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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. That sounds like a very fair solution.
  2. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Shane sounds like such an incredible guy. How lucky that you both found each other. And really, you have Phil to thank for this.
  3. Great news!!!!!!!!! And no, it has nothing to do whatsoever with my ankle. The Great Horned Owls have decided to return to the Osprey nest. Unfortunately the owls have evicted the ospreys from their nest. But this is the photo opportunity of a lifetime. When they camp out in the front yard, I get so excited. It was a few years ago when the owls had stopped in to have their babies. Now they have returned. But luckily for all of us, I have the new digital camera. Excited just doesn't cover how much I am looking forward to taking these pictures. Hopefully you will have some great pictures to view. The babies are sooooooo cute. Fuzzy, little, well, not really little, feathery, adorable owl babies. Of course, the mother and father are lurking very close by. These owls are so good at blending in with the tree branches, that you are surprised when you actually see the parent and know that this is a four foot owl that is hidden in plain sight. Totally amazing. Perhaps I will get some incredible pictures for us all to view.
  4. Didn't see that. Probably I just had the tab with this board still open. Today would also be a nice day to go biking. Sun is shining. However, it's getting colder again. For Friday and Saturday, they announced snow. I remember last March. I had the first barbecue in the year at +20°C. Much nicer than snow and negative temperatures. Probably so. More snow?!?!?!?!? I certainly hope that the forecasters are wrong and it is sunshine and warm days! One reason why I left the northeast. Of course, this winter seems the worst I have seen in a long time, but I could be wrong.
  5. Hurricanes don't move what way? *is confused*
  6. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I will try to get this done within two days. How does that sound? But... That is only if you post Part 2 first.
  7. Hurricanes are not unuasual here, especially when winter ends. There are no twisters like in the US, but also heavy storms breaking trees, lifting roof tiles and so on. They are not that heavy each year. The last of this strength was in 2007. Then even all highways and railways were closed in whole Germany. For the first time since WWII. This time it was not so severe in Germany, but in other parts of Europe. In France many people drowned in storm surge. Here people mostly were killed by falling trees and a child was blown into a river where it drowned. I had heard the news of the storms on BBC and it sounded like some of our really bad hurricanes. How sad for the people who lost their lives. We had one death in Florida where a woman lost her life by a falling tree. Most people wondered what she was doing out in a hurricane with headphones and loud playing music. And some other people who witnessed her death said the tree took a relatively long time to fall over and she had plenty of time to move, so they couldn't figure what she was doing.
  8. GRRRRRRRR... I like brown squirrels! *runs off in search of my shiny Claymore* There's nothing wrong with the brown ones, I just wish we had some variety. Okay... just checking. The squirrels are my cousins, so I have to protect family.
  9. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Good for you! I wouldn't care about those people either. Buzzer or not, they will live. Finals week will be fantastic for you. Great to know that you have raised above them!
  10. A black squirrel... how beautiful! I wish we had some black squirrels as well.
  11. Just have a look into my thread. I looked in your thread and became jealous! LOL What a ride you must have had! Thank you for the pictures.
  12. Wonderful photographs! The day looked beautiful, so I can only imagine what a great ride you had. What a way to start preparing for spring. Thank you for all the terrific pictures. As for the weather... this has been the strangest winter that I can imagine. The hurricane in Europe has hit hard. Sad news to hear about the deaths. My friend is in Normandy and he says that this has been a terrible winter. Too much snow!
  13. Dear Hampsterdudet, Today is your birthday and although you have not been here in a very long time, that does not mean that we are not thinking about you on your special day. I hope that this birthday is the best ever. Enjoy your day and if you do happen to stop in, hopefully we will see you more than once in a while. Happy Hammie Birthday! Horatio
  14. I would stay up too if I watched the movies... not from watching a whole bunch of them, but from being scared to go to sleep.
  15. Enjoy him for however long you want to stay with him, but I do not believe he will be the guy in the future. He is not trying hard enough.
  16. bamp I agree!!! *sprinkles pin tac around to lure - Kat - back to this topic*
  17. GRRRRRRRR... I like brown squirrels! *runs off in search of my shiny Claymore*
  18. Thank you for that information. I had no idea. Of course, it is the humans that started the invasions by relocating the animals or plants, then some other human decides to attempt to eradicate them, or at least spread their growth, but the humans always fail. For example, Brazilian Pepper Trees were imported to Florida. The birds eating the berries spread these trees like wildfire. You try as much as you can and they are almost impossible to get rid of, short of digging a big hole in the ground to remove all the roots, which is, of course, not doable. Another problem is the Japanese Carp. Some crazy human turned some of them loose in one of the fresh water canals and they managed to get into the everglades. That is the worst fiasco ever because all the native fish are disappearing at such an alarming rate that the ecologists are worried about the vegetation situation. The native fish would control the vegetation problem, whereas the Carp don't eat it. There is also a similar problem in the Great Lakes where they are trying all sorts of methods to keep the Carp out, but it is not happening. Humans... we are the only species that will destroy this wonderful planet.
  19. I love those red squirrels. How did the grey ones get over there? Now if they could just get together and have a grey and red spotted squirrel with the fuzzy ears. Wouldn't that be cute. The same thing is happening in Florida, but with the chameleons. Some crazy Cuban brought over a million plus of the Cuban brown lizards and they are wiping out the native chameleon population. Pretty sad. The chameleons are wonderful and it is really great to watch them change colour to adapt to the vegetation they are crawling on.
  20. Enjoy them while you are getting them. One day you will be old, looking back and telling your grandchildren about when you were this age and all the suitors you had. And yes... you are permitted to complain. At least the guys could be more creative.
  21. Horatio

    My place. :)

    I admire your restraint, patience and ability not to rip Lara and Christine's heads off. In my humble opinion... these two need to get a life. Sounds like they just like being mean and nasty. I could not be as nice as you. You are really an angel as you are dealing with this so well. Personally, I would have lost my temper by now.
  22. Horatio

    My place. :)

    At some point, the snow days become a nuisance. My suggestion... don't shovel out your car. Well, you can only shovel it out if you are not going to move it today, just in preparation for school tomorrow. On Bloomberg Television, they showed some pictures of downtown Manhattan. I'm glad I don't live up North. Imagine the folks who live in New Hampshire? They are really having more snow than ever!
  23. I found this really terrific squirrel picture on this website I visit. Let me know what you think. Now, you have to love this little guy! It would be really fantastic to have some of these beautiful, orange-ish coloured squirrels in Florida or Tennessee.
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