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Everything posted by Mushroom_king

  2. Album Artwork. This Friday I plan to stay up late and get album artwork for all my songs on my iPod.
  4. Are we allowed to review movies from twenty years ago? =D
  6. Granted, but then you are eating the most boring diet ever. I wish Cheesie would hang out here more often! Granted, but then some other random cool person would start coming here on a basis of once every 6 months, and whenever they come back, they only post once....or twice....actually, that tends to happen a lot. I wish I knew how to pay the accordion so I can finally achieve my lifelong dream of starting a band where the instruments are an accordion, kazoo, triangle, and synthesizer. and keytar.
  8. Clean Machine frowned. "As a robot, I don't clearly understand your concept of death. But I'd prefer you did not explain to me, because 'Death' is such a bad-sounding word. It is full of sadness, and grief." He shook his head. "So horrible! So horrible!" Cheesemaster giggled and he petted Clean machine on the head. "It's alright. None of us will be leaving you anytime soon." Clean machine smiled with him. "That's good to know." Cheesemaster leaned back in his chair again, and Shedra Mordred was now giving everyone their breakfast. Afterwards, Kat and Cheesemaster both got up, and put their coats back on. "Well, I hate to say it, but we ought to be going back home." Cheesemaser kneeled down and petted Clean Machine again. "I'll see you again." "No! No! I want to go with you!" He sighed, and looked down at the robot. "But you can't come with me! Arkcher only just made you. You have to spend some time with him for a while." Clean Machine looked up at him, with a look of incredible sadness. "But can I visit someday?" He nodded. "Of course you can. You can visit me after you stay with Arkcher for a while." Clean Machine smiled. "OK. That sounds good." Edna jumped out of his chair after putting his coat on (a gift hand-sewn by Cheesemaster back when he first adopted Edna), and ran over to the robot. He gave it a hug, and then he latched onto Cheesemaster. "Goodbye, robot! See you later!" ------------------------------ After the guests had left, Arkcher decided to was only right to spend some time with Clean Machine, since MK was busy playing with PMM. The two of them sat down in the lab, where Clean machine lived. Arkcher said nothing for a long time as they were down there; Clean machine spent a good amount of time exploring and looking at things. After a while, he went up to Arkcher, and after a long, long silence, he said, "Master, what are you thinking about?" Arkcher gasped lightly as he snapped out of thought. "Oh. I was thinking of Mushroom, and Cheesemaster." Clean Machine was silent, until he asked, "Master, who was that small person with him? I think his name was Edna." "Yea, Edna. He's an orphan, from the world of drawings. Cheesemaster adopted him." "Really? That was nice of him." Arkcher nodded. "yea...Cheesemaster's a pretty nice guy. He forgives everyone, no matter what they do to him." "What if someone tried to kill him?" "Someone did try to kill him. But he didn't care, he forgave him." Clean Machine gasped. "That is amazing! How could someone do that?" "That's what I want to know. I don't think even my father is capable of forgiving someone who wants to murder him." "I don't know your father very well, either, even though he helped you make me." Arkcher said nothing, and Clean Machine looked around. "You were thinking about Mushroom, and Cheesemaster, what were you thinking about?" Arkcher sighed. "Eh..nothing..." "It is not nothing! You do not think about nothing. You think about things. I do not even think and I know that." Arkcher looked at Clean Machine, and he smiled. "When you say things like that...it makes me happy. Because you turned out just as I wanted you to." Clean machine became impatient. "Please do not change the subject." Arkcher sighed. "You're actually very impatient. I never programmed you to be that way. But I digress..." He stood up, and he sighed as he looked at the ceiling. "I was just thinking of Mushroom and Cheesemaster's relationship. I thought maybe Cheesemaster liked her, and was trying to get her to like him more than me. I'm not quite sure, though...I mean, last night, I asked him about it. He wasn't even angry I still thought about it, which surprised me...He gave me a lot of reasons why he only likes her as a friend." "But Master! You said a wife can only belong to one person." Arkcher looked down at Clean Machine with sad eyes. "Well, that's true. I was right on that. But who's to say that would keep someone from liking someone's wife?" He sighed, and looked up at the ceiling again. "Eh...that's one of the Commandments, isn't it?" He said, looking at Clean machine, now seeming confused. "I don't think I quite understood what you said, Master, but it's better then wondering what you were thinking about." Suddenly, Arkcher smiled as though he had just gotten an idea. "Clean Machine, you wanted to stay with Cheesemaster for a while. You could stay there, and..." "Spy for you, I presume?" Arkcher nodded. "But Master, he said I should stay and get to know you for a while." "Yea, but....well, you live here. You can get to know me anytime. You don't always get the chance to go stay at one of their houses." Clean machine just stared blankly at him. "Whatever you say, Master." "Besides, you could wash their clothes if you wanted to." Arkcher leaned down and stroked Clean Machine. "But how about this. If you think you'll miss me that much, how about I fix you so you can communicate with me via phone or email? I've most always got my phone with me and check my email every day. You can talk to me if you get homesick. And we can tell each other what's been happening." Clean Machine smiled. "That sounds good!" Arkcher nodded. "But I'll have to shut you off for a few minutes, if that's OK. That'll keep it from hurting." Clean machine nodded as Arkcher flipped the switch. His eyes filled with sadness as he saw the lights leave Clean Machine's eyes-even though he knew it was only temporary. He picked up the robot, and set it on the workbench, and got to work putting a phone inside the robot. ----------------------------- Back at the Port of Cheese, the weather was finally beginning to get a little warmer; Cheesemaster was now wearing his regular brown jacket with blue sweater again, though it was not quite warm enough yet to go without the sweater and jacket. He and Edna were out in front of their house, doing their normal business, and were pleasantly surprised when Clean Machine rolled up to them. Cheesemaster looked down at the robot in severe confusion. "Clean Machine? What are you doing here?!" "Master said it was OK if I came and visited you, because I can talk to Master whenever I want. He even installed something in me that allows him to talk to me when we are far away." Cheesemaster blinked for a moment, dumbfounded. What might Arkcher be up to? But he had little time to think, as he felt a tap at his skull. He turned around, and he saw a face he hadn't seen in a little while: Dana, a.k.a. the Blood Queen. She looked at him, and then down at the robot. "Umm...who is that?" She said, pointing to the robot. "That'd be Clean Machine...Arkcher's newest invention. He's coming to stay with me for a short time." Blood Queen laughed. "That's weird." "Not as weird as being asked to be called Blood Queen," Giggled Cheesemaster. She giggled sarcastically. "Blood Queen still isn't as strange of a name as Cheesemaster." "Hey, nearly all of us have got strange names. Besides, Cheesemaster and Blood Queen combined still isn't as weird as Who are You? Who Am I?. And her name is considered pretty normal back at home for her, I hear." Edna giggled as he sat on the steps where he shined shoes. "Mr. Cheesemaster, your name isn't very normal back on your home planet. I find that strange." Clean Machine looked terribly confused. "Well..." He was stopped when Blood Queen smacked him on the shoulder. "Hey, am I getting a paper or not?" "Sorry, you're just not the type who typically buys the paper." "Maybe not, but you never know, do you?" She said as she snatched one from his hands. "I'll be on my way now." The girl was well out of earshot when Cheesemaster shivered and said, "She's creepy..." "I'm horribly confused," Said Clean machine. "What are you doing out here?" "Working," He responded. "I sell papers, and Edna shines shoes. Though...I guess you don't need those things." Clean Machine shook his head. "When do you go back inside?" "We always go back inside when everyone goes to work, because no one is out and about at that time. Or at least, not anyone who wants a paper and shoe shine. Clean Machine mouth "Oh," and rolled over by the door. "Can I go inside?" "Go ahead, we'll be in soon." Clean Machine opened the door, and rolled inside. He looked around, and examined things, though he was careful not to touch anything. He rolled into the kitchen, and spotted something on the fridge: Edna's old drawing of Cheesemaster and MK embracing! Clean Machine gasped. This was the sort of thing Arkcher wanted him to look for...but he didn't want to report back to him. He didn't want him getting angry at Cheesemaster, because he knew they were best friends. If Arkcher knew about this picture, he'd be livid. He decided not to say anything for now. Clean Machine rolled away from the fridge, and walked back into the living room. He looked around the room, and saw the various Katanas and bookshelves in the room, which made him curious; but he knew better then to touch anything. He simply stood by one of the armchairs, waiting for the other two to come back inside.
  9. She said she might not want to go back there. Did you ask your mother why? I would be curious as to why she would say that. There are not too many cities that I would say that I would not return to. Not really. I don't know if it's that she likes Paris better (she's French...), or what...I like Germany and England a bit more then France. Oh, and Belgium, that place rules too.
  10. Sounds awesome! Sure, I'd enjoy a list. Thanks! ~Liz Alright, here goes: -In EarthBound Zero, a man in Magicant is based off the Nowhere Man. -If you go up to a house in Onett, the resident says "Pop Quiz! A Beatles Song, XXXterday. Can you fill in the blanks?" -The theme that plays when Brick Road travels with you sounds EXACTLY like "Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band Reprise". srsly. -Tessie's theme sounds like the beginning to "Strawberry Fields Forever" -On the other hand, the music that plays after the meteorite strikes sounds like the end to "Strawberry Fields Forever". -The Happy-Happyists in Happy Happy Town are basically a cross between the KKK and the Blue Meanies. -The song that plays in a cavern sounds like the intro to "All You Need Is Love" -In the original Japanese version "Mother 2", Some of the default names included John for Ness, Yoko for Paula, Paul for Jeff, George for Poo, and poor Ringo as the dog. Going with the theme, the favorite food is "Honey Pie" and Favorite thing is "Love". -Speaking of Honey Pie, the Saturn Valley theme apparently sounds like the Beatles song of that name. I am downloading the song this very moment as I have never heard it, so I can hear for myself....why, yes, it does! - The game's Japanese name "Mother" comes from the John Lennon song of the same name; the game's creator Shigesato Itoi admits this in an interview. -The character Everdred is based off the song "Rocky Raccoon" -The character Lier X. Aggerate is based off the song "The Fool on The Hill" -My personal favorite: In Dungeon Man, there is a collection of broken vehicles, one of which is a Submarine. I'll give you one guess on the color. To top it off the signboard in front of it says "Submarine. The color is a coincidence." -From what I hear, the Pigmasks in Mother 3 are based off a George Harrison song. I still think they're based off Nazis, but that's just me. -A man in Moonside quotes "Hello, Goodbye" before flinging you off to another part of town. -Everyone says the Drugstore song "Humoresque of a Little Dog" sounds like "When I'm Sixty-Four". I personally don't think so, and that's one of my favorite Beatles songs. -A member of the Runaway Five quotes the song "Money (That's What I want)" ...and I'm probably forgetting some too. There's a couple of references to other bands, too. -Two enemies are based off David Bowie songs: Starman and Diamond Dog -The band "The Runaway Five" are based off The Blues Brothers. -The New Age Retro Hippie's theme sounds similar to Chuck Berry's "Johnny B. Goode" -In the Japanese version, the machine that Jeff rides in is called "The Sky Walker". -The theme that plays when Jeff rides the Sky Walker/Sky Runner sounds like the intro to The Who's "Eminence Front" -Another favorite: In the Japanese version, Peaceful Rest Valley is known as "Grateful Dead Valley". (I kinda wish they had kept that in the english version.) I could probably spend two hours compiling a list of EVERY pop culture reference in the games, but...must...refrain... Here's two pics. Woops, I made a mistake. The Sky Runner music sounds like The Who's "Won't Get Fooled Again", not "Eminence Front".
  11. You have to send these pancakes in to school to replace you. So you dont get to eat them. D: I wish my keyboard required less beating and mashing to type properly. Granted, but soon your keyboard becomes sensitive, and you must lightly tap each key to press it. I wish I could find a torrent of the Magical Starsign soundtrack.
  12. Granted, but it will NOT be served on a dish. I wish I had more ice-cream. Granted, but you can only look at the ice cream. I wish that the snow would go away. Then all the snow in Florida or wherever you are nowadays, would end up here in Texas and made me frolic outside. -cheers- I wish I would remember to go to sleep sooner. Granted, but then you would forget to breathe. I wish my One Piece soundtrack downloaded faster. Granted, it will download at the speed of light, but the file size will be 100TB. I wish the days were more than 24 hours. Granted, but then the show "24" would be MEANINGLESS. But I don't think you, or anyone else, watches it so no one would care anyway. I wish I knew why people on dA like to put twin brothers into yaoi fanfiction. Granted, but then everyone on dA would do it. I wish I had the slightest clue what MK was talking about half the time. Granted, but then you would be her twin. I wish I wasn't hungry in the middle of the night. Granted, but you're now insatiably hungry at every other time of the day. I wish my cold was gone. Granted, but you would have to give up one of your senses. I wish I were an Oscar Meyer Wiener. Granted, but then you'd be made of people, and not...whatever Oscar Meyer Wieners are usually made out of. I wish my YTMND soundtracks would download faster. My Rush CD, too. I am downloading them legally, btw. Yea... Granted, they download at the speed of light, but they are all in Russian. I wish the warm weather would be here immediately. Granted, but then you would MEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLLTTTTTTTT I wish I had some pancakes, and that I didn't have to go to school tomorrow
  13. [in today's chapter, we discuss Suicide, Sex changes, gender-confused persons, Disease, and death. .....using Vihjoe James as metaphor.] The party lasted several more hours, and Arkcher talked Clean machine into joining in. Kat and Cheesemaster stayed the night, in separate rooms of course. The next morning, Arkcher awoke to find that MK was not laying next to him in bed, like she usually was; this greatly concerned him, and he ran off to wardrobe room to get dressed. She was not there, so he checked the Dining room; still nothing. He asked a few Mordreds, and they said they had seen her and the others go to play on the roof. Arkcher went up there, and found MK, Cheesemaster, Edna, and PMM talking to each other. Kat was playing her DS, and Aloysius was practicing his violin. Arkcher looked confused. "What are you guys playing?" The four who were talking stopped and looked at him, and ran over. "We found out that we've been playing a video game this whole time! It's called Real Life," Said MK. Arkcher nodded, but was still confused. "Uh, ok...is it any fun?" "No!" Said MK, becoming angry. "My last file got deleted when some guy shot me in the head!" Cheesemaster sighed, "I really need to find a save point so I can log off and get a life." Edna sighed as well. "In my last game, I died, and when I respawned, I was at level one with no abilities or stats!" "It's impossible for even me to beat it 100%," said PMM. "That doesn't sound fun at all," Said Arkcher. He looked over at Kat and Aloysius. "Are Dad and Kat playing, as well?" "Of course they are. Kat is playing a Mini-Game, and your father is trying to complete the 'Make a Symphony' Mission. It's only available to players who beat the 'Learn a String Instrument' mission 100% with no errors," Explained PMM. He frowned, and then looked around. "Hey, my food stat is running low. We ought to go eat Breakfast." Cheesemaster turned around and yelled to Kat. "Kat! Breakfast time!" Aloysius looked up, but didn't stop playing his violin. Kat got up and followed everyone as they walked down to the Dining Room. ----------------------------- Everyone walked in and sat down, except for Arkcher, who went to go get Clean Machine. While they waited for him, they discussed Real Life. "Hey, I heard there's a sequel to Real Life called AfterLife. You guys heard of it?" Asked MK. "I heard of it," Said Edna. "I hear that depending on what quests or missions you do, AfterLife is either a lot of fun, or it's horrible." MK smiled. "I think that when you complete Real Life, if your game wasn't very good, you'll get a new, completely different file...but your old one goes away, unfortunately. But once you play the game and your game is really good, you get to play AfterLife." She looked at Cheesemaster. "What about you?" He leaned back in his chair and looked at the ceiling. A tone of sadness was in his voice. "I partially agree with Mushroom. I think you can play the game multiple times...but...I don't think AfterLife will be released. After you play Real Life, you either start a brand-new game, or nothing happens." "Nothing happens? But that's...that's awful!" Said Edna. Kat and PMM were about to give their opinions, but just then, Arkcher walked in with Clean Machine following him. Arkcher sat next to MK, and Cheesemaster helped Clean Machine into the seat at the very end of the table, so he was next to Cheesemaster and Arkcher." Everyone was silent for a few seconds, before MK asked-"Do robots also play Real Life?" "Yea, I think robots, and androids...and anyone else who was built rather then born plays Real Life." "You think so, Mr. Cheesemaster?" Said Edna, looking at him. He nodded. Clean Machine blinked. "Real Life? What is That?" Cheesemaster smiled at Clean Machine, and began to give him a thorough explanation of the game. "Real Life is the biggest RPG ever. Everyone who ever existed plays or played Real Life. It's very openended, and...well, there's quite a few complaints from the players. For one, it can be horribly painful and depressing at times. S-Some players have even ended their game prematurely because it was too much for them. But there's also lots of very happy moments. But I'll get to those things in a minute." "In the game, you're typically born. When you're born, you're level 1, have no stats, and have only the most basic of abilities. But some players," He said, as he patted Clean machine on the head, causing the robot to smile and shut his eyes, "Are made. When a player is made by someone else, they may start at any level, and may have built-in abilities. Some players are built for the sole purpose of using abilities." "When you play Real Life, there are many goals, missions, and quests you have to do. A few of them are required, like, uh...learning to talk. But most are merely options that make your storyline more interesting. No one is quite sure what the overall goal of Real Life is, but one guild of players, called 'Philosophers', have often dedicated their entire game to finding out why they were even playing the game." "Many players have had arguments over which stat was more important-Money, or Happiness. Well, money is important to Real Life. During the first few levels, the NPCs known as your parents usually buy stuff for you. Starting somewhere around Level 10-13, you have to do good deeds for other players and you earn money from the NPCs. Little to no jobs are available at this point, though depending on where your game takes place, you can...uh, mow lawns, be a babysitter, or, uh...be like me and sell newspapers." "Around Level 16, you must complete the mission 'Get a Job'. After completing the mission, you get a mediocre job, but it'll still generate money. If you want a better job, you have to complete the missions 'Finish High School', 'Go to College', and 'Finish College'. When you finish College, you get the 'Degree' item. You can use this item to get a good job." "Most people only play Real Life for the bonuses: The Mini-Games, the sound files, text files, video files, writing mode, and drawing mode. Unfortunately, you typically have to pay for Mini-Games, Mini-Game equipment, and Files, and you have to pay for the tools in the Drawing and Writing modes, too. But, if you complete the 'Get a Computer' and 'Get internet' missions, you can find some of those things for free." "Now, the complaints people sometimes have. One major complaint is the other players and NPCs. People claim that they are stupid, rude, and closeminded, among other things. Another complaint is that there is no strategy guide; while there are certain text, sound, and video files that are said to help one play Real Life, these files are not licensed by the Real Life developers." "Another major complaint with Real Life the lack of much customization. The Player's gender, name, skin color, species, etc. is predetermined. While there are the "Sex Change" and "Plastic Surgery" items that can change your skin color or gender, these items are horribly expensive. Typically, the players who purchase the Sex Change item are players who think their game has a glitch, and they were given the wrong gender. But no matter; typically, the only customization option one has is the armor. You can buy the armor in a lot of place, but unlike real armor it doesn't really protect you. But the armor can increase stats, like Awesomeness, Charisma, or it can align you with a different group." "Another complaint some players have is the 'Disease' Feature. While some diseases are non-fatal and can be cured with a nap or by getting the 'Medicine' item from certain areas, many diseases have no cures and can end your game prematurely. Some diseases may <i>not</i> kill the player, but rather, make the game much less enjoyable. Or, maybe," He said, adjusting his glasses, "Players just have God-awful eyesight. Typically when that happens, the player has to get the 'Glasses' or 'Contact Lenses' items. Or, if you're British, you get the 'Monocle' item." "Some characters also get Laser Eye Surgery-" He began to say, before Kat interrupted him. "I'm getting that this friday!" She said, happily. "Soon, I, too, shall have Laser vision!" Cheesemaster looked at her. "Kat, Laser Eye Surgery doesn't give you laser vision." She gasped. "W-What?" She said, nearly dropping her teacup. "Then what does it do?!" "It fixes your eyesight," He said. "Then maybe you should get it," PMM mumbled under his breath. Kat's mouth hung agape, and she quickly whipped out a PDA and began to tap away. "I gotta cancel my appointment, then!" He giggled, and turned back to Clean Machine. "The biggest complaint with Real Life, though...is the Game Over feature. Just about every video game has it....but you always respawn! Not in Real Life...when you get a Game Over...When you beat the game..." A look of sadness fell across his face, and he sighed heavily. "...You die...." Clean Machine looked up at him. "But, don't you come back to life? That always happens in Games." He sighed, and his eyes began to water, but he held it back. "No...when you Beat the game...or when you get a Game Over...or when you Prematurely end your game...You really do die..."
  14. Wonderful quote! Voltaire... writer extraordinaire!!! Whenever someone mentions Voltaire, I think of the musician...but the writer is cool, too.
  15. Granted, but it will NOT be served on a dish. I wish I had more ice-cream. Granted, but you can only look at the ice cream. I wish that the snow would go away. Then all the snow in Florida or wherever you are nowadays, would end up here in Texas and made me frolic outside. -cheers- I wish I would remember to go to sleep sooner. Granted, but then you would forget to breathe. I wish my One Piece soundtrack downloaded faster. Granted, it will download at the speed of light, but the file size will be 100TB. I wish the days were more than 24 hours. Granted, but then the show "24" would be MEANINGLESS. But I don't think you, or anyone else, watches it so no one would care anyway. I wish I knew why people on dA like to put twin brothers into yaoi fanfiction. Granted, but then everyone on dA would do it. I wish I had the slightest clue what MK was talking about half the time. Granted, but then you would be her twin. I wish I wasn't hungry in the middle of the night. Granted, but you're now insatiably hungry at every other time of the day. I wish my cold was gone. Granted, but you would have to give up one of your senses. I wish I were an Oscar Meyer Wiener. Granted, but then you'd be made of people, and not...whatever Oscar Meyer Wieners are usually made out of. I wish my YTMND soundtracks would download faster. My Rush CD, too. I am downloading them legally, btw. Yea...
  16. The two boys walked along the path towards Road-River forest, passing NomNom and Lake Amie on their way. They didn't need to stop there again, nor did they want too. "I'm surprised," Said John, as they neared the forest. "No demons have attacked us." "I'm sure we'll see tons of them in the woods. Or at least a lot of thieves," Answered Will. "Either way, It'll be a good way to practice our skills!" Said John, optimistically. The two passed a small building that lived just on the edge of the woods. "What's this?" Wondered John, looking at the sign. "Last Step?" "That's right," Came a voice. A timid-looking human man popped out, looking through the window. "I got robbed yesterday. And not by the normal thieves, either. I don't know if she was a thief, a demon, or both...she wore a crimson outfit, with a cape, and a top hat and mask. In her hand was a whip." "That's awful!" Shouted John, as he raised his fist. "Oh, please! You don't have to..." "We'll get your things back!" "No, John! We have to get to the city!" Said Will. "I agree with your friend. I think you should wait. Besides, I'm good friends with some people in NomNom. I'll get more things. I hope you stocked up for the trip through the forest." "Don't worry. We did." "Well, young man! Good luck! You seem brave." "Thank you. We'll see you again!" And the two boys waved goodbye to the storekeeper, and walked into the huge forest. ------------------------- The forest had an almost magical feel to it; several shafts of light fell down to the forest floor through gaps in the trees. But even so, the two boys were wary of any thieves that might attack. Everyone knew that a town full of them was somewhere in the Road-River forest, and they frequently robbed passerby. Just to be safe, John took out his blade, and Will armed himself with his gloves. The two were silent for a long time, until Will screamed, and John swiftly turned around and saw two black-clothed thieves fighting Will. With them was a tall woman with a crimson outfit, cape, top hat, and a mask. "Will! That must be the person the storekeeper told us about!" And with that, he launched into a fight with them. The woman laughed. John gritted his teeth. "Mortal Damage!!" He shouted, and he brought his sword down on one of the black-clothed thieves, freeing Will; he then proceeded to use his extra arms to barrage his tasers on the other thief. If you attack the minions first, John remembered from playing RPGs, The head of them will be easier. The two black-clothed thieves collapsed. The masked thief looked at them. Her mask was white on one side with a black cross-shaped eye, and a black half-smile, and the other side was black with a white eye and white part of the smile. She reached for her waist, and took out a whip. John and Will held their weapons to her, and they swore they heard her laugh from under the mask. The woman held her whip, staring at them...and before they knew it, she had run away. Luckily, nothing was stolen. "Ugh!" Muttered John, angry. "We let her get away!" "Don't worry, John. It'll be OK." John nodded, and they both started walking again. ----------------------------- As the boys travelled through the woods, two other people were conversing on the outskirts of Densetsu city. A young woman with a short, blue bob, a purple-blue cloak, narrow eyes with defnded eyelashes, and a scythe in her hands sat at a desk. She wore gray gloves and was scrying into a black disc. She looked into it, and saw the faint figures of two humans walking in the forest. She was unable to make out many details, and unfortunately the vision vanished before she knew it. She sighed, and felt a hand on her shoulder. She looked up, and above her was a tall man with a red trench coat, torn around the end, that had a high collar. He, too, had gray gloves, and he had bumpy, orange hair that covered one eye and descended down to about his collar, and an orange ponytail that went to his midback. He also wore glasses, and held a white staff that looked much like a key and had a cross on top. "Teacher," The girl said, "I saw two people in the woods. I believe the woods leading to the city, and I believe they may be headed here...for some reason, they seem important." Her teacher thought for a moment. "Did you see much?" "No, Teacher...I only found out where they were and where they were going..." "Well, people traveling in those woods was already very rare due to all the thievery there. And now it is even less, if that is possible, because of the fear of demons." "You don't think the two I saw were demons, do you, Teacher?" He shook his head, and motioned for her to get up. She did so, and he sat down, and stared intently into the disc. In a matter of moments, a clear image of John and Will appeared. "It's two young men, from Goldinya. They are certainly not demons, from the history I am getting." The girl started to choke a little bit. "Teacher, you make me feel like I am bad at magic..." He giggled. "Do not worry, Katie. You will get better." The pair's name was Katie Mahou and Corbin Pyna Taikuri. Corbin had been Katie's teacher for years now, and had taught her many magic skills. "Whatever happens, I recommend we keep an eye on these two. See what they are doing in Densetsu." Katie nodded. "Teacher, do you think they are...the ones?" He shook his head. "The Ones are not two boys. The Ones are a large group. But who knows, for all we know, they are a part of The Ones." "The Ones," She said again. "The people destined to save Warudo." Corbin nodded. "Indeed. That is who they are. But no amount of magic can tell us who The Ones are." "Except for one person," She said. He nodded again. "The Princess Julia. But she has gone missing, hasn't she? Perhaps The Ones will be the ones to rescue her." Katie nodded. "I hope everything will turn out right." "They will, Katie. Destiny will not allow the world to fall into Evil." She sighed, and nodded. They both then decided to wait for the two to come to the city, to see what they were really made of. --------------------------- Back in the forest, the two boys continued to follow the road that had been dug into the forest floor by the feet of travelers. They wouldn't get lost if they just continued to follow the path. But the forest didn't seem to end, and they were getting tired; but they knew if they stopped to rest, their belongings would be easy prey for getting stolen. So they had to keep walking, quietly as not to make a spectacle of themselves. "I wonder why no more thieves have tried, um, thieving us again?" Wondered Will, looking around. "I don't know. Do you think that masked woman was their leader?" "Probably. Maybe she is afraid of us?" "That could explain why she ran away from us." "Or maybe there's a reason we don't know." "Yea, it's probably one of those two reasons." It was then that the two boys were attacked by a gang of five black-clothed thieves surrounded them. John and Will stood back-to-back as they prepared for battle. The Masked Woman was nowhere to be seen. John charged towards three of them with his sword, and Will began to lock the other two in a deadly taser headlock. One of them hit Will in the head, and began to attack Will with a dagger. "Will!!!" Screamed John, and turned around to save his friend. He attacked the Thief who was about to stab Will, and slashed at him with his sword. Will was on the ground, weak. John found the other four thieves surrounding him. There was only one thing to do. "Life Light!" He shouted, and a blinding yellow light surrounded Will, healing him. He stood up, and the two of them went into a combination attack on the thieves. After all five were down, John looked at the one that had tried to stab Will. He slowly walked toward him, and the thief's eyes went wide with fright. John rose his sword in anger. "This is for trying to kill my best friend!" He said, and hit the man with the flat part of his sword, as not to kill him. "Come on! Let's go!" Muttered Will, and the two boys began to run, making sure to continue following the path. Before they knew it, the sun was shining in their eyes; they were out of the woods! ---------------------------- John and Will looked around, and at each other. They high-fived each other. "YEA!!" they shouted in Unison, and Will pointed. "There's Densetsu city!" The two boys stared in shock. Above the town, about a thousand miles up, was a gigantic floating castle. John gulped. "That's...Is that where the royal family lives?" "I guess so," Said Will. The two gulped in unison, and started walking towards town. --------------------------- The boys were speechless with awe when they walked into town. People of many different species walked about in the town-humans, animals, non-humans, elves, fairies, all types of people were there. Enormous, crowded-together buildings, the first that they had seen, caused the boys to think Wow, every so often; but they had to keep walking so no one would know they were from out of town. But then they faced a problem many do: they got lost. They found themselves utterly lost, and were embarrassed to seek directions; that is, until they were confronted by a tall man with a staff strapped to his back and a young girl with a scythe in her hands. It was Katie and Corbin, who had been spying on the boys for the past several hours. "Young man," Said Corbin, looking at John, "You and your friend look horribly lost. If you would like, me and my friend here could help you get where you are going." Will's eyes went wide, and he shook his head, urging John to stay wary. But John smiled. "Ah, thank you! We're new here, and we got lost, but we were far too embarrassed to ask for help!" Corbin smiled, and he giggled. "Well, you've come to the right people." He motioned towards Katie. "My name is Corbin Pyna Taikuri, and this is my apprentice, Katie mahou." Katie did a small curtsey. "My name is John Espada. This is Will Oppfinner, my best friend." "It's a pleasure to meet you," Said Corbin, and he turned around. "We'd be pleased to have to over at our house. Is that OK?" John nodded, and Will clutched his shoulder in fear. ------------------------------ Corbin and Katie led the boys to a small cottage on the outskirts of the city, that was situated on a hill that allowed a view of the landscape. Corbin took out a key, and opened the door, but allowed Katie in first, and then the boys. He was the last to go in. Corbin looked through some drawers until he found a folded up piece of paper. He handed it to John. "This is something very useful: it has a map of every town in Warudo. Now you can't get lost." "Thanks so much!" He said, and put it in his bag. Corbin sat down by a table, and pulled up two extra chairs. "Have a seat, and let's learn more about each other." The two boys sat down, and Katie sat near Corbin. "Where are you boys from?" "We're from the village of Goldinya," Answered John. "I see...I heard wind that demons attacked the town, but the attack was stopped." "That, well you see, that was us." Stuttered Will. "Was it really?!" exclaimed Corbin, his face doubtful for a moment; and then He smiled. "I believe you. But why did you come all the way here?" "I want to help fight Kuupkay." Corbin and Katie's eyes both went wide, and Corbin's eyeglasses fell down his nose in surprise. "One as young as you wants to do something as dangerous as that? That's suicide!" John shook his head. "I don't plan to do it now. I want to train and become incredibly powerful." Corbin thought for a moment. "Who knows?" Was all he said. "So, you plan to see the King and Queen?" John nodded. Corbin smiled. "I'll let you in on a secret. The King's Daughter, Julia, has vanished recently. If you find her, I promise the King would be more than happy to do anything for you." John smiled. "That'd be nice. Do you think if I find her, I can bring her back and he'll let me join the army to fight Kuupkay?" Corbin nodded. "But finding the princess is far easier said than done." "I know that. But I know I can do it. I'll train as I search the land for her." "A respectable goal for someone as young as you," He said, smiling. He then stood up. "Me and Katie are magicians. I am her teacher." "That's cool. My friend Will here can't use magic, but he's awesome with inventing, plus...well, show them your power, Will." Will nodded, and he stood up. He then grew an extra arm out of his back, causing Katie to gasp, and Corbin to be taken aback. "Oh My!" He said, and he smiled. "What a power! But how did you get it?" "I evolved." Answered Will. "I evolved so I could invent things better." Corbin smiled. "And you, John?" "I can use magic," He said. "Life Magic. And I'm pretty good with a sword, too." Corbin nodded. "Useful skills. A swordsman capable of magic with a multi-armed inventor is quite a pair." John nodded. Corbin smiled, and Katie began to speak finally. "But..." "But what?" "I think you'll need more then just a swordsman and an inventor on your team." "What do you mean?" Asked John, confused. "I think they're offering to help us," Whispered Will. Corbin nodded. "After all, what better way for Katie to train her magic skills then to travel the land?" "I won't get much better if I just stay here," She said quietly. "So it's settled," John shouted triumphantly. "The two magicians, Katie and Corbin, have joined our party!" He looked at them. "What sorts of magic do you do, anyhow?" Corbin posed with his white staff. "I'm a holy magician." Katie stood up with her scythe. "I'm not a darkness magician, despite my weapon. I'm a spirit magician." "Makes sense," Said John. "After all, scythes have to do with death, and when you die you're just a spirit!" Katie smiled. "I never thought of that," She said, giggling. "How clever." Corbin grabbed his staff and walked toward them. "But it'd be very odd if we just found Julia and brought her to the King and Queen. I believe we should consult with them first." Katie frowned. "But Teacher, not just anyone can get into the castle." "We'll just tell them we wish to help them search for Julia," he said. "Trust me, just say that, and anyone could get in." He frowned. "Which may or may not be a good thing." -------------------------- The four of them walked out of the small house that overlooked Densetsu city. Corbin had packed any important magic items he might need in a bag, and locked the door. "I don't think we'll be here for a while," He muttered, and he turned around. John and Will were staring in awe at the Castle in the Sky. "The King and Queen really do live in the sky..." Whispered John. "That's amazing. How does it stay up like that?" "With magic, what else?" Said Corbin, looking at it while shielding his eyes from the sun. Katie looked up at it too. "And with a little bit of PSI, too, I hear." She looked at John and Will's confused faces, and giggled. "Psychic power. It's a little like magic..." Corbin took out a book and flipped through it. "But it comes from brainpower. Magic comes from Mindpower. It sounds the same, but it is not." "I understand," Said John. Will scratched his head. Corbin continued to speak. "There are magicians living somewhere in the palace that keep that piece of earth the palace was built upon in the air. It's meant to make it more difficult for attackers to reach." "And how do you suppose we'll get up there?" Corbin smiled. "Don't worry," He said, and he began to lead the boys (and girl) into the city. -------------------------------- The sun was beginning to set, though it had not yet touched the horizon yet; and despite this the town was still bustling with people. Corbin walked through the city, and began to walk towards the northern part of the city. They found themselves underneath the shadow of the floating castle. Two guards stood in front of the shadow. As Corbin was about to walk into the shadow, the two guards blocked his way. "State your name and what purpose you have in the palace?" "My name is Corbin Pyna Taikuri. My friends here are Katie Mahou, John Espada, and Will Oppfinner. We wish to join the search for the Princess Julia Ojousama."" One guard gasped and gulped. The other became suspicious. "How do we know you are not a demon who has come to wreak havoc?" Corbin stepped forward. He took out his staff, and the two guards noticed the cross on top of it. He shut his eyes, and the staff began to glow. He let go of it and it floated. Then, it raised into the air, and Corbin opened his eyes, and shouted: "HOLY PURGING!!!" And the staff crashed into the earth, causing a white shock wave. The two guards nearly fell over. They quickly got up, and the one who had been suspicious began to gasp. "That's a Holy Spell!!" He said, and the two saluted him. "Only the purest of people can use Holy magic!" Corbin nodded. "Now, may we get into the castle?" [FUN FACT CORNER: -Lake Amie is named after Sailor Mercury's civilian identity from Sailor Moon; her element was Water/Ice and as you will find out later Lake Amie frequently freezes over. -Pyna Taikuri is Finnish for "Holy Magician". -mahou is Japanese for Magic. -Ojousama is also Japanese; but I have seen it translated in several ways. I have seen it translated into "Princess", but I have also seen it translated as a term for a woman of wealth and/or high respect who may or may not be royalty. Either way, it works for Julia.]
  17. Arkcher and Mushroom_king were at the mansion on a day in early March. MK has just returned from a short vacation in Hamsterdam, and Arkcher had been working on a new project for several months with the aid of his father. Only the two of them knew about the project, leaving everyone else wondering what it was. The only people outside of the Mansion who knew of the project were Cheesemaster and CC Edna, as MK had told them. That morning, the couple were getting dressed, and Arkcher planned to show his friends the new project. He'd already sent a note to Kat and Cheesemaster for them to come see it. The couple were in the wardrobe room, getting dressed; a barrier that went up to their necks was pulled out in the center of the room when they changed, which was mainly due to Arkcher not wanting to see MK nude. But today, just as she was about to put her shirt on, he saw something out of the corner of his eye. "Mushroom," He said, "Come here." She lifted her head out of the shirt, and it was now still in her hand. "Uh, what is it?" She said, nervously walking over to him. She was almost entirely dressed; she had her pants on, and he looked at her through the corner of his eye. "Arkcher, what are you looking at?" She said defensively, crossing her arms across her chest. She wasn't entirely nude from her waist up, but Arkcher was not the kind of guy who peeked into girl's bras. Ever. He looked as he put his shirt on, and then looked at her full-on. She blushed, and he examined her. "Mushroom, did you get a tattoo on your chest?" "W-Why yea, I did." His face became angry. "MK, that..." "I know. It makes you mad. Your religion. I know." He nodded. "My religion doesn't allow tattoos, you know." "Yea, I know. But I don't follow your religion," She said as she put on her shirt. "But Mushroom, why would you do something you know upsets me?" He said as he put on his coat and went to get his necktie. "Arkyy, you've done things you know upset me," She retorted. "Sometimes you say stuff...or what about the way you treated Cheesemaster on Valentine's Day." He huffed. "Look, I apologized, alright?!" "But you've become even more paranoid lately about him." "What do you mean, Paranoid?! I even invited him today to come see my new invention. Plus, I planned to let him stay the night to show I'm really sorry." She sighed. "Fine. But it doesn't matter...my tattoo is discreet. You can pretend it doesn't exist." "I will," He said, as he leaned on the wall in between them, and looked at her with peaceful eyes, a tiny smile curving across his face. She turned around as she was button up the sole button on her coat, and smiled at him. "What're you looking at?" "Nothing," He said, and he shut his eyes. "Want to play in the snow while we wait for Kat and Cheeseman?" He said, as he packed up the dividing wall. "That sounds good!" ------------------------------ The two of them walked outside into the snow; they were no longer in the protective bubble of the Mansion (which was in a state between Winter and Spring), and out into the snow. Arkcher went to go stand under a tree, and MK went off elsewhere to make a snowball. He had just shut his eyes, when he felt something cold on his mid-back; he felt it, and found it was a snowball. Only one person could have made it-MK. He started to make one of his own, but when he was about to throw it, he stood up, and got pelted in the face, and he fell to the ground. MK, worried, came over to him. "You...You alright, Arkky?" She looked at him, worried, but he jumped up, tackled her, and fell down on top of her. "Tickle fight!" he shouted, starting to tickle her, and the two threw snow on each other. This continued for a long time, until he stopped, and the two looked at each other. The sun started to shine on the area, causing the snow around them to glimmer, and the two of them looked deep into the other's eyes. Arkcher had loose strands of hair dangling in front of his face, and MK had lots of it covering her eyes, until Arkcher moved some of it for her. He leaned down near her face, and whispered to her, "You know...I think you look kind of cute with all that snow on your clothes. He leaned down, and shut his eyes as if he was going to kiss her...but then they heard someone yelling at them. It was Kat, from the balcony of the Mansion. "Get a room, you two! We're here! Except everyone else is inside!!" Arkcher looked, and the two of them got up, brushed the snow off themselves, and walked inside, Arkcher with his hand around her waist the whole time. --------------------------- The two went inside, where Kat, Cheesemaster, and Edna were sitting in the tea room. MK broke from Arkcher's grip and gave Cheesemaster a hug, making her husband very jealous. He sat down next to her, and now she was in between the two boys, who were eying each other. "How have you been lately, Mushroom?" He said, pretending as though it had been a long time since he last saw her; Arkcher would flip out if he knew he had been in Hamsterdam at the same time she had been. So he pretended he had not seen her since Valentine's. Arkcher looked at Edna. "Why's he here?" "Oh, you didn't know?" Said MK, "He adopted him about a month ago..." "Really?!" He said, sounding excited. "That's like Mushroom with Sean and Julian, then." "Mr. Cheesemaster is very nice to me!" Said Edna. "He made me feel much better about myself." "So, Arkcher, are we gonna see your brand-new invention or not?" Asked Kat, who wearing her Monocle and drinking tea. She had a Top hat on top of her fedora. "Oh, yeah! The whole reason I even invited you guys over." He got up, and everyone looked at him. "It's in a secret underground room," He explained. "I do all inventing there. But if I take you guys there, you'll know where it is...hmmm...alright, close your eyes and hold hands." Out of the corner of his eye, he glared at Cheesemaster. "In that order." Kat closed her eyes and grabbed Edna's hand, who closed his eyes and grabbed Aloysius's hand (Not sure why he closed his eyes-he knows where the room is), who grabbed Cheesemaster's hand, who grabbed MK's hand, and she grabbed Arkcher's hand. Arkcher led his friends out of the room (difficult, since their eyes were all closed), and down into the secret room. --------------------------- "Alright, everyone, you can open your eyes now." They did, and right away they looked to see whose hand they had grabbed. Cheesemaster blushed and giggled when he realized he had been holding MK's hand. He knew Arkcher might not be happy about that. "Alright, everyone. This may not seem very amazing, but just think of all the work that went into it..." He walked over to a knee-high object with a tablecloth over it. He whipped it off, and underneath was a robot with three square parts: A head, which was only a tiny bit smaller then the other two parts, and had an antenna coming out of it. The first part had a circle in the middle, which was clear. But there were no wires through it, making the others suspicious. The third square had a square drawn on it with a handle. It had four wheels, and two arms. "This," Said Arkcher, "Is Clean Machine! My newest invention! No longer will people think of you as a nut when you talk to the washing machine! I present to you the most hardcore robot ever-he cleans clothes!" "OH MY GOD THAT IS FREAKING AWESOME!!!" yelled Kat. "I WANT ONE!!" Arkcher laughed. "Yes, truly! He both washes and dries. But watch!" He flipped a switch, and the robot's eyes opened. It looked around, all while making no noise. It looked up at Arkcher, and in a voice as clear as day, it said, "Master! Who are these people?" He said as he pointed to the others. "They're my friends," he said. "And my wife." He pointed to MK. CM (as he will be called) looked for a moment. "Friends? Wife? What are those?" Arkcher thought for a moment. "A friend is-Well, it's-A friend-" "It's someone who's very special to you," Explained Cheesemaster. "Who you can tell anything." "Oh, I understand!" Said CM. "But the other thing. A wife. What is that?" "It's also someone who's very close to you," Explained Cheesemaster. "That only one person can have," Said Arkcher, glaring at him. "Unless you're a polygamist, which Arkcher is because he's a mormon." Arkcher rolled his eyes. "Master, what are their names?" Everyone introduced themselves to him, with Cheesemaster bowing to the robot in respect. CM smiled at them. "It is nice to meet all of you! Can you be my friends as well?" "We sure will!" "That is pleasing to know," said the robot. "Come on, Clean Machine. I want to take you up into the mansion, because we're going to have a party to celebrate you being finished!" Clean Machine smiled. He had a cute smile that made everyone else happy. ------------------------------ The group went up into the mansion to test out Clean Machine's cleaning ability. As requested, everyone brought a piece of dirty laundry. MK went first. "I wasn't sure if you meant the actual thing, or the Don Henley song," She said. "So I burned the song onto this CD, and put it inside one of my dirty shirts." She tossed it in. "Me and Edna were painting the other night!" Said Cheesemaster, a look of happiness on his face. "I got it all over my favorite blue sweater," He said, as he tossed it in. "I got it all over my favorite striped shirt!" Said Edna. Kat walked forward, holding her red trench coat. "Let's see...first I got drunk and spilled alcohol on it. Then I went home, still drunk. I got run over by a car and got tire tracks and oil on it. I died, so I got blood on it, and they tried burying me, so i got dirt on it, but then I got better. Everyone was crying over my body, so there's tears on it too. I then went home, and went down to my basement where Oscar Wilde lives. That explains that small white patch there. Then Oscar tried sitting in the corner of a circular room. It exploded, and so some of my coat got ash on it. Then I took a bath, and accidentally lit it on fire. So there's burn marks on it, too. Then that stupid oxyclean guy came over, claiming Oxyclean is Jesus or something, and just randomly spilled stuff on it. I killed him, which got more blood on it. Then I was touched by The Flying Spaghetti Monster's noodley appendage, and I got sauce on my shirt, and then..." "That's enough, Kat." Arkcher said as he snatched the coat from her and threw it in. "Don't forget me," Said PMM. "One of the ten green suits that all look alike got dirty. I don't know how, but they did," And he threw in a filthy green suit, which as he said looked the same as the one he always wore. Everyone looked at Aloysius. He blushed and scratched his head. "Well, you see, I take extreme measures to make sure I am always looking my sharpest. But I will say," He said, as he pulled out a dress shirt that was nearly spotless save for a very small tea stain on the breast pocket, "I accidentally got a small stain yesterday at tea time. I was distraught when it happened...." Everyone looked shocked, seeing just how obsessed he was with keeping clean. "And finally, I'll throw in one of my coats. I got a stain on it when I was working," Said Arkcher. Now Clean Machine was full of everyone's dirty clothes, and Arkcher reached for a two side-by-side switches: one said "On/Off" and the other said "Dry/Wash". He flicked it On, and flicked the other to Wash. Clean machine's expression was unchanging as the clothes swirled around inside him. At one points, he slightly rocked, causing Arkcher to grab him; he smiled, and said, "Oh, this tickles." Soon, the swirling stopped. Arkcher flicked the switch to Dry, and the group heard some machinery inside it, and saw the clothes drop; they presumed they went from the second body-cube to the third part. He started moving again, and before they knew it, their clothes were done, clean and warm. Edna rubbed his face against his shirt, feeling how nice and warm it was, as Cheesemaster attempted to put his sweater back on (difficult when one wears glasses), while the others put their clothes away. Except Kat, who put her coat back on. "Did I do a good job?" asked Clean Machine, looking at Arkcher. "Master?" "You did great," He said, smiling at the robot. CM smiled back, and then Arkcher stood up. "Well, we ought to celebrate! It works!" ----------------------------- The group decided to go have a party in the Mansion's ballroom, since it was the biggest room. Of course MK played some music for everyone, and Kat and Cheesemaster played their DS's together, while Edna watched in amusement. Arkcher had a couple dances with MK, and then went to go talk with Clean machine, since the robot called him over. "What is it?" Arkcher asked it. "Why are you sitting over here?" "Master, what are you doing? What are they doing? I do not understand." "We're having fun." CM looked confused. "Master, what is that?" "It's...well, it's difficult to describe. But it's something that someone likes to do." "I like washing clothes." "But is that fun?" "How would I know if I don't know what fun is?" Arkcher sighed. "Do you want to talk to me? Talking is one fun thing to do." "Yes, that sounds good." Arkcher grabbed a chair and sat down next to Clean machine. They both watched the others for a while, until CM tugged on Arkcher's sleeve. "Master, I've been thinking about what you said earlier about friends and wives. You said wives can only belong to one person. Why?" "Because," Said Arkcher, his voice trembling, "I think...well...I think that if one person truly loves someone, they should just have that one person, if they're meant for each other, and no one else can have either of them. No one else can have me, because I'm meant for Mushroom and Mushroom is meant for me so no one else can have her." "Why?" "Well, I guess because we love each other." "But what is that?" "What is what?" "The nice-sounding word. Love." He said it slowly, relishing the sound of it, a smile breaking across his metal face as he said it. "Love? I guess it's hard for me to explain it to a machine. But...well...it depends. I love my dad, but not like I love Mushroom." He looked at Clean Machine, a thoughtful look on his face. "I love you, but not like I love them." "You love me, Master?" "I do." "But how is different from how you love Mushroom and Aloysius?" Arkcher sighed, and thought for a long time. "Well, I love my dad because he was always nice to me when the rest of my family wasn't. He always believes in me, and he takes good care of me. He even came across the universe to come see me, even if he just wished it." "I understand," The machine said, still thinking. "Now explain what makes your love for Mushroom different." Arkcher's eyes sparkled, and he smiled as he shut his eyes. "The way I love her. Well, she makes me fell odd, but in a good way. Whenever I see her, my stomach drops, and my body goes warm, and I feel happy, and excited, just to see her. I care about her, because before we got married she was one of my best friends. She still is, and we're very close to each other. And..." He sighed, and he looked over at her. "She's someone I want to spend the rest of my life with." Clean Machine looked emotionless for a long time. He was thinking about this sensation his master had described to him. "Clean machine," Said Arkcher, causing CM to snap out of his thoughts, "Can a robot fall in love?" "Oh, I don't know, Master. Can I?" "I haven't met many mechanical beings before. There's GAURD101, but she's an android, not a 'bot. And I can't see her falling in love. But, if Cheese Woman, who really is just living moldy milk, can fall in love, I think a robot can too." "If I did, maybe I would understand the strange feeling better. But for now I can say it. Because it is a nice-sounding word." [awwwwwwww.]
  18. DUDE I DO THAT ALL THE TIME. With my AC: CF snapshots I do. I also scribble on them.
  19. Awesomeness. Can I go to your orthodontist? LOL Sweet! Which one? Also cool... ~Liz Elton John should cover "never gonna give you up". srsly.
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