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Everything posted by Mushroom_king

  1. Water boils faster when Chuck Norris watches. The Cheif export of Chuck Norris is pain. Chuck Norris Drinks Naplam to kill HeartBurn. Chuck Norris has two speeds: Walk and Kill. Chuck Norris has three knees on each leg. Chuck Norris can eat using one chopstick. Chuck Norris sheds his skin twice a year. Love doesn't hurt, but Chuck Norris does. Chuck Norris's sweat burns holes in concrete. Chuck Norris sleeps with pillows under his gun. *~*The Psyhchedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*
  2. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*teh Final Cut*~* Chuck Norris brushes his teeth with barbed wire. Chuck Norris doesn't need a weapon. He is one. Chuck Norris can talk about Fight Club. Chuck Norris can blow bubbles with beef jerky. Chuck Norris can hold his breath for nine years. Chuck Norris can judge books by their cover. Chuck Norris can skelitize a cow in nine minutes. Chuck Norris can make onions cry. Chuck Norris can speak braille. Chuck Norris's hand is the only hand that can beat a Royal Flush. Chuck Norris can sneeze with his eyes open. Chuck Norris can split the atom with his bare hands. Chuck Norris can taste lies. Chuck Norris can't love, he can only not kill. Chuck Norris counted to infinity. Twice. Chuck Norris doesn't sleep, he waits. Chuck Norris let the dogs out. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*
  3. Sometime, yeah. Guys are pretty stupid with video games, in case you hadnt noticed. After a month or two, he'll probably get bored with WoW and move on to other things. And when he looks for other things to pass the time with, you step up and flirt like no tomorrow, and you've got it taken care of. Yeah, i can say that from experience. I get bent on getting this one game finished (Usually a Metroid game. 'cuz they're awesome, and if I hadnt played one for a long time, i do it again and dont stop till its BEATED.) and dont have much interest in anything else. and I get REALLY bored when i finish. so Trent, supposing he's a guy stupid as I am, will be looking for other stuff. so jump on that oppurtunity when it arrives. You may be able to get him out of that WoW mess faster (I've never played it, so I dunno how awesome it is.) by finding something more... more better. For example, if you were to get on an MMORPG (Furcadia, for example. since that one is usually pretty kid-safe.) and then point that out to Trent, then he'll probably get on there too wit'cha, and it can go in about any direction from there. Yeah, man. Furc is awesome. You can look for some alternatives, though. Theres more than one or two MMORPGs around. XD (But Trent may be hard to find in them. D= ) *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final cut*~* ._..... Okay, then. Yea, Trent is as Stupid as you are. xD (When I say someone is stupid, I usually mean they are awsome.) I duno if he's still into WoW, but he was really addicted to it over the summer. S'why he's so pale. Up until the point where I staretd becoming real obssesd with music, I was a big gamer. XD Dunno if anyone remembers my obsession with Mario Party. One thing I know about Trent is that he goes to an Arcade every Friday night to play Halo and stuff. I'd like to go, but I'm always at Session. Actually, I should invite him to come skating with me sometime. He can't skate but i could teach him. OOOOOOOOR play SSBM. I'm sure he'd like that, killing peoples and stuff. *~*The Psychedelci luau~&*The astronomy Domine*~* YES. do SSBM. So bad. and PWN TEH TRENT. In a few months, you could PWN TEH TRENT on SSBB! n_n and like, play as Metaknight! there needs to be a chuck norris game, so he can be in the one that comes after SSBB! *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final cut*~* Yea, there does. XD I might start using MetaKnight as my secondary Charecter, after Kirby. (That seriously almost came out "Meat Kinght".). "Meh-tah Kniiiiiiiight!" *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Asdtronomy Domine&*~* Meta knight is definately the one I will be perfecting. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* I hope Toad is a charecter. If he is, he might be one of my charecters that I use. I'm DEFINITLY gonna use Meta Knight as one of my charecters. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*
  4. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* My mom says I have another hour, but I am really annpyed right now. I have to dress up in my new jacket (Which is for Halloween) and wear a skirt. Good GOTH is that annoying. *~*The Psyhcedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*
  5. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* X_x I might have to log off soon. My mom says we must go to church. *Continues to Run and hide* *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*
  6. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* [X_x OMG My mom just saod we're going to Church. D= *Runs and Hides*] *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~&*
  7. Sometime, yeah. Guys are pretty stupid with video games, in case you hadnt noticed. After a month or two, he'll probably get bored with WoW and move on to other things. And when he looks for other things to pass the time with, you step up and flirt like no tomorrow, and you've got it taken care of. Yeah, i can say that from experience. I get bent on getting this one game finished (Usually a Metroid game. 'cuz they're awesome, and if I hadnt played one for a long time, i do it again and dont stop till its BEATED.) and dont have much interest in anything else. and I get REALLY bored when i finish. so Trent, supposing he's a guy stupid as I am, will be looking for other stuff. so jump on that oppurtunity when it arrives. You may be able to get him out of that WoW mess faster (I've never played it, so I dunno how awesome it is.) by finding something more... more better. For example, if you were to get on an MMORPG (Furcadia, for example. since that one is usually pretty kid-safe.) and then point that out to Trent, then he'll probably get on there too wit'cha, and it can go in about any direction from there. Yeah, man. Furc is awesome. You can look for some alternatives, though. Theres more than one or two MMORPGs around. XD (But Trent may be hard to find in them. D= ) *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final cut*~* ._..... Okay, then. Yea, Trent is as Stupid as you are. xD (When I say someone is stupid, I usually mean they are awsome.) I duno if he's still into WoW, but he was really addicted to it over the summer. S'why he's so pale. Up until the point where I staretd becoming real obssesd with music, I was a big gamer. XD Dunno if anyone remembers my obsession with Mario Party. One thing I know about Trent is that he goes to an Arcade every Friday night to play Halo and stuff. I'd like to go, but I'm always at Session. Actually, I should invite him to come skating with me sometime. He can't skate but i could teach him. OOOOOOOOR play SSBM. I'm sure he'd like that, killing peoples and stuff. *~*The Psychedelci luau~&*The astronomy Domine*~* YES. do SSBM. So bad. and PWN TEH TRENT. In a few months, you could PWN TEH TRENT on SSBB! n_n and like, play as Metaknight! there needs to be a chuck norris game, so he can be in the one that comes after SSBB! *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final cut*~* Yea, there does. XD I might start using MetaKnight as my secondary Charecter, after Kirby. (That seriously almost came out "Meat Kinght".). "Meh-tah Kniiiiiiiight!" *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Asdtronomy Domine&*~*
  8. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* ICEBERGS. *Shoots Clazzik in The Big Toe* Pff. You DESERVE it, Laddy. j00 stole all meh eyeliner. (You know, I always call guys laddy....it's funny...) *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*
  9. The repairs doods have these monster sized magnifying glasses they are looking through to be able to see all the parts. They have lots of trouble seeing the minute parts. But all in all, they are doing very well considering. We are waiting for the last part... the airport antennae. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* Okay. Clazzik is trying to become the smartest person so he can become a philosipher. *~*The Psychedelci luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* The repair doods have already replaced Max's hard drive, logic board, airport card and they are just waiting for the airport antennae. This is the most important part... the LAST part. LOL Clazzik should have a talk with Lexxscrapham, he is destined to be America's next greatest philosopher. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* I've etched most of Lexx's philosephy in my thoughts, which means there already Clazzik's thoughts. *~*The psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*
  10. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* Chapter Three: The Story Of Kensi It was very late. Giza, along with her freinds had all learned a lot of the two ancient languages. "Time for bed," Oberon said, coming out of his armchair to pick up the dishes from the evening meal since The Giza Gang was far to tired to do it themselves. Oberon scanned the scene. Everyone had fallen asleep. He smiled and rolled his eyes, and began to carry them up to their rooms. TheNext day.... "We need to get ready for our journey to The Mountain Of Memories," said Titania, who was at the market with Catail and dogtail stocking up on supplies. Cattail reached for a first-aid kit that was really large, and Titania giggled. "Not THAT big. Get a smaller one," So they went on and on, until they were well equipped to go on their adventure. Titania was about to set out to the mountains with Giza when Oberon ran over to them. "Wait!" he said. He gave them a package of tattered books-The Myths book, the language book, and an atlas. "You'll need these. Not just here, but in other parts of Dreamtopia as well. Kaitie began to complain as the sun went down. "I'm tired," she whined. Titania looked at teh stubborn Kirby. "Fine, we'll stop for the night." Titania found a small spot in the middle of the woods. Candela had dissipeared long ago. "I found something cool," said Japancat. Japancat showed them a picture of a Toad-Girl, except she had a long, flowing, blue robe across her back, and her belt had many tools on it, and a golden knife was in her hands. "This is Kensi. She was a Star Hero many years ago." Giza perked up with intrest. "Kensi, The Star Hero, is one of the most famous of all time in Dreamtopia. She came from the city of Toad Town in The Mushroom Kingdom, but when she journeyed to The Crystal Palace once, she learned she was a Star Hero." "Kensi used th power of memories to fight enemies. She also had four tools-Kensi's bell, which was a candle snuffer, Kensi's knife, Kensi's Robe, and Kensi's brush. Each tool had her spirit and memories embodied in it to give her power." "However, when she fought Rorre, he knew a clever way to counteract this powerful technique. He would be killed in the process, but Kensi had little chance of survival. Rorre embodied an awful memory in Kensi's tools-The Memory of her Best Freind dying. This made the toold release a wave of power, destroying them both. The tools of Kensi flew to four areas that Kensi would study and train: The Mountain of memories, The Crystal Palace, The Underground on Planet Ripple Star, and one at her house high on the mountain of Space somewhere in the Special Kingdom." Everyone gasped. "One of her tools is up on The Mounatin!" 'Yes," said Japancat. "And Rorre will most likely set his eyes on whatever is up there, as well as the Candela." *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~
  11. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final cut*~* [This is good.] *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*
  12. The repairs doods have these monster sized magnifying glasses they are looking through to be able to see all the parts. They have lots of trouble seeing the minute parts. But all in all, they are doing very well considering. We are waiting for the last part... the airport antennae. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* Okay. Clazzik is trying to become the smartest person so he can become a philosipher. *~*The Psychedelci luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*
  13. That's a good one. I like Pow R Toc H myself. *~*The Grand Illusioh*~*The Final Cut*~* ...That's hardly their bezt album...seriously. Try some of their later stuff. Have A Cigar-Pink Floyd *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*
  14. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* Horatio, my alter ego, Clazzik The Twilight Philosipher, wants to know what the repair doods thought of your hammster-sized lappy. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*
  15. Because not everyone is as smart as you! *looks for a time machine to send Arkcher on a little travel adventure* I can go on a post hunt to find all the posts where everyone ELSE is pointing out your anonymous-itude. Its not hard to see. XD -also looks for a time machine. You can take over the Sworld with those things, y'know...- I'll stick to my cage. I have enough problems cleaning my cage! *imagines taking over the Sworld* Well, not to worry. MK already took over the Sworld. And decided that the cheese should stand alone. -nod- *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final CuT*~* aliens are gonna steal your underwear *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The astronomy Domine*~*
  16. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The final cut*~* AWSOME. Cloudy aisha for you. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The astronomy Domine*~*
  17. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* Turn Off Emoticons *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* *slaps forehead* Duh......... I should have thought of that. Thanks. *hands Mushroom_king some freshly baked muffins* *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* Yaaaaaay! *Gets Mondrobi, Clazzik, Split Personalities, Sanity, and Consince to share my muffins with* *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*
  18. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The final Cut*~& It;s getting really cold down here. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*
  19. You are definitely not stupid, but suffering from matters of the heart. These are unexplainable but very real emotions. Unfortunately, it takes time. This does not make it any better, just that you know the days will have to pass for you to get over him. This is why I would like you to try and do something nice for yourself. As hard as this will be, please try and do it. If not for yourself, but for your favorite blonde handsome hamster. The next time you think about him, try to completely switch your mind to another subject. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* *Jumps out of nowhere* And your favourite insane brownie! *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*
  20. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* Turn Off Emoticons *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*
  21. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* Matilda Mother-Pink Floyd *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*
  22. uhh i despise that song and the whole pack of AFI's new fans. The only reason that song is so popular is because it was the prerealease for Decemberunderground which the real fans waited for for four years so ,basically the kids who liked their punk stuff like The Art of Drowning and Very Pround of Ya and all their good stuff made a hype about the album coming out causing a lot of radiostations to play that song since it was the prerealese, im not saying your friend is but i hate those kids who go aroung saying "oh my god i love AFI" when the only song the know is miss murder, posers, sry i needed to let that out XD I was being sarcastic. Kris haaaaaaaates Miss Murder. It's funny to make her sit through it. XD It must be the almost full moon! Torture... Kris will get you back. You know how revenge is. best had at length, when one can punish with impunity, for a wrong is unredressed when retribution overtakes the redresser, or the avenger fails to make himself felt as such to her who has done the wrong. Very, very true!!! Yet very, very, confusing. @_@ i had to reread that man, and I never have to do that. o.O Lexxscrapham at his best!!! *predicts Lexxscrapham to one of America's greatest philosophers* This board will be home to so many famous/accomplished people. x3 It already is though. I'm the resident world champion, honey is the horse riding champion, M.O.M is gonna be a famous writer, 's CRAZY! *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* And, One day, I shall have my spot in The Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*
  23. Sometime, yeah. Guys are pretty stupid with video games, in case you hadnt noticed. After a month or two, he'll probably get bored with WoW and move on to other things. And when he looks for other things to pass the time with, you step up and flirt like no tomorrow, and you've got it taken care of. Yeah, i can say that from experience. I get bent on getting this one game finished (Usually a Metroid game. 'cuz they're awesome, and if I hadnt played one for a long time, i do it again and dont stop till its BEATED.) and dont have much interest in anything else. and I get REALLY bored when i finish. so Trent, supposing he's a guy stupid as I am, will be looking for other stuff. so jump on that oppurtunity when it arrives. You may be able to get him out of that WoW mess faster (I've never played it, so I dunno how awesome it is.) by finding something more... more better. For example, if you were to get on an MMORPG (Furcadia, for example. since that one is usually pretty kid-safe.) and then point that out to Trent, then he'll probably get on there too wit'cha, and it can go in about any direction from there. Yeah, man. Furc is awesome. You can look for some alternatives, though. Theres more than one or two MMORPGs around. XD (But Trent may be hard to find in them. D= ) *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final cut*~* ._..... Okay, then. Yea, Trent is as Stupid as you are. xD (When I say someone is stupid, I usually mean they are awsome.) I duno if he's still into WoW, but he was really addicted to it over the summer. S'why he's so pale. Up until the point where I staretd becoming real obssesd with music, I was a big gamer. XD Dunno if anyone remembers my obsession with Mario Party. One thing I know about Trent is that he goes to an Arcade every Friday night to play Halo and stuff. I'd like to go, but I'm always at Session. Actually, I should invite him to come skating with me sometime. He can't skate but i could teach him. OOOOOOOOR play SSBM. I'm sure he'd like that, killing peoples and stuff. *~*The Psychedelci luau~&*The astronomy Domine*~*
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