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Everything posted by Mushroom_king

  1. I've seen it, but I still have yet to read Mr. Clapton's autobiography. So I have not read it yet.
  6. More books on my too-read list: HG Well's The Invisible Man HG Well's War of The Worlds (again!) The Sherlock Holmes books Bram Stoker's Dracula The Watchmen Are we allowed to review comics? There's a couple mangas I wanna review.
  7. Image Search: Moose, Frog, Fox, Tiger, Emperor Penguin, Cheetah (again), and probably some others I forgot. Again, for Invision drawing references. (I'm not as bad at drawing animals as previously thought.)
  8. STUFF I LEARNED FROM MY GOOGLE SEARCH: -Otters are easy to draw -People eat squirrels, apparently.
  9. Pictures of Cheetahs, Squirrels, and Otters as reference for some Invision drawings, and I think you all know whom said drawings are of
  10. Playing Twilight Princess. Which I FINALLY got last night. : D
  11. Also, ever since I saw Coraline, I want to read the book it was based off of.
  12. I finished two books recently, so here I'll post my reviews of them, a list of books I'm still reading, and books I will soon read. Title-Schroedinger's Cat Trilogy Type-Series, Sci-Fi/Philosophy/I can't believe it's not drug induced Books in this series-The Universe Next Door, The Trick Top Hat, The Homing Pigeons Author-Robert Anton Wilson Rating: R for secks and raunchy language. Story: The story (or stories) of this series is so complicated, I doubt I can write a short review, but I'll try. In the future America called Unistat, there lives such characters as Benny "Eggs" benedict, Justin Case, Carol Christmas, Simon Moon, The Mad Fishmonger, the Invisible Hand Society, and the terrorist organization "POE". In these three books, you follow the adventures of them (and more) (No, seriously, there's a LOT of characters) as they go about in their strange lives as the all try to figure out what is really going on as things get stranger and stranger in their world. Comments: To be perfectly honest, I don't know what to think. The book was great, very well written and very funny at times; but coming from someone who studies philosophy, psychology, and the paranormal daily, I often had no idea what was going on in the book; though that didn't make it any elss enjoyable, in fact it made it more enjoyable to read. Rating: :wacko: :wacko: 1/2 Title-Physics of the Impossible Author-Michio Kaku Type-Science Nonfiction Rating: G Plot: In this wonderful book, the author takes a look at things that for the time being exist only in Sci-Fi stories, including time travel, alternate universes, ALIEEEEEENS!!!!, Death Stars, and more-with plenty of references to Star Trek and other Sci-Fi stories. Comments: Go read this book. Rating: :wacko: :wacko: Books I'm still reading: The I-Ching Oliver Twist-Charles Dickens Darwinism and it's Discontents- Michael Ruse How Mathematicians Think-Williams Byers The Stuff of Thought-Steven Pinker Books on my Too-read list: The complete Works of H.P. Lovecraft (: D) A Brief History of Time-Stephen Hawking The Hobbit-JRR Tolkien (Haven't read it since third grade...) The Lord of The Rings Trilogy-JRR Tolkien (again, haven't read in a long time) The Harry Potter books-JK Rowling. (I'll re-read the first four, and then finally finish the series like I've been meaning too.)
  13. Granted, but it's poisoned, so if you ate it, you would die, which isn't a very good deal. I wish I knew why the fork Cheeseman wants to play basketball, because all sports are dumb except SmiteBall and Tackle Frisbee Uhhhhhhhhhh. Granted, but you would have to give up an arm to find out the answer. I wish I didn't have such expensive taste in clothes & shoes. Uhhhhhhhhhh what? Granted, but suddenly you have all this money spent on nothing. I wish I could find scientific proof as to why the Duck Tales theme song is so catchy Granted, but it's because there are actually little people that come out of your theme song, that come out to massage you to relax you, then take advantage of your relaxed state to inject you with a fluid that attracts you to the theme song. I wish I had unlimited train tickets to Manhattan. (It's getting soooooo expensive!) I know. I remember the good old days when it was $19 for adults and $1 for kids, round trip. The tix are slightly cheaper online, & when you buy a 10-pack. Granted, but The trains will always be 37 minutes late. I wish i could turn invisible. LOL ~Liz Granted, but every time you go to a play, concert or sit in a seat, some over-sized gorilla of a guy who hasn't bathed in a year, sits on top of you, blocking your view. I wish summer was all year long. Granted, but then there would be NO CHRISTMAS. Or Channukah. I wish The Devil's Fruit from One Piece was real, and that when I ate it, it gave me a cool power. No need to corrupt this wish, since whoever eats The Devil's Fruit can't swim anymore, but feel free to anyway. Granted but that cool power(flying) only lasted for one day, then you had really bad gas for the next 5 years, at all the wrong times. I wish I hadn't left my Buffalo Wings at Coyote Grill! :c Granted, you would still have them, but then you would learn the shocking truth...BUFFALO WINGS ARE PEOPLE!!! anyone who knows what that's a reference to gets a cookie! I wish I didn't have to buy books and video games, that I could have them whenever I want.
  14. After Cheesemaster had sold all his papers, he and Edna went back inside to get ready for Dawn's party. Edna put on some long pants, since it was supposed to be chilly at night but not freezing, and a corduroy jacket that was a hand-me-down from Cheesemaster, and was too big for him but it looked nice anyway. Cheesemaster put on his sweater and long black coat, even though Edna thought it was too warm out. While they waited for the party, the two of them talked with Clean Machine. "Those are nice pictures on the fridge in the next room," Exclaimed the robot. "Did Edna draw them?" Edna nodded. "I did! I drew all those!" Clean Machine smiled. "They're very nice." "My favorite is the one of Mr. Cheesemaster with Mrs. Mushroom," He said, causing Cheesemaster to gasp. "Ugh, Edna...you ought to put a disclaimer on that one or something..." Edna giggled, and then he winked at him. "Remember, Mr. Cheesemaster. I come from the drawing world, and since that picture is a drawing, that means that back in my world it's real!!" And he started laughing while Cheesemaster became awfully nervous. "Thanks for reminding me, Edna," He said sarcastically. The sun was setting as the three of them left the house. It wasn't cold quite yet, but the wind was heavy, making it feel cold. Cheesemaster had to hold Edna's hand to make sure he didn't blow away (Despite having adopted him, Edna was still thin as a twig), though Clean machine had no problems, oddly enough. They were about to knock on the door of the Rabbitt Manor when someone said "No, don't!" They turned, and saw it was Dawn, holding a black, lacy umbrella to protect her from the sun. "Come this way. We'll be outside today." She looked at Clean Machine. "Oh, did you build that?" Cheesemaster looked at the robot. "Him? Oh, no. Arkcher built him recently, but I'm taking care of him for a little while." Dawn nodded. She turned around and motioned for the boys to follow her. They followed Dawn behind the Mansion, until they reached a tall, iron gate. Dawn took out a key that looked like a Rabbit's head, and opened the gate. They walked in, and found themselves in the courtyard of the Rabbitt Manor, which the boys never knew existed. The courtyard was one of the prettiest things they had seen; there were flowers everywhere, and it was surprising that such a sad, grey mansion had such a pretty flower garden. There was a medium-sized table with several chairs around it, with some cups on it and a vase full of flowers. "Did anyone else come to your party?" Asked Edna, looking in awe at the garden. "Yes, but they already went into the maze." "Maze?" Asked Cheesemaster, curiously. "I planned for everyone to go into it after we had tea, but it's not ready left, so you can go play in the maze until it's done." Edna ran over to a bed of flowers and kneeled down, looking at the flowers, and was careful to not step on them. Cheesemaster walked towards two giant hedges, with a space in between them; this was the entrance to the maze. "Dawn, did you do this all by yourself?" She shook her head. "No, no. Our gardeners did it for us, because I can't garden at all." "Mr. Cheesemaster is a good gardener!" Said Edna, running over by his side. "Aren't you?" "I guess I'm OK at it," He said. "Can I stay behind?" Asked Clean Machine. "I want to keep her company." Cheesemaster nodded, and he and Edna entered the maze. After a while, Edna looked up at Cheesemaster, looking worried. "You don't think we'll get lost, do you?" He asked. Cheesemaster thought for a while. "No, I don't think so. And if we do, we should be able to find our way out, and in a last resort, we could climb on top of the hedges and find our way out that way!" Edna laughed nervously. Suddenly, the wind blew very hard, causing Edna to be picked up and rammed into Cheesemaster, knocking his glasses off. They fell to the ground, and he could hear them scraping across the ground, making him worried. When the wind died down, Cheesemaster became afraid. "My glasses, my glasses, where are my glasses..." He muttered, falling on the ground and feeling around for them. After feeling around for a few minutes, his hand fell on something. "I think these are yours," Said a familiar voice, and handed him his glasses. He put them back on, and was about to thank whoever had helped them, but he gasped when he saw it was MK. "U-Uh, Thank you, Mushroom," He stuttered, nervously standing up, and she followed suite. Edna giggled. "W-what're you doing here?" He asked, still stammering. "Dawn invited me, of course. Arkcher said he was too busy to come along." Cheesemaster smiled shyly, and the two continued walking in the maze. They continued walking in the maze, with Cheesemaster constantly trying to start up conversations but then ending them because he felt it was not interesting enough to talk about. After about an hour, though, MK said something: "This is kinda like that movie Labyrinth, but with less David Bowie." They said nothing after that, until a large wind started blowing again; he grabbed Edna and MK both, throwing her onto his body. They all fell after the wind died down, with him still latched onto MK. He helped her back up, and they kept walking, and he decided to carry Edna to keep him from being blown away. MK, too, stayed close to him, just to be safe. After a while, the three of them thought they heard voices, and decided it was best to follow them, since it might help them find a way out. Upon finding the voices, they found Dawn and some of the other guests sitting in the center of a giant chess board made from hedges cut into chess pieces. In the center there was a table, which was where some of them were sitting, but most of them were looking at the hedges. Cheesemaster pulled out a seat for MK and then Edna, and the three of them sat down. "I see you found your way here," Said Dawn, happily. "What happened? You look like you were caught in a storm." "I'm not sure how, but the wind was really strong and nearly blew Edna away," Said Cheesemaster. "Not sure how it got through the hedges, though. Probably came downwards..." "Well, the tea will be ready in a few minutes. You can walk around some more if you like, but don't get lost..." MK got up. "I'm going to go explore," She said, and she got up and took off into the maze. Cheesemaster looked at her, and hoped she'd be OK on her own. Edna got down from his chair and looked at the trimmed hedges shaped like chess pieces. He turned back to Dawn and asked, "Why did you choose to have them shaped like that?" Dawn looked at the hedges. "For James. He likes Chess." Cheesemaster gasped. "Really? I like to play Chess, too." "Me too!" Said Edna. "Aloysius does too! We could all have Chess games against each other sometime." "It's too bad James is away. He got called because he had to work on a case back home." "Well, when he gets back, tell me so I can play against him." A few hours passed, and MK still had not come back. The tea was finished, and the guests all drank it and ate snacks too; midway through the party, Cheesemaster became severely worried about MK. "I hope she didn't get lost," He muttered, worried. He got up out of his seat, proclaimed he was going to look for her, and took off into the maze. ------------------------------- "Mushroom! Mushroom!!" He called, getting more worried by the minute. He ran about the maze, calling her name, and became worried that he, too, would become lost. "Mushroom!!! <i>Mushroom!!!</i>" Suddenly, he heard a faint "Who's there?", and gasped. "Mushroom?!" "Cheesemaster?" "Mushroom?!" He called, following the voice. He walked around the maze, calling her name and the voice calling his, following it as the voice became louder. He eventually, and quite literally, ran into her. "Mushroom!!" he said, relieved, as he hugged her. "I was really worried." "Come here, I found the most amazing thing." Cheesemaster was curious, and she grabbed his hand and took him along to whatever it was she had found. The two of them walked through the maze, with MK dragging Cheesemaster along by his hand, until they found a small, isolated area that left Cheesemaster greatly surprised. Sitting under a tree and surrounded by strawberry plants, was a small table with two chairs. MK let go of his hand and sat down in one of them, and he slowly walked over and sat across from her. He reached down and gently took one of the strawberries, and handed it to her. She gladly took it from him and ate it, and she looked around. "I wonder why this is here?" "I don't know," He said, staring at her, and then at the table, "But it looks like someone deliberately set it up. Look, there's some cups of tea." He grabbed a cup and sipped it, and then he smiled. "It's strawberry flavored!" She giggled and took her own cup of tea, and began to drink it. "The adults in Dawn's family are all away on business, except Julia; and from what I hear, she almost never goes outside." "She doesn't? That's sad..." He said, disappointed. "Everyone should go outside and look at the plants and animals, and even rocks are cool. I taught Edna that," He said, remembering something. <i>"Edna, Edna, come look!" Cheesemaster yelled as he ran into the house and into the Kitchen. He set a grey rock on the table and grabbed a knife from the holder. Edna came in and sat at the kitchen table, looking at the rock as Cheesemaster sat down. "What is it?" "It's Shale," He explained. "It's a rock," Said Edna, sounding bored. "What's so great about a rock?" "Rocks are interesting! Geologists study rocks! They're so very interesting!" He took the knife and brought it down onto the stone, and cut it clean in half. Edna gasped. "You can't cut rocks!" "You can cut some rocks," He explained to Edna. "This particular rock's particles are so small you can't see them without a microscope."</i> "Yea, I agree with you." Said MK. "Even better is looking at natural things while listening to songs about them!" Cheesemaster giggled. "I guess. That's something I'd expect you to say." "You know me too well," She said, smiling. The two of them said nothing for a long time, just looking at each other. Cheesemaster eventually broke the silence. "Everyone became worried about you," He explained, "Me most of all. We thought you got lost." She blushed and smiled shyly. "I...I was about to go back and ask why this was here, but I did get lost. I guess you were looking for me?" "Yea, I was..." "I guess everyone thinks you got lost too, now, huh?" He gasped. "O-Of course, I forgot!!" He stuttered. "I got so caught up talking with you. I wonder what they're doing now?" ------------------------------- The rest of the guests were still over in the center of the maze, now worrying about Cheesemaster along with MK. Most of the guests had already left by now, so it was mainly just Dawn, Edna, and Clean Machine sitting at the table. "I hope he didn't get lost, too...." Said Dawn. "We can go look for them," Suggested Edna, looking at Clean Machine. "He's a robot, he shouldn't get lost." Dawn smiled. "OK. Be careful, don't get lost." "We won't," Said Edna as the two of them ran off. Before they left, Edna looked back and asked, "You're not going to be lonely, right?" Dawn shook her head. "I'll be fine. Don't you worry." Edna nodded his head and took off with Clean Machine to look for them. ----------------------------- "...Mushroom, how did you manage to come here by yourself, without Arkcher? He'd be wary of you coming to the Port of Cheese on your own, considering how he's been acting lately..." "I don't know. I guess maybe he's becoming more trustworthy of me." "I guess he trusts you to stay faithful to him." She nodded, and she looked at the ground. "That's a good thing, I guess." "Yea," He said, agreeing. At that moment, Edna and Clean Machine heard their voices, though they couldn't make out what they were saying. "I think that's them," Whispered Edna, and the two of them moved in the direction of the voices. "At the party he had when he finished Clean Machine, a few days before, I had told him all the reasons I had for <i>not</i> having a crush on you. They were the same reasons I told Edna." MK frowned in confusion. "What are those reasons?" She asked, curious. Cheesemaster scratched his head nervously. "Eh..." "If it's too awkward to talk about that's fine, but I'm still curious..." "Eh, fine, I can tell you I guess." Edna and Clean Machine had gotten a little closer to the voices, but could still not understand them; that, and they were now having difficulties getting closer to them. Cheesemaster explained all his reasons for his <i>not</i> having a romantic interest in MK, the exact ones he had told Edna not long ago, at Planet Horatio. After he was done explaining them to her, she nodded in understanding. "I see. Those are all legit reasons," She said. She smiled at him and blushed. "It's nice that you care about our friendship like that." Edna and Clean Machine had now gotten a bit closer to them; they could now tell that they were MK and Cheesemaster's voices, and wondered what in the world they could be talking about. They moved in closer, and hid behind a hedge so they could eavesdrop. "But hey, what if me and Arkcher weren't married? And you and I weren't friends? What about that?" Cheesemaster blushed. "Are you really asking me that?" She nodded. He blushed even more. "Eh...maybe in an alternate universe, that's what's happening...Ah, it would depend on the factors. I mean...uh..." MK looked concerned. "Is this too awkward?" "Kinda," He said, laughing nervously. "But I guess it's alright of you to be curious." She nodded. "So, uhm, your answer?" His head perked up. "I don't know. That's all I can really say." MK nodded in understanding. She got up, and was followed by Cheesemaster, who picked another strawberry and gave it to her. The two of them stood in the garden, when MK suddenly have him a hug. Cheesemaster lightly gasped, but sighed happily and gave her a hug too. Edna gasped, lightly as not to disturb them. Then he giggled to himself. "That's cute," He whispered to Clean Machine. Cheesemaster and MK looked at each other for a long time, when the wind suddenly picked up; MK shivered at the cold, and Cheesemaster unbuttoned his long coat and put part of it over her. She let out a muffled "Thank you," and the two of them hugged under the coat. Edna gasped again; the coat was obscuring most of his view, and thus he wasn't quite sure what was happening. After he gasped, Cheesemaster jerked his head up and looked around. "Who's there?"
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