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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. Dear Moosey368 and Mastermind, This is a double birthday celebration!!! We all hope that your birthdays are the greatest ever. You have not been here in such a long time, but that does not mean that we don't think of you and wish you the best. Hopefully you will stop in, join the celebration, make a birthday wish, blow out the candles on your cake and then tell us what has been happening. In the event you do stop in... HAPPY HAMMY BIRTHDAY TO YOU TWO, HAPPY HAMMY BIRTHDAY TO YOU TWO, HAPPY HAMMY BIRTHDAY DEAR MASTERMIND AND MOOSEY368, HAPPY HAMMY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!!!!! Have a most wonderful double birthday! Horatio
  2. [ This is going to be grrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeaaaaaaatttttttttttt!!!!!!!!!!!! ]
  3. He has smiling eyes! His personality comes across in the photographs.
  4. I have seen most of the you tube S1000RR videos that BMW put out... I am off to check it out. Outstanding!!!!!!!!!! 777,246 views!!!!!!!!! I loved it! Thanks!
  5. I went searching back in this topic... whoa it is looooooongggggggggg, because I thought I had posted pictures of the last owl babies. But, I am only up to page 175. Ugh. Just have to wait for the new pictures to arrive.
  6. Now that must be a record!!! You are right... if you could keep it secret for that long, you must be golden!
  7. Horatio

    My place. :)

    That's a great starting salary. How soon are you permitted to start applying for teaching positions? Do you have to take some sort of certification test for each state you would like to teach in? How does all that work?
  8. Because our relationship is a secret There are three other people at school that know we're together, haha Your relationship will not remain secret for long. Somehow those secrets tend to get out. Thanks for the great picture!
  9. What a great looking couple!!!! Shane has a great smile and looks like such a nice person! I am soooooooo happy for you! Thank you for the picture!!!!!!!!!
  10. Horatio

    My place. :)

    The key word is "technically". The school will want extra days before the year starts and although I only have a couple friends who are teachers, I do know they have other school things to think about, so grab all those carefree days early! *tosses Jesusfreak a wonderful Empire Apple* Actually, now that I think of it, one of my friends, a special needs teacher, works the summer school program for her kids as well. There is some arrangement she has where she gets some time off, but I am not certain just how that works. She is teaching me how to sign.
  11. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    That sounds like a really great idea and I am certain it will work well. Always remember this, you are too good to allow someone else to make you feel bad. The control over your feelings must be yours alone. You did nothing wrong and you are allowing this person to make you feel bad and you definitely should not give him this control. He is the one acting like a child. You are a really terrific person and one day he will regret that he treated you this way. I'm glad we will still be able to have contact with you. Are you getting your portfolio ready to apply for Pixar? You are one of a very few talented people. Pixar is looking for people who excel at math and have the ability to write games. You are both! Get your portfolio ready as I have a friend who can help open the door for you.
  12. Horatio

    My place. :)

    No news is fantastic news!!! The last days of your college career are almost here and your life as a worker bee is soon to begin. Make plans to enjoy this last summer as these are your last days of freedom, so to speak.
  13. I just love the flowers of spring!!! How amazing that they are so hardy as to pop up through the snow. What a wonderful sign that the warmer weather is on it's way.
  14. Welcome back!!!!!! You have been missed! How are you? I will get you approved for your posts to appear immediately. This would make a superior story line. Hopefully you will continue!!!!!!!
  15. Warren Buffett has a saying... "Do what you love and do it to the best of your ability." Your friend's mother is absolutely correct. Don't go for the money, go for the passion. If you are going for the money, you will be miserable which in turn can create all kinds of health problems. Please take your time and see what interests you. I am so sorry that your father is giving you a hard time about the financial paperwork. You might talk to your mother about being legally emancipated from your father. This would mean that he would lose the ability to claim you on his taxes. This just might get him to do the right thing and submit the paperwork. Consider the following, there are lots of great schools. If you select a school, have been accepted and they do not give you a scholarship, do what my sister did, send the second school a letter with a copy of the offer from the first school and tell them that you will have to decline their offer as the money is required for you to attend. You might find that they will match or beat the offer from the first school. My sister ended up with a full scholarship from the school she really wanted to attend when they were not going to give her any money in the beginning. If you need to talk please come back and talk to us, we are your friends and are here to support you. Remember, you need to sleep to think clearly. Lack of sleep wears your down mentally and physically.
  16. Horatio

    My place. :)

    I have a couple friends who were Wiccan, got married in the strangest marriage ceremony I have ever seen and then divorced as quickly. Regarding Phil, my gut feeling is that this will not be too good. Oh...
  17. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    Of course we care!!!!! We will miss you when you disappear for Lent. What great news that you have found a terrific roommate. I am really, really happy for you. It must have been difficult to tell the other guy that you couldn't room with him. Do you think you could find a fourth and have him room with you or do you just prefer two? I know that you probably struggled with your decision, but I am sure that you did what is best for you. This is excellent news. Thanks Jesse!
  18. I'm getting excited myself. It would be really great if there are two owl babies. When there is more than one, they sort of play together and that would make for some outstanding pictures.
  19. You do have the opportunity to have one of your pictures placed in their magazine. Go to their site, register, then look for the photography contest. You can enter one photograph to be considered. I am really hoping that I will get a great owl picture. *crosses paws*
  20. If you can lie with a straight face, than you will make a perfect weather-person. They never get anything right over here. It's always a 50% chance of rain, 50% chance of sunshine, 50% chance of cloudy skies... you get the idea. Sometimes I am not sure they can even read a weather map. We have one weather-person who almost always stands in front of the weather map that she is talking about. UGH.
  21. Exactly the question I was thinking of asking.
  22. On a more gentle note... this is a beautiful picture of flamingos, also taken from the National Geographic site.
  23. Horatio

    My place. :)

    That would be nice. But I think Phil has a long way to go before he gets into a committed relationship. Perhaps I am wrong, but a couple, few years and time away from his grandparents. What do you think?
  24. I stay in hiding when I know they are hungry! The Great Horned Owl has an adult wing span of up to six feet. Their talons grab rats, mice and squirrels. They have been known to pick up cats and dogs. Here is a National Geographic picture of the face of a Great Horned Owl. That is one fierce focused bird!
  25. Dear Top Banana, It has been a long time since you last appeared. Today is your 21st birthday and we hope that this special birthday is the best ever. Enjoy this wonderful day and perhaps you will stop in and say hello. We have prepared an ultra-special birthday cake for you. So, if you appear, make a wish, blow out the candles and make that birthday wish come true. In the meantime, we will sing the traditional song. HAPPY HAMMIE BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY HAMMIE BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY HAMMIE BIRTHDAY DEAR TOP BANANA, HAPPY HAMMIE BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!!!!! Hope your day is the greatest! Horatio
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