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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. How about Lara Fabian? Do you like her music?
  2. Awful!!!!! *cries* Aw...I hope you feel better! Thank you. But I am such a baby and really hate being confined, restricted, etc., because I am sick or injured. The mental state is worse than the actual pain of the break. Plus, I don't take any pain killers or other stuff like that so when I move my leg, the pain is fairly intense. I hate that too lol, though I take painkillers once the pain starts to interfere with what I need to do. I figure the effects of the painkillers are probably no worse than the stress of the pain. You are probably right. The time when I broke my leg, the doctors told me that it would be at least three to four months. From the very beginning I didn't take any pain killers and every time I tried to move my leg, even a fraction of any inch, the pain was so intense, I didn't move my leg one bit. That only lasted a short time, then I was able to move around with my leg, but I knew what the range would be by the pain that would appear when I tried to exceed that range. The good news was that my leg healed in eight weeks. In this case, I think that not moving my leg helped it to heal at a much faster rate.
  3. HAHAHAHAHA!!!!! That's one smart group of people.
  4. At least you don't have to pay your mom proofreader. We want your illustrations to go along with your story.
  5. Wicked is a fantastic soundtrack and Meat Loaf's CD is another great choice. But... what, - Kat -, NO Satriani????? Check out his Flying In A Blue Dream or Is There Love In Space CD's. Those are incredible driving songs. Tangerine Dream has some great driving music. If you are not familiar, I could give you specific CD's.
  6. *falls over, passes out and needs to be revived, rereads the statement and passes out again* You're definitely NOT a wimp!!!
  7. Joe Satriani. Most all of his music is good, but I could make some CD recommendations. By the way, when you get it done, please send it my way. Please.
  8. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Happy New Year to you! Shane is very, very lucky to have you in his life!!! How great that you both met. We all knew you would do great in your classes, and I'm certain that you are looking forward to student teaching. You will make a fantastic teacher. I hope I do well. And yeah, one of the great things about Shane is that he thinks he's lucky to have me too, and expresses his affections often. What a wonderful change from the previous relationship. You deserve a guy like Shane! Hope you both had a terrific New Year celebration.
  9. Awful!!!!! *cries* Aw...I hope you feel better! Thank you. But I am such a baby and really hate being confined, restricted, etc., because I am sick or injured. The mental state is worse than the actual pain of the break. Plus, I don't take any pain killers or other stuff like that so when I move my leg, the pain is fairly intense.
  10. I sure do-diddly did. How many other people did it with you? I figured I would ask this question before I certified you as crazy.
  11. WHAARRRGARBL forgot to disable emotes :c You jumped into the pool???????
  12. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Happy New Year to you! Shane is very, very lucky to have you in his life!!! How great that you both met. We all knew you would do great in your classes, and I'm certain that you are looking forward to student teaching. You will make a fantastic teacher.
  13. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!! Wishing everyone a most wonderful New Year in 2010!!! Horatio
  14. D: NNNOOOOOOOO Yessssss! But I will post pictures.
  15. Here I am stuck near the San Francisco airport for four days over Christmas. Deciding to take a walk around the town of Burlingame, because we were really stuck in San Francisco, but out by the airport, I am showing the First Officer how great a place it is. Well as we take a different route through this great neighborhood, I take the next step and plop, splat, @_#*@(*@&$^% (that's a crashing sound you hear), I fall off the sidewalk and chin hits the one piece of concrete between the sidewalk and the curb. Before you ask... no, I was NOT on my cell phone. What I had done was move a little bit to the right side, to allow more room for my First Officer and that's when I went down. Lots of blood. Not a pretty sight at all. Back on my feet, I decide that I need to stop the bleeding, so we knock on one door with no luck. Exiting the house in front of which I fell, emerge two ladies. They were wonderful and brought me some paper towels, asked if I wanted to go inside their house and clean up and could they drive us anywhere. As we were going into town to do some Christmas shopping, I said, no thank you to the ride and we head on our way. Hobbling, I figure that it is just a sprain and I should be good as new in the morning. We finished our Christmas shopping, had some coffee and headed back to the hotel. For the rest of Christmas eve and Christmas I remained with my foot elevated and ice. It was almost healed. The swelling was almost totally gone and I could walk 99% normal. I felt pretty good. The only downside was spending Christmas in the hotel alone. Anyway... we came home the next morning and I thought all was well. You have to come back for Part II.
  16. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Welcome Home!!!!! I'm certain your family is thrilled to see you! Enjoy your Christmas!!!
  17. Horatio

    My place. :)

    *round of applause* You must be feeling really, really good. What a nice Christmas present. You have worked very hard to accomplish your goal and I do believe you have done a stellar job of it! CONGRATULATIONS !!!!! It's all downhill now.
  18. Dear Toto and Topazia... It's that time of the year again when you add one more number to your age. Well, your time has come and we all wanted to wish you both the best birthday ever. May this year be the year when all your birthday wishes come true, you realize your dreams and everything goes your way. Of course, no birthday escapes the traditional birthday song, so here we go... HAPPY HAMMIE BIRTHDAY TO YOU TWO, HAPPY HAMMIE BIRTHDAY TO YOU TWO, HAPPY HAMMIE BIRTHDAY DEAR TOTO AND TOPAZIA, HAPPY HAMMIE BIRTHDAY TO YOU TWO!!! We have decorated the party room, filled the table with food, drink, flowers and presents, the two cakes with all their candles are waiting for you to come, make a wish, blow out the candles and start the celebration. Hope your birthday is the best! Horatio
  19. We would love to see more of you. Understandably, things get more complicated and busy. Finding time to visit is always one of those things you put off. Hopefully next year we will see lots more of you. Have a wonderful holiday season. See you soon!!!
  20. *sprinkles inspired artist dust over - Kat -* That should help.
  21. Sooooo... tell us about it? Do you like the Snuggie? It looks comfortable. Actually, I really don't like it. It's way too wide for me, so it doesn't sit on my shoulders like it should and constantly slides off. It's rather thin and cheaply made too. Not what I was expecting. Sorry to hear this. But that is one of the reasons I never buy anything I see hawked on the media.
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