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Hampsterdance Discussion Board


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Everything posted by Mushroom_king

  1. *~*The Grand Illusion*~* I'm gonna try and get The art comps up again, so I am making another one. This is The Art Comp for August 2006. The Theme is: The Psychedelic Luau !!!! Rules: 1. The artwork MUST fit the theme. 2. You can only submit one piece of art. 3. Do not play with Pyros. 4. Don't complainif you don't win. 5. No mean comments. 6. Don't kill Arkcher. Prizes: 1st place winner: a Psychedelic Luau Trophy and Red Market Buyer's Card. 2nd place winner: a Final Cut Trophy and a Coupon for Planet Horatio. 3rd place winner: a Grand Illusion Trophy and 3,000.75H$. If you don't win, don't worry. You still get a Know Your Mushrooms Trophy and a Sheena Plushie. ^ _ ^ *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*
  2. *~*The Grand Illusion*~* I'm gonna make a New art comp. *~*The Psychedelic luau*~*
  3. *~*The Grand Illusion*~* Okay I picked The winner. 3rd Place: MEGA WOLF for her Mushroom Army Piccy! 2nd Place: CHEESEMASTER for his Dragon thingy! and the winner is WILDCAT for your Shroom Wars!!!!! Here is your're Psychedelic Luau Trophies! Thanks for entering. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*
  4. Haven't you heard the saying "Men have sex on the brain"? *~*The Grand Illusion*~* *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*
  5. *wonders what that random guy would think when he saw the toothy grin and puckered lips of the wolf aiming towards his face* Haha, this would be interesting. Even more so if you had a couple of drools hanging from your jowls! *~*The Grand Illusion*~* LOL *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~* Then in your most seductive wolfie voice... "Pucker up my sweet" *~*The Grand Illusion*~* LOL *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*
  6. *wonders what that random guy would think when he saw the toothy grin and puckered lips of the wolf aiming towards his face* Haha, this would be interesting. Even more so if you had a couple of drools hanging from your jowls! *~*The Grand Illusion*~* LOL *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*
  7. *~*The Grand Illusion*~* The Grand Finale-Styx *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*
  8. *~*The Grand Illusion*~* ....Why does everyone think my brother has had sex.... *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*
  9. *~*The Grand Illusion*~* She just suddenly stopped posting. I wish you could of known her, and The Hamster, and ABG, and every other awsome person who left. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*
  10. 1. wow. You do that so fitting often. its boring now. ._. 2. I do it all the time. Go ahead. ; 3.naw. 4. I dunno. 5. Go for it. 6. Who? 7. Yeah, man. Johnny Depp alright. 8. Who? 9. Who? 10. 'Tsh, Your loss if you do. and... maybe some other people. 11. How does one tiw? 12. I dunno, but I'd ask her first. 13. Uh, Looking at its poor condition, what with the in-grown nail and the swellings, cuts, blisters and bleedings, That might be a wise thing to do. O_o; 14. PRobably wont work, but go ahead. 15. naw. 16. Nope. Evil stuff. 17. I'd... rather not. 18. If you want to get clabbered back. ;D 19. Sure, why not. 20. Some of them, yeah. 1. I DUN CARE WHAT'CHOO THINK. (I'm lying.) 2. Q-tips or Cotton balls? Q-TIPS OR COTTON BALLS?! 3. wan. 4. I think I already did. Back in 2005. :ninja: 5. *slams* XD 6. Poindexter= Bad guy from Felix The Cat. 7. n_n 8. Tommy Shaw=Guitarest of Styx and GREAT singer. Go get the Grand Illusion. Before I kill you. 9. The Master Cylinder=another bad guy from Felix The Cat. Gumbah-Goo is his Brother. 10. Now that I think about, I wouldn't have anyone to Beat to a pulp on a saturday night...and the guys at school would try to ask me out..(I told them all that i'm married.O_o) 11. I mean tie. ._. 12. I already put her in the Meat Grinder I'll go ask her. :ninja: 13. n_n *dances over to Arkcher's big toe and cuts it off with a Meat Cleaver* 14. I've done it before. 15. I wasn't planning to 16. i wasn't planning to 17. But...I need practise...Before school starts. And I am DEFINITLY not kicking my guy freinds where it hurts. Of course not! 18. ._. This is one of those moments where i wish TBFOF was my freind again. (Remember "BRING IT ON, LENNON!"?) 19. *elbows in the face* 20. Cool. I prolly can't get away with killing you. Or can I? *plays record player* MWAHAHAHAHAHAAHA! Oh wait it's on "Flaming". *Changes it to "Empty Spaces"*
  11. My sisters do that. Its kind of funny to watch. *~*The Grand Illusion*~* My Freind Jackrabbit tried to kiss me once! But I didn't let him. Well, I let him kiss me on the cheek. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*
  12. *~*The Grand Illusion*~* O_o Are you EVER gonna finish This? *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*
  13. thats wut YOU think *~*The Grand Illusion*~* All of my brothers girlfreinds wanted him to have sex. If he wanted it, he would of agreed. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*
  14. Coooooooooo(etc.)l! *glows* *gives MK a new award - the Artistic Animal(mushroom in this case) Award* *~*The Grand Illusion*~* Thanks, but i'm not a Mushroom. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*
  15. *wonders what that random guy would think when he saw the toothy grin and puckered lips of the wolf aiming towards his face* *~*The Grand Illusion*~* *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*
  16. [yippie!!! You must not let this die! darn no pickles to dodge..... ] [-stealthily lobs three pickles at Honey- Muhaha! >D] [Wait! Are those bread and butter pickles???? *catches pickles mid-air*] *dodges pickles than realizes Horatio is eating them so hands Arkcher some more pickles and runs* *calls Glowurm and the rest of the Hammie Group to start grabbing and eating more pickles* Yum! *chomps on a pickle* [gives up dodging *nibbles on pickle*] Good, aren't they? *hands a bucket of pickles for Honey's horses* *gets a microphone* Who wants stuff for their pickes? We have vegemite, some jams, some marmalades, some nuts, some seeds, some peanut butter, some chichen, some clothes for people who want to keep their pickle as a 'pet', and much, much more! [ Peanut Butter Pickles please!!!! ] [Yum! That sounds interesting! *hands Honey some Peanut Butter Pickles and points to the Pickle Pasture for her to turn her horses out into*] [*munches on pickle* Delicous! Turns out horses!!! And demands the story continues!!!! ] [Good idea... back to the story!] *~*The Grand Illusion*~* [Arkcher is in YE OLDE MISSOURI right now. Without a computer. Trust me. Do you want me to write the next part for him?] *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~* [Yeah, man. I was in YE OLDE MISSOURI alright. But i had a compy. just didnt remember the URL to 'dis here board. so i didnt come. Instead i emailed everyone telling them how boring they were and how they dont email me back any no nothing. And some other stuff. and looked up game cheats for MP:H.] [so. Okay, um. Im gonna keep thinking of stuff to put in thar.] [and Supra Vanilla MAmmal of Death or whatever your name is, thats a story for pretty well everyone in the board, so i... guess everyones in it. It makes more sense if you read the last few times i tried writing this. ah whatever. I'm makin it up as I go, so i'll remember to put'cha in there somewheres.] I'll make this easy for you. www.hampsterdance.com Just think of Hampton and his pals, the Hampsters, dancing. We missed you, so please don't go so far away and not get in touch!!!!!!!! BTW... were you up there visiting Toto and - Kat -? Kansas is very close! [He was stalking me. ;_; Arkcher- Just go to Hampsterdance.com, click on talk and tell, and click Message board. Then you can access us.]
  17. *~*The Grand Illusion*~* Here are some Avatars That For newer users. <- Glowurm's Avatar. <-Social_Outcast's Avatar. *~*The Psychedelic luau*~*
  18. *~*The Grand Illusion*~* Cool! Theres a bat in the Meat Grinder Loaf. *~*The Psychedelic luau*~*
  19. *~*The Grand Illusion*~* This is a Great poem. I need to give you my Cloudy aisha Award for it. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*
  20. Wonderful!!! You have just earned yourself The Platinum Moon Award!!! *~*The Grand Illusion*~* Cool. *Dances* *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*
  21. *dodges* Know Your Mushrooms [COLOR=#000000]K[/COLOR][COLOR=#2F0000]n[/COLOR][COLOR=#4E0000]o[/COLOR][COLOR=#650000]w[/COLOR] [COLOR=#760000]Y[/COLOR][COLOR=#870000]o[/COLOR][COLOR=#970000]u[/COLOR][COLOR=#A70000]r[/COLOR] [COLOR=#B70000]M[/COLOR][COLOR=#B70000]u[/COLOR][COLOR=#A70000]s[/COLOR][COLOR=#970000]h[/COLOR][COLOR=#870000]r[/COLOR][COLOR=#760000]o[/COLOR][COLOR=#650000]o[/COLOR][COLOR=#4E0000]m[/COLOR][COLOR=#2F0000]s[/COLOR] *~*The grand illusion*~* Thanks! You get an IBTWYPDB award. *~*The Psychedelic luau*~*
  22. Quit the council, Lee. Let's go celebrate somewhere else with the other non-loved people. [OMG. You think just because I didn't put you is some story that I hate you guys.]
  23. I have one word, and I think I may have to put it in my siggy: He! [i was talking about Hoops. ._.] Bah. *thumps head on keyboard* Mwehe, sorry. [That's Okay. Don't hurt yourself!]
  24. *~*The Grand Illusion*~* Here is some more art. <- 'Acopalypse' <-It's Skimball from The Legend of Giza. He's Practicing Karate.
  25. *~*{The}{Grand}{Illusion}*~* Here is your Jig! Your employed. *~*{The}{Psychedelic}{Luau}*~*
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