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Everything posted by Mushroom_king

  1. Caravel Farewell-One Piece OST. I'd sing you the lyrics to this one, but it's classical.
  2. John and Will were about to pick Mr. Miller off of the floor, when a huge quake knocked them to the floor, as well. They both tried to stand up, to get help, but knew it was unsafe to go outside; they could only watch in horror as the black cloud trickled down the side of Mt. hendricks, and then flew all around Warudo. They didn't want to know if the demons would come to NomNom or not, but they knew it would soon be dangerous to stay upstairs. They picked up Mr. Miller and ran as quickly as they could down to the basement, which took a while to find. Will looked around for anything that could seal up the door: padlocks, duct tape, nails, anything, to seal it up. Until, that is, he realized they would need to get out later. They hid in the basement, in the dark, completely silent, hoping nothing would come there. It was the single most frightening thing the boys had ever experienced. Hours and hours passed, but it seemed like decades-centuries, even. The two boys were quiet as they slowly got up to see what was going on outside. They hadn't hear any noises outside, and the house was most definitely not soundproof. But that could just mean the demons had killed everyone silently. They quietly stood up, and carefully walked upstairs to look outside. The sky was still dark, but now no clouds circled the peak of Mt. Hendricks. The two boys propped Mr. Miller up on an armchair, and walked outside, walking very close to each other. Will managed to pick up his box of taser gloves-just in case. The town was filled with people coming out of their homes, looking around-probably for the same reason the boys had come out. There were melancholic whispers among the townsfolk, and John wondered whether they should head home yet. "I think we should wait for Mr. Miller to wake up first," Said John. "So we can make sure he's alright and properly thank him. Then we need to rush home as soon as possible." Will nodded in agreement. "We need to be brave, alright Will?" He said, smiling. Will smiled along with him, and took off his glasses to clean them-possibly so he could see what was happening even better. Not like he would want to. Suddenly, the two boys heard Mr. Miller yelling for them. "John! Will! I just woke up! Has anything happened?" They both turned around and saw Mr. Miller looking at them out the window, which was now opened. They ran back inside, and told him that nothing had really happened to NomNom, but they weren't quite sure about the rest of Warudo. Mr. Miller thought for a long time. "Well, your mothers are more than likely worried about you two, so I'd recommend you hurrying home...but hey, before you do." He turned around and looked into a large chest in the room that was built into a desk. He lifted out a large, golden piece of body armor, with shoulder armor as well. Attached to it was an orange cape. "John, you're a strong fighter. I think you ought to wear this-because your sword isn't quite enough when you fight. And take this bag, too." He reached in and took out a large, brown bag. "You can put items in there...like those taser gloves of yours, Will. And I sneaked in one of my mythology books for you to read." "Thanks so much, Mr. Miller," He said. "We can't thank you enough." As the boys were about to go out the door, Mr. Miller said to them, "I hope you both get to travel Warudo someday...someday soon." ----------------------------- The trip back to Goldinya was not quite as dangerous as the two were expecting it to be-that is, until they actually came to Goldinya. The town was in a riot-the demons that came from Mt. Hendricks were ransacking the town and attacking everyone that the boys knew and loved. This, of course, deeply upset them, and they charge at the demons with full force. Will quickly grew his extra arms, and put his gloves on, and used his taser gloves to their full effect, all without hurting any humans. John attacked not just with his blade, but with his Life Magic as well; until every demon had been purged from Goldinya. The two boys stood back-to-back for a dramatic pose, and the citizens of Goldinya, who had once called Will a thief and John a dreamer were now thanking them. Through the crowd came John and Will's parents; they smothered the boys with hugs and tears, going on about how worried they had been. "John...William...where were you boys?! When we saw the storm, we were worried to death...and then those things came, and we thought we were done for!!" John blushed and scratched his head. "It's nothing. We just wanted to go home." "And you came back at the perfect time." "We sure did. Maybe it was fate?" "Perhaps...but such a thing as fate doesn't seem to exist. Those demons poured down the Mountain and are now in our world. This is awful." John sighed. "I wish I could do something." His mother put her hand on his shoulder. "John...I think...perhaps..." He looked at his mother, eyes wide. Will's mother became worried. "Oh, you can't be saying-" "I think it's acceptable if you two boys went out on your own." "You're putting the fate of the entire world into the hands of these two?!" "I was praying as the demons came down the mountain, and I prayed as the demons attacked us-Dearest God, send us a hero! And the very moment I finished my prayer, John and Will came and saved us all!" Everyone whispered among themselves. "I have hope in them. I think The Gods have blessed them with strength they will use for good. Besides...John has always wanted to go on an adventure. Haven't you?" John nodded. His mind went back to when he was a very small child and read a story about a hero who saved the entire world, and he wanted to be just like the hero. Then he picked up his first video game, an RPG, and even more, he wanted to be the hero. And now, his dream was finally coming true! Tears began to flow down his mother's face, as she looked at him; and then she hugged him. "I hope this is the best thing to do," She whispered; and then cries of both agreement and uproar started. But mostly uproar. "How can you send them both to what could possibly be their deaths?!" Shouted one villager. "I agree! They're far too young to be out on their own!" "Quiet down!!" Shouted John's mother. "I believe they are fine!!" The townsfolk went quiet, as if they had just simply given up. John spoke up. "But we just got here, so I think we should stick around a day or two, to...well, prepare." John's mother wiped away her tears. "That's fine. I understand." -------------------------- John and Will, for the rest of that day and for a good amount of the next day, became busy preparing for their quest. They had to buy items, and Will was busy stockpiling all of his inventions, and all of his tools, so he could still build things while traveling. John read up on the other areas of Warudo, as well as practicing sword techniques and magic skills. The bag Mr. Miller had given them filled with healing items, and John was very excited. One day, just before he was to leave for his journey, John began to talk with his mother. "Mom, where do you think we should head first?" She thought for a moment. "I think perhaps you should head out to Densetsu city," She said. "I don't know what you can do there, but I'm sure there's something you can do to help them there." "'Kay. I was just asking because I wasn't quite sure where we would be going." She walked over to him, and hugged him. "Don't worry. When everything seems wrong, just pray to Nomulous and Smitus." "Thanks, mom. I'll remember it." ------------------------ The next day, John and Will got their things, and said goodbye to everyone they knew as they left the village, and left the Smitus Mountains. The sky wasn't quite as black today, so it didn't seem as though anything bad had happened; but they knew they had to be on guard. "Mom said it might be best to head for Densetsu city, first," Explained John as he unrolled a map of Warudo he'd been given. "All we gotta do is follow this path, all the way to Road-River forest, and follow the road in the woods. And once you make it out, you should be able to see Densetsu from the edge of the forest, and we'll head straight there." "Hopefully, we'll explore all the places we skip later on," Said Will. John nodded in agreement, put the map away, and they started walking towards Road-River forest.
  3. Cheesemaster watched MK as she walked into the airport, and was about to go back home. He watched her until she walked into the building, just to make sure she was safe, and then walked back to Planet Horatio. Despite the fact that lots of people were walking around the city, he felt lonely without her. He shook it off. This was no time to be thinking such things. But he couldn't help but feel...well, lonely, without her. It was almost as though what Edna had said was starting to get to him. Do I really give the impression that I love Mushroom-chan? He thought, and then he slapped himself. I just called her -chan...this really is getting to me. He walked into Planet Horatio, and saw a handful of people had walked in to sit at the bar and drink. Edna was sitting with Kat, who was using body language to tell him a story. He grinned, and walked over to them. "...And when I was done, the WHOLE swimming pool was on fire! I didn't use oil, or lighter fluid, I just lit the entire pool of water ON FIRE!!!!" "Woooow!" Said an engrossed Edna. The two looked up when they saw Cheesemaster, and smiled. "I was telling him about the time I lit a swimming pool on fire," Explained Kat. "I guessed that much." Edna looked over to a different part of the restaurant, and giggled. "Look! Look! A magician!" He was of course talking about Who Are You, who was still sitting with Schimmislick and Graf Von. Roger was playing some slow piano jazz, and Edna got up to go see the three performers sitting at the booth. Cheesemaster sat down in Edna's seat, and then scooted over so he would be able to get back in when he came back. Kat, too, scooted over so she was directly across from him. "So, Kat, what happened to your Viking helmet? You've only got a fedora hat now." "Oh, that. Well, I learned that Vikings didn't actually have horns on the helmets. So I sawed them off. But then I realized I can't put my Fedora on it now, so now I use it as a bowl." He giggled nervously, and then said, "Kat, can I ask you something?" "What is it?" "Kat, have I ever given the vibe that I have a crush on Mushroom?" Kat thought for a moment. "Well, I...I always thought maybe you had the teeniest, tiniest, most microscopic of crushes on her." "R-really?" "Yea, but you don't really act it. Dun worry. No one has to know if you really do like her." "Yea, well she's only my friend. I was just asking because Edna accused me of being in love with her." "In love? Nah...I just imagine you, well, liking her. Not being in love with her." "OK. That was all I wanted to know." ------------------------- "Today is your birthday? Really! And how old are you?" The tall, wrinkled old man Graf Von grinned as he looked at Edna. "I'm six years old. It may seem I was an infant when I came to Invision, but the time rules are different for drawings." "A birthday needs a birthday cake!" Said Who Are You. She took out her wand, tapped it, and in front of everyone was a slice of their favorite type of cake. Even Roger got one up by his piano. Graf Von got up for a moment. Sitting in the booth behind him was his Ventriloquist dummy case. He reached in and pulled out Cutie Puppet. "Be good, OK? It's his birthday," He whispered to it. Graf Von sat back down with the dummy on his lap. He started to make her sing "Happy Birthday" to Edna, in a perfectly-done little girl's voice (Which was actually the puppet's spirit singing). Edna sat there, fascinated by the doll, until the doll stopped and bowed. "Cutie loves little kids, but she hates grown-ups," Said Schimmi. "If you ever watch their show here, you'd know that." "What did you get for your birthday?" Cutie asked. "I got a scarf, and a book, and I got to come here all the way from the Port of Cheese!" "You've changed a lot since I saw you at some of the Winter parties, Edna. You barely spoke," Said Who Are You. "That's because I was adopted by Mr. Cheesemaster! He made me so happy!" "Is that so? That's wonderful!" "Hey, everyone," Said a monotone voice. It was Roger; he had recorded his music and was now playing it via the restaurant speakers. "Who's the kid?" "That's CC Edna," Explained Schimmi. "Never heard of him." "Well, he doesn't travel much." "Say, uh, why did a cake suddenly appear in front of me?" "It's Edna's birthday. And birthday means cake." "Nice logic." Roger sat down-just barely-next to Schimmi and Who Are You. Edna grinned up at Roger, who glared down at him. Then he smiled. "Happy Birthday, kiddo," He said, and he took a drag on his cigarette. "Edna here was adopted by Cheesemaster recently," Said Who are You. "Good! That's good. Always nice to have a good parent or guardian around." He looked over at Edna again. "What, were you an orphan?" "How'd you know?" "I dunno. Just guessed." "Well....I was. But I got adopted." He looked at the four of them. Roger had gotten up because there was no room and was now leaning on the seat of the booth. "What about you four? Where do you come from?" "Sergia, the ice planet," Said Roger. "People say that's why I'm so cold." "Hwahdeeni, The Illusion planet. It's why I'm so mysterious." Said Who Are You. "Idollo, a futuristic planet of many things," Said Schimmi. "Maybe that's why I've got so many interests." "And I'm from planet Jahvtrilo, a planet where everyone has a puppet friend like mine," Said Graf Von. "That's cool. I'm from Skizzenbuch, the Drawing world." It was at that time, that Edna heard Kat yelling. "I always wear a hat! When did I not?!" "That one time." "Blast! Foiled again! Now I must kill you with a pillow full of bricks! Except I already ate them...they tasted bad. I should have added ketchup..." "Is Kat being strange again?" Muttered Roger. "I swear to God..." Edna laughed. "She is always like that!" "Did you know she once lived on Hue in a cardboard box?" "I heard she went on a long retreat to the moon. Did she really live in a box?" "More than likely, knowing her," He said wistfully, and he took a long drag on his cigarette. "She's very different from the rest of us who work here...." "What do you mean?" Asked Edna. "Well, kid...the rest of us-me, those three, Glow-we didn't exactly have the greatest lives back at home, you know?" "Neither did I," Said Edna sadly. "I don't think anyone on Invision had a very easy life at home," Said Who Are You. "I don't think even the Rabbitts had a very easy life, and they've got a ton of cash to spare." "Yea...but ####, just look at Glow. Poor kid's got some major psychologic issues. As for us...Well, no one took me seriously back home." "Why would they do that?" "Well, kid...." He looked off into space, and tool a long drag. He looked at Edna, and smiled. "I want to travel the whole universe." "Wooooow! That sounds fun!" "Heh, yea, it does, huh?" He said, with heavy sadness in his voice. "I wasted about twenty years of my life in that pathetic school system...I've had a few vacations during the five years I've been here. I travelled all of Invision one year, and every year I save enough money to go to a new planet. But I'm not gonna see every planet before I die. No way in #### that's happening..." His tone faded off as he stared into space again. But he grinned again. "Which is why I try learning everything I can about them, which is the next best thing." "What about you three?" Asked Edna, looking at the others. "I had some psychological issues of my own. It may not seem like it, but I got pretty depressed sometimes...nowhere near Glow, XMyOwnMindX, or Hiro, though. You know them?" "Nope!" "A lot of people made fun of me because I was a man with a female puppet," Said Graf Von. "Called me a pervert..." He looked at the ground, and Cutie looked up at him and began to speak. "You're not a pervert, Graf. I may call you one but you're not. Really." Graf smiled sadly, but still looked upset. "And when I went to other planets to perform, or just travel...Cutie was my only friend. And you know how that works...when a ventriloquist's only friend is his puppet." Edna nodded. "As for me," Said Who Are You, "I nearly got arrested for accidentally using some of my real magic in a show, and not just stage magic. When I finally started using stage magic instead of real magic, it was a lot worse. Everyone called me talented before...and now everyone hated me." Edna sniffled. Roger looked at him. "Kid, you crying?" "O-Of course not," he said. "Okay, I am. But it's all so sad...." "Hey, kid," Said Roger, leaning over and holding his chin. "Cheer up, kiddo. We still got our whole lives ahead of us. Except Graf there. But he's healthy, so he'll be living as long as Hamsterking by the looks of it." Roger held Edna's chin up gently. "So don't be frowning and sobbing all the time, you hear? Enjoy everything you got, okay kid?" Edna nodded. "I promise I will." "Good." It was then that Cheesemaster walked over to get Edna. "Edna!" "Oh, Mr. Cheesemaster! What is it?" "Are you ready to go home yet? I already put your things up in your bag." Edna nodded, and scooted out of the seat, and Cheesemaster picked him up. They were about to leave, but Edna turned around and said Good-Bye to everyone. "Good-Bye, everyone! I'll see you later, OK?" "Bye, Edna!" They all said in unison. "Remember what I told you!" Shouted Roger. "And don't you start smoking like I do! It's bad for you, kid!" Edna nodded. "I won't! Bye-Bye!" ----------------------------- After the two of them boarded the ship and went to their room, Edna started drawing another picture; this time it was of the four performers from Planet Horatio. Cheesemaster tried not to look over his shoulder, that being a rude thing to do, but when Edna was done he came over and looked. "Oh, I see! You drew the the performers at the restaurant." "Huh? That's what I drew on the back." He said, and he flipped it over. Cheesemaster tried not to scream in agony. Drawn on the back of the picture was another picture, this time far less crude than the other two pictures he had made, of Cheesemaster and MK in a loving embrace, with hearts drawn around them. Edna acted as though he had done nothing wrong as Cheesemaster stood there, his mouth gaping in horror. "I spent a lot of time on this one, because I wanted you to look at it and remember how much you love her!" "But Edna," He said, "I'm not in love with Mushroom!" "You can't hide your feelings forever, Mr. Cheesemaster!" "EDNA!!!" he whisper-yelled, as not to disturb anyone else on the boat. "I told you to knock it off!" "OK, fine..." He said, and he sat down, looking at his picture. Cheesemaster, too, sat down across from him." "But it is a very good picture," he said quietly. "I can tell you worked hard on it." "Thank you, Mr. Cheesemaster..." Edna replied. He looked up at him. "So you really don't feel like that for Mrs. Mushroom?" "Of course not, for a variety of reasons. For one, she's already married to Arkcher, and he...He's already deeply in love with her. That's no secret to anyone. Even Roger knows that, and he never really knows much about anyone. He's already angry that I'm close friends with her...How do you think he'd react if we both had the same feelings for her? It'd destroy our friendship. And while I'm talking about that, I'm very close friends with Mushroom, and if I dated her it'd also ruin our friendship...and Cheese Woman would be deeply upset, too. She's my friend as well, and I hate to see her upset. Are those reasons good enough?" Edna thought for a moment. "I guess," He said, heaving. "Believing you have a secret crush on Mrs. Mushroom is more fun, though." Cheesemaster giggled nervously. "I guess so." "But now, I can bother Mr. Arkcher about loving Mrs. Mushroom! Or, I can bother Mr. Arkcher's dad, because I heard he's in love with someone too." "Oh, yes. He's been dating Solrai for several months now." "I've seen Arkcher's dad before...but I haven't met him. Is he nice?" "Oh, yes! He's one of the nicest guys I've ever met! You'd like him a lot!" "I would? Well, I may just have to visit them sometime..." "Maybe we can, soon. Mushroom-san said that Arkcher was working on a new project, and he'll probably want me to come and see. I'll bring you!" "Okay! That sounds fun!"
  4. [FUN FACT CORNER: -Espada is Spanish for Sword -Densetsu is Japanese for Legend -Warudo is Japanese for World -Skyjule Oppfinner is Norweigan for Hiding Inventor -Kuupcay's name comes from The Great Cupcake, the Satanic deity in Great Muffinism -Smitus and Nomulous are Great Muffin gods -Binh's name is Vietnamese for Water and Earth -My friend whom Will is based off of really did build a taser glove. -Will's power is inspired by Nico Robin from One Piece -The Iron Superhero suit is also a reference to my friend, who is building an Iron Man suit.]
  5. The two boys continued walking as NomNom town came into sight, and got larger as they got closer, and eventually they got there. The town was full of mostly the same types of people they saw back at home in Goldinya, but it didn't matter. Being in a new place was exciting, and John drooled as he looked around and examined all the food. But Will was a little more concerned with doing what they came there to do: finding this "Mr. Miller" character and giving him the package. The two knew what he looked like, but wouldn't really know where he would be; and it wasn't like they knew the guy anyway, so it wasn't like he would recognize the two of them. Unless there was a slim chance John's mother had shown them pictures of them... "Oh, you must be John Espada!" Said a voice. John looked, and saw something he had never seen in his entire life (aside from the monsters they had fought earlier)-a non human. A tall man with green, fluffy dog ears, a red bandana, a long, fluffy green tail, and a plain t-shirt and work pants. He had a human face and body, aside from the tail and ears. "I'm your mother's friend. I don't believe we've ever met. My name is Chance Miller. And everyone calls me Mr. Miller." He also looked over at Will. "I assume you are John's friend?" "Yes! My name is William Skyjule Oppfinner. But most call me Will. Where did you come from that you got ears like that?" "The Loopim woods to the Northeast is chock-full of people like me. There's even a City full of Rabbit-people." Will nodded, interested. John reached into his bags, and got out the package. "My mom sent us to give this to you," He said, and handed Mr. Miller the brown package. He looked at it, and murmured something, and he smiled. He stuffed it into his pants pocket, but he frowned as he looked at the sky. A storm was beginning to brew. "This is bad...I don't think it'd be safe if you two went back home in this weather." "Are you sure?" Said Will, looking at the sky. "Goldinya isn't that far from NomNom. Plus our parents might be worried." "I think your parents would be more worried if you went on by yourself in this weather." "Well, if you insist..." Sighed John, and he stretched. "We could use a break anyhow." "But you just said it wasn't a long walk from Goldinya to here." "Just because it's not a long walk doesn't mean it's tiring," Stammered John, as Mr. Miller led them both into his house. It was spacious, and pretty nice-very different from the houses John and Will were used to back at home. "What a nice place," Said Will, as he settled down on the couch. He set his box of taser gloves down by his feet, and John sat down next to his friend, careful to avoid the box. Mr. Miller sat down in a chair by the fireplace. Already, Will and John were scanning the room, and Will looked to see if any books on machinery were in the bookcase; he was disappointed to not find any. John, however, was ecstatic to see books on the world's History. (This world is called Warudo, for the record.). There were also plenty of books on it's myths, it's residents, and everything else. "I see you find my bookcase fascinating," Mr. Miller commented. "Oh, I do!" Said John, excited. "I like this sort of thing. I want to travel Warudo someday." "With me by his side!" Said Will. "I'm an inventor. I want to got to Densetsu city one day and patent all that I've made." "Is that so? How neat! What have you made before?" "Well, I recently made some Taser gloves. That's what's in the box. I brought it along for defense." "Oh my!" Said Mr. Miller, putting his hand to his mouth. "That's dangerous!" "He's done waaay worse," Muttered John. "For starters, he once built a Nunchuck gun, a pair of swordchucks, and God knows what else. And right now he's working on an Iron superhero suit." "Oh My!" Mr. Miller repeated. "You must be very dangerous in battle." "Yea, but I've never really trained much. Which is another reason I want to adventure, so I can train myself to fight well with my inventions." Mr. Miller giggled in happiness and said, "Well, I hope someday you fulfill that dream." The man looked out the window, and noticed that the sky had gotten incredibly dark; a thunderstorm was about to brew up. He got up and walked over, and his ears flattened back on his head. "Oh, no..." "What is it?" The two boys said, getting up. Mr. Miller pointed to Mt. Hendricks, off in the distance. The storm was situating from the very top of the mountain, and a swirling black cloud circled around it. "What's happening?" "There's an old legend stating the entrance to Heck is at the top of Mt. Hendricks" He explained. "What if the legend is true? What if that black cloud is no storm, but is demons pouring into Warudo?" John looked at Will, with a look mixed with fright and joy: He was frightened at the prospect of demons entering Warudo, but he was overjoyed because this was the sort of thing that happened in RPGs. What if he went out to defeat the demons? No. That would never happen. The royal family living in Densetsu city would send their strongest fighters there to defeat them, and everything would be OK. No adventure. It made him sad, knowing it. "This is bad," Said Captain Obvious Mr. Miller. "All we can hope is that if those are truly demons, then the monks of Mt. Gaia will make short work of them." He pointed towards the two mountains, which were right in front and right behind each other. When the boys looked, they saw a rope bridge between the peak of Mt. Gaia (which had an enormous temple on the peak), connecting to the tip of Mt. hendricks, where the storm was. Figures ran across the bridge in a frenzy. "Those must be the Gaian Monks. They live atop Mt. Gaia, and built the Mile Temple for Elemental Worship, mainly the elements of Earth, Water, and Wood," He explained. "They also built that bridge so they could stop any demons trying to enter Warudo." He looked at the mountain with fear, and the went to lock the door and all the windows-just in case. -------------------------------- Hundreds of miles away from NomNom, thousands of miles in the air, a group of Monks were sprinting across the rope bridge to try and hold down the invading demons. One young monk, a Kitsune wearing a long, brown robe who held a short staff with a water-filled orb with an earthen spire as a stick, whose full name was Binh Nuoc va Trai Dat, was frightened; he had only been at the Temple for a few months now, and this awful thing was happening. Everyone was in a frenzy to go and try and seal away the demons that were coming out. Usually, only the most powerful monks went and did this; but the situation was now so desperate that even weaker monks were being forced to help. This included Binh, and he ran out, across the rope bridge, to the enormous black cloud. The cloud was even more unsettling from close-up then it was from afar; The most powerful monks were using magic power (and some using Psychic power) to try and seal the cloud away. Binh raised his staff, and using his water magic, tried to keep down the cloud. He could feel the Unholy power press against him, but he struggled to keep it away-even as his magic power slowly began to drain. Soon enough, every single monk was around the cloud, trying to keep the demons at bay; tons and tons of power poured into the cloud, and while it kept most of the demons away, many were already coming out; a handful of monks stopped what they were doing to try and stop them, but their resistance was futile, as their strength had dwindled away trying to keep the demons from coming out. Suddenly, the monks felt as though a giant wave of evil energy sent them to the ground. A giant black figure rose out, and the monks looked at it in horror; it was KuupCay, the ruler of Heck, and the leader of the demons. If the monks couldn't keep in the small demons, how would they keep in this monster? Kuupcay cackled at the monks as they slowly tried to get up and used what little power they had left to send him back to ####. But of course they could not. Kuupcay was far too strong. He rose his burnt and torn wings, and rose up out of the Mountain. Mr. Miller stood in dead shock. "Kuupcay!" "W-what?" Stammered the boys. "Did you just say...?" "The monks have failed!! Kuupcay...K-Kuupcay...IS IN OUR WORLD NOW!!!" The dog-man fainted and fell to the ground. John and Will got up to try and help him, but their bodies were in shock. The most evil entity in all of Heaven, Heck, and Warudo...was in their world now!
  6. Here's some tips on getting Wii Points: -Choose "redeem card" and type in random numbers...hey, works for my friend Non-Bald Dalton. -Get a job, get twenty dollars, buy a card for 2,000 points. Remember to buy StarTropics from the VC, too. -Stealing. Actually, Wii Internet (Or, Wiinternet) is BAD. I have it. though it's useful during those dark, dark moments when I have no computer.
  7. Granted, but it will NOT be served on a dish. I wish I had more ice-cream. Granted, but you can only look at the ice cream. I wish that the snow would go away. Then all the snow in Florida or wherever you are nowadays, would end up here in Texas and made me frolic outside. -cheers- I wish I would remember to go to sleep sooner. Granted, but then you would forget to breathe. I wish my One Piece soundtrack downloaded faster. Granted, it will download at the speed of light, but the file size will be 100TB. I wish the days were more than 24 hours. Granted, but then the show "24" would be MEANINGLESS. But I don't think you, or anyone else, watches it so no one would care anyway. I wish I knew why people on dA like to put twin brothers into yaoi fanfiction.
  8. I went to the grocery store today...they always play the strangest selection of music. Last time I went, all they played was KC and the Sunshine Band. This time it was all Elton John. I'll be going there when it's Rick Astley day. P.S. It should be a law that all grocery stores play "Get Down Tonight" once every day.
  9. There's a series of vihjoes on YouTube detailing the connections between EB and The Beatles. That's where I got the ones on Lier and Everdred. The song "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds" reminds me of Mother 3 for some reason, with Lucas instead of Lucy...dunno why.
  10. Granted, but it will NOT be served on a dish. I wish I had more ice-cream. Granted, but you can only look at the ice cream. I wish that the snow would go away. Then all the snow in Florida or wherever you are nowadays, would end up here in Texas and made me frolic outside. -cheers- I wish I would remember to go to sleep sooner. Granted, but then you would forget to breathe. I wish my One Piece soundtrack downloaded faster.
  11. "There's a Starman waiting in the sky, He'd like to come and meet us but he thinks he'd blow our minds..."
  12. A young man by the name of John Espada had a rude awakening by none other then his best friend, William Oppfinner. John rolled over, refusing to wake up. "Wake up, John! Wake up wake up! You gotta come see my new invention!" He said, poking John over and over. Will had found John's bedroom window, and was now standing in it. As always, he wore an all-black suit that covered most of his body, but part of it was folded down so he could talk. Will was regarded as the weirdest person in the tiny village of Goldinya, for a handful of reasons: For one, Goldinya was a town made mostly of farmers, carpenters, and the like, yet Will had pursued something completely different: he was an inventor. It was his dream to someday leave Goldinya and go to Densetsu City to patent his inventions. Will had also invented his ninja bodysuit. Wearing a normal one didn't work, because Will had the strange power of being able to sprout more arms, and every so often, he could sprout more legs and even a new head. The latter two are very difficult for him, though. No one knew how Will had gained this ability; he claimed he had evolved the power to do this because multiple hands greatly benefited him as an inventor. And of course, Will was also very stealthy, hence why he wore a black bodysuit in the first place. Unfortunately, people sometimes accused him of being a thief. This always angered Will and John's parents, who always retorted with "He's no thief! Thieves come from Cirque Town, Not out town of Goldinya!" Cirque Town was a city far away from Goldinya, that was renowned to being the home of thieves and assassins. But no matter; Will was now using his extra hands to poke John, until he finally rose up out of bed. He wore a red shirt and brown pants, and his hair was short and also brown. He got out of bed, and stretched, and he turned around and sleepily looked at Will. He yawned, and began to speak, trying to keep himself up. "What is it, Will? It's Saturday. I want to sleep in." "I can't let you do that. I gotta show you this," And with that Will jumped out the window. John sighed, brushed his hair, and yelled to his mother and brother that he was going out for a little bit. John leapt out of the window, albeit not very well, since after all he was not quite as agile as his friend was. He fell flat on his face, causing Will to laugh at him; but John didn't get mad, he started laughing with him. No one could get John angry; no one was capable of making him angry. The two eventually got to Will's house; it was messy, per usual. John walked carefully through the things on the floor to Will's room. John let out a gasp when he saw it was spotless. "I decided that I need to learn how to hide in a clean room," He explained. He walked over to his desk, which was covered with various electric objects and tools. Will opened a drawer, and took out a box, which he place on the desk. He opened it, and inside were many gloves; he took one out and place it on his left hand. He then used his other hand and lifted off part of his sleeve. On his arm were several red marks. "Will...what are those?" Said John, disturbed. "I made a taser glove," He said. And he smiled at him, the part of hid bodysuit that normally covered his mouth still folded down. "I was testing it." "You mutilated yourself...for science?" Will nodded, and John sighed. "Will, you're a nerd." "So are you, man! You're the one who plays RPGs all the time!" "Well, I won't deny that." He stretched as he examined the glove and Will's scars. "You know, I really wish I didn't just play the RPGs, you know? I want to go on a real adventure." John sat down on his bed, and grabbed Will's sketchpad from his desk. Flipping past all the blueprints, he started drawing himself and Will as sidekicks: John, the buff hero, and Will, the geek sidekick. He then sketched two hot women climbing over both of them, for good measure. He handed it to Will, and Will glanced at it. "Nice drawing...but hey, when's the chance that would ever happen to us?" He said, sitting on his desk. John sighed and looked at the sky through the window. "Hey, in all my RPG games, the hero always starts off by something ordinary happening...and usually, he says something similar to what you just said." The two were silent for a long time, until John felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned around and snapped, "Will, I know that was you." Will acted innocent. John laughed it off. "Come on. Let's go outside...and do...stuff." Will jumped off his desk. "Yea! I can test out my taser gloves, too," He said as he grabbed the box. The two boys then walked outside, and wondered for a while what to do. The city of Goldinya was a tiny little town that was surrounded by the Smitus mountains, so named because it was said that anyone who ventured into the enormous, black mountains was destroyed by the God Smitus, who was also Will's favorite God. The only way out of the area was a gap in the mountains, which formed a perfect square around Goldinya; this path lead you all the way to the Southern Ocean, from what the boys had heard in school. But it was also very dangerous, especially because in order to get there, you had to go through the Road-River Forest, which was rumored to be full of thieves, and there were apparently dozens of precautions one had to take when going through the woods. The two of them did nothing for a long time, simply walking through town; that is, until the two decided it would be fun to explore the outskirts of town. But their parents would never let them...unfortunately. John knew that if they planned on exploring, he would need his sword that he had gotten recently for self-defense purposes; but his parents would be suspicious if he just went in and grabbed it. But luck smiled upon the two of them, as John's mother came up to him and asked him a favor he was beyond willing to do: "John, I know this is strange, but...you remember where NomNom town is?" John nodded. NomNom was the first small town you stopped by after exiting the Smitus Mountains, just near Lake Amie. It was named after John's favorite God, Nomulous, and they sold all manners of food there. John had heard it was a million times better than anything you could get in Goldinya, or anywhere else-it was even better than anything you might find in the capital city of Densetsu. But why would John's mother be sending him to NomNom? His family wasn't exactly poor, but they didn't exactly have the money to buy things from there; especially after getting a sword for John's self-defense. "I need you to go there, and give this package to my dear friend Miller. You know what he looks like, right?" Of course he did. While John had never met him, he was apparently a very good friend of his Mother's. "I will. But only if Will can come with me." "Of course he can. Safety in numbers." John and Will both mouthed "Yes!" And John grabbed the package. "Stay safe, alright?" John's Mother told them, as they were leaving. John had strapped his sword to his hips, just in case. "You know, I wish I had some golden armor, like I did in the drawing," He said. "Then I'd look like a Knight, huh?" Will stretched and put his hands behind his head, as the two finally neared upon the gap in the mountains. The enormous peaks were haunting as they towered over them, but they eventually walked out of the gap, and let out a resounding "Woooooow...." As they saw the world-with no giant black mountains blocking their sight. The two stopped walking for a moment, just looking at the sky. John nearly dropped the package, but latched firmly onto it, as it would be very bad if he forgot it. Finally, he turned and looked at Will. "Will, is this really what's been out there? Because if it is, I don't want to live in Goldinya anymore, with those awful black mountains blocking my view." Will looked at him, as well. "It makes me really want to go on that big adventure you talked about." John gulped in awe, and they finally started walking again, looking up at the sky the whole time. Off in the distance, they could make out what might be the Road-River forest on the horizon, as well as two other mountains. They assumed those must be Mt. Gaia and Mt. Hendricks, which they also learned about in class. It was...beautiful. But their awe of the beauty was interrupted when the two, not paying much attention, were attacked by two living organisms. It was not until they looked at them they realized they were two strange creatures they may have seen in a textbook once before. And they knew they would have to fight them. John knew this would be the perfect chance to test out the magic skill he had practiced for so long. Will knew this was perfect to test his taser glove. John drew his sword, and Will put a glove on both hands. John went after one creature with his blade, ferociously slashing at it, while Will attacked the other one with his taser glove, covering the monster with scars similar to his own. Will poked it with both hands at the same time, and while this did produce a good effect-the monster did seem to be in pain-he knew just the thing to finish him off. Using his stealth, Will hid from the creatures, and sprouted just enough extra arms and hands for his five other taser gloves, giving him a total of seven hands with a shock in them. He charged toward the monster, and attacked it with each hand at once; the monster gave out a screech and fell to the ground. Meanwhile, John had been slashing and stabbing at the other monster, and finished it off, at the same time Will finished off the other monster, using a spell called "Mortal Damage"-his element was Life. The two stood before the creatures, not sure if they were dead or merely knocked out. They decided it best not to find out, and continued to NomNom. [This is inspired by a party I recently had at Beardo's house, where we imagined ourselves in an RPG. We like the idea so much, i drew pics of the characters, I wrote this, and we plan to somehow make it into a real game.]
  13. Sounds awesome! Sure, I'd enjoy a list. Thanks! ~Liz Alright, here goes: -In EarthBound Zero, a man in Magicant is based off the Nowhere Man. -If you go up to a house in Onett, the resident says "Pop Quiz! A Beatles Song, XXXterday. Can you fill in the blanks?" -The theme that plays when Brick Road travels with you sounds EXACTLY like "Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band Reprise". srsly. -Tessie's theme sounds like the beginning to "Strawberry Fields Forever" -On the other hand, the music that plays after the meteorite strikes sounds like the end to "Strawberry Fields Forever". -The Happy-Happyists in Happy Happy Town are basically a cross between the KKK and the Blue Meanies. -The song that plays in a cavern sounds like the intro to "All You Need Is Love" -In the original Japanese version "Mother 2", Some of the default names included John for Ness, Yoko for Paula, Paul for Jeff, George for Poo, and poor Ringo as the dog. Going with the theme, the favorite food is "Honey Pie" and Favorite thing is "Love". -Speaking of Honey Pie, the Saturn Valley theme apparently sounds like the Beatles song of that name. I am downloading the song this very moment as I have never heard it, so I can hear for myself....why, yes, it does! - The game's Japanese name "Mother" comes from the John Lennon song of the same name; the game's creator Shigesato Itoi admits this in an interview. -The character Everdred is based off the song "Rocky Raccoon" -The character Lier X. Aggerate is based off the song "The Fool on The Hill" -My personal favorite: In Dungeon Man, there is a collection of broken vehicles, one of which is a Submarine. I'll give you one guess on the color. To top it off the signboard in front of it says "Submarine. The color is a coincidence." -From what I hear, the Pigmasks in Mother 3 are based off a George Harrison song. I still think they're based off Nazis, but that's just me. -A man in Moonside quotes "Hello, Goodbye" before flinging you off to another part of town. -Everyone says the Drugstore song "Humoresque of a Little Dog" sounds like "When I'm Sixty-Four". I personally don't think so, and that's one of my favorite Beatles songs. -A member of the Runaway Five quotes the song "Money (That's What I want)" ...and I'm probably forgetting some too. There's a couple of references to other bands, too. -Two enemies are based off David Bowie songs: Starman and Diamond Dog -The band "The Runaway Five" are based off The Blues Brothers. -The New Age Retro Hippie's theme sounds similar to Chuck Berry's "Johnny B. Goode" -In the Japanese version, the machine that Jeff rides in is called "The Sky Walker". -The theme that plays when Jeff rides the Sky Walker/Sky Runner sounds like the intro to The Who's "Eminence Front" -Another favorite: In the Japanese version, Peaceful Rest Valley is known as "Grateful Dead Valley". (I kinda wish they had kept that in the english version.) I could probably spend two hours compiling a list of EVERY pop culture reference in the games, but...must...refrain... Here's two pics.
  14. I think by "Green" They mean "Environmentally Friendly"... Still a legit FAIL, though.
  15. Granted, but it's broken. I wish I had an accent like a 1930's person, with the static in the background and everything. Granted, but then you are stuck inside an old wooden radio box with no chance of escape. I wish it would warm up. Granted, but then it would be so hot that you couldn't bear it. Ow. I wish I could go back to visit my friend (I'm lonely ). Granted, but your friend is now a zombie and will eat your brains. What a way to go, man. I wish I had a wish.
  16. But Mushroom, what of Edna? I can't leave him alone." "He'll be fine. Look, he's already reading." As she said, Edan was already deep into his new book, and said no objection to the two of them leaving him for a few moments. The two of them went out in front of the stage. No one was up there today, but Schimmislick was sitting at a booth with Graf Von and Who Are You. Roger sat on the stage, quietly playing his piano, occasionally stopping to light up a new cigarette. Cheesemaster looked up at him, and Roger looked back; he took out his cigarette and mouthed "Good Luck" to him. MK took his shoulders by her hands, and he gently grabbed her waist, and they started dancing to the beat of the song. This went on for the remainder of the song, with MK singing along, and when it ended they stood still for a moment, as Roger began playing a slow ballad on his piano. The two of them started a slower dance, and MK finally struck up a conversation. "Uh, you know-uh, you're a real good dancer." "Of course I am. I taught myself to be a good dancer. Any good gentleman should know how." She giggled. "Arkcher's a good dancer, too." "Is he? Is he as good as me?" "I don't know. You're both good. Which is good, because I'm-" At that moment, she accidentally stepped on his foot, and lost her balance; she ended up falling into his arms, plunging her head into his chest. Needless to say, Cheesemaster turned red, as did she. She looked up at him; his glasses had slid to the edge of his nose in embarrassment, and his eyes were wide. She smiled, and said "Aww...your glasses are all fogged up." "T-They are?" He stammered. His face was a deep shade of red. "You look so embarrassed," She said. "No, really?" He said sarcastically, smiling to show he wasn't mocking her. "Um, I-uh, You want to go sit down and have a drink or something?" "That sounds nice!" Arkcher, come get your wife off me! He pleaded silently. ---------------------------- The two of them sat at the bar. Cheesemaster looked up at Roger, who was trying to not laugh at him. He looked over at Edna, who was still reading. Glowurm and Kat were both behind the counter per usual, and Glowurm went over to help them. They weren't quite sure where Kat was. "Well, what'll it be tonight, you two?" MK thought for a moment. "I'm not sure. I forgot to bring drink money, I only brought enough to eat." "I'll pay for it, then." Said Cheesemaster. "Get whatever you want." "R-really? But Ch-Cheesemaster..." "It's alright." "No, it's not! You just spent money making gifts for Edna and getting here." "It's fine! I have money saved at home. Besides, me and Edna make a good amount of money daily." "Are you sure?" He nodded. "I'm always sure." "No, Cheesemaster. Please, you need to keep that money." "Please! I'm fine." She sighed. "Fine, then...I'll just have a glowing milkshake." "You got it," Said Glowurm, and he started making it. Cheesemaster reached for his wallet when he saw Kat sitting next to him. She had two drinking glasses attached to her head, and they covered her eyes. "Kat, what the...?" "I got glasses," She said. He looked at her, dumbfounded. "Whaaaat?" "I said, I got glasses." "Kat, are you mocking me?" He said, sounding offended. "I don't take kindly to offensive comments about my eyesight." "No, I got glasses. This has nothing to do with you." "If you got glasses, then tell me what you got them for." "I forgot." "YOU FORGOT?!" He shouted, and MK simply laughed in the background. "Wait a minute, these aren't what they give you when you get glasses?" "NO!!" "Well how was I supposed to know?!" "Kat, you see me nearly every day!!" "You wear glasses?!" "OF COURSE I DO!!!" "So that's what they call those things on your face?" "OF COURSE!!!" "But they aren't made of glasses." "Well, they're not supposed to be." "Well, that explains it. A certain person who is sitting on the other side of you commented on how she thought glasses were sexy, and I thought maybe I could get Oscar Wilde to finally like me if I wore some." "Uh, Kat...Isn't he dead?" "Of course not! He lives in my basement." "More like your closet," He said quietly, and then he turned back to MK. He was blushing again. "Y-You really think glasses are hot?" She looked embarrassed. "Uh, Yea, I did say that. I was hoping you wouldn't hear. Or Arkcher." "Well, Kat isn't exactly the best person to tell someone your secrets..." "Hey, I could have told Arkcher. He would have gone on a rampage." He swiftly turned and looked at her. "What do you mean?" She sighed. "He's been really paranoid lately about our friendship. He's been trying to make sure I still like him more than you." She paused to take her milkshake from Glowurm, and started talking again. "I'm surprised he let me go out on my own. Though I think if I had wanted to go to The Port of Cheese he would have been suspicious and demanded he accompany me." "Well, have you told him you like him better than me?" "I...It depends what you mean by liking." "Oh?" She looked down at the floor as she held her milkshake in her hands. "I, uh...well...I like you both equally as friends. Though you're a little more fun to be around than him. Don't tell him I said that." "I won't." "But, I don't think that's exactly the sort of liking he thinks about." She looked at him with somber eyes. "This is awkward to talk about." "It's alright if you don't want to go on." She sighed and nodded her head 'yes'. They were both silent for a long time, with her looking at the floor, and he looked at her. Suddenly, he broke the silence as he got up. "I'm going to go sit back with Edna, if that's alright with you." She snapped her head up and looked back at him. "Oh, that's fine. I might come by when I'm done here." Cheesemaster got up and ran back over to Edna, and sat across from him. He was reading, but when Cheesemaster came back over, he put in a napkin for a bookmark, and looked up at him, his eyes closes and his mouth curved into a wide smile. He stared at Cheesemaster for a long time. "Edna, why are you looking at me like that?" "You like Mrs. Mushroom." "W-what?" "You're in love with Mrs. Mushroom." "I-I-I...I AM NOT!!!!" "Are too." "Am NOT!" "Then why are you blushing?" "I-I'm not!" "Are too, I can see it." "N-No, The light is just bad!" "There's a light hanging just above us. You are even redder than a sea of ketchup mixed with a sea of blood inside the red sea colored with red markers, red crayons, red colored pencils, and red paint that's on fire on the Planet Mars." "First off, the Red Sea isn't even red. Second off, you can't light the ocean on fire, unless you're Kat, because then you'd probably find a way to do it. Third off, I'm not in love with Mushroom. She's but my very good friend." "But then, why would Mr. Arkcher be so upset about you trying to take her from him?" "Because he's paranoid." "He's your best friend. Did you have a crush on her years ago before they got married and you told him because he's your best friend and he still thinks you like her?" "I NEVER had a crush on Mushroom, then or now." "Ms. Cheese Woman will not be happy to know that you love someone that isn't her." "I'm not in love with Mushroom!" "Are you sure? Because you are still blushing." "I always turn red when someone accuses me of having a crush on someone." "Who does who have a crush on?" Said MK, standing above them. Cheesemaster swiftly turned his head to face her and tried to change the subject, but unfortunately, there was a small child in his presence...and you know how kids are. Edna looked at her and pointed to Cheesemaster. "He has a crush on you and has for a long time." "I DO NOT!!!" He objected, getting angry. She looked at him, confused, and she, too, began to blush. "Um...that can't be true, can it?" "It is!" Said Edna, in a voice that sounded as though he was trying to prove a point. "I thought maybe he did, because of the way he sometimes acts around you, and I confronted him and he got all embarrassed!" "Edna, that's not a very nice thing to do." Edna looked upset now. She laughed, and rubbed the hat on his head. "It's alright. Just don't be blurting that around Arkcher, OK?" Cheesemaster looked up. He looked extremely uneasy now. "Yes, that's a really good idea." She stood up straight, and stretched for a moment before grabbing her coat from the booth. "Well, I think I'll probably take the plane back home now." Cheesemaster stood up, and touched her shoulder. "Well, then, I'll walk you there." Edna giggled. "Awwww. That's cute." Cheesemaster shot an angry look at him, but it melted when he started talking. "No, No, I'm not doing this because of any feelings I may have, but because a good gentleman always walks a lady home, friend or lover or whatnot." Edna giggled again. "Alright. I'll wait here." "Will you be alright on your own?" "I will! I'll be perfectly fine." --------------------------- Cheesemaster walked out of Planet Horatio with MK, and out into the snow-covered streets of Hamsterdam. White flakes came down, slowly, showing up in plain view on Cheesemaster's black coat, as she slowly grabbed his arm, and the two started walking arm-in-arm, much to Cheesemaster's embarrassment. Yet it made him feel good, which he found very odd. The two walked over a bride that went over a canal, and walked all through town, passing many Invisionists (who found it odd that Arkcher's wife was locking arms with someone whom many believed to be Cheese Woman's boyfriend), until they reached the airport. She turned around, and the two looked at each other. Cheesemaster closed his eyes and turned a light shade of pink, and he said to her, "You know, it'll be awful lonely walking all the way back to Planet Horatio on my own." She giggled. "You'll be alright." He sighed sadly, and looked at the sky. "And now Edna probably won't leave me alone about...you know." "Yea..." She said, as she started to walk in. She took a few steps, and then she looked back at him. "You were telling the truth when you said you didn't...you know, feel that way?" He nodded. "I never lie, Mushroom."
  17. Granted, but it's broken. I wish I had an accent like a 1930's person, with the static in the background and everything.
  18. I've been told I'm insane more than one time I don't want to believe but my mind's on the line And during the deepest and darkest of nights I remember when you and mommy would fight You scream and you yell and you break the screen and the fan It's woken me up and you don't give a ---- I can't help but cry I can't help if I begin to run dry' You're not my brother anymore The rare times I see you your clothes reek with smoke Sometimes it's legal but sometimes it's dope And you once lied to her about what you did And now that it's legal for you it's no longer hid You're not my brother anymore And I got to say I feel kinda bad That you don't associate with us much doesn't make me sad But when you consider the screaming and yelling and tearful fights It's no wonder I don't think about you day or night You're not my brother anymore There's a pain that's stayed with me for all my years A pain that overflows and comes out as tears I still have nightmares about the night you made me panic I think that experience made me go manic You're not my brother anymore I remember when you an I Hung out together before you could drive We'd play video games and your friends sure were cool And when you got your license things got even better And everything Went Downhill From there
  19. I was going to say Jello cubes, but I guess not O: Also, might the fact that you posted this mean that you can do the meme? =DDD SWING YOH ARMS PHRUM SIDE TO SIDE COME ON NOW DO THE MEME THAT'S NO GOOD
  20. One day, me and Kat were inside a dish washer taking a shower. It was Kat's idea. I died. But then I got better.
  21. High Hopes-Pink Floyd. On Pandora because iTunes is being failriffic right now.
  22. Later on that day, during the working hours when the two boys went inside, Cheesemaster and Edna both sat in the living room in the plush armchairs. Cheesemaster was reading a large book, while Edna drew a picture using another book as a hard surface. Soon enough, he put his crayons back in the box they came from, got up, and tugged at Cheesemaster's sleeve. As always he had taken off his jacket and sweater, as he did when he was inside. "Mr. Cheesemaster! Mr. Cheesemaster! Come look at what I made!" Cheesemaster lifted his head, his brain having been in deep thought from reading. Edna waved the picture, and Cheesemaster gently took it from him. Drawn on the paper was a crude crayon sketch of Cheesemaster and Edna being threatened by Kat, with the same attire she'd worn that morning. Cheesemaster giggled. "That was funny when she broke in and threatened us." "Does she do that a lot?" asked Edna. "All the time," He responded, laughing. He set the book on a small desk and got up, heading for the kitchen. "Where are you going?" Edna said, following him. Cheesemaster looked down at him. "I'm going to Hang this up on the fridge. That's fine, right?" Edna's eyes sparkled with joy. "R-really?" "Of course! I love it!" He exclaimed as he walked into the kitchen. He glanced at the photographs of him with Cheese Woman, Kat, MK, and Arkcher; there was also one that Dawn was supposed to be in, but they learned that day that vampires do not show up in photos. Cheesemaster took a magnet and used it to hang the picture next to a photo of Edna. Then, he looked at it for a moment, and then looked at Edna. "Edna, when is your birthday?" Edna gasped lightly. "I...uh...I don't know. But I do know it's on the day I was born!" Cheesemaster laughed. "That sounds like something Kat would say," He said, and he sat down in a chair. "Well, when do you think it may have been?" Edna thought for a moment. "I don't know. When do you think it is?" "Well, I stayed up a long time last night in bed wondering. I ended up looking online to see if there was any data on you, but unfortunately there was no data about your date of birth." Edna gasped. "There's information on me online?!" "Oh, don't worry! I searched the Universal Database. It contains information on everyone who was ever born, ever." He was silent for a moment. "And everyone who was made, too." "That's a lot of information, huh?" Said Edna. "But what do you mean, made?" "Uh...I-I meant, say, robots. Robots are made, not born." Edna sat down in another chair. He looked sad. "What about people who were drawn?" Cheesemaster reached over and gently touched his chin. "Everyone who ever existed no matter how they were made are on there!" Edna smiled. "Good! Everyone is there!" He thought for a moment. "That's an awful lot of information." "It's a shame there wasn't information on your birthday, though. Why don't we make up a birth date for you? We can go to Planet Horatio to celebrate and I'll get you a present or two." "Really?! You want to do that?!" He nodded. The two of them sat looking at a small pocket calender; you know, the kind where all the months are shown as squares on a card. They thought for a long time, until Cheesemaster decided to make it soon. "How about March 1st? That seems good, ah?" Edna nodded. "Sounds great!" --------------------------- March 1st was only three days away from that date, so Cheesemaster had to hurry if he was to make or buy a gift for Edna. He already knew that Edna wouldn't want very much; and it wasn't like he could afford much. So Cheesemaster simply decided to make something for him instead. On February 28th, the two took a boat to Hamsterdam. Cheesemaster decided to take a boat instead of a plane, even though the trip would be longer. It was still cold in Hamsterdam, which they found odd since it was warm at the Port of Cheese; as a result, they had to pack their long coats. "I got us a boat ticket so you could look at the ocean while we travel," Said Cheesemaster as he held Edna's hand, and held Edna's bag in his other hand. The two of them then boarded the ship. ---------------------------------- After boarding the ship, Edna and Cheesemaster went to their cabin, a nice room with a warm set of colors for the decorations and furniture, including a warm fireplace and a large bed with red blankets and pillows. "Looks like you and I are sharing a bed tonight," Said Cheesemaster, setting his bag on the table, and then taking Edna's and placing it next to his. "Well, do you want to go outside and look at the ocean? We have all night." Edna nodded, and he grinned as Cheesemaster picked him up and held him. The two of them walked out onto the deck. It was sundown when they prepared to leave and it was now nearing dinner, and after dinner they would both probably go to sleep. It was starting to get chilly out, so they both put on their coats, and went onto the deck. There was nothing to see but ocean all around the boat; the wind gently blew both of the boy's hair, and the scent of the salty ocean pervaded both of their senses. "I've never been near the sea before, until I came here." Said Edna, looking up at Cheesemaster. He looked down at him, and noticed that he had climbed the first rail and was leaning on the top one while holding onto his hat. "Be careful you don't fall in, OK?" He warned, looking at him cautiously. Edna looked at him. "I'll be fine, as long as you're here." -------------------------- The night went by without any huge events; the two of them went to dinner, and then went to sleep. The next day they woke up with Hamsterdam visible in the near distance, and the two of them rushed out to see it just before breakfast. Edna was excited as he thought about his birthday, which he'd be celebrating soon with his favorite person in the whole world, Cheesemaster. Afterwards, they both ran down to go eat breakfast. ---------------------------- About an hour after Breakfast, the ship docked in Hamsterdam, and the two of them grabbed their bags from their room and decided to go explore the town. "Where do you want to go, Edna? There's a ton to do here." Edna could barely contain his excitement. "I'm so happy!! I don't know where I want to go yet!!" "Well, why not visit Kat first?" Edna looked confused. "She lives here? I thought she lived in our town," He asked as they started walking. "Well, she actually lives here; after all, she does work at Planet Horatio. I think she owns another house in the Port of Cheese. Or at least a box." "Well, let's go see her! Where does she live?" Cheesemaster thought for a moment. "I think she lives at an apartment complex," He said, thinking for a moment. "Hold on, let me try and remember where those are...Ah, I remember now. Come on." The two of them walked through the city, which was bustling with life, and looked around for any apartment complexes; there were too many too count once they got a little further outside of the city center, and they had no idea where Kat lived. That is, until they saw her standing on a balcony; these particular apartments sometimes had small balconies attached to the rooms, where tenants usually hung clothes out to dry or relaxed on nice nights. Today Kat was without her coat, even though it was chilly out; she was wearing her polo and suspenders, and she was rubbing an iron across her chest. The two looked at each other with a look of severe confusion, and they could both read each other's faces: They were both thinking Doesn't that hurt? They both ran over and looked up at her, and yelled her name. "Kat! What are you doing?!" Kat looked confused. She looked to her left and right, and then said, "Jesus? Is that you?" "No, idiot! Down HERE!!!" She gasped. "EL GASPO!!! IT'S SATAN!" "No, No! It's me, Cheesemaster!" "Cheesemaster is Satan?! I thought he was Cheesus!" Cheesemaster groaned. Finally, she leaned over and looked down. "Oh," She muttered. "What are you doing?!" "I'm ironing. What's it look like?" Edna looked up at her as well. "Don't you do that on a board usually?" "That's what she said," Mumbled Kat. "Oh God, I feel like a loser now." "Why are you ironing your clothes while they're on your body?" "Because it saves me time." "Doesn't it...hurt?" "Is it supposed to?" "Never mind...anyway, we're here because we decided today will be Edna's birthday, because we weren't sure when he was born. And we're going to Planet Horatio tonight." "No way. You should definitely come to Fried Dragon Palace." "I don't think so." "Blast, foiled again..." She murmured, and continued to iron her clothes. "Well, we'll see you late-" "WAIT!!" She yelled. She turned off the iron and put on her coat and a Fedora, and jumped down to the sidewalk. Edna marveled at this, and then Kat said, "All cats and Kats land on their feet." "Wow!" Said Edna, smiling. "How do they do that?!" Cheesemaster began to explain how, using as many big words as possible in order to sound smart. Edna tried to understand it all. "So, uh, where are you going? I'm only going to assume that you're not going to Planet Horatio until later on tonight. What do you plan on doing until then?" "Eh, I don't know. Probably just wander around town for the day. I don't have a whole lot of money to spend, especially since I bought a handful of gifts for Edna." "Same here," Said Kat, a little sadly. "I don't have much money either. Even though MK pays us pretty well." "Me and Edna both work, and it works for us. But it's not quite enough when we need to buy things for other people. Which is why I usually make things. But enough of that. Let's go. I assume you're coming too, Kat?" Kat nodded, and followed them out of the apartment complex. ------------------------------ The trio walked around town, with no real set destination set in mind; they simply wandered around the city, examining buildings and window-shopping. It didn't seem long, but before they knew it, it was time to go to Planet Horatio. Kat had to go there anyway, since it was where she worked. Once they got there, Kat got a booth for Cheesemaster and Edna, and that was when Cheesemaster took his bag and reached in, taking out two medium-sized packages. Edna looked at them, bursting with joy, and decided to open the smaller of the two. Edna slowly tore off the paper, which was made of old newspapers that hadn't been sold, and uncovered a beat-up illustrated book on engineering-this time, a copy that Edna could understand. He was excited to open up the next package, which revealed a white box. Inside was a brown knitted scarf. "I made that scarf myself, and the book is from when I started studying engineering." Edna was beyond happy. "Oh, thank you, thank you so much! I love it!" "I'm glad you like it," He said, and then he heard a female's voice. He thought it was Kat's but when he looked up, his heart stopped for a moment when he saw it was in fact MK. "O-Oh! Mushroom!" He said, acting embarrassed. "Hi!" "Hi, you two. What brings you here?" "I was about to ask you that. Where's Arkcher?" "He said he had a big project that he couldn't afford to stop working on," She explained. "He still hasn't told me what it is. Even Aloysius doesn't know." "Wow, neat! I'm here for Edna's birthday." "Oh! Happy Birthday, Edna!" She said, grinning at him. "Let's see....You got a scarf, and a book, it seems. That's nice. If I knew it was your birthday, I'd have brought you something, too." She was about to sit down and Cheesemaster moved over for her. Edna looked over at them both. "Say, Mr. Cheesemaster, when is your birthday anyhow?" "Oh, it's not for a while now. It's in May." "So is mine," Said MK. "That's neat!" Was all Edna said. At that moment, a synth-heavy 80's song started playing; MK got up and grabbed Cheesemaster's arm. "I love this song!" She said gleefully. "Let's dance to it!"
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