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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. Horatio

    My place. :)

    If you were in Florida, there would be some summer teaching jobs. There is a trend towards getting kids grades back up to an acceptable level and they have started holding some summer classes. Of course, these are probably taken by teachers who are at the same school during the year, but I will ask my friend, who has been teaching there, what she thinks are options for you. Of course, you probably would have had to have applied by now, but I will ask anyway. In addition, things are probably a lot different down here, than they are up north. If I am correct, your grandmother's house was not really far from your parents house, is this correct? Same state as your parents... so you probably won't be in New Jersey with Shane? It would be great if you could stay in your grandmother's house as it needs to be lived in. When you don't operate a vehicle, live in a house, things go bad. Seals dry up, and things like that happen. This is a great idea. Are your parents going to charge you a lot of rent? Hopefully you will get a job that can give you the money to live in her house. That would be a wonderful way to spend the summer. If your college commencement was on cable, I would watch. I would love to see you graduate!!! The 14th... exciting! As for Shane, perhaps we ought to start calling you Mrs. Shane. He sounds like such a wonderful guy and when you both are stable, then is the perfect time to think about your future. He has a good plan and it appears that he has thought about this quite a bit. I am so happy for you. Your life seems to be on the right track.
  2. Jeff Beck just came out with a new CD... it is incredible. Emotion and Commotion! Just arrived today. Nice!
  3. You should have an iTunes alias in your dock. Click on that alias. If you look about half-way down on the left you will see iTunes store. Click on the little green icon to the left of the name. Now look on the top right and you will see the word Redeem. Click on this. When you do, you will then see a box where you can enter your iTunes Gift Card code. Then click on the Redeem button on the bottom right. After you get it on your computer, it will always be yours as iTunes knows always what you have purchased, even if you replace your laptop. You can then place these tunes on your iPod or MP3 player. Hope this helps. As for the macro lens... I have much more to learn. The focus part is the tough part. You can get really great close-ups at quite a good distance. That is the really great part.
  4. [ What a nice friend you are... making excuses for her. ]
  5. Nice to see you again. Hope your day was a great one!
  6. Another day of learning how to use my camera with the macro lens... Notice the little bug...
  7. I kept my big mouth shut hoping that you would post your picture soon and... voila! You are so pretty!!!!!! I love the bangs with your eyes. Absolutely gorgeous!!! Thank you for posting the picture!
  8. It is... believe me, it is. Of course, we don't do it all at once. We fly to Los Angeles, then layover, but these trips start at 02H30 in the morning and the last leg back to Memphis is only after a ten hour layover where we are going to sleep during the day. I get home and I am really tired.
  9. Update, finished my requalification training last night. Next week is the flying phase again, so I am flying from Memphis to Los Angeles, then to Indianapolis, San Jose, ground transportation over to Oakland and fly back to Memphis. I'm already tired thinking about it.
  10. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Congratulations on getting into Psi Chi! Sounds like life is going very well. That is wonderful!!! What a nice surprise your mother and sister did, bringing Shane along to the induction. I'm sure you were very happy. No more topic neglect please... we miss you when your smiling face is not around.
  11. I'm sorry. At least you know where you stand with The Colonel, although it is not what you wanted. Conversation is very important, so I hope Nick starts communicating more.
  12. Mega Wolf has good advice. Remember that someone will always get hurt. As Mega Wolf said, I would stay where you are for now and see how your feelings develop or not develop.
  13. I would feel violated as well. Bing... Microsoft! I like Microsoft. I want an Apple though if only to be familiar with the OS. Once you use an Apple, you will never want to go back to a Microsoft product! Guaranteed. Not so. I used apple when I worked at the newspaper. I hated it. I wanted my laptop badly. They had lousy keyboards and a defective program. I like the new keyboards better so I'm willing to try, but the old plastic ones with the clear on the side were really hard to type on and hurt my fingers. What I really care about most is the keyboard, being a writer. I need keys that are comfortable and easy to type on so I can do it for hours. Hope you like the new keyboards better than the old ones. The iPad is pretty amazing. It is really strange to type on the screen. No pressure whatsoever.
  14. Define "good care". I wasn't nice to my Hyundai. But I didn't go 80 mph in 3rd gear, either. No, I'm much nicer now that I know what happens when I'm not. I don't believe I need to give you a definition as I am certain you know. The next car you get, I suggest that you have your father teach you how to check the tyre pressure, all the fluids and the overall condition of the battery. Then I suggest you carry the largest can of fix-a-flat they make, a blanket and a whatever your father suggests would be good in case of an emergency. If you take try and take preventative maintenance measures with your mechanical item, it will last a very long time and perform well. How's that? Digging up dead topics. I know how to do all that I've learned to pay attention to tiny noises and changes in the ride. I carry brake fluid and tire-changing materials. and also a cell phone to access my car-smart sweetie. Great list! One thing I do urge you to carry is an extra large can of Fix-A-Flat. If you have a flat in a location that is isolated or not the greatest, this can of Fix-A-Flat takes about 2 minutes to put into your tire and then you drive away. Not like being there for the 30 minutes or so that it would take you to change the flat. Please do consider this. Only about 4 or 5 dollars, perhaps less. Just in case your car-smart sweetie can't get to you immediately.
  15. Leguan, you are absolutely right. Volcanic ash is one of the most destructive things that can happen to an airplane. Not just to the engines, but to many parts of the airplane. When airplanes have encountered volanic ash clouds in the past, the aircraft engines were removed and replaced, various systems such as fuel and hydraulic, had to be redone and the windshields had to be replaced. Encountering the ash will stop the aircraft engines. In a number of cases, the flight crew restarted the engines and landed safely, but there are specific procedures for the pilots to follow. The first of course is avoidance, but should you encounter a volcanic ash cloud, the airplane manufacturer has steps to follow to minimize the effect. I have been following the eruption as this impacts the international business of FedEx. We had airplanes in the air enroute to Europe when the eruption occurred, and then other flights that departed afterwards are having problems getting into an airport. This has been very interesting. If you want some history, there was a volcano in 1815 that erupted in Indonesia that killed 12,000 people directly, but then due to the volcanic ash cloud that followed 80,000 people died from starvation. The sunlight was gone, the crops died and there was no food.
  16. I would feel violated as well. Bing... Microsoft! I like Microsoft. I want an Apple though if only to be familiar with the OS. Once you use an Apple, you will never want to go back to a Microsoft product! Guaranteed.
  17. Dear Mega Wolf, This is it... your 18th birthday. Celebrate this birthday like no other. We have your special birthday cake all prepared for you... a white cake with chocolate frosting and ice cold milk. Here are a couple cakes to get the party started... And of course, the traditional song... HAPPY HAMMIE 18TH BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY HAMMIE 18TH BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY HAMMIE 18TH BIRTHDAY DEAR MEGA WOLF, HAPPY HAMMIE 18TH BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!!! Hope your day is the greatest and all your birthday wishes come true. Horatio
  18. I need to hear that! did ya look it up? Of course! And I laughed as it was fantastic. It has already been sent to a number of friends and also send to my favorite squirrel site for posting there. They will love it. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!!!!!!!
  19. I planted a number of variety of daffodil bulbs. Perhaps I should double the number. Paper whites are the little tiny white coloured daffodil type flowers. They have an incredible smell. Almost intoxicating. In addition I love all those other little fragrant flowers. I wish I could plant them all. The calendar is right nearby... I will start counting the days until we start addressing you as Dr.!!!!! How exciting! The Honda is calling... yes, you most definitely should get your riding buddies and go for a great weekend ride. Looks like a really terrific airline. New aircraft! WOW! The Dreamliner is an exceptional aircraft. It would be phenomenal to fly that one. If I knew every airline, then you would have to start worrying about me. No life. This lens is so incredible, I just have to read the manual to figure out how to use it. And I have a 15 to 20 page paper due by Sunday evening. *cries* For some reason, I thought it was a week from Sunday.
  20. The daffodils are spectacular!!! I would love to have a zillion daffodils like that! Thank you for the pictures. What a difference between winter and spring. Spring is much preferable. 2nd of September will be here before you know it. And then we start calling you Dr. Leguan? At least you have enough time to work on your experiment and send us more elaborate photographs. *hint, hint* Your travel plans sounds great although I have never heard of the airline you are flying. Are you sure about them? What country are they from? The open date at the end will give you plenty of time to figure out what to see next. I'm really excited for you. Have you been able to take the Honda out for a long ride? With the spring weather, it will be fantastic to get on your bike for a ride in the country. Got a new macro lens for my camera. It is amazing. I can see that I will be spending way too much time playing with the new lens now.
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