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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. TGHL is at Oxford and has not appeared since he started University. I do miss him! So... TBFOF, you have been tagged!
  2. *round of applause* That's wonderful Kris!!!
  3. Whoa!!! Give Topazia a dozen cookiecakes! You are sooooooooo fast! HAPPY HAMMY BIRTHDAY TAYNIO!
  4. *gives Paz a fresh baked cookie-cake for reviving a great topic*
  5. That is going to be a wonderful trip! I love Turkey! I have some friends over there. Would you please take me with you?
  6. I just wanted to make sure nothing made me miss having a post here for your birthday. Happy Official Birthday today!
  7. Horatio


    You need to stop in more often. We are the same people, just older and unfortunately, with our busy lives, post less.
  8. The problem with black is that is also isn't noticeable. I've had three people walk into, bump and almost run over it with their grocery cart. So, next time, it will be eye-shocking pinkish, lime-yellow retina burning green, with neon lights and a proximity sensor that has a rather loud car alarm and voice that announces "Step back, you have violated the cast's space. The police and ambulance have been called. I repeat. Step back... " My camera is a Nikon D300S. The great thing about this camera is that it can also take video. The first lens is a 80 - 200, which has so many capabilities, and the second lens is a macro. The macro has not arrived yet, so I am really looking forward to when it comes in. SO JEALOUS. Period, end of story. Come down and show me how to work it. PLEASE! TBFOF... if and when I go to upgrade, I promise I will send this one to you. How does that sound? I would love to come down an assist you. However, I first must figure out how to use it myself! I'm trying to see if I can find a used Canon 5D in great condition, but that is proving to be quite a challenge. And don't be silly Horatio, you are just too kind and generous! It's yours if and when I upgrade. Keep this post. I was looking to give away my old Nikon FM, but with the cost of film and developing, no one wanted it. I finally found an art school who is desparately seeking old manual film cameras, so I donated two. That sure made me feel good.
  9. Dear Arkcher and Dog Lover... We have a very special day, a double birthday celebration! I won't punish you both with us singing the traditional birthday song twice, but you both will have to suffer through it once. On this uber special day, we wish you a terrific celebration where all your birthday wishes come true. So, while we are lighting the candles on both of the birthday cakes, please make a wish, blow all the candles out and let's get this party started! HAPPY HAMMY BIRTHDAY TO YOU TWO, HAPPY HAMMY BIRTHDAY TO YOU TWO, HAPPY HAMMY BIRTHDAY DEAR DOG LOVER AND ARKCHER, HAPPY HAMMY BIRTHDAY TO YOU TWO! Have a spectacular day on your 18th birthday! Horatio
  10. She's got some other CD's that are just as great. I love the last song on the Pure CD that is in Italian.
  11. Horatio


    SCHIMMISLICK!!!!!!!!!! How could I have missed you?!?!?!?!?!?!? Please do return!!!
  12. The problem with black is that is also isn't noticeable. I've had three people walk into, bump and almost run over it with their grocery cart. So, next time, it will be eye-shocking pinkish, lime-yellow retina burning green, with neon lights and a proximity sensor that has a rather loud car alarm and voice that announces "Step back, you have violated the cast's space. The police and ambulance have been called. I repeat. Step back... " My camera is a Nikon D300S. The great thing about this camera is that it can also take video. The first lens is a 80 - 200, which has so many capabilities, and the second lens is a macro. The macro has not arrived yet, so I am really looking forward to when it comes in. SO JEALOUS. Period, end of story. Come down and show me how to work it. PLEASE! TBFOF... if and when I go to upgrade, I promise I will send this one to you. How does that sound?
  13. This was posted by Topazia last night in the Stories, Poems and anything written Forum, the Sorry it's been so long Topic, and I thought it was too beautiful to lose. So, after receiving permission, I have copied and pasted it here. As for something for you guys: "Here on the boards where hampsters freely roam alongside eagles, cheetahs, a mushroom and a phoenix Always changing but the ones who contribute keep it properly engaging and roflicious Many have come and disappeared, moving on to bigger but maybe not better things Precious few, and ever precious they are, stay and play and say what is and isn't Seeing my friends here grow and change and mature and evolve to what they will truly be That is a gift I am eternally grateful for, and I cherish each moment I'm had with everybody Entertaining boards that once occupied me for hours upon hours (and got me yelled at some summer days) Regretfully I leave every so often, the gaps at one time so great I forgot you (I'm sorry) Developing the habit I once had will not be possible, but I will be more frequent than before! All the posts on here, jumbled though, as some are inevitably as HK moved from the OLD OLD OLD format to the new Never lose my interest regardless of how often I peruse the archival vaults that contain my friends Console, I must, this poem as it slows to an end but I do give my solemn vow: Even if I am absent, these boards are still and always will be close to my heart. Thank you Horatio for your years of diligent, effective, fair, entertaining, and overall wonderful moderation. Thank you HampsterKing for creating this space for us! Thank you all Hampsters (rodentuous or otherwise lol) for being yourselves Sincerely yours with heartfelt gratitude and deep apology for absconding this heavenly place, Alli"
  14. How beautiful! Thank you so much for the heartfelt sentiment. May I copy this and put it in my topic with your name. I really don't want to lose this. Please do not stray too far. We miss hearing from you when you disappear. As for the writing... you don't lose it. Just give it time an I am certain you will have the perfect ending.
  15. [ Mushroom_king... this is incredible!!! I am really excited for you to continue! ]
  16. That reminds me of when I was riding my bicycle on the mountain bike path at the park. The trail goes through the woods, with not much forward visibility. Anyway, I went down this hill and at the bottom there is a sharp turn, but just as I was approaching the turn, I saw the biggest mud puddle. Down I went. That wasn't so bad, until I went down the second time. Then I was really, really dirty. MK... weren't there about 100 plus blonde jokes?
  17. Horatio

    My place. :)

    That's great!!! At least it was helpful! Let me know what you think of Windows 7.
  18. Shane sounds like a really great guy. I'm really happy that you met him! If you feel old at 22, imagine how HampsterKing feels at 104! I remember when Jesse was waiting until he was 15 and we were doing the countdown. Now that seems so long ago.
  19. Yes you do need to stop in and keep us updated. Hope it works out with you and Nick.
  20. The problem with black is that is also isn't noticeable. I've had three people walk into, bump and almost run over it with their grocery cart. So, next time, it will be eye-shocking pinkish, lime-yellow retina burning green, with neon lights and a proximity sensor that has a rather loud car alarm and voice that announces "Step back, you have violated the cast's space. The police and ambulance have been called. I repeat. Step back... " My camera is a Nikon D300S. The great thing about this camera is that it can also take video. The first lens is a 80 - 200, which has so many capabilities, and the second lens is a macro. The macro has not arrived yet, so I am really looking forward to when it comes in.
  21. Today I finally got my Christmas present! I am sooooo excited. Hopefully I will figure out how to use the camera to the utilize it's potential. There are so many options. Nothing like my old manual Nikon. This is a computer with a zillion options! Pictures to follow... hopefully soon!
  22. [ Absolutely, positively fantastic!!! This was worth waiting for. I look forward to seeing your 'illustrations'. ]
  23. That's awful. I hate it when I can't fall asleep. Decided to get a couple hypnosis CDs and they seem to work great. I put them on my iPhone and when they are over the phone shuts off. One is for taking a short forty-five minute nap, then it wakes you up and the other is for falling asleep for the night. One night I was having such a hard time getting to sleep that I had to listen to the one CD about three or four times before I finally fell asleep.
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