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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. We have some very sad news to convey. On the 25th of September, HampsterKing passed away. HampsterKing was quite passionate about this website and these message boards. He was a firefighter, teacher, and administrator in a high school. HampsterKing loved filmmaking and technology. HampsterKing will not only be missed by his family but his HampsterDance family, as well. Memorial donations in the name of Brian Hoffman made be made to the Upper Saddle River Volunteer Fire Department, 375 West Saddle River Road, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 07458 I thought you all should know the very sad news. Horatio
  2. I started the New Year off on a good foot, then... I broke the one and only New Year's resolution I made. So, I am starting the same resolution all over again. Hopefully, this time I will be successful.
  3. WHOO HOO!!! Yesterday was the shortest day of the year. We are now on our way towards summer!!! Christmas is only three days away!
  4. The countdown until Christmas arrives, continues. Tomorrow is the twentieth, that means that there will only be five days remaining.
  5. Looking out the window, first thing yesterday morning, we were fogged in. And what a fog it was. Even the birds had grounded themselves, waiting for the sun to burn off the fog. It took several hours, but finally, it was a gorgeous day. This morning, it is really cold. I was not prepared for this.
  6. Dear Topazia, We are hoping that this celebration of your birth, is the greatest ever. May your days be filled with sunshine, happiness and lots and lots of love. HAPPY HAMMIE BIRTHDAY DEAR TOPAZIA!!!! Please have the greatest birthday ever! Warm wishes, Horatio
  7. Today it was so very cold in Florida. When I woke up, it was six degrees Centigrade which is about the same as forty-three degrees Fahrenheit. For someone who is accustomed to warm temperatures, this is really, really cold. Of course, if you are in Fairbanks, Alaska, this would be a heat wave.
  8. Where is - Kat - and Topazia??? I have been entertaining myself by watching the brown pelicans feasting on fish.
  9. WHOO HOOOOOOOO!!!!! - KAT - I know exactly what you should give people for Christmas, one of your photographs!!! They would love them! Yes, I was at the mall, but not to go Chrismas shopping. It was to stop in at the Apple Store. There are two Apple Stores in the Orlando area. One is beyond bizarrely insane, the other is just a little bit less than that. The Millenia Mall has so many people in the Apple Store that a can of sardines had more room between each fish, then people had in the store. When I escaped and wandered upstairs in the mall, I walked past the Microsoft Store, there were only two customers in the store. The Microsoft employees were just standing around talking to each other or playing with their mobile phones. That was quite a statement. Also... would you please go up to the upper right side of this topic and click on the "Follow this topic" button? Your photographs were absolutely phenomenal and now that you finally return, it seems like ages since you posted them.
  10. Christmas shopping... how crazy the mall is!!! It seems that everyone in the country is at the mall in Orlando. And Christmas is over three weeks away.
  11. Thank goodness Thanksgiving is over. I have eaten far too much! Now to get into my wheel and work off some of this Thanksgiving dinner.
  12. Wishing everyone a most wonderful Thanksgiving.
  13. HAPPY HAMMY BIRTHDAY HAMPSTERKING! We would all like to wish you the best birthday ever!
  14. WOW!!! You have some phenomenally fantastic images! I really love them. I think one of my favourites is the dog tags. You are really taking some terrific photographs. Thank you so very much for posting these images.
  15. When a hurricane went through, a tree landed on our pool screen enclosure. We decided that we did not like the pool so much, and were tired of dealing with it. So, when the pool screen enclosure had to be replaced, we decided to turn out pool into a frog spa and leave the pool screen off. We had a lot, and I do mean a lot of tree frogs. In the pool, there were zillions and zillions of eggs, that turned into zillions and zillions of tadpoles, which turned into zillions and zillions of little tree frogs. They are all over the place. I just love these little guys. I have attached a photograph of one of these cute little frogs. You need to click on the image to see a much larger version of him. He is really a cute frog.
  16. - Kat -, congratulations on your three year work anniversary!!! Five years will be here before you know it. Please post images of your photography! We love to see fall foliage, ducks, dogs and whatever you photograph! Like you, we never get any kids, but I bought candy, just in case. And I buy only the candy that I like so that if no one shows up, I can have a candy overload. Of course, not one kid appeared, so I had one piece of candy, then two, then three... until my stomach had too much. I regretted the decision the day after.
  17. Oooooohhhhhh, my stomach hurts. I ate too much candy last night.
  18. Happy Halloween - Kat - !!! I am sorry to hear that you will be working. Hopefully, Topazia will show photographs of 'our' little girl, all dressed up in her costume. We do not get trick-or-treaters because our street is to much work for kids unless they are driven by their parents. Houses are only on one side of the street, so it makes it hard work for so little candy. Just in case we do get some kids, I have a bunch of bags of candy, so I will load the bags of any kids who do stop by. Your work anniversary is about to arrive. How fantastic. In just a short time, you will be at five years. That will be incredible.
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