Luau*~*
  18. *~*The Grand Illusion*~* OMG. I hate it whenm people act like that towards the enviroment. What really makes me angry is when people say that animals don't have Souls or emotions. If they don't have souls or emotions, then what is My dog Callie doing when she looks inside Donti's doghouse, looking for her lifelong freind, when he had already died in my arms? (Sorry i didn't make a topic. I would of posted last time, but I was at an Internet cafe and we had to go just as I was going to make the topic.) If they don't have souls or emotions, Then why does my cat Libby sleep on my pillow every night? Don't say she likes it there. She sleeps on my couch pillow when my sheets are being cleaned. Libby can sense when i'm sad, to, because she comes to me when I'm crying, and she can sense if i'm having Nightmares, because i'll wake up and she'll be licking my face. *~*The Psycedelic Luau*~*
  19. Platinum Moon award: 100.00H$ This Delicious Mashed potato meal is Very Shiny, and only made with the best Potatos! Gold Star award:100.00H$ This Star-shaped Bowl of Organic Annie's Macaroni and Cheese is Healthy and makes a Great snack or Dinner meal. Hoop's Story: 300.00H$ This Children's Meal has either a small bowl Of Gold Star Award Macaroni or a Platinum Moon award with a side of Either Fries or Apples! Comes with a Cool Toy and a Picture Book. Pesky Pelican Award: 200.05H$ This Meal has a side of Popcorn Shrimp and Yup-You guessed it-Pelican!!! Neon Comet Birthday Cake:10,000.00H$ The Best Birthday Cake avilable!!!! Red Rose award:60.00H$ This Drink is the best thing you have ever had! It is a Beutiful Mixture of Strawberries, Chocolate, Tomatoes, and raspberrries-much better than it sounds! NOT FOR SALE TO PERSONS UNDER 21. Black Bat award:60.00H$ This meal comes in either A Vegatarien salad or a Delicious Roasted Black Bat. You Typo'd: 80.00H$ Oh No! You typo'd! This Yummy meal has Fresh Fish with Jell-o. Burning BuisnessMan:50.00H$ EARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!HOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This Super-spicy Chicken is one Of Mushroom_king's Favorites, and comes with Red Button Cookies. Eat at your Own risk! Jig:80.00H$ Who knows what it'll taste like? This Drink is sure to wake you up! NOT FOR SALE TO PERSONS UNDER 21. Milkyway:50.00H$ Yum! This Meal has Some Mushrooms of only the Finest Quality, some Red Button Cookies, and Either Milk or Our Milkyway Drink! PERSONS UNDER 21 NOT ALLOWED TO ORDER MILKYWAY DRINK. The Cheese House of Horrors: 50.00H$ Cheese here and Cheese there! Electric Fetus: 80.00H$ This purple drink will get you dancing! NOT FOR SALE TO MINORS. THAT INCLUDES YOU, HORATIO. YOU ARE ONLY THREE. Blue Note Award: 50.00H$ This wonderful meal is not only nutrious, it is very good for strep throat and such. You'll be able to sing again after eating this Blue-Cheese Pizza with Pickles on the side. Bronze smiley award:80.00H$ Good enough for a trophy Shelf! This blend of Vanilla and Blueberry will give you a smile. NOT FOR SALE TO PERSONS UNDER 21. Yellow Submarine: 50.00H$ We all live in a yellow submarine! This meal is a delicious salad with submarine-shaped cheese and strawberries on the side. And try our Yellow Submarine drink! YELLOW SUBMARINE DRINK NOT FOR SALE TO PERSONS UNDER 21. Coal Square award:80.00H$ You've been bad...so you get this! a Wonderful Blackberry taste with Coconut is sure to make you continue your not Horatio-freindly ways. NOT FOR SALE TO PERSONS UNDER 21. Piper at the Gates of Dawn: 80.00H$ Mushroom_king's favourite thing to down in her Pink Floyd Shot glass. The wonderful taste of White belgian Chocolate and Parmesan is sure to make this the greatest night ever. NOT FOR SALE TO PERSONS UNDER 21. Cloudy Aisha:30.00H$ A wonderful appetizer. These Cupcakes are Vanilla-Flavored and have a cloud design on it. The Grand illusion:80.00H$ It's just a Grand Illusion...but it doesn't hurt to take a sip, does it? NOT FOR SALE TO PERSONS UNDER 21. Spotted Gelert:50.00H$ Just the thing after a long day. This dinner has delicious eggs and goes great with your favourite drink. White Uni:30.00H$ A sweet Second course! This healthy salad has delicous veggies with your choice of dressing. ORRRRRR you cand get skinless chicken fingers!
  20. *~*The Grand Illusion*~* I have never had a boyfreind. Or been on a date, or anything. Although my freind Rick, aka Jackrabbit has a crush on me. I only like him as a freind, but it makes me feel happy that someone likes me. As you know, I love Trent, a Brunette guy who is Funny, Nice, and HOT. But mostly funny. He kinda reminds me of Arkcher. I love him, but Vanilla Star Hamster just HAD to tell him I like him... >_< Yea, so now he pretty much hates me. Because my best freind can't keep a secret. I needed to get that off my chest, sorry... *~*The Psycedelic Luau*~*
  21. Your post # is actualy 2,621, so therefore you have H$26,210. Although in reality that would be $2,621, it's still pretty good money. 314.79H$ 26.210 is... Once again. I am to lazy.
  22. This is to the tune of 1985. Aren't songs supposed to be, like, your own? Go tell that to Weird Al. It's one of the only songs that's to the tune of another song the other was to the tune of Come Back to Texas. BTW Kazoos are cool. =D That's called a parody. *~*The Grand illusion*~* And... *~*The Psycedelic Luau*~* I'm stating a fact. *~*The Grand illusion*~* What IS it with you and stating facts? *~*The Psycedelic Luau*~*
  23. *~*The Grand Illusion*~* My laptop is being nice again, here is some new art. It won't let me post my Vixen art, though.
  24. "Oh...Okay..." said White Kirby. "But I was looking forward to playing SSBM." [Hey, Kat? since Mastermind and Honey don't come anymore, can I control MasterMind? Maybe you can control Honey. X+X] "Setsuna is right," said J.J. "We should all go to the opening. There's always next year." White Kirby looked at her fellow employees.
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