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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. Here is the chipmunk that lives near our Tennessee place... I like the seed in his mouth.
  2. Thanks for the great pictures! In America we call those fish, by a name I can't totally remember. It is either a Fluke or a Flounder. Either way, they are pretty tasty fish. Hope you ate them for dinner. The beach and boat pictures gave the feeling of the really cold weather you spoke about. Looks like you had a great holiday!
  3. Just send it to me, I will have no problem using it. *starts thinking of all the songs to add*
  4. Actually I am friends with his mother and only met him a few times. Let me think on this. Do I have a day? I have a personal gift from Yves and his mother, these were not produced except for a few for friends, and I could take a picture of the heart necklace with his signature if you wanted. I will think a bit and get back to you tomorrow morning or perhaps later today if that is okay. In the meantime, I will dig up the necklace and take pictures, just in case you want to use that. If I had my old laptop, I could have sent you some pictures of Yves, his mother and myself.
  5. That's exactly the place. Thank you!!! Walking into that museum made quite an impression on me. I really enjoyed myself and for some reason, that museum sticks in my mind more than others.
  6. You mean the "Deutsches Technikmuseum" in Berlin where not only trains, but much more stuff like the world's first computer or a "raisin bomber" (one of the allied aircrafts bringing supplies to West Berlin which was blocked by the Soviets after WWII) are exhibited? I've been there almost 10 years ago, really nice. Now I am totally confused. I want to think that is the museum I am thinking about, but then again, it may not be. I remember visiting that museum in Berlin. It was phenomenal!!!!!!
  7. Sounds like a great holiday, except for the cold part. What kind of fish are plaices? New Orleans should study the Delta Works as they need something such as those storm surge barriers.
  8. Thank you for the picture! It is great! The paint on the train is wonderful!!! I love trains!!!! In Switzerland there is a channel on the television, that is the view from the front of a train. The background music is for relaxation, but the view is what is really relaxing. I always turn that channel on when I am there. We have some really, really long trains here. The longest train I have seen has three locomotives on the front end and two at the rear. I have counted over three hundred plus cars in between. It is either in Frankfurt or Berlin, I can't remember which, where there is the most incredible transportation museum. If you are ever in either of those cities, look and see if you can find the museum. One of the best museums I have ever had the pleasure of visiting. Pictures of the airplanes will be here on Thursday.
  9. More pictures... As you can see, I have too much time on my hands.
  10. Just wondering if anyone would be interested in seeing airplane pictures from work? Tomorrow I have an afternoon out and back from Memphis to Greensboro, and could take some pictures.
  11. Horatio

    My place. :)

    There was this older lady in the gym and she was talking about her ticket for running a red light. She was really hilarious. She said, yup... that is me. From the front, the back... I can't even argue it. My dog is in the picture and you can probably read his dog tag the picture is that clear. I guess I will just have to pay it. Well, I still think you ought to get an EZ Pass, it will make your life so much easier and save time. Leave the house five minutes earlier and you won't need to speed. And I hope I didn't mislead you, we have our share of 20, 25, 30 mph streets, it is just that on the freeway when you are nearing a town, the speed limit goes down to 45 and with no towns nearby, the bypass is 65. It isn't until you are on I-40 that the speed limit is 70. I am still smiling at how great your photographs were. You and Shane make a great couple!!!
  12. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    Jesse... CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!! Graduating early might have messed up a few things, but you will still be there and working on even more exciting courses! I think you will enjoy graduate school and you will see that new opportunities opening up. Glad to hear your sister will be close by. Please do not give time to the thoughts that you might have missed something. I truly believe you will be much happier now that you have moved on to the next level. Also, I hope you start building a portfolio of your achievements in game design. There are lots of employment opportunities and I can give you some contacts that will open doors for you, if you are so inclined. There is a very, very small group of people who excel at math AND game design and there are lucrative jobs for someone such as yourself. The starting salaries are phenomenal and you would be with like minded people. Now, go out and enjoy the summer. Please post a picture of you in your graduation gear. We would really love to see you in your cap and gown! Let us know how things are going for you. Again, congratulations, you did great!!!
  13. CONGRATULATIONS !!!!!!!!!!!!! Love those pictures!!!!!! I tried to watch your graduation on cable, but we were overwhelmed with local graduations. Thank you for posting the pictures of you and Shane. I especially like the one where he has picked you up!
  14. Horatio

    My place. :)

    I've heard enough first-hand accounts to believe it, especially since it's so easy to do. It does bother me, because the speed limits are much slower than they should be. I follow speed limits whenever I feel that the speed limit is as fast as it is safe to drive. Aside from that, I'll do between 5 and 10mph over the limit, depending on the road and state (NJ is having financial problems, so I keep it to less than 10mph over here, since the cops are out for tickets). I guess Florida will be next for using EZ Pass for speeding tickets. What speed limit to you have on the freeways? Our freeway speed limit is 65 to 70, local roads is 45 around towns. Some of the roads to the beach are 55. Do you have the intersection cameras? In Tennessee we have lots of those. The cameras have actually cut down on accidents in several intersections. What I find amazing is that people will run a red light if they feel that no one is "watching" and risk getting into an accident, but it they think they will get caught on camera, the number of cars running the red light decreases about 75%.
  15. Thank you. The one aspect of digital cameras is that you can take a million pictures, find one you like, and it didn't cost a thing. With my old manual Nikon, which I love, you take pictures, have them developed, $$$, then find out if you got any you liked. The new technology is wonderful! But, I will say that I do still enjoy taking pictures with both my cameras. If you decide that you want any pictures for the wall when you get to your new apartment, I will email you some.
  16. More boring pictures... I was practicing with my macro again. Here are some clematis and lily pictures. Hope you are not too bored with my practicing.
  17. Horatio

    My place. :)

    They do that????? Well, if they really wanted to, they could give you a ticket even if you pay cash. Every car that passes through the toll booth gets it's picture taken. That's true, but the EZPass just makes it easy to catch speeders. They can probably take their data and sort it by the amount of time it took to get from plaza A to plaza B, and send out automated tickets for everyone going faster than a certain speed. Do they really do that or are you just speculating? Florida does not use the EZPass for speeding tickets... yet. If New Jersey does it and makes money, then I am certain that it won't be long before Florida catches on. I don't speed, so it doesn't bother me to use the EZPass.
  18. Horatio

    My place. :)

    They do that????? Well, if they really wanted to, they could give you a ticket even if you pay cash. Every car that passes through the toll booth gets it's picture taken.
  19. You made my day with your post. How wonderful about changing your major and really enjoying school. That is simply wonderful news. The South African adventure sounded great save the part of staying in a closet sized room with all those other girls. You had a terrific experience and I am looking forward to the pictures. Rhinos and hippos... how fun. I would really love to see your pictures, so it will seem like forever until you post your pictures. As for the change of roommates... except for the new girl, it is wonderful to hear you talk about new friends and fun times. I am really happy for you. The film/tele focus sounds like you should have found the courses you love. This is outstanding. Can't wait until you post more pictures... this time from Christmas. That will be great. I wish I knew you were in New York. I would have flown up to meet you. Getting stuck where you don't want to be is unpleasant, so I am happy you made it home. Helen sounds like she has a lot in common with you and your friendship should last a lifetime. This is wonderful! Such a big change from the previous experience. Give Flo a carrot or apple for me. You probably will have to teach Helen how to ride. I'm sure she would love it. Good news that your jumping and cantering is going well. Keep up the good work. As for movies... take a look at some of Johnny Depp's work. He is really an amazing actor. The early films, such as What's Eating Gilbert Grape, Edward Scissorhands, Chocolat or Charlie and the Chocolate Factory I believe you would really enjoy. He has a zillion others, but I won't bore you with a long list. Anyway... I was very excited to see your post!
  20. Horatio

    My place. :)

    OUTSTANDING!!!!!!! Wonderful news!!!!!!!! I don't protect my wireless. If someone wants to use it... go for it. But when you get your own, this will be wonderful. The AT&T Uverse I have is incredibly fast. I'm getting comcast, because they don't require a yearly contract. My modem and router arrived this morning, and in theory, the cable should be turned on sometime today, so here's hoping that happens and it all works. I spent the past couple days driving around, and it's pretty hard to get lost around here. There are always signs for the parkway. I'm gonna have to start paying for things with cash more often, so I have change for the toll plazas. We dropped Comcast for AT&T Uverse, which also doesn't require a contract and here, is less expensive then Comcast. Comcast was always having outages, which really was inconvenient. For you teaching school, this probably doesn't matter as most of our outages were during the day. Plus, during the hours of 17H00 to 20H00, when people got home from work, Comcast was slower than dial up. AWFUL!!! I'm sure you will have much better luck up there with Comcast than we did down here. Customer service is not a high point here in Memphis. Don't you have those toll passes in New Jersey? We have had them for a zillion years in Florida. They are incredible. You buy the thing for about ten dollars, and give them a credit card or your bank number and within minutes, you are on your way to the non-stop lanes. We have these things where you just keep driving and go underneath a reader and anyone who has to pay for the toll has to go off to the side and stop at the toll booths that are to the side of the freeway. It's a wonderful invention.
  21. Horatio

    My place. :)

    OUTSTANDING!!!!!!! Wonderful news!!!!!!!! I don't protect my wireless. If someone wants to use it... go for it. But when you get your own, this will be wonderful. The AT&T Uverse I have is incredibly fast.
  22. Cheesus, Today is your special day. We hope that you stop in and read your topic. It's been ages since you have been here. Hopefully all is well with you and you are happy. Of course, today being your birthday, you have to hear that traditional song. Starting with you, we want you to post a picture of your birthday cake. HAPPY HAMMY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY HAMMY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY HAMMY BIRTHDAY DEAR CHEESUS, HAPPY HAMMY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! Have a great birthday! Hope you stop in an visit! Horatio
  23. My mom, and she admits this is the biggest mistake she's ever made, settled out of court with my dad, so pretty much nothing but his word that makes him pay. Oh my!
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