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Everything posted by Mushroom_king

  1. -facepalm- Do you enjoy doing that for no reason?
  2. WRONG! AC/DC's Angus Young? Wolfmother's Lead singer? There's two.
  3. This chapter begins the way most great chapters do: with a flashback! About a month ago, The Spy, a young woman who had once been a police officer but was now a full-fledged detective, was at home in the city of Hamsterdam. She lived in the center of town, on a street called Baker, and would take on cases brought to her by residents of the city. They almost always came from people who she didn't really know (I'm basically saying, people who aren't mentioned in this story.), though in rare cases she would have a friend come to her, though they usually came for mere robberies. Except for Kat Dacatis, who typically came for mediocre things, such as looking for an object. In recent weeks, though, she got reports from strangers, as well as the police force, about missing persons; or, she would get a report about a person who may or may not been recently noted as missing having been found somewhere outside of town, their blood completely missing from their bodies. The Spy knew right away that the monster known as a Vampire was responsible for this. But she had had no idea that a vampire was in the midst of the Invisionists. Although she was not usually the type who meddled in the affairs of the supernatural, she went ahead and did as much research as she could... The Spy had finally arrived home at her house, with a stack of books in her arms. She was barely able to shut the door, much less get inside, without dropping all of them. She carefully placed them on her coffee table, and sat in her armchair after placing a log in her fireplace. The rain was pouring down on the streets, and she was already worried about the state of the books; after all, she had loaned them from the library, and she could not afford for them to be ruined. She grabbed the first; a thick, black-leather covered book on Vampires. A subject she thought she'd never read about outside of Novels. -------------------------------- Several hours passed, with The Spy reading each book one after the other, interrupted only by people knocking on her door to give her the hundredth report of a missing person or person drained of their fluids. She would shout through the door that she already knew, without lifting her eyes from the books. After reading so much that the information became repetitive, she took out a pad and paper and quickly began to scribble down what she had learned: -There are two types of vampires: The kind that have 'always' been vampires, and those who were bitten, but did not have all their blood drained and became a vampire. -A vampire who was bitten can go into the sun for the spans of two hours unprotected before they get sick and die. -Vampires who have always been will die instantly if they step in the sun with no protection. -Vampires cannot see themselves in mirrors. A vampire who was bitten will not show up in a mirror, but may show up in photographs. -A vampire who has always been cannot cross water, much less go into it. Bitten vampires can cross water, but cannot go into it. -Vampires who have always been were turned into vampires after they died. Vampires who were bitten, obviously, were bitten by a vampire who rose from the dead and turned into one. -Two ways to kill a vampire are a wooden stake to the heart, or decapitation. -Typically feed off the blood of adults, though some (mostly bitten vampires) may feed off animals. -They dislike garlic, though only if you have eaten some. (Unfortunately.) -They dislike religious symbols. Not only the cross, but also a Jewish star of David, a Buddhist eight-spoked wheel, etc. Though a cross will work best; this is because Vampires are unholy creatures of the night. It won't kill them, but if you wear one it will keep them away. -Note: It has been reported a few times that some vampires have no aversion to religious symbols. This has always been reported in cases of Bitten Vampires; but most Bitten Vampires may develop a dislike of symbols, though they will not be injured by them or need to keep away from them. It may simply make them feel uncomfortable. -Do not sparkle. -Do NOT sparkle. -Features include: pale skin (sometimes), sharp teeth (careful-they try their best to hide them), bad breath (ONLY if they are vampires who have always been; this is because they are dead and their organs do not work anymore. Bitten vampires may have breath that smells like copper due to the blood.) -A Vampire will, typically, retain all traits from when they were human. -Vampires who have always been cannot reproduce. The sperm and eggs are dead. -Bitten vampires, however, can. -Vampires who have always been do not eat; they have no need to. Bitten vampires eat very little. -Despite common belief, Vampires do not have a rivalry with werewolves. The Spy looked at her very long list. She reviewed the list; she knew no one who had any of these qualities....but then she thought of the Rabbitt family. The Rabbitts, a family of individuals who came from Cullough, the world of Horror stories; she hadn't read it yet, but the novel they were from was known as The White Rabbitt, a series of novels taking place in 19th Century England. Vampires were common in Horror stories; perhaps one of the Rabbitts was a vampire? Now, any sane person might go back to the library and get the White Rabbitt novels and easily find out who the vampire was, or even if there was one, but The Spy, being The Spy, decided it was better to find out on her own. She asked around, found out where the Rabbitts lived (The Port of Cheese, a place she had not been too) and instantly headed her way there. As you know, she went there, and met many people she did not know. She had found Cheesemaster, a well-known Invisionists who she did not know, and CC Edna, Mushroom_king, and Clean Machine; she didn't get to meet the latter two very well, as they left, but she had acquired a vital clue from MK-a girl named Dawn, who may be a vampire. Our story begins after she and Clean Machine had left. ----------------------------------------- Cheesemaster watched as MK ran swiftly towards the pier so she could head home, and without asking, The Spy walked into his house after him. She sat down in one of his armchairs, and Cheesemaster sat in another; Edna sat down near the fireplace. The Spy took off her plaid shawl and beige trench coat, revealing a green-brown vest underneath, and hung them on a hat rack near the door. She then took a pipe out of one of her pockets, and began to smoke it; Edna looked at her disapprovingly. "That's horrible for your body!" He said, pointing to her pipe. She took it out of her mouth and blew some smoke away from him, but said nothing. Edna folded his arms. "Nobody's going to want to be with you if you do that." "Good," She said coldly. "You don't want any friends or a husband or anything?" "Friends I can stand," She said. "But a husband is something I can't live with." "That's OK," He sighed, and he sat back down. "Why did you come all the way here from Hamsterdam to see me?" Asked Cheesemaster. "I didn't come to see you," She said blankly. "I came to see the Rabbitt family. Might you know where they live?" He nodded. "Of course I do, I'm close with...most of them." She smiled, and took off her sunglasses, placing them in the pocket of her coat, still on the rack. "If you wouldn't mind, tell me where they might be?" "Well, I'd like to go over there as well, if you don't mind. I could help you...but only if you tell me what you're even doing here." The Spy leaned back in her chair and placed her pipe back in her mouth, and crossed her legs, looking directly at him. She explained the details of the case-how she had been getting reports of missing persons, and evidence that a vampire was in their midst. She explained how she had remembered the Rabbitts being from the Horror-Story world, and how there might be a vampire among them. "If there is, he would be the kind that was changed into one after being bitten; that kind can cross water-as in, they can cross the ocean from here to Hamsterdam-but would not be able to get in water." Cheesemaster looked confused. Dawn? Was she talking about Dawn? Dawn would never hurt a human to feed...she had swore only to feed on animals, unless someone said she could suck their blood. "But why would a vampire travel from here to Hamsterdam just to feed?" She closed her eyes. "There's much more people there, obviously," She explained matter-of-factly. "Well, we might as well get going and head over to the Rabbitt Manor," Cheesemaster said, standing up. "But can Edna come with us?" "Of course not! The young lady will have to stay here. Children tend to get in the way of investigation. You have to keep your eyes on them at all times, when you should be paying attention to every last detail. The smallest thing could be a vital clue. No children. The girl stays here." Edna stood defiantly. "a-HEM," He coughed, "I'm not a young lady! I'm a young man." The Spy grabbed her coat and buttoned it up, then tied the small shawl around her shoulders. "Well, perhaps if you didn't have such a feminine name, I wouldn't confuse you for one." Edna huffed. He looked at Cheesemaster. "Mr. Cheesemaster, please, I want to come with you!" Cheesemaster sighed and looked over at The Spy. "I can't just leave him here on his own," He pleaded. "Besides. He's a smart boy...he might just help you out." She groaned. "No means no." She was about to walk out, when Edna suddenly appeared in front of the door. "Please?" He said, putting on his best sad-orphan face. The Spy frowned. "Young la....Young Man, I've made it clear you cannot come with us." Cheesemaster walked over and playfully shoved her. "Please, let him come with us. I'll definitely keep my eye on him while you do your work." ------------------------------ Much to her upset, Edna did tag along as the three walked to the Rabbitt Manor. They knocked on the enormous front doors, and were greeted by James Rabbitt. "Hello, boys," He said as he looked at Edna and Cheesemaster. "Who is this?" "The Spy," She answered. "It's just a name." James gulped. She glared at him, and walked on inside. "I'm a detective from Hamsterdam." James gulped again. "Detective?" He smiled. "I've done my fair share of detective work...for my job." The Spy nodded. "A lawyer. Correct?" He stopped. "However did you know?" "On your lapel," She stated, "Is a small gold circle. This states you are an attorney." He smiled. "Most don't notice my attorney's badge. It is quite tiny. Anyway, if you will, come into the library and perhaps I can speak with you?" The Spy nodded. "I'll want to ask some questions about your family..." ------------------------------- The Spy and James walked into the enormous, spacious library. Edna gasped in excitement and ran off to look around. The Spy walked with James to some chairs to speak with him. "I say, Mr. Rabbitt..." She said as she settled into a small armchair. " "Yes?" "You recently went to work on a case recently, no?" He nodded. "How did you..." "Just last a few days ago. Two days, even." His eyes went wide. "How...?" "Quite a cheap spaceship you travelled in, too. In recent years we have had technology to combat it, but it's not on the cheaper shuttles, posing an enormous health risk; when one travels through space, their bones and muscles tend to get weaker. You seemed very fatigued from merely walking." He nodded in amazement. "My family noticed when I got back. I made a note to never use that company of space travel again." "And you were in Germany, no, with a German judge, German prosecutor, German suspects, and German people. When one spends his time around people of ethnicity, he may tend to pick up their ways, including the accent. You're speaking with the queerest mix of English and German." James looked at her in amazement. "But anyhow...about your family..." "First and foremost, I'd like to ask about Dawn Rabbitt, if one lives in your house." James leaned back in a tall, comfortable chair in the spacious library. Cheesemaster and Edna were walking around, looking at the thousands of books in there. "Ah...Dawn. Such an odd girl. She's got such sensitive skin...always goes out on sunny days with a parasol." The Spy snapped to attention. That was the first hint. "She asked us to remove all the mirrors from the house, as well...makes things difficult sometimes..." That was the second one. "Jacob, my dear brother, hates her with such a passion. I never got a clear answer from him...but one reason, I found, was that she started refusing to go to Church with us on Sundays a few years ago. She said it made her feel sick one day. I had to keep Jacob from hurting her..." Another. "She's gotten awful pale as well. I've taken her to a doctor, but nothing is wrong with her..." The Spy closed her eyes for a moment. "Might I be able to talk to her?" James's eyes went wide. "She's up in her room...want me to show you the way?" She nodded, and followed James out of the library and up to Dawn's room for further investigation. [The Spy has to be THE most obvious reference so far. Just wait till you hear what her real name is.]
  4. horatio just turned into darth vader. You mean... darth vamster. and now you've turned into Thomas von Foster IV.
  5. There's two singles for sale on iTunes. Time to Party, and a cover of 'Kung Fu Fighting'.
  6. MK let go of Cheesemaster and the two looked around, and they both heard Edna and Clean Machine shuffling back to the center of the maze. Cheesemaster gasped and let go of MK, and he looked around. "Someone was here..." He muttered, and he decided that it was best if they headed back, since it was nearing Edna's bedtime. After spending some time wandering through the maze, Cheesemaster noticed that MK was beginning to get sleepy; she had latched onto his arm and had her head on his shoulder as she tried to not fall asleep. Eventually, he ended up having to carry her; and after walking for a few minutes, he found the center of the maze. Dawn was still there, waiting for them, as well as Edna and Clean Machine. Edna giggled when he saw Cheesemaster carrying MK. "Hi, Mr. Cheesemaster. Why are you carrying Mrs. Mushroom?" "She was falling asleep, and thus I decided it was best to carry her." Edna smiled and nodded. "She's far too tired to go back home yet. She's gonna have to come back to our house." "I know," He said, walking over to Edna and Clean Machine, and saying goodbye to Dawn. Dawn got an evil smile. "I'll still be up for a few hours...But I'll see you tomorrow." She looked at MK with vicious eyes. Edna frowned. "Ms. Dawn, what's that dangerous look I see in your eyes?" "It's nothing," She said, and she unfolded her parasol and placed it on the table, and took off to who knows where. ------------------------------- After the two boys and the robot arrived back at the house, there was the issue of where MK would sleep; this problem was already decided by Cheesemaster, but Edna disagreed. "Mushroom will sleep in my bed," He proclaimed. Edna's eyes went wide. "Then where will you sleep?!" "I'll sleep on the couch." Edna sighed. "Knowing you, I can't change your mind. But why would you give up your bed for her?" Cheesemaster laughed. "Well, Edna, a good gentleman always puts a woman's needs before his own. She deserves a comfy bed much more then I do. Not only because she's a girl, but she's younger then me, too." Edna smiled. "I thought you'd say something like that." "Alright, then. You'd better get to bed as well. It's awful late and you don't want to be tired." Edna nodded in understanding as Cheesemaster went to put MK in bed. -------------------------------- K woke up the next morning in a comfortable bed; she blinked her eyes opened, stretched, and looked around. She did not know where she was, and she climbed out of bed, searched around for her shoes, and began to walk about this mysterious place. She walked around, until she found herself in what seemed to be a dining room, where she found Edna and Cheesemaster. Edna was sitting at a small table, and next to the table was a group of cabinets, a stove, fridge, and some counters; Cheesemaster was busy making some Breakfast. He turned around and smiled at her. "It's nice of you too finally have joined us," He said, and she went and sat down at the table. "I haven't seen any part of your house outside of your living room," She explained. "But why am I here?" "You fell asleep last night in the maze, so I decided to carry you home." He explained, turning around to look at her. "Since you weren't exactly ready to go home at that point..." "Eh, thanks," She said, and she looked at Edna, saying hello to him. She glanced over at his fridge. "Did you draw all those?" "I did!" Said Edna, smiling. "I drew all of them! Do you like them!" She got up and walked over to them. Instantly her eye fell on the one of her and Cheesemaster. She gently took it off, and looked at it. "You're a funny little kid. You know that?" Edna laughed and Cheesemaster went over and laid out a large breakfast in front of him and Edna made up of Waffles, Eggs, and Bacon. The two of them were also given a glass of milk (MK getting chocolate because she severely disliked the taste of normal milk). Cheesemaster sat down with his own breakfast, which was slightly smaller then MK's, which was still smaller then Edna's. Clean Machine rolled in and sat with the trio, but of course did not eat anything. After Breakfast, the two decided it was best to bid MK farewell and send her on a plane back to Mt. Jazzeh; but MK did not want to go back home just yet, and said that she wanted to stay with them for a little while longer. It was then that a familiar-looking woman walked up to them when they were outside. She wore a long, light brown trench coat, plaid skirt, beige stockings, and high heeled shoes. She wore a hunter cap that matched her skirt, and sunglasses. Cheesemaster looked curiously at her. "You wouldn't be The Spy, would you?" He appeared nervous. "I know you're an officer-" "Not anymore," She said. "I switched occupations, again." Edna looked confused, and The Spy kneeled down and looked at him. "Hello there. And who are you?" "I was about to ask you that," He said, and she looked at Clean Machine as well, with just as much confusion, but said nothing. She smiled and shook Edna's hand. "Most people call me The Spy. But it's Just a Name," She said, and paused after shaking hands with him. "You work with your hands a lot, don't you?" She asked. "You're a shoe-shine boy, and a chimney sweep." Edna gasped. "How in the world did you know that?!" Cheesemaster sighed. "She could tell by the way your hands might be bruised, stained, or calloused from working, of course. She does that to most everyone she meets for the first time." "So you're a spy?" Asked Edna, smiling. She shook her head. "It's just a name. I'm actually a detective. I typically live in Hamsterdam, but I recently took up residence here, because....Uh, I don't exactly have a reason." "Enough of that," Asked MK, "What exactly do you want from us?" "I was a little reluctant to take up this case because I'm not one to dabble in the paranormal. I leave it with the people who want to work with it. But I got so many requests for this that I had to come here and figure out some hint of what's happening." Cheesemaster thought for a few moments, and then opened his eyes. "What's been going on, then, that brought you here?" "As odd as it may sound, I've had a couple people say there may be a vampire in our midst," She said. The moment she said it, MK became defensive and blurted out "Dawn?! Dawn?!" The Spy looked at her, confused. "Dawn? Dawn Rabbitt? She's a...?" MK placed her hand over her mouth, realizing she'd just blurted Dawn's secret to a stranger. "She's not a threat. She feeds off animals. Wild animals, not people's pets. She's completely innocent." "That's quite alright then. Because I haven't gotten reports of missing animals. I've gotten reports of missing people," She said. MK looked at Cheesemaster, and Clean Machine looked at everyone. Edna looked afraid. "I-I don't want to be involved in this," Said Clean Machine, worried. "I want to go back home." Cheesemaster sighed, and put his hand on the robot. "Are you sure you wanna go home?" Clean Machine nodded. "I don't want to be involved in anything like this. I'd like to go home..." Cheesemaster sighed. "Well, I guess Mushroom will have to go home as well...." APRUPT ENDING GO [next one is The Spy's story. Because when you read Sherlock Holmes and Dracula at the same time, it gives you ideas and stuff.]
  7. Granted, its in Peru. I wish the economy wasn't terrible. Granted, but your a hobo now. I wish I lived in Los Angeles. Granted, but then there would be giant house-eating hobos everywhere. I wish I had ventriloquy lessons. Granted, but the doll thing was 1023 feet tall and impossible to control. I wish my essay was done, well, in English, and on the correct topic. Granted, but it's in Old Anglican English, which has a vocabulary completely different from modern English and is nearly incomprehensible. Goodluck! I wish I could spell every word ever correctly. (Originally, I had typed uncomprehendable. Turns out, it's not a word :glare: lol) Granted, but then the 1,023 feet tall Ventriloquist's dummy from the last wish would eat both your arms, rendering you unable to write or type. Oh, and you'd get hooks instead of fake arms. You can be a pirate. I wish I had a detective hat...
  8. Once upon a time, me, Arkcher, and Kat went on an epic quest to find out why Cheeseman never comes here anymore. Turns out that he was kidnapped and roped and tied up in the Crayola factory, so we had to defeat the evil White Crayon in order to save him. And then we breakdanced on the roof to celebrate after we saved him, and Kat ate the Macaroni crayon.
  9. Granted, its in Peru. I wish the economy wasn't terrible. Granted, but your a hobo now. I wish I lived in Los Angeles. Granted, but then there would be giant house-eating hobos everywhere. I wish I had ventriloquy lessons.
  10. You had better post pictures!!!!! We want to see your tablecloth artwork! K Enjoy...I can't post the elton one yet 'cause I haven't taken any pictures of it...I just took part of the (paper) tablecloth with me because I hadn't finished it, and then I finished it on the train home. ~Liz So yeah...totally forgot to post the Elton GYBR pic. Compare it to the original... ~Liz Good Yellow Bye Road.
  11. Awight everypeoples. I just got back from my favorite building in the whole wide world, aka the bookstore. This time it was Barne's and Noble's. I was there for about 4-5 hours (this is a very common thing to happen). I read Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, started reading Darwin's Origin of Species, continued reading Bram Stoker's Dracula, and purchased The Complete Sherlock Holmes Volume 1. I was going to buy Dracula too, but I decided it would be more fun to get a vintage copy of the book, since me and my mom will be going to a used bookstore one of these days to sell our old books. I also plan to buy "The Complete Works of Oscar Wilde" one of these days. Barne's and Noble's Classic Collection ftw.
  12. Have a Cigar-Pink Floyd. OH AND BY THE WAY....WHICH ONE'S PINK?
  13. I wanna see that... I was out to dinner, and before that I was at Barne's and Noble's.
  14. (if anyone is wondering, my uncle got in an accident and wrecked it.)
  15. Granted, but it's poisoned, so if you ate it, you would die, which isn't a very good deal. I wish I knew why the fork Cheeseman wants to play basketball, because all sports are dumb except SmiteBall and Tackle Frisbee Uhhhhhhhhhh. Granted, but you would have to give up an arm to find out the answer. I wish I didn't have such expensive taste in clothes & shoes. Uhhhhhhhhhh what? Granted, but suddenly you have all this money spent on nothing. I wish I could find scientific proof as to why the Duck Tales theme song is so catchy Granted, but it's because there are actually little people that come out of your theme song, that come out to massage you to relax you, then take advantage of your relaxed state to inject you with a fluid that attracts you to the theme song. I wish I had unlimited train tickets to Manhattan. (It's getting soooooo expensive!) I know. I remember the good old days when it was $19 for adults and $1 for kids, round trip. The tix are slightly cheaper online, & when you buy a 10-pack. Granted, but The trains will always be 37 minutes late. I wish i could turn invisible. LOL ~Liz Granted, but every time you go to a play, concert or sit in a seat, some over-sized gorilla of a guy who hasn't bathed in a year, sits on top of you, blocking your view. I wish summer was all year long. Granted, but then there would be NO CHRISTMAS. Or Channukah. I wish The Devil's Fruit from One Piece was real, and that when I ate it, it gave me a cool power. No need to corrupt this wish, since whoever eats The Devil's Fruit can't swim anymore, but feel free to anyway. Granted but that cool power(flying) only lasted for one day, then you had really bad gas for the next 5 years, at all the wrong times. I wish I hadn't left my Buffalo Wings at Coyote Grill! :c Granted, you would still have them, but then you would learn the shocking truth...BUFFALO WINGS ARE PEOPLE!!! anyone who knows what that's a reference to gets a cookie! I wish I didn't have to buy books and video games, that I could have them whenever I want. Granted, but the books have the last chapters missing, and the video games all break after you play them 2 times. I wish we could have weeks off from school more often. (I am really enjoying this present week off.) Granted! Actually, we would have 51 weeks off.... but there would be 2992 weeks in a year. I wish I could drive after nine. Granted, but you can only drive from 9-10 pm and no other time during the day. I wish I had my license....13 months with merely a permit is waaaaaaay too long. ~Liz Granted, but it would be a British license. Have fun getting funny looks when you drive on the left side of the road. Keeping in the theme, I wish my VW Bus wasn't wrecked so I actually had a car for when I get my permit in May.
  16. What do they sell? Clothes & Shoes. I want shoes. I can't stop buying shoes. I went to this little town about 30 minutes away with my friend (friend's girlfriend, ugh, she's so HOT, and everyone thought we were together :C) for lunch, and I bought shoes! (#@*#(#**(#(@*#(@)(@)@)((@*#U*$#*( Arghhhhhhhhh. I hate shoe shopping. And clothes shopping. Electronics/music/etc shopping is fine. ~Liz The majority of my clothes were either gifts, handmedowns, or from the thrift store; mainly because I'm wearing less t-shirts are more dress clothes, which are found plenty in thrift stores for cheap (plus you can find cool ones, like a shirt I have with Chinese characters on it). I still wear tshirts occasionally but have not worn a pair of jeans in a long time. As for shoes, I tend to buy one pair, wear it forever, then it gets holey and I buy a new pair and the process repeats.
  18. I was at Grandma's, reminding her to come to my house so I could pick up the laptop and feed the animals.
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