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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. You wouldn't be alone as far as being an illegal worker. Florida seems to have more than their share of illegal workers. At least you speak Spanish, so when Immigration came, you would understand them when they said run. This happens quite a bit at the airport in Miami. How they get on the airport when everyone has to be background checked back to their great-great-great grandparents, is a mystery. But when Immigration comes checking, you will see all the illegals running like cockroaches when the light comes on. There is a great Photonics online website. I read it quite often as they have written about some mind-boggling products. Lasers are incredible and the microscope you will be using sounds terrific!
  2. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Let the air out of his tyres. He had no right to park in your spot. *evil laugh* That should teach him!
  3. Not feeling well? Oh my! That's not good. It is quite possible that you are not giving yourself time to fully recover. When you start feeling better, you return to full speed and this does not give your body all the chances it needs to totally get well. I hope this goes away soon. You could always pick fruit in Florida. At least you could stay free at our house. Of course, this would not do anything towards your education and internship, but... you would then be a qualified fruit picker! Wouldn't that look good on your resume.
  4. Dear Dadadeedadeedadodo20001, It's your birthday and I wonder how things are going for you across the pond. Hopefully life is treating you well and you are happy. On your special day, may all your birthday wishes come true. Of course, no one escapes... HAPPY HAMMIE BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY HAMMIE BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY HAMMIE BIRTHDAY DEAR DADADEEDADEEDADODO20001, HAPPY HAMMIE BIRTHDAY TO YOU! Have a great birthday and hope to see you visit us soon! Horatio
  5. I called, texted and send silly squirrel valentine's day cards to friends. For me it was a day to remember those people who had been neglected all year long. The next priority was to study, stay warm and just goof off in general.
  6. HAPPY SINGLES AWARENESS DAY :B im not so much concerned about fitting in with everyone else, having a valentine, but everyone moaning and groaning and complaining about how lonely they are on V-day makes me rage. I stayed home and played Wii Sports Resort with my dad. He didn't quite figure out how to do the frisbee games. Another Hallmark Holiday. People make too much of being alone, lonely, not having a valentine sweetheart. I took the time to study, call, text some of my friends and send silly squirrel valentines messages. For me it is more about making sure I contact friends who I have forgotten during the year.
  7. Keep checking that intranet! I'll pay for just one picture of you in that costume! A million people attempting to watch the parade... not me. I would opt for the footage on the evening news. Good luck with the possibility of working with your supervisor's friend. It would be great news if they could pay you. It is so difficult to try and find something when you are long distance. On top of this is the fact that the world's economy is upside-down. Perhaps you will be lucky and get the position you want with pay.
  8. Has fifteen dump trucks full of pin tac empty their trucks into this topic. *hopes to distract - Kat -* Must...stay...focused... *adds chocolate, whipped cream and cherries*
  9. Has fifteen dump trucks full of pin tac empty their trucks into this topic. *hopes to distract - Kat -*
  10. WONDERFUL!!!!! *hands Wildcat The Platinum Moon Award* I think the cardinal is my favorite! But I love them all.
  11. I was trying to get our phone to work. For some reason, when there was a fax coming in, I picked it up. Now... the phone is kaput. End result was no fax and no phone.
  12. Thank you for that tip. I plan on trying that tool with some of my pictures.
  13. And they are phenomenal pictures! Thanks for posting them. The snow flakes showed up really, really well.
  14. *keeps ignoring this topic as I can't figure out how to do this*
  15. What an evening. I was sleeping, then had to get up to make some coffee and put Horst in his ball for a bit. It's 03H13, so time to go back to bed.
  16. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Those pictures are great!!!!!!!!! There is so much snow!!!!!!! OMG is right!!!!! I am guessing you will have a second snow day. Even if you could dig your car out, where could you drive? Hopefully your power is back on. Those glow sticks will not create any heat. Do you have lots and lots of blankets? Your pictures are beautiful! I especially loved the picture of you with the foggy glasses and the snow accumulating on your head. In another, your footprints were filled up with snow so fast! I must say that I quit complaining about our couple inches when you had a few feet! Thanks for braving the cold to bring us some fantastic pictures. *hands Jesusfreak a cup of steamy hot cocoa to warm her up*
  17. Personally I would just buy one in Germany. Your choices get more limited when you get to Dubai. You might save a couple of dollars, but I don't think it is worth it. Check on the Nikon site and look at all the Coolpix choices and what they offer. These are really inexpensive and I think it would not save all that much money to wait. As for the snow, we escaped with only a couple inches... the east was not so lucky. I wonder how Cheesemaster is doing. Maryland and the surrounding area got hit with a blizzard. Jesusfreak and everyone in New York, TBFOF and Dog Lover, must be snowed in. Enjoy carnival! The gluwein (the spelling is wrong, but I can't remember the correct spelling) will taste especially good with the cold and snow.
  18. Exactly. Passing the bus stop is awful. It is going to take a bit of time to get over the shock. Although I don't know, I am certain they did not have smoke alarms. We check ours the twice a year to make sure they are operational and have good batteries. As for your mother's barn fire, I am so happy that no one was injured and the horses were safe. One of the big problems in this area is space heaters. These cause fires more than you would care to know. When it gets cold here, people do not want to spend money on the electric bill, so they use space heaters to save money and stay warm. The space heaters were not meant to do the job of the house heat. Jesusfreak and - Kat -, thanks for your thoughts. After a bit of time, I will go back to the Picadilly cafeteria and see her brother. But not for a while, I need some time to pass. I cannot imagine what the family members are going through. She also had two children who were with the father the night of the fire. I plan on checking on them as well.
  19. Today is a pretty sad day for me. Yesterday I went to the dry cleaners and was informed that one of the ladies who worked there had died in a house fire. Gail was more than just one of the faces that you see working the counter. She had become a very special person to me. The story goes back to a day when I didn't plan very well and called to ask her to allow me to pick up my uniform after the store had closed. She said sure, as long as she was able to leave on time to catch her bus. It was a pretty cold, rainy night and I arrived in my warm car, picked up my uniform in time for her to finish closing and be on time for her bus. Before I left, I asked her if she would like me to give her a ride home. She said no thanks. I departed and drove away, but then realized that this was wrong, so I circled around and stopped by the bus stop. I was adamant that I give her a ride home. She didn't take the ride all the way home, but to the cafeteria where her brother worked. There were times after that when I would go by the bus stop looking for her. One day, when I walked into the cleaners, Gail told me she had bought a car. This really made me feel really good. No matter how the day was going, Gail would always put on a smile and make you feel special. But now I felt like she had included me into her world with the good news. When I walked into the store yesterday, I saw the flowers around the counter area where Gail worked and I asked what they were for. Mayra, the other lady working the counter, told me they were for Gail. Feeling excited, I thought maybe it was her birthday or other cheerful event. That is when I heard the news. There was a house fire and one of the brothers was able to get out and call for help. The other brother jumped from the bedroom window, but survived with minor injuries. Somehow the father escaped, but Gail and her mother had to be rescued by the firemen. Gail's mother passed away that afternoon in the hospital and Gail hung on, but had no brain activity. She passed away a few days later. I couldn't help but cry. My heart hurts. I feel like I lost more than an acquaintance, I feel like the world has lost a very special person. This post is for Gail. May you rest in peace. There won't ever be a day that I pass that bus station without thinking of you. You will be missed.
  20. Here is a picture of the Panda Plane. This is the B-777 which carried the two giant pandas back to China.
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