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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. Jesusfreak is right, had they taught us some of this in grade and middle school, then we would have many more biologists. How exciting it would have been to have been able to learn some of this on a more basic level. And I loved Biology, Chemistry and all the sciences. I probably would not be a pilot today.
  2. Even though I am not in your field, I am so excited for you. When the manufacturer comes, this should be even more exciting! To be inside that room with all that sensory input, I can only imagine just how you feel. How fortunate you are to be in the right place at this time. Imagine how Einstein would have felt had he had this equipment to work with. Glad the weather is getting nice. Here in Tennessee, the daffodils appeared last week. They are such a happy flower. We don't have daffodils or other cold weather flowers in Florida, so it is nice seeing spring and all the beautiful flowers that spring brings. Easter lilies... hope they appear on time.
  3. Dear SleepoverFanatic52, Today is your 18th birthday and I hope that your day is ultra special. May this day be one you will always remember! Think hard and make a birthday wish and when you blow out the candles, your wish will come true. We have not seen you around for quite some time and I am fairly certain that you won't be stopping by, but if you do... HAPPY HAMMIE BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!!!!!! Horatio
  4. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Dr. Sun always helps my mood!!! I do believe I have no blood, just a solar battery inside.
  5. Obviously your parents brought you up right. Somehow those kids don't get it. They have no idea just how hard their parents work to pay for those things. But their parents should know better. I admire you because you will be smart, have money in the bank and will take care of those big ticket items that you purchase. The reason you are bothered, which is admirable, is because you understand about money and where it comes from. Ultimately, you will come out ahead.
  6. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    LOL... yeah I saw that and had to slap my forehead. Oh well.
  7. You could also go to the Owl at Purdue and they have almost every format that you will need. The writing lab is pretty thorough. You will find contractions, references, APA writing style, etc.. Let me know what you might need and if you can't find it, I will find it for you. Everything at Purdue is free and downloadable.
  8. Well, they are much smaller than the nucleus, but not sooo much. Also depends a bit on the plant species. Since you liked it, I extracted some more pictures. Here's another optical section of the same part of the leaf. In theis layer you can see three nuclei from different cells. BTW, the cells have this lobed shape to increase the stability of the leaf. In a vertical section, they would look like squares. Here's another image of the same stuff. You can see the three single images. The gray image comes from the Helium-Neon laser. The red and yellow come from an Argon laser with the appropriate wavelengths filtered. Each image is detected in a separate channel. You could also stain other structures in the cell with different colors like blue and make an overlay of the images. I also put a scalebar into this image. And here's another picture with many cells. Nuclei stained yellow. With the arrow I marked a stomate. This consists of two specialized cells. Through the opening, the plant takes up carbon dioxyde and releases oxygen. When exposed to drought, it can close the opening to prevent water loss by transpiration. And here's a big cell which produces the transgenic yellow protein in the cytoplasm. In plant cells, the cytoplasm is restricted to the cell borders because they have a large vacuole filling almost the whole cell. Thank you for these fantastic images and the explanation. I appreciate you showing us your work. Especially placing the arrow by the stomate. I probably would have missed it. You must get excited seeing the fruits of your labour, even if they don't work exactly as you had planned. The lasers have incredible results. Your photographs amazing with the different lasers and what they depict. Thank you again for these.
  9. Lets see what I have on my USB stick. Well, no really nice one, but maybe this. You can see a cell from tobacco (just the model plant I'm using for this) leaf epidermis. The picture is an overlay of three individual pictures. All gray stuff comes from the normal microscopy picture, the colored is fluorescence microscopy. The red spots are chloroplasts. The yellow thing is the nucleus. The cell is genetically engineered and produces a yellow marker protein which is a mutant version of a jellyfish green fluorescent protein. I transfer the construct via engineered bacteria. Normally, they infect plant cells and promote cancer. These bacteria here are genetically 'disarmed' and just transfer everything you want into the plant. Well, the microscope can do a lot more than this. It can focus the laserbeam exactly on different layers and scan the whole thing. What you get are virtual crosssections without cutting your sample. At the computer you can generate a stack from the single layers. Via interpolation a three-dimensional image is rendered. I did this once (just playing a bit since this isn't relevant for my project), really nice to look at it in 3D. However, I can't show it to you since you need a special software. Phenomenal!!! I love that photograph! Amazing what a microscope can do these days. To give you cross-sections without cutting is absolutely amazing.
  10. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Great news! I am sure the sunny, warm weather also had a positive impact!!!
  11. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    Jesusfreak, that's wonderful! *round of applause*
  12. I wish. One of my papers has to be about 15 pages. And that does not count the title page, abstract, table of contents or references page.
  13. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Ohhhhh, I am so sorry you are sick. The good news is that you have the place to yourself. Nice! Chicken soup, hot tea with lemon and honey, these help, but I do warn you, watch yourself and do not jump back into things 150% or you will have the relapse that is the worst. I lost my voice the second time for almost two weeks because I felt better and started back with everything I was doing and more. So nice of you to share your germs with Shane... LOL. You're so bad. Doctor's notes are always a very, very good back-up. If asked, it is good to be able to produce it. I want to see Alice in Wonderland.
  14. Very smart! I applaud you!!!
  15. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    You are not giving yourself enough credit. The courses you are taking are extremely difficult. B's are good. I do understand you want a 3.8, and I am certain you will get there, but please do not be too hard on yourself because you have some B's. You are doing great!!!
  16. Thank you for the tip on works cited. That is the hardest part for me. This one instructor wants Arial font, 12 pt. font, 1.5 inch margins and double spaced. This means there are about ten words on every page. (A little bit of a stretch of the truth.) I am just complaining as there are some things that are just frustrating.
  17. Frustrating! But now you know what didn't turn out the way you expected. This is quite similar to teaching someone how to fly. You want them to do some bad landings so they know how to recover. If the student pilot only does very good landings, then you worry how he will react when a bad landing comes along. And a bad landing will come along, it is just a matter of when. It is much better if you can teach him when it is early in his career and he has an instructor with him. I do understand. Good luck!
  18. Dear Jesse, Today is the most special birthday... your 21st! May this birthday be the best ever! We have known you for a long time and are so happy to be able to celebrate this special day with you. In your honour, I have baked a most special micicle birthday cake. Please make a wish, listen to your traditional birthday song be sung, and then blow out all the candles to start the celebration. Here we go: HAPPY HAMMY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY HAMMY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY HAMMY BIRTHDAY DEAR JESSE, HAPPY HAMMY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!!!!!!! Have a great day Jesse!!! Horatio
  19. Age has nothing to do with it, unless it is 30 years old and has no internet connection. I looked around on the auction sites and the 3 1/2 year old Mac laptop I have is selling for $1000 on the low end on up. We had the max in memory, processor, etc. put in, so ours is almost $1500. I would never sell it though. I love the 17" laptop. And this laptop has LoJack. No one would know and if they steal it, I feel sorry for them.
  20. Exactly the problem I was having. At the moment, I am struggling with writing papers in the APA format (WHAT?????????? ) and for all those teachers who are not Mac, changing my format into the Microsoft Junk also know as Word. I feel like I am going crazy.
  21. If you look, he is always lurking. He learned how to lurk from you Arkcher.
  22. Whoo Hoo!!!!!!! How wonderful! I bet you are really pleased!!!!!!!
  23. For some reason, I thought I replied to this. I did type owl, then owls, horned owl, horned owls, great owl, etc. Nothing worked for me. Please try and see if you have better luck. Then if you could get a date off the post, or post number, that would put me in the right area. Thanks!
  24. I did. I also typed owls, horned owl, horned owls, etc. It just wasn't cooperating.
  25. I went searching back in this topic... whoa it is looooooongggggggggg, because I thought I had posted pictures of the last owl babies. But, I am only up to page 175. Ugh. Just have to wait for the new pictures to arrive. Might I make a suggestion? I appreciate the suggestion, but I had tried the advanced option and nothing turned up. It is probably due to the fact that I am not using the search function properly. If you have any more ideas, I will take all the help and suggestions you can offer.
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