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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. The only 'blood n'guts' movies I like are ones like Evil Dead. And Arkcher-Hitchcock's awesome. Have you seen Psycho or The Birds? I have not seen Evil Dead. Psycho and The Birds are great movies!!!!!
  2. Horatio

    My place. :)

    I've got one room that has TBFOF's name on it, the other room I will save for you... just in case.
  3. Aww, I would be going mad in your situation. I didn't ride my bike for more than two months I think. At least snow is completely gone now, temperatures increased a lot (up to +11 °C) and sometimes the sun is shining. I'm looking forward to the weekend, I hope it isn't raining all the time. Then I'll take my Honda for a little ride the first time this year. Acceleration will be amazing again. Now I'm used to muscle power (bicycle) and public transport. Just remember not to try and start pedaling. Please take a picture... I am going through riding withdrawal. So perhaps I can share in your enjoyment.
  4. I'll have to remind you to use your phone to take all those pictures. The guy as a sunflower would have been great to see! How fantastic that his friends are coming down from the Netherlands for the concert. I can only think what a fun train ride they are going to have to and from. Exciting news that the use of the confocal microscope allowed you to view your positive results. *applause* You have to be thrilled at your accomplishments! Success can be a little scary, but I am positive you will handle the success well. It must make you feel so good to see the results of your hard work. What a great way to start your career!!! You are phenomenal!!!!!! Keep up the good work! The remaining samples will take time, but I'm certain they will back-up the exact results you have strived to achieve. Good luck with these! Thank you for allowing us to share in your successes. I really am excited for you and appreciate you taking the time to include us.
  5. Horatio

    My place. :)

    RETIRE????? Never put off until retirement the fun you can have today. Summer is a great time. You can come to Florida, stay at my house and I will teach you how to fly. You'll get your license and then return home to prepare for the upcoming school year. It would take no time at all. Now this is an idea I like!!!
  6. Now your are sounding like a teacher again! And yes, you are absolutely correct. No activites that might do permanent damage. I agree although that was not the news I wanted to hear. And he is a very good doctor. I do appreciate him.
  7. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Renting is the way to go for us poor folks. This way the flight school maintains the aircraft and you only pay when you want to fly. As for flying lessons... just wait until you become a teacher. You can always take a lesson at a time. The hours really do add up. Then you can get your license. And it hasn't cost an arm and a leg up front.
  8. Okay... we have some good news and some bad news. First, the good news is... MY CAST IS OFF!!!!!! The bad news... I have the boot thingy again alternated with the ankle brace. But the best of all news... I don't need to put on the rubber booty thingy over my cast to get in the shower. And the second to worst of all news... it is going to be the first of April before I can go back to work. And no, that is not an April fool's joke. And the absolutely, positively most worst of all news is... the doctor said, no jogging, no exercising where I am using the ankle with impact (like the machines at the gym), and no MOTORCYCLES until the 1st of April. *cries* That means my brand new bike will be three months old and I won't even had a chance to ride it. *cries again*
  9. Your post stated exactly what the professor said. Hehe nice. +1 for having a teacher brain. Exactly!!!!! *brings the teacher a Braeburn Apple*
  10. I'm not doing well with the formal discussion, the informal discussions and the discussion groups in general. Next time I go to the classroom setting.
  11. Horatio

    My place. :)

    You can still get your pilots license. You will have lots of time for that. Plus now that your school is almost finished, you having nothing in your way. I learned to fly and drive earth-moving equipment before I learned how to drive a car.
  12. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Use a lot of little dots and block all their little faces! Industrial Psychology was what I was interested in. It only took one professor to make me realize I was making a big mistake. I should send him a thank you note.
  13. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    Excellent points! I agree with Jesusfreak!
  14. He has a phone number, but he prefaced it with "if urgent". I thought these were largely independent, but not at this school. It is a weekly discussion group type thing with quizzes to be accomplished at the end of each week, participation in the discussion and a few other things. No working ahead. You must stay with the class. Very strange. I don't really think I am an on-line type learner. My preference is the classroom.
  15. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    *gives Jesse a hug* I know this is easier said than done, but please do not be hard on yourself. You don't need to blame yourself, even partially. Watching your friendship crumble, hurts so much. Not being accepted into the fraternity was a blow, but when these things happen, there is always something better that comes along. Keep looking forward as you are doing. Being the DJ for the radio station is great!!! Congratulations!!! That is a great start. Running the activity committee for band should keep you busy and I am certain you will meet new friends. Your sister knows that you are a terrific brother and I'm certain she is experiencing your pain. Don't think you are not being good to her or that you are bringing her down. Again you are being too hard on yourself. I truly believe that your sister loves you and hurts when you do. As for things coming back to haunt you, try not to let this happen. You are too good for this. As much as you can, put it behind you and when the past surfaces, do something to get it out of your mind. Moving on is very difficult, but I do believe you are a strong person and will succeed. Look at your achievements and feel good about all that you have accomplished. If I was you, with your strong math background, your ability to create games, I would be sending a resume to Pixar. The combination of your skills is what they are looking for. I have a friend out there who works for Google and he has told me about the job situation and people are hiring. You could finish your masters in California. And probably on a scholarship, although the companies are paying so much that you wouldn't need the money. Anyway, please know that we love you Jesse. We feel the pain you are going through and hope that you will know that we are always here for you. I do promise, things will get better.
  16. Horatio

    My place. :)

    It would be great if we could see a video of you as an instructor. Now that would be outstanding!! You made me think of some of my other teachers/professors... the good, the bad and the crazy. One of my psychology professors was a total wacko. He was brilliant, but nuts. I remember I was in his Priniciples of Psychological Testing class, and we had to take all these psychological tests and then analyze our results. On one test I was normal. Just normal. He was really upset. Evidently you have to be somewhat nuts to become a psychologist... or at least that was his belief. After I left his office that day, I remember thinking it might be time to change my major. My anthropology professor was amazing. She had the ability to make this one of the best classes I ever took and it was not one I had started out being particularly interested in. She had our class sitting at the Staten Island Zoo watching and recording the actions of the monkeys. She was teaching us observation techniques, which applied very well to the role of a psychologist.
  17. I believe you are correct. He teaches this class on a recurring basis and there is the distinct possibility that he does not change anything. After all, he disappears for the week, shows up on the week-end for the quizzes and make a few posts, then disappears again. I sent him an email almost two days ago about the quizzes. Let's see if he answers by this evening. Your are suggesting things that I hadn't thought of, and you are absolutely correct.
  18. Horatio

    My place. :)

    You made me remember one teacher who was 4'10". I don't even think she weighed 80 pounds with her winter clothes on. She had the tiniest voice... until she got mad. Then whoaaaaaaaaaa... the schools in China could hear her. She scared us all the first day that happened. As I recall, it never happened again in our class. She was a great teacher.
  19. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    *sprays dark chocolate jimmies all over the tumbleweeds*
  20. LOL... I work with a bunch of those type guys. LOL We have a couple quizzes each week and by Monday everyone should have taken the tests or they are blocked out. I'll keep looking. Thanks!
  21. Define "good care". I wasn't nice to my Hyundai. But I didn't go 80 mph in 3rd gear, either. No, I'm much nicer now that I know what happens when I'm not. I don't believe I need to give you a definition as I am certain you know. The next car you get, I suggest that you have your father teach you how to check the tyre pressure, all the fluids and the overall condition of the battery. Then I suggest you carry the largest can of fix-a-flat they make, a blanket and a whatever your father suggests would be good in case of an emergency. If you take try and take preventative maintenance measures with your mechanical item, it will last a very long time and perform well. How's that?
  22. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Congratulations! That had to make you feel so, so good! I didn't realize you were that height. For some reason I always thought you had another six or seven inches on you. It must be strange having fifth graders who are taller than you are. Glad you have mastered the voice and command of the class! WHOO HOO!!!!!!!!
  23. They posted a note about the blackboard and the fact that you can't go back, but I had a little time left and wanted to re-read the answer to the previous question. Won't do that again. I will hit the save button first. Is there some way to look at the test after it has been graded? I would like to see the questions I got wrong. Crash pad guest? More like the movie with Michael Keaton where he is a tenant. Was the name of that movie Pacific Heights? Can't remember, but I do remember I turned the movie on and at the first scary part, changed channels. Anyway, I just sent him a text reminding him that he accidentally took my hangers. He will probably ignore it, but I want him to know that I know. GRRRRRRRRRRR.
  24. Vent time... We have a place in Memphis called a 'crash pad'. This is where pilot's can pay to stay for a night, week, month. We only let two people stay with us, and that was one at a time. Pilots know that crash pads are not free and that there are rules. The rules are things such as: if the phone rings, pick it up. It does not matter if you know that no one is calling you, as it is not your cell phone, you answer the phone. It might be crew scheduling. Pick up the phone. Another rule is not eating any food that is not yours. Keeping the bathroom clean is another rule. Well, I let this First Officer come into our crash pad and the first thing he did was have me totally rearrange the furniture to suit him, bringing down a desk from upstairs, different lighting, etc.. This was no problem. Well, he assumed that he didn't have to pay for anything. WHAT?????????? Then he did things such as the nights before he was to go home for time off, he would do all his wash and then pack his clean clothes in his suitcase. Are you kidding? You don't have a washer and dryer at home? Anyway, we decided that we did not want to be taken advantage anymore so we asked him to find another crash pad. We have a load of furniture coming down, and it is coinciding with him being here, so I had a valid excuse to ask him to leave. When he left, he left the bathroom filthy! Not dirty... really, really filthy!!!!!!!! The sink slime was so deep it was really disgusting. Then he walked off with almost all our hangers. Hey... these are really cheap. Go to the dollar store and buy your own for almost nothing. You had to steal ours?????????? It is not the money, it is the lack of consideration. Well, I decided that I don't need to do the crash pad thing anymore. We have one guy who comes a couple times a year and is really nice and very considerate. He is still welcome, but no one else. I have already filled that square. Thanks.
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