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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. I hate word games and this is exactly what this professor's quizzes were. It was not about knowledge but about words. I know the two questions that I got wrong without even seeing the test, which is hidden. They were two questions that were poorly written. One of them had to do with student involvement and the instructor used the words 'posting to the 'blackboard' and we are not posting to the blackboard, but in the 'Discussion Group'. The entire method by which you enter the site is the 'blackboard', but you are not posting to the blackboard, you are posting in a forum called the 'Discussion Group'. The other question that I know I got wrong was one question where it talked about week seven and the critique being due. A critique is due and it is in the safety assessment project, but you are posting a critique of another student's work, not critiquing the safety assesment project. So I answered the question incorrectly. The instructor is probably looking at me as a problem as I have already sent him feedback saying that his questions are poorly written and are ambiguous. I am probably the only student who got this wrong, but I vented anyway. Now I have a whole new set of stuff to do. I'm wondering if I need to have my head examined. LOL
  2. I understand. I have a ton of work to do next week as well. Tell me please, what happened to your Hyundai? This has been a question that I have wanted to ask, but once I started writing the post, I forgot. Hopefully we can help you get through your boredom. It broke. My brother thought he was in 5th he was in 3rd and he broke the tensioner. It took a month of the car bucking and complaining for it to break. Then when the whole thing finally gave it bent the valves and that would have cost 12-1800 to fix so I decided to well, not fix it. We sold it a month or so later to someone who was willing to fix it. I miss it! It was the best little car I ever had. It was little, purple, fun, fast, and mine. And then it died. And it made me sad. But now we have a Mazda. It's also fast. I still want my Hyunda back though. Ohhhhhhh. I'm so sorry. I love standard shift cars. Perhaps there is another Hyundai in your future. This time, please don't let your brother drive it. Well, this time, he KNOWS how to drive a stick versus just learning. That and no, he won't be driving my car. It's mine. And this one I have now is Sean's and mine. I totally understand. You should protect "your" car. That's the same as when I get my new bike... I don't want anyone riding it. No one takes as good care of your vehicle as you do.
  3. Horatio

    My place. :)

    It's good that he is sad that he doesn't get enough time with you!!!!!! Hope your sister has a great holiday!!!!!!
  4. GRRRRRRRRR! I had to take three quizzes. There was a Syllabus Quiz, Chapter 1 Quiz and Chapter 2 Quiz. Well, who would think you are going to be tested on the Syllabus?????????????? And then there were two questions that were stupid semantics. So, out of 10, I missed two and I am sooooo mad! These were just stupid word game questions. When I looked at the True/False answer, I was stumped as it was both answers. So, I selected the wrong answer. The other two quizzes were borderline not-so-good. During one quiz I did a stupid move and navigated backwards to check an answer without saving my answer... the answer disappeared. *cries* Remaining was one minute to input a four minute answer for a question worth four points. This was a disaster. And the instructor still has not surfaced. He'll have to appear to grade the tests.
  5. I understand. I have a ton of work to do next week as well. Tell me please, what happened to your Hyundai? This has been a question that I have wanted to ask, but once I started writing the post, I forgot. Hopefully we can help you get through your boredom. It broke. My brother thought he was in 5th he was in 3rd and he broke the tensioner. It took a month of the car bucking and complaining for it to break. Then when the whole thing finally gave it bent the valves and that would have cost 12-1800 to fix so I decided to well, not fix it. We sold it a month or so later to someone who was willing to fix it. I miss it! It was the best little car I ever had. It was little, purple, fun, fast, and mine. And then it died. And it made me sad. But now we have a Mazda. It's also fast. I still want my Hyunda back though. Ohhhhhhh. I'm so sorry. I love standard shift cars. Perhaps there is another Hyundai in your future. This time, please don't let your brother drive it.
  6. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Great point! I would still call the manufacturer first, find out how it's done, when they tell you it can't be done, you let them know that it can and give them the procedure. That sounds like a good plan. Hanging around New Jersey to be near Shane will be quite nice for you. I do believe you both will still be together when he finishes school. How wonderful for your sister!!!!!! New Zealand!!!!! I have always wanted to go there. One day I will. Hope you both had a good shopping day.
  7. I emailed him once to find out if I could post in the first Discussion Group or did he start the thread in each Discussion Group and we respond, it took him almost forty-eight hours to reply and he said "Go for it." Oooooooooooo Kay. I did. He never resurfaced. Not even in the meet and greet student area. I like snow... when it is up North and I am down South.
  8. I understand. I have a ton of work to do next week as well. Tell me please, what happened to your Hyundai? This has been a question that I have wanted to ask, but once I started writing the post, I forgot. Hopefully we can help you get through your boredom.
  9. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Call the manufacturer. Sometimes they have secret information. Shane is such a great guy and definitely your Prince Charming. I can't wait until your semester is over and you don't have to deal with these people.
  10. Thanks for the thoughts about Gail. Her family is having a very, very hard time. Snow is best when you look at pictures of it up North and hear Jesusfreak tell stories about it. As a Floridian who last saw snow in 2008 on a three day trip to NC, I'm going to say I prefer snow in real life. Start scraping the snow and ice off your car when you need to drive somewhere... better yet as Jesusfreak about shoveling her car out.
  11. One instructor doesn't seem to be there. There was a syllabus posted, the questions for the week were posted, a meet and greet, then... POOF! Nothing. I posted my answers to the questions and was the first one to start threads for the questions of the week, but there has been very little discussion by anyone. Very strange. The other instructor is the complete opposite... lots of interaction as far as he has posted questions within the discussion section, and started all the threads. All the students have to do is post their answers. Then I am guessing that I am to respond to other posted answers to the questions. I'm totally not sure. Anyway, I have to select a topic for my paper by the end of next week and I have no idea whatsoever. That is just the tip of the iceberg.
  12. Has fifteen dump trucks full of pin tac empty their trucks into this topic. *hopes to distract - Kat -* Must...stay...focused... *adds chocolate, whipped cream and cherries* D8 Why do you torment meeeeee *sticks claymore in the pile Excaliber-style* *gives Lexxy a shiny new spacecraft with counter-rotating missiles on each side*
  13. Books I love with no blood and guts, but as - Kat - says, the psychological aspect. In books I can jump over the really scary parts, unless it jumps out at me. Such as in Red Dragon, when one of the pages took my breath away. I never expected the psychological twist and that is what made the book far, far better than Silence of the Lambs. Movies don't appear on my to do list. I don't like watching any blood, guts, fighting, etc. Books are best for me.
  14. *hands Mushroom_king The Blue Moon Award for great poetry* Thank you for the poetry post!
  15. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Noise is soooooo frustrating. I totally understand. People can be so self-centered. As for the buzzer, I would turn the buzzer on the dryer off. You can do it. Someone might turn it back on, but in the meantime, you sleep won't be disturbed. Try it. There might be others who appreciate you eliminating the sound. And the best part is, you don't have to tell anyone. Glad the RA was helpful and will clarify if there is a next time. Hopefully not.
  16. Sounds wonderful!!! Happy Birthday to your mother!
  17. Not your "own fault". Relationships take two. And probably there are several factors that indicate you shouldn't be seeing each other, but in this case, he is the one with everything to lose. So, I would not put the blame on you. You think you will have more time when you are 21?
  18. Okay... time to vent. I am taking a couple courses, aviation related, and I am ready to become buggy. I study and study, but this online stuff is so foreign to me. I won't complain too much, but I am getting frustrated. GRRRRRRR!
  19. Thanks for the thoughts about Gail. Her family is having a very, very hard time. Snow is best when you look at pictures of it up North and hear Jesusfreak tell stories about it.
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