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Hampsterdance Discussion Board


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Everything posted by Mushroom_king

  1. The next day brings the first Immunity Challenge. The Two tribes pick their smartest member to compete. The Pink Tribe chooses CheeseMaster. The Floyd Tribe chooses Arkcher. "Your're goin' down." "Dun Think so! The Game: TIC-TAC-TOE. Cheesemaster wins the coin toss and goes first. He chooses X. Arkcher Wins! Tomarow, The Pink Tribe will vote of a member. MK to the Pink Tribe:
  2. ...The Ramones? Good Lord, how many people did covers of that song? x_x *~*The Grand Illusion*~* What do you mean by covers? If you mean Idiots who took the beat and put new lyrics on it, then about one Million. ...I'm still listening to those songs, but I added Queen's Body Language. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~* No, I mean people who use the same beat and the same lyrics. *~*The Grand Illusion*~* I hate it when people do that. X_X worse, they always play the coversz on the radio and stuffs. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*
  3. [Yes. Now... to think of what to write next. -bangs head on monitor several times- Its coming, its coming...] [A visit to Planet Horatio. ]
  4. *~*The Grand Illusion*~* You shouldn't be her freind if she's doing that. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*
  5. In The Floyd Tribe, Arkcher's Nintendo DS became famous. "It'll help us find a Campsite," he said, but after many hours, he relised he was looking at the map from Super Mario 64 DS. "GRRRRRRRR" yelled The others and they started to kill Arkcher. Back over by the Pink Tribe, Mega Wolf found an old castle In the Forest. "We can use it as a Campsite," she said. Everyone cheered and went inside. SleepOverFanatic's Infa-life TV was plugged in and Mega olf went out to find some fruit and using the rope on her grappeling hook, caught some fish. Toto also cut down a few trees for Firewood and used the super-plush leaves as beds. The Pink tribe ate heartily and went to sleep. Over in the floyd tribe, everyone gave up trying to kill Arkcher and decided to build a Shelter. [NOTE: I'm switching Arkcher to the Floyd tribe and I'm gonna put Mullaypop in the Pink Tribe.] "We should build it out of his bones. He wasted valublle time." said a Very Bloodthirsty Glowwurm, but instead they used Toto's Knives to build a Shelter, and coated the knives in Wax (dunno where they got wax...] TBC
  6. *~*The Grand Illusion*~* 1.good 2.No 3.NO 4. *Puts you in the meat grinder* 5. If I out it in the meat grinder, it'll be this big. 6. *Shoves Cotton balls up YOUR nose* 7. Newbies who post once and never come back 8. No comment. 9.Yes. Don't go looking for them, though. 10. Yes. 11. Mmmmm....*drools* 12. Nope. 13. Go clean my meat grinder. 14. *Thinks* I'll get back to you on that. 15. X 16. I like saying Styx. And Pink Floyd. And Led Zeppelin. And any other band name. 17. *shrooms you* AHHHH! IT SEEMS LIKE YEEEEEEEEARS! 18. ....Fool. I'm a Brownie. I don't have fingers. I have claws. 19. Cheese, 42, Spoons, The Chicken Who crossed the road, The Peanut Butter Jelly dance, and The Hokey Pokey. 20. bfgvfyehaBVUgrlfalewihgbierhbfveliau 21. Really...So am I. *~*The Psychedelic Liuau*~*
  7. age aint nothing but a number. im only 15 and my boyfriend is 19. she kinda sounds like me. actually, this could be taken from my life almost directly. cept rob's an old child. ha. Here is a fact that is quite scary. If the guy gets caught having sex with someone under 16, then he can be arrested for a sex crime and be listed in some states as a sex offender. This could ruin his life as now he is listed on the internet as a sexual predator/offender and must register with the police, etc. *~*The Grannd Illusion*~* That's why I try not to date someone more than two years older than me. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*
  8. ...The Ramones? Good Lord, how many people did covers of that song? x_x *~*The Grand Illusion*~* What do you mean by covers? If you mean Idiots who took the beat and put new lyrics on it, then about one Million. ...I'm still listening to those songs, but I added Queen's Body Language. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*
  9. [Here goes.] The Pink Tribe and the Floyd Tribe Were faced with there first challenge upon Arrival: They were dropped out of the plane wothout parachutes, When the Pink tribe immidietly used Hoops's Michael Jackson doll For a Parachute, and the Floyd Tribe All gathered on TGHL's back so he could fly them down. "AH! You idiots! My Back Hurts Now! Especcilly you, Will. Your a very heavy Griffin!" As soon as the Pink tribe reached their side of the island, They found that they hit the Jackpot- A ton of Fruit trees and Beutiful Tidal pools full of Fish to eat were on their campground! Although They had worked together to get to land, their was some hostility... "I should use my knife to gather firewood from trees," said Toto. "Are you insane? WE need to make a campsite first!" said Cheesemaster. TBC
  10. *~*The Grand Illusion*~* Like a Virgin-Madonna Beat It-Michael Jackson Money for nothing-Dire straights IronMan-Black Sabbath have a Cigar-Pink Floyd Come Sail Away-Styx tainted Love- The Ramones RADIO KILLED THE RADIO STAR!!! All at the same time. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*
  11. [...Okay, I got the idea for this from something on another website. In this story, two tribes of eight Invisionests each will try to become my Sidekick. They will stay on a deserted island for 30 days. Every three days, the tribes will compete in a challenge. whever loses must leave the island. after 18 days, the two tribes will come together to form a new tribe. Every three days after that, I will vote someone off the island. The Pink Tribe is made up of: Name: Horatio Luxury Item: Airplane Qoute: Oh My! Name: Hoops Luxury Item: Michael Jackson Inflatable doll Qoute: If i can handle Moosey, Mullaypop, and Funky_Monky every day, I can beat this game. I'll whip 'em good. Name: Toto Luxury Item: Knife Qoute: PREPS MUST DIE PREPS MUST DIE PREPS MUST DIE PREPS MUST DIE Name: Arkcher Luxury Item: Nintendo DS Qoute: ...Mah arm! ;_; Name: CheeseMaster Luxury item: Shovel Qoute: With My weekly cheeses, that Floyd tribe will be gone faster than you can say Cheese O' da' week or so. Name: Mega Wolf Luxury Item: Grappiling Hook Qoute: Fetus. Name: Glowwurm Luxury Item: Old Milkshake jar Qoute: We won't need a flashlight with me! HA! Name: SleepOverFanatic Luxury Item: TV Qoute: ...I'll call you back. The Floyd Tribe is made up of: Name: Social Outcast Luxury Item: Awards Qoute: Little is known about this mysterious Charecter. Not even what she said in this interveiw. name: Jesse The Timberwolf Luxury Item: Ice Box Qoute: I do not have lip fungus. Name: SkwerlHugger Will Luxury Item: Brake Fluid Qoute: Fancy some Root beer? YOU CANT ITS MINE!!! Name: Kat Luxury Item: Claymore Qoute: YOU ARE A PIRATE! Name: Top_Banana Luxury Item: Paintbrush Qoute: I hope sand is a good subsitute for sugar. Name: The Hamster Luxury Item: Old Ice cream box Qoute: What did you say? Name: The Grim Hamster Lord Luxury Item: Sanity Qoute: MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! Name: Mullaypop Luxury Item: Rope Qoute: I hope no one votes me off. ....Who will be Mushroom_king's sidekick?]
  12. *~*The Grand Illusion*~* ....I'm listening to five different songs right now. X_x *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*
  13. [The nest part has some words Horatio always deletes for me, unless I'm on another account, even though they arn't very bad. So I probablt won't post the next part.]
  14. 1.Nope. Sorry. 2.BOWNCHIKKAWOWWOW!!!!!! 3. Gerald Scarfe world. 4. No. 5. will fit up your nose. 6. ;joconvijfdlnvijebvklefabvkceqvucoierqp 7. Peanut Butter Jelly with a Baseball bat! *Dances* 8. No. 9. No. 10. 500,000,000,000,000,000
  15. White Kirby Wagon Star decided to Drive her Wagon star around the floor and do tricks for the guests. She revved the engine, drove to the floor, and zoomed into the air. she jumped off the wagon star, did a Cartwheel in the air, and landed back on it when the phone rang. She zoomed over to it. "hello?" she said. She put it back. "They Hung up!"
  16. *~*The Grand Illusion*~* Stuff we have: Main Course Platinum Moon award: 100.00H$ This Delicious Mashed potato meal is Very Shiny, and only made with the best Potatos! Gold Star award:100.00H$ This Star-shaped Bowl of Organic Annie's Macaroni and Cheese is Healthy and makes a Great snack or Dinner meal. Hoop's Story: 300.00H$ This Kid's Meal is a small versian of any other Planet horatio Main Course! You can also get the Hoop's Story that has a cheese Burger (or Hamburger or Chicken)and Fries(or apples). Comes with a Toy and a Picture Book. Pesky Pelican Award: 200.05H$ This Meal has a side of Popcorn Shrimp and Yup-You guessed it-Pelican!!! Black Bat award:60.00H$ This meal comes in either A Vegatarien salad or a Delicious Roasted Black Bat. You Typo'd: 80.00H$ Oh No! You typo'd! This Yummy meal has Fresh Fish with Jell-o. Burning BuisnessMan:50.00H$ EARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!HOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This Super-spicy Chicken is one Of Mushroom_king's Favorites, and comes with Red Button Cookies. Eat at your Own risk! Blue Note Award: 50.00H$ This wonderful meal is not only nutrious, it is very good for strep throat and such. You'll be able to sing again after eating this Blue-Cheese Pizza with Pickles on the side. Spotted Gelert:50.00H$ Just the thing after a long day. This dinner has delicious eggs and goes great with your favourite drink. Brighton and Twila:100.00H$ A meal in two parts! The Brighton peice is a sun-shaped pizza for food. The Twila side is a salad-died all-blue! [bGlowurm Spaghetti: 50.00H$ This Spaghetti is 100% wurm-free and is made with a speciel kind of Glowing spaghetti.[/b] Beverages Jig:80.00H$ Who knows what it'll taste like? This Drink is sure to wake you up! NOT FOR SALE TO PERSONS UNDER 21. Red Rose award:60.00H$ This Drink is the best thing you have ever had! It is a Beutiful Mixture of Strawberries, Chocolate, Tomatoes, and raspberrries-much better than it sounds! NOT FOR SALE TO PERSONS UNDER 21. Electric Fetus: 80.00H$ This purple drink will get you dancing! NOT FOR SALE TO MINORS. THAT INCLUDES YOU, HORATIO. YOU ARE ONLY THREE. Bronze smiley award:80.00H$ Good enough for a trophy Shelf! This blend of Vanilla and Blueberry will give you a smile. NOT FOR SALE TO PERSONS UNDER 21. Brighton and Twila:160.00H$ a Martini in two parts! Our Brighton beverage is orange and Watermelon floavoured-all the essence of Summer. The Twila Drink is Grape and Blueberry with just a hint of olive. Please note, these are only availible at the respective times! NO-NO FOR MINORS. Milkyway:50.00H$ This blend of Milk Chocolate, White chocolate, Cookie dough, and warm Milk is sure to doom your diet. PERSONS UNDER 21 NOT ALLOWED TO ORDER MILKYWAY DRINK. Coal Square award:80.00H$ You've been bad...so you get this! a Wonderful Blackberry taste with Coconut is sure to make you continue your not Horatio-freindly ways. NOT FOR SALE TO PERSONS UNDER 21. Eagle eye award: 80.00H$ This Bevarage has it's eye on you. A blend of Coca-Cola and Various Candy flavours dyed peach-colured. Comes with a fake eagle feather inside it, just like a little umbrella! Piper at the Gates of Dawn: 80.00H$ Mushroom_king's favourite thing to down in her Pink Floyd Shot glass. The wonderful taste of White belgian Chocolate and Parmesan is sure to make this the greatest night ever. NOT FOR SALE TO PERSONS UNDER 21. The Grand illusion:80.00H$ It's just a Grand Illusion...but it doesn't hurt to take a sip, does it? NT 4 PPL NDR 21. Brighton and Twila's Tea and Coffee:30.000H$ For Minors who can't get the Martini. Brighton's Orange-dyed Orange-Flavoured Java is topped with Whipped cream and covered in Shredded Strawberries. Twila's Tea is a Lovely cup of Green tea with a slight bblueberry taste to it. Yellow Submarine Drink: 80.00H$ Goes with our Meal, as well! Lemon and Strawberry will leave you wishing you had a Yellow Submarine to party on. NOT FOR PEOPLES UNDER 21. Mullay-pop:80.00H$ try our Mullay-pop Drink! Perfect for energizing yourself at noon, this energizing cocktail of Grape, Raspberry, and Pina Colada that is Dyed a beautiful purple and has very small amounts of Alcohol in it.You can also order the drink as a soda. NO MULLAY-POP DRINK FOR MINORS. SO HA. Milkyway Milkshake:30.00H$ Not totally 21 yet? This is for you. Our Delicous milkshake comes in any flavour of Ice cream, hand-mixed with your Favourite candy mixed in. And ask for the Chocolate Mousse on top! Glowwurm Milkshake: 30.00H$ This great Milkshake is made from Glowing milk! -Don't Drink and drive. Or else I'll GET you. Second Course/appetizers Cloudy Aisha:30.00H$ A wonderful appetizer. These Cupcakes are Vanilla-Flavored and have a cloud design on it. White Uni:30.00H$ A sweet Second course! This healthy salad has delicous veggies with your choice of dressing. ORRRRRR you cand get skinless chicken fingers! Silver Heart award: 30.00H$ A One of a kind appetizer that will make you want even more! The silver heart award is an order of Silver-dyed Heart-shaped Cheeseburgers. The Cheese House of Horrors: 50.00H$ Cheese here and Cheese there! [b cheesy nachoes!:50.00H$ these nachoes are wonderful, and the cheese used depends on cheesemasters cheese o' da week or so!][/b] Yellow Submarine: 50.00H$ We all live in a yellow submarine! This second Course is a delicious salad with submarine-shaped cheese and strawberries on the side. Dessert Mullay-pop:100.07H$ Our Famous dessert is a Minature cake in your choice of either White or Chocolate that is made from the finest ingredients availible, and has a purple lollipop in the center. Neon Comet Birthday Cake:100.00H$ The Best Birthday Cake avilable!!!! Bold=new item *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*
  17. *~*The Grand Illusion*~* *starts Singing along with the Jukebox* "....MONEY! Get back..." Your're hired as a Bartender. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*
  18. *~*The Grand Illusion*~* [LOL. I actually don't like pickles. Oh-and if this dies, I'll hurt you.] *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*
  19. *~*The Grand Illusion*~* My Brother's had a handful of girlfreinds just like that. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*
  20. *~*The Grand Illusion*~* Yes! Of course. You may add to the menu, but I do have the right to delete things or add to them. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*
  21. Theres nothing stopping me aside from myself; I have standards to maintain, and as I said before, I havent any use for a girlfriend until im about 20/21. So you have fun but regrettable experiences? This is concerning to me... I dont think you're heading in the right direction, relationship-wise. Well, regrettable can mean a lot of things. Example. I regret ever being with the first guy I was with, but at the same time I think it was better for starting to get used to being with someone. I regret it because of the way I handled it. It's in a way my fault he hates me. But this is an experience that pretty much made me learn a lesson: Don't go out with someone more than once, especially if it's a week later and you're only going to dump this person soon after. Anyways, I think dating when you're older would be slightly harder since you won't be used to all the huggy-feely stuff. So what are these standards anywho? You don't really have to change your mind about dating, but yeah, just a few of my opinions. I wont guarantee anything, but There are probably some oddballs around in your school, in the religion of Mormon/LDS... I'm among them. And we tend to keep rather high standards. =D That doesnt really answer your question (but to explain my statement before, More than just a few mormons decided that the standards arent worth keeping. They arent really great examples of anything.) but I dont much want to turn this topic into a religion debate. So, i'll list a few basic standards... Do not date until you are at least sixteen years of age (By then you're physically and mentally and emotionally mature enough to handle a relationship. Statistically, Dating that starts at any younger age than that gets off to bigger things too soon. ... like sexual relation at age 13 and all. That should be avoided, see...) and even then avoid private dates. Group dating is highly encouraged, as it can keep you out of sticky situations. If you wanted, you could just go with saying 'the more, the merrier' but dating alone should happen, if at all, in a fairly active place. Six Flags, for example. A well-lit, very occupied place like that can keep you out of doing something stupid. Primarily why I choose not to take dating seriously at my age is that it its... highly expected of the young men in the church to go on a mission for them. (And I dang well plan on doing this.) At age 18 or 19 or so, you go off for a 24-month mission in a location assigned to you from the big guys in charge. High councel, if you wanna call them. It could be a few states away from your home, it could be in africa, it could be in canada, it could be... across to the other side of your home country, 'Bout anywhere. Within reason. and Yeah, You read right; 24-month. Two years. (Think about it; Its only, what, 3% of your lifespan?) I digress, primarily why I dont take dating seriously at my age is that should I have a girlfriend and I leave her for two years, Somewheres around half way through i'll probably get a Dear John letter and be very upset. I wouldnt want that to happen. I dont think i'd be able to take it. (This also means that in 4-5 years, i'll have another few-year-absence. But with a good excuse.) But, Dating is somewhat encouraged for 16-18 year olds in my church, in the mentality of its practice for serious 'courting' when you're about 20, 21. Its been stated by others than myself; You dont need a girlfriend till you're about 20 years old. I keep high standards. It really does make you stand out. Especially while the standards of the rest of the world are receeding, lowering down to the point of the definition of 'dating' is to see who can have sex in the most admirable fashion, to some. Its sickening. *~*The Grand Illusion*~* Oooh. I've written a song about that kind of stuff. =\ *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*
  22. 1. Black Heart of the Rainbow 2.How could it hurt (when it looks so good?) 3. Domino 4. Wild Blue Yonder*** 5. Missing Melody 6. Remember that day 7. No-name Love song** 8.Rubiks cube of a world 9. Electric Fetus 10. An Eon of Neon 11. Across The Dreamscape 12. Welcome to the Morgue 13.Nintendo64 14. Game Boy* 15. Speed of Dark, speed of silence 16. Death Factory 17. Sex is not a Dirty word ** 18. Dreamworks and Whispers 19. Get Into the Groove 20.Where is the Good in Good-Bye? 21. Eeveealation 22. The Boomtang Beat (Black Hole Boogie)* 23. Northern Lights 24. September 25. At the edge of Infinity 26.One Day in May 27. I am baby (i am Baby) 28. Milk Money 29. The Same Five songs 30. Stop Sign 31. Studies In Scarlet 32. Silver eye-liner 33. The Cremation of Creation 34. Die in my arms 35. SkwerlHugger Will 36. Rock America 37. (The media is a) Love Machine 38. Sometimes I wonder 39. Night Prowling 40.Emotherepy
  23. We currently need: More Waiters More Waitreses Bartenders -We accept all Major Credit cards and The Red Market Buyer's Card- -special events!- Sunday-Free Jukebox day. The Jukebox is completly free today! Monday-Double Drinking Midnight Madness!Come in at Midnight for FREE beverages! tuesday-Teacher's day! Free Faceless Child MilkyWayShakes! Wednsday-Excersise day! Make 10 posts anywhere and get a free Meal! Thursday-Free Socks day! Get a free pair of socks with every purchase! Friday-Fetal Position Friday!! Eerything is 10.00H$ less than normal! Saturday-Mouthfull of seeds day! Whoever comes in with a mouthful of seeds gets a free Drink!
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