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Hampsterdance Discussion Board


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Everything posted by Mushroom_king

  1. Granted, but it's poisoned, so if you ate it, you would die, which isn't a very good deal. I wish I knew why the fork Cheeseman wants to play basketball, because all sports are dumb except SmiteBall and Tackle Frisbee Uhhhhhhhhhh. Granted, but you would have to give up an arm to find out the answer. I wish I didn't have such expensive taste in clothes & shoes. Uhhhhhhhhhh what? Granted, but suddenly you have all this money spent on nothing. I wish I could find scientific proof as to why the Duck Tales theme song is so catchy Granted, but it's because there are actually little people that come out of your theme song, that come out to massage you to relax you, then take advantage of your relaxed state to inject you with a fluid that attracts you to the theme song. I wish I had unlimited train tickets to Manhattan. (It's getting soooooo expensive!) I know. I remember the good old days when it was $19 for adults and $1 for kids, round trip. The tix are slightly cheaper online, & when you buy a 10-pack. Granted, but The trains will always be 37 minutes late. I wish i could turn invisible. LOL ~Liz Granted, but every time you go to a play, concert or sit in a seat, some over-sized gorilla of a guy who hasn't bathed in a year, sits on top of you, blocking your view. I wish summer was all year long. Granted, but then there would be NO CHRISTMAS. Or Channukah. I wish The Devil's Fruit from One Piece was real, and that when I ate it, it gave me a cool power. No need to corrupt this wish, since whoever eats The Devil's Fruit can't swim anymore, but feel free to anyway.
  2. Out of curiosity, what are the reasons they give for disliking Obama? I think your photograph is fantastic! Well, it's mostly that they don't agree with his policies. My only friend who gave specific reasons was Corbin, who said he dislikes how he wants to ban guns (I do sorta agree with him here) and how he closed Gitmo (not so much here.) Don't forget FOCA ~Liz whatever that is...
  3. Three years after Arkcher's first day at Boarding School, Winter Log got another new student. It was lunchtime; Arkcher was sitting with Jeff, and Thomas von Foster IV, who still had the tiniest of grudges against Arkcher for beating him three years earlier, sat with his three friends Salavator, Edvard, and Charley. The four wealthy boys were chatting about rumors of a new student, but they hadn't caught any glimpses of him yet. Thomas scoffed. "I heard he's an American." Salvator and Edvard laughed, and Charley sighed. "They're not all bad, you know. There's some equally bad Brits, Germans, Italians, and Swedes too." Just then, there was a loud CRASH, and everyone stopped eating and looked for the source of the noise. "Oi'm tellin' ya, don't cha mess with me!!" Shouted a voice that was unusually high for a boy who would be attending the school; Arkcher and Jeff stopped eating and looked at the boy. He was tall, had choppy blond hair, and wore glasses. He was standing over another boy who they didn't know but had seen before. "Ya don't mess with me, and you ain't gonna get hoiyt!" Charley was dumfounded. "Oh my God. That's the new kid. And he's..." "Heez from Brooklyn," said Thomas. The other boy (who had apparently been bothering the new boy) got up and shoved him, and said something, though they couldn't here him. The new boy then jumped onto the offending student and started to punch him and kick him. "Woo, entertainment!!" Said Edvard happily, until a teacher ran over and grabbed the new boy. Thomas scoffed. "First day and alvredy a problem." The boys sighed, and Charley was still shocked. ----------------------------- The boys got their first glimpse of the new student in their History class. Jeff and Arkcher sat together in that class as well (and had become best friends ever since the first day of school.) The boy stood at the front of the classroom; he gave a powerful aura, and many of the students seemed afraid of him. "Students," Said the teacher, "This is our newest student. His name is Paul Anstar." The class was silent. One student asked, "I don't recognize his last name." Arkcher was genuinely shocked by the statement; was the majority of the students in school really the sons of famous people? Not just rich people, but maybe just famous people? It disturbed him. "Of couse you don't recognize moy last nay-um," He said, gritting his teeth. "Moy dad ain't famous, ya know." The teacher pointed to a seat beside Arkcher and Jeff. Paul walked over and sat down, placing his bookbag by his feet. The teacher grabbed some papers off his desk, and went around passing them around. When he got around to Paul, he stared at him for a long time. "You know, Paul," Said the Teacher, "You don't have the manliest of figures, do you?" Paul was taken aback. If it wasn't a teacher, he would have had him on the ground in seconds. "Yea, I make up for it by bein' tough." The teacher giggled. "It's nothing. It's a fine quality." The teacher walked away, and Paul glared at him. "Not if it gets ya beat up," He muttered, as he began to work. Later that day, Arkcher learned that Paul was now going to be sharing a dorm with him and Jeff; Paul was not pleased with this, preferring to have a room to himself. But complaining didn't help him; it only got him a warning from the teacher. He heaved as he set his bag on his bed, muttering to himself. Jeff and Arkcher both sat on their beds; they had been chatting before Paul arrived, but were now silent, looking at him unpack. turned around, and looked at them angrily. "Whaddaya lookin' at?" Jeff's eyes went wide. "Oh, noothing." Paul moaned. "Oh geez, not a Brit." He looked at Arkcher as he sat on his bed. "Whadda bout you, girly boy?" "What do you mean, girly boy?!" "Nice hair, Archer." "ArKcher, actually." "Nice name," He said Sarcastically. "Whaat, did your parents predict ya'd be a fantasteik archer?" Arkcher gritted his teeth. "No, my father was into archery at the time." Paul rolled his eyes. "Whaaat'd he name your siblings, huh?" "Derringer, Sharona, and Mint." "Mint?" He said, laughing. "The #### kinda name is THAT?!" "My mom named her." "Ha!" He shouted, leaning his head back, and fell down onto his bed. "Your parents come up with some weihd names. Arkchuh, Mint?!" "At least theh' not real common names, like ahs ah." Said Jeff, a little sadly. Jeff started to take off his coat, belt, and tie, so he could get to bed, and the two other boys followed suite, with Paul being the last to sleep. He claimed he didn't feel comfortable sleeping in a room with other people. ------------------------------- The next few days passed uneventfully. Arkcher very rarely conversed with Thomas von Foster-every once in a great while he would stop by his locker and they'd chat. Even after three years he was still uncomfortable around him. One day, and lunch, Jeff and Arkcher were talking when they found out Paul was causing trouble again. He was much closer this time, just a few table away; he was seated at a table just behind the one Thomas was sitting at. He hadn't started a fight, and he hadn't drawn much attention to himself, but he was yelling at another student at the table he was at. Thomas turned his head when he first heard Paul. "...Ya know, you ain't gonna talk to me like that and NO ONE talk to me like that unless they wanna have some broken bones!! So you oughta be..." Paul said some more threats to whoever it was that had offended him, with Thomas listening intently. After Paul was done and had stopped yelling, Thomas leaned back in his chair, and said, loudly, "Settle down, yankee!" Paul snapped his head around, and glared at Thomas. "What was that?!" "I zed," Said Thomas, turning around and smirking at Paul, "Settle down, yankee! Or better vyet, go back to Vrooklyn!" A few seconds later, the entire school's eyes were on Paul, who had grabbed Thomas's collar and was on the floor, punching and kicking him. Paul Anstar, a kid from America whose parents were completely normal people, who was disliked by most of the school not only for his nationality but also for the fact he was a troublemaker, was now beating up the most popular, and richest, kid in the school. A teacher ran over and, once again, grabbed Paul off of Thomas, who stood up and brushed his clothes. His friends came over to see if he was alright, and the teacher heavily questioned Paul and Thomas both. Both of them were sent to detention. ---------------------------------- And now for a flashback that the character having the flashback did not actually experience! Paul Anstar and Thomas von Foster IV sat in the detention room, occasionally giving the other a threatening glare. A teacher watched them, to make sure they didn't talk or try to fight again. But after what seemed like hours, the teacher got up and left with no warning, and Thomas finally spoke. "Vyou fight like a vwoman." Paul glared at him. "At least Oi can foight," He said. "Unlike you." Thomas glared back at him. "I've never had to vight," he said. "Yea, 'cause you're a sissy rich kid!" Thomas said nothing, but continued to stare at Paul. "No vonder vyou fight like a voman," he said. "You have a vody like a vwoman." Paul's eyes narrowed. "Shut up," He muttered. Thomas got up and walked over to Paul, who stood up, thinking he was asking for a fight. Thomas stared at Paul for a long time, and walked behind him, making Paul wonder what in the world he was up too. Thomas giggled. "What's up with ya?" Paul asked, wary of Thomas. "I'm sorry for vat I did earlier, Paul," Said Thomas. "Or should I say, Paul-A?" Paul gasped. Thomas smacked Paul on the back; whatever he had used to hide his femininity, was now broken by Thomas and now her chest was in plain view. "N-no," Said Paul, covering his chest. "My disguise..." Thomas stared at Paul(a)'s chest, and then walked over to her, putting his hand on her shoulder. "Oh Vy, vyou wouldn't so much mind iv I camped zthe night zthere, now vuld vyou?" Paul shoved him away, and turned and glared at him, before dashing for the bathroom to fix his disguise. Just then, the teacher walked back in, asking where Paul was; Thomas explained where he was, and a few minutes later, Paul(a) came out, her disguise fixed. --------------------------------- "Don't act so full of yoself, von Fostah," Said Paul(a) as they walked out of detention, "For finding out. 'Cause Awkcha foun out before ya." Thomas gasped, and clenched his fists. How can that boy be so much smarter then me? He thought as the two went back to their dorm rooms for the night. ---------------------------------- Arkcher suddenly snapped back to reality. "Why was that girl pretending to be a boy, anyway?" Asked Aloysius. Arkcher got up, and headed outside. "She didn't like going to the girl's boarding school," He explained before heading outside. ---------------------------------- Back at The Port of Cheese, Edna and Cheesemaster were working when Dawn came by and gave them an invitation to The Rabbitt Manor later on in the day for tea and a surprise as well, with Clean Machine permitted to come as well. Of course, the three were very excited about this, and Edna especially wondered what the surprise was. He sat on the stoop where he shined shoes, and looked over at Cheesemaster. "Mr. Cheesemaster, what do you think Ms. Rabbitt's surprise is?" "Oh, I don't know," He said, staring off into space. "I can never know, really." Edna giggled. "Whatever it is, I'll bet it's really fun!" He said, his eyes wide and sparkling.
  4. I saw Coraline, and this is my review: GO SEE IT. YOUR LIFE DEPENDS ON IT. What's that? You want a real review? Oh fine. Title: Coraline Genre: Stop-Motion Animated Fantasy Adventure (Three-Dimensional in some theaters) Story: A young girl named Coraline and her parents move into some new apartments; her parents, who work for a gardening magazine, are boring and never talk to Coraline, and she's bored; that, and she finds her neighbors (A Russian acrobat, two old women with a bunch of poodles, and a nerdy kid named WhyBeBorn who personally was my favorite character) to be complete dorks. That is, until one day, when she finds a hidden door leading to a strange world where everything is perfect-her neighbors are fun, her parents are nice and interesting, and Whybeborn shuts up. But all is not right in this seemingly perfect world... Review: All I can say is...wow. Just...wow. This really was amazing. The soundtrack was great, it was refreshing to see Stop-motion animation (which was also amazing and highly realistic), original storyline, fun characters, and lots of unfiltered pure AWESOME. Rating: :o :o Comments: Again, GO SEE THIS MOVIE. Unrelated: Is anyone else looking forward to 9, the new Tim Burton movie coming out in September, and Up, the Pixar movie coming out on my birthday? I saw previews for both when I saw Coraline and they look really good, especially 9 (even though 9 kinda looks like a demented version of Sackboy from LittleBig Planet). Also, The Watchmen looks like it will be made of awesome.
  5. Arkcher and Thomas walked into the room, and Thomas automatically sat in his assigned seat; the three boys he had sat with in Math sat with him again in Science. Arkcher toyed with the thought that his family had payed the school to let him have classes with them. The black-haired boy was there, too, but also with him was a boy who was a bit shorter then the other three with dirty blond hair pulled back into a ponytail, and a boy with short, brown hair who had a bright, happy face. He wondered for a few moments who they might be, and he waited for the teacher to give him a seat. The teacher had no accent, which Arkcher found strange since everyone he had met in the school had spoken with one. He was directed to an empty seat in the table next to the one where Thomas and his friends sat; he was closest to the brunette boy, and he was the only one that didn't make Arkcher feel insecure. The boy smiled at him, but said nothing when the teacher called for the class's attention. Much to his relief, the teacher did not get Arkcher to introduce himself in front of the class. The class went on, mostly uneventful, until the teacher announced they would be working in groups of two on a paper-and he would be picking the groups. Groans were heard from everyone in class, except Arkcher, seeing as Thomas was the only person in the classroom he knew; and he certainly didn't want to work with him, as he was still kind of wary of him. The teacher went around the room and paired up the students, and Arkcher ended up working with the brown-haired boy. The two sat together, and after Arkcher wrote his name on the paper, he asked the boy his name. Like Jeff, he had a super-thick British accent. "Chaahley," He said, smiling. "Chaaley Rayfehd Scowt-Leighton." "Scott-Leighton?! You mean, Scott-Leighton as in the English publisher?!" "The vehry same." "Wow," He said. He began to write "Charlie" on the paper, until he stopped him. "No, no, not Chaalie with an I-E. Chaalie with a Y. It's my actual name Chaaules with a Y instead of an S. Arkcher rolled his eyes, though he made sure Charley didn't notice, and wrote his name on the paper. He found his accent far easier to understand then Thomas's, since his father had been British. Then again, Aloysius's accent was even half as thick as Jeff's or Charley's. "I guess you have a lot of money, huh? I mean, your family owns a big publishing company." Charley nodded. "No wonder you're friends with Thomas." Charley sighed. "I wasn't owlways friends with Thoomas. His paahrents and moy paahrents ahh wohking togethah. Same with those atha two, as well." Arkcher assumed he was talking about the blond and the black-haired boy. "But who are they?" Arkcher heard Thomas's voice talking to him; when he looked, he was turned around and looking at him. "You vreally don't know who vey are?" Arkcher shook his head, and Charley whispered to him, asking if he could do some of the work on the paper. Thomas turned his chair all the way around and looked at Arkcher. "The vlack-haired vone is Uomini." The black-haired kid turned his head and looked at Thomas. "Did I hear my name?" He asked; he had the slightest hint of an Italian accent, but it wasn't very thick. It was odd hearing it after hearing Thomas and Charley's accents. "Salvator Fernino, Uomini." Explained Thomas. "Uomini? The Italian designer?" Thomas nodded. "And zthe bloond vone is Edvard." "Edward, OK." "NO," Snapped Thomas. "Edvard, not Edvward." Arkcher seemed confused. "That's what I said!" "No, you said Edvward. Iss EDVARD." "That's what I-" Thomas heaved and took his pencil, a sheet of blank paper, and scribbled ferociously at it. On the sheet, there was some of the neatest handwriting Arkcher had seen. The sheet said, EDVARD, NOT EDWARD! "ZERE'S NO DAAHBLE-VYOU," Thomas said through gritted teeth. Arkcher flushed in the face and said, "O-Oh, I'm sorry. It was just your-" "Iss my accent." That was the exact thing, but Arkcher didn't want to admit it. "Edvaahd Olahf Kulick Jr.," Explained Charley. "The Swedish art supplies," Said Arkcher. No wonder Thomas was friends with these people. They all had just as much money as him. "Alroight, Aahrrow, it looks loik we'h done." Said Charley happily. "That was easy, and Oi'm no good aht this soht of thing." "If it's easy for you, it's definitely easy for me." Charley giggled. "Of cose. Your dad is tha inventah." "He's a doctor, too." Said Arkcher. "You remind me of him, because he's English as well." Charley seemed confused. "That's neat." ------------------------------ The rest of the day went by uneventfully, until the end of the day, when Arkcher was to experience his first night staying the night at school. After asking for help from a teacher, he was directed to the school's second building, where the dorms were located. Arkcher was taken to a dorm. The dorm was comfy, but still small; there was a fireplace, which was lit, and the room had a nice dark-red and brown color scheme. There was one door, which he assumed led to a bathroom. There were three beds, one of which was unoccupied; on one, he saw Jeffrey Poluts! "Oh, Hey, Ahrroww!" He said, standing up. "It's about toime they gave me a roommate." The teacher helped Arkcher feel comfortable, and gave him a rundown of the dorm rules: "Lights go out at Nine. Until then, you can stay up in your dorm, but you need a pass if you want to visit another dorm. Anyone caught out of their dorms after Lights out will be severely punished." Arkcher nodded to show his understanding. It was only about two hours until Lights Out, giving him time to converse with Jeff. The teacher nodded, and then left Arkcher. He went to go put his suitcase by his bed, and said hello to Jeff, who suddenly got up and walked towards the door. "Where are you going?" He asked, and Jeff looked back at him. "I always go to Thoomas's dorm every noight." "Well, uh...can I come with you?" "You shuh can, but you need a paahs." "I don't know how to get one..." "You chaan booroow wan of moine, then," "You can do that?" He asked, curiously. Jeff nodded, and Arkcher got up and followed him out of their dorm. They walked down the corridors of the school, until Jeff stopped in front of a dorm door. He knocked on the door, and was greeted by Thomas's firey, glaring eyes. He smirked at the two of them and invited them inside. Thomas's dorm was more spacious and nicer than Jeff's; again, Arkcher toyed with the thought that Thomas's family had payed for a bigger dorm. Sitting on a deep-red couch were Salvator, Charley, and Edvard. "Ve've been vaiting for vyou, Poluts. Aahrrow." The boys walked over to the couch. Thomas sat with his friend, while Charley pulled over two chairs for Jeff and Arkcher. Jeff sat down across from Thomas, and Thomas got a small table and put it in between them, and then pulled out a box. He opened up the box and inside was what looked like a checkerboard, but in fact was a chess board; he then pulled out the various chess pieces. He handed the black pieces to Jeff, who timidly took them, and they began to set up the board. Arkcher sat near Charley, since, again, he was the only one Arkcher was comfortable around. When he did, Charley leaned down and began to whisper something to him. "It seems friendly, but trust me when Oy say that it really isn't. Jeff oonly plaoys so Thoomas won't haraass him. And the loser has to pay the winner." Arkcher nodded. Charley continued. "It's ahhctully not such a good oydea. Jeff's family isn't exaactly well-off, you know." Edvard glared at Charley with narrow, angry eyes. He didn't have the heaviest of Swedish accents, but it still showed you he was Swedish. "Shut up, yaah limey!" Charley looked offended. "Hey, don't coll me thaat!" He said, offended. Thomas turned and shushed both of them, and then went back to the game. An hour had passed, and Thomas had already won; Jeff, who looked extremely depressed, sighed as he took out a ten-dollar bill from his pocket and handed it to a smug Thomas. This enraged Arkcher. "Thomas!!" He shouted, and he looked at him. "Zes, vat is it Ahhroww?" "That isn't fair! Jeff is poor, while you have all the money in the world! It isn't fair you take money from him!" "I vun fair and square Ahrroww." "Fine then. I'll play you!" Thomas giggled. "Suit vourself." Charley looked concerned. "But it's only an hour until lights out...." "Don't vorry. This'll be done quick and painlessly." Arkcher sat down and began to play a new game of chess versus Thomas. The other boys all knew for a fact that Thomas would win-he'd never lost a chess game, ever. He had a perfect record, and had even entered Chess competitions back home in Germany. Even there, where he played against grown adults, he was a champion who had never lost. So it was impossible for the new boy to beat him. Half an hour had passed. Jeff kept urging Arkcher to get on back to their dorm, but he would shush him each time. He stared at the board, and Thomas gasped. Arkcher looked at the board, and quietly said, "Checkmate, Thomas." The other boys whispered among themselves. Thomas von Foster IV, a top champion of chess back home in Germany, who had never lost a single game, had just lost to a boy he barely knew. And a Canadian, no less. Thomas clutched the sleeve of his jacket, and shut his eyes as he growled quietly. His friends whispered such things as "You two ought to get out of here," "Thomas, calm down, it's just one loss!" and "Oh no, oh no, oh no..." Thomas slowly stood up, grabbed the edge of the board, and flipped it up, causing the pieces to tumble onto Arkcher, who shielded himself as Thomas stood above him menacingly. Arkcher heard Thomas yelling at him-most of what he said was in German, making him assume he was more than likely swearing at him, but he couldn't make any of it out as Jeff quickly grabbed his arm and ran out of the dorm and ran as quickly as they could back to their own. When they got back, Jeff threw himself down on his bed, breathing heavily. He looked over at Arkcher, who was taking off his jacket and necktie. In between breaths, he muttered, "Please don't EVAHr do thaaht agane," He said, and he struggled to take off his jacket and tie as well. "I just didn't find it right that a guy who's dad is the second-richest man on Earth is taking money away from a poor kid." Jeff stopped. "Who told you I was poor?" "Charley did." Jeff smiled weakly. "Oh, Chaaley. He's a nice kid...I guess he's nice to me because Oi'm British loik him. But it may also avve to do with the fahct that 'is family wasn't owlwoys wealthy...he troiys to give me money, but Thoomas owlwoys keeps him from doing so." Jeff laid his jacket, belt, and tie on one of the chairs. He sat on his bed and unlaced his shoes. "My pahents saved up oll of theya money to send me hea to Canada and get me a good education, which they never had," Explained Jeff. He placed his shoes next to the bed and laid down on it, too tired to go under the covers. "Goodnight, Jeff," Said Arkcher as he turned out the light. Jeff muttered something, but Arkcher didn't hear him as he drifted to sleep.
  6. [in this chapter, we FINALLY get around to Arkcher's backstory.] [i hope the German accent is OK, I'm kind of worried it sounds/reads as being Russian. I don't know any Germans in real life who have accents I can listen to, so I kinda just tried to remember from how I heard people speak when I was in Berlin.] [Also, if anyone could help me with a Swedish accent, that'd be great, 'cause a Swedish guy comes in later.] [speaking of Germans, I need to hurry up and make Leguan show up in this story.] The game lasted for what seemed like hours, until Clean Machine noticed a worried expression on Edna's face. Clean machine looked at and examined the board; two of his pieces (he controlled the black pieces) were at his side of the board, with one of Cheesemaster's white pieces about three spaces away from them. Two spots behind that piece were two more of his pieces; and all three realized Edna was going to lose. Cheesemaster looked at the board, and said, "Check, Edna." "I knooow," He whispered back at him, biting his nails as he looked at the board. "And I can't capture your piece, either." Edna thought for a long time, staring at the board. Every so often he would reach to move a piece, but then change his mind; eventually he grabbed one of his pieces and moved it to safety; and then a few more hours passed, or at least it seemed as such, until one of Edna's strongest pieces was surrounded by three of Cheesemaster's pieces; Edna's pieces had nowhere to go. Cheesemaster leaned back in his seat and smiled at Edna. "Checkmate, I win." Edna stretched, and the two shook hands. "Fair game?" Asked Cheesemaster, and Edna smiled at him. "Fair game," He answered, and then he and Clean machine said in unison, "Teacher!" Clean Machine had a big smile on his face. "My Master's dad plays this game a lot. Maybe you should play him sometime." Cheesemaster leaned back in his chair with his arms held up behind his head, staring off into space. "Aloysius plays chess? Next time I'm at the Mansion, or next time they're here, I can play against him." He then stood up and stretched. "Looks like we played longer than we planned. We'll have to go back outside soon." Edna jumped out of his seat and began to put up the board and pieces. "My brain feels good after playing that," He said happily, and he pushed the table back behind the armchair, and helped Cheesemaster to put the games away. "Clean Machine, if you want to learn more on how to play, I can explain it to you more when we come back inside," He said as he grabbed his satchel full of papers. The robot rolled over in front of the armchairs. "That would be nice. I will see you later." ------------------------------ Back at the mansion, somewhere around that same time, Arkcher and his father were sitting in the underground lab, and Aloysius had begun practicing a game of chess by himself around the same time Cheesemaster's had ended, while Arkcher was planning to go out to the courtyard and practicing his archery. "I wonder how Clean machine is doing," He said as he was about to leave. He looked over at his father, practicing Chess all by himself. "You know," he began to say, but his father was too deep in thought to really pay attention. Arkcher went over and lightly tapped his father's shoulder, snapping him out of his thought and causing him to look up at Arkcher. "You know, Cheesemaster really likes to play Chess too. You ought to play it with him sometime." Aloysius giggled. "Ah, that's good to know. I was afraid I would have no one to play with, and I would have to teach you, or your wife, or Solrai." "But dad, I already do know how to play chess; you taught me when I was a little kid and we played it all the time. I remember you always told mom that it was good for my brain because it had strategy and math in it." Aloysius sighed sadly. "Yes...she got angry with me because she asked me to homeschool you, and thought I was neglecting your education because we would play chess together. I tried explaining to her that it was educational..." His voice trailed off as he stared into space, and his hair fell in front of his face. Arkcher caught on. Bad memories were beginning to flow back to Aloysius's mind, memories he had since repressed. Arkcher put his hand on his shoulder, and suddenly, equally bad memories began to flow back to him, as well. But not about his family; these memories were from his time in boarding school. His mother sent him there claiming his father was not a good enough teacher, but in reality she didn't want to care for him anymore. Arkcher sat down across from his father, and stared at the board. "I...I remember some kids I knew at school would play chess every night," He whispered, and his mind began to flash back at that night. "What do you mean, son?" Aloysius asked. "You remember Thomas, and Jeff, and the others, right?" Aloysius nodded. He knew about the other boys at the school because there had once been a "Bring your dad to school" day where Aloysius had come to the school. That event had happened not long before Arkcher came to Invision. IT'S FLASHBACK TIME!!!! "Lara, please, I don't think this is the right thing to do!!" Aloysius shouted at his wife, Lara, in desperation. "Sending our son away, as young as he is..." The woman folded her arms and refused to feel sorry for him. "The education you've been giving him is not suitable for him. I think it's time he got a real education." "If you wanted that, you should have done it a long time ago!!!" Shouted Aloysius, holding back his tears. Lara shook her head. "He'll be starting tomorrow morning. If you want to say goodbye, you ought to do it now." Aloysius sniffed and continued to try and hold back his tears as he walked through the house, to Arkcher's bedroom. He had once shared the room with the oldest Ahrroww child, Derringer, but since he had moved out Arkcher now had the room all to himself. The boy was sitting on his bed, already in his uniform, with his suitcase next to him. He looked up as Aloysius walked in, and he walked over to him, stared him in the eye, and tried to speak, but he kept choking up, and he eventually burst into tears, hugging his son as tightly as he could, as though he could never let him go. "Arkcher," He whispered, "I hate that this has to happen to you. I never wanted this to happen to you at this young of an age, I never wanted to to leave and live somewhere else," He sobbed. "I wish...I wish I could have done a lot more for you, and I would have had I known this would happen..." Arkcher buried his head in his father's chest. "I know, dad...I-I know." The two were silent for a very long time, with Aloysius continuing to cry. Eventually, Arkcher looked up at his father's face, and whispered, "Please stop crying!" Aloysius let out a muffled "Ah?" and looked at his son. "I don't want to see you cry! You are always so happy and optimistic! I don't want to see you cry!" He said, starting to cry himself. "I don't want to leave, either!!" The two of them sat there for a long time, crying and crying, until it was time to go to sleep. The next morning, Lara drove Arkcher and Aloysius out near the edge of the city, where Arkcher's new home sat-a large, brick building known as Winter Log Boarding School. Aloysius took Arkcher out to the gates of the school, and gave him one last hug, as well as making sure he remembered their phone number and address so he could call or send a letter, and the boy walked through the gates of the school, trying to not look back. ----------------------------- Arkcher got some help from some teachers to make his way towards his classroom. He felt completely out of place in the school, with his lengthy hair (which he made sure covered his ears...as they would cause too many questions being asked) and the fact he was about a head and a half taller then most boys his age. Arkcher eventually found his classroom. The teacher, a tall British man who looked older than he actually was, walked Arkcher up to the front of the classroom. Arkcher looked over everyone else; of course they all wore the exact same uniforms as him, making him feel like he was exactly the same as everyone else. He was confused, however, when he saw a boy-the only one who did not have someone else sitting next to him, and he assumed that he would be sitting next to him-who wore the normal uniform, except for his jacket, which was green. Little did he know at the time that years later he would have a wife who wore a green jacket almost exactly like it. All eyes were on him, but the eyes Arkcher was most disturbed by was one red-haired boy in the front row. He had bloodred hair that reached an inch or so below his chin, and it was wavy. Arkcher wasn't sure if he made it that way or if it was naturally wavy. He had narrow, glaring eyes that were a dark blue color. His arms were folded and he leaned back in his chair. "Everyone, this is our new student. His name is Arkcher Ahrroww." There were a few whispers among the students, and the red-head in the front row began to speak. "Ahrroww?" He said, curiously; he had a thick German accent, the thickest he had heard in his life. "The famouz inventor?" Arkcher nodded nervously. "Uhm-Yes-That's him." The boy flipped his hair. "I zsee," he said, and he whispered something to the boy sitting next to him, who had a broad chest and shoulders with black hair. Arkcher became even more nervous. The teacher, blissfully unaware of Arkcher's anxiousness, put his hand on his shoulder. "You can sit next to Jeffrey Poluts. Jeffrey, show where you sit." The boy in the green jacket stood up, and the teacher frowned. "Jeffrey, how many times must I tell you not to wear that jacket?" The red-haired boy glared over at the Jeffrey kid, but said nothing. Arkcher walked over and sat down next to Jeffrey. He smiled nervously at Arkcher, and reached out his hand, and started to talk. He had a British accent even thicker than the teacher's. "H-Hi, my name's Jeff. N-Nice to meet you. I admire your father." "Thanks," whispered Arkcher. The teacher grabbed a stack of papers. "Alright, class, this is a review over the math concepts we studied last class." He looked at Arkcher. "Mr. Ahrroww, you're going to need-" Arkcher shook his head. "I can handle this, I know it." The teacher's expression became a mix of anger and surprise. "Did you study this at your old school?" "What's it over?" Asked Arkcher. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the redhead German boy was still glaring at him. "Geometry," Jeff whispered to him. Arkcher mouthed "Oh," and smiled. "Yea, I studied that." The teacher sighed, and reluctantly gave Arkcher the stack of papers to pass back, and the quiz began. Everyone was silent. A few minutes had passed, and Arkcher had already gotten halfway through the review. Before everyone knew it, he was done, and he had already gotten up and placed the paper on the teacher's desk. A few whispers were heard in the class, before the teacher shushed them. The German redhead glared at Arkcher with his firey eyes. Arkcher became afraid that the boy already hated him, even though he didn't even know his name. ---------------------------- After the mathematics class, Arkcher walked to his next class, which was Science; now he was delving into things he actually knew a lot about. He found his locker and decided to put away all his textbooks so he wouldn't be condemned to carrying them all day. He had closed the door when noticed the German redhaired kid was leaning against the locker next to his own. Arkcher jumped back a slight bit, and barely managed a "O-Oh, hi." The redhead giggled and he looked at the ground. He wasn't much shorter then Arkcher; in fact, he was only about an inch shorter then him. "Zat wasz egzellent today, in maths class," He said. Arkcher gulped, not sure if he was being sarcastic or not. "Uh...thanks!" he gulped, and looked around nervously. "Uhm..." The boy stood up straight, his arms still folded. "Ah, I vhorgot to eintroduce myzself." He fingered through his hair, and then folded his hair again. "My name iss Thomasz. Thomasz von Fostehr zhe Fourth." "Oh, uh, that's nice." Thomas seemed surprised. "Don't vyou know who I am?!" Arkcher became nervous. "Am I supposed to?!" Thomas looked offended. "Zyou do not regognize my lazst name?" "von Foster?" "Yesz." "Uhm...it rings a bell..." Thomas sighed heavily as the two of them started walking "My fathair is zthe zecond richest perzon on Eairth!" "O-OK, then?! That's great and all, good for you." Thomas heaved. He was obviously being irked by this. "Oh, wait!!" Said Arkcher. Thomas's eyes went wide. "Thomas von Foster III. He owns a bunch of businesses." Thomas laughed, without his face even moving. "Yesz, Yesz, zthat iz him. Zut zyou should owe everyving to my great-grandfathair. He vounded zthe company, vich was voriginally juzst a jewelvery company." Thomas fingered through his hair again, and the two of them, after their long conversation, found that they had their next class together as well.
  7. Me and my mom might go see Coraline tonight. If we do I will definitely post a review.
  9. The group, lead by John and Corbin, walked through the enormous, lavish halls of the castle, which was covered from head to toe with plants, sculptures, paintings, and elaborate decorations. John would spin around and even walk backwards to look at everything. Every so often someone would walk by and glance at them; John always asked where they could find the King and Queen. After getting different directions from everyone, they eventually found the throne room, and every other room in the castle paled in comparison to the Throne room, which was mostly golden with red decoration. It literally sparkled, there were so many precious metals in the room; John toyed with the thought that the walls were made of gold, or maybe that gold had been melted down and the walls were painted with it. Two enormous, golden chairs stood on a platform, both of which were decorated with gemstones and red fabric; and the King and Queen of Warudo sat in the two chairs. They looked slightly surprised when the four of them just walked in, and the four of them timidly walked toward them. John and Will both felt unworthy to be in the room, since they were but two young children from middle class families in a tiny, tiny mountain town. Corbin and Katie both bowed to the King and Queen, and John and Will followed suite. Corbin stood back up and began speaking. "We are four humble citizens of your country who wish to join the search for Princess Julia Ojousama," He explained. "But the two boys who have joined me wish to go battle Kuupkay, as dangerous as it sounds." The two of them gasped as they looked at John, who was stepping forward, and Will, who was clinging to John. "That is correct," He said, before they could speak. "My name is John Espada, and I want to fight Kuupkay." The two gasped again. "That'd be suicide!" Said the King, a tall, burly man dressed in colorful clothing woven from precious fabrics. "I can't allow that..." John's eyes went wide, and he frowned; his lips then started to quiver, and he sniffled. "But I-We-Me and my friend can't go home without fighting him! I promised everyone in my town I'd fight Kuupkay...it'd be the worst thing to go back and disappoint everyone..." Katie and Corbin looked at the two boys, and looked at John. They could see he was trying to not cry. The King and Queen looked each other, and then at John. "How about this," Said the Queen, smiling. "You can't go fight him yet. How about you travel around Warudo and you can contribute to the well-being of the country in three ways: You can destroy any demons who may be causing trouble, you can look for Julia, and you can train yourself and get stronger. Once you do, come see us again and we'll see if you're worthy of fighting him..." John looked at her, and he smiled a big smile. The king looked over at her, concerned, but John started to jump for joy before he could say anything. "This is great! We're going to go all around Warudo, fighting and meeting all sorts of people!!" John turned towards the Queen. "I can't thank you enough! I...is it alright if I give you a giant hug?" The Queen laughed. "It's fine." John jumped up and did so, trying to not break her spine. "I really can't thank you enough." John jumped back. "Thanks! Thanks! I'll come back, and I'll be the strongest person in Warudo!", and the group left. The King looked at his wife, and muttered to her, "Was that really a wise decision?" She looked at him and nodded. "Just trust me on this." ---------------------------- The four of them took the elevator back down to Densetsu City, and decided it was best to rest up before going anywhere; besides, they needed to plan their journey out. They went back to Corbin and Katie's house, where Corbin showed the boys a map of Warudo. John looked at it for a while, after having found Goldinya on the map. "Could you tell me about some of these places? I haven't really studied much geography." Corbin looked at the map. "I'm sure you're familiar with the Smitus Mountains, Goldinya, Nomnom, and Lake Amie, correct?" "Yes." "Alright. Well..." He studied the map for a few moments, and then looked at him again, "I think perhaps we should head up for the Loopim forest." John looked confused. "What's the Loopim Forest? I think I heard someone on the street talk about it..." "The Loopim Woods is a forest just to the North of here. There's three cities there-" He said, pointing the map. "There's Twy, Noir, and Usagi. The forest is known for having...an interesting population." John thought for a moment. "What do you mean? Monsters?" "There's been rumors for years-decades-that Vampires and Werewolves rome the forest. It's an extremely unsafe place to be at night. The town of Usagi is home to nothing but rabbits who have learned to talk and walk on two legs. They're not quite as bad as the rest of the forest's denizens, though..." John thought for a moment, and smiled. "Werewolves and vampires are perfect battle practice!" He said, grinning. The others gasped. "But John! If we go there at night, you never know what could happen to us! Some vampire could suck us dry, or a werewolf could tear us to shreds!" "Then we'll fight them if they do," John said matter-of-factly. Katie gulped, but smiled. "That's the spirit." Corbin sat back in his seat. "So, do you want to head out there tomorrow? If we do, you may want to explore the city a bit first, get some new items, and gather information. The more you know about Warudo, the more you'll be prepared; trust me. You're from West Warudo, where not much happens. Most of the country is in the East, and there's lots of adventure to be had here." John smiled. "I believe you. I've always wanted to come to East Warudo for adventure, ever since I was a kid." Corbin stood up. "Well, we have a long day tomorrow, so you might as well rest up. John and Will, we have a guest room upstairs for you to sleep in." John thanked him and went upstairs to sleep, followed by the others. ------------------------------ The next day, the four of them woke up early, had a hearty breakfast, and went around Densetsu City to prepare for their adventure. John talked to anyone who looked interesting for information on Loopim forest, and the majority of them told him it was best to head for the library; so before they went shopping, since most of the shops were yet to open, the group was about to go sit and read for a while...until they learned they needed a library card. Fortunately, Corbin told them that he had plenty to read back home; so while they waited for stores to open, they went back to do research. Corbin and Katie's library was the biggest John had seen; it didn't have particularly high shelves, but there were shelves and shelves of books. The ceilings in the house were slightly lower than normal, so there was little space. The majority of the house, John realized, was books on magic; there were even stacks of books on the floors because of lack of room. Corbin found a few books on the Forest for John to carry and read; Katie found an atlas, a book that had not just maps of Warudo but of it's cities as well, plus information on them. John started reading right away, reading while they walked around town (asking for any interesting news or stories; they decided that was better then sitting back at the house.) "Alright, so..." He said, finally lifting his head from his book, "It looks like there are many werewolves and vampires living in Loopim; and the reason there's a city of just rabbits who walk and talk is apparently because a certain group of rabbits evolved human characteristics and bred quickly. This is the sort of stuff that makes sense to Will more than me..." Will glanced at the book over John's shoulder. "Rabbits are known for reproducing quickly. I can see why they have their own town." John looked in the book again, and Katie spoke up. "I hear the Rabbits that live their excel in dark magic, because it's always so dark in the forest." "It has to be dark," Said Corbin. "Vampires can't go in the light, lest they die." "And Werewolves like the dark too," Said John. "The book states a multitude of reasons: one is that werewolves, when in human form, grow more hair than normal, and the light can make them burn up! But it still doesn't kill them like it does to the vampires." Sometime after their conversation, the shops in Densetsu Square opened up and people of many types flooded in to buy things. The group walked into a store that sold weaponry and armor, and decided to look at what was in stock. Corbin looked at John and Will. "You two aren't very well armored, are you? John, you have the right idea..." "I built that chestplate for him!" Said Will, proudly. "E'sept it's not real gold." "Well, you'll need more than that should you want to defend yourself. Will, you might want something discreet that can go underneath your bodysuit, but will also work with your power." "What about you two? Are you well-equiped at all?" "I'll be keeping this staff until the day I die," Said Corbin, clutching it. Katie's scythe was in her hand, and she hugged it protectively. "I've had this forever." "That's cool, but what about defense? That's important, too." "Well, we will need something. But not quite as much as you, because you go more into hand-to-hand and weapons combat. We battle mostly with magic, and need less armor then you two do." The four walked up to the counter. Corbin pointed at Will. "My friend here may need something specially made for him." "I overheard your conversation: discreet, needs to fit a power. But what power, exactly?" Will scratched his head. "Uh, I grow extra arms. My suit already works with it." The shopkeep thought for a moment. "I think I've got just the thing." He went into a room behind the counter, and after a few moments, came back out. "I can alter your bodysuit so it's discreetly armored with something lightweight." Will nodded, and gulped. "But I've no clothes under my bodysuit!" The shopkeep laughed. "Don't worry about that. Go into the changing room, and just set your suit outside the door. It'll be done real fast." Will nodded, and after being shown there, He did get his bodysuit armored; and it was quick, as promised. After it was done and Will had changed back into it, Corbin purchased some armor for John, which he put on. They said thanks and goodbyes to the shopkeep, and moved on to an item shop, just next door. This shop was covered with misc. objects-mostly for healing. John knew that in his video games, you had magic points, but he wondered if that worked that way in reality. Corbin explained it to him: "Well, yes, it does; but you can only see how much power you have left in your mind." John nodded in understanding. That was simple enough. "I have a healing power, so maybe we should get less healing stuff and more things to replenish my magic powers." Katie smiled at him. "That's not a bad idea. You're really kind of clever." The group bought their goods, left the shop, and decided it was best to start heading out. John led the other three out of Densetsu City, and when they reached the town's edge, he looked at the rolling hills and flat plains on the horizon, the mountains that towered to the skies, and he saw the Road-River Woods and the Loopim Forest in the distance. Loopim seemed awful far, but John was barely able to contain his excitement. Dramatic music played in his head as he led the group down the hill that Densetsu City sat on, and as they left, he looked up at the sky, at the floating palace, reminding himself of his goal. The four of them were not that far from Densetsu when they already were attacked; it was three demons, but not the ugly monsters that had attacked John and Will back near NomNom; Corbin explained that they were demons, but in the shapes of animals. Here they had taken the forms of animals with tons of hair and none of them could tell what they were supposed to be. Will quickly got one of them into a strangelhold with his taser gloves, while Katie lurched at it with her scythe, while yelling "SPIRIT STORM!!!" Once she yelled it, she struck the monster with her scythe, and several spirits came from the sky to the monster, and it let out a dreadful shriek before vanishing. John and Corbin ganged up on another, combing Life and Holy magic, and Will defeated the third by himself. "We need to be extremely cautious," Warned Corbin. "Demons are possessing innocent creatures...and you never know when they might move on to intelligent beings." John nodded but said nothing. Loopim still looked far away. Hours passed as they walked towards the woods, occasionally having to battle demons who would randomly appear and attack. It was nightfall when they got to the forest. The Loopim woods towered above the four of them; the trees, while not gigantic, were still quite tall. John had to keep Will from attempting to climb one. The whole group simply stood in awe of the huge trees, and after John gulped and said, "Let's Go in," they started walking in; but they were stopped by a voice coming from above. "Where do you think you are going?!" Came a low voice with a tone of severe seriousness. "This place is incredibly dangerous at this time! Didn't you know that?!" John looked around, and saw the voice came from a tree. And indeed, he could see a figure standing on a branch. He saw it leap down, landing on another branch, and then landed in front of them. The figure's face was barely visible, covered mostly by a black scarf, but it also wore a light grey flat newsboy-style cap, a long black buttoned up trench coat, and a katana by it's waist. It looked at stared up at John. "Who are you?!" Asked John, reaching for his sword before the stranger stopped him. The figure reached up a black gloved hand and lightly pulled at his scarf. You could barely see his face, but John could make out a pale-skinned man who wore glasses. "My name....you'll find out later. All that matters now is that you make no attempt to travel these woods at nightfall. It is dangerous....and could cost your young lives."
  10. [this is an extension on the last chapter. I'll be starting a new chapter soon] Hours passes, with Clean Machine simply looking around; after all, a robot cannot comprehend time, or comprehend any emotions that were not programmed into him. In fact, you cannot even call a robot a him, for a robot has no gender (unless you GIVE him one, but Arkcher was not exactly thinking of that when he built him.); and only the most simple of emotions (if simple emotions are even possible), such as Happiness, and Sadness. Those were two that were simple to program into a machine; but it was considered dangerous to give a machine any emotions at all, because you never know when it might revolt against you. Eventually, Clean Machine snapped out of sleep mode when Edna and Cheesemaster came back in. Edna seemed very happy, and Cheesemaster plopped down on one of the armchairs and looked at Clean machine, and the robot smiled at him and greeted him. "It's nice to see you, even though I do find it odd that Arkcher would send you to come see me." "It's good to see you, too!" The robot announced, and looked at Edna, who was also sitting in a chair. "And good to see you, too, Edna." Edna smiled. "Hi, robot!" Clean machine looked at Cheesemaster. "What sorts of things do you do when you're home?" "Eh, me and Edna usually just read, or he draws pictures sometimes...or talk....or play board games." "That sounds fun. Do you think I can do those things?" Cheesemaster stretched, and then he giggled. "Of course you can." "Robot! Robot! Look, look!" Said Edna, holding up a piece of paper. "I drew you! I drew you!" Clean machine rolled over to Edna while Cheesemaster went to get some board games to play. Edna held up a piece of paper with colorful objects on it. He looked confused. "What is that?" He asked. Edna frowned. "That's you, silly! You, Clean Machine! The robot!" Clean Machine still seemed confused. "Is this a drawing...?" "Of course it is," Whispered Edna. "Don't you know about drawing?" Clean Machine shook his head. "No, what is it?" "It's when you take something you write with, and make a picture of something! I made a picture of you!" Clean Machine examined the picture. "Can I try?" "You sure can!" Said Edna excitedly. Clean machine smiled as he took a crayon and the paper from Edna, who flipped it over to the blank side. Clean Machine awkwardly gripped the crayon and shakily made some scribbles on it. Edna started clapping, and Cheesemaster looked over to see what happened. He stood back up, with a few boxes in his hands. "What's going on over there?" Clean Machine continued scribbling. "He's drawing somethin'!" Cheesemaster set the games on the floor and came and looked at it. He saw a mass of gray and yellow scribbles. Clean Machine looked at it, upset. "I wanted to draw my master," He said. Everyone was silent before the other two burst into laughter. "It isn't very funny!" He shouted. Cheesemaster put his elbow on the robot's head and leaned on him. "It reminds me of when they give certain animals drawing supplies, they draw things around them. You'll get better if you practice." Clean Machine made a sighing noise. He looked at his drawing, and Edna picked it up. "The grey part is his clothes, and the yellow is his hair, right?" Clean Machine nodded. "Yes, that's it. At least you know what's what." Edna smiled. "Don't worry! I can teach you!" Cheesemaster sat back down in the empty chair and picked up one of the boxes. He pulled out a small table and took a chess board out of the box. Clean Machine turned around and looked at it as Cheesemaster set up the chess pieces. "Clean Machine, do you know how to play Chess?" "I don't suppose I do." "OK, then. Do you want to watch while I play against Edna? You can learn well just by watching." Clean Machine rolled behind the table as Edna moved his chair up by the table. Cheesemaster and Edna set up the board, slowly so Clean machine could absorb the visual experience of it. Cheesemaster explained it to him when he asked, and the two of them finally started to play. They were all silent, deep in thought, for many hours, the silence only broken by the increasingly rare event that Clean Machine would ask for something explained to him. Clean Machine would stare in thought whenever he saw one of them take the other's piece, amazed at the amount of thought required in something that seemed so simple.
  11. Granted, but it's poisoned, so if you ate it, you would die, which isn't a very good deal. I wish I knew why the fork Cheeseman wants to play basketball, because all sports are dumb except SmiteBall and Tackle Frisbee Uhhhhhhhhhh. Granted, but you would have to give up an arm to find out the answer. I wish I didn't have such expensive taste in clothes & shoes. Uhhhhhhhhhh what? Granted, but suddenly you have all this money spent on nothing. I wish I could find scientific proof as to why the Duck Tales theme song is so catchy
  12. Out of curiosity, what are the reasons they give for disliking Obama? I think your photograph is fantastic! Well, it's mostly that they don't agree with his policies. My only friend who gave specific reasons was Corbin, who said he dislikes how he wants to ban guns (I do sorta agree with him here) and how he closed Gitmo (not so much here.)
  13. Let me guess, is it somewhere in Arkansas? Actually, I wouldn't mind an alligator as a pet....although people might become suspicious of the 'disappearances' of certain people at my school who irk me with their stupidity if I did own one. Arkansas... that's perfect! But no. She is my Florida neighbor, but I do believe her son is in Connecticut or New York City. I suggested that he replace the alligator with a bearded dragon. I want a pet wolf....no, seriously.
  14. Remember yesterday when I promised a movie review?! Well guess what kids! IT'S DOUBLE MOVIE REVIEW TIME because yesterday I watched India Jones: The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull with my Uncle because I was at my Grandma's, I was bored, he had the DVD and I had not seen it yet. On with those reviews: Title: Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skulls Genre: Adventure Stars: Harrison Ford. My mom thinks he's hot Story: Archaeologist Indiana Jones, who is now a bajillion years old, must race against some communist Russians to get to a Mayan temple before they do because of a legend stating that a Crystal Skull was stolen from there millions of years ago and whoever returns it gains mystical powers. The said Crystal Skull is actually the skull of an alien, and has some intense magnet powerz. Review: I wasn't entirely sure about this movie because of the mixed reviews I heard, but I honestly really liked it. It had all the cleverness, adventure, humor, and nightmare fuel that I were in the first three movies, and it kept me glued to it, highly interested, though it did leave me with a lot of questions: I kind of wish that more had been done with the -SPOILER TIMEZ- aliens that live in the Mayan temples- -END SPOILER TIMEZ-, plus I'm sorely confused as to why there was a city of Mannequins at the beginning of the movie, a question that was never answered. Rating: :ph34r: :ph34r: 1/2 Comments: Indiana Jones surviving a nuclear explosion in a fridge = AWESOME. Seeing a communist get eaten alive by ants = NOT SO AWESOME. Title: The Brave Little Toaster Genre: Animated Kid's Adventure/High Octane Nightmare Fuel Story: Five appliances-A toaster, lamp, radio, electric blanket, an a vacuum aptly named Kirby-have been left behind by their Master 'Rob' when he moved to the city. Not satisfied to stay in the cottage doing work for years until they rust and break down, the appliances go on an epic quest to find Rob. Review: This movie was a favorite of mine and my brother when we were young, and it still is one of my favorite movies. Why? Because it's one of those films you saw as a kid, and then you watch it when you're older and realize there was a lot of stuff you didn't really notice: One of these things being just how philosophical this movie was, especially the infamous flower scene (still sad to this day). One thing you might find odd it how dark this film is. Reading about it, it seems innocent enough: five appliances go to find their owner. But believe me when I say this movie is dark: Each character goes through at least one near-death experience (two if you include the scene where they nearly all drown in a swamp, three if you include the scene where they are nearly crushed by a compactor); and tons of actual deaths happen, some of them being genuinely frightening (I still can't watch Toaster's Dream sequence all the way through); A flower dies of loneliness (more sad than scary), and at the beginning, an Air conditioner that reminds me of Jack Nicholson commits suicide (I found this scene scary as a kid, but I love it now). And don't get me started on the "B-Movie" song sequence (again, I find it awesome now-though to be honest I was never genuinely frightened by it-I loved the song) Rating: :ph34r: :ph34r: Comments: The music in this movie is AMAZING. Not just the lyrical songs, but the background music as well. The most notable song would be "Worthless", which plays during one of the darkest scenes I've ever seen in a children's movie. The soundtrack was released on CD a few years ago, but you can find it online.
  15. Let me guess, is it somewhere in Arkansas? Actually, I wouldn't mind an alligator as a pet....although people might become suspicious of the 'disappearances' of certain people at my school who irk me with their stupidity if I did own one.
  16. Man do I feel bad... My family really, really likes Obama...but the majority of my friends hate him with a bloody passion. I feel really bad when my friends go into tangents about why they dislike him, because I personally think he's an OK guy (he wins the internet because I heard through the grapevine that he will be ending standardized testing in my state). Just wanted to get that out. -wonders what TGHL thinks of my obama burger pic-
  17. At my grandma's house. I've been there ever since school got out D<
  18. I heard it was bad, and after Twilight I didn't want to go through anymore bad movies. I'll be doing a review tomorrow if I get time, of one of my favorite kid's movies. =D
  19. Granted, but it's poisoned, so if you ate it, you would die, which isn't a very good deal. I wish I knew why the fork Cheeseman wants to play basketball, because all sports are dumb except SmiteBall and Tackle Frisbee
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