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Hampsterdance Discussion Board


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Everything posted by Mushroom_king

  1. You didn't make a mistake, you attached this! Great card!!! *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* It went into my Short-term memory. XD I think I have Water Kirby, Iron Kirby, and Baton Kirby on my other Compy. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*
  2. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* A note to Employees-you can come to this topic and pick up your Payment on Fridays. Your payment is 100.00H$. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*
  3. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* XD I think I'll print that our and tape it to my binder. XD I think Ill get a freind to take a picture of me with a Pink Floyd CD in front of my face. Here are my HD portraits. Glowurm TB MK Arkcher *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*
  4. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* Alright. Here are the Kirby Cards Glowurm purchased from me. I've only finished one, but I think I have some more on my dad's computer.
  5. We should all like, do silly edits like that to real pictures of our real selves. I have a good one of me, who wants to do the edit? -raises hand- I shall... Oh wait a minute... I got a relatively humorous idea. We do a W1K parody and have a Photoshop This Photo contest of sorts, One person uploads a photo, like a hamster or something, And everyone else comes in and applies mad MS Pain skillz or photoshop skillz and makes it... more.. different. More humorous wins, (Not necessarily talented or well-done, considering I think only about five members here have photoshop.) or... whatever is specified by whoever uploads the photo. Of course, with the whole copyrighting mess applied. that kind of goes without saying though. Very cool idea! I like it. Let's do it! Now, let's talk about the way your holding that burger. That was some big huge burger I got at Applebee's once. I forgot what it was, but it was pretty good. Muh dad said it was hilarious (He has a wierd sense of humor.) and asked if anyone had a camera, and I remembered I had that digital camera in my backpack (which goes nowhere without me. Since i dont have an official compy, my backpack and its contents go wherever I do. =D) so my sister or someone took that picture, and... I guess i decided to hold it with like 3 fingers, so I did. ... so you could see the whole thing. yeah, thats it. Then i ate it. ... and it kept falling apart. I don't know why I find it so funny. x_X You're just holding it so proper. It looks like you're at a tea party, or something... And how do you know I wasnt at a tea party or something? OOH. SNAP. ...So are you admitting that you were at a tea party? ... <__<; Not necessarily. I'm just... asking how you know i may or may not have been participating in the tea party. supposing one was there to begin with. uh, yeah. Riiiiiiiiiiiiight... ARKCHER WAS AT A TEA PARTY! XD AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* XD XD XD XD XD XD XD *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*
  6. 1. No. Because if you die, then we lose a member. And nobody wants to lose another member. [Yayyy.] 2. I award this question with a Yes. [*dances*] 3. It's up to ya. [Yes.] 4. I came up with this brilliant new thingamabobby that makes all of the people of the world cough after laughing evilly. Only animals can laugh evilly without coughing. And I am an animal. Bwahahahahahahah*cough* [No comment.] 5. SUGAR!?!? 6. No ! ! 7. If I were paper, I would be a lot more scared. 8. Yap, ur a gud riter! 9. I blame the simpsons. 10. Erm... Perhaps he really wanted to be your sidekick? You seemed good friends before you began that 'Who wants to be MK's sidekick?' thing... 11. I would die. Before he even did anything with the probe. 12. Gbjsdondsdfibnsdonb? Iwbjgbi! 13. Would I ever! 14. Perhaps. 15. Yesh! It must liiiive! I work there 16. I don't know whether I feel yellow or brown, but either way I can hear magenta... 17. It works! It's a success! Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha*cough* 18. Horatio, we need a pirate smiley! 19. Yes. *gives IQ point* 20. Gaah... *drools* Must... play... mario... *kicks bowser's behind* 1. Alright. 2. Yayyy! 3. Yes. 4. mwahahahahahahahha *cough* 5. Only if you want to kiss me. 6. Yes 7. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA*cough* 8. Yaaa. I is a gud riter. 9. Yes. 10. No, that's TBFOF. He's hated me since last August. TGHL left us before you came here. 11. O_O 12. ndlnhIHBNSWKVWAVLI;B!!!!!!!!! bfusdbvuilgabeuigv? ivjebgrviebvi-blcdvbuea. 13. Alright. Go to The Red Market Topic, I'll post the cards you get there. (They are Kirby cards, if you don't mind.) 14. I hope it does. 15. You could also get a job at The Red Market if you wish. And Arkcher might pay you for answering questions for him. 16. o_O 17. MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA *cough* 18. Anda Robot! And a little kid! and a Reporter! and a guy banging his head against a wall! 19. *feels smarter* 20. Lucky you- I have Super Mario World!
  7. [Yeah Emm-Kaayyyyy Wha'you'wan. <__<] [Finnnnneshhhn thee stooryyyyy.]
  8. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* Yes,, Drug referneces are allowed. But please do not show anone doing drugs. XD *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*
  9. All those images are simply ooh-aah. That mascot46 thing is just... O.O Wooooooow. Wow. Wow wow wowedy-wow. Wow wow. Now with added wow. Multiplied by wow, plus wow, plus the result from multiplying it by wow, to the power of wow. WOW Okay, done now. *runs off to research human anatomy and try to draw some stuffz* Oh, and here's another artistic animal award (AAA!). *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* I didn't draw that, It's from Zetapets. I'm going to maybe print it out and learn to draw it though. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astonomy Domine*~*
  10. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* WONDERFUL! You need a Cloudy Aisha ribbon for this! Please Continue. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astonomy Domine*~*
  11. *~*The Grand Illusion*~* 1. If I took over the world, failed, and didn't apoligise, would I die? 2. Do you consider me a close freind? 3. Do I consider you a close freind? 4. Why do I al;ways cough after doing my evil laugh? 5. My lip gloss tastes like sugar. 6. Am i the only one who uses the smiley here? 7. Stapeler. 8. Am I a gud riter? 9. Why are all the smileies (except and ) yellow? 10. Whatever happened to TGHL? 11. What would you do if you woke up one night and found Justin Timberlake trying to put a 50-foot probe up your nose? 12. fghpnvpbhufidshvnlsakgvbiv 13. Would you like to buy a pack of cards? 14. Will the Red Market ever be prosperous again? 15. Will Planet Horatio ever be prosperous again? 16. 17. Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahamwahahahahahahahahmuahahahahahahaha! *cough* 18. 19. If you answer this question, will I gain an IQ point? 20. Would you like to play with my Super Nintendo? *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*
  12. *~*The Grand Illusion*~* No one poked TGHL when he appeared! *Hides from Arkcher's stick-bashings* *~*The Psychedelic luau*~*
  13. So there. it doesnt make you more hungry. i felt like i ate that cheeseburger and it was really good. *sighs* seriously, the only point of eating is the taste anyway. i was telling lucy how id be like 70 pounds if i had no taste buds. WAY TOO LITTLE EVEN FOR ME, LAUREN! um duh! did you notice the "if i had no taste buds." *sigh* so.. i DO have taste buds and i binged today :[ *sighs again* stop sighing and vocalize your thoughts. new diet buddy! i love support. i have SO much hope today. im fasting till like 5pm tomorrow. O.O If you lived in aus, you should've done the 40 hour famine. That way, you'd be getting sponsored to do something you already do. The 40 hour famine sounds like a stupid thing to me. They prevent children from eating for 40 hours for charity of all things. How crazy!!! *~*The Grand Illusion*~* Yes. *~*The Psychedelic luau*~*
  14. *~*The Grand Illusion*~* HORATIO: I can't remember the topic where we were planning Hoop's welcome back cake, but I'm on my dad's computer and have the image for it. Now for meh new artwork. <- Giza, Mistoffelees, J.C, and Lakister are at The Psychedelic Luau! <-another get well soon card I made. I also had a picture of Horatio's awards, but it's new, but my computer won't let me post it. I might have to try and save it to a different format. *~*The Psychedelic Luau8~*
  15. Mushroom_king

    Band camp

    *~*The Grand Illusion*~* Have Fun. I'm not in band, so I don't have anything else to say. :/ *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*
  16. Is there some kind of explaination to The Pschedelic Luau? I don't really get it, or is this a self-explanatory type thing. *~*The Grand Illusion*~* Psychedelic is the weird, LSD-Colourfull`hippie-stuff. Luaus are Hawaiien Parties. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~* 'Kay, just making sure that there wasn't some other meaningfulness in it. *~*The Grand Illusion*~* Psychedelic Luaus are really just colourful hawaiien parties with all thids music and hippies. But no drugs, 'case we wouldn't want to get arrested. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*
  17. *dodges* Know Your Mushrooms [COLOR=#000000]K[/COLOR][COLOR=#2F0000]n[/COLOR][COLOR=#4E0000]o[/COLOR][COLOR=#650000]w[/COLOR] [COLOR=#760000]Y[/COLOR][COLOR=#870000]o[/COLOR][COLOR=#970000]u[/COLOR][COLOR=#A70000]r[/COLOR] [COLOR=#B70000]M[/COLOR][COLOR=#B70000]u[/COLOR][COLOR=#A70000]s[/COLOR][COLOR=#970000]h[/COLOR][COLOR=#870000]r[/COLOR][COLOR=#760000]o[/COLOR][COLOR=#650000]o[/COLOR][COLOR=#4E0000]m[/COLOR][COLOR=#2F0000]s[/COLOR] *~*The grand illusion*~* Thanks! You get an IBTWYPDB award. *~*The Psychedelic luau*~* Whoot! Awaaaards! *pounces on award* Yummeh! Thanks ...And what is that acronym? *~*The Grand Illusion*~* I'd love to tell you, but then I'd have to kill you. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*
  18. *~*The Grand Illusion*~* Don't think your fat. Fat is my freind Jackrabbit. Starving won't do you any good. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*
  19. *~*The Grand Illusion*~* I love your Drawings, Glowurm. You get a Smurf award for making me happy. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*
  20. We should all like, do silly edits like that to real pictures of our real selves. I have a good one of me, who wants to do the edit? -raises hand- I shall... Oh wait a minute... I got a relatively humorous idea. We do a W1K parody and have a Photoshop This Photo contest of sorts, One person uploads a photo, like a hamster or something, And everyone else comes in and applies mad MS Pain skillz or photoshop skillz and makes it... more.. different. More humorous wins, (Not necessarily talented or well-done, considering I think only about five members here have photoshop.) or... whatever is specified by whoever uploads the photo. Of course, with the whole copyrighting mess applied. that kind of goes without saying though. Very cool idea! I like it. Let's do it! Now, let's talk about the way your holding that burger. That was some big huge burger I got at Applebee's once. I forgot what it was, but it was pretty good. Muh dad said it was hilarious (He has a wierd sense of humor.) and asked if anyone had a camera, and I remembered I had that digital camera in my backpack (which goes nowhere without me. Since i dont have an official compy, my backpack and its contents go wherever I do. =D) so my sister or someone took that picture, and... I guess i decided to hold it with like 3 fingers, so I did. ... so you could see the whole thing. yeah, thats it. Then i ate it. ... and it kept falling apart. I don't know why I find it so funny. x_X You're just holding it so proper. It looks like you're at a tea party, or something... And how do you know I wasnt at a tea party or something? OOH. SNAP. *~*The Grand Illusion*~* How do you know you WERE? Ooh! Burning Buisnessman! *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*
  21. *~*The Grand Illusion*~* OH! I L-O-V-E That! You get a Cloudy Aisha Ribbon. I'm a Brownie. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~* Thanks-ness! *decides to store that award in his memory for the next time he edits his sig* A brownie. Okay, you'll be brown then! When I stop being lazy. I probably won't stop being lazy though. Yay procrastination! *~*The Grand Illusion*~* Actually, I am Spectral, which means one half of me is Rainbow and the other is Black. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*
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