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Everything posted by Mushroom_king

  1. Sounds like the newest Summer action flick. "HORATIO...trapped, alone, with four bots and fourteen guests! Will he survive?! This Summer, Some actor I don't care about is...HORATIO: THE MOVIE"
  2. Horatio looks like Hamtaro! And yea, I'z still a brownie. (I never put much thought into my fur color though.)
  3. Richard looked around and the others, and then up at Cheesemaster again. "Really? But what might you do?" He was about to say something, but Kat jumped up and shouted, "Because he's Cheesus, that's why!" "Mr. Cheesemaster is not Jesus," Said Sterling, folding her arms and getting a pouty look on her face. "I didn't say he is. I said he's Cheesus. Big difference." Kat was about to do a dance and sing in honor of Cheesus, but she was interrupted by Dawn, who got up holding the tea tray. "It seems we ran out of tea," She said, and she started to leave. "I'm off to get more. Who wants to get more?" There came a resounding "Mee!" From everyone, and after Cheesemaster picked up Edna and Kat picked up the other two kids, they went off to the kitchen to get some more. Just as Dawn had gotten more tea and was heading off with the chatty group to to go back and hang out some more, she was surprised to see a looming black figure suddenly appear in front of her; it was none other than Jakob Rabbitt. He turned around, still blocking Dawn's path, and looked at the others. He glared at Kat, and saw she was holing Sterling and Richard in her arms. "What is that thing doing with holding members of my family, my son of all of them?" He sneered, and Kat held them tighter. Edna buried his head into Cheesemaster's chest and Richard cringed. "Hey...stop that, specist." Jakob sneered at her again, and snatched Richard away from her, even though he screamed at him to let him down. "Let me down! Let me down! I was having fun with them!!" "I'll never let you hang out with these type of people," Said Jakob, his voice cold and unemotional. Richard started to cry very loudly. "Let me DOWN!!! LET ME DOOOOOWN!!!!" He screamed, trying to escape from his father's arms. "I'm not letting my son be influenced by any of you, no matter what happens." Richard was now beginning to get violent. "Let me dooown!!!!" He screamed, and he began to sob. "Let me doooown!!!" "Stop that!!!" Yelled Jakob, and you could see a look of violence in his eyes; any idiot could tell he was trying to refrain from hitting the boy. "J-Jakob," Said Dawn, setting the tray on a table and trying to get Richard back from him. "Stop! Stop!" "I...I can't, Dawn!!" The others were all trying to help stop the upcoming angry explosion that Jakob might have; unfortunately, it was their help that made him more upset. "Would you all get OFF OF ME?! I don't need your filth all over me!!" "Don't talk to us that way!!" Shouted Edna, getting very angry. He jumped out of Cheesemaster's arms, and tried to stand up to Jakob. He was still afraid of the man, but he tried to stay brave to confront him. "Rick is my friend!" He shouted up at him. As he said it, Jakob sneered at him, and clutched Richard even harder. "That's preposterous! I've taught my son better then to befriend someone such as you!" Richard tried to tear himself away from his father's arms. "No! Edna is my friend! He's nice to me and he's not a bad kid like you always said he was! The same thing with the others, too! They're nice people!" Jakob huffed, and threw the boy to the ground. Edna gasped and went over to see if he was alright, but Jakob blocked his way every time he tried to get to him. "Don't you dare interfere with my son, orphan!" He shouted, causing Edna to shiver, but he remained brave. Jakob stood over him, and he seemed, to Edna, that he was a hundred feet above him. The others only watched in fear. Jakob looked at his hand and then back at Edna. Edna tried, one again, to run over to Richard, but this time Jakob not only blocked his path but struck him with his cane and then his foot; Cheesemaster gasped and was about to attack Jakob, but Kat kept him from doing so. Edna sat up, examined his wounds, and started to cry. Salty tears ran down his pale, bruised face, and Jakob did nothing. Richard looked over at him, but made no attempt to help him; he knew Jakob would just block his path. "Aww. I made the little orphan cry. Too bad he's got no mother to cry for. She's too busy burning in..." "SHUT UP!!!" screamed Edna, and he leapt up, and before anyone knew it, a powerful energy swept the room; Edna wiped away his tears, and with an unrecognizable shriek Jakob ended up bruised and beaten, on the floor, against the wall. Cheesemaster stood there, looking at Edna, and barely managed to mutter "E-edna?" before James and Julia ran into the room. "What's all the ruckus? What happened?" He looked around and saw the bruises on Edna, Richard on the floor, and Jakob against the wall. "What happened?!" he repeated. Jakob stood up, walked swiftly over to Cheesemaster, and grabbing his collar, muttered through gritted teeth, "You'd better get the #### out of my house," And threw him on the floor. "Jakob?! What did you do this time?!" "These things were being a bad influence on my son, and the orphan seems to have some freak power. I thought Dawn was enough." "What's that supposed to mean?!" Dawn said defensively, until Cheesemaster calmed her down. Jakob began to speak again, but Julia stopped him; she then grabbed Richard and tried to comfort him, and stayed clinging to her. After looking at his head and looking through his hair, she did something she rarely did; she spoke. "Jakob, I see a large bruise here on his skull. What did you do to him?" "He threw him to the ground!!" Dawn yelled without second thought. Julia silently gasped. "Jakob...how could you do that to our one son? You ought to be ashamed of yourself...and I heard all about how you were beaten in a swordfight you started, and I'm assuming you must have beaten one or more of the kids-" "Don't you dare speak to me unless you are spoken to, Woman!!!" He shouted, causing her to shrivel down in fear. James started to confront him, and the others left before a fight erupted. ----------------------------- It was late when Cheesemaster and Edna got home; they had planned to eat dinner at the Rabbitt's, but obviously that plan did not work out, and now they both ate at home. Cheesemaster was making some macaroni for Edna after he patched up Edna's wounds. Cheesemaster had taken off his sweater and coat like he usually did when he was inside his house. This was the first night since they had first met that Edna did not say a single word as dinner was being made; usually he struck up a conversation, but tonight he did not; not until they were both eating. Edna looked up over at Cheesemaster, and said quietly, "Mr. Cheesemaster, aren't you going to eat something?" He looked at Edna, and grinned. "I'm not hungry." "What do you mean? When I say that, you make me eat anyway. What makes you able to deviate from that rule?" Cheesemaster giggled. "Deviate? That's an awful big word for someone as young as you." "You're doing this because we don't have enough money, aren't you?" Cheesemaster said nothing for a moment. "No, it's nothing like that." Edna started to sob a little bit. "We really are poor, aren't we?" Cheesemaster got upset at this. "Don't talk like that! It's not like we're starving or anything! I'm pretty well-off, compared to...well, the way I was at home!" "Why do you say that? I'm sure you already told me that you weren't an orphan...you were poor, ah?" "Some...Something like that. I don't like talking about this, alright?!" He shouted, becoming upset. "Please. I just want to forget everything that's happened to me, and forgive everyone who wronged me." "Even Jakob?" Cheesemaster nodded. "Yes, even him." "How can you forgive someone like that?!" Said Edna, getting angry. "Surely you saw what he did to me, and to his own son even!!" "I saw that. I saw that, Edna. I'm not blind." Edna began to sob. "You don't care do you?!" "Don't say that!!!" He shouted. "I do care! I hate seeing him abuse you like that!! Don't ever say I don't care about you!" "Why should anyone care about me? I'm not even your real brother or son! It doesn't count!" Cheesemaster began to sob with him, and he ran over to him, and picked him up and threw him into his arms. "It counts every last bit!!! Don't ever say something like that!" The two of them sobbed for what seemed like an eternity, and then looked at each other. Cheesemaster wiped his tears, and then Edna's, and then he smiled at him. "If you're done, then let's go to bed." ----------------------------- The next day, the two of them had gotten up early; Cheesemaster wanted to do some reading, and Edna pretended he could get up early too, but he fell asleep in the armchair. The house was completely silent, save for the flipping of the page of Cheesemaster's book, until a loud crash was heard, waking Edna up instantly. It was Kat, with a top hat, monocle, and curly mustache. "I HAVE TEN DOLLARS!!!!!!" She yelled, pointing a gun at the two of them. "Now fork over all money and women, too!" "No." "Blast! Foiled again!" [bLAST! FOILED AGAIN!]
  4. YOU BETTER Tonight I am not going to order off the menu, I am just going to allow the waiter to bring me a small salad, a main course and coffee following the meal. Please let my server know. Thank you. ok. -gets whip-
  5. It's been a long time since I last posted a song, so I decided to post all the ones I've written recently. Has anyone seen the cat? When the news of your death is told so suddenly to me, It doesn't take to long for me to cry When my eyes well up and my mouth becomes unable to speak words, It's that time when I need you more than ever It seems you only stayed here for a short time It seems you didn't want me near you very much I still remember when you were a baby, laying with your sisters Back then, you didn't have a name We gave you a name upon the way home And set you in an unfamiliar place full of unfamiliar faces An uninvited guest who would dart around unseen Now I need you more than ever The other three don't seem to understand but Now I need you more than ever The other three don't bother to be near me Now I need you for forever I watched you grow up and you became the cutest thing I saw But you were running in and out causing me to worry You always came back but this time you didn't Where have you gone this time? I only wish you were here with me If you could understand me then you would see Now I need you more than ever The other three belonged to each of us But you belonged to no one You belonged to me, or him, or all of us, You were everyone's friend Now I need you more than ever The other three don't seem to understand but Now I need you more than ever The other three don't bother to be near me Now I need you for forever It's time for me to get going I need to keep moving Gotta keep your death out of my mind I'll find a new one if you'd just give me time I'll never forget your cute face and cute greeting When you opened the door to come and see me When you were here, I knew I was yours For you followed me wherever I went But today, you won't follow me anymore No longer will I look and see you, right next to me You were next to me all this time I need you more than ever I need you more than any other That's all I have to say I've had enough for this day I need to get out of this town I need to get out of this town But I also need to stick around I've done everything that there is to do A hundred times and then some There's nothing left for me in this town Just friends and high school and all my memories somehow i think that if i leave, it'll become like the places I used to go That weren't so good But back then it seemed like they were Once I finish High School, maybe I'll go to College But after that I'm leaving here Trust me I'll stay in contact, if I could I'd take you with me But what happens, that we'll see But something is keeping me here Part of it's my friends but there's something else The memories, i think, they're killing me They're suffocating me I need to get on out of this town I was never meant to be here in the first place But I'm glad I met you I'm glad I met you I'm glad that we got to be friends I hope that if I leave You'll never forget about me I won't let you do that I hope that we can always Be the same as we are now Hanging out on the weekends I hope it can stay that way But I don't know what's gonna happen I'm scared to see what happens The future is killing me Have you Forgotten? Just the other day you and me were talking Hanging out like we always do I suddenly thought of something that happened Just a couple months ago It involved all of us And honestly it was pretty funny It's a good story to share it's the kind you tell your kids But it seems something has gone wrong It seems that you have...forgotten that moment I told you about others and you said you forgot them all My eyes welled up but I was in public so I sucked back the tears This could very well be the very last straw A signal saying it's time to end it all But I continue because you guys we've had some good times Even if you seem to forget them Maybe everything never happened Maybe I'm just living a lie Maybe It's time to say Good-Bye But I simply can't do that because you're way to special to me I have no more to say Let me think for the rest of the day AsIHoldYouDeadInMyArms And When The Wind outside is getting colder And When The Person I am Gets Older And When The fog on my glasses gets bigger as my tears begin to drown me And When It's Time for you to go And When You see George and Donti and Tolly and Callie And When The Shovel preparing Your grave is digging And When the Noise of the shovel gets louder And When the Winter ice numbs me so Oh my blood is warm but yours is so cold As I hold You Dead in my arms The Back of The Bathroom Wall Have you Ever read graffiti and found it uplifting? As good as a book you read, and as pretty as a work of art? Lemme tell you about what I read on The Back of The Bathroom Door. I see written in black ink pen is someone's MySpace I dunno why, maybe they want attention I don't have a MySpace but if I did I'd visit you I see written in blue marker are some flowers and the phrase "Don't Worry, Be Hippie" Hey, Man, I'm not much of a hippie But Maybe if I was I wouldn't worry so much But I kinda like my video games and all my gothic poetry But I also like my Tye-Dye so I guess I'm fine I see written in a blackish-blue Pen The lyrics to a Ramones song Hey, man! I like that band! Maybe we oughta be friends I see written in between the bricks The Names of couples written in pen What a shame, I don't have a date, Otherwise I'd write my own alongside yours I see written in many different kinds The Names and Dates of tourists long and left behind Hey I'm a tourist too, I hope you're having fun I want to write my own name alongside yours I see written somehow in Pencil A poem in German, I wonder what it's about Someday I'll learn German, and hope it hasn't washed away And learn what you were talking about Christopher Hey, Chris, knock knock it's me again It's been over five years since we saw each other last Remember how you said goodbye, just the day before Christmas break? I wonder how you've been since then And it's been so long since we talked last I remember the way we talked about games and anime together Since then things have changed, and the truth is hard to see, Oh Chris if you saw me now would you recognize me? I don't quite remember the first day we met Must have been in Kindergarten 'cause that's as long as I knew you Hey, remember those trading cards you made and gave to me? Guess what, I still got 'em I stamped the words "I Miss You" On them and sometimes I still look at them and remember the good times we had Remember how you said goodbye During the Christmas song the whole school tried I got your number and e-mail but it's changed or maybe I lost it Oh Chris if you saw me now would you recognize me? You know I've had a lot of friends Who I only knew for a while and I never saw them again or heard from them But while I do think about them, I knew you long before I knew them And I knew you far longer then I knew them And some days I lie in bed Thinkin', "Hey, where did he go, anyway?" But you know not everything was great I remember about a week, for me you had this strange strong hate And oh, how I cried that night But days passed that felt like years And before I knew it you wiped away my tears And said, "Hey Let's be friends again" But then you moved and I haven't heard from you since, and I hope you hear this song even if you don't know it's me And even better I hope you know how I much I miss you Oh Chris if you saw me now, if you saw me now, would you recognize me? StarTropics Come on, now, you want a good game? Come here and let me tell you and you'll never be the same! He has hair like Lucas and a YoYo like Ness, He traverses islands and caves just like all the rest. He uses a slingshot like Animal Crossing and Link, If that doesn't make you wanna play...well, come on, just think. It's as hard as Kid icarus, if not harder, but hey- Enough with comparisons, come on and let's play! Before Mike Jones was a rapper, we had this NES gem! Oh how forgotten, will it get enough attention? God knows when! This has to be the most difficult game I've ever played But it's not so much frustrating as it makes me want more, and hey When I finally get through, it's such a satisfying thing, And then, guess what, do it all over again! Before Mike Jones was a rapper, we had this NES gem! Oh how forgotten, will it get enough attention? God knows when! So what is the story, you'll probably ask: Well, let's take a look. There's a pitcher from Washington and his name is Mike, His uncle Dr. Jones invited him to these islands, But it seems he's been kidnapped so now Mike is looking for him What happens in the end? You'll have to play to find out! Before Mike Jones was a rapper, we had this NES gem! Oh how forgotten, will it get enough attention? God knows when! Oh, and don't forget, the most puzzling of questions: Did you dip your uncle's letter in the water? Ode to Geno (spoken)GENO WHIRL!!! (smashing noise) (spoken)9,999!!!! (music begins here) (sung)Once upon a time in 1996, Came a video game from Nintendo and Square-Enix! It's a pretty good game, but most of all, I know- There's the best loved character, a puppet called Geno! (spoken)Well, that isn't his real name. Just the doll's name. Nope, his real name was too hard to pronounce. (sung) Yea, he was just a lifeless little toy Who belonged to the Toad named Gaz (Had no idea he was a boy) But one fateful night, a restless star came down And took control and he started walking around! What happened next? Well, he took off for the woods Gaz asked Mario to go get him and he said he would After following him for hours through the Forest Maze, They found he wasn't lying about Geno taking off, and they were just amazed Geno explained that he'd come from afar To find the pieces to fix the road of stars Because if he didn't, then no wishes would come true So Mario and Mallow said, "Hey, we'll help you!" So Geno joined them, and they all helped each other out They found he's really strong, which is something everyone seems to like about Him, and his very catchy theme song That I could listen to all day long There's a lot of great things about the game, I know But most of all I really love Geno! He came from the stars just to save our wishes Go, Go, Geno, go repair Star Road Go repair Star Road Go make our wishes come true and repair Star Road Go, Go, Geno!
  6. not good enough. Because my restaurant has soup. And a maniac toaster. We also have a Jack Nicholson air conditioner But do you have a Peter Max lava lamp? yes we also have a Peter Lorre ceiling fan How about a Joey Ramone meat grinder in rainbow colours? We. Have. EVERYTHING. Even a Billy Idol. Like, Billy Idol of everything.
  7. not good enough. Because my restaurant has soup. And a maniac toaster. We also have a Jack Nicholson air conditioner But do you have a Peter Max lava lamp? yes we also have a Peter Lorre ceiling fan
  8. Let me guess. They would ship Edna/Cheesemaster (adoptive parent and child), Aloysius/Arkcher (actualy parent and child), Stewart/Klaus (twins), and Jakob/Cheesemaster (two people who hate each other's guts)
  9. He stood back up, turning around, and gave Cheesemaster a threatening glance; he smirked, which unsettled Jakob greatly, and said, "I'll stand here and let you attack me. It's only fair." "You'll rue the moment you said that," Jakob said in between breaths. Edna, who stood in the back watching, whimpered; he knew what was going to happen. "Don't do it!!" He shouted, worryingly. "It's suicide!!" Cheesemaster laughed under his breath. "I don't think so." Jakob scowled at him again. "There you go, thinking you have the most amazing intuition ever." "Who said it was intuition?" Edna started to choke up. "HE'LL KILL YOU!!!" Jakob positioned himself an inch away from Cheesemaster, and Jakob shut his eyes and lunged forward, only to find he had not struck him; he had vanished yet again. "DENSETSU NO...." Came a shout, and Jakob gasped in shock, knowing this was the last hit he could take. "....SAYANORA!!!!" He shouted again, and Jakob's heart nearly stopped when he heard a loud clang behind him. He turned, slowly, and the boy was behind him. "You're lucky that missed you," He said, his tone suddenly very serious. "That's my best attack." Jakob was now beginning to breathe, more heavily then ever. His sword dropped out of his hands and he fell to his knees. "I hate to say this," He said breathlessly, "But you win this time." Neither of them said anything; and when Jakob finally looked up, he saw Cheesemaster kneeling down, his hand reached out to help him stand up. Jakob looked at him for a moment, before shoving him away away. "Don't touch me!" He shouted, as he got himself up, and nearly fell down again. "What a sore loser," Cheesemaster muttered under his breath. "Any good man will accept defeat. And no one should just shove someone off when they're helping them." Jakob growled. "Boy, I'm a prosecutor with one loss. One. Single. Loss. I pride myself in that. I'm not about to change my way of thinking for a sword fight with a little boy." "That's a horrible way of thinking," Said Cheesemaster, even though he knew he would cause another fight. "If you don't lose, you're not going to learn anything." Jakob scoffed at him. "You really accept losses?! I'll never expect anything less than a win...especially after the way my brother beat me in that case!! Cheesemaster folded his arms and shut his eyes. "I refuse to say more. This will spark another fight." Jakob smirked. "So I have won this battle of words." ------------------------------ Cheesemaster, Jakob, and Edna made their way up to the Dining Room where Dawn and Sterling were; they were over by the wall, examining something. The three of them ran over to them, and saw Kat had ran through the wall. Jakob sighed and put his face into his hand, muttering "I should REALLY stop fixing that wall...", and he went and glared down at the girl. "Well, since I'm here, I ought to hang out for a while," Said Kat, getting up and dusting herself off. Jakob quickly objected to this. "No, no, NO!!! It's horrid enough that the newsie and orphan are in my house! I can't have this feline in my home now!!!" "Hey..." Said Kat, scowling. "Specist." Jakob's eye twitched, as he knew Kat wasn't leaving anytime soon. Edna tried to contain his laughter. Jakob sighed. "Very well. I'll be getting someone to fix this soon." "Oh, I can do it if you like." Suggested Cheesemaster. Jakob swiftly turned his head and scowled at him in disgust. "Don't you even try to suggest something as repulsive as that!" "I was just suggesting," He muttered, and he picked up Edna. Dawn laughed, and grabbed Cheesemaster's hand and Kat's paws; Edna was scooped up by Cheesemaster, and Sterling by Kat, and Edna laughed when he saw Cheesemaster was blushing now that he was holding hands with two girls. They all were taken to one of the Manor's sitting rooms, which was enormous; even more enormous than Arkcher's sitting room at his Mansion. Dawn already had tea set out for everyone, and two cups of hot milk for Kat and Edna. "Chai for Cheesie, Green for Sterling, and Black tea for me. And hot milk for you two, because Kat loves it and I wasn't sure what Edna likes." "Oh, thank you so much, Ms. Rabbitt," He said, nearly dropping his glass in excitement. "You're so nice." Edna was about to take a sip when Cheesemaster giggled and said, "Let's play Corrupt-A-Wish, shall we?" Dawn laughed with excitement, Kat was barely containing her joy, and Edna looked confused. "It's a game," Cheesemaster explained to Edna, "Where one of us makes a wish and someone else corrupts it. Here, we'll show you. Make a wish." Edna thought for a long time, until he answered: "I wish I had known my parents," He said, with sadness in his voice and a smile on his face. Everyone was silent, until Kat blurted out, "But then you would find out that they're both idiots." And she laughed. Edna looked angry, but then he laughed with her. Kat stopped, and looked at everyone. "I wish I could live in a box on the moon." Dawn answered this one: "Yes, but then you would learn that Homo-Hitler lives there with his Moon-Nazis." She took a drink, and then said, "I wish cardboard was delicious." "What'choo talking about?!" Shouted Kat. "Cardboard is DELICIOUS!!!!!" Edna tried not to giggled. "Kitty, don't tell me you've..." "I have! I was pretending to be a hobo once and ate a box. It was the best thing I've ever eaten! I should have eaten the pizza too but I got full." Edna started laughing even harder now, and was trying not to. "Yes, cardboard would be delicious....but only to Kat." Said Cheesemaster. "I wish I could play a guitar." Kat took a drink. "Yea, but then no one would care-the new rock fad is the triangle. And the kazoo. And the accordian. Actually, I had a band like that once. I played the rubber band." Edna was suddenly not able to contain it anymore; he burst out laughing, and for a good five minutes, he laughed, until the other four couldn't keep it in anymore and started laughing with him as well. The noise was quite loud, and they were surprised the windows didn't break. Their laughter melted into slight giggles when James checked in on them. "What's going on in here?" Richard stood by his legs, scared, but he grinned when he saw Cheesemaster. "It's you! From the park!" He ran over to him and tried to climb onto his lap. Cheesemaster picked him up and sat him down, and he looked over at Edna, and then looked up at Cheesemaster. James smiled, and then shut the door without saying anything. Richard looked confused. "Why is Edna here? My daddy would never allow him in here." Cheesemaster looked over at Edna. "Because I talked Jakob into letting him in." "Did you two have a duel? My daddy's been mumbling for months about beating you in a swordfight." "That's one way to put it," He said. Richard mouthed "Oh," and slowly shook his head up and down. "So that is why he was so angry." The look of happiness melted away and turned into a look of incredible fear. "Oh, no, what if daddy comes in here and sees me with you? I'll be in so much trouble!!!" Cheesemaster began to look concerned. "I'll not allow that. I'll never allow that."
  10. Granted, but then wearing them at your sides becomes 'the right way'. so No one wins. I wish I had moar hard drive space/just a bigger one. (so do I) Granted, but it still wouldn't be enough. I wish people on dA would stop reading their bad fanfics and read some of the original work for once.
  12. not good enough. Because my restaurant has soup. And a maniac toaster. We also have a Jack Nicholson air conditioner
  13. Because I made a boo-boo. I wish I could lose all my excess weight overnight. Granted, but then Mr. Roboto will steal your lunch. I wish Cheesemaster would start coming back here. Granted, but then Cheesemaster requires you to reply to every single one of his posts and he posts thousands per day. I wish Cheesemaster would start coming back here. Granted, but he would have gone all emo on us. -shivers at the thought- I wish kids at school would laugh at the "gangsta" kids for wearing suspenders by their sides (even though their pants are halfway down their legs), instead of laughing at me for wearing suspenders the right way.
  15. It was the middle of the night, and Edna continued to toss and turn in his sleep. Above him, he saw the black, shadowy figure of Jakob Rabbitt, his evil, hating stare gazing down at Edna. The wind was blowing, and Edna didn't have his coat; He shivered and wrapped his arms around himself, in an attempt to become warmer. From above he heard Jakob laugh. "HA!!" He shouted, his mouth curving into a sickening, hateful smile. "You poor, abandoned orphan! You can't afford any warm clothing for this weather! But I can!" Edna fell down onto his knees. The wind blew even harder now, and he slowly reached his hand to grab his hat, to keep it from blowing away. Jakob cackled at him. "What a worthless thing you are! Nothing but a hated blot on society! You are the same as all the orphans! Worthless! WORTHLESS!!" He shouted down at Edna, who was fell to the ground, shivering even harder now. Snow began to fall, and Jakob continued to laugh at him. Edna began to violently roll around on the ground, as Jakob called his name over and over again. And then he woke up. Cheesemaster had already showered and gotten dressed and was now shaking Edna awake, calling his name. "Edna! Edna! Wake up!" Edna made a small moaning noise, and his eyes slowly opened. He shrieked and pulled the covers over his head. "Edna? What's wrong?" "I had a nightmare," He said, shivering. Cheesemaster grabbed Edna, and held him in his arms, but said nothing. "It's alright. It's alright. I'm here now." Edna whimpered, and started to describe his nightmare to him. "Jakob Rabbitt was laughing at you..." Said Cheesemaster, thinking for a few moments. "Well, that is awful. But don't be so scared, alright? I'll always be here for you, OK? I'll make sure you're safe." Edna made a happy sigh, and then Cheesemaster set him back down on the floor. "Now, you'd better go get washed up. I planned to go to the Rabbitt Manor today to see Dawn and Sterling." "But that's where Jakob lives!" Whimpered Edna, shivering. "We'll be fine! I'll protect you. Plus the rest of the Rabbitts are my friends. They'll be nice to you." Edna nodded, and decided he would believe him for now. "But what of our job?" "I didn't say we were going to see them now," He said, "We'll be seeing them when we're done for the day." Edna nodded, and went to get cleaned up so they could start working. It had gotten a lot warmer outside, the snow had melted, and the sun was out, but it was still a little bit cold; Cheesemaster wore his normal jacket and sweater, but opted for long pants instead of shorts and knee socks. But he folded up his coat and put it into his bag in case he needed it. The day went by normally; Edna now offered to clean people's chimneys for them, though that didn't get a whole lot of business. Much to the two's surprise, there were no unexpected visits from Jakob Rabbitt this time. This was unexpected, and extremely odd to Cheesemaster as ever since he had been working as a paperboy Jakob had always come to bother him every day. But no matter; Edna was incredibly happy by the fact that Jakob had not showed up that day, and he was frightened when they both made their way to the Rabbitt Manor, Edna clinging to Cheesemaster's coat and later his leg as they walked there, and eventually Cheesemaster had no other choice but to carry him, and to constantly comfort him so he would know there was nothing to be afraid of. When the two of them finally got there, Jakob was the one to answer the door. Edna whimpered when he saw his face, which grimaced at the sight of them and twisted into a look of pure hate. "What the #### are you two doing here?" Cheesemaster frowned at him. "I came to see Sterling and Dawn. I brought Edna along with me." "I'll not stand for having orphan scum in my household," He said sternly. "I have a standard I have to set for my family." He glared at Edna, and gritted his teeth, preparing to say something, but closed his eyes and decided not to. "If you'll excuse me, I have my own business to attend to. Would you please get off of my property?" "No! I'm telling you, I planned to see Dawn and Sterling today, and Richard-" Jakob got even angrier. "Don't you DARE try to interfere with MY son!!!" He tried to grab his collar, and Edna whimpered even louder. "I will not allow my son to have two worthless beings as yourselves in his life!" Cheesemaster set Edna on the ground, and he started to cry. He cleared his throat, and said nothing but, "Stop that, you're scaring him." Jakob gritted his teeth some more, and his eye began to twitch as he gripped his cane tightly. Then his face melted into a calmer expression, and he smiled. "How about you and I have a dual? That ought to show if you're any good to show up in my household." "I've already had a swordfight with you, Jakob." "Yes, but I improved since then. It's been several months since you came to my house that day. I've sought to get better than you ever since." Cheesemaster slid about an inch of his katana out of the scabbard. "We'll see about that," And he went on inside, bringing Edna along, much to Jakob's anger. Jakob and Cheesemaster walked into the enormous, still-grey foyer of the Manor. Cheesemaster slid out his katana, a long, silvery object with an incredibly sharp tip. Jakob took his cane and removed the handle, revealing a longer, more European-styled sword; the Rabbitt family crest was emblazoned on the handle and hilt, which were shaped like a rabbit's head, with the ears as hilts. He lightly gasped as Cheesemaster made his way towards him; he gripped his blade and began to raise it up in attack, and was surprised when Cheesemaster simply reached out his hand. Jakob looked at him, confused, until Cheesemaster ended up having to explain. "For one who touts himself as being a fancy, high-class prosecutor, I find it strange you don't know something this simple. You're supposed to shake hands before a duel." Jakob tried to hide his surprise, but failed; how was it that the newsboy knew something like that and he didn't? Jakob shakily reached his hand out and shook. It was a curious feeling, to be touching the hand of someone he so very loathed. He grunted as their hands disconnected, and Cheesemaster muttered in a low voice, "En gaurde, Jakob Rabbitt," and jumped in the air. "DENSETSU NO...." Jakob was so shocked by the sudden action he had no time to react; he couldn't see where the boy could have possibly gone, and he was frantic to find where he was. "...MARU!!!" Came another shout, and Jakob whirled around to attack, only to have a large circle of dust surround him. Cheesemaster was about to lunge in and defeat him, if Jakob had not turned around and held his sword out in a blind defense. He shut his eyes and became fearful as he opened one, to see the boy's katana clanging against his own sword. He had a look of seriousness in his face now, and Jakob knew he would have to get equally serious if he was to win. He scowled at him and tried to shove him off, but Cheesemaster took his katana into one hand, and started running towards him again. He was now moving very quickly in a sharp, unorganized pattern around Jakob. "DENSETSU NO...." He shouted, and Jakob had garnered enough common sense t o know he was preparing another attack. But he moved so quickly that he had no idea where he could possibly be going. "...KITSUNE!!!" He shouted, sneaking up behind Jakob and striking upwards, though he hit Jakob with the back of his sword, which was not sharp, as not to injure him. Jakob fell to the floor, and Cheesemaster stood over him, seeing if he had given up. Jakob hoisted himself up onto his elbows, and gave a threatening glance to Cheesemaster. "Speak English, you bloody fool," He shouted, slowly and staggeringly getting up and deciding there wasn't time to mess around anymore. [expect more Kat shenanigans next chapter.]
  16. DOMO ARIGATO MR. ROBOTO DOMO DOMO Fun fact: 'Domo Arigato' is Japanese for "Thank you very much". Thus concludes your Japanese lesson for the day.
  17. not good enough. Because my restaurant has soup.
  18. Because I made a boo-boo. I wish I could lose all my excess weight overnight. Granted, but then Mr. Roboto will steal your lunch. I wish Cheesemaster would start coming back here.
  19. I usually don't care if there are a few differences. I loved the Harry Potter movies, The Lord of The Rings movies, and as stated I loved Tale of Desperaux espite differences from the book...if the movie is completely different from the book, that might upset me, but if the movie is good anyway, I'll still like it.
  20. Using the magic of Google translate to respond to Spanish comment on my dA page. I'll later be watching some more One Piece.
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